Tempest Question Bank

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Choose the correct option for the following questions:

i. Which word does Ferdinand use to describe Miranda in Act III Scene I?

a. Miraculous

b. Admired

c. Miracle

d. Mire

ii. What does the invisible Ariel do to cause trouble between Stephano and Trinculo?

a. Ventriloquizes Trinculo

b. Pinches Stephano

c. Pinches Trinculo

d. Ventriloquizes Stephano

iii. What is Ferdinand willing to become for Miranda in Act III Scene 1?

a. King of Naples

b. A traitor to Prospero

c. Her beloved

d A patient log man

iv. Who is making the mysterious music in Act III:

a. Prospero

b. Antonio

c. Ariel

d. Alonso

v. What does Caliban want Stephano to do?

a. To kill Prospero and marry his daughter

b. To rule this island

c. To make a ship and sail back home

d. None of the above

vi. Miranda: It would become me

As well as it does you and I should do it

With much more ease.

Why would Miranda do 'it' with much more ease?

a. Because it was an easy task.

b. Because she will do it for Prospero.

c. Because she will do it with her good will.

d. Because she will do it as a punishment.

vii. What is Ferdinand doing at the beginning of Act III scene I?

a. Cursing Prospero

b. Gathering wood

c. Planning to escape

d. Sighing deeply

viii. Prospero: This was well done, my bird.

Thy shape invisible retain thou still:

The trumpery in my house, go bring it hither,

Why did Prospero want ‘his bird’ to bring the trumpery in his house there?

a. He wanted to wear it.

b. He wanted to give it to Ferdinand.

c. He wanted to use it to decorate the place.

d. He wanted to set it as a decoy to catch the thieves.

ix. Where does Ariel lead Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban to delay their attack?

a. Into the sea

b. Into a swamp

c. Straight to Prospero

d. Towards more alcohol

x. In the Masque in Act IV of the play 'The Tempest', how does Ceres know that Juno is coming?

a. By Juno's gait

b. By Venus disappearance

c. Through Prospero's words.

d. By the Nymphs

xi. What does Caliban say that he himself, Stephano and Trinculo must do the take power from Prospero?

a. Fight him physically

b. Abduct Miranda

c. Steal his books

d. Use Magic

xii. What does the invisible Ariel do to cause trouble to Stephano and Trinculo in Act III Scene 2?

a Ventriloquizes Trinculo

b. Pinches Trinculo

c. Ventriloquizes Stephano

d. Pinches Stephano

xiii. What does Prospero intend to do with his book before his interaction with Alonso in Act V of the play, "The

a. Burn it to ashes

b. Pass it to Caliban

C. Gift it to Miranda

d. Drown it deeper than plummet's sound

xiv. In Act III of The Tempest Miranda says- “O my father, /I have broke your hest to say so!”- What had she done?

a. Revealed her identity to the strangers on the island.

b. Revealed to the strangers on the island that her father was Prospero.

c. Told Ferdinand her name.

d. Told Prospero that she had promised to marry Ferdinand.

xv. Prospero: “We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.” ----------

What Does Prospero talk about in the above lines in Act IV of The Tempest?

a. Power of magic.

b. Transitoriness of life on earth.

c. Power of imagination.
d. Importance of youth, beauty, power.

xvi. Caliban in Act III of The Tempest says “Thou makest me merry; I am full of

pleasure/ Let us be jocund.” – Caliban is happy because--

a. Stephano has punished Trinculo for misbehaving with Caliban.

b. Caliban will be a viceroy when Stephano will be king.

c. Stephano has promised to kill Prospero.

d. Stephano has bid him drink more.

xvii. Gonzalo: “I’ the name of something holy, sir, why stand you/ in this strange stare?”

To whom does Gonzalo address these words to in Act III of The Tempest?

a. Antonio.

b. Sebastian.

c. Alonso.

d. Prospero.

Give Reason
Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each:

i. At the end of Act III, scene 3 of the play "The Tempest, Gonzalo urges the other lords to follow the three men of
sin" because__________

ii. In Act. III Scene 2 of the play 'The Tempest, Stephano threatens to tie Trinculo to the next tree because_____

iii. In 'The Tempest, Act. III Scene 2, Stephano relishes the idea of becoming the ruler of the island because

iv. At the end of Act. III Scene 3, Alonso is shaken because_______

v. Ferdinand feels fresh for his base and dull work because_______

vi. Ferdinand would like to live on the island all his life because__________

vii. Prospero orders the sudden termination of the masque because_________

viii. Standing at the entrance of Prospero's cave, Caliban requests Stephano to make no noise and go in

ix. In Act III, Scene II of the play "The Tempest, Stephano and Trinculo are angry with Caliban as they struggle out of
the filthy pool because______

x. In Act V of the play 'The Tempest, Prospero greets Gonzalo first because________

xi. In Act III of The Tempest, Caliban asks Stepheno not to forget to seize Prospero’s magic books before killing him
xii. In Act IV of The Tempest, Ceres has sworn to keep away from the disgraceful company of Venus and her blind son
Cupid because_________

xiii. In Act IV of The Tempest, Prospero brought about an abrupt end to the masque because_______

xiv. In Act V of The Tempest, Gonzalo prays to some heavenly power to guide them out of the dreadful country

i. Referring closely to Act. III of the play, explain why Ferdinand has a positive attitude about carrying logs? How does
Miranda feel about his hard labour?

ii. With close reference to Act III scene II of the play, describe the plot that Caliban hatches to murder Prospero.

iii. (a) Show that Caliban is a triple character representing the monster, the slave and the aboriginal man.


(b) Discuss the banquet scene of 'The Tempest' and Ariel's reminder of the crime committed by Antonio, Alonso
and Sebastian.

iv. Referring closely to Act IV of the play, explain why Prospero ends the masque suddenly? What does he tell
Ferdinand about the impermanence of the world?

v. How does Prospero treat the three drunken rogues- Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo?

vi.(a) Referring closely to the masque presented by Prospero for Ferdinand and Miranda, explain the purpose of the


(b) Miranda is a perfect blend of innocence and determination. Discuss her role in the play with close reference to
the text.

vii. Provide two details from the play to show the growing love between Ferdinand and Miranda when the former
visits the latter. What are Prospero's feelings as he secretly observes the two? Write your answer in 100-150 words.

viii. Referring closely to the Masque, scene describe how Ceres and Juno bless the young couple.

ix. (a) Bring out the personality and desires of Caliban in his encounter with Trinculo and Stephano while plotting for
the murder of Prospero in Act III Scene II. Write your answer in about 200-250 words.


(b) 'Forgiveness and Freedom". These are the keynotes of the play The Tempest. Discuss and give illustrations.

x. What is the dramatic purpose of the masque arranged at the engagement of Ferdinand and Miranda? Write your
answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

xi. Give the details of the conspiracy hatched by Caliban against Prospero with reference to the text. Write your
answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

xii. (a) Ariel though mischievous and playful is most sincere in his devotion towards his master. Write your answer in
about 200-250 words.


(b)Critically review Shakespeare's use of supernatural elements in The Tempest. Write your answer in about 200-
250 words.

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