Ćwiczenia Irregular Verbs

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Ćwiczenie 1

Wybierz poprawną opcję: a, b lub c.

1. Alice _______________ shopping yesterday.
a) went b) gone c) goed
2. Andrew has _______________ a new motorbike.
a) bought b) buys c) buyed
3. My mother has already _______________ with my teacher.
a) spoke b) spoken c) speaked
4. Did you _______________ the essay for the last English lesson?
a) wrote b) written c) write
5. I have never _______________ to China.
a) was b) been c) be
6. My husband _______________ my coffee this morning!
a) drank b) drunk c) drink
7. We haven’t _______________ our house yet.
a) sold b) selled c) sell
8. This necklace _______________ a fortune!
a) cost b) costed c) costs
9. Have you ever _______________ in the ocean?
a) swam b) swim c) swum
10. Yesterday I _______________ a dog in the park.
a) find b) finded c) found
Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące poprawną formą czasownika.
1. Mark has _______________ (come) late to work again.
2. Last year I _______________ (meet) my old friends at a school reunion.
3. My brother _______________ (give) his girlfriend a beautiful ring for her birthday.
4. You _______________ (do) your homework all by yourself!
5. Lena has _______________ (break) her leg.
6. Oh no, I’ve _______________ (lose) my keys!
7. Jessica _______________ (make) a lot of mistakes and failed the exam.
8. Mr Brown _______________ (drive) to work at 8 am.
9. On Sunday we _______________ (see) fantastic paintings in the museum.
10. You have _______________ (forget) about my birthday again!

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