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Republic of the Philippines


Bacoor City Campus
SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor
 (046) 476-5029


2nd SEMESTER A.Y. 2023-2024

Name: Merete, Arby John C. Subject: GNED 02 | Ethics

Course & Section: BSP 3-5
Date: April 06, 2024 Instructor: Jessica Banta

OUTPUT #2: Kakosa, Kaklase

Write a reflection paper with the documentary that you have watched. You will write at least 3
paragraphs minimum explaining your opinions and insights. You may attach images.

Guide Questions:
1. What issue/s is/are being discussed in the documentary?
2. Do you think these issues are important matters in discussing ethics?
3. How would you relate the concepts of ethics and morals with the actions shown by the prisoners in the
documentary? You may cite examples.
4. What do you think are the factors that affects their decision making? You may refer to our discussion
on 3 kinds of valuation.
5. Just a recap: relate in which stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg's theory) do you think the prisoners
belong to.

The issue that was discussed in the documentary was about the prisoners that weren’t able
to have a proper education and become a victim that made them criminals of the law. I think that
these issues are important in discussing ethics because it shows how's the morality of people
was shown and how the prisoners was able to manage even if they were a victim of fraud, lack of
education, signing of documents that they don’t know about, or doing bad stuff because they don’t
have a job, and how we choose the path of right and wrong. It relates the concept of ethics in
morals in a way that the prisoners chose to be on the right path even if they made some mistakes
from the past. The beliefs and discipline of the prisoners are not what we expected inside the
Bilibid prison in Muntinlupa but rather a person that creates a change with the expected behavior
inside the prison. For example, one of the prisoners that is sentenced with a lifetime imprisonment
did chose to be a teacher among the others instead of becoming bad or joining some riots or gang
inside the city jail. Thus, we can say that we shouldn’t be generalizing about prisoners because
of what they have done but rather try to be in their shoes and think of why they did those things
and what factors affected their decision to be a criminal of the law.

There were a lot of factors that affected the decision making of the prisoners. For their
Aesthetics, they might have an influence from other people specially from the other prisoners and
guards in which they were the one that encouraged them to join the ALS program for them to
have a proper education in which they preferred rather than not to have the knowledge and
information that they need. On the other hand, I think that it was the technical valuation that really
did influenced their decision making. We all know that there is no right and wrong in doing things
when say technical valuation. I think that before these prisoners were imprisoned, they didn’t have
much of a choice between the right and wrong thing to do and this might be because of their lack
in education. As their choice to be inspired and pursue education inside the Bilibid jail this could
be as I said earlier because of the influence of the guards and other prisoners. Therefore, the
decision that was made by the prisoners was affected by certain factors from the outside and
inside of prison and this helped them to decide which path between the right and wrong of their
morals should they choose.

Overall, based on the prisoners’ story and experiences, the stages of moral development
by Kohlberg relates them on the second level which is the conventional level that is on the good
boy attitude stage. I think that after having those experiences and being in prison for that long,
they made a decision to have a light on life in which they have had a good behavior to live up to
their social expectations and roles. Ultimately, their moral compass was inspired of the knowledge
and wisdom of education that wasn’t given to them while they were outside of prison, and it made
them realize that it is more important to do right things than to do wrong that compromises their

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