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TGH: Prologue

In the Shadow


"And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered, and the Shadow
shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand
upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth
are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide...

Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born before and
shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there shall be
wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the
people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that
bind. Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon
Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light.
Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation.

—from The Karaethon Cycle:

The Prophecies of the Dragon,
as translated by Ellaine Marise'idin Alshinn,
Chief Librarian at the Court of Arafel,
in the Year of Grace 231
of the New Era, the Third Age"

Jaichim Carridin POV - Bors attends the Darkfriend Social. There are a hundred
attendees from all over the Westlands.1 They are in a large room with no windows.
Blank-eyed servants offer refreshments.2 He tries to identify some of his companions:

 an Illianer noblewoman wearing a low cut scarlet dress and golden slippers,
 a figure in a gray cloak and hood,
 a Domani woman with a swan neck and very long black hair wearing a golden
bracelet identifying her House,
 a right handed Shienaran soldier wearing a sky blue coat,3
 people from Kandor, Cairhien, Saldaea and Ghealdan,
 a Tinker wearing green pants and a yellow coat,4
 a Tairen High Lord with silver worked boots,5
 an Andoran Queen's Guard with golden lion-head spurs,6
 a Sea Folk man, very slender, with a six-pointed star tattoo on his right hand,
 two Aes Sedai.7
The doors to the room open and two Trollocs enter followed by a Myrddraal. The
Myrddraal smiles8 and announces that their Master comes. A man appears. Bors
wonders if it is the Dark One himself or if one of the Forsaken is now free. The man
identifies himself as Ba'alzamon and says the room is near Shayol Ghul.9 He shows
them images of Rand, Mat and Perrin. He tells them the Dragon is reborn and that it is
better if the Dragon is turned to serve him. Ba'alzamon gives individual orders. The
Illianer woman nods eagerly. The Sea Folk man is reluctant. The Shienaran looks
confused. One of the Aes Sedai is shocked. Ba'alzamon tells Bors to return to
Tarabon, continue his good works, watch for the three boys and keep quiet about
those who have landed at Toman Head.10 Bors sees a series of images- the Shayol
Ghul sky, a young woman dressed in white, a raven, a Seanchan soldier, the Horn, a
wolf. Ba'alzamon has implanted secret commands.11 Bors returns to his room and
dons his clothes. He is a Whitecloak Questioner.

1. Did Ishamael bring each one by Traveling or was some other method of
transportation used?
2. They are zomaran. (KoD,Ch3)
3. Robert Jordan confirmed that Ingtar was present.
4. It is unlikely that this is Aram as we never saw any evidence that he is a
5. Possibly Weiramon?
6. Possibly Daved Hanlon?
7. One of them is Liandrin. (TSR,Ch38)
8. The Myrddraal smiles. Is this the same early version of Shaidar Haran?
(TEotW,Ch17, TGH,Ch6, TDR,Prologue)
9. Which brings the question, how did they all get there? Did Ba'alzamon Travel
to bring each one, or is there some other mechanism?
10. The Seanchan.
11. One of these will come into effect much later. (ACoS,Ch15)

TGH: Chapter 1

The Flame of Tar Valon

Rand POV - It is early summer. A wind blows out of the Mountains of Dhoom,
across the Blight and to Fal Dara where Lan and Rand are practicing swords on top of
one of the towers. The wind seems to turn solid and throws Rand into Lan's practice
sword injuring him.1 It has been a month since Rand meant to leave. Lan tells Rand
his sword is One Power wrought.2 Rand finally admits that he has stayed because of
Moiraine, but she will not talk to him. In fact she disappeared. Lan tells him she
returned last night.3 They hear drums. Lan says it is the Amyrlin Seat and other Aes
Sedai. He says Ingtar is also with them.4 Lan and Rand go back inside the keep.

1. Per Robert Jordan this is the one of the first bubbles of evil, a smaller version
of the ones that hit the Stone of Tear in TSR,Ch2.
2. Lan's sword is also One Power wrought. (TEotW,Ch47, NS,Ch1)
3. How long was she gone and where did she go?
4. Why is Ingtar with them?

TGH: Chapter 2

The Welcome

Rand POV - Rand hurries through Fal Dara on the way to his room. The people he
passes along the way keep mentioning that the Amyrlin is there for him and his
friends. He finds Elansu, the shatayan, and seven other women collecting his clothes
as well as Mat's and Perrin's. They are working under orders from Moiraine. She
ordered every stitch of old clothing removed.1 Lady Amalisa had new clothes made
for them. Rand's new clothes are elegant like a lord's with embroidery of herons and
serpents with four legs and a lion's mane. Rand particularly misses his boots which
were made by Alwyn al'Van, the Emond's Field cobbler. Rand prepares a pack to
leave, gathering as much as he can. Hidden under Rand's bed is a gleeman's cloak
containing two cases. One has a harp and the other a flute.2 He includes these as well.
Rand heads for the north stables, the Lord's Stables, where Red is. On his way, he
crosses the main courtyard. The courtyard is filled with people watching the arrival of
the Amyrlin. The arriving procession includes sixteen Aes Sedai3 and fourteen
Warders.4 Lord Agelmar and Ronan, the shambayan, greet the Amyrlin. Rand feels as
though he has been touched when the Amyrlin's gaze passes over him.5 He hurries on.
At the stables, Tema greets him as a lord.6 Rand asks him for his horse, but Tema
explains that he just received orders that no horse may leave from any stable. The
gates are closed as well. Rand asks if the order came from Lord Agelmar. Tema
explains that he did not receive the order directly, but who else would issue such an
order?7 The bells in the tower ring to announce that the Welcome is finished. Rand
takes off running.

1. Traces may have fallen into the hands of Shadowspawn that would allow them
to be tracked. (TGH,Ch5)
2. The cloak and its contents were Thom's.
3. The Aes Sedai and their Warders include:
o Siuan Sanche - Amyrlin Seat - Alric
o Leane Sharif - Keeper of the Chronicles οΏ½ no Warder
o Alanna Mosvani - Green Ajah - Ihvon and Owein
o Alviarin - White Ajah
o Anaiya - Blue Ajah οΏ½ Setagana
o Carlinya - White Ajah οΏ½ no Warder
o Liandrin - Red Ajah
o Maigan - Blue Ajah
o Serafelle - Brown Ajah
o Verin Mathwin - Brown Ajah - Tomas
4. The original text stated that there were also sixteen Warders. The two Green
Ajah sisters have four Warders with them. (TGH,Ch12) With none for the
Reds, that means every other Aes Sedai has a Warder to total sixteen, yet
Leane's Warder, Anjen, died fifteen years ago and she never bonded another.
(LoC,Ch30) Also, we learn in CoT,Ch16 that Carlinya has no Warder either.
The count has been corrected to fourteen in the most recent printings.
5. Siuan later recounts her viewpoint. (TGH,Ch5)
6. The Shienarans consider Rand a lord although he denies it continuously. We
learn that from Lan that the royal 'al' names him king according to Malkieri
7. It was not Agelmar. (TGH,Ch6) Most likely it was Moiraine.

TGH: Chapter 3

Friends and Enemies

Rand POV - Leaving the stable, Rand first goes to the nearby sally gate. Ragan and
Masema confirm that no one is to leave. They got their orders from Uno. Rand tries
the Carters' Gate and the Dog Gate, but they are both locked and guarded as well.
Rand recalls Thom telling him that gentled men die soon. Only Lan, Moiraine,
Nynaeve and Egwene know he can channel. In the armorer's forge, Rand feels
watched, smells decay and hears laughter.1 The feeling follows him. He meets Mat,
Perrin and Loial with more soldiers. Mat has discovered his luck at dice. Rand warns
them that Moiraine ordered new clothes for them so Elansu will be after them. Rand
asks Loial if he knows a way out, but Loial tells him the original city of Mafal
Dadaranell was destroyed in the Trolloc Wars. Rand tells them to stay away, trying to
anger them so they will not follow him. He runs into Egwene. She is acting more like
an Aes Sedai. She suggests hiding in the dungeon. She and Nynaeve have been
visiting Fain. Moiraine did not tell them not to. In the dungeon, the guards, Changu
and Nidao, and two other prisoners are rude and mean.2 Fain says he can feel Rand.
He says, "They are coming for me, and they're coming for you. Mordeth knows more
than all of you."3 He keeps looking at the ceiling in the direction of the women's
apartments where Moiraine and the Amyrlin are.4 Egwene offers to hide him in the
women's apartments and they leave the dungeon.

1. No indication of what this might be. Fain? The Gray Man? One of the
2. Already Fain is contaminating those near him.
3. The first proof of Fain's merging with Mordeth.
4. Is there someone else in particular that he can sense? Liandrin? Alviarin?

TGH: Chapter 4


Moiraine POV - Moiraine is alone in her room. She has a small leather pouch.1 She
grew up in the Sun Palace in Cairhien. She wonders why Siuan came herself and who
is with her. Many Aes Sedai know she can eavesdrop. Two Aes Sedai knock on her
door, Anaiya of the Blue Ajah and Liandrin of the Red Ajah. Anaiya and Moiraine are
friends. As they head for the audience with the Amyrlin, Anaiya and Liandrin tell
Moiraine what is happening in the world. Anaiya says Moiraine has been gone from
the White Tower too long. Liandrin says there are three more false Dragons in
Saldaea,2 Murandy and Tear, but only the one in Saldaea can channel. Moiraine notes
that there were three others in the last two years. Logain is now gentled in Tar Valon.
The two others in Kandor and Arad Doman could not channel.3 The one in Murandy
has been captured while the one in Tear is hiding in Haddon Mirk. Murandy barely
holds together as a country. Its citizens call themselves Lugarders or Inishlinni. They
meet Lady Amalisa. Moiraine has known her a long time. Amalisa calls King Easar
Magami = Little Uncle. Moiraine sees Egwene hiding Rand and thinks she could be
Amyrlin.4 Moiraine notices Liandrin being friendly with Amalisa and wonders what
she is up to. Morgase and Gareth Bryne have Andor under control. Elayne and Gawyn
are in Tar Valon. Whitecloaks followed them all the way from Caemlyn to Tar Valon.
The Great Hunt of the Horn has been called in Illian, the first time in four hundred
years. The few Sea Folk Aes Sedai say the Coramoor is coming. The Sea Folk are
also known as Atha'an Miere. There is a rumor about fighting in Toman Head.
Tarabon and Arad Doman have been fighting over Almoth Plain for three hundred
years. They reach the audience chamber. Verin Mathwin and Serafelle of the Brown
Ajah, a slender Yellow,5 Carlinya of the White Ajah and Alanna Mosvani of the
Green Ajah are there. Leane enters and summons Moiraine into the Amyrlin's
chamber. Siuan has the chest with the Horn. Siuan is from the Maule, the port district
in Tear. Siuan says they channeled the weather to get to Fal Dara as fast as possible.
She says Elaida came to Tar Valon with Elayne and Gawyn. The Red Ajah scored
points by Elayne being so strong. Moiraine has seen Elayne6 and says Egwene is as
strong and Nynaeve stronger. Elaida told everyone that Moiraine was messing with a
ta'veren more dangerous than anyone since Artur Hawkwing. Master Gill cooperated
with her. Lord Agelmar already told Siuan about the boys and the Horn. The Sitters
for the Green Ajah proposed that Moiraine should be punished.7 The Green Ajah and
Red Ajah are apparently working together. Four of the last five Amyrlins came from
the Blue Ajah.8 Maigan is the other Blue Ajah delegate. Siuan asks Leane to leave
then wards the room against eavesdropping. Moiraine feels a tingle when Siuan
channels.9 Moiraine, Leane and Siuan were all novices together. Moiraine and Siuan
are old friends and have been planning something dire.10

1. Containing the broken seal.
2. Mazrim Taim
3. This is contrary to previous reports of false Dragons that had them in Illian
and western Andor. (TEotW,Ch3, TEotW,Ch26)
4. More foreshadowing.
5. She is never identified.
6. When did Moiraine see Elayne?
7. The only clearly identified pre-split Sitter for the Green Ajah is Talene Minly.
8. Early printings of TGH incorrectly state that the last five Amyrlins came from
the Blue Ajah. This is corrected in more recent printings.
9. This tingle appears to be unique between Moiraine and Siuan. (NS,Ch3) Most
Aes Sedai clearly sense other women channeling but do not feel a physical
sensation. No idea if it has any significance.
10. Hunting for the Dragon Reborn. (NS)

TGH: Chapter 5

The Shadow in Shienar

Moiraine POV - Moiraine continues talking with Siuan and says Leane will support
her. Two Amyrlins have been stripped, both from the Red Ajah. Tetsuan betrayed
Manetheren out of jealousy of Ellisande. Bonwhin tried to run Hawkwing. Both were
replaced from the Blue Ajah. Their plan was to hide and guide Rand in Tar Valon.
After leaving Tar Valon, Moiraine sent Siuan only two messages, one saying she was
entering the Two Rivers and one from Caemlyn saying they were going to Fal Dara.
Moiraine says Elaida was wrong; Rand is a stronger ta'veren than even Artur
Hawkwing. They examine the Horn of Valere. Agelmar gave it to Siuan as soon as
she arrived. "And prophecy said it would only be found just in time for the Last
Battle." Siuan wonders if Logain or Mazrim Taim could possibly be the real Dragon
Reborn. There are sisters after Taim right now. Moiraine says no. Siuan quotes the
Karaethon Cycle, "For he shall come like the breaking dawn, and shatter the world
again with his coming, and make it anew." Moiraine shows her the broken seal. The
seals were all lost since the Trolloc Wars. Siuan can see ta'veren; Rand blazed like the
sun. Moiraine tells Siuan about Mat's ruby dagger. They will try to Heal him. They
plan to have Rand, Mat and Perrin take the Horn to Illian and have Rand present it to
the Council of Nine. Moiraine has destroyed their clothes and will cleanse them
before they leave so there will be no traces for Shadowspawn to follow. As she
leaves, Moiraine thinks that she is still holding something back from Siuan.1

Geofram Bornhald POV - Geofram Bornhald leads two thousand Whitecloaks into
the village of Alcruna near the Almoth Plain. He recalls his interview with Pedron
Niall in Amador. He has been a Whitecloak for thirty-six years. In Caemlyn he
received orders to return to Amador. He is annoyed, as he thought Morgase was near
to being overthrown. Eamon Valda insisted on following Elayne's procession to Tar
Valon. Dain Bornhald also joined them. Niall told him to take a legion of Whitecloaks
to Alcruna in Tarabon where he would receive further orders.2 He asks if this has to
do with rumors of Artur Hawkwing's army returning, but Niall will not answer. As he
nears Alcruna, he is met by a group of Questioners led by Einor Saren, second in
command to Jaichim Carridin. He tells Geofram Bornhald that there are strangers on
Toman Head who have monsters.3 Geofram Bornhald calls Byar and tells him to lead
the men into Alcruna.

Liandrin POV - As evening approaches, Liandrin enters Lady Amalisa's quarters.

One of her attendants is reading The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird by
Teven Aerwin. Liandrin sends the attendants away. She threatens Amalisa and
Agelmar with talk of Darkfriends. She asks about Moiraine and the Darkfriend, and
then she uses Compulsion on Amalisa and tells her to find the three boys. She says
they must be taken secretly to Tar Valon because of the Black Ajah. Amalisa is
terrified and agrees. As Liandrin leaves, she feels watched.4 Liandrin still has much to
do before dawn. Her orders were explicit.

Padan Fain POV - Padan Fain is sitting in the dark waiting. The door to the outer
guardroom opens and the light outlines a figure in the doorway. Fain says, "You! Not
who I expected. Surprises for everyone, eh?" A lamp comes into his cell chamber. He
whispers, "It isn't over yet. The battle's never over."5

1. She did not tell Siuan that at least some of the Forsaken are loose, but it is not
clear why. (TGH,Ch7)
2. Pedron Niall's grand plan is to reform the nation of Almoth as a Whitecloak
empire then squeeze Tarabon between Almoth and Amadicia. (TDR,Prologue)
3. The Seanchan.
4. This seems to be the same feeling Rand had in TGH,Ch3.
5. In an interview, Robert Jordan stated that Ingtar was the one who freed Fain.
As the cell is dark, it seems that this scene depicts the arrival of Mat and
Egwene. (TGH,Ch6)

TGH: Chapter 6

Dark Prophecy

Rand POV - The same night Rand awakens from a nightmare. Nynaeve is there in
Egwene's room. She tells him Egwene has gone to see Fain. Rand brings up that they
did not ask Moiraine if it was okay. Rand says Lan told him the Amyrlin is here for
him. Nynaeve says women, including Lady Amalisa, are searching the keep.1 He says
he will leave as soon as the gates are opened. Perrin told him there are places in the
Black Hills and Caralain Grass where one can go for days seeing no one.2 Rand
names the Dark One and has an attack of dizziness. There is an alarm; the keep is
under attack. Nynaeve tells him Egwene was going to the dungeon with Mat and
Perrin. Rand rushes out heading for the dungeon. He runs into a Fade that smiles and
comes toward him,3 but Ingtar arrives and tells him to go on. Rand finds the dungeon
unlocked and the guards butchered. There is a note on the door written in blood, "We
will meet again on Toman Head. It is never over, al'Thor."4 Rand scrubs it away.
Liandrin enters the dungeon, asks him what he is doing, and compels him to answer.
Rand resists the Compulsion. Moiraine enters next. They proceed into the dungeon
and find the other two prisoners insane, Fain gone, and Egwene and Mat unconscious.
Moiraine Heals Egwene, then examines Mat. She notes angrily that the ruby dagger is
gone. Liandrin asks, "What dagger?"5 Ingtar enters with some men who take Egwene
to her room and Mat to the Amyrlin's chamber. Ingtar says the Fade escaped.6 The
storeroom was looted and the Horn is gone. Ronan is dead. Ingtar says that Ronan and
twenty men once held Jehaan Tower against a thousand Trollocs. The Darkfriends
and Trollocs entered through the Dog Gate; someone on the inside murdered the
guards and let them in. He says Agelmar just ordered the gates closed. When Rand
asks, Ingtar says he heard nothing about earlier orders. Ragan and Tema would not
have made up something like that.7 Verin and Serafelle enter and examine more
writing on the walls. Verin says some of the writing is by Trollocs, but some is by a
"better hand"8 and they copy it down. As Rand leaves, Lan finds him and tells him he
can go back to his room. He says Moiraine had Agelmar exempt Rand so now he can
leave at any time. He says the choice is up to Rand.

1. Liandrin's orders.
2. Must be information Perrin got from the wolves.
3. The Fade smiles. Is this the same early version of Shaidar Haran?
(TEotW,Ch17, TGH,Prologue, TDR,Prologue)
4. Fain learned of Toman Head from the Myrddraal. With collared channelers
and the Seanchan hierarchy, it seems the ideal place for him to set up a power
base. He heads for Cairhien because the Waygate there is his quickest route to
Toman Head. (Tor Q&A)
5. Implying that she was not involved in freeing Padan Fain.
6. In an interview, Jordan stated that Ingtar was the one who released Fain. It is
probable that Ingtar led the Fade to the dungeons, then it left the castle with
7. So was it Moiraine who ordered the gates closed earlier or someone else?
8. Written by the Myrddraal on orders. (Tor Q&A)

TGH: Chapter 7

Blood Calls Blood

Moiraine POV - The next morning, Moiraine, Siuan, Leane and Verin use the ivory
figurine angreal to partially Heal Mat.1 He cannot be completely Healed without the
ruby dagger. Leane leaves when Mat is carried out to the infirmary. Mat has only
months to live unless the ruby dagger is recovered. Agelmar is sending men to
recover the Horn. They will find the ruby dagger as well. Mat will have to go with
them since he is the only one who can safely carry it. They all wonder why Fain is so
important. Verin says little is known about Dark Prophecy. She reads the Dark

"Daughter of the Night, she walks again.

The ancient war, she yet fights.
Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet serve still.
Who shall stand against her coming?
The Shining Walls shall kneel.
Blood feeds blood.
Blood calls blood.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
The man who channels stands alone.
He gives his friends for sacrifice.
Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal.
Which will he choose? Which will he choose?
What hand shelters? What hand slays?
Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.
Isam waited in the high passes.
The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.
One did live, and one did die, but both are.3
The Time of Change has come.
The Watchers wait on Toman's Head.
The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree.
Death shall sow, and summer burn, before the Great Lord comes.
Death shall reap, and bodies fail, before the Great Lord comes.
Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes.
Now the Great Lord comes.

Verin says Serafelle is the only other one who has seen it. Moiraine asks Verin what
she makes of it. Lanfear means Daughter of the Night in the Old Tongue. Siuan thinks
all the Forsaken are still bound.4 Moiraine thinks she was the most powerful after
Ishamael. She was Lews Therin's lover before Ilyena. Verin says Lord Luc was the
brother of Tigraine, but she does not know Isam. Moiraine knows Isam was son of
Breyan and Lain; he was Lan's cousin. She must keep this from Lan. Verin says the
Do Miere A'vron or Watchers Over the Waves are a community in Falme on Toman
Head who believe Artur Hawkwing's army will return. Hawkwing was also known as
the Hammer of the Light. Moiraine notes that there are rumors of war on Toman
Head. Verin notes that the Sea Folk refuse to cross the Aryth Ocean. She has heard
one reference to "lands under the Shadow, beyond the setting sun, beyond the Aryth
Ocean, where the Armies of the Night reign." About the "ancient tree," the banner of
Almoth was the Tree of Life, Taraboners call themselves the Tree of Man and
Domani claim descent from those who made the Tree of Life. The Time of Change
refers to the end of an Age.5 Finally, Verin notes that the man who channels must be
one of the three boys and is the true Dragon Reborn! Moiraine and Siuan are so
shocked they seize the One Power confirming to Verin that she is right. Verin says
Serafelle only cares for books and does not know. Verin had the cooks leave out treats
for Siuan and Moiraine when they were novices. Verin had her first clue to all this
twenty years ago.6

Perrin POV - Perrin sneaks into the infirmary to visit Mat who is still sleeping. He
was alone in one of the gardens last night so Egwene and Mat never found him. Lady
Timora, one of Amalisa's attendants, found him and reported him to Liandrin. Mat
wakes briefly and remembers nothing of the dungeon. Leane enters. She tells Perrin to
leave, then stops him to check his eyes and Delves him. He lifts her aside and leaves.

Rand POV - Rand is in his room. He did not sleep all night. He started to leave three
times, but stayed because he has to find out about himself. Perrin enters. He is still
mad at Rand. Rand tries to make conversation saying Leane sounds like Master Thane
the way she gives orders. They realize Liandrin was looking for both of them. Perrin
is still angry and leaves. Lan pounds on the door and enters telling Rand he is
summoned to the Amyrlin. He preps Rand to act like a Warder and a Borderlands
lord. Rand asks, but Lan does not really explain why he is helping Rand.7 They leave
to meet the Amyrlin.
1. There are two Yellow Ajah sisters at Fal Dara. Why did they not participate in
the Healing?
2. We learn more about Dark Prophecy in ToM,Ch4. And there is the open
question of whether or not this was really a Foretelling or something made up
for the occasion.
3. Luc and Isam are now two facets of the same being also known as Slayer.
(TSR,Ch28 - TSR,Ch33, WH,Ch22)
4. Why is Moiraine not telling her about Aginor and Balthamel?
5. Bair also refers to the Time of Change at Chaendaer. (TSR,Ch23)
6. We do not know what the clue is, but we get a hint as to where it came from in
7. When Moiraine asks Lan the same thing he says it was probably a ta'veren
effect, but Moiraine suspects it was because of Nynaeve. (TGH,Ch22)

TGH: Chapter 8

The Dragon Reborn

Rand POV - Rand walks with Lan to meet the Amyrlin. They pass Ingtar who looks
troubled, and Kajin who salutes Lan as Tai'shar Malkier = true blood of Malkier.
Nisura, one of Amalisa's attendants, lets them into the women's quarters and they are
led to the Amyrlin's chamber. There are three Aes Sedai outside the room, Leane, a
White,1 and a Yellow.2 Leane lets in Rand alone saying Moiraine has a task for Lan.3
In the chamber are Siuan, Moiraine and Verin. Rand does his Warder act and Siuan
looks annoyed. Verin says Warders are useful. She would not go without Tomas just
as Siuan would not go without Alric. Moiraine says Tam al'Thor left the Two Rivers
as a boy and joined the Illian army. He served in the Whitecloak War, two wars with
Tear, and the Aiel War rising to blademaster and Second Captain of the Companions.
He returned to the Two Rivers with a wife from Caemlyn and an infant.4 Siuan says
Ingtar will leave in a few hours to search for the Horn. Mat will accompany him
because the ruby dagger was stolen and Perrin will probably go, too. She asks if Rand
wants to join them or stay with Lord Agelmar. The Aes Sedai are all leaving today as
well with Egwene and Nynaeve. Rand says he will go with Ingtar. Siuan tells Rand he
is the Dragon Reborn. Rand says he will not be used like Raolin Darksbane, Yurian
Stonebow or Guaire Amalasan. He says Thom told him about them. Moiraine
recounts how, when she and Siuan were Accepted about to be raised, they were with
the Amyrlin5 and her Keeper of the Chronicles, Gitara Moroso. She had a Foretelling,
"He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of
Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He
lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!" Then she dropped
dead. The Amyrlin sent them searching for the Dragon Reborn. Moiraine cites parts
of the Karaethon Cycle, "The Karaethon Cycle says that the Dragon will be reborn on
the slopes of Dragonmount, where he died during the Breaking of the World." And
"He will be of the ancient blood, and raised by the old blood."6 Rand recovers enough
from the shock to say that he will not be used. Siuan cites, "When the winds of
Tarmon Gai'don scour the earth, he will face the Shadow and bring forth Light again
in the world." Rand insists that Ba'alzamon is dead and Siuan tells him he is a fool.
Siuan says he can go. Only the three of them know he is the Dragon Reborn. Rand
says he will not be used and leaves.

Moiraine POV - After Rand leaves, Moiraine, Siuan and Verin agree that they did
what they must and will continue to do so.

Nynaeve POV - Nynaeve feels a storm coming, but it feels wrong and the sky is clear.
She sees Rand leaving the women's quarters. She tries to follow, but loses him. She
asks Nisura where he went, but she does not know. She worries about how Mavra
Mallen is doing with Emond's Field. She comes upon Lan. He gives her his ring and
calls her mashiara = lost love. He leaves saying the Amyrlin is in a hurry to be gone.
Moiraine is suddenly there and tells her to pack. Nynaeve asks what they did with
Rand. Moiraine calmly replies that the Amyrlin was seeing all three boys and no one
else knows. She says all three boys will be riding with Ingtar after the Horn. Nynaeve
sees Ingtar and a bunch of Warders and soldiers gathering in the courtyard. Moiraine
tells Nynaeve she needs to go to Tar Valon if she wants to learn enough to use the
One Power against her, then leaves.

Egwene POV - Egwene is busy packing all the dresses she got from Lady Amalisa.
Nynaeve arrives and they commiserate about leaving. Nisura comes and tells Egwene
that Rand wants to see her. At the entrance to the women's quarters, Rand is waiting
with Agelmar and Kajin. They leave Rand and Egwene alone. She remembers nothing
of last night. They commiserate about leaving and Rand departs. Nisura returns and
says Nynaeve wants her.

1. Either Alviarin or Carlinya.
2. She is never identified.
3. What is the task?
4. Where did Moiraine learn all this?
5. Tamra Ospenya
6. Born of the ancient blood, Aiel, and raised by the old blood, Manetheren.

TGH: Chapter 9

Rand POV - Rand arrives at the outer courtyard of Fal Dara keep where the two
parties prepare to leave. He passes the Amyrlin's party and sees Aldieb and Mandarb
saddled, but Moiraine and Lan are not in sight. Rand joins Ingtar's group and mounts
Red. Some of the other men with Ingtar are Uno, Ragan and Masema.1 Loial joins
Rand on his own horse, then Mat and Perrin ride up. They are annoyed at Rand's
fancy coat, but all of his plain ones disappeared. Lan approaches Rand and Loial and
asks for a moment alone with Rand. He tells Rand about Sheathing the Sword. Siuan
enters the courtyard with Leane and Agelmar. He tries to convince her to stay, to no
avail. He tells her a bard is coming from Mos Shirare and King Easar is coming from
Fal Moran. At Siuan's command, a Warder gallops away from Fal Dara. Loial says
that he heard that she was sending someone to Arad Doman to learn about the trouble
on the Almoth Plain.2 Siuan approaches with Leane and Agelmar. She talks to Ingtar
and Loial wishing them well in their quest to retrieve the Horn. She refers to Loial as
Kiseran, Builder in the Old Tongue. Rand feels watched again. As Red dances, an
arrow narrowly misses Rand, scratches Siuan, and embeds itself in a man standing
behind Siuan.3 Siuan and Rand both realize the arrow was meant for Rand. Leane tries
to Heal the wounded man, but he is already dead. Agelmar is mortified and apologizes
profusely. Siuan gives Ingtar and his men another pep talk, then the Shienarans1 ride
off with Rand, Mat, Perrin and Loial in search of the Horn of Valere and the ruby
dagger. Rand joins Ingtar. Ingtar tells him that Changu and Nidao are gone. They
must be Darkfriends, yet a month ago they saved Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap. He then
introduces Rand to Hurin. Hurin is a sniffer; he can smell and track violence. His job
is to track criminals. The king also has a sniffer in Fal Moran and there is another in
Ankor Dail. He has tracked criminals as far as Maradon and Cairhien. A Brown Ajah
sister once held him in Cairhien for a month trying to figure out how his talent works.
Hurin says he can smell men, Trollocs, Fades and something worse.4 Ingtar expects
the trail to go north, but Hurin says it is south. Surprised, Ingtar notes that the
Amyrlin Seat was right.5 They ride south with Hurin leading the way.

Bayle Domon POV - Bayle Domon walks through Illian. It is the Feast of Teven. The
Great Hunt of the Horn will begin in a few days and there are gleemen and
Illuminators here for the festivities. He crosses the Bridge of Flowers into the port
district called the Perfumed Quarter and enters an inn called Easing the Badger. Nieda
Sidoro is the innkeeper. Nieda's nephew Bili is the bouncer. Domon sits down at a
table and three Cairhienin men approach him. Their coats are striped in silver, scarlet
and gold.6 They want him to bring someone from Mayene to Illian. They offer a
thousand marks, with two hundred up front. They give him the money and a sealed
parchment and then leave. There are Whitecloaks in town as well. Darkfriends have
been after him since before he left Maradon. Yarin Maeldan enters the inn and tells
Domon that Carn, a crewmember, was murdered and that Yarin's room at the Silver
Dolphin was broken into. They gather the crew, go back to the Spray and set sail.
Domon opens the parchment and finds out that it is a death warrant signed by King
Galldrian of Cairhien. All of his possessions are to be seized as well. He puts the
parchment in his secret compartment with the other objects he acquired in Maradon, a
light stick, a fossil skull, an ivory carving of a man holding a sword, and a black and
white disk.7 The man who sold him the carving told him that holding it made him feel
warm, but it does nothing for Domon.8 Domon suspects that it is the disk that they
want, although he is not sure what it is. He bought it from a shopkeeper in Maradon.
He tells Yarin to head in the opposite direction to Toman Head.

1. Others include Masuto (TDR,Ch2), Bartu, Chaena, Nangu and Nengar
(TFoH,Ch38), Mendao, Sakaru and Sar (TFoH,Ch40).
2. Because of the reference to Toman's Head in the Dark Prophecy. (TGH,Ch7)
Presumably the Warder is Alric.
3. The archer was a Gray Man let in by Ingtar. (TGH,Ch46)
4. Fain
5. Does this mean Siuan told Ingtar the trail lay south? If so, how could she
6. Are these the colors of House Riatin or are they the red, yellow and silver of
House Saighan?
7. One of the seals to the Dark One's prison.
8. Could the ivory carving be a ter'angreal or a male angreal?

TGH: Chapter 10

The Hunt Begins

Rand POV - Ingtar leads as the party rides south with Hurin pointing the way. Uno is
second in command.1 Mat and Perrin are still mad at Rand. They ride some and run
some. Loial says he was the fastest runner in Stedding Shangtai. When they stop for
the night, Rand discovers Moiraine had only fancy clothes packed for him. Uno is
much older than Ingtar. Masema fought the Aiel at Ankor Dail and hates Rand
because of his looks. Ingtar admires the Aiel. They were the only ones to defeat Artur
Hawkwing. Loial again reminds Rand of the Aiel battle motto. The next morning they
find a camp with signs of thirty or forty. There are human bones indicating what the
Trollocs had for dinner. The trail heads northeast for an hour, then back south.2 For
two days they follow a zigzag trail, each day finding a body. They come to the Erinin
River and an abandoned village. They think the Trollocs took the people for food.3
Uno spots a woman in white, but then cannot find her.4 Ragan and Masema cross the
river to scout. On the other side they find Changu and Nidao skinned. Now the trail
runs continuously south.5 They are three or four days north of the field of Talidar
where Hawkwing defeated a Trolloc army. There used to be a huge monument there.
They pass the site of Harad Dakar, the capital of Hardan, abandoned three hundred
years ago. Ingtar mentions other old nations: Maredo, Goaban Caralain, Mar Haddon,
Almoth and Kintara. Later, they find another village, also abandoned. Rand enters a
house, sees visions of what happened and feels cold. He embraces the void and the
spell seems to break.6 Uno spots the woman in white again. They find a Fade nailed to
a door.7 They ride south again.

1. Actually Rand is second, per Agelmar's and Moiraine's orders. He is not to be
told until they are south of the Erinin River.
2. Fain losing and regaining control of the Fade. (TGH,Ch11)
3. Actually, it was already empty. No clue as to why. (TGH,Ch11)
4. The first appearance of Lanfear.
5. Fain is now completely in control.
6. During the Knife of Dreams signing tour Robert Jordan disclosed that this was
a trap set by Padan Fain. Rand channeled to escape it. Fain exhibits this ability
to create illusions from the recent past again in Far Madding. (WH,Ch33)
7. Fain's work. (TGH,Ch11)

TGH: Chapter 11

Glimmers of the Pattern

Rand POV - That evening Ingtar calls an early halt. Uno insists to Ragan that he saw
the woman again. Ingtar comes over to Rand with two messages. He was told to
deliver them south of the River Erinin. Moiraine gave Ingtar a package to give to
Rand. Agelmar told him that Rand is second in command. All the Shienaran soldiers
already know. Rand opens the package; it is the Dragon Banner. Mat and Perrin see it
and learn that he is the Dragon Reborn. Mat is upset. Perrin is stoic. Rand gets Red
and beds down near Hurin and Loial, as far from Mat and Perrin and the others as
possible, by a large stone. Loial notes that the stone appears to have been worked and
has vaguely familiar carvings on it.1 Rand puts the re-wrapped Dragon Banner in his
saddlebag and they all go to sleep.

Padan Fain POV - Fain stares northward.2 He thinks about what Ba'alzamon and
Shadar Logoth did to him. He has the ruby dagger. He has twelve Darkfriends and
twenty Trollocs. At first, he fought for control with the Fade who wanted to go north
to Shayol Ghul. At the last village he killed the Fade and let the Trollocs take the
villagers. The first village by the River Erinin was already deserted. Fain lets the
Trollocs slaughter the villagers. He has the golden case containing the Horn, but he
has not figured out how to open it. Fain usually feels Rand, but sometimes he
"vanishes." He did it in Fal Dara.3 Fain laughs that he will meet Rand on Toman Head
and see him dead at last.4

1. By chance, a Portal Stone.
2. Rand's direction.
3. When Rand is holding the void?
4. Cairhien is his first destination because the Waygate there is his fastest route
to Toman Head. (Tor Q&A)

TGH: Chapter 12

Woven in the Pattern

Egwene POV - Egwene and Nynaeve join the Aes Sedai preparing to leave Fal Dara.
Bela is with the Aes Sedai's horses. Siuan cuts off Agelmar's protests and looks at
Egwene and Nynaeve much as Master Padwhin, the Emond's Field carpenter, looks at
his tools. Leane stays with the Amyrlin. All the rest, including Moiraine and Lan,
mount their horses.1 Nynaeve tells Egwene that Ingtar will take care of Rand. They
head west. Each night, the Aes Sedai of each Ajah share a tent and their Warders
sleep outside. The Green Ajah sisters have four between them.2 Lan has another heart
to heart talk with Nynaeve. The first night, Verin gives them lessons in channeling.
She tells Egwene that Moiraine started channeling on her own just like Egwene. She
says they will get lessons every night until Sheriam, the Mistress of Novices, has
charge of them. Other Aes Sedai who give them lessons are Alviarin, Alanna and
Liandrin, though Liandrin just grills them about the three boys. Alanna is also
interested in the boys, particularly Rand.3 Egwene begins having bad dreams about
Rand. They reach the village of Medo on the Mora River. Egwene feels the need to
tell someone about her dreams, so she asks Anaiya where Moiraine is. Anaiya says
Moiraine vanished with Lan two days ago, then Liandrin, then Verin without Tomas.4
Siuan is really angry. Egwene tells Anaiya that Rand is in trouble. Anaiya says either
they have the Horn by now or it is in the Blight.5 Egwene tells her about her dream -
A man with a mask over his face and fire in place of eyes.6 He was surprised to see
her. His look terrified her. She saw Rand sleeping on the ground. A woman stood over
him and she knew she was evil.7 They both vanish in a flash of light. Behind it all was
a feeling of danger, of a trap with many jaws closing. Anaiya thinks Egwene might be
a Dreamer. There has not been one if four or five hundred years. She says Dreaming
is linked to Foretelling. She tells Egwene to board the River Queen. Egwene is certain
Rand is headed south and is in danger.
1. Others in the party not specifically identified include Carlinya, Leane, Maigan
and Serafelle.
2. Two of them are Alanna's Warders, Ihvon and Owein.
3. Why is Alanna particularly interested in Rand? Does she know something she
is not supposed to know?
4. Verin goes after Rand. (TGH,Ch14) Presumably Tomas goes with the rest of
the party back to Tar Valon.
5. So she assumes they went north as well.
6. Ba'alzamon
7. Lanfear

TGH: Chapter 13

From Stone to Stone

Rand POV - The next morning after TGH,Ch11, Rand wakes. Loial and Hurin are
beside him, but the rest are gone. The world looks washed-out. The Portal Stone is
now three spans high, a pace thick and covered with markings. Around the Portal
Stone, seven steps colored like the Ajahs rise to ground level. The surrounding area
looks burned. He wakes Loial and Hurin. Loial now identifies the column as a Portal
Stone, but he never heard of anyone finding one before.1 He says Aes Sedai in the
Age of Legends used them to travel to different worlds. Hurin begs Rand to get them
back. His wife, Melia, would never recover if he just disappeared. Rand tries to
channel at the Portal Stone, but the void shatters like glass. Hurin says he can still
smell the Trolloc trail. It is faint, but he can follow it. Rand recalls Ingtar saying they
were three or four days from Hawkwing's monument and wonders if it exists in this
world.2 They ride south.

1. With Loial being such a scholar this seems odd. There is a Portal Stone just
outside Stedding Tsofu. Verin knows of some. (TGH,Ch36) With a little
research Rand finds four in Tear. (TSR,Ch22)
2. The monument exists, but it marks quite a different victory. (TGH,Ch16)

TGH: Chapter 14

Perrin POV - The next morning after TGH,Ch11, Rand, Hurin and Loial are gone.
Uno reports there are no tracks. Mat suggests they might have run away. Ingtar is in a
fit because he can no longer track the Darkfriends and the Horn. Perrin contacts the
wolves. At first they think he is Long Tooth, Elyas Machera. He sends an image of
himself and learns that he is known as Young Bull. He gives them the smell of Rand,
Hurin and Loial. The wolves say they disappeared yesterday. Perrin went to the
dungeon once with Egwene and Fain smelled worse than a Fade. Perrin sends the
smell of Fain and Trollocs and hears wolves howling. They send back intense hate.
Fain is to the south. He catches some wolf names - Smoke, Two Deer and Winter
Dawn. Perrin goes to Ingtar who is still searching with Ragan, Masema and Uno. He
tells Ingtar he knows that Fain and the Trollocs are still south. Ingtar questions him
and he admits it was wolves. Ingtar remembers hearing about a Warder, Elyas
Machera, who talked to wolves. He says Perrin can lead, but not to tell anybody else.
He tells Perrin to claim he is also a sniffer. They move on south and come to the place
where the villagers were slaughtered. Verin gallops up! '"Moiraine Sedai sent me,
Lord Ingtar," Verin announced with a satisfied smile. "She thought you might need
me."'1 She is suddenly alert when she realizes Rand is not there and asks about him.
Ingtar tells her Rand, Hurin and Loial are gone. She knows Hurin is a sniffer. Ingtar
tells her Perrin is now a sniffer and she is skeptical. She says it is odd that Rand
disappeared last night.2 As they ride south, Verin continues to quiz Ingtar about Rand.
She asks only about Rand, not the Horn.

1. One of the mysteries of Verin. In TGH,Ch49 Moiraine denies sending Verin.
We learn a little more about Verin in TGS,Ch39 but that does not explain this
2. Did she see the Portal Stone?

TGH: Chapter 15


Rand POV - Rand, Loial and Hurin ride south. Rand still has Red. There are more
burned patches. They all run east-west and are narrower at the ends than in the
middle.1 They remind Rand of the way Whatley Eldin from Emond's Field painted
decorations on his cart. He also sees very long, straight clouds.2 Loial stops at a bushy
tree and treesings it into a beautiful staff. The song sounds familiar to Rand.3 When
asked why he made a weapon, Loial responds that the land was glad for a weapon to
be made. Elder Haman would be displeased. As they travel, Hurin says they cross
many paths of violence. That night the moon is almost full. Rand takes the first watch
and softly plays Thom's flute to comfort himself. Late in the night, a fog suddenly
appears and Ba'alzamon is there4 in a black shadow.5 He calls Rand Lews Therin.
When Rand denies it, Ba'alzamon says he has known all of Rand's names in all ages.
Rand is ta'veren and stands out like a beacon in the Pattern.6 Noting Loial and Hurin,
Ba'alzamon muses that Lews Therin always finds odd followers such as the girl who
wants to protect him.7 Rand thinks he might mean Moiraine. Ba'alzamon says some
Aes Sedai follow him. He knows that Moiraine told him he is the Dragon Reborn.8 He
knows that Rand is seeking the Horn of Valere. Ba'alzamon commands Rand to serve
Shai'tan and the dark shadow thickens.5 Ba'alzamon shows Rand his face, which is
horribly burned, but growing new flesh. He offers to teach Rand. Rand refuses and
Ba'alzamon engulfs him in flame, his sword glowing brightly. The fire disappears and
Ba'alzamon is gone, but the hilt of Rand's sword branded a heron on his hand.9 Loial
and Hurin are still asleep. He thinks to himself that he will not channel.

1. Caused by some weapon like a giant magnifying glass that focuses the sun?
2. Sounds very much like contrails.
3. Very strange. Could this be his first memory from Lews Therin?
4. It is not clear if Rand fell asleep and this is a dream (as he thinks) or if
Ishamael somehow found him in the other world.
5. This black shadow surrounding him is some manifestation of the True Power.
6. This is apparently true. Ishamael, at least, can track ta'veren through the
Pattern. (KoD,Ch3)
7. Egwene (TGH,Ch12)
8. Did he get this information from one of the Black Ajah at Fal Dara?
9. The first mark from the Karaethon Cycle.

TGH: Chapter 16

In the Mirror of Darkness

Rand POV - The next morning, Rand hides his injured hand from Loial and Hurin.
He mounts Red and they continue to ride. In an hour, Rand sees a spire. Hurin says
Hawkwing's monument that Ingtar mentioned was a spire like that, but when Agelmar
sent him to Cairhien he saw it and it is now only a mound. As they ride on, they see
that it is the monument, only now it is a monument to a Shadowspawn victory, with
ravens killing a hawk and Trolloc symbols - the horned skull of the Dha'vol, the iron
fist of the Dhai'mon, the trident of the Ko'bal and the whirlwind of the Ahf'frait. Hurin
sees a woman behind them. Loial points out the mountains to the south, Kinslayer's
Dagger, which are more than a hundred leagues south of the River Erinin. Then they
hear a scream in front of them. They ride forward and find a woman fending off a
grolm. Rand kills it with an arrow. She identifies herself as Selene. She is the most
beautiful woman Rand has ever seen and looks about Nynaeve's age.1 She says she is
from Cairhien. She stopped for a nap and woke in this world. Hurin slips and says
they are following Darkfriends who stole the Horn of Valere. Selene wants to touch it
when they find it. She begins urging Rand to keep the Horn with images of glory. She
rubs an ointment on Rand's burned palm and it feels much better.2 He asks if she is
Aes Sedai and she sneers at the idea. He keeps reminding himself that he loves
Egwene. They continue riding south and Selene talks with Loial. As they approach
the mountains, Loial tells Rand how much Selene knows these worlds and the Ways.
Rand is suspicious. Loial says she must have learned in the Royal Library, one of the
world's greatest. Selene rides up and calls Loial alantin. She talks with Rand about
killing the grolm. He tells her about holding the void. She tells him it is called the
Oneness and he should use it all the time to learn its full uses.3 He questions how she
knows so much. Angry, she says she learned about these worlds from a book called
Mirrors of the Wheel. She says the Portal Stone she woke up by is in the foothills to
the east and wants to go to it. Rand refuses saying they have to follow the Horn. She
says she does not know how to work the Portal Stone. Five more grolm come after

1. Lanfear, of course, with a bit of Illusion to make her look young.
2. Does she Heal him?
3. Obviously wanting him to channel more.

TGH: Chapter 17


Rand POV - Selene's horse is not scared of the grolm.1 Refusing to go to the Portal
Stone, Rand kills all five grolm chasing them. A bunch more grolm can be heard from
every direction but the Portal Stone. Rand finally agrees that it is their only hope and
they head for it. Rand thinks Selene must really be able to channel or she could never
have come to this world. They arrive at the Portal Stone. Selene claims she does not
know how to use it, but points out a larger symbol, a triangle on its point inside a
circle, that stands for the true world. Rand channels at it and they reappear in the real
world. Selene is impressed that he brought all of them, including their horses, back
without even knowing what he was doing. It is evening. Hurin fears that the trail is
lost, but Selene explains that they are probably ahead of the Darkfriends. She
continues to press him to find and keep the Horn and go for the glory. Rand tells
Hurin to find a camp near where he lost the trail. At worst, they will be able to rejoin
Ingtar and the others when they catch up. Hurin is glad to be back. The other world
stank of evil.2

1. Interesting question - Where did Lanfear obtain a horse used to grolm? From
2. Given her true identity and past, it is curious that Selene apparently smells
okay to Hurin.

TGH: Chapter 18

The White Tower

Egwene POV - The River Queen speeds down the River Erinin toward Tar Valon.
They will arrive later today. The wind has been steady since Medo. Egwene visits
with Nynaeve who is seasick. Egwene is still dreaming about Rand being in danger
and the masked man.1 Now he laughs at her. Anaiya is not much help. Egwene is sure
she should not tell Anaiya about the masked man. Siuan comes in to give them their
lessons. She binds Nynaeve and Egwene with Air to make a point and to get Nynaeve
angry. Nynaeve slams her against a wall whereupon Siuan shields her and makes her
swallow something nasty. Siuan says the records say that Aes Sedai could fly in the
Age of Legends, but not how.2 The lesson continues. After the lesson is over, the boat
arrives at Tar Valon.3 There is a detailed description of the city. After waiting a while,
Sheriam meets them at the dock. She says she was delayed speaking with Siuan.
Siuan told Sheriam all about Nynaeve's embarrassing lesson. There are only forty
novices in the White Tower and only eight or nine of those will make Accepted.4 She
leads them to the White Tower.

1. Ba'alzamon
2. Most likely by sho-wing or other mechanical means.
3. Others who arrive at Tar Valon include Alanna, Alviarin Carlinya, Leane,
Maigan, Serafelle, Ihvon and Owein.
4. Twenty years earlier there were more than twice as many. (NS,Ch3) Their
numbers are dwindling rapidly.

TGH: Chapter 19

Beneath the Dagger

Rand POV - It is night. Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene have camped a few days on
the slopes of Kinslayer's Dagger waiting for Fain and the Darkfriends. The moon is
waning, not far past full. Rand shivers. He looks up and sees Selene with his
saddlebags. He thought they were beside him.1 Hurin runs up saying he spotted a fire.
Rand and Loial agree to go after the Horn. They leave with Red and Loial's horse.
Loial tells Rand that alantin is short for tia avende alantin = Brother to the Trees.
Rand holds the void as they approach the camp. Rand and Loial sneak past the guard
and steal back the Horn and the ruby dagger. Rand sticks the ruby dagger in his belt,
not wanting to touch it. As they leave, Fain wakes and yells, "You're hiding from
me."2 Rand sends Loial ahead and kills several of the Trollocs that chase him. They
return to their camp and Selene opens the chest. She reads the inscription, Tia mi aven
Moridin isainde vadin = The grave is no bar to my call. Rand says he will take the
Horn to Lord Agelmar in Shienar. Again, Selene prods Rand about glory. She says
they have to go forward to Cairhien because Fain's Friends of the Dark will be
hunting them.3 Rand shows the ruby dagger to Selene and tells her it is from Shadar
Logoth. Loial did not know what was wrong with Mat. She is scared of it and tells
him to throw it away. He says he has to bring it to Mat and puts it in the chest with the

Padan Fain POV - Fain orders the Trollocs and Darkfriends to regroup as he stares
up to Kinslayer's Dagger. He can sense Rand again up in the mountains.2 That much
of the Dark One's "gift" still remains in him. He still feels compelled to hunt Rand and
hates him for it.

1. Evidently she channeled to move them away from him and he felt it.
2. Apparently Fain cannot sense Rand when Rand is holding the void.
3. Friends of the Dark was the Age of Legends term for Darkfriends.
TGH: Chapter 20


Rand POV - Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene ride through the night and cross the
northern border of Cairhien. Selene keeps badgering him about the Horn, but he
refuses to let the case be opened until they can give the ruby dagger to Mat. Rand
worries that what little he knows of the Karaethon Cycle does not mention the Horn
of Valere. He asks again if she is Aes Sedai and she angrily denies it. They continue
south for two days coming out of the mountains and approaching a Cairhienin village,
Tremonsien. They cover the chest with a blanket to disguise it. Rand notes a glint in
the distance. They ride east a ways and find a huge excavation partially uncovering a
giant statue with a work force and numerous guards around it. Rand remembers Bayle
Domon's tale of a similar statue on Tremalking. Rand is mesmerized by saidin and
nearly rides Red off a cliff. Selene is clearly afraid.1 Rand finally breaks the hold
saying, "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared
screaming defiance with the last breath to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last day!" 2
They ride on to Tremonsien and arrive at The Nine Rings inn. The Nine Rings was
Rand's favorite adventure story when he was a boy.3

1. Selene recognizes the giant statue for what it is and its danger to Rand. The
Choedan Kal were constructed during the War of Power so she would have
known of their potential.
2. What is the power of this Aiel phrase? Rand heard this phrase from Loial.
(TEotW,Ch36, TGH,Ch10)
3. Another homage to Tolkien.

TGH: Chapter 21

The Nine Rings

Rand POV - Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene enter The Nine Rings inn. There are
several Cairhienin soldiers and an officer. The innkeeper, Maglin Madwen, is
originally from Lugard. Her husband, Barin, left her the inn. She asks if Loial is from
Stedding Tsofu. She asks if they are Hunters of the Horn because there have been two
in the last month at the inn. She notes that it is too soon for them to have come from
Illian, so they may be hunting without the blessing. Catrine, a serving girl, brings
them a meal. Mistress Madwen notes the flute and Rand offers to play. With one of
the tunes, the soldiers sing a song about defeating the Tairens at the River Iralell. The
officer comes over and introduces himself as Captain Aldrin Caldevwin. He is
suspicious and quizzes Rand, asking him about Gareth Bryne to determine if he is
really Andoran. He then asks Selene's name. Just after he asks, Catrine drops a lamp
causing a small fire.1 Selene says she is not feeling well and wants to go to her room.
Maglin Madwen offers to summon Mother Caredwain, a healer. Another serving girl,
Lidan, carries Selene's things upstairs. Rand asks Caldevwin about the giant statue
making him even more suspicious. Caldevwin is in charge of the excavation party. He
says King Galldrian ordered the excavation of the giant statue so it could be brought
to Cairhien.2 When Rand says they are leaving in the morning, Caldevwin says he will
send a company of men to escort them to the city of Cairhien. After they go to their
room, Hurin and Loial explain that Caldevwin is suspicious because of Daes
Dae'mar, the Great Game or Game of Houses.

The next morning Selene is gone having left a message for Rand with a crescent
moon and stars seal.3 She does not like Caldevwin. There are too many people around
so she will go ahead and wait in Cairhien. They go outside where Caldevwin is
waiting with a younger officer, Lieutenant Elricain Tavolin, and fifty men.
Caldevwin's banner is a white star. Tavolin's banner is two white bars crossed.
Caldevwin is angry that Selene slipped away without him knowing. Caldevwin leaves
and the rest depart for Cairhien.

1. Clearly Lanfear caused the accident to avoid answering. Why?
2. Was this his own doing or is he a Darkfriend?
3. Lanfear's sigil.

TGH: Chapter 22


Moiraine POV - Moiraine and Lan are in Tifan's Well in Arafel at the home of
Adeleas and Vandene, two elderly sisters who are Aes Sedai. Moiraine is studying old
books and manuscripts. She thinks no one would expect her to come here. She must
clear her head and start over. Adeleas of the Brown Ajah and Vandene of the Green
Ajah retired from the White Tower a long time ago.1 Vandene's Warder is Jaem. She
came to them because they are writing a history and have lots of old references.
Moiraine talks to Lan about bonding him nearly twenty years ago near Chachin.2 She
goads him about having to obey her and he angrily responds that she never had to
compel him. Moiraine tells him that she passed his bond to Myrelle back in Tar
Valon.3 It will happen when she dies. Myrelle promised to pass Lan to one who suits
him better. Lan is even angrier. Nonconsensual passing of a bond has not been done
in four hundred years. She asks why he helped Rand. Lan responds that it seemed
right. It might be ta'veren effect. Moiraine thinks he now cares about Emond's Field
folks because of Nynaeve. She sends Lan away so she can think. Moiraine thinks of
herself as, "married to her battle."4 She recalls Lan carrying her to Anaiya to be
Healed.5 Vandene enters with tea. She notes Moiraine is reading books on the Trolloc
Wars, the Watchers Over the Waves, the legend of the Return, the Horn of Valere,
Dark Prophecy, Santhra's book on the Forsaken, Shadar Logoth and the Prophecies of
the Dragon.6 She says there is a rumor in the village that the Horn has been found, but
she discounts it. Moiraine asks about the Horn and the Dragon Reborn. Vandene
replies that there is no direct link, only that the Horn must be found before Tarmon
Gai'don. Moiraine asks about the Dragon Reborn and Toman Head. Vandene answers
that the prophecy says, "Five ride forth, four return. Above the watchers shall he
proclaim himself, bannered cross the sky in fire." In the original Old Tongue version,
the word "watchers" is ma'vron, but watchers is really a'vron. She thinks ma'vron
means Do Miere A'vron, the Watchers Over the Waves. She thinks it means the
Dragon Reborn will appear above Toman Head. She is curious about Mazrim Taim
who is nearby in Saldaea and not captured yet. Changing the subject, Moiraine asks if
a Fade would take something that came from Shadar Logoth.7 Vandene says Adeleas
knows more of Shadar Logoth, but even she knows that a Fade would not touch it.
Changing the subject again, Moiraine asks about Lanfear. Vandene replies that all she
knows is that Lanfear was linked to Lews Therin. She asks if Moiraine knows
anything about the Dragon Reborn. Using Aes Sedai sleight of tongue, Moiraine
indirectly denies it. Vandene leaves and Moiraine goes outside. A Draghkar attacks,
but Jaem and Lan save her. Vandene and Adeleas rush out of the house. Vandene
Heals Moiraine and they both wonder why they did not detect its evil. Moiraine says
it was warded, therefore the Black Ajah was involved!8 Moiraine says she must leave
immediately and asks the sister to send letters to the White Tower for her. She says
she may have found an answer that she did not know she sought.9

1. So how did Moiraine know of them and where to find them?
2. The full story is in NS.
3. How long ago did this happen? And why?
4. Is this what she means when she tells Egwene and Nynaeve that she knows her
future husband? (TSR,Ch6)
5. No clue as to when this happened.
6. She also finds a scrap of manuscript from the Age of Legends that describes
Wolfbrothers and the wolf dream. (TDR,Ch9)
7. She is still trying to figure out why Mat's ruby dagger was taken. Ergo, she has
not yet made (or is just now making) the connection between Fain and Shadar
8. Liandrin or someone else? Or is Moiraine wrong?
9. Not definitive, but most likely that Fain is now Mordeth.

TGH: Chapter 23

The Testing

Nynaeve POV - After a few days in Tar Valon, Nynaeve prepares for her Accepted
test. There are five Aes Sedai, Sheriam, a swarthy Red, a Green, a White and a Gray1
in the chamber with the three arches ter'angreal. Sheriam tells Nynaeve about
ter'angreal. Some ter'angreal work on any woman who can channel, some work on
anyone at all. She mentions the Oath Rod and oaths to be sworn οΏ½ "To speak no
word that is not true. To make no weapon for one man to kill another. Never to use
the One Power as a weapon except against Darkfriends or Shadowspawn, or in the
last extreme of defending your own life, that of your Warder, or that of another
sister." The oaths were adopted between the Trolloc Wars and the Hundred Years
War. Nynaeve is scared of spiders.2 She feels driven to get revenge on Moiraine.
Nynaeve takes off her clothes and enters the first arch.

She is in a stone maze. Aginor confronts her. Nynaeve channels to fight him. She can
detect Aginor channeling as well.3 She is winning the battle when she sees the exit
and angrily leaves off her chase to exit the arch.4

Nynaeve is angry at the outcome and asks if it was real. Sheriam replies that no one
knows for sure. Sheriam is surprised that Nynaeve could channel in the three arches.
The three arches were found during the Trolloc Wars. The first Aes Sedai who
channeled when they entered the three arches were burned out. Nynaeve enters the
second arch.

She is back in Emond's Field. She enters the Winespring Inn and talks with Marin.
Bran is dead and Cenn Buie is now mayor. Lots of people haven taken ill and died.
Mavra Mallen went back to Deven Ride. Malena Aylar, from Watch Hill, is the new
Wisdom.5 She is a bully and even beat up Alsbet Luhhan. Paet al'Caar and his two
sons are dead and his wife, Nela al'Caar, has lost her mind. Marin still has four
daughters at home. Corin Ayellin is a member of the Women's Circle. Marin begs
Nynaeve to stay and help, but she sees the exit and leaves.6

Nynaeve is really angry this time. Sheriam comforts her a bit and leads her to the third
She is in Malkier and married to Lan. She can channel without anger.7 Lan thinks she
is unwell and offers to call Sharina Sedai.8 Nynaeve has three children, a daughter,
Elnore, a son, Maric, and a baby. Nynaeve's mother was named Elnore. Nynaeve does
not reach the exit this time. She channels, picturing a thorn bush, and the arch

Nynaeve reappears sobbing helplessly and saying she hates all Aes Sedai. While
comforting her, Sheriam notes with surprise that Nynaeve has thorns in her hands.
Sheriam Heals them. Siuan and other Aes Sedai have come. Siuan anoints her and she
is now Accepted.

Compare with TDR,Ch22 and TDR,Ch23. Nynaeve sees nothing here that
could not reasonably be expected to come from her own knowledge or
imagination. Contrast this with the new knowledge that Egwene receives in
her test.

1. None of the other four is ever identified.

2. Ironic, since her nemesis among the Forsaken is Moghedien, the Spider.
3. Not possible in the real world.
4. There is nothing in this vision that appears to be real or prophetic.
5. Malena Aylar is not mentioned anywhere else, so it is not clear if she is real or
6. The successor to Mavra Mallen is Daise Congar, so again there is no
indication of anything either real or prophetic.
7. Possibly prophetic as her block will be broken. (ACoS,Ch33)
8. There is no way to tell if Sharina Sedai is imaginary, a real person, or possibly
the Sharina who joins the Salidar Aes Sedai as a novice. (TPoD,Ch30)
Nynaeve recognizes her full name, Sharina Melloy, when Egwene mentions
her. (WH,Ch10)
9. Lan and Nynaeve wed. (ACoS,Ch37) Other than that, there is nothing in this
segment that is clearly prophetic or real.

TGH: Chapter 24

New Friends and Old Enemies

Egwene POV - It is the day after Nynaeve's Accepted test. Sheriam put Egwene's
name in the novice book yesterday evening.1 One of the Accepted, Pedra, takes
Egwene to her new room. Egwene meets Elayne who is assigned to help her. They get
to know each other. Egwene is a bit jealous that Elayne knows Rand. Sheriam thinks
channeling ability has been culled by gentling men. Elaida ordered a search for Rand
and was furious when he escaped.2 Elaida came to Tar Valon with Elayne, but Elayne
has not seen her since. They were followed by Whitecloaks who are still camped by
Dragonmount. Elayne says there are two other girls who know Rand, Min and Else
Grinwell. Else Grinwell ran away from home to become Aes Sedai after meeting
Rand and Mat. Elayne takes Egwene to meet Min. On the way, they see Logain. He is
under the supervision of an Accepted and looks sad. They meet Min and Egwene
recognizes her. Min tells her that Master Fitch is rebuilding the Stag and Lion with
gold from Tar Valon. The messenger who brought the gold also brought a letter to
Min "requesting" her to come to Tar Valon.3 Elayne says that Sheriam saw the letter.
Elayne and Min tell Egwene about the auras Min sees. She told Elayne that she would
have to share her husband with two other women4 and that she would be a queen. She
saw a severed hand, not hers. With Egwene she sees a white flame and other things.
Galad and Gawyn arrive. Egwene is taken with Galad's good looks. After Galad
leaves, Min says that he will always do what is right, no matter who it hurts. Gawyn
says Galad is the best swordsman he has ever seen. Elayne tells Gawyn that Egwene
is from the same village as Rand. Gawyn thinks it is strange that so many people
know of Rand. An old farmer who met Rand stayed in Caemlyn to support Queen
Morgase.5 He says Elaida has questioned him about Rand. They see Elaida
approaching and Gawyn leaves. Elayne introduces her to Egwene. Elaida sends off
Egwene and Elayne saying she wants to talk to Min. As they leave, Egwene hears
Elaida tell Min that she heard that Moiraine sent for her.

Min POV - Elaida thoroughly grills Min about Rand, then leaves. Min wonders how
Elaida knew that Moiraine sent for her. She was sure only Moiraine and Sheriam
knew about it.6

1. It is not clear why there was a delay of a few days in making Egwene a novice
and Nynaeve an Accepted.
2. This concurs with her bad-mouthing Moiraine throughout the White Tower.
3. When did Moiraine send for Min?
4. This was actually from her viewing of Rand when they first met in Baerlon.
(TEotW,Ch15, TFoH,Ch50)
5. Almen Bunt
6. How did Elaida learn about Min? It is possible that Sheriam passed on the
information. (TGS,Ch25)

TGH: Chapter 25

Rand POV - Rand, Hurin and Loial ride toward Cairhien accompanied by Elricain
Tavolin and fifty Cairhienin soliders. Rand rides Red. They crossed the River Gaelin
and can see the city lying against the River Alguenya. They ride through the Foregate
where there is a festival. The Cairhienin often have fireworks because there is an
Illuminator chapter house in the city. Loial says Elder Haman thinks Galldrian is a
disgrace. At the city gate, an officer, Asan Sandair, takes their names. Rand asks him
if he knows Selene causing further suspicion. Hurin takes Rand and Loial to the
Defender of the Dragonwall where the innkeeper, Cuale, greets them. They get rooms
on the third floor. Rand hopes that Ingtar will arrive soon. Loial stays to guard the
Horn while Rand and Hurin go downstairs. Cuale presents Rand with three invitations
that already arrived. Rand angrily burns them. Hurin warns him that he has made
enemies of three minor Houses.1 Rand goes out and soon runs into Thom. His
audiences only want The Great Hunt of the Horn, not the Karaethon Cycle despite the
news from Haddon Mirk and Saldaea.2 Thom says the Fade just injured him then ran
after Rand and Mat. Thom seems disappointed that Moiraine is not with Rand3 and
assumes that this means Mat or Perrin was her target. Thom did not go to Illian
because of the turmoil at Whitebridge and because Domon and the Spray had already
sailed. Thom tells Rand to bring his flute and harp to The Bunch of Grapes, outside
the Jangai Gates in the east wall.

1. These three Houses are never identified, but this could be the start of some of
the enmity between some nobles and Rand.
2. News about the false Dragons, Mazrim Taim in Saldaea.
3. Another indication of possible affection between Thom and Moiraine.

TGH: Chapter 26


Rand POV - Rand returns to the Defender of the Dragonwall and tells Hurin and
Loial about Thom. Rand gets the harp and flute and leaves with Loial. Hurin stays
behind to guard the Horn. Loial is reluctant to be seen since there might be other
Ogier in the city. He is probably in big trouble with Elder Haman. They head east
through the Jangai Gates and arrive at The Bunch of Grapes. The innkeeper, Zera,
directs them to Thom's room. His girlfriend/apprentice, Dena, is practicing juggling.
She intends to be the first female gleeman. They plan to go to Tear, then the Sea Folk
islands. Thom returns. He complains that the theater manager, Seaghan, wants to hire
actors to portray Rogosh Eagle-eye, Blaes and Gaidal Cain. When he sees Rand, he
sends Dena out to pick up her knives from the cutler, Ivon. Rand gives Thom his
harp1 and flute. Thom gives Rand the plain flute he has been using. After Thom left
Whitebridge, he passed through Caemlyn and talked to Basel Gill who told him that
Rand left with an Ogier. Rand tells Thom about the Horn and asks him to help them
bring it back to Shienar. He also asks Loial to leave, then asks Thom about the
Karaethon Cycle. Thom quotes two passages:

"Twice and twice shall he be marked,

twice to live and twice to die.
Once the heron, to set his path.
Twice the heron, to name him true.
Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.
Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay."


"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.

Once for mourning, once for birth.
Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.
In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow."

Thom admits he thought one of the boys could channel and helped them because of
his nephew, Owyn, who could channel. He lasted three years before the Red Ajah
found him and gentled him, then he soon died. Thom still refuses to join Rand and
Rand leaves.

Thom Merrilin POV - While Thom is musing, Zera enters and warns him against
getting involved in the Game of Houses. They have known each other for years.
Thom was an expert at the Game twenty years ago in Caemlyn. Thom performs
tonight for Lady Arilyn.

1. In early printings, Thom complains that Rand did not keep the harp tuned.
Upon hearing from music lovers that this is not the correct way to store such
an instrument, he changed this passage to read that Thom is grateful that Rand
did not try to keep it tuned.

TGH: Chapter 27

The Shadow in the Night

Rand POV - Rand meets Loial in The Bunch of Grapes common room. Dena cheated
Loial at dice. As they head back into town, Trollocs and Darkfriends attack. Loial
kills one of the Trollocs. Selene shows up. They run east and hide in the Illuminator's
chapter house. Loial knocks over a rack of punks and sets off a huge mortar. Two
Illuminators, Tammuz and Aludra, almost catch them, but mysteriously do not see
them.1 Aludra is furious because the display is for Galldrian. The Trollocs enter and
Rand blasts them with another mortar, starting a fire. Selene disappears again and
Rand and Loial head back into town. Back at the Defender of the Dragonwall they
rejoin Hurin. Cuale brings Rand a message just left by an old woman.2 The message is
from Selene. She tells him to think of glory and her. Rand wishes Ingtar would hurry
up and arrive.

1. Because Selene has hidden them with the One Power.
2. Most likely Selene in disguise.

TGH: Chapter 28

A New Thread in the Pattern

Perrin POV - Ingtar and his party are now in Kinslayer's Dagger, still following the
Horn. Verin examines Mat two or three times a day as he gets paler. Perrin once again
recites for Ingtar what the wolves told him. Someone they call Shadowkiller killed the
Trollocs they found and the Trollocs and Fain now follow Shadowkiller. The wolves
are in awe of Shadowkiller. Uno reports an Aiel in the rocks. He steps out and
Masema starts to attack. Ingtar stops him and the Aiel identifies himself as Urien, a
Red Shield of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel. He thinks Verin is a Wise One
because she looks young like women who have been to Rhuidean. This excites her
greatly.1 Ingtar says they are hunting Trollocs. Urien is excited because the return of
Trollocs is part of Aiel prophecy. He explains the Three-fold Land: a shaping stone to
make them, a testing ground to prove their worth, and a punishment for their sin.
Verin asks what Rhuidean is. Urien says clan chiefs and Wise Ones are marked in
Rhuidean. It lies in the lands of the Jenn Aiel. She asks him what he is doing here. He
replies that he is seeking someone. There will be signs. He will be marked. He will
come from the west, but be of Aiel blood. He will go to Rhuidean and lead the Aiel
out of the Three-fold Land. He will conquer under the old Aes Sedai symbol. Using
typical Aes Sedai sleight of tongue, Verin denies knowing anything2 and Urien leaves.
Perrin and Mat wonder if it could be Rand. Verin mutters to herself, "It must be a
part, and yet how? Does the Wheel of Time weave threads into the Pattern of which
we know nothing? Or does the Dark One touch the Pattern again?"3 Now that they are
in Cairhien, the Shienarans remove their armor so as not to appear threatening and
ride on.

1. This is the first indication she has seen of channelers amongst the Aiel.
2. Although she clearly realizes it must be Rand.
3. Who is the "we" she refers to? Does she mean Aes Sedai in general, herself,
Moiraine and Siuan, or some other group?

TGH: Chapter 29


Geofram Bornhald POV - Geofram Bornhald leads Byar and a hundred Whitecloaks
into a village that has been destroyed. One of his soldiers, Muadh, reports that the
villagers described two of the men, Earwin and Wuan, soldiers who were conscripted
by the Questioners. He has learned about the Seanchan, Hailene - Those Who Come
Before, Rhyagelle - Those Who Come Home and Corenne - the Return. He nearly
believes that they are Artur Hawkwing's army. A soldier, Jeral, arrives with a message
from Jaichim Carridin ordering him to stay in Almoth Plain away from Toman Head.1
Geofram Bornhald is certain something is wrong and issues orders to bring the legion
to Toman Head to face the Seanchan.

Bayle Domon POV - Bayle Domon and Yarin are on the Spray at sea off Toman
Head. They took on fireworks at Tanchico and sold them on Toman Head. They are
captured by a Seanchan ship2 captained by Egeanin. She shows off her damane or
Leashed One.3 He asks if she is Aes Sedai and is clubbed. She leaves a soldier, Caban,
on his ship and orders him to follow her to port. There are about two hundred
Seanchan ships at Falme. The Watchers Over the Waves are being punished for
watching for the wrong thing. The Seanchan have bizarre creatures working for them
as beasts of burden and mounts.4 Egeanin searches the ship and finds Domon's seal.
She takes him to a large house with a blue edged banner with a golden spread-winged
hawk, the house of High Lord Turak, the leader of Hailene. She presents him to Turak
and his attendant5 and gives Turak the seal. Turak dismisses her. He takes Domon to
another room with a case of cuendillar artifacts, including another seal. Turak decides
to keep Domon around for amusement.
1. Clearly part of Ba'alzamon's orders.
2. Egeanin's ship is the Fearless.
3. Her name is Serrisa. (CoT,Ch1)
4. They are grolm and torm.
5. Huan (TGH,Ch34)

TGH: Chapter 30

Daes Dae'mar

Rand POV - Rand, Loial and Hurin are in their room a few days after the Illuminators
incident. Cuale brings two more invitations, from Barthanes Damodred and King
Galldrian. Rand received as many as a dozen a day and burned them all. Houses
Damodred and Riatin are bitter rivals. The following signs are given, House
Damodred - Tree and Crown, Barthanes' personal sign - Charging Boar, Galldrian's
personal sign - Stag. Hurin convinces Rand not to burn these. Rand and Loial go to
the gatehouse again to ask about Ingtar and Selene. Rand spots Captain Caldevwin in
the back, but the guard denies that he is there. On the way back, Rand wonders if he
can survive as long as Owyn did. They find the Defender of the Dragonwall in flames.
Rand and Loial rescue Hurin and the Dragon Banner but the Horn and ruby dagger
are gone. Mat, Perrin and Ingtar arrive. Rand tells them that they are too late.

TGH: Chapter 31

On the Scent

Rand POV - Rand, Loial and Hurin are with Mat, Perrin and Ingtar in front of the
burning inn. Verin arrives and Heals Rand and Hurin. The gate guard directed them to
the inn. Verin said something that made him very helpful. Uno and the rest stayed in
the Foregate. Cuale moans about his burning inn. Verin, who has been in Cairhien,
suggests The Great Tree. Hurin says he can follow the Darkfriends' trail. They all go
to The Great Tree. The innkeeper, Tiedra, knows Verin and welcomes them. Servants
show them to their rooms and Rand has a bath. Rand thinks Verin is watching him for
Moiraine. Rand burns Selene's two letters then goes back down to the common room.

Perrin POV - Perrin, Mat, Rand, Loial, Ingtar and Verin are in a private dining room.
Hurin is out tracking the Darkfriends. Rand arrived a week before them. Perrin is now
sure that Rand is Shadowkiller. Rand tells them the story of the Portal Stone. Verin
does not seem to know Selene, but knows a little of the Portal Stone. Rand reads a bit
of The Travels of Jain Farstrider who visited the Sea Folk and the lands beyond the
Aiel Waste. Hurin returns. He tracked the Darkfriends to Lord Barthanes' manor. Mat
suggests alerting Galldrian but Verin says they would never get the Horn back then.
Rand shows them his invitations; Barthanes' is for the next night. They will set Uno
and the others to watch the manor till then. Verin then discards Galldrian's. Verin
knows about the giant statue. She says it is a male sa'angreal and that its mate is on
Tremalking. She says only Siuan, Moiraine, Elaida and the three girls could handle
the female giant statue. Logain would be fried if he tried to use the male giant statue.1
They begin to plan their visit.

1. How could she possibly know Logain's strength that well?

TGH: Chapter 32

Dangerous Words

Rand POV - The next night, Perrin stays behind while ten Shienarans under Uno
make an escort for Rand, Ingtar, Loial, Hurin, Mat and Verin to the manor of
Barthanes Damodred. Mat and Hurin pretend to be servants so that they can go further
in the house in search of the Horn of Valere and the ruby dagger. They are greeted at
the door by Ashin, who then announces them to the crowd. Loial tells Rand that he
feels a Waygate close by. The Ogier planted a grove in Al'cair'rahienallen because
Stedding Tsofu had not yet been rediscovered. Rand speaks to Barthanes and several
others while Mat and Hurin look around. Barthanes talks to Rand about King
Galldrian. Barthanes also mentions that Rand looks like an Aiel. He leaves to talk to a
gray haired nobleman of high rank.1 The following women manage to corner him:
Alaine Chuliandred, Belevaere Osiellin and Breane Taborwin. Thom is also there
performing as a gleeman. Rand recognizes him and uses him as an excuse to get away
from the many people that want to talk to him. Rand tells Thom that the Horn was
stolen and brought here. Hurin then appears to tell Rand that Mat has fallen and
twisted his knee.2 Rand follows Hurin out of the room.
1. The noble is not identified.
2. Mat's injury is an excuse to get Rand away from the lords and ladies without

TGH: Chapter 33

A Message from the Dark

Rand POV - Rand and Hurin meet Loial and Mat. Hurin says the men who stole the
Horn met with Trollocs and entered a garden. Verin is talking with Barthanes.1 Loial
learned that the Ogier left Cairhien because Galldrian quit paying them. They enter
the garden and find the Waygate. Hurin says they went into it. Rand sends Mat to get
Ingtar and Verin. Rand opens the Waygate and Machin Shin is waiting. It chants
al'Thor.2 Rand channels Fire at Machin Shin and Loial gets the Waygate closed. Hurin
thinks the fire was from Machin Shin. Coming out of garden, Rand thinks he sees and
hears someone else leaving.3 As they enter the manor, they see Verin and Ingtar
talking alone. He looks dazed. As they all prepare to leave, Barthanes draws Rand
aside. He tells him Fain left a message. He is waiting for Rand on Toman Head.
Barthanes quizzes Rand directly and seems shocked by it.4 Verin refuses to believe
that Fain used Machin Shin. She says ten Aes Sedai could not do it. Back at The Great
Tree they rejoin Perrin. Mistress Tiedra charges a lot, but she keeps the inn very well.
Ingtar says, "I am lost." Rand tells them about the message from Barthanes and says
he is going to Toman Head. Verin agrees and says they will try Stedding Tsofu. It is
only six hundred years old, but the Elders were still growing Ways then.5 They send
Hurin with a message for Uno and the other Shienarans to be ready to leave at first

1. Is she just making conversation or is this something sinister?
2. So apparently some of Fain's personality was impressed on it.
3. No clue as to who it might be.
4. Probably more of Rand's ta'veren effect.
5. An ongoing question - Verin always seems to know quite a lot. Is it common
knowledge for Browns or does she have special sources?

TGH: Chapter 34
The Wheel Weaves

Thom Merrilin POV - The next morning Thom is returning to The Bunch of Grapes.
He stopped by The Great Tree, but Rand and the others were already gone. At the inn,
he finds Dena dead. Thom kills the two men waiting for him. They claimed to be from
Barthanes who wanted information on Rand. Zera enters having just heard from Ella
that men were waiting for Thom. Thom says he has another man to kill. Zera tells him
Barthanes is dead, torn to pieces in his own bedroom.1 Zera takes a closer look at the
two men and says they worked for Galldrian.2 There is a lot of smoke and Thom can
see that the graneries are on fire.3

Padan Fain POV - Fain is riding into Falme with the chest. He left the Darkfriends
and Trollocs at a camp in the hills. All the people he has met are tense and afraid so
he thinks he will do well.4 Fain takes the chest to High Lord Turak. Turak opens the
chest and is suitably impressed. He keeps the Horn and the ruby dagger. Fain is
frustrated, the Horn was a means to an end, but the ruby dagger is part of him. Fain
demands the ruby dagger and Turak's attendant, Huan, knocks him down. Fain plans
how he will kill him.5 Fain tells Turak a story of loyalty to Hawkwing's blood. He
says the banner on the roof was the banner of Luthair Paendrag, Hawkwing's son.
Turak talks of the Seanchan Empress and the Crystal Throne in the Court of the Nine
Moons in Seandar. Her second daughter, Tuon,6 is currently favored for succession.
Turak is of House of Aladon. Fain thinks Rand will be a day or two behind him.7 He
tells Turak that Rand is a Darkfriend and has Trollocs. Turak says there were no
Trollocs in Seanchan but the Armies of the Night had other allies. He wonders if a
grolm could kill a Trolloc.8 He dismisses Fain who goes to search for an inn.

1. There is nothing more ever mentioned about Barthanes' death but the style,
someone mangled in a closed and guarded room, has all the earmarks of the
2. Thom's thoughts are clear. He intends to kill Galldrian.
3. Who started the fire and why?
4. Mordeth coming through.
5. And does. (TGH,Ch45)
6. Mat's Daughter of the Nine Moons.
7. Evidently Fain does not realize that he has imprinted his need to follow Rand
on Machin Shin and that is now preventing Rand from following him.
8. Luthair Paendrag's invading forces thought the exotic creatures of Seanchan
were Shadowspawn but there were not. In fact, they were brought from the
Portal Stone worlds to combat real Shadowspawn. (Guide)

TGH: Chapter 35

Stedding Tsofu

Rand POV - Rand, Mat, Perrin, Verin and the Shienarans leave Cairhien and arrive at
Stedding Tsofu midday the next day. Rand feels a sense of loss.1 They meet Erith,
daughter of Iva, daughter of Alar. Because of their weapons, only Hurin and Ingtar
enter the stedding with them. Uno and the others wait at the border. A band of Tinkers
visited recently. Loial thinks Erith is beautiful. Loial says he has not been away from
the stedding to long and cites Dalar who spent ten years with the Sea Folk. Three Aiel
Maidens walk out of the woods and nearly attack. They came for sung wood. The
leader is Rhian. An older Ogier, Juin, son of Lacel, son of Laud, intervenes. Perrin
and Mat tell Rand that the Aiel are looking for him. Ingtar and Masema think he is
Aiel and he looks like he could be related to Urien or Rhian. Hurin is happy. The
stedding smells good because there has never been any killing. Juin takes them to
meet with the Elders.

1. Loss of the True Source.

TGH: Chapter 36

Among the Elders

Rand POV - Juin leads Rand, Perrin, Mat, Verin, Ingtar and Hurin to the Ogier
council. Loial waits outside. Alar is the Eldest of the seven council members. Verin
says they need to use the Ways. Alar brings in Trayal who was caught by Machin
Shin. Alar asks Verin to touch him and Verin is shocked that he is "empty."1 Verin
says they need Loial to read the Guidings. Alar can dimly sense ta'veren. Rand
promises to return Loial to Stedding Shangtai. Back outside, Loial has a flower that
Erith gave him. Marisa Ayellin likes Mat.2 Hurin goes to get Uno and the others and
Alar and Juin lead them to the Waygate. Verin opens the Waygate and Machin Shin is
waiting again. Verin is quite startled, but seems to figure it out. Loial suggests other
stedding, Stedding Cantoine just above River Iralell or Stedding Taijing east of it in
Spine of the World. The Tar Valon Waygate is closest. Verin mutters to herself some
more. Hurin suggests a Portal Stone. Verin knows of a Portal Stone in the Aiel Waste3
and knows something of their use. When asked, she says Browns know a lot.4 Alar
says there is a Portal Stone nearby and they head for it.

1. Verin apparently Delves Trayal, yet in a stedding she cannot touch the True
Source. At signings, Jordan purportedly said that detecting a soul does not
require channeling.
2. In early printings her name is incorrectly given as Neysa Ayellin. This is
corrected in more recent printings.
3. What an odd piece of information! How could she know that?
4. But she does not directly say that Browns know about Portal Stones. Again,
there is the question of what special knowledge she has and where she might
have got it.

TGH: Chapter 37

What Might Be

Rand POV - Alar and Juin lead Rand and the others to the Portal Stone, then leave.
Verin implies she was transported by a Portal Stone, then says she has never used
one.1 She says she knows how to use it but is not strong enough.2 Verin really wants
to talk to Selene to find what she knows and to see her book, Mirrors of the Wheel.
Verin knows of it, but it has not been seen since the Breaking. Serafelle has often told
her there are many lost books still waiting to be found. Verin knows three of the many
symbols. She knows of three Portal Stones but has only visited one that is on Toman
Head. The symbol for the Toman Head Portal Stone is two wavy parallel lines crossed
by a squiggle. Another is a box with eight symbols, arrows in circles, four directions,
inside or through a circle. One is our world, but Verin does not know which. Verin's
father had a saying, "It's time to roll the dice."3 Rand chooses the arrow pointing left
and through the circle. Everyone crowds around the Portal Stone. As he channels,
Verin shouts that something is wrong. Rand sees many visions of futures, all ending
with a voice whispering in his head, "I have won again, Lews Therin." They finally
are in Toman Head. Verin says there was a surge of the One Power, as if they were
pushed. The Lines that join the Worlds That Might Be, laid by those who knew the
Numbers of Chaos. Verin, talking about other Worlds, "I never thought I..." It is well
into late autumn; Verin says four months have passed. Loial, Mat, Perrin, Hurin,
Ingtar, Uno, Masema and the rest are all stunned by what they saw. It is clear from
their reactions that all saw many unpleasant futures. Verin Heals all but Rand, who
refuses help, and they prepare to leave.

1. Yet another confusing fact about Verin. Has she or has she not actually
traveled by Portal Stone and, if so, who activated it?
2. Leaving open the question of whether or not she could use one with her flower
brooch angreal.
3. Amusing that Verin's father and Mat have the same saying.

TGH: Chapter 38


Egwene POV - Egwene is in her room with Min and Nynaeve. They have been in the
White Tower for thirteen weeks.1 Autumn is approaching. Nynaeve has not made any
friends yet. Min gigs Egwene telling her that Else Grinwell was mooning over Galad.
Min says Galad will hurt someone to serve a greater good and not even notice.2
Elayne enters and announces that the rumors are true, Galldrian is dead.3 Elayne saw
Logain again and feels sorry for him. Egwene has not dreamed of Rand in months.4
Anaiya still follows Egwene's dreams. Nynaeve is in a sour mood because she was
sent to Sheriam for fighting with another Accepted, Irella. Elayne asks Min if she sees
anything; Min sees something new. "Danger. You are all in some kind of danger. Or
you will be, very soon." Trying to cheer the mood, Elayne tells Min that she should
wear a dress because Gawyn has been looking at her. The door opens and Liandrin
enters. Egwene did not know she had returned to the White Tower. Liandrin sends
Min and Elayne away. She then tells Egwene and Nynaeve that Rand and the other
two boys are in trouble and need their help. Moiraine has sent letters concerning them
to the White Tower.5 Liandrin says the boys are in danger from Shayol Ghul and that
Egwene and Nynaeve must accompany her to Toman Head. She tells them to meet
her at the Ogier grove an hour before sunset and to tell no one because of the Black
Ajah. She then leaves. Min and Elayne enter. They listened in on the conversation
from the next room through a hole in the wall. Min says she will go, too. She is tired
of Siuan and several Brown sisters bugging her about her viewing.6 Elayne says she is
coming as well. Min agrees, viewing that, "I think she has to come as much as the rest
of you. The rest of us. I can see the danger around all of you more clearly, now." They
begin making their plans to leave.

1. It is uncertain if these are seven or ten-day weeks, so it could be either three or
four months.
2. This is certainly a foreshadowing of dire things to come.
3. Although never proven, it is probable that Thom avenged the death of Dena.
4. During the Portal Stone transit.
5. Most peculiar. Moiraine did send letters in TGH,Ch22, but it seems most
unlikely that they would be public. Does Liandrin have a spy or is she just
6. Evidently the Brown Ajah now knows about Min and her ability.

TGH: Chapter 39

Flight from the White Tower

Egwene POV - That evening Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Min leave the White
Tower. They pass Takima of the Brown Ajah who teaches history. They also pass
Irella dragging a red-faced Else Grinwell by the ear. They pick up their horses,
including Bela, at the stable then they leave through Tarlomen's Gate in the White
Tower's south wall. Liandrin meets them at the Ogier grove and is furious that Elayne
and Min are there. She says she had made arrangements "to take care of" Elayne and
Min.1 She leads them to the Waygate. Elayne says that Elaida taught her a little of the
Ways. Egwene can sense saidar and the taint of the Ways as well. They travel
through the Ways for two days. When Egwene worries about the Black Wind,
Liandrin says she can deal with it. "Moiraine does not know so much as she thinks."2
During the first night, Egwene again dreams of the man with eyes of fire.3 He no
longer wears a mask and his face is a mass of nearly healed burns. He only looks at
her and laughs. They finally arrive at the Waygate on Toman Head.

1. Undoubtedly lethal arrangements.
2. Is she just blowing smoke or does she really have some measure of control
over the Black Wind?
3. Ishamael
TGH: Chapter 40


Egwene POV - Egwene leads Bela through the Waygate followed by Liandrin,
Nynaeve, Elayne and Min. There are fifty soldiers waiting. Liandrin approaches High
Lady Suroth. They have not met before and clearly dislike each other, but they serve
the same master.1 Liandrin says she brought the two that Suroth was expecting as well
as the Daughter-Heir of Andor. Suroth says she has to get back before Turak misses
her. A soldier, Elbar, grabs Min and Elayne while a sul'dam, Renna, collars Egwene.
Min slashes Elbar's hand allowing Elayne to escape. Nynaeve escapes as well. Renna
begins "educating" Egwene. Suroth is supposed to take Egwene and Nynaeve to
Seanchan but she does not know why. Liandrin returns through the Waygate. Another
damane is pretty, dark-haired and in her middle years.2 Another sul'dam, Alwhin, is
much harsher than Renna. Renna tells Egwene about how Luthair Paendrag faced the
Armies of the Night which included Aes Sedai. The first a'dam was made for Luthair
Paendrag by Deain who was then collared herself. If a man wears the bracelet, both
the man and the damane may die screaming.3 They ride back toward Falme.

Nynaeve POV - Nynaeve blasts her way free and escapes. Later, she meets Elayne.
Elayne thinks she is a failure for running, but Nynaeve tells her to stop being stupid.
Elayne thinks Nynaeve sounds like Lini. Nynaeve heard Suroth mention Falme so
they head west. Elayne is worried about Rand still being in danger, but Nynaeve
thinks Rand is probably safe back in Fal Dara.

1. Ishamael. He later goads Rand telling him the girls who could save him will
be sent across the Aryth Ocean. (TGH,Ch47)
2. Clearly she does not look ageless.
3. If the man can channel.

TGH: Chapter 41

Rand POV - Rand is riding Red heading to Falme with Mat, Perrin, Loial, Verin,
Hurin, Ingtar and the Shienarans. They have been on Toman Head for three days
looking for Fain's trail. They are still two days from Falme. Verin is completely lost in
thought. Uno curses the weather. At a village, Atuan's Mill, they learned about the
Seanchan. The Seanchan murdered many of the villagers. They wonder why Fain
brought the Horn to Falme. Masema reports another deserted village ahead. They
enter the inn and Ragan stables the horses. Ingtar and Verin argue. Verin is certain
Fain is in Falme. Verin wants to head to Falme while Ingtar wants to quarter the area
for Fain's trail. Rand feels pulled to Falme. He goes upstairs to sleep. He rolls over
and sees Ba'alzamon holding the Dragon Banner.1 He stands in a cloud of darkness.
He burns are nearly healed. Ba'alzamon says he has faced Rand a thousand times.
Rand channels at him but the One Power sinks into the black mist and vanishes.2
Ba'alzamon again offers to teach Rand. When Rand looks again, Ba'alzamon is gone,
his saddlebag is re-buckled, but there are burn marks on a chair where Ba'alzamon
grasped it.

1. It is not clear if this scene is real or if Ba'alzamon is in Rand's dream.
2. A manifestation of the True Power.

TGH: Chapter 42


Nynaeve POV - Nynaeve and Elayne have been in Falme for weeks. Nynaeve sees
and recognizes Fain. He is dressed well and has a servant. A company of Seanchan
soldiers rides by mounted on creatures like bronze-scaled tailless cats.1 They also
have a couple of creatures like wingless birds with coarse leather skin.2 Nynaeve and
Elayne have found the area where damane are kept and know that Egwene and Min
must be there. They try to plan what to do next.

Egwene POV - Egwene is in her room looking out the window. Many sul'dam use
her, but Renna is in charge of her training. Min is free to come and go. Min knocks
and enters. Mulaen runs the damane quarters. Egwene is very strong in Earth and
getting much stronger from practice. She will be taken to Seanchan in a few days.
Min has found a ship willing to take them away.3 Egwene says the Seanchan have
captured every woman who can channel at all including two Aes Sedai. One is Ryma
of the Yellow Ajah who is now called Pura.4 Min views things that link Egwene to
Rand, Perrin, Mat, and Galad. Renna enters and sends Min away. She can tell that
Egwene has been channeling. She renames Egwene Tuli. Renna had a pet kitten
named Tuli. She tells Egwene that they will both be called to the Court of the Nine
Moons to demonstrate Egwene's abilities. Renna punishes her.

1. These are torm. (Guide)
2. These are corlm. (Guide)
3. Bayle Domon and the Spray.
4. The other is Sheraine Caminelle aka Mylen. (WH,Ch14, WH,Ch19)

TGH: Chapter 43

A Plan

Min POV - Min hears Egwene begin to scream at her punishment. As she walks the
street, Nynaeve and Elayne find her. She tells them about Egwene. Elayne wishes
Rand were there. Min views Nynaeve, a man's ring of heavy gold,1 and Elayne, a red-
hot iron and an axe.2 They mean trouble in the future. She takes them to meet with
Bayle Domon at The Three Plum Blossoms. High Lord Turak bought all his cargo so
he is well off. He is afraid to sail, so Nynaeve shows him her Aes Sedai ring. Domon
tells of seeing an Aes Sedai, a pretty, slender little woman,3 captured and her Warder
killed. Nynaeve tells him to be ready to sail any time in the next two or three days,
then they leave.

1. Lan's
2. This viewing has not yet come to pass.
3. She is Sheraine Caminelle aka Mylen. (WH,Ch14, WH,Ch19)

TGH: Chapter 44

Five Will Ride Forth

Perrin POV - Perrin, Mat and Hurin are in a village. They have been through several
villages searching for Fain's trail. Hurin finally locates it. As they prepare to leave, a
band of Whitecloaks ride into town. They hastily ride west. Perrin contacts some
nearby wolves and identifies himself as Young Bull. The wolves report that the
Whitecloaks are not following. They decide to follow the trail a bit longer, then report
back to Ingtar and Verin.

Geofram Bornhald POV - In the village, Geofram Bornhald spots Perrin and
recognizes him. He has a thousand men with him. Byar reports that the village is
secure. Bornhald recalls losing fifty men in a skirmish with the Seanchan and that one
of the two women they killed must have been Aes Sedai.1 He does not expect to
survive the coming conflict so he orders Byar to stay back, observe, and carry word to
Dain Bornhald who is with Eamon Valda at Tar Valon, then to Pedron Niall in
Amador. He tells Byar that he recognized Perrin.2 He thinks the Aes Sedai are openly
supporting the Seanchan. Unseen, a flying creature3 and its rider watch from above.

Rand POV - Rand waits in the camp with Loial, Verin, Ingtar, Uno and the rest of the
Shienarans. He is working sword forms. Verin is working out something. Hurin, Mat
and Perrin return with news of Fain and the Whitecloaks. Ingtar says he will take
some men into Falme to get the Horn. Hurin, Mat, Rand and Perrin volunteer. Uno
and others volunteer as well, but Verin says five will go.4 Verin implies that damane
might detect a man channeling,5 apparently a warning to Rand. The five prepare to
ride to Falme. Ingtar orders Uno to have the others follow behind them.

1. Actually a sul'dam and damane. Byar will report this to Pedron Niall as proof
that the Seanchan are Darkfriends. (TDR,Prologue)
2. Convincing Jaret Byar that Perrin is responsible for betraying the Whitecloaks
at Falme. (TDR,Prologue)
3. A raken.
4. Verin is thinking of the part of the Karaethon Cycle that says, "Five ride forth,
four return. Above the watchers shall he proclaim himself, bannered cross the
sky in fire." The same that Vandene cites to Moiraine in TGH,Ch22.
5. Women cannot detect men channeling at all. Is Verin just wrong or is she
intentionally deceiving Rand?

TGH: Chapter 45

Nynaeve POV - As the sun rises, Nynaeve, Elayne and Min wait by a street. When a
sul'dam and a dark damane walk by, Nynaeve frees the damane who punches the
sul'dam and runs. They capture the sul'dam, Seta, and learn that the a'dam works on
her. In the White Tower, Elayne once threw a cup at Marith. They prepare to
masquerade her as damane and Nynaeve as her sul'dam to get into the damane

Bayle Domon POV - As the sun rises, Bayle Domon and Yarin prepare to sail.

Rand POV - Morning finds Rand, Mat, Perrin, Hurin and Ingtar entering Falme.
Rand is riding Red. Rand brought the Dragon Banner with him. As they pass Turak's
house, Mat senses the ruby dagger. Rand and Hurin recognize the grolm. They sneak
in the back and find the Horn and the ruby dagger. Mat grabs them both. Ingtar says "I
am saved." Looking out a window, Rand spots Egwene wearing the a'dam in the
house across the street. Turak comes in with two servants and several soldiers. He
expected Fain since Fain wanted the ruby dagger and Huan died mysteriously.1 When
a solider reaches for the Horn, Mat slashes him with the ruby dagger and he dies
horribly. Ingtar and the others attack the soldiers while Rand faces Turak. Rand does
not want to channel because Verin told him the damane could detect it2 so he does not
hold the void. Turak prepares to kill him, so finally he does hold the void. The tide
turns and Rand kills Turak. This is the first time Rand killed a man. The two servants
kill themselves. Ingtar and the others have dealt with the soldiers. An alarm sounds as
they run from the house. Rand vows to return for Egwene.

1. Fain planned to kill Huan for striking him. (TGH,Ch34) Also, the name is
misspelled as "Huon" in early printings. This was later corrected.
2. Verin deliberately uses vague phrasing that "someone" could detect him
channeling. She surely knows that a woman could not detect him unaided. Is
she thinking of a male Forsaken or perhaps of a woman with a ter'angreal
such as Cadsuane?

TGH: Chapter 46

To Come Out of the Shadow

Nynaeve POV - As Nynaeve, Elayne and Min go to rescue Egwene, they hear
shouting from Turak's house. Min leads them to Egwene's room. Egwene dreamed
that Rand was nearby. Egwene figured out that sul'dam can channel, too. Renna enters
and they put Egwene's a'dam on her. They leave Seta and Renna collared. Egwene
wants to get Bela, but Nynaeve tells her they are leaving by ship. They leave the
building and realize the streets are empty. Soldiers approach and Egwene attacks
them. A retaliatory fireball explodes and Nynaeve and Elayne are separated from Min
and Egwene.

Bayle Domon POV - The explosions have the crew of the Spray in a panic A
crewman, Aedwin Cole, wants to cut the ropes and Yarin agrees. Bayle Domon says
they will wait.

Geofram Bornhald POV - Geofram Bornhald sees the lightning over Falme. He
sends Byar away with the messages and prepares to march the Whitecloaks into

Rand POV - Rand is with Ingtar in an alley. Mat, Perrin and Hurin are at the other
end of the alley. Rand has odd feelings of danger from important threads being
threatened. Ingtar admits letting in the Gray Man at Fal Dara. He did not know what
would happen. He still does not know if Rand or Siuan was the target. He says it
seemed logical.1 The Shadow is better than oblivion like Caralain and Hardan. Ingtar
wanted the Horn so he could return to the Light. Ingtar saw nasty futures in the Portal
Stone. He sacrifices himself guarding the alley so the other four can escape.

1. Is this statement a hint that he was subverted by one of the White Ajah?

TGH: Chapter 47

The Grave Is No Bar to My Call

Rand POV - Rand does not tell Mat, Perrin or Hurin about Ingtar. They hear him
shout as he defends their escape. Rand feels an irresistible urge to go back for
Egwene, but they see an army of Seanchan come out of Falme. They have all sorts of
exotic animals with them.1 In front of them are hundreds of Whitecloaks. They are
trapped. Mat blows the Horn of Valere and a fog begins to rise.

Geofram Bornhald POV - Geofram Bornhald hears the Horn of Valere. A fog rises
and the ground explodes around him. He orders the Whitecloaks to charge.
Rand POV - It now seems like they are floating above Falme. Rand can see the
Seanchan and Whitecloaks battling. He can even see Bayle Domon on the Spray out
in the harbor. The Heroes of the Horn ride up and Rand recognizes them. He also
recalls older names for them. They include Rogosh Eagle-eye, Gaidal Cain, Birgitte,
Mikel of the Pure Heart (Michael), Paedrig the peacemaker (Patrick) and Otarin
(Oscar). Artur Hawkwing, with his sword Justice, leads them and calls Rand Lews
Therin. He says he has both faced him and fought beside him. He says they come to
the Horn, but they must follow the Dragon Banner.2 Perrin carries the Dragon Banner.
Hurin insists on staying and Artur Hawkwing says he may one day join them. Rand
seems to float away from them, then he sees Ba'alzamon with a black staff. He is
thrown from Red and Red disappears. Ba'alzamon is surrounded by shadow. He
knows Rand wants the girl and tells him she will be taken to Seanchan.3 He thinks
Rand blew the Horn.4 The damane do not affect the Heroes of the Horn.5 Ba'alzamon
again offers to teach Rand. Rand recalls Lan and Ingtar telling about Sheathing the
Sword. He assumes Heron Wading in the Rushes. Ba'alzamon stabs him in the side
with the staff. He stabs Ba'alzamon in the heart.6

1. By description they include grolm, corlm, raken, torm and s'redit.
2. The rules governing the Heroes of the Horn are not at all clear, particularly
what would happen if a bad guy blew the Horn.
3. Confirming his role in the abduction of the girls.
4. So Ishamael truly is fallible. At this point, only the boys and Hurin know who
really blew the Horn. By the beginning of TSR, however, the Shadow has
learned that it was Mat. (TSR,Ch10) When or how the Shadow got this
information is unclear.
5. Birgitte confirms that the One Power cannot affect the Heroes of the Horn
when they are called forth. (TSR,Ch52)
6. The Seanchan army is defeated and driven back to the ocean. Lady Morsa is
one of the Seanchan nobles who witnesses the defeat. (TFoH,Ch32)

TGH: Chapter 48

First Claiming

Min POV - Min is separated from the others. She feels drawn to go a certain way. She
saw the Spray leaving and does not blame Bayle Domon. She sees Birgitte and Artur
Hawkwing. She feels drawn into a certain house and finds Rand in the garden. His
sword is melted and it burned his hand giving him the second heron mark. He is very
cold and has a cauterized wound in his side. She drags him upstairs and gets in bed
with him to warm him. Egwene walks in. She and Elayne also felt drawn, but
Nynaeve did not.1 They found Bela and the other horses. Egwene leaves to get
Nynaeve. Lanfear shows up and tells Min he is Lews Therin, the Dragon Reborn. She
says, "Ishamael thinks he controls events, but I do." She brushes Rand's forehead and
he stirs.2 She tells Min to tend Rand till she comes for him then she vanishes.3

Jaret Byar POV - Byar is galloping east. He saw the legion of Whitecloaks led by
Geofram Bornhald wiped out. It must have been Darkfriends like Perrin who betrayed
them. He must carry word of this to Dain Bornhald at Tar Valon, but even more
importantly, he must carry word to Pedron Niall4 of what he saw in the sky.5

1. It is not at all clear if there is any significance to the fact that, of the four girls,
only Nynaeve did not feel drawn to Rand.
2. She partially Healed him. (TGH,Ch49)
3. It is interesting that Min apparently does not have a viewing of Lanfear.
Curious for someone so important in the Pattern.
4. Geofram Bornhald ordered him to bring word to Dain Bornhald first
(TGH,Ch44) but he chooses to carry word first to Amador. (TDR,Prologue)
5. Rand battling Ba'alzamon.

TGH: Chapter 49

What Was Meant to Be

Rand POV - Rand wakes and sees Min. She tells him they have been traveling east
for five days. Elayne and Nynaeve were also in Falme. Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne,
Mat, Hurin and Verin left for Tar Valon with the Horn of Valere and the ruby dagger.
Rand knows the pain in his side is important. Verin tried Healing, but it did not work.
Moiraine said Nynaeve must have done something, but Nynaeve said she was too
frightened.1 Moiraine comes over. She says she learned much in Falme.2 She could
not save the two Aes Sedai sent to Seanchan, but did what she could.3 She says she
did not send Verin.4 Moiraine figured out about Fain and Mordeth. They tell him his
battle with Ba'alzamon was seen in the sky by everyone in the area. Cairhien is in
civil war because of him. Moiraine found the two seals in Turak's house. They are
now broken. The Dragon Banner flies on a pole. Loial has a book titled To Sail
Beyond the Sunset.5 Perrin is nearby. The Shienarans, led by Uno, pledge themselves
to him. Masema is especially fervent. Moiraine tells him that he must choose if he
will accept his destiny and Rand finally accepts being the Dragon Reborn.
1. So Lanfear did Heal him.
2. How long was she there and what did she learn?
3. And what was that?
4. The Big Mystery. Verin says Moiraine sent her, but Moiraine denies it. What
really happened? We learn a little more about Verin in TGS,Ch39.
5. A tribute to Robert Heinlein. To Sail Beyond the Sunset was his last book.

TGH: Chapter 50


Omni POV - Tales of a great battle and the Dragon Reborn spread across the land.


"And men cried out to the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the
World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the Prophecies,
as he was in Ages past and will be in Ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning
sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the
arm of the Lord of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice
defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

—from Charal Drianaan te Calamon,

The Cycle of the Dragon,
Author unknown, the Fourth Age"

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