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Wind Load on the Structure

3.1. Net wind

Wnet = We - Wi
A. External pressure
External pressure, We, is obtained from:

.................. (3.5.2 EBCS-1, 1995)

Where: - is the external pressure coefficient

- is the exposure coefficient

- is the reference wind pressure

i. Reference wind pressure (qref)

……………………………… EBCS-1, 1995 (3.7.1)

Where : - is air density and is dependent on altitude; from table 3.1 EBCS-1 we have
the following:
Site Altitude(m) Above sea level (kg/m3)
0 1.20
500 1.12
1000 1.06
1500 1.00
2000 0.94

Adama is at 1640m above Sea level, using interpolation air density

r = 0.98

- is the reference wind velocity and is given as

…….EBCS 1, 1995(3.7.2)
Assuming the first three coefficients as unity and taking V ref, 0 =22 m/s (is the mean wind
velocity at 10m above farm land averaged over a period of 10 minutes with a return of 50 years).
Finally we get the reference wind pressure as
qref = 0.5*0.98Kg/m3*22m/s =0.238KN/m2
ii. Exposure coefficients (Ce (Ze))

- According to EBCS section 3.8.5(2), the exposure coefficient is given by :

Where – is the terrain factor

– is the roughness coefficient
– is the topography coefficient and taken to be unity.
(EBCS-1 Art. 3.8.4) and is taken to be unity for topography
unaffected zone.
For the terrain classification, the site is urban area in which at least 15% of the surface is
covered with buildings and their average height exceeds 15m. Then, from table 3.2 of EBCS-1,
1995 we can classify the terrain as category IV with the following coefficients:
KT Zo Zmin
0.24 1m 16 m

Where: - the roughness length

- the minimum height
In our building: h =11.48m, b =12.45m seems case b i.e. h<b. Hence we have wind reference

zones (parts): i.e. Ze = h

- Actual length of the building

For Ze=h=11.48m

Ze =11.48m <Zmin= 16mm

Hence, Cr(Ze) = Cr(Ze)

Cr(16) = 0.24*ln(16/1) = 0.665

Ce(16) = (0.665)2*12*{1+[7*0.24/(0.665*1)]} = 1.56

We = qref*Ce(Ze)*Cpe = (0.238)*(1.56)*Cpe = 0.37Cpe

iii. External pressure coefficient (Cpe)

- For our building :

h =11.48m, b = 12.45m, d = 8.23m.

e ≤ b=12.45 m
2 h=22.96 m ………. e = 12.45m

d(8.23m) < e(12.45m), so we have the following zone categorization from EBCS 1 Figure A.3 we

d = 24.37m
d/h = 8.23/11.48 = 0.72 < 1 and surely all zones have areas greater than , so from EBCS-1
Table A.1 we will get the following Cpe = Cpe10 of d/h <= 1values.

Zone A B* D E
Cpe -1 -0.8 0.8 -0.3
B. Internal Wind Pressure

…………………… (EBCS-1, 1995 (3.5.2))

The internal wind pressure is the pressure found inside the house due to opening of windows and
door. The value qref and Ce(Ze) are calculated above and there is no need to calculate it again.

i. Internal pressure coefficient (Cpi)

For closed buildings with internal partitions and opening windows the external values C pi = 0.8 or
Cpi = -0.5 …….EBCS-1, 1995 (A.2.9)

C. Net Wind Pressure

F Now, by integrating We and Wi we will get :

Wnet = 0.37*(Cpe-Cpi) .

Zone A B* D E
Cpe -1 -0.8 0.8 -0.3
Cpi 0.8 0.8 -0.5 0.8
(Cpe-Cpi) -1.8 -1.6 1.3 -1.1
Wnet = 0.37*(Cpe-Cpi) -0.67 -0.59 0.48 -0.41

Note : + sign indicates that the pressure acting towards the wall and – sign indicates that the
pressure is acting away from the wall.
3.2. Distribution of wall pressure into frames

To get the line force acting on each axis we will take tributary area as a summation of half of the
area between adjacent frames.

Zone A and B
2.4m 3.6m 2.23m

A B* A B*


Wnet Wnet*L
Ze Axis Length Zone (KN/m2) (KN/m)
A 2.4 -0.67 -1.60
0.09 -0.67
h B -2.14
3.51 -0.59
C 2.23 -0.59 -1.32
Zone D

1m 2.95m 3.4m 3.275m 1.825m


1' 1 2 3 4

Wnet Wnet*L
Ze Axis Length Zone (KN/m2) (KN/m)
1' 1.00 0.48 0.48
1 2.95 0.48 1.42
h 2 3.40 D 0.48 1.64
3 3.28 0.48 1.58
4 1.83 0.48 0.88
Zone E

1.825 3.275m 3.4m 2.95m 1m


4 3 2 1 1'

Wnet Wnet*L
Ze Axis Length Zone (KN/m2) (KN/m)
1' 1.00 -0.41 -0.41
1 2.95 -0.41 -1.20
h 2 3.40 E -0.41 -1.38
3 3.28 -0.41 -1.33
4 1.83 -0.41 -0.74

F For axis 1’, 1, 2, 3 & 4 since we have two wind pressures from Zone D & Zone E the total
Wnet will be found as follows.

We have found that the pressure in Zone D is acting towards the wall ( ) and the
pressure in Zone E is acting away from the wall ( ), so their net effect can be found by adding
their magnitude ( ).
Zone D & E Superposition

Wnet Wnet Sum

Ze Axis
(Zone D) (Zone E) (Zone D + Zone E)
1' 0.48 -0.41 0.89
1 1.42 -1.20 2.62
h 2 1.64 -1.38 3.02
3 1.58 -1.33 2.91
4 0.88 -0.74 1.62

3.3. Distribution of frame wind load to joints

To get the joint force acting on each joint we will take tributary area as a summation of half of
the area between adjacent floors.

Axis A, B & C

2.4m 3.6m 2.23m

1.15m Water tank

2.68m Roof

2nd Floor
A B*
1st Floor



Fi =
Wnet Height
Axis Ze Storey Wnet * Height
(kN/m) (m)
1 -1.60 4.59 -7.34
2 -1.60 3.06 -4.89
A h
R -1.60 2.68 -4.28
WT -1.60 1.15 -1.84
1 -2.14 4.59 -9.81
2 -2.14 3.06 -6.54
B h
R -2.14 2.68 -5.73
WT -2.14 1.15 -2.46
1 -1.32 4.59 -6.06
C h 2 -1.32 3.06 -4.04
R -1.32 1.53 -2.02

Axis 1’, 1, 2, 3 & 4

1m 2.95m 3.4m 3.275m 1.825m

1.15m Water tank


2nd Floor
1st Floor


1' 1 2 3 4

Axis Ze Storey Wnet Height Fi =

Wnet * Height
(kN/m) (m)
1' h 1 0.89 3.06 2.72
1 2.62 4.59 12.02
1 h 2 2.62 3.06 8.02
R 2.62 1.53 4.01
1 3.02 4.59 13.86
2 3.02 3.06 9.24
2 h
R 3.02 2.68 8.09
WT 3.02 1.15 3.47
1 2.91 4.59 13.35
2 2.91 3.06 8.90
3 h
R 2.91 2.68 7.79
WT 2.91 1.15 3.34
1 1.62 4.59 7.44
4 h 2 1.62 3.06 4.96
R 1.62 1.53 2.48

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