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Beginner group

Write the date.

1.1.2024 The 1st of January 2024








Fill in missing days of the week.

1. Yesterday was Monday, today is TUESDAY.

2. Today is Friday, tomorrow will be

3. Day between Saturday and Monday is

4. Day after Tuesday is

5. Day before Friday is

6. After Sunday comes

7. Day between Thursday and Saturday is

Every month represent a specific number. Write the correct name of the

month by number.




What’s the weather like? Use these words to finish sentences:

rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy, hot, cold EXAMPLE: I see sun in the

sky. Today is sunny.

1. Sun is shining. Today is

2. Snow is falling. Today is

3. Wind is so strong. Today is

4. Raining all day. Today is

5. Sky is full of clouds. Today is

6. Brr… It is -5 outside. Today is

7. It is +25 outside. Today is

Guess the season: winter / spring / summer / autumn

1. It is raining. Leaves are falling from trees. It is windy and cloudy.

2. Sun is shining. It is warm outside. Flowers are blooming.

3. It is so cold outside. Snow is falling. We are waiting for Christmas.

4. So sunny and so hot outside. Leaves on the trees are green. It is nice to

swim in the sea.

Look at the pictures. Write the correct names of the clothes.

Write the name of the colour.
Fill in missing letters: a, o, u, e, i
T_day is s_nny.

My h_t is r_d.

S_mmer moved _n.

My n_me is Lily.

H_w are you today?

We will go away on S_t_rday.

Sn_w is falling.

Look at my dr_ss!

This car ir bl_e.

We celebrate Christmas in D_c_mber.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Bob has a cat. His cat is grey. Cat’s name is Sunny. She has a hat. Her hat is
green. Bob loves his cat. He brings her to the park. In the winter they play
inside. Sunny likes to play with Bob’s shoes. They are black. Bob loves to read to
his cat. Her favourite story is about a mouse. The mouse is white and fast.

1. Who has a cat?

2. What colour is Bob’s cat?

3. What is her name?

4. What colour is cat’s hat?

5. Where does Bob bring his cat?

6. Where do they play in the winter?

7. What does Sunny like to play with?

8. What colour are Bob’s shoes?

9. What does Bob like to do with his cat?

10. What is the cat’s favourite story?

11. What colour is the mouse?

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