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Course Name Management Consulting

Programme Executive MBA

Term IV
Course Instructor Mahesh Narayan

Course Introduction and Objectives

This Course is designed to introduce Consulting methodology. Basic mastery of these skills has relevance to
everyone seeking a career in consulting. This course examines the consulting profession, consulting
organizations and process, the role of consultants and the essential consulting skills. It further examines
consultant – client dynamics and how to engage clients to assist them in successfully reaching their goals.
The course aids in development of a structured and creative problem solving process and associated skills
necessary for strategic consulting: problem - identification and solving abilities, critical thinking including
great questioning and addressing cognitive biases, communication and influencing skills. Contemporary
consulting has to necessarily factor in emerging technologies. The course sensitizes participants to this.

Course Content
To further disseminate and develop the knowledge and skills in the essential aspects of Consulting with a
focus on the defining the consulting problem, developing hypothesis, storyboarding, data gathering,
analysis & presentation

The course consists of 5 themes. The themes that would be covered in the course are:
o Theme 1: Introduction to Consulting & Consulting Project Management
o Theme 2: Consulting Methods: Problem Definition & Hypothesis Development
o Theme 3: Consulting Methods: Storyboarding & Data Gathering
o Theme 4: Consulting Methods: Analysis & Presentation
o Theme 5: Enablers

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

1. CLO 1 - To develop and reinforce a general management perspective in students

2. CLO 2 - To help the students understand the consulting methodology & frameworks available for
strategic analysis
3. CLO 3 - Gain knowledge of analytical dimensions of strategic consulting.
4. CLO 4 - Developing habits of orderly, analytical thinking and skill in reporting conclusions
effectively in written and oral form
5. CLO 5 - Help students to effectively implement & use methods in problem definition, hypothesis
development, storyboarding, data gathering & Analysis
6. CLO 6 - Create and present solution blueprint and enable the students to create impactful

consulting project recommendations
7. CLO 7 - Learn the problem solving technique and mind set required for solving vaguely defined

Reading and References

1. Reference Books
a) Minto Pyramid Principle: Barbara Minto
b) to Business Planning: Graham Friend & Stefan Zehle
c) The McKinsey Way: Ethan M. Rasiel
d) The McKinsey Mind: Ethan M. Rasiel & Paul Friga
e) Michael E Porter: Competitive Strategy, Free Press (First Export Edition), New York, 2004
(abbreviation: MEP)
f) Fred R David: Strategic Management, Pearson Education, Ninth Edition (Second Indian
Reprint), 2005 (abbreviation: FRD)
g) Tony Grundy & Laura Brown: Be Your Own Strategy Consultant, Thomson Learning,
London, 2002.
2. Reference Handbook: Frameworks & Charts for Strategic Analysis: Mahesh Narayan (to be
3. Readings:

Reading Reading Authors & Book


R1 The External Assessment Chapter - 3

Strategic Management: Concepts &

Cases11th Edition Fred David, 2007
Prentice Hall

R2 The Internal Assessment Chapter - 4

Strategic Management: Concepts &

Cases11th Edition Fred David, 2007
Prentice Hall

R3 The TOWS matrix—A tool for situational Long Range Planning, Heinz Weihrich
Volume 15, Issue 2, April 1982, Pages 54-

R4 The Right Game: Use Game Theory to HBR, Adam Brandenburger

Shape Strategy
& Barry Nalebuff



R5 Blue Ocean Strategy: Analytical Tools and Chapter 2: Blue Ocean Strategy By: W.
Frameworks, The Strategy Canvas The Four Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
Actions Framework

R6 Using hypothesis driven thinking in strategy Jeanne Liedtak, Darden Business

consulting. Publishing, 2006. UV0991.

R7 Strategy as a wicked problem John C Camillus, HBR. 2008. R0805G

R8 Learning the art of critical thinking. Richard Paul, Linda Elder. ROT 221 (

R9 The Surprising Power of Questions Alison Wood Brooks and Leslie K John,
HBR, May-June 2018, R1803C

R10 The Hidden Traps in Decision Making, John S Hammond, Ralph L Keeney, and
Howard Raiffa, HBR, Jan 2006, R0601K

R11 Data Analytics: From Bias To Better Megan MacGarvie and Kristina
Decisions McElheran, HBSP, ROT367

R12 Fooled by Experience Emre Soyer and Robin M Hogarth. HBR,

May 2015, R1505E

R13 Shift Your Lens – The Power of Reframing Tina Seelig, Rotman ROT 190, 2013
Your Problems

R14 Consulting is more than giving advice. Arthur N Turner. HBR, # 82510, Sep-Oct

R15 Client vs Consultant : Fishbowl or Foxhole Easley, Charles F, Jr; Harding, Charles F.
Journal of Management Consulting, Nov

R16 Overcome the fatal flaws of consulting – Robert H Schaffer, Business Horizons,
close the results gap Sep-Oct 1998

R17 Consulting on the cusp of disruption Clayton Christensen, Dina Wang, Derek
van Bever, HBR Oct 2013, R131OF





R19 The Definitive Guide To Issue Trees Bruno Nogueira

Pedagogy and Students Workload

Consulting Skills course dedicates itself to apply the skills to simulated and real-world situations. This
practice base approach will require students to become familiar not only with the details of the general
theoretical framework, but will also give the student an opportunity to learn about a number of

industries. The analysis and discussion of different industry and company situations is the primary class
activity. Preparation of the caselets and participation in the discussion is critical to the learning and the
success of the class as a whole.

The pedagogy would be a mix of Lecture, Discussion, Case Analysis and Project Work. Expected Workload
per week – 14 hours (over and above the class times)

Students are expected to form teams (keeping diversity as focus) and each team need to get a live
project from a Start up or an NGO. As this course is a Skill course, students are expected to apply
the lessons learnt in the project and on the caselets and get them reviewed with faculty to get ongoing

Session Plan
Sessio Theme Topic Learning Pre-Session Reading Case-let
n No. Outcome
1&2 Introductio Introductions & Understand the Discussi
ns Expectations different skills on
required in
Introduction to Consulting


• Industry
• Different
• How it

3 Essential Understand the Reading: R7, R8 Discussi

Consulting Skills different skills on
required in

Learn how to
effectively Reading: R 18
Consulting manage
Project consulting
Management projects
4&5 Define Problem Define McKinsey Mind How
Problem Definition problems in automake
Methods Page 1 – 29 rs are

Problem effective McKinsey Way for the
Definition manner car-as-a-
Exercise Page 71 – 77 service
Learn how to era
Background understand new Reading: R 9 to R15 & R19
Research domains
6&7 Define Design Thinking Project
8, 9 & Define Hypothesis Generate clear Reading : R6 Project
10 Problem Development & hypothesis
Storyboarding Produce
Storyboarding storyboards
11 Define Fact Finding 1. Generate a McKinsey Way AI On
Problem data The
• Data gathering Page 77 – 92 Edge: Is
Gatherin plan it Ready
g 2. Gather For
Methods relevant Prime
• Desk data through
Research secondary
Data research
Source 3. Conduct
Fact effective
Finding - interviews

1 Analysis Frameworks for Use the right Guide to Business Planning –Page 31- EV in
2 Strategic framework 40 India
Analysis effectively
Guide to Business Planning –Page 54-

Reading : R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5

1 Presentatio Say it with Use the right Reference Handbook Page 56 – 77 Project
3 n Charts charts

14 Presentatio Developing Produce McKinsey Mind Project

n Solutions Effective
Recommendati Page 31 – 46 & 83 – 101
Presentation & ons


15 Enablers Pricing of How to price Discussio

Consulting your consulting to-pricing-your-services-as-a- n
Projects assignments consultant-or-coach

16 Enablers Importance of How to harness Discussio

Knowledge the strategy-for-managing-knowledge n
Management in organisation
Consulting & knowledge
Technology to
aid consulting
17 Enablers Importance of How to build Discussio
Thought Thought m/the-role-of-thought-leadership-in- n
Leadership in Leadership in the-client-consultant-relationship-
Consulting consulting cycle/

18 Enablers Talent Managing Readings: R14, R15, R16 & R17 Discussio
Nurturing in Talent in n
Consulting Consulting
19 & Presentatio Project
20 n Presentations

Assessment Scheme
Component Weightage (%) Assessment of Course Learning
Outcome(s) (CLO)
Caselets 10% CLO 5 & 6
Mid-term 30% CLO 2 & 3
Assignments 10% CLO 5 & 6
End-Term 30% CLO 2 & 3
Group Project 20% CLO 5 & 6

Academic Discipline and Integrity

• Students are expected to come to class on time. Late coming will result in awarding no attendance
and sometimes even barring from the class
• Any plagiarism beyond 20% found in the submission (including reproduction from books, online
sources, journals or from peers) will be awarded zero in assessments
• Students are expected to participate in class actively

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