Food Chain

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Food chain

A food chain shows us how plants and animals within a habitat rely on each other for food. Food
chains usually start with a green plant (a producer) which is eaten by an animal (a consumer),
which is then eaten by another animal. The food chain is a single list which connects a producer
with several different levels of consumers.

The energy is transferred from the producer to the consumer because the consumer eats the
producer.The arrows in the food chain show the direction in which the energy in the food is


In this food chain, the producer is the carrot.

The first consumer (primary consumer) is the rabbit.
The second consumer is the fox.
The third consumer is the lion.

The rabbit is a prey,

The fox is a predator because it hunts the rabbit, and a prey because it is hunted by the lion.
The lion is a predator only. It is the top predator.

The carrot is eaten by the rabbit. The energy transfers from the carrot to the rabbit.
The rabbit is eaten by the fox. The energy transfers from the rabbit to the fox.
The fox is eaten by the lion. The energy transfers from the fox to the lion.

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