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Short term plan:

The theme: Planning a project. Talking about how to plan an event

Term 3 School:
Unit 5 Reading for pleasure

Date: Teacher name:

Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Planning a project. Talking about how to plan an event
Learning objectives provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
range of spoken genres

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

• Listen to a conversation about planning a book club.
• Learn key phrases for making and responding to plans.
• Learn expressions to talk about quantities.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Start Ask about the weather. The wish flower”
method helps to start At the
the lesson with good organization Pictures
• Ask students what sort of clubs wishes to each other. moment T tries
they like to join. Would they prefer to award active
to do something active or something The aim: To develop Ss.
that involves learning something or Ss speaking skills and «The praise» PPT
developing an intellectual skill? create friendly method is used
Encourage them to elaborate on atmosphere to evaluate Ss
their choice Efficiency: By telling with phrases
Lead – In the wishes they show like:
their appreciations . “Good job!
Well done!”

Students express their

When a company decides to
embark on a project, one of the
first things team leaders must do is Good job!
create a project plan. Sounds
simple, right?
Main Ex:1 P:62
part • Draw students’ attention to the Students look at the
photo. picture. What do you Assessment
• Ask students what they think the think the people are criteria
students are doing and where they discussing? - Listen to a Cards
think the people are. ANSWERS: conversation
• Ask students why they are doing They are discussing a about planning a Student’s
this to elicit they are in a book club book in a library. book club. book
«Verbal support» method is used Students listen to the Descriptor:
to help Students use new words in dialogue. How will - look at the
the text. book club members picture. What
decide which books to do you think the Worksheet
Ex: 2 P:62 read? people are
• Ask students what things people ANSWERS: discussing?
have to think about when setting up They will all suggest
a club. books and vote on
• Accept all suggestions and put which ones look the Assessment Student’s
them on the board. most interesting criteria: book
• Tell students to listen for how - Learn key
many people will be going to the Students study the key phrases for
first meeting of the book club and if phrases. Which making and
possible to listen to which of their expressions are used responding to
suggestions on the board they hear. to introduce plans and plans.
• Check answers with the class which are used to
Ex: 3 P:62 respond to them? Descriptor:
• Play the recording again for ANSWERS: - study the key
students to listen for the phrases. Making plans: I’ve phrases. Which
• Check the answers with the class. had a few ideas about expressions are
Then play the recording again so …; When we know…, used to
students can listen to exactly what we can …; So moving introduce plans
the phrases refer to. on, the (second) and which are
question is … used to respond
Responding: There are to them?
(two) problems with
that …; That’s true, -Make CCQ
but …; But we still questions
need … Yes / No

Peer-assessment. Students use Poster

End Giving the hometask. Two stars and a wish. their stickers to Success
Ex: 4 P:36 wb  You did a show their
Self-reflection really good job knowledge
on ... according to the
 I really like lesson.
how you ...
Maybe you could ...

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