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REVIEWER (Phase Change)

Zannaira De Leon
Phase Change
When matter changes to from one state solid. liquid, gas.
Typically happen when one temperature (energy) or pressure of one state
A change from one state to another w/o changing the chemical composition of the
Enthelopy - tells how much heat and work, measurement of energy
Evaporation - liquid to gas - HEATED
Condensation - Gas to liquid - COOLED
Gain temperature causing the molecules to move freely
occurs when the internal energy of a solid increases (usually through the application of
When the vibrations of the particles overcome the attractive forces between them.
Freezing - a phase transition where a liquid turns into a solid when its temperature
is lowered below its freezing point.
Sublimation - The process of transformation directly to the solid phase to gas
phase, without undergoing on the liquid phase
The particle of a solid absorbs enough energy to completely overcome the force to the
attraction between them
1. Dry/Dried Ice - A solid form of carbon dioxide is an example of sublimation
Deposition - The phase transition in which gas transfroms to solid without passing
the liquid state
For it to occur, thermal energy must be removed from the gas
1. Melting

2. Freezing

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