The Roleplaying Game The Tome of Strange Beings 13 26

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The Tome of Strange Beings

Aberrations &

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)


Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Flailing Spin The Bone Tower swings its flail in a wide arc.
Bone Tower Each creature in a 10-foot radius centred on
Large aberration the Bone Tower must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 44 (8d8+8) bludgeoning
damage on a failed save or half as much damage
on a successful one.
Multiattack The Bone Tower makes three attacks.
15 19 14 12 8 1
(+2) (+4) (+2) (+1) (-1) (-5) Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 feet.,
single target. Hit: 31 (5d10d+4) damage,
Armour Class: 16 (Natural Armour) Speed: 60 feet
Position: 187 (25d10+50) Reactions
Initiative DC: 14
Many Limbed In reaction to taking melee damage, the Bone
Tower may make a free Strike attack that deals
Saving Throws half damage if it hits.
Wis +3, Cha -1

Skills Senses Ground to Dust The multiattack action grants 1 additional

- blindsight 120 feet., attack and the Bone Tower has -4 AC for the
passive Perception 9 remainder of combat.

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

necrotic blinded, charmed, deafened, Chaos Bug
exhausted, frightened Tiny aberration

Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances

fire, radiant -

6 8 10 1 7 1
Challenge: (-2) (-1) (+0) (-5) (-2) (-5)
14 10 (5,900 Souls)
Armour Class: 10 (Natural Armour) Speed: 60 feet
Position: 4 (1d6+1)
Worm-like amalgamations made of dozens of skeletons bound Initiative DC: 11
together, burrowing through the Tombs of Giants; tracking,
pursuing, and ambushing wanderers in the darkest and most
neglected back-tunnels. Long aeons pass between each ill-fated Skills Senses
adventurer, but still these abominations are found lying in wait, - blindsight 30 ft.,
guarding precious loot or vital paths of progress. passive Perception 8

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

- -
Ancient Bones Successful attacks made against a Bone Tower by
a bludgeoning weapon are counted as critical hits.
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
Restless Dead Bone Towers do not need to rest or sleep and - fire
are immune to the exhausted condition.

Last Rites The Bone Tower does not grant souls once killed
if it is later reanimated by a Necromancer. The
Bone Tower grants souls normally if there are 0 (10 Souls)
no necromancers present that may raise them.

Bizarre, insectoid aberration with bulbous eyes and numerous
Collapse The Bone Tower lunges forwards, body slamming spiny legs capable of great leaps. Though rarely found, gather
those attacking it. Creatures in a 20 foot long, in swarms amidst lost and abandoned ruins.
10 foot wide line from the Bone Tower must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw Usually harmless, the swarms occasionally harbour a
or take 30 (4d12+4) bludgeoning damage. The much deadlier variant, the red-eyed Chaos Bug, capable of
Bone Tower is knocked prone after this lunge overpowering a humanoid mind and forcing it into servitude.
unless it makes a successful DC 16 Strength
saving throw.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Illumination The Chaos Bug sheds bright light in a 10-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Pinwheel Servant
Medium construct
Leaper A Chaos Bug can leap in place up to 15 feet.

Praise the Maggot For every round a target starts enveloped by the
(red-eyed variant) Chaos Bug, it needs to succeed on a successful STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
DC 13 Charisma saving throw or become
charmed until the chaos bug dies or is removed 10 14 12 20 15 6
from the target. The charmed target is under (+0) (+2) (+1) (+5) (+2) (-2)
the chaos bug's control and can't take reactions.
Armour Class: 14 Speed: 30 feet
Whenever the charmed target takes damage, Position: 88 (16d8+16)
the target can repeat the saving throw, ending Initiative DC: 15
the effect on itself on a success.

Actions Saving Throws

Int +9, Wis +6
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d6−1) piercing damage. Skills Senses
Performance +2 passive Perception 12
There are two types of Chaos Bugs and the rarer version has glowing
red eyes. The red-eyed variant has the following action: Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

Envelop Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 15 ft., one - charmed, frightened
creature. Hit: 2 (1d6-1) piercing damage, and Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
the Chaos Bug attaches to the target with a
wicked proboscis. If the target is Medium or - damage from spells
smaller the bug engulfs the targets head. The
engulfed target is blinded. Challenge:

While attached to the target, the Chaos 3 (700 Souls)

Bug can attack no other creature except the
target but has advantage on its attack rolls. Magical constructs manifested by the tragic and mysterious
Additionally, the Chaos Bug's speed becomes 15
necromancer known as Pinwheel. Created to serve and defend
0, it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed, their creator, the Pinwheel servants are made in Pinwheel's
and it moves with the target. image and share many of their powers and abilities, except for
the ability to create duplicates.
A creature can detach the Chaos Bug by
making a successful DC 10 Strength check Unlike the mirror clones created by Pinwheel, these servants
as an action. On its turn, the Chaos Bug can are permanent and can't be destroyed easily. Pinwheel servants
detach itself from the target as a free action. operate autonomously, with no need to be commanded by
Pinwheel. They can often be found as guards, servants, or
wrangling other undead created by the necromancer Pinwheel.

Tall, hunched figures with six arms and wearing three expressive
masks, Pinwheel servants appear like a cursed and grotesque
fusion of three people: a naïve child, a kindly mother, and a
valiant father. Each arm holds a long pike with a glowing lantern
hanging from it.

Magic Resistance The Pinwheel servant has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.


Cleansing Fireball Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 120 ft., one
target. Hit: 17 (5d6) fire damage.

Flamethrower (Recharge 5–6). The Pinwheel servant

manifests fire in a 30‐foot cone. Each creature
in that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Treant Gardener Vagrant
Medium construct Tiny aberration


15 11 14 9 10 7 6 10 10 5 10 11
(+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+0) (-2) (-2) (+0) (+0) (-3) (+0) (+0)

Armour Class: 12 Speed: 30 feet Armour Class: 13 (Natural Armour) Speed: 30 feet
Position: 19 (3d8+6) Position: 22 (5d8)
Initiative DC: 11 Initiative DC: 12

Skills Senses Saving Throws

Athletics +4, Perception +2, darkvision 30 ft., Dex +2, Con +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Stealth +3 passive Perception 12

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities Skills Senses

- blinded Perception +2, Stealth +2 blindsight 10 ft.,
darkvision 60 ft.,
passive Perception 12
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
- -
Poison blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, poisoned,
1 (200 souls) Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
fire, radiant -
Often regarded as serfs of the forest sanctuary, Treant
16 Gardeners are usually found wielding gardening tools that Challenge:
they use as weapons. Appearing in the Royal Wood, they 1/2 (100 Souls)
are believed to be ancient versions of the Demonic Foliage
that roam the Darkroot Garden. After the fall of Oolacile,
the Treant Gardeners no longer had any need to operate as One of the rarest and most curious beings in all of Lothric.
servants and regressed into the wild as feral creatures. The mysterious vagrant is spoken of in hushed tones, a thing
of legend so extraordinary and unusual that few know of its
existence, let alone have seen it with mortal eyes. The Vagrant
manifests from nothing, materializing in lost places of strong
Charge If the Treant Gardener moves at least 20 feet
magic, drawn by the enormous energy generated by the loss
straight toward a target and then hits it with
of a significant number of Souls. The power and potential of
an attack on the same turn, the target takes an
those lost Souls calls the vagrant into being, which can appear
extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a
in multiple forms.
creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
The Egg Vagrant appears like a bulbous egg with a cracked
side, skittering on spindly legs. This variant is docile and will
not attack. The Crab Vagrant appears like a wedge of volcanic
rock within a shimmering translucent sphere, with a wicked
Multiattack The Treant Gardener attacks twice with its
claw and grasping tentacles protruding from its top. The Crab
pitchfork, using any combination of its stab or
Vagrant, though relatively unprotected, is capable of launching
scoop attacks.
a deadly magical needle attack that can easily overwhelm the
hardiest of warriors.
Stab Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 feet.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage.

Scoop Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 feet., one Magic Weapons The Vagrant's attacks are magical.
target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) bludgeoning damage.
Lost Souls The Vagrant is exceedingly rare and only
appears in locations where a significant
Position Spends number of Souls have been lost.

Spend 5 Position Sweeping Strike. The Treant Gardener may target Variant Forms The Vagrant can appear in two forms: the
two creatures instead of one using an attack. egg form is docile and does not attack. The
crab form is aggressive and wields a wicked
piercing claw.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)


Soul Needle The Vagrant exhales a shimmering hail of (Crab Variant Only) Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
magical needles in a 15-foot cone. Each target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
creature in that area must make a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) force
damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.


Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

The Tome of Strange Beings



Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)


Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Small beast Hop The Frog-Ray may make a leap of 15 feet in
response to taking melee damage.


Great Feline
12 15 10 4 10 8 Large beast
(+1) (+2) (+0) (-3) (+0) (-1)

Armour Class: 12 (Natural Armour) Speed: 30 feet

Position: 36 (8d8) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Initiative DC: 12
18 17 13 6 15 3
(+4) (+3) (+1) (-2) (+2) (-4)
Skills Senses Armour Class: 13 Speed: 40 feet,
Survival +2 darkvision 60 feet Position: 55 (10d8+10) Climb 20 feet.
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities Initiative DC: 15
- -
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances Saving Throws
fire - Dex +5, Con +3, Wis +4

Challenge: Skills Senses

1 (200 Souls) Athletics +6, Perception +4 darkvision 60 ft.,

passive Perception 14

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

Many unusual and magical creatures inhabit the deep places
- -
of Lordran, but few are more outlandish than the Frog-
Ray. Submerged in the murky pools of swamps or up in the Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
20 moss covered branches, these giant frogs’ vibrant colouration
poison -
implies toxins, yet it is neither venomous nor poisonous. This
deception gives pause to many would-be predators, and more
than a few adventurers too. Despite their sluggish demeanour,
they’re not afraid to pounce on prey; particularly those who’ve Challenge:
already been run ragged by the horrors of the Darkroot fens. 4 (1,100 souls)

At first glance, Great Felines look much like normal cats.

Venomous A creature that sees the Frog-Ray must With their large, muscular bodies and relatively small heads,
Colouring succeed on DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or these beasts can appear quite intimidating, and their neat
become frightened by the obviously venomous rows of sharp teeth only further that perception. Their
markings of the Frog-Ray. If the creature has large size does little to hinder their speed. They can rapidly
previously encountered Frog-Rays the DC is pinpoint their target and perform quick strikes, making a
lowered to 8. group of them very formidable.

Ambush Predator The Frog-Ray is able to surprise all enemies

unless they make a successful DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check to detect it. Keen Hearing and The Great Feline has advantage on Wisdom
Sight (Perception) checks that rely on sight or sound.
Pack Tactics The Great Feline has advantage on an attack
Tongue Whip Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one roll against a creature if at least one of the
target. Hit: 11 (3d6+1) bludgeoning damage. Great Feline’s allies is within 5 feet of the
creature and not incapacitated.
Tongue Lash Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 feet,
one target. Hit: 8 (3d4+1) bludgeoning damage. Pounce If the Great Feline moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a creature and then hits it with
Mudspit Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 a bite attack on the same turn, that target must
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) bludgeoning succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
damage. A target hit by this attack must make be knocked prone.
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save their speed is halved for 4 (1d4+2) turns. If the target is prone, the Great Feline can make
one quick bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Possessed Tree
Multiattack The Great Feline makes two quick bite attacks. Large plant

Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Quick Bite target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) piercing damage.
Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Turning Bite creature. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage plus 1 1 15 1 1 1
4 bludgeoning damage, and the target must (-5) (-5) (+2) (-5) (-5) (-5)
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
Armour Class: 18 (Natural Armour) Speed: 0 feet
be knocked prone.
Position: 32 (5d8+10)
Reactions Initiative DC: 5

Rolling Charge The Great Feline drops into a roll, moving

up to half its speed without provoking Skills Senses
opportunity attacks. It can then make one Survival -3 passive Perception 5
turning bite attack against a target of its choice.
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
- blinded, charmed,
deafened, exhausted,
frightened, paralysed,
petrified, poisoned,
prone, unconscious
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
fire Damage from any magical

1/4 (50 Souls)
Against a sea of gently swaying greenery, only the slightly
unnatural movements of a Possessed Tree’s movement set
them apart. They do not attack, and they rarely make any
visible movements, yet they are constantly found in the
entrances and mouths of hidden tunnels and secret ravines.
Are they created at these locations or following some unseen
trail? It is unknown whether they are even truly possessed, or
if they are just another oddity that Darkroot has collected.

Trees for The Possessed Tree is nearly identical to the un-possessed

The Forest vegetation of the Darkroot swamps. Its subtly unnatural
movements are the only giveaway. A creature must
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to
identify a possessed tree.The DC is lowered to 12 if they
have identified or fought one before.

Peculiar Possessed Trees are usually found blocking or

Placement obscuring entrances to small ravines, cave entrances,
or even doorways.


Root Strider (Recharge 6). The Possessed Tree pushes itself into
a blur of motion and may move 1 foot.


Wriggle In response to taking damage, the Possessed Tree

wriggles unsettlingly.

Arbour When the Possessed Tree becomes bloodied, it

Defender immediately begins to sway slightly in the breeze.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Snow Rat Sulyvahn’s Beast
Small beast Huge beast


9 14 13 2 10 6 20 15 20 6 6 4
(-1) (+2) (+1) (-4) (+0) (-2) (+5) (+2) (+5) (-2) (-2) (-3)

Armour Class: 12 Speed: 30 feet Armour Class: 18 (Natural Armour) Speed: 45 feet
Position: 9 (2d6+2) Position: 84 (8d10+40)
Initiative DC: 14 Initiative DC: 15

Skills Senses Saving Throws

- darkvision 60 ft., Str +8, Con +8
passive Perception 10

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities Skills Senses

poison - Survival +1 passive Perception 8
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances - prone
- - Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
cold, fire, poison -
1/4 (50 souls) Challenge:
5 (1,800 Souls)
A special type of Sewer Rat found exclusively in the Painted
World of Ariamis. Like the small Sewer Rats, with one huge All matted fur and vicious fangs, there is nothing remotely
difference: Snow Rats carry far more poison toxin on them human about these beasts. From the three sets of eyes on its
and can quickly disable their foes. Heralded by the pitter- crocodilian head to the jagged shards of its exposed ribcage,
patter of their claws along the sewers, they can at least be it is clear that whatever else this creature may have been, it
easily avoided. is now a beast of spite.

Guarding the Boreal Valley and Irithyll proper, some say that
they are the chosen of the Pontiff Sulyvahn himself, though
Keen smell The Snow Rat has advantage on Wisdom there is little of the nobility displayed by his sacred knights
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. in this monster, it is clearly more akin to the derisive exiled
Outrider Knights.
Pack Tactics The Snow Rat has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is These vacuous beasts rain down upon trespassers with vicious
within 5 feet of the creature and not incapacitated. bites and savage charges, sundering armour and crushing
trespassers with simple, sadistic glee.
Escape The Snow Rat can take the Dash, Disengage,
or Hide action as a bonus action on each of
its turns.

Actions Sundered Rib Protruding and jagged, the ribcage of Sulyvahn’s

Cage Beast is a constant threat to any would-be
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one attacker. Any creature within 5 feet at the start
target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage. If the of the Beast’s turn must make a DC 15 Dexterity
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC saving throw. On a failed save, they take 3
10 Constitution saving throw or contract a (1d6) piercing damage and are knocked prone.
disease. Until the disease is cured, the target
can’t regain Position except by magical means, Actions
and the target’s Position maximum decreases
by 3 (1d6) every 24 hours. Multiattack Sulyvahn’s Beast makes three attacks, at least
one of which must be its Fanged Maw.

Fanged Maw Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 23 (4d8+5) piercing damager.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Charging Chomp (Recharge: 6). Gigantic maw open wide, Keen smell The swarm has advantage on Wisdom
Sulyvahn’s Beast charges with reckless abandon (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
at a target within 60 feet. The attack hits the
target for 27 (4d10+5) bludgeoning damage. Swarm The swarm can occupy another creature's
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
Any creature in a space Sulyvahn’s Beast passes through any opening large enough for a
through takes 8 (1d6+5) bludgeoning damage. Medium rat. The swarm can't regain Position
or gain temporary Position.
The target of the attack must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Actions

Bloodied Putrid Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
target in the swarm's space. Hit: 14 (4d6)
Spend 3 Position Pontiffs Lapdog. A bolt of lightning arcs from piercing damage, and the target must succeed
the slobbering maw of Sulyvahn’s Beast in a 5 on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
foot wide, 60 foot long line. Creatures in the take 14d6 poison damage. If the swarm has
area of effect take 27 (5d8+5) lightning damage. half of its Position or fewer remaining, the
target takes 8 (2d6+2) piercing damage and
10 (2d6+3) poison damage.

Swarm of Large Rats Bloodied

Huge beast
Retribution When the swarm becomes bloodied, it
immediately moves up to its speed and makes
a putrid bite attack.
Desperation Creatures successfully targeted by the swarm with
14 17 18 2 10 4 putrid bite automatically take the poison damage,
(+2) (+3) (+4) (-4) (+0) (-3) without requiring the additional saving throw.
Armour Class: 13 Speed: 30 feet
Position: 63 (6d12+24)
Initiative DC: 16

Skills Senses
- darkvision 30 ft.,
passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
poison charmed, frightened,
grappled, paralysed,
petrified, prone,
restrained, stunned

Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances

- bludgeoning, piercing,

5 (1,800 souls)

Heralded by what at first seems like the scurrying of normal

rats, but quickly morphs into a stampede, the swarm of large
rats is a formidable enemy: capable of taking down anyone
who falls into its path with its deadly poison bite.

Overrun Spend 10 Position. The swarm can move up to

twice its speed without provoking opportunity
attacks. It can then make one putrid bite attack
against a target of its choice.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Swarm of Small Rats Tree Lizard
Medium beast Medium beast


9 12 10 2 10 4 10 14 10 12 10 7
(-1) (+1) (+0) (-4) (+0) (-3) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+0) (-2)

Armour Class: 11 Speed: 30 feet Armour Class: 12 (Mossy Lizard Hide)

Position: 13 (3d8) Position: 54 (12d8) Speed: 20 feet
Initiative DC: 13 Initiative DC: 14

Skills Senses Skills Senses

- darkvision 30 ft., - passive Perception 10
passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

poison charmed, frightened, - -

grappled, paralysed, Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
petrified, prone,
restrained, stunned - poison
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
- bludgeoning, piercing, Challenge:
slashing 1/2 (450 Souls)

Darkroot Basin’s supposedly natural fauna baffle and amaze,
1 (200 souls)
each beast more unusual than the last. Tree-Lizards are no
exception to this menagerie. Those ambushed by these
Often found scurrying through the sewers, a swarm of small camouflaged “reptiles” are sure to note the venomous, forefinger
rats can strip a corpse to the bone in a matter of minutes. Any sized fangs of a serpent's maw as it pulls back for another
food they encounter who may happen to be living should steer breakneck strike; they are less likely to notice the identical
clear of these swarms as their poison bites can be debilitating. head, or the slender gecko body that both connect to, before
it is too late. Expert ambushers who hide amongst the moss of
Darkroot, patiently awaiting a hapless supper to wander near.
Rumoured to occasionally have the acorn-like Egg Vermifuge
Keen smell The swarm has advantage on Wisdom in their lairs, an unlikely saviour to the egg-bearer’s infestation.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Swarm The swarm can occupy another creature's space and

vice versa, and the swarm can move through any Ambush Predator Enemy creatures must succeed on a DC
opening large enough for a Tiny rat. The swarm 16 Wisdom (Perception) check or the Tree
can't regain Position or gain temporary Position. Lizard is able to surprise them. This check has
a DC of 12 if the target creature has engaged
Actions Tree Lizards before.

Putrid Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one Camouflage The Tree Lizard gets advantage on all stealth
target in the swarm's space. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) checks.
piercing damage, and the target must succeed
on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take Actions
7 (2d6) poison damage. If the swarm has half of
its Position or fewer remaining, the target takes Multiattack The Tree Lizard attacks twice, once with each
3 (1d6) piercing damage and 1d6 poison damage. of its two heads.

Fanged Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage
and 4 (1d4+2) poison damage. The target must
succeed on a DC14 Constitution saving throw
or become poisoned, suffering 2 (1d4) poison
damage each turn, unless they succeed on a
subsequent DC14 saving throw made at the
beginning of their turn.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Venomous (Recharge 4-6). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Injection reach 10 ft., one target. Hit 9 (2d6+2) piercing Wild Dogs
damage plus 4 (1d4+2) poison damage. Medium beast

Venomous Spray Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60

ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) poison damage.
Creatures adjacent to the target creature take STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
half damage.
15 16 12 3 12 5
Bloodied (+2) (+3) (+1) (-4) (+1) (-3)

Armour Class: 13 Speed: 50 feet

The Tree Lizard may attempt to flee into the tree canopy above. The Tree-
Lizard must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. If it is successful it Position: 33 (6d8+6)
will climb to its perch in the tree canopy above and relocate onto a different Initiative DC: 15
tree within 20 feet. Climbing to its perch does incur attacks of opportunity
as normal. The Tree Lizard cannot move if there is no tree within 20 feet.
Skills Senses
Perception +3, Stealth +5 darkvision 60 ft.,
Vile Maggot passive Perception 14
Tiny beast
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
- -
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances

6 14 10 1 1 6 - fire
(-2) (+2) (+0) (-5) (-5) (-2)

Armour Class: 12 Speed: 20 feet Challenge:

Position: 9 (2d8) 1 (200 souls)
Initiative DC: 12

Wild dogs live in packs but are usually found in groups

Skills Senses of two or three. Before attacking, the dogs growl angrily, 25
- blindsight 20 ft., warning enemies to maintain their distance.
passive Perception 5
If provoked, they will attack ferociously, surrounding enemies
and picking them off one by one. Worst of all though is their
Challenge: howl, which summons other dogs to the area as the sound of
1/4 (50 souls) the hunt echoes throughout the sky.

Glowing faintly with a sickly yellow glow and two disgusting

pincers protruding from its face, Vile Maggots are a
troublesome foe, especially in large numbers. They smell Keen Sight and The Wild Dog has advantage on Wisdom
of carrion and paralyse their opponents. Creatures caught Smell (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
unprepared find themselves quickly overwhelmed.
Pack Tactics The wild dog has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the Wild
Dog's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
Paralytic Saliva Any creature that takes damage from a Vile not incapacitated.
Maggot’s melee attack must succeed on a
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become Actions
stunned until the end of the Vile Maggot’s next
turn. A creature that fails this saving throw may Multiattack The Wild Dog makes two bite attacks.
repeat it at the end of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success. Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. If the
Actions target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC
12 Constitution saving throw against disease
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 0 ft., one or become poisoned until the disease is cured.
creature in the Vile Maggot’s space. Hit: 1 Every 24 hours that elapse, the creature must
piercing damage. repeat the saving throw, reducing its Position
maximum by 5 (1d10) on a failed save. This
Lunging Bite Reach 0 ft., one creature in the Vile Maggot’s reduction lasts until the disease is cured.
space. Hit: 1 piercing damage. This attack
requires the Vile Maggot to move 10 feet
directly towards a target and automatically
hits its target.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

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