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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Group Assignment

Course title - Introduction to Mechatronics

Project title – Washing Machine Dynamics

Group Members ID Section

Instructor:- MR. DELBANTE_A

Submission Date:- Jun 5, 2023
 Washing machines have become an essential household appliance in
modern times. They have revolutionized the way we do laundry, making
it easier, faster, and more efficient. The applications of washing
machines are numerous, and they have had a significant impact on our
daily lives.

 One of the primary applications of washing machines is to clean clothes.

Before the invention of washing machines, people used to wash clothes
by hand, which was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. With
the advent of washing machines, this task has become much easier and
faster. Washing machines use a combination of water, detergent, and
mechanical action to remove dirt and stains from clothes. They come in
different sizes and capacities, making it possible to wash large loads of
clothes at once.

 Another application of washing machines is to sanitize and disinfect

clothes. Washing machines use hot water and high-speed spinning to
kill bacteria and germs that may be present on clothes. This is
particularly important for people with allergies or sensitive skin, as it
helps to reduce the risk of skin irritation and other health problems.

 Washing machines are also used in commercial settings, such as

laundromats and hotels. These machines are designed to handle large
volumes of laundry and are equipped with advanced features such as
programmable cycles, automatic dispensers, and energy-efficient
settings. They are also designed to be durable and long-lasting, making
them a cost-effective investment for businesses.

 In addition to cleaning clothes, washing machines can also be used to

clean other household items such as bedding, curtains, and towels. This
is particularly useful for people who have allergies or asthma, as it helps
to remove dust mites and other allergens that may be present in these

 Finally, washing machines have environmental benefits. They use less
water and energy than traditional hand washing, making them a more
sustainable option. Many modern washing machines are also equipped
with energy-saving features such as low-temperature cycles and
automatic shut-off, further reducing their environmental impact.
washing machines have a wide range of applications and have had a
significant impact on our daily lives. They have made laundry easier,
faster, and more efficient, and have helped to improve hygiene and
sanitation. They are also a cost-effective and sustainable option for
businesses and households alike.


 One of the primary applications of washing machines is to clean clothes.

Before the invention of washing machines, people used to wash clothes
by hand, which was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. With
the advent of washing machines, this task has become much easier and
faster. Washing machines use a combination of water, detergent, and
mechanical action to remove dirt and stains from clothes. They come in
different sizes and capacities, making it possible to wash large loads of
clothes at once.

 Another application of washing machines is to sanitize and disinfect

clothes. Washing machines use hot water and high-speed spinning to
kill bacteria and germs that may be present on clothes. This is
particularly important for people with allergies or sensitive skin, as it
helps to reduce the risk of skin irritation and other health problems.

 Washing machines are also used in commercial settings, such as

laundromats and hotels. These machines are designed to handle large
volumes of laundry and are equipped with advanced features such as

programmable cycles, automatic dispensers, and energy-efficient
settings. They are also designed to be durable and long-lasting, making
them a cost-effective investment for businesses.

 In addition to cleaning clothes, washing machines can also be used to

clean other household items such as bedding, curtains, and towels. This
is particularly useful for people who have allergies or asthma, as it helps
to remove dust mites and other allergens that may be present in these
 Finally, washing machines have environmental benefits. They use less
water and energy than traditional hand washing, making them a more
sustainable option. Many modern washing machines are also equipped
with energy-saving features such as low-temperature cycles and
automatic shut-off, further reducing their environmental impact.

 In conclusion, washing machines have a wide range of applications and

have had a significant impact on our daily lives. They have made
laundry easier, faster, and more efficient, and have helped to improve
hygiene and sanitation. They are also a cost-effective and sustainable
option for businesses and households alike.


 Washing machines are a prime example of a mechatronic system, which

is a combination of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering
principles. The basic working principle of a washing machine as a
mechatronic system involves several components working together to
achieve the desired outcome of cleaning clothes.

 The first component of a washing machine is the motor, which is
responsible for driving the drum that holds the clothes. The motor is
typically an electric motor that is controlled by a microcontroller, which
receives input from the user through the control panel. The
microcontroller sends signals to the motor to start and stop, as well as
to adjust the speed and direction of rotation.

 The second component of a washing machine is the drum, which is

where the clothes are placed. The drum is designed to rotate in a
specific pattern, which helps to agitate the clothes and remove dirt and
stains. The drum is also equipped with paddles or fins, which help to
move the clothes around and distribute the water and detergent evenly.

 The third component of a washing machine is the water supply system,

which is responsible for filling the drum with water. The water supply
system typically consists of a valve that controls the flow of water into
the machine, as well as a sensor that detects the water level in the drum.

 The microcontroller uses this information to adjust the water level and
ensure that the clothes are fully submerged.

 The fourth component of a washing machine is the detergent dispenser,

which is responsible for adding detergent to the water. The detergent
dispenser is typically a compartment located on the top of the machine,
which is filled with detergent before the cycle begins. The dispenser is
equipped with a mechanism that releases the detergent at the
appropriate time during the cycle.

 The fifth component of a washing machine is the drainage system,
which is responsible for removing the dirty water from the drum. The
drainage system typically consists of a pump that is controlled by the
microcontroller, which pumps the water out of the machine and into a
drain or sewer system.

 Finally, the sixth component of a washing machine is the control panel,

which is where the user interacts with the machine. The control panel
typically consists of a display screen, buttons, and knobs, which allow
the user to select the desired cycle, adjust the water level and
temperature, and monitor the progress of the cycle.

 In conclusion, the basic working principle of a washing machine as a

mechatronic system involves several components working together to
achieve the desired outcome of cleaning clothes. The motor, drum,
water supply system, detergent dispenser, drainage system, and control
panel all play a crucial role in the operation of the machine. By
combining mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering principles,
washing machines have become an essential household appliance that
has revolutionized the way we do laundry.



 A washing machine is a common household appliance that is used to

clean clothes. It is a complex machine that consists of several
components, including a sensing element. The sensing element is a
critical component of the washing machine that is responsible for
detecting various parameters such as water level, temperature, and load

size. In this essay, we will discuss the principles and characteristics of
the sensing element of a washing machine.
 The principle of the sensing element of a washing machine is based on
the use of sensors. Sensors are devices that detect changes in the
environment and convert them into electrical signals. In a washing
machine, sensors are used to detect various parameters such as water
level, temperature, and load size. The sensors are connected to a
microcontroller, which processes the signals and controls the operation
of the washing machine.
 The characteristics of the sensing element of a washing machine are as

1. Accuracy: The sensing element of a washing machine must be accurate

in detecting various parameters such as water level, temperature, and
load size. This is important to ensure that the washing machine operates
efficiently and effectively.

2. Sensitivity: The sensing element of a washing machine must be sensitive

enough to detect small changes in the environment. For example, it
must be able to detect small changes in water level or temperature.

3. Reliability: The sensing element of a washing machine must be reliable

and durable. It must be able to withstand the harsh conditions of a
washing machine, such as high temperatures and humidity.

4. Speed: The sensing element of a washing machine must be fast in

detecting changes in the environment. This is important to ensure that
the washing machine operates efficiently and effectively.

5. Compatibility: The sensing element of a washing machine must be
compatible with the other components of the washing machine. This is
important to ensure that the washing machine operates smoothly and

 The sensing element of a washing machine is a critical component that

is responsible for detecting various parameters such as water level,
temperature, and load size. The principle of the sensing element is
based on the use of sensors, which detect changes in the environment
and convert them into electrical signals. The characteristics of the
sensing element of a washing machine include accuracy, sensitivity,
reliability, speed, and compatibility. By ensuring that the sensing
element of a washing machine has these characteristics, we can ensure
that the washing machine operates efficiently and effectively.

 Actuation system

 The actuation system of a washing machine is a critical component that

enables the machine to function effectively. It is responsible for
controlling the various mechanical and electrical components of the
machine, such as the motor, pump, valves, and sensors, to ensure that
the washing process is carried out efficiently.

 The actuation system of a washing machine typically consists of a

microcontroller, which serves as the brain of the machine, and a set of
relays, which are used to switch the various components on and off. The
microcontroller receives input from the user, such as the desired wash

cycle and temperature, and uses this information to control the various
components of the machine.

 One of the key components of the actuation system is the motor, which
is responsible for driving the drum that holds the clothes. The motor is
typically a brushless DC motor, which is controlled by the
microcontroller using pulse-width modulation (PWM). The PWM signal
is used to vary the voltage and current supplied to the motor, which in
turn controls its speed and direction.

 Another important component of the actuation system is the pump,

which is used to circulate water through the machine during the wash
cycle. The pump is typically a centrifugal pump, which is controlled by a
relay that is activated by the microcontroller. The relay switches the
pump on and off as required, depending on the wash cycle and the level
of water in the machine.

 The actuation system also includes a set of valves, which are used to
control the flow of water into and out of the machine. The valves are
typically solenoid valves, which are controlled by relays that are
activated by the microcontroller. The microcontroller uses input from
sensors, such as water level sensors and temperature sensors, to
determine when to open and close the valves.

 In addition to these components, the actuation system may also include

various sensors and switches, such as door switches, pressure switches,
and temperature sensors. These sensors and switches are used to
provide feedback to the microcontroller, which can then adjust the
operation of the machine as required.

 The actuation system of a washing machine is a complex and critical
component that enables the machine to function effectively. It is
responsible for controlling the various mechanical and electrical
components of the machine, such as the motor, pump, valves, and
sensors, to ensure that the washing process is carried out efficiently. By
using advanced microcontrollers, relays, and sensors, modern washing
machines are able to provide a wide range of wash cycles and options,
while also being energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.


 The operation of washing machines involves several mathematical

principles, including fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and control
theory. The mathematical derivation of washing machines can be
broken down into several steps:

 Water flow: The flow of water into the washing machine is governed by
the Bernoulli equation, which relates the pressure, velocity, and height
of a fluid in a pipe. The equation is given by:
where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, v is the velocity, g is
the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the fluid.

 Detergent dispersion: The dispersion of detergent in the water is

governed by the diffusion equation, which describes the movement of
particles in a fluid. The equation is given by:
where C is the concentration of detergent, t is time, D is the diffusion
coefficient, and ∇^2 is the Laplacian operator.

 Heat transfer: The transfer of heat from the water to the clothes is
governed by the heat transfer equation, which relates the temperature,
heat flux, and thermal conductivity of a material. The equation is given
where q is the heat flux, k is the thermal conductivity, A is the surface
area, T is the temperature, and x is the distance.

 Control theory: The operation of the washing machine is controlled by a

microcontroller, which uses feedback control to adjust the water level,
temperature, and cycle time. The control system is governed by the
control theory, which involves the use of mathematical models to design
and optimize control systems.

 In conclusion, the mathematical derivation of washing machines

involves several principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and
control theory. The equations governing the flow of water, dispersion of
detergent, transfer of heat, and control of the machine are all based on
mathematical models that have been developed through years of
research and experimentation. By understanding these mathematical
principles, engineers can design and optimize washing machines to be
more efficient, effective, and reliable.

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 A washing machine is a device that uses water and detergent to wash clothes and
fabrics. It has several components that work together to perform the washing cycle.
Some of the signal conditions and processing elements of a washing machine are:

 Sensors: These are devices that sense physical changes in the environment and
provide this information to the processor of the system. For example, a washing
machine may have sensors for temperature, rotor position, dirt, water level, optical,
and vibration.

 Processor: This is the part of the system that receives the input from the sensors
and controls the output to the actuators. It may consist of a microcontroller, a
memory, and a program that implements the logic of the washing cycle.

 Actuators: These are devices that convert electrical signals into mechanical actions.
For example, a washing machine may have actuators for water valves, pumps,
heaters, motors, and solenoids.

 Controls: These are the parts of the system that allow the user to interact with the
washing machine. They may include knobs, buttons, switches, displays, and

 The signal conditions and processing elements of a washing machine may vary
depending on the type and model of the machine. However, a general overview of
how they work is as follows:

 The user selects the desired washing program using the controls. The processor
reads the input and sets the parameters for the washing cycle, such as water
temperature, spin speed, and duration.

 The processor sends signals to the actuators to fill the water bath with water and
detergent. The sensors monitor the water level and temperature and provide
feedback to the processor.

 The processor sends signals to the motor to rotate the washing drum at a certain
speed and direction. The rotor position sensor detects the position of the drum and
provides feedback to the processor. The dirt sensor measures the turbidity of the
water and provides feedback to the processor.

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 The processor repeats steps 2 and 3 for different phases of the washing cycle, such
as pre-wash, wash, rinse, and spin. The optical sensor detects the presence of foam
and provides feedback to the processor. The vibration sensor detects any imbalance
in the load and provides feedback to the processor.

 The processor sends signals to the actuators to drain the water bath and stop the
motor. The sensors monitor the completion of the process and provide feedback to
the processor.

 The processor indicates that the washing cycle is finished using the controls. The
user can then remove the clothes from the washing drum.


 The signal processing elements of a washing machine are the parts that process the
signals from the sensors and provide the signals to the actuators. They may include:

 Discrete wavelet transform (DWT): This is a technique that decomposes a

nonstationary signal into a series of wavelet components, each of which covers a
specific octave frequency band. This allows for feature extraction and classification
of washing machine vibration signals, especially during the start-up of the machine

 Statistical digital signal processing: This is a technique that uses statistical methods
to analyze and manipulate signals. For example, it can be used to calculate the mean,
variance, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy of the wavelet components of the
vibration signals.

 Karhunen Loeva transform (KLT): This is a technique that reduces and decorrelates
the dimensionality of the feature vectors obtained from the wavelet analysis. It finds
the optimal linear transformation that minimizes the mean square error between
the original and transformed vectors.

 Classifiers: These are techniques that assign a label to a feature vector based on
some criteria. For example, they can be used to identify different types of washing
machines or defects based on their vibration signals. Some examples of classifiers
are Euclidean, Mahala Nobis, and Bayesian distance classifiers, learning vector
quantization (LVQ) classifier, and fuzzy gradient classifier.

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 The controller unit of a washing machine is the part that controls the operation of
the machine and its cycles. It may consist of different components depending on the
type and model of the machine, but generally it includes:

 Printed circuit board (PCB): This is the brains of the washing machine. It commands
the control panel and wash cycles, as well as firing off the different electronic parts
that are needed for your washer to do its job. The PCB is also responsible for water
levels, how much detergent is dispensed and other functions your washing machine
may have.

 Timer: This is the part that sets the duration and sequence of the wash cycle. It may
be mechanical or electronic, depending on the model of the machine. The timer
sends signals to the PCB or directly to the actuators to start and stop different
phases of the cycle.

 Control panel: This is the part that allows you to interact with the washing machine
and select the desired program, options, and settings. It may include knobs, buttons,
switches, displays, and indicators.

 The controller unit of a washing machine is an essential part that ensures the proper
functioning and performance of the machine. If it malfunctions or fails, it may cause
various problems such as incomplete or incorrect cycles, error codes, or no
response at all.



 A mechatronics system is a system that integrates mechanical, electrical, and

software components to perform a specific function. A washing machine is an
example of a mechatronics system that uses water and detergent to wash clothes
and fabrics. Some of the conclusions that we can draw about the mechatronics
system of a washing machine are:

 It is a sequential control system that performs several preset operations in

sequence, either based on time or events. For example, it may have different cycles
such as pre-wash, wash, rinse, and spin.

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 It uses sensors to measure various factors related to the wash cycle, such as water
temperature, spin speed, pressure, dirt, and vibration. These sensors provide
feedback to the processor of the system.

 It uses actuators to convert electrical signals into mechanical actions, such as water
valves, pumps, heaters, motors, and solenoids. These actuators are controlled by the
processor based on the input from the sensors and the user.

 It uses a printed circuit board (PCB) as the brains of the system. It commands the
control panel and wash cycles, as well as firing off the different electronic parts that
are needed for the washer to do its job. The PCB is also responsible for water levels,
how much detergent is dispensed and other functions your washing machine may

 It uses a control panel to allow the user to interact with the system and select the
desired program, options, and settings. It may include knobs, buttons, switches,
displays, and indicators.

 A mechatronics system is a system that integrates mechanical, electrical, and

software components to perform a specific function. A washing machine is an
example of a mechatronics system that uses water and detergent to wash clothes
and fabrics. Some of the conclusions that we can draw about the mechatronics
system of a washing machine are:

 It is a complex system that involves mechanical, electrical, and fluid dynamics

interactions among water, laundry and drum. It requires a careful design and
analysis of each component and their interplay to ensure the proper functioning and
performance of the system.


 Some of the advantages of using a mechatronics system for a washing machine are:

 It enhances the system functionality and features by adding intelligence to the

system. For example, it can adjust the water level, temperature, and detergent
amount according to the load size and dirtiness.

 It produces more efficiency and accuracy by using sensors and actuators to

monitor and control the wash cycle. For example, it can detect and compensate for
unbalanced loads, foam, and vibration.

 It improves the design time, product size, and reliability by integrating mechanical,
electrical, and software components into a cohesive unit. For example, it can

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reduce the number of parts and wires, simplify the maintenance, and increase the

 It reduces the system cost by using low-cost sensors and controllers, and by
optimizing the energy consumption and performance. For example, it can save
water and electricity by using only the required amount for each cycle.


 Some of the disadvantages of using a mechatronics system for a washing machine


 It has a high initial cost due to the complexity and integration of mechanical,
electrical, and software components.

 It requires highly trained workers to operate, maintain, and repair the system. It
may also be difficult to identify and correct problems in the system due to its
interdependence of components.

 It needs a multi-disciplinary engineering background to design and implement the

system. It may also require techno-economic estimation to select the best
mechatronics system for a given application.

 It may have some limitations in terms of performance, reliability, and safety due to
the uncertainties and disturbances in the environment, such as noise, vibration,
load variations, and power fluctuations.

 Summary

 By the use of fuzzy logic control we have been able to obtain a wash
time for different type of dirt and different degree of dirt. The
conventional method required the human interruption to decide upon
what should be the wash time for different cloths. In other words this
situation analysis ability has been incorporated in the machine which
makes the machine much more automatic and represents the decision
taking power of the new arrangement. Though the analysis in this paper
has been very crude, but this clearly depicts the advantage of adding the
fuzzy logic controller in the conventional washing machine.

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 References

 Fuzzy net technical case studies
 Technical manual of washing machines, Samsung electronics ;

 Weijing Zhang, Applications Engineer, Aptronics Incorporated,

Copyright © 1992 by Aptronix Inc.

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