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STD: X TIME: 1 Hrs.

Q1. Choose the best word from the option given below to complete the following passage:
Spider are the most fascinating of nature’s smaller creatures. Several hundred species of spider are (a) ……..
(found, find born seen) in India. They are often shy and most are short – sighted. They are quick to get away (b)
………… (when, if, since, because) we come too close. They don’t sting often nor is (c) ……. (its, his, their, the) bites
severe. Some anti bites hurt (d) …….. (much, better, higher, more) then a spider sting. A larger number of spider
inhabit our environment (e)……… (but, and, upto, yet.) the females of only 2 kinds are known to be dangerous.
Many of the deadly looking and hairy spiders (f) ……… (did, have, do, had) not harm us. So there is no justification
at all for(g) …… (carring, believing, falling, thinking) in superstitions and myths about spiders. Slowly but surely
these incorrect notion about spiders will (h) …… (got, have, become, get) dispelled.
Q2. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentence.
(a) in our/ is swimming / with tremendous / one sport / potential / country
(b) our / is / full of / talented swimmers / country.
(c) not / utilized / potential / fully / their / is
(d) academic subject / other activities / take precedence / over / in school.
Q3. Read the following conversation carefully complete the following passage by filling in the blanks space
appropriately. Do not add any new information. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank
Dilip: I’ve been watching the sea and there hasn’t been any trace of a ship.
Ralph: I told you yesterday too that we’ll be rescued, so have patience.
Dilip: why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say something?
Ralph: have you ever said anything sensible?
Dilip said (a) ……… . Ralph replied (b) ………. And so asked him to have patience. Dilip angrily asked Ralph (c) …….. to
which Ralph wanted to know (d) ………
Q4. You are Revathy. You happened to see the following news item in the newspaper about the popularity of indian
handicraft abroad. But are unhappy about the lack of recognization given to the artisians by the government.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the difficulties they face and the steps to be taken to solve their
problems. Using the information given below and your own ideas, write a letter in about 150 words.
New Delhi: Indian handicrafts are in great demand in the US, Europe and the gulf countries. The artisans
Feel their products are not given the required publicity. Further the product are brought from them at
Very low price by the middle man and sold later at high price abroad. They hope that government would
Do something in this regard.
Q5. Correct the underlined part from the option given below.
St. John’s School, Lucknow
Inter school football match
15th March, 2008
An inter school football match (a) is organized between our school and city Montessori School. The
Match (b) will be playing on the 18th march 2008 in our school ground from 5 p.m. onwards. All students
(c) is requested to assemble in the school ground (d) to witness the match and cheer the team.
Sports Captain
(a) (i) is being organized (ii) has organized (iii) is organizing (iv) has been organized.
(b) (i) would be played (ii) are played (iii) will be played (iv) will play
(c) (i) are requested (ii) were requested (iii) are being requested (iv) have been requested
(d) (i) witnessing (ii) witness (iii) to witness (iv) are witnessed

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