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Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163

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Structure zone model for extreme shadowing conditions

S. Mukherjee, D. Gall ⁎
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Previously reported data on the microstructure of glancing angle deposited (GLAD) metal layers is used to extend
Received 17 July 2012 the qualitative arguments of the structure zone model for physical vapor deposition to growth conditions with
Received in revised form 15 October 2012 exacerbated atomic shadowing. At low growth temperatures Ts relative to the melting point Tm, the microstruc-
Accepted 7 November 2012
tural development is governed by atomic shadowing for both normal deposition and GLAD, resulting in fibrous
Available online 15 November 2012
grains with voided boundaries (Zone I). As the homologous growth temperature θ=Ts / Tm is raised above ap-
proximately 0.3, GLAD layers continue to exhibit well separated columns while conventional thin films show
Structure zone model dense columnar microstructures (Zone II). θ> 0.5 leads to equiaxed grains independent of deposition angle
Physical vapor deposition (Zone III). Therefore, strong shadowing during GLAD suppresses Zone II microstructures, causing a direct transi-
Glancing angle deposition tion from Zone I to Zone III. GLAD microstructures can be divided into four distinct zones: rods, columns,
Atomic shadowing protrusions, and equiaxed grains: separated self-affine rods form for θ b θc =0.24±0.2, while considerably broader
Surface diffusion columns develop at θ >θc, due to exacerbated self-shadowing associated with an increased growth front rough-
Whisker ness, causing larger growth exponents. Above θ ≈0.35, protrusions develop on top of some columns as they cap-
ture an overproportionate amount of deposition flux and grow much higher than the surrounding layer. At
θ >0.5, diffusion processes dominate over atomic shadowing, leading to faceted rough layers with equiaxed
grains. In addition, the large mass transport facilitates the formation of whiskers that form for many metal
GLAD layers at θ > 0.4.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In contrast, glancing angle deposition (GLAD) [17,18] is a PVD tech-

nique where the shadowing effect is purposely exacerbated by a grazing
The microstructure of films deposited by physical vapor deposi- incident angle α > 80° of the deposition flux. This leads to the formation
tion (PVD) depends on the processing parameters such as substrate of self-affine [19] isolated columnar nanorod structures with a high
temperature Ts [1–5], gas pressure [1,4,6–9], ion bombardment level of porosity [20] and surface roughness [21] in a wide range of ma-
[9–11], impurities [5], deposition geometry [11,12], substrate rough- terial systems [16,22] including metals [23] and covalently bonded ma-
ness [13] and substrate rotation [14]. The systematic analysis of the terials [24]. Most research on GLAD is done at low temperatures, so that
microstructure of films grown by a normal deposition flux led to the surface diffusion is kinetically limited and the dominance of atomic
development of the structure zone model (SZM) [1,4,15,16], which shadowing can be exploited to create arrays of nanostructures including
qualitatively explains the morphology development as a function of straight and slanted pillars [18], springs [25], spirals [26], tubes [27] and
adatom mobility controlled by the process parameters. The funda- branched [28,29] or multi-component nanorods [30,31]. The rod width
mental physical processes at play during growth are shadowing and w broadens with height h [28], which is attributed to growth competi-
surface diffusion [2]. Shadowing depends on the deposition angle tion [32,33] and is described by a power law scaling relationship [19,34]
and causes preferential deposition on mounds, leading to the forma-
tion of a rough, porous, columnar microstructure. On the other w∝h ; ð1Þ
hand, diffusion leads to a reduction in porosity and a smoothening
of the film surface. It is controlled by Ts, ion bombardment, impurities where p is the growth exponent [23,24,35,36] which depends on pro-
and the material system [1]. The initial SZM and the later revisions ex- cess parameters including the angle of incidence [21,23,37], the sub-
plain morphological changes in terms of the interplay between the strate rotation [38–40], substrate patterning [18,32,39,41,42], the
competing phenomena of shadowing and diffusion, and classify the material system under consideration [36] and Ts [43–45].
different film morphologies into zones (I, T, II and III) [1,4,5,15,16] Recent studies on the microstructural evolution of GLAD layers at el-
as a function of increasing adatom mobility, while keeping the “de- evated temperatures [46–54] provide a motivation to revisit the funda-
gree” of shadowing constant. mental competition between atomic shadowing and surface diffusion.
The SZM cannot correctly describe GLAD microstructures because it as-
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 518 276 8471; fax: +1 518 276 8554. sumes limited shadowing conditions which do not account for large de-
E-mail address: (D. Gall). position angles. Conversely, models that describe GLAD microstructural

0040-6090/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Mukherjee, D. Gall / Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163 159

features including layer porosity [55,56] and column tilt [57,58] and Suzuki et al., the columns and protrusions at Ts =85 and 180 °C are indi-
broadening [19,34] assume negligible or limited surface diffusion and cated by symbols “c” and “p” at θ=0.38 and 0.49, respectively, while
therefore do not account for temperatures that exceed ~1/3 of the melt- Ts ≥290 °C leads to dense layers with equiaxed grains and whiskers, indi-
ing point. The question arises regarding what layer microstructure is cated by overlaying symbols “e” and “w”. Due to the relatively low melt-
expected at both a high growth temperature and a large deposition ing point Tm =933 K of Al, none of the reported Al GLAD microstructures
angle, that is, for large surface diffusion and strong atomic shadowing. is described as rods “r”. The low-temperature rod-microstructure is char-
In this article, we review recent experimental work on the tempera- acterized by vertical rods which are narrower and exhibit a smaller
ture dependence of the microstructure of GLAD layers and discuss it broadening rate than the columns. The transition from rods to columns
within the framework of the SZM. For this purpose, the growth temper- is due to a transition from a 2D to a 3D island growth mode, as discussed
ature is normalized by the melting point Tm of the deposited material, to in more detail below.
yield the homologous growth temperature θ= Ts /Tm. At low tempera- Suzuki et al. also reported the microstructure of Fe deposited by
ture, GLAD layers consist of high-aspect-ratio rods. Increasing θ leads to GLAD as a function of Ts [50]. They found conventional GLAD columns
a continuous increase in their width. This is exacerbated by anomalous at Ts ≤ 300 °C and irregular microstructures with protrusions for
broadening at θ>~0.24, resulting in relatively broad columns. Growth Ts ≥ 330 °C. In addition, whiskers start to develop above 330 °C, indi-
competition at θ >~0.35 yields protrusions that extend above the surface cating that surface diffusion is sufficient for whisker formation at
of the surrounding film. At θ >~0.5, considerable mass transport results 330 °C (θ = 0.33), while the columnar microstructure with protru-
in approximately equiaxed grains and, for many metals, in the formation sions suggests that atomic shadowing dominates over surface diffu-
of whiskers. In contrast to the structure zone model for normal deposi- sion in determining the overall microstructural development up to
tion, GLAD results in highly underdense microstructures up to θ~ 0.5. θ ~ 0.44 for Fe [49,50], as indicated in Fig. 1 for the Fe melting point
That is, there is a direct transition from a Zone I to a Zone III microstruc- of 1811 K.
ture, while Zone II is suppressed due to the large shadowing length scale Deniz et al. [51] studied the microstructure of various metals and ox-
that limits the densification through surface diffusion for θ =0.3–0.5. ides deposited by GLAD as a function of Ts. They introduced the interesting
concept of a threshold temperature ΘT above which no nanostructuring
2. Experimental data occurs. The deposited layers are considered “nanostructured” if they
consist of nanostructures that are separated by >2 nm and exhibit a
In this section, we summarize and discuss previously reported mi- height-to-width aspect ratio of ~10 or more. This is a good definition
crostructural data of GLAD layers as a function of Ts. The temperature from a practical perspective, as it provides the useful temperature regime
dependence of GLAD microstructures has only relatively recently over which arrays of distinct GLAD nanostructure arrays can be deposited.
gained interest. Thus, most data that is discussed in this section has In the context of the current discussion, microstructures characterized by
been reported within the last five years and stems primarily from four rods or columns are considered to be “nanostructured”, as they consist of
different research groups, including our own. It includes GLAD layers well-separated structures that exhibit a large height-to-width aspect
deposited by sputtering and by evaporation from angles α ≥ 80°, with ratio. In contrast, protrusions and equiaxed grains do not satisfy the
typically a continuously rotating substrate such that the net nanostruc- “nanostructuring” definition by Deniz et al., since the width of the
ture growth direction is perpendicular to the substrate surface. The pri- protrusions can approach their height, and equiaxed grains have an aspect
mary focus of this discussion is to understand the impact of increasing ratio of ~1 and also exhibit no gap between them. Thus, within the se-
surface diffusion, facilitated by increasing θ, on the microstructural de- quence of microstructures with increasing temperature from r to c to p
velopment of layers deposited by GLAD. Other deposition parameters,
including the angular distribution of the deposition flux as well as
growth rate and substrate rotation rate may also affect the microstruc-
ture but are, for clarity purposes, not discussed here. Instead, our partic-
ular interest is in temperature-induced qualitative changes in the
microstructure which are observable for various material systems and
scale with the homologous deposition temperature. They are all a direct
result of the competition between atomic shadowing and surface
High temperature GLAD was pioneered by Suzuki et al., [47,48]
who reported Al layer microstructures which exhibit rough surfaces,
approximately equiaxed grains, and whiskers. They attribute the mi-
crostructural evolution to diffusion at elevated temperatures [47]
which suppresses the formation of separated columns typical for
low-temperature GLAD. Similarly, the formation of whiskers is also
facilitated by considerable diffusion [48], and is reported for various
other metals including Cu, Ag, Au, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn deposited
at 390 °C [49,50]. Comparing the reported micrographs for Al as a
function of temperature indicates a transition from a microstructure
that is dominated by separated columns at Ts = 85 °C to a continuous
layer with whiskers at Ts = 290 °C [48]. This indicates a transition
from a shadowing dominated to a diffusion-dominated microstruc-
tural development. At an intermediate temperature of Ts = 180 °C,
Al layers are porous and exhibit a columnar microstructure. However,
their surface is very rough and the columns are of irregular shape,
with some columns extending well above the column tips of their Fig. 1. High-temperature GLAD microstructural data from Refs. [23,32,33,43–54,59] for
neighbors [48], a microstructural feature that we refer to as protrusions metallic and non-metallic systems classified into four zones: rods r, columns c, protrusions
p, and equiaxed e grains. Microstructures that exhibit whiskers w are also labeled. The
[33]. These results are summarized in Fig. 1, which is a plot that includes y-axis corresponds to the melting point Tm and the x-axis shows the homologous deposi-
the microstructural information from all temperature dependent GLAD tion temperature θ=Ts /Tm. Each row of data points is labeled on the right, indicating the
data discussed in this section. For the case of aluminum deposited by material as well as the relevant references. Italic symbols indicate non-metallic systems.
160 S. Mukherjee, D. Gall / Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163

to e, the threshold temperature ΘT lies at the boundary between c and p. room temperature, corresponding to θ = 0.09. They have a total height
Fig. 1 includes data from Deniz et al. [51] for various metals, Sn, Al, Au, of 500 nm and their width increases with height, following a power
Ru, and W, as well as oxides RuO2, SnO2, and WO3. For Sn and Al, law with p = 0.43, reaching a width of 100 nm near the top. Increasing
room temperature deposition is already above ΘT, leading to e and p mi- Ts results in an increase in the width at a given height [43] and a de-
crostructures, respectively. In contrast, room temperature corresponds crease in the broadening rate [44], which is due to a reduction in the
to θ = 0.11 and 0.08 for Ru and W, yielding rods for both of these growth front roughness and hence a reduced self-shadowing of the
high-melting point metals. Au was studied as a function of Ts. It exhibits nanorods with increasing adatom mobility [45]. However, for metallic
columns up to θ = 0.32, protrusions from θ = 0.32–0.38, and equiaxed systems there exists a critical homologous temperature θc at which
grains for θ ≥0.48. RuO2, which has a melting point of 1473 K, shows the surface roughness of the growth front increases due to a change
a sequence from r to c to p to e for θ = 0.35 to 0.43 to 0.50 to 0.58. from a 2D to a 3D island growth mode. This leads to a discontinuity in
That is, ΘT is between θ = 0.43–0.50, which is considerably higher the p vs θ curve, that is, p increases steeply at the transition temperature
than for metals, with ΘT ~ 0.33. This is attributed to the covalent bonding θc [44,45]. Within the context of this paper, the transition from r to c mi-
and the related surface reconstruction, which yields a higher homolo- crostructures is defined by this transition of the growth mode. Accord-
gous activation energy for surface diffusion (Em / kTm) [43], and is also ingly, Fig. 1 includes the data from Cr, Nb, and Ta layers from Ref. [45] for
consistent with the data for WO3 and SnO2, which show columns for all a large range of θ values. Based on the plot, the transition from r to c oc-
reported temperatures Ts ≤866 K [51], indicating ΘT >0.50 and>0.45, curs between θ = 0.20 and 0.26 for most metals, which is in good agree-
respectively. Fig. 1 shows overlaying c and p symbols for these oxides, ment with previously published values for the critical temperature of
as the published micrographs do not clearly indicate if some columns ex- θc = 0.20 ± 0.03 from Ref. [43] and θc = 0.24± 0.02 from Ref. [45]. We
hibit protrusions. Also, italic symbols are used for these covalently bond- note here that the distinction between r and c is in principle rigorous,
ed materials, in order to distinguish the data from the majority of metals based on statistical analyses of the nanostructure width vs height
presented in Fig. 1. data. However, for many studies included in Fig. 1, such detailed data
Khare et al. has reported GLAD microstructures of Ag and Ge de- in not available and the classification into r or c microstructures includes
posited at 300–623 K [52–54]. Room temperature deposition of Ag, considerable uncertainty, as it is based on the observed nanostructure
which corresponds to θ = 0.24, leads to a columnar microstructure. width and apparent broadening rate from published micrographs.
In contrast, deposition at 573 and 623 K, corresponding to θ = 0.46 Fig. 2(b) shows an example of a c microstructure, from Cr deposited at
and 0.50, respectively, results in equiaxed grains with approximately Ts =350 °C corresponding to θ=0.29. The columns have a maximum
semi-spherical shapes, indicating considerable mass transport and a height of 860 nm. They are 2.6 times wider than the Ta rods in Fig. 2(a),
tendency for dewetting on the higher-surface-energy Si substrate. at a fixed height of 500 nm. The Cr columns also exhibit stronger broad-
Such deposition at high temperature also leads to the formation of ening, with p=0.53. Based on the argument above, this large p value is
whiskers, which are preferentially formed when the deposition flux attributed to θ>θc.
is collimated, likely due to the related higher average deposition Increasing the homologous temperature further results in an in-
angle and/or lower deposition rate. Khare et al. also found that the creasing mass transport on the growth front which causes secondary
column width at low temperature can be increased by initial sub- shadowing instabilities. In particular, a nanostructure may develop a
strate pattering. The effect of patterning prior to GLAD has been studied height that is sufficiently above those of its neighbors such that it cap-
by various researchers [53,59], and has been found to affect the broad- tures an overproportional fraction of the deposition flux, resulting in
ening rate due to the initially lower intercolumnar competition [32,33]. exacerbated growth both perpendicular and parallel to the substrate
This makes a distinction between r and c microstructures typically less surface. This leads to the development of protrusions which develop
obvious. The micrographs of Ge layers reported by Khare et al. indicate on top of columns and may be considerably wider and taller than
columns for θ = 0.25–0.39, protrusions for θ = 0.47, and equiaxed grains the columns themselves. For example, we reported a p microstruc-
at θ = 0.51 [54]. This suggests that Ge exhibits a microstructural trend ture for Ta growth at Ts = 900 °C (θ = 0.36), where the protrusions
similar to the metals discussed above, despite the transition from an are twice as wide and three times as tall as the surrounding columns
amorphous to a crystalline microstructure with increasing θ. In addi- [33]. The micrograph in Fig. 2(c) shows comparable protrusions, for
tion, they also report an increasing probability for column merging the case of Nb deposition at Ts = 850 °C, corresponding to θ = 0.41.
with increasing θ, consistent with previous work from our group on The overall microstructure is columnar, however, with a very rough
Ta columns which show an increase in the probability for merging surface and columns of irregular shape. In particular, the micrograph
from negligible at 473 K to 20% at 973 K [33]. Related work by Patzig shows various “regular” grains that are 100–300 nm wide and 200–
et al. on Si shows that the nanostructure width increases from 115 to 400 nm tall, but also a few grains with a ten times larger volume
140 nm with Ts increasing from room temperature to 633 K [46]. The and a width and height of 600 and 1000 nm, respectively, exhibiting
broadening is found to be qualitatively similar for GLAD columns, spi- pointed sharp tops. We refer to these grains as protrusions, as they ex-
rals, and screws, suggesting that an understanding of the temperature tend well above the surrounding layer.
effects for GLAD rods/columns can likely be extended to include more Similar to the reports by Suzuki et al. discussed above and summa-
complex GLAD nanostructure shapes. This work by Patzig et al. is con- rized in Fig. 1, we have also observed the development of a microstruc-
sistent with data by Karabacak et al., who found an r microstructure ture with equiaxed grains and whiskers for growth temperatures larger
and a growth exponent p =0.32 for Si growth at room temperature than approximately half the melting point. Fig. 2(d) is an example of
[23]. This data as well as room temperature data for Cu, Co, and W an e and w microstructure, showing an Al GLAD layer deposited at
from the same Ref. [23] are also included in Fig. 1. Ts = 250 °C, corresponding to θ = 0.56. This layer has a thickness of
Our own work on the temperature effects during GLAD has primar- 1.2 μm, but shows 1–2 μm wide rod-shaped whiskers that extend
ily focused on statistically analyzing the nanostructure width distribu- 3–10 μm above the layer. The surface is rough with facets that ap-
tion for metal layers including Al, Cr, Nb, and Ta [43–45] as well as on proach the size of the layer thickness, indicating a microstructure
growth competition [32,33] and probabilities for column branching with equiaxed grains.
and merging [18,29,33,60]. Fig. 2 shows micrographs of typical GLAD
nanostructures deposited from an angle of 84° onto continuously rotat- 3. Discussion of the structure zone model
ing Si(001) substrates. The microstructures are comparable to those de-
scribed and discussed in detail in Refs. [44,45]. Here, they are primarily Fig. 3(a) shows the SZM initially proposed by Movchan and
shown to illustrate the characteristic r, c, p and w microstructural fea- Demchishin (MD) [15] and later revised by Thornton [1] for metallic
tures with increasing θ. The Ta rods in Fig. 2(a) were deposited at layers grown by PVD as a function of increasing homologous temperature
S. Mukherjee, D. Gall / Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163 161

Fig. 2. Cross-sectional SEM micrographs from Ta, Cr, Nb, and Al GLAD layers deposited with continuous substrate rotation at homologous temperatures θ = Ts /Tm = 0.09, 0.29, 0.41,
and 0.56, showing typical microstructural features including (a) rods, (b) columns, (c) protrusions, and (d) equiaxed grains with whiskers.

θ=Ts/Tm. Increasing temperature (or in some cases ion bombardment) growth with a low adatom mobility at low Ts that leads to the forma-
causes an increase in the diffusion length scale which results, in turn, in tion of columnar structures. Zone Ib occurs at low Ts but in the pres-
changing microstructures that are divided into 3 Zones I, II and III [15]. ence of ion bombardment, which increases the adatom mobility and
Each zone has its unique texture, porosity and range of process parame- leads to densification of the columnar structure. Zone Ic occurs at
ters [2]. slightly higher Ts, sufficient to cause adatom motion and the forma-
Shadowing controls the film microstructure and texture in Zone I, tion of crystalline islands. This leads to faceted columnar structures
and the film is columnar with tapered voids between columns [2]. with facets being planes with the lowest crystallographic growth
The structure in Zone I has been further classified into Zone Ia, Ib rate [5]. In Zone II, surface diffusion is the leading process that con-
and Ic in an extended SZM [5]. Zone Ia is characterized by ballistic trols morphological evolution, and the film consists of columnar
grains with defined dense grain boundaries, faceted top surfaces,
and an increased grain width. In Zone III, the microstructure is
governed by bulk diffusion, and the microstructure exhibits equiaxed
grains. The relative position of the zones in the SZM varies with the
deposition parameters and material system under consideration
[5]. Thornton, extended the initial MD model by adding the deposi-
tion pressure as a parameter to describe the effect of adatom mo-
bility induced by energetic particle bombardment in a sputtering
system [2]. In Thornton's model, an additional transition zone T be-
tween Zones I and II is included. Films in Zone T exhibit a fibrous
texture, as in Zone I, however, they show no voids and domes,
due to the additional adatom transport associated with energetic
Fig. 3(b) is a corresponding schematic, illustrating qualitative
changes with increasing homologous deposition temperatures θ of
the microstructure of GLAD layers deposited with substrate rotation.
It is based on the experimental observations summarized above,
which show distinct microstructural features, in particular rods,
columns, protrusions, equiaxed grains, and whiskers. At low tempera-
tures, the microstructure is characterized by well separated rods.
The rods are self-affine structures with an average width that follows
a power law relation with the height as described in Eq. (1) [23,45].
At the zero-temperature limit (θ = 0), the growth exponent p tends
to an analytical value of 0.5, which is an average of the two in-plane
orthogonal exponents during GLAD with a stationery substrate [23].
Also, in the absence of surface diffusion at θ = 0, the morphology is ma-
Fig. 3. (a) Structure zone model for thin films deposited by physical vapor deposition with terial independent and is governed by geometric shadowing alone [43],
a normal deposition flux [2,15]. The x-axis shows the homologous deposition temperature
θ=Ts /Tm. (b) Corresponding schematic for layers deposited by glancing angle deposition
comparable to Zone Ia in the SZM. Fig. 3(b) also shows some rods that
with continuous substrate rotation, showing rods r, columns c, protrusions p, equiaxed are shorter than their neighbors. Their growth was terminated prema-
grains e, and whiskers w. turely due to intercolumnar shadowing competition which has been
162 S. Mukherjee, D. Gall / Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163

reported to cause rod extinction [32,33], and provides space for broad- growth of whiskers is facilitated by the over-proportionally large fraction
ening of the neighboring rods, i.e. p > 0. of the glancing deposition flux that impinges on whiskers rather than
Increasing θ increases the diffusion length-scale and results in a onto the vertical surface.
faceted columnar structure with a high level of porosity, resembling Comparing Fig. 3(a) and (b) indicates that the microstructure for
the Zone I structure with a normal incident deposition flux. The normal deposition [Fig. 3(a)] is similar to that for oblique deposition an-
higher adatom mobility at higher θ also increases the width of the gles [Fig. 3(b)], for both the low and high temperature limits, but the
rods at a given height [43], similar to the increasing columnar width microstructures qualitatively differ in the intermediate temperature
in the SZM. The broadening rate or p decreases with increasing θ, range. We attribute the resemblance at low θ to a dominance of atomic
due to a reduction in growth front roughness of individual rods shadowing, irrespective of deposition angle. Therefore, GLAD micro-
which, in turn, reduces rod self-shadowing. At a critical homologous structures at low θ qualitatively resemble a Zone I microstructure,
temperature θc = 0.24 ± 0.02 for metallic systems [45], a change which is underdense and exhibits separated columns, with the quanti-
from 2D to 3D island growth mode occurs as the adatoms overcome tative difference being the degree of porosity, which is considerably
the Ehrlich–Schwoebel barrier [61,62], leading to an increase in the larger for GLAD. Similarly, we attribute the resemblance at high θ to a
roughness of the nanorod growth fronts. This dramatically increases dominance of atomic diffusion, irrespective of deposition angle. Conse-
the self-shadowing and consequently the nanostructure broadening quently, GLAD layers deposited at θ > 0.5 show an equiaxed grain struc-
rate, such that we refer to microstructures grown above θc as col- ture, similar to a Zone III microstructure, with a noteworthy distinction
umns. The easy observable difference between rods and columns is that GLAD layers have a higher tendency for whisker formation.
the width, which is larger for the columns. However, the fundamental At intermediate deposition temperatures of approximately
difference is their broadening rate with increasing height. This rate is 0.3 b θ b 0.5, the deposition angle strongly affects the competition be-
quantified by p, which is 0.39 and 0.80 just below and above θc for tween diffusion and shadowing processes. This leads to qualitatively
rods and columns, respectively [44,45]. Increasing θ (>θc) results in different microstructures in Fig. 3(a) and (b): for normal deposition,
a gradual decrease of p from the anomalous high value at θc. This is at- surface diffusion processes densify grain boundaries, leading to a
tributed to a decreasing roughness of the growth front with increas- dense columnar Zone II microstructure. In contrast, GLAD causes strong
ing diffusion length. That is, for θ > θc, the column broadening rate atomic shadowing effects, resulting in underdense microstructures
decreases with increasing θ, while the column width at a constant h with well separated columns and, particularly at high θ, irregular pro-
increases with increasing θ. trusions. That is, GLAD layers resemble underdense Zone I microstruc-
Increasing θ further to ~ 0.35 results in the development of protru- tures for θ up to ~0.5, above which there is a direct transition to a
sions. Protrusions are microstructural features that extend a column Zone III microstructure.
above the tips of the neighboring columns. They are typically consid- In the context of discussing the competition between shadowing
erably wider than the columns and exhibit irregular shapes with and surface diffusion, we note a fundamental difference in the length
strong broadening. We attribute the formation of protrusions to the scale of these two competing processes: the surface diffusion length is
larger diffusion length which causes an increase in the lateral length primarily determined by θ. That is, it is constant for given deposition
scale of surface mounds on the growth front of individual columns. conditions and a given material system. In contrast, atomic shadowing
This, in turn, leads to a chaotic instability where the surface mound is purely geometric and therefore scales with the length scale of the sur-
on one column extends vertically and captures an over-proportional face morphological features. Thus, with increasing layer thickness,
fraction of the deposition flux in comparison to the neighboring col- when both the vertical and lateral length scales of the surface roughness
umns. Consequently, this column will grow at a higher rate than its increase, the length scale of atomic shadowing also increases and ulti-
neighbors and, once its height is clearly above its neighbors, it will ex- mately dominates over surface diffusion, which has a constant length
hibit a strong lateral growth rate, leading to strong broadening and scale. Therefore, for any given θ, there is a critical layer thickness
the formation of irregularly shaped protrusions. The onset tempera- above which the length scale of atomic shadowing will be larger than
ture for the formation of protrusions coincides with the threshold that for surface diffusion, leading to a shadowing dominated micro-
temperature for nanostructuring, that has been introduced by Deniz structure. This argument is independent of the deposition angle and
et al. [51]. According to their study and also evident from Fig. 1, the suggests that shadowing always wins, as long as the deposition flux
transition from columns to protrusions occurs at θ = 0.30–0.35 for has an oblique component and the thickness is sufficiently large. There-
various metals. In contrast, ceramics including RuO2, WO3 and SnO2 fore, the structure zone model in Fig. 3 is, in principle, dependent on the
exhibit higher threshold temperatures of ΘT = 0.4–0.5. As discussed thickness of the deposited layer. However, the realistic layer thicknesses
above, this is related to the ratio of the activation energy for surface over which a discussion of microstructural development is reasonably
diffusion over the melting temperature, which is typically higher for useful is also limited by practical aspects. In particular, thin films that
covalently bonded materials than for metals, and is also typically are thinner than ~30 nm have a microstructure that is primarily deter-
higher for compounds than for pure elements. mined by nucleation processes which are not described by the SZM. On
As θ is increased above ≈0.5, the surface and/or bulk diffusion the other hand, the range of achievable PVD deposition rates also limits
length becomes comparable or greater than the length scale for the maximum thickness, with many applications having thicknesses in
shadowing interactions for any realistic layer thickness. Thus, diffusion the ~1 μm range, and almost all thin films being thinner than 100 μm.
starts to dominate the microstructural evolution, causing a transition Thus, the structure zone model in Fig. 3 should be considered applicable
from a Zone I to a Zone III microstructure, as illustrated in Fig. 3(b). At for thin films with thickness from ~100 nm to ~10 μm, since all data
approximately the same temperature, many metals also form whiskers. discussed in this manuscript are for layers in that thickness range. A con-
Whiskers may nucleate at a crystalline defect or impurity and form due siderable increase in thickness yields, in principle, a shift of transition-
to a not-well-understood strong preferential growth along certain crys- temperatures to smaller θ values.
talline orientations. While their formation is not well understood, it is
clear that they only occur if there is considerable surface and/or bulk 4. Conclusions
mass transport. This is consistent with the observation, also evident in
Fig. 1, that they only form at relatively large θ > 0.4. Also, based on The morphology evolution of GLAD layers as a function of increasing
Refs. [47,48], a large deposition angle is required for their formation. substrate temperature is described by four distinct zones: rods, columns,
We attribute this to two possible mechanisms: (i) the large surface protrusions and equiaxed grains with whiskers. Well separated, self-
roughness associated with strong shadowing conditions results in a con- affine columnar rods with high aspect ratio grow under conditions of
siderably higher probability for the nucleation of whiskers; or (ii) the limited surface diffusion. The self-affinity of the rods is manifested by
S. Mukherjee, D. Gall / Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 158–163 163

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