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TDR: Prologue

Fortress of the Light


"And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his name, for he shall be born
among us many times, in many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time without
end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of the plow, turning our lives in furrows
from out of the places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds; the forger of
chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper of destiny.1

—from Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon,

by Jurith Dorine, Right Hand to the
Queen of Almoren, 742 AB, the Third Age"

Pedron Niall POV - Niall is in the Fortress of the Light in Amador holding audience
with Jaret Byar. It is late winter. He has been Lord Captain Commander for ten years.
He has a drawing of Rand and Byar confirms that he is a false Dragon. Geofram
Bornhald and his legion were destroyed by Aes Sedai aided by Darkfriends calling
themselves Seanchan. He cites two Aes Sedai they killed as proof.2 The whole west of
the Westlands is in chaos. Niall thinks this is proof that the Three Oaths, to speak no
word that is not true, to make no weapon for one man to kill another, to use the One
Power as a weapon only against Darkfriends or Shadowspawn, are a lie.3 Niall gives
him leave to report to Dain Bornhald who is with Eamon Valda near Tar Valon. Byar
reiterates they were betrayed by a particular Darkfriend, Perrin from the Two Rivers.
Byar leaves. Niall wonders about the other two false Dragons in Saldaea and Tear.4
He also wonders about reports of Aiel as far west as Kandor and Ghealdan.5 The
Ogier have also called meetings between the stedding. Carridin enters. He gives a
similar report, partly blaming Geofram Bornhald for the calamity. Niall orders him to
make sure the false Dragon is not killed. He warns Carridin that anything happening
to either Rand or Niall will result in his death within a month.6 Carridin leaves. Niall
contemplates his grand plan. His short-term plan was to recreate the nation of Almoth
as a Whitecloak empire, then squeeze Tarabon between Almoth and Amadicia. His
long-term plan is to spread his influence so that, when Tarmon Gai'don occurs, he will
be the one to lead the forces of the Light against the Shadowspawn hordes from the
Blight. Ordeith enters. Niall does not believe Ordeith is his real name as it means
"wormwood" in the Old Tongue. He arrived a month before and somehow got himself
admitted to Niall. He warns Niall that Perrin, Rand and Mat are Darkfriends and that
the Two Rivers is a nest of Darkfriends. Niall says he must make plans for the Two
Jaichim Carridin POV - Carridin returns to his quarters looking for his servant,
Sharbon. There is a Fade in his room. It smiles and laughs at him.7 In a mirror, the
Fade is an indistinct blur. The Fade reminds him of his real priorities, roughs him up a
bit and orders Carridin to kill Rand. Each month of delay will cost Carridin a relative.
The Fade disappears. When Sharbon enters, Carridin takes out his frustration on him.
He debates which orders to obey.

1. The quote from the Prophecies of the Dragon seems to be mostly generic.
Moiraine comments on breaking chains and putting into chains. (TDR,Ch6)
2. The sul'dam and damane the Geofram Bornhald found after a costly skirmish
with the Seanchan. (TGH,Ch44)
3. The first usage of "Three Oaths" capitalized, though Sheriam cites them in
4. Niall does not have the latest news. Once Rand proclaimed himself, Taim and
the fellow in Tear were both knocked out and captured. (TDR,Ch12)
5. Searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn.
6. Carridin actually survives Niall by a bit more than a month (ACoS,Prologue,
TPoD,Ch28) and Niall clearly has nothing to do with his death. It is unclear
what happened to Niall's planned retribution.
7. Robert Jordan confirmed that this Fade is, indeed, an early incarnation of
Shaidar Haran. Is it the same one that we have seen earlier? (TEotW,Ch17,
TGH,Prologue, TGH,Ch6)

TDR: Chapter 1


Perrin POV - It is late winter in the Mountains of Mist. Perrin can feel wolves trying
to contact him. Perrin is riding his horse, Stepper, with Masema, Ragan, Uno and two
other Shienarans. Moiraine sent them out from their camp further back in the
mountains to meet a woman. They have already met women from Tarabon, Ghealdan
and Amadicia.1 Perrin spots a rider coming from the direction of Tarabon and can tell
that she is a Tinker. Masema spots a raven and Perrin shoots it. She rides up2 and
introduces herself as Leya. She has come bringing news to Moiraine. They all ride
back to the camp of the Dragon Reborn. Loial is reading as usual. Min greets them.
The Dragon Banner is flying.

1. Why these women come seeking Moiraine, how they know the way, what
news they bring and how Moiraine knows when to send out scouts to find
them is all a complete mystery.
2. Her horse is Piesa. (TDR,Ch2)

TDR: Chapter 2


Perrin POV - In the camp, Leya insists on going straight to Moiraine, but asks Perrin
to feed her horse, Piesa. One of the Shienarans, Masuto, is stirring a pot of stew.
Perrin talks with Loial and Min. Min views Leya. "The Tinker woman is going to die.
I saw her own face floating over her shoulder, covered in blood, eyes staring."1 Loial
plans to write a book about Rand. Rand comes out of Moiraine's cabin and walks
away. They have been arguing. Uno, Masema, Ragan and the other Shienarans are in
awe of him. Leya is in Moiraine's cabin with Lan and her. Perrin follows Rand to a
fissure in the mountain wall. Rand recites a portion of the Prophecies of the Dragon:

"Twice and twice shall he be marked,

twice to live and twice to die.
Once the heron, to set his path.
Twice the heron, to name him true.
Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.
Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay."

and notes that there are no Dragons yet.2 Rand asks Perrin if he thinks Mat is okay
and Perrin says yes. He thinks Mat and the others must be in Tar Valon by now. Rand
and Moiraine argue over what to do. She says stay put. He says do something about
the people fighting and dying for him on Almoth Plain. He understands that she is
right, but he has to do something. Rand knows he must face Ba'alzamon again.3 As he
frets, he feels saidin pulling and causes an earthquake without even knowing it. Rand
asks Perrin if his dreams are okay. Perrin goes back to the camp, but Rand stays

1. She will be killed in the Trolloc raid in TDR,Ch5.
2. They will come in Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch34)
3. Most likely from his dreams.
TDR: Chapter 3

News from the Plain

Perrin POV - Perrin returns to the camp and tells Moiraine that Rand's earthquake
was an accident. Loial, Uno and the Shienarans are fixing the damage. Perrin talks
with Min about wishing to go home. He sees Rand sneak back into camp. Moiraine
joins them and says Leya cut her head. Perrin hopes this was Min's viewing.1 Lan,
Uno and Loial join them. Moiraine relates the news from Leya. Almoth Plain is in
chaos. There are perhaps five thousand Whitecloaks, half their total force. They are
pushing out the Taraboners and Domani rather than attacking those following Rand.2
Three boys resembling Rand were murdered, probably by Gray Men.3 Moiraine is
irritated that Rand's display would alert every Fade for miles.4 Perrin skips dinner and
goes to his hut to sleep. He has been having bad dreams.

1. Nope. (TDR,Ch5)
2. This activity may be some cross between Pedron Niall's desire to consolidate
Almoth and his plan to keep Rand alive for a while. (TDR,Prologue)
3. So Carridin, or someone, is attempting to carry out the Fade's orders.
4. Indeed. They attack in TDR,Ch5.

TDR: Chapter 4

Shadows Sleeping

Perrin POV - Perrin is dreaming. He is in an inn with a man.1 The man offers him
wine and asks if he will give up the axe. Perrin refuses and the man disappears.

Everything shifts and he sees in a mirror that he is wearing a gold lion-head helmet. A
beautiful woman2 offers him glory and another goblet of wine; he refuses both. She
disappears saying she will always be in his dreams.
He is on a stone bridge. There are many others connecting platforms.3 In the distance
he sees a woman in white.2 Below him, two men appear. One is tall, dark and slender
with silver in his black hair.4 The other is shorter and stocky with short, white hair.5
They talk, then argue. The same man he saw at the inn joins them. He shouts at them
and they act fearful, then the tall man argues back. All three are shouting when the
newcomer waves his arms and a ball of flame envelops them and expands toward
Perrin. When he looks up, they are gone, but he sees a wolf on a ramp above him.

He is in a huge chamber with redstone columns.6 In the center a glass sword floats. He
tries to touch it but cannot. He hears a voice whisper "Callandor." A wolf appears and
tells him Trollocs are coming.

1. Ba'alzamon
2. Lanfear
3. This place sounds like the Ways.
4. Rahvin
5. Be'lal
6. The Stone of Tear

TDR: Chapter 5

Nightmares Walking

Perrin POV - Perrin wakes and jumps from his bed. It is late at night. Trollocs are
attacking the camp. Lan and Moiraine join the battle. A Fade kills Leya, then Perrin
kills the Fade. Wolves arrive and participate in the battle. Several wolves and
Shienarans are killed. Another group of wolves attack and kill another Fade. All but
one, Morning Mist, die in the fight. After all the Trollocs are dead, Min and Loial
come over to where Perrin is standing. The Shienarans were most impressed with his
fighting. Masema says the wolves were a sign, but Uno tells him to shut up. Perrin
and Min go to talk to Rand. He is upset because he could not control saidin enough to
help. Rand felt them coming.1 Perrin worries about the wolves talking to him and
recalls that Elyas Machera apparently could control it. Moiraine Heals Perrin's
wounds using her ivory figurine angreal. Rand's wound opened again. Seeing the
blood, Rand quotes from the Karaethon Cycle,

"The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from
the Shadow."
Moiraine is surprised and demands to know where he heard it.2 She partially Heals
him again and faints from exhaustion. Lan takes Moiraine and tells Min and Perrin to
get Rand to bed.

1. His channeling ability also lets him sense the presence of Shadowspawn.
2. The quote is not exact but it is basically what Thom told him. (TGH,Ch26)

TDR: Chapter 6

The Hunt Begins

Perrin - Lan wakes Perrin telling him that Rand is gone. Uno and Masema come out
of Moiraine's cabin. Masema is overwrought that Rand is gone, then accepts that he
left to spread his gospel. Perrin thinks he is crazy. Loial and Min are in Moiraine's
cabin with her. She shows a letter from Rand saying that Ba'alzamon is after him
again and that he does not want others dying for him. Moiraine wonders which of the
Forsaken are already free, naming Lanfear, Sammael, Asmodean, Be'lal, Rahvin and
Ishamael.1 Lan and Uno enter. Loial mentions Rand talking about his dreams.
Moiraine then asks Perrin about his dreams and he tells her about the crystal sword.
Lan says it is Callandor. Moiraine sends Lan to see if others dreamed of it. Loial
notes that the Prophecies of the Dragon say the Dragon Reborn will wield Callandor.
Moiraine says that is only one of many signs and cites others. He "shall slay his
people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf." He "shall bind the
nine moons to serve him." He will heal "wounds of madness and cutting of hope."
What chains has he broken, and who put into chains? She explains that Rand caused
Perrin's dream. Channelers who are strong in the Spirit can force their dreams others.
Lan returns saying others dreamed of the sword as well. Uno reports that Rand left
through a newly formed crack in the mountain wall. Moiraine sends the Shienarans2
to meet someone in Jehannah3 and await word from her there. She sends Min to Tar
Valon to report to the Amyrlin Seat. Lan, Perrin and Loial will accompany Moiraine
and follow Rand. As they leave, Min asks Lan if he has a message for Nynaeve. Lan
is caught off guard and says no. Alone with Perrin, Min says she never views
anything about Loial. About Perrin, she views:

 An Aielman in a cage.4 A Tuatha'an with a sword.5 A falcon and a hawk,

perching on your shoulders. Both female, I think.6
She also tells him that if he meets the most beautiful woman he has ever seen he
should run.7 She tells Perrin she loves him like a brother and he is flattered.8 She tells
him she is bound to Rand and that Egwene knows. They prepare to depart.

1. Moiraine apparently has not figured out that Ishamael is Rand's Ba'alzamon.
Min is the only one who knows that Lanfear is free. First mention of
Asmodean. First mentions of Be'lal, Sammael and Rahvin who will appear
later in the book.
2. In addition to Uno, Masema and Ragan, there are Bartu, Chaena, Nangu and
Nengar (TFoH,Ch38), Mendao, Sakaru and Sar (TFoH,Ch40).
3. Her name is never given, but when the Shienarans arrive in Jehannah she is
dead and buried and no one else in her family knows the name Moiraine. They
are left on their own. (TFoH,Ch38)
4. Gaul (TDR,Ch33)
5. Aram (TSR,Ch45)
6. Faile and Berelain
7. From meeting Lanfear. (TGH,Ch48)
8. In early printings of TDR Perrin responds that he never had a sister. This is
contradicted in TSR,Ch29 where his two sisters are slain by Fain. In later
printings this error is corrected.

TDR: Chapter 7

The Way Out of the Mountains

Perrin POV - Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial head out of the mountains following
Rand. Lan rides Mandarb and Moiraine rides Aldieb. Moiraine goads Lan for more
speed and threatens to send him to Myrelle, which angers him. Perrin asks who she is
and Moiraine just answers that she is Green Ajah. Moiraine has the Dragon Banner
with her. After several days of travel they leave the Mountains of Mist and enter
foothills and then farmland of Ghealdan. The next day they reach the first village,
Jarra, just north of the Amadicia border.


TDR: Chapter 8

Perrin POV - Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial ride into Jarra late in the evening.
Perrin smells a faint, vile odor.1 At the inn, Harilin's Leap, they are greeted by Simion.
He is equally startled by Perrin's eyes and by Loial. He tells them there were several
weddings in the last two days. Widow Jorath grabbed old Banas shortly after Rilith,
the weaver's daughter unexpectedly wed Jon, the blacksmith.2 He calls to Nico and
Patrim, the stable boys, to take their horses and takes them inside. He takes them
inside and introduces the innkeeper, Master Harod. Harod is relieved they are not
Whitecloaks. Normally they do not cause trouble, but yesterday some deserted and
others tried to burn down his inn.2 When Perrin, Loial and Simion are alone, Perrin
asks if another young man came through recently. Simion says yes, he came through
yesterday morning and played the flute for all the weddings, then left in the middle of
the night.3 He headed east. Simion recognized Moiraine as Aes Sedai and asks Perrin
if she could help his brother, Noam. Mother Roon cannot help him. Perrin goes to ask
Moiraine. She and Lan are angry that he talked to Simion. They already knew Rand
was there because of the odd happenings. She says no one knows the effects of
ta'veren as strong as Rand. Artur Hawkwing was the strongest since the Age of
Legends and Rand is even stronger than he. Nevertheless, Moiraine agrees to try to
help. Simion leads Perrin and Moiraine to a stable. Noam, who is locked up, acts feral
and has yellow eyes. Moiraine tries to Heal him but fails. She says there is nothing
human left in him, then she leaves. Perrin tells Simion that it would be kinder to let
Noam run free and Simion does.4 Simion tells Perrin that the Whitecloaks were
looking for a Darkfriend named Perrin Aybara who has yellow eyes,5 but no
Darkfriend would bother to try to help his brother.

1. The scent of a Gray Man. (TDR,Ch42)
2. Rand's ta'veren when he passed through town.
3. So they are still about a day behind Rand.
4. We learn more about NoamοΏ½s fate in ToM,Epilogue.
5. So Pedron Niall acted fast on Jaret Byar's and Ordeith's news.

TDR: Chapter 9
Wolf Dreams

Perrin POV - Perrin is very worried that he will end up like Noam. That evening,
after Simion brings him dinner, he goes to Moiraine to ask if she knows anything and
can help him. She says she found a fragment of a book from the Age of Legends
while studying at two friends' library.1 It describes Wolfbrothers, but even in the Age
of Legends little was known. She warns Perrin that wolves live partly in a dream
world and that dreams can be very dangerous to him. She has read that Dreamers have
encountered wolves in their dreams.2 Perrin returns to his room and goes to sleep.

Perrin walks down a corridor. A wolf voice warns him of danger. He recognizes the
voice as Hopper. He knows he is dreaming but cannot wake. He sees a strangely
dressed man who acts like an arrogant noble.3 He is clearly irritated at Perrin being in
his dream. Suddenly a shadow on the wall reaches out and removes the man's skin,
spattering Perrin with blood. Again, the wolf voice tells him to run; there is great
danger. In another corridor Perrin sees a beautiful woman in white.4 She is very angry
when she sees him and disappears with a strange two-dimensional effect.5 Hopper
appears next to him warning him once again of extreme danger, worse than Fades.6
Hopper leaps for his throat.

He finally wakes. He is unharmed, but his face and clothes are still spotted with
blood. He throws away his clothes and sleeps poorly the rest of the night.

Rand POV - Rand utterly destroys a Darkhound with a rod of white light.7 It was not
the first. Holding saidin makes him feel sick so that he wishes Moiraine or Nynaeve
could Heal him. He is heading to Tear where he will end it all, one way or the other.
He is now no easy prey to his hunters.

1. Adeleas and Vandene (TGH,Ch22)
2. So evidently the wolf dream is closely related to or part of Tel'aran'rhiod.
3. This attire is unique. Is he perhaps a Sharan?
4. Lanfear
5. Apparently she Travels.
6. Meaning Lanfear or another of the Forsaken or something else?
7. balefire

TDR: Chapter 10

Egwene POV - Egwene, Nynaeve, Mat, Elayne, Verin and Hurin approach
Dragonmount after crossing the Caralain Grass. Egwene is riding Bela. Spring is just
arriving. Egwene is anxious to get back to Tar Valon both to resume her training and
to resume her testing with Anaiya. She has been dreaming about Rand running away
from something and toward something.1 She would like to see Galad again as well.
Nynaeve makes a tart comment to her so she responds asking if Nynaeve thinks
Moiraine is treating Lan well. Egwene asks if she thinks Rand and Perrin are well.
Nynaeve says she feels a storm coming. Verin seems lost in thought. Elayne is
watching Mat who has not waked in three days. He has the ruby dagger in its golden
sheath.2 Hurin also smells trouble. Egwene is constantly tempted to channel despite
Sheriam's warnings on overuse. Nynaeve sees riders and soon two dozen Whitecloaks
approach. Verin tells them to let her handle it. They ride up and the young leader
starts hassling them. Verin handles it until Elayne suddenly announces herself as
Daughter-Heir of Andor and tells them they will have to answer to Queen Morgase.
He tells them Morgase no longer supports the White Tower and that his captain,
Eamon Valda wants to speak to Elayne. Egwene cannot stand it any longer and
channels causing the ground to explode. Elayne and Nynaeve join in. All of the
Whitecloaks but their leader run. He says, "Go ahead. Kill me as you killed my
father." Verin is furious telling Egwene that what she did is an abomination. Egwene
then makes matters worse telling him they came from Falme. He shouts that Byar told
him they killed his father. He yells, "My name is Dain Bornhald! Remember it,
Darkfriends! I will make you fear my name!" They ignore him and ride on. Verin tells
them that the real danger begins now.

1. Running from his pursuers and running toward Callandor.
2. This seems to be an error. When Rand took the Horn and ruby dagger (TGH,Ch19)
Fain still had the sheath. The ruby dagger was still bare bladed when Mat took it
from High Lord Turak's manor. (TGH,Ch45)

TDR: Chapter 11

Tar Valon

Egwene POV - Verin, Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve, Hurin and Mat ride through the
village of Darein. One of six bridges begins in Darein and crosses the River Erinin to
Tar Valon. Verin stops to talk to the guard. He says the Whitecloaks have tried to take
over some of the outlying villages such as Eldone Market. Verin covers her face as
they cross the bridge.1 After they cross the bridge, Hurin bids farewell saying he must
take the news of what really happened at Falme to Lord Agelmar and King Easar. At
the White Tower, Verin talks to a guard who quickly leaves. Two men arrive with a
stretcher and take Mat away. Sheriam arrives with three Accepted. Sheriam says most
everyone already knows they are back. Verin says she must see the Amyrlin
immediately and the girls by closely held until the Amyrlin is ready for them. Sheriam
scolds the girls and orders three Accepted, Faolain, Theodrin and a "pretty, apple-
cheeked Accepted"2 to take them to their rooms and guard them. Faolain takes
Egwene, Theodrin takes Nynaeve and the third Accepted takes Elayne.

1. Why? Is there someone or some group in particular that she does not want to be
seen by? According to Sheriam, most of the White Tower already knows they have
2. She is never identified by name.

TDR: Chapter 12

The Amyrlin Seat

Siuan Sanche POV - Siuan is in her study waiting for Verin. She has been Amyrlin
for nearly ten years. Leane enters and bows, announcing Verin. She is always formal,
even though they were novices together. Siuan excuses Leane, which is unusual.
Verin tells Siuan that Rand has declared himself as Dragon Reborn. Siuan tells her
that both false Dragons are taken. Taim was captured in Saldaea and the one in
Haddon Mirk was captured and executed. Both happened at the same time Rand
declared. Siuan thinks Rand is safe in Moiraine's hands.1 Verin gives her the Horn of
Valere. Siuan says the Horn was to be left with Rand, but Verin tells her that Mat
actually sounded it. Siuan says she will hide it where only the two of them know.2
Verin tells Siuan she thinks the Seanchan will return and confirms that they use the
One Power in battle. Verin asks what Siuan plans for the girls and Siuan tells her they
will wish they were fishbait before she is done. She tells Verin to tell her everything
about the girls.

1. Not knowing that Rand is on his own and headed to Tear.
2. And that is the last we hear of the Horn of Valere.

TDR: Chapter 13


Egwene POV - Egwene and Elayne are in their novice rooms in the White Tower.
They talk to each other through holes in the wall. Faolain bursts in on Egwene and
notices her talking to Elayne through the hole.1 Faolain and the "apple-cheeked
Accepted"2 escort Egwene and Elayne to the Amyrlin's chambers. Along the way they
are joined by Nynaeve and her escort, Theodrin. Egwene had not been near the
Amyrlin's rooms before. They arrive at the Amyrlin's antechamber and are met by
Leane. Leane asks the escorts if the girls gave any trouble. Faolain indicates yes and
the other two say no. Leane chides Faolain and sends her to Marris Sedai for
punishment. The other two girls also leave. Leane pauses for a moment and then bids
them to enter the Amyrlin's study. Siuan is sitting at her desk. Elayne tells Siuan that
Liandrin is Black Ajah. Siuan tells them that that is already known and that she and
twelve other women3 left the White Tower some months ago and stole some
ter'angreal4 on the way out. Siuan also tells them that they should be glad that only
she, Leane, and Verin know that they had anything to do with Liandrin or they might
have been stilled. Siuan says that their punishment is to be assigned to the kitchens, to
work with the scullions, until further notice. Siuan says that Egwene and Elayne are to
be raised to Accepted. Morgase was at the White Tower less than a month ago and
was furious about Elayne not being there. Morgase refused to take Elaida back with
her to Caemlyn. She almost took Galad and Gawyn with her, but they talked her out
of it. Morgase demanded that Elayne be returned to Caemlyn as soon as she returned.
Siuan has no intention of doing so. Siuan says that Elayne has the potential to be
stronger than any Aes Sedai in a thousand years. Siuan then tells Leane to escort
Elayne to Sheriam's study. She has a few more words yet with the other two...

1. It is not clear if she might have been eavesdropping.
2. She is never identified by name.
3. They are:
o Amico Nagoyin - Yellow Ajah
o Asne Zeramene - Green Ajah
o Berylla Naron - Blue Ajah
o Chesmal Emry - Yellow Ajah
o Eldrith Jhondar - Brown Ajah
o Falion Bhoda - White Ajah
o Ispan Shefar - Blue Ajah
o Jeaine Caide - Green Ajah
o Joiya Byir - Gray Ajah
o Liandrin - Red Ajah
o Marillin Gemalphin - Brown Ajah
o Rianna Andomeran - White Ajah
o Temaile Kinderode - Gray Ajah
4. Of the stolen ter'angreal, thirteen allow access to Tel'aran'rhiod. (TDR,Ch25,
TSR,Ch11) They include:
o alabaster figurine
o amber plaque
o clear crystal rod
o fluted black rod
o glass bracelet
o hedgehog
o iron disc
o silver ring
o six spotted dice

TDR: Chapter 14

The Bite of the Thorns

Egwene POV - Siuan angrily speaks of the Black Ajah to Egwene and Nynaeve. She
lists whom she can really trust, considering Leane, Sheriam, Verin and Moiraine.1
Because of what happened to the girls, Siuan has to believe that they, at least, are not
Black Ajah. Liandrin and the others probably fled because they learned that the girls
were returning. They are the only ones she can truly trust, so she will send Nynaeve
and Egwene to hunt down the Black Ajah. She will not send Elayne because of the
problems with Morgase. Verin will give them all the information on the Black Ajah
sisters and the missing ter'angreal.2 Siuan says they will mainly have to operate under
the limitations of Accepted, but she gives them two letters authorizing them to act in
the name of the Amyrlin Seat. Nynaeve asks about Mat, but Siuan tells them to go to
their rooms and rest, then report to Sheriam.

1. Interesting that, of the four Siuan considers safest, at least two of them, Verin and
Sheriam, have hidden agendas of some sort.
2. Verin will give the information to Egwene in TDR,Ch21.

TDR: Chapter 15

The Gray Man

Egwene POV - Egwene and Nynaeve walk back to Egwene's room. Nynaeve looks in
Elayne's room, but she is not back yet. At the door, Egwene stops her suddenly to ask
a question. A crossbow bolt passes where they would have been a split second later.
Looking hard, Nynaeve spots the man who shot at them and holds him with Air. She
brings him to them, but he is dead with a dagger in his chest and the crossbow is
gone.1 Sheriam walks around the corner and they tell her they found him. She touches
him and draws back in disgust saying he is a Gray Man. She covers the body with an
opaque shield of Air that Nynaeve studies carefully. She says there has not been a
Gray Man in the Tar Valon since the Trolloc Wars. Nynaeve asks what she is doing in
the novice quarters and Sheriam is startled, then angry.2 She says to tell no one and
implies she will tell Siuan, then she tells them to go to Nynaeve's room. Before
Egwene accompanies Nynaeve she goes to her room for a shawl, but actually to
retrieve the crossbow bolt. It is gone.3 Nynaeve thinks she can duplicate Sheriam's
trick with Air. Thinking about weaves, Egwene wonders why Healing uses Spirit, Air
and Water. As they head for Nynaeve's room, Nynaeve notes that Sheriam never
wondered who stabbed the Gray Man.2

1. Isam killed the Gray Man and presumably took the crossbow. (WH,Ch22)
2. This is the first of several examples of odd behavior by Sheriam.
3. Did Isam come back for the bolt or was it someone else?

4. TDR: Chapter 16

Hunters Three

Egwene POV - Egwene and Nynaeve arrive at Nynaeve's room. Elayne is there with
Gawyn and Galad. They are quizzing her about where the girls were. Gawyn says
Queen Morgase told them to look after Elayne and he would rather have Coulin, the
Master of Arms, mad at him than Morgase. They know Elayne was in trouble with
Sheriam because she has been crying and will not sit down! Nynaeve tells the men
that she will report them to Coulin if they do not leave so they depart. Galad is maybe
a year younger than Nynaeve. Elayne tells Egwene that Gawyn is in love with her, but
will not show it because Galad likes her, too, and he saved Gawyn's life when he was
young. Nynaeve tells Elayne about Siuan's orders to hunt the Black Ajah and about
the attempt on their lives with the Gray Man because she fears Elayne will be in as
much danger as they are. Elayne says queens of Andor ride to battle. Seven hundred
years ago at the Battle of Cuallin Dhen the Andorans were being routed by the
Tairens, but Queen Modrellein led a charge that turned the tide. She will join them.
Nynaeve thinks Siuan may let Mat die for her own purposes. She says she will try to
Heal Mat herself. The door bangs open and Elaida enters.

TDR: Chapter 17

The Red Sister

Egwene POV - Elaida enters Nynaeve's room where she is talking with Elayne and
Egwene. Elaida hints that they may be associated with Liandrin and the Black Ajah1
because of their disappearance and says she will help them if they tell all. Egwene
waffles and says they went to help Mat, but Nynaeve is firm and says Siuan told them
not to talk about it. Elaida is particularly angry at Elayne for upsetting the relationship
between Tar Valon and Andor.2 She then starts quizzing them about Rand. Sheriam
enters and sides with the girls. Elaida leaves. When Nynaeve asks about the Gray Man
again, Sheriam angrily notes that they must have told Elayne about him. She says only
seven people in the White Tower know that a man died, and that includes the two
workmen who carried him out. Nynaeve again asks about the additional person who
killed the Gray Man.3 Sheriam tells them it is none of their affair and orders them to
follow her to Mat's Healing. Egwene nervously wonders if Sheriam's odd behavior
might mean she is Black Ajah.

1. There is a bit of a disconnect here. Elaida seems clear that Liandrin and her
cohorts are Black Ajah, yet in CoT,Prologue Yukiri, another Sitter, seems
surprised to learn that Temaile is Black Ajah.
2. Actually her concern is her Foretelling, which she interprets to mean that
Elayne is the key to the Last Battle.
3. The seven are Sheriam, the three girls, the two men and Siuan. The statement
may still be technically true if either Sheriam is the killer or if the killer is no
longer in the White Tower. She did, indeed, tell Siuan about the Gray Man.

TDR: Chapter 18


Egwene POV - Sheriam takes Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne down into the bowels of
the White Tower. Egwene still nervously thinks about the Black Ajah. In a deep
chamber, they find Mat lying unconscious on a platform. He has the ruby dagger.
Nine Aes Sedai stand around him. They are Siuan, Leane, Verin, Serafelle, Alanna,
Anaiya, Brendas of the White Ajah and two others.1 Sheriam joins them making ten.
Siuan has a white fluted wand, a powerful sa'angreal. Siuan leads the circle. As the
glow of saidar surrounds them, Nynaeve notes that she could only channel half as
much.2 As they channel, the ruby dagger in its golden sheath starts to rise and Mat
wakes. He shouts in the Old Tongue, "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem!
Los Valdar Cuebiyari! Los! Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!" Egwene recognizes
this part, "For the honor of the Red Eagle! The Red Eagle!"3 Mat continues, "Mia
ayende, Aes Sedai! Caballein misain ye! Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye! Mia
Ayende!" When the ruby dagger is separated from Mat, Anaiya grasps it with tongs
and puts it in a heavy metal box. The box closes and Mat collapses. Many of the Aes
Sedai are clearly wrung out from what they have done. Siuan tells the girls that Mat
was ordering soldiers in a battle over two thousand years ago.4 The last phrase was, "I
am a free man Aes Sedai. I am no Aes Sedai meat." Sheriam leads the girls away to
begin their kitchen duties.

1. Odd that not one of the identified Aes Sedai is Yellow Ajah.
2. It seems most unlikely that Nynaeve, strong as she is, could come close to ten Aes
Sedai with a sa'angreal so this is probably an error in judgment on her part.
3. The same as Mat shouted when they were attacked by Trollocs east of Baerlon.
4. He apparently was Aemon ordering his troops in the last stand of Manetheren.

TDR: Chapter 19

Mat POV - It is the day after TDR,Ch18. Mat wakes with jumbled dreams and
memories. He mumbles in the Old Tongue, "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin
rhadiem." and suddenly recalls leading soldiers against Trollocs.1 He slowly orients
himself and remembers Moiraine and the ruby dagger. He recalls Egwene and
Nynaeve taking him to Tar Valon to be Healed and realizes that that is where he must
be. There is a table set with a great deal of food and he eats every bite. He decides he
must fend for himself. His father, Abell Cauthon, was the best horse trader in the Two
Rivers and taught his son well. He thinks about Aes Sedai and the seven Ajahs: Blue,
Red, Brown, Green, Yellow, White and Gray.2 He also remembers blowing the Horn
of Valere and that Verin was bringing the Horn to Tar Valon. His memories are very
spotty since he left the Two Rivers. There is a knock and the door opens.

1. His memory as Aemon in the Trolloc Wars.
2. This is the first mention of the Gray Ajah outside of the Glossaries.

TDR: Chapter 20


Mat POV - A beautiful woman in white enters Mat's room in the White Tower and
introduces herself as Selene. She seems familiar to him. She says she was in the
White Tower "for another purpose, and I wanted to see all of you." She tells him he is
hungry because of "the way they do things." She says, "There is no need to convince
you to seek out glory." She tries to convince him to join her side because his only
other choices are to be used by Aes Sedai or hounded by Ba'alzamon. She speaks of
"so-called Aes Sedai."1 She says she will not compel him. She tells him Abell and
Tam came to Tar Valon looking for him and Rand.2 Siuan Sanche sent them away
telling them nothing. She tells him that Rand is running and Moiraine is following
him. She also says the Black Ajah is active in the White Tower. She asks him to
remember that he has choices and he reluctantly agrees. His reluctance angers her and
she reaches toward him. His skin tingles and he gets a headache. Suddenly she looks
around as if she hears something and the tingle and headache disappear.3 She says
they will talk more later and she leaves. He really wants to leave now and checks his
meager possessions. He still has his dice cups so he thinks he can win enough to keep
himself going. There is a knock, then Siuan and Leane enter. He tells them he wants
to say goodbye to Egwene and Nynaeve then leave. They tell him he will have to stay
for a while to get well, maybe as long as a year. Siuan tells him every bridge guard in
Tar Valon has his description and orders not to let him leave. He strongly hints about
wishing his da had come and Siuan admits that he did. He notes that they are telling
him only as much as they absolutely have to. He asks her about Rand and she replies
that he is okay as far as she knows. She asks if he remembers blowing the Horn and
he admits that he does. She tells him that he is now linked to it as long as he lives. She
says he reminds her of her uncle Huan. He was a gambler and good for nothing, but
he died pulling children out of a burning house. She warns him to keep quiet about the
Horn. Shayol Ghul wants it and if the Shadow knows he blew it he will have
Darkfriends and worse after him. They leave and he begins making his plans for

1. This seems to be Jordan's standard catch phrase for identifying Forsaken.
2. It happened exactly as she said, (TSR,Ch31), but how did she learn this?
3. Clearly her channeling, but what was she doing if not compelling him?

TDR: Chapter 21

A World of Dreams

Egwene POV - Verin stops by the kitchen and casually summons Egwene to her
quarters above the library. As Egwene makes her way, she sees a flash of white ahead
of her and assumes it is a novice or an Accepted.1 She finds Verin's quarters and they
are a cluttered mess. Verin has a pet owl no bigger than her hand. Verin shows her a
scrap of paper written by Rosel of Essam only two hundred years after the Breaking.
It makes confusing references to the Heart of the Dark, Ba'alzamon, and the Betrayer
of Hope, Ishamael. She gives Egwene a bundle of paper, every scrap of information
she has been able to compile on Liandrin, the other twelve of the Black Ajah and the
ter'angreal that they took.2 Verin heard from Anaiya that Egwene might be a
Dreamer. The last Dreamer was Corianin Nedeal four hundred seventy-three years
ago. She reminds Egwene of her lectures on the Portal Stones and parallel worlds. The
Creator and the Dark One are constant, so the Dark One must be bound in all worlds.
There is an unseen world surrounding all of them, Tel'aran'rhiod, the World of
Dreams in the Old Tongue. She opens a box and gives Egwene a twisted ring. She
says it is a ter'angreal that Corianin studied for fifty years. It will allow anyone to
enter Tel'aran'rhiod. Verin warns Egwene that Tel'aran'rhiod is dangerous and shows
her a scar from her one visit. Anaiya's Healing did not work as it should.3 Verin tells
her not to tell anyone and sends her to her room.

Verin Mathwin POV - Verin opens the box that held the twisted ring and examines
the papers inside, Corianin's extensive notes on the twisted ring and Tel'aran'rhiod.
Corianin was very secretive. Verin found the notes and the twisted ring in the library
and believes no other Aes Sedai knows of them. She considered burning the notes as
well as giving them to Egwene but did neither. Destroying knowledge is anathema to
her. As for the latter, "what will happen, will happen."4

1. Or Lanfear?
2. Siuan told the girls that Verin would give them this information. (TDR,Ch14) The
stolen ter'angreal include:
o alabaster figurine
o amber plaque
o clear crystal rod
o fluted black rod
o glass bracelet
o hedgehog
o iron disc
o silver ring
o six spotted dice
3. Curious. When Sheriam and her companions are injured in the Dream their Healing
seems to work just fine. (LoC,Ch7)
4. Verin's motivations are far from clear. We learn more about her in TGS,Ch39.

TDR: Chapter 22

The Price of the Ring

Egwene POV - Sheriam meets Egwene in the hall. She has been hunting Egwene
because it is time for her Accepted test. She asks about Egwene's papers and Egwene
answers that they are study material from Verin. Egwene asks if it has to be
immediately and Sheriam responds that Siuan said now. Elayne has already been
tested. With some trepidation Egwene recalls Nynaeve's reaction to her test. At the
three arches, Elaida and Alanna are waiting along with a Yellow and a White whom
Egwene does not recognize. Sheriam and Elaida have a brief spat. Elaida does not
think Egwene should be tested, but Sheriam reminds her that she had no complaints
about Elayne being tested. Turning to Egwene, Sheriam says that she refused her first
time, but Egwene accepts the challenge. Alanna mentions that she feels an echo or
resonance,1 but it does not seem strong enough to delay the test. Egwene places the
twisted ring and papers under her clothes hoping no one will look at them. Sheriam
begins the ceremony and Egwene enters the first arch.

Egwene is married to Rand and they have a baby girl named Joiya. Tam is out in the
fields. Jaim Dawtry came by and told Rand stories of war and chaos outside the Two
Rivers. Rand has severe headaches that Nynaeve cannot help. Strange things happen
and Egwene suspects he can channel. Egwene knows that she has Healed people as
Nynaeve's apprentice. Rand experiences the worst headache ever just as the silver
arch appears. Egwene enters the arch instead of helping Rand.

Egwene mumbles about her baby and Sheriam comforts her. Egwene asks if it was
real and Sheriam replies that no one knows. Egwene enters the second arch.

Egwene is in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. It has been destroyed by Fades, Trollocs
and Darkfriends. Rand is pinned under the wreckage. He is afraid to channel because
he is barely holding on to sanity. He begs her to kill him before the Dreadlords and
Fades can turn him to the Shadow against his will.2 The silver arch appears and
Egwene enters instead of helping him.

Where only Sheriam can hear, Egwene asks if it is true that Dreadlords and Fades
could turn Rand to the Shadow. Sheriam is startled, makes sure that no one else can
hear, then tells Egwene that it is custom not to talk about her experiences in the three
arches.3 Egwene asks again and Sheriam whispers that it has not been done since the
Trolloc Wars and few even know of it. Thirteen Dreadlords weaving through thirteen
Myrddraal can turn anyone who can channel to the Shadow against their will.4
Egwene notes that that is the number of Black Ajah who fled the White Tower.
Sheriam tells her to forget it. Egwene enters the third arch.

Egwene is the Amyrlin Seat in her rooms with her Keeper, Beldeine of the Green
Ajah.5 She has an ageless face.6 Something feels wrong. She thinks of thirteen of the
Black Ajah but then thinks they were destroyed in the Great Purge.7 They go to the
Hall of the Tower where Elaida presents Rand and demands that Egwene issue the
order for him to be gentled. Egwene says she cannot and Beldeine knocks her
unconscious. She wakes in a cell with thirteen Aes Sedai and thirteen Myrddraal. The
Aes Sedai are Black Ajah. One is Gyldan,8 Elaida's closest ally. Egwene manages to
kill them all and escape. She finds Beldeine in her study. Beldeine breaks down and
admits that she was stilled by the Black Ajah. Elaida told her if she helped them the
Dark One could restore her ability to channel. They took Rand to Traitor's Court for
gentling. Egwene says she never held the Oath Rod6 and intends to help Rand. The
court will be surrounded by guards. This is because followers of false Dragons Guaire
Amalasan and Raolin Darksbane tried to break into the White Tower to rescue them.
She thinks she might use balefire9 against them, then wonders what balefire is. At the
Traitor's Court she sees that Elaida is now Amyrlin. Before she can help Rand the
silver arch appears and Egwene jumps into it instead of helping him.
Compare with TGH,Ch23. Nynaeve saw nothing that could not reasonably be
expected to come from her own knowledge or imagination.

1. The resonance is between the three arches and the twisted ring.
2. This information seems to be true.
3. Strange. Nothing was said about this after the first ring or at Nynaeve's testing.
(TGH,Ch23) Is this an outright lie?
4. And how is it that Sheriam knows of it? Egwene's words clearly imply that Rand can
channel, yet Sheriam's reaction does not seem right.
5. Beldeine is real. The description matches exactly.
6. A contradiction here, having an ageless face but never holding the Oath Rod.
7. A reference to true events in TGS,Ch45, et al.
8. Gyldan is never mentioned again so it is not clear if she is real or imaginary.
9. Again, real information comes from the three arches. This is the first mention of

TDR: Chapter 23


Egwene POV - Egwene steps out of the third arch of the three arches and notes that
all is not right. The Amyrlin and a representative of each Ajah is there, but there are
now six Aes Sedai around the three arches and it hums and sparks. The White Ajah
representative is Alviarin. Sheriam immediately Delves her to make sure she is okay.
Siuan completes the ceremony and announces that Egwene is now Accepted. Elaida
brings her clothes and the papers, insults her and leaves. Egwene asks what happened
and Alanna says the strange resonance came back much stronger. Alanna apologizes
and says she will ask for a penance to work with Egwene in the kitchen. She says the
only time she can recall anything like this happening was when two ter'angreal were
used in the same room. Egwene realizes she caused the resonance by bringing the
twisted ring with her. Egwene asks Alanna about the Green Ajah, which pleases her.
Alanna says the Green Ajah stands ready to do battle during Tarmon Gai'don. Siuan
comes over and Alanna asks for her penance as she said she would. Siuan reacts as if
Alanna were crazy to ask such a thing and refuses.1 Egwene is now nervous about
Alanna as well as Sheriam and Elaida possibly being Black Ajah. Sheriam realizes
Egwene is still there and sends her off to bed. Not wanting to be alone, she goes to
Nynaeve's room and finds Elayne crying on Nynaeve's lap. Elayne's Accepted test
was terrible, too. Egwene joins her in a good cry and Nynaeve says they will make
them pay.
1. Asking such a penance is clearly way out of line. Why did Alanna do it?

TDR: Chapter 24

Scouting and Discoveries

Mat POV - It is the morning after TDR,Ch20. Mat wakes and servants bring him
another huge meal. His goal is still to escape, so instead of getting back into bed, he
gets dressed and goes out to the White Tower grounds. He still wants to say goodbye
to Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne before he leaves. He asks till he finds a bridge guard
and sure enough the man recognizes him. As he walks along he sees Else Grinwell
and tries to talk to her. She avoids his touch, coolly asks what he is doing out of bed,
and hurries on.1 Hearing the clacking of swords, he walks to the Warder training yard
and watches the students practice. He recognizes Galad and Gawyn from Elayne's
descriptions. They recognize him from Egwene's descriptions and talk with him
during a break. Gawyn asks Mat about Rand. Their talk develops into a wager, Mat
with a quarterstaff against both of them with their practice swords. Their trainer,
Hammar, watches closely. Mat thumps both of them but nearly faints from hunger
during the fight. After the fight, Hammar announces that Jearom, the greatest
swordsman ever, only lost once, to a farmer with a quarterstaff. Gawyn is impressed
with Mat's skill, but Mat tells him that his father, Abell, is the best and Rand's father,
Tam, is not far behind. When Hammar talks with Mat, Mat slips and speaks in the Old
Tongue, then says he is from Manetheren. Confused and hungry, Mat heads back to
the White Tower. But he keeps the quarterstaff.

1. Clearly not the real Else Grinwell. She was sent home nine days ago. (TDR,Ch29) The
odds on favorite is Lanfear in disguise.

TDR: Chapter 25

Egwene POV - Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are in Nynaeve's room. They are tired
from a short, restless night and sore from their visits to Sheriam. Elayne continues to
study Verin's list of the Black Ajah and stolen ter'angreal. Egwene had numerous
dreams that she thinks may have meaning:

 She had dreamed of the Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with lightning
bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great
Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the White Tower.1
 And the dream about Whitecloaks binding her father's hands.2
 Rand, reaching for a sword that seemed to be made of crystal, never seeing the
fine net dropping over him.3
 And one of him kneeling in a chamber where a parched wind blew dust across
the floor, and creatures like the one on the Dragon Banner, but much smaller,
floated on that wind, and settled into his skin.4
 Him walking down into a great hole in a black mountain, a hole filled with a
reddish glare as from vast fires below.
 Him confronting Seanchan.5
 Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder, and Perrin with a hawk. Only the hawk
held a leash in her talons - Egwene was somehow convinced both hawk and
falcon were female - and the hawk was trying to fasten it around Perrin's
 Perrin - with a beard! - leading a huge pack of wolves that stretched as far as
the eye could see.
 Mat, placing his own left eye on a balance scale.7
 Mat, hanging by his neck from a tree limb.8
 Mat and Seanchan, too.9
 Mat speaking the Old Tongue.8

Anaiya told her that dreams about ta'veren are almost always significant, the more
strongly ta'veren the more certain the significance. Nynaeve thinks the list is a waste
of time, but Elayne analyzes more deeply and concludes that the even distribution of
Ajah and nations means that they were selected to be evenly distributed. This there
are more of the Black Ajah still in the White Tower. They note some of the
characteristics of the Black Ajah members, Amico Nagoyin10, Joiya Byir, Rianna,
Chesmal Emry and Marillin Gemalphin. The list of stolen ter'angreal helps very little.
Thirteen were studied by Corianin Nedeal and/or have something to do with sleep.
The use of most is unknown. They include:

 a clear crystal rod, one foot long and one inch in diameter, use unknown, last
studied by Corianin Nedeal.
 an alabaster figurine of an unclothed woman one hand tall, use unknown, last
studied by Corianin Nedeal.
 an iron disc three inches in diameter with spirals engraved on both sides, use
unknown, last studied by Corianin Nedeal.
 a wooden carving of a hedgehog the size of a man's thumb, channeling into it
makes one go to sleep.
 a fluted black rod of stone a pace long, it produces balefire.
 a carved cluster of six spotted dice, channeling into it warps chance.
They discuss whom they can trust, Alanna, Sheriam, Verin, Elaida, and finally
conclude that they can trust only themselves. They argue about using the twisted ring
but finally agree that Egwene should try it that night. Egwene suddenly notes that Else
Grinwell is standing in the doorway listening and looking at the twisted ring. She tells
them that Siuan sent her with a message - directions to the basement location where
all the belongings of Liandrin and the others were collected.11 She quickly leaves and
Egwene runs after her. Turning a corner, Egwene is confronted by a regal woman in
white and silver.12 The woman tells her to leave and the command is so strong that she
automatically obeys. When she turns after a few steps the woman is gone. Egwene
searches the gallery but only sees two Accepted, one is Faolain.

1. Possibly TGS,Ch40
2. The Whitecloak invasion of the Two Rivers in TSR.
3. Be'lal's trap for Rand when he takes Callandor. (TDR,Ch55)
4. Rand visiting Rhuidean and receiving the dragon marks. (TSR,Ch25,
5. Notably TPoD,Ch24
6. Faile and Berelain.
7. See the events at the end of ToM.
8. Mat's 'gifts' from the Eelfinn. (TSR,Ch15)
9. Mat, Tuon and the Seanchan in WH, CoT and KoD.
10. Amico's age was originally given as only four years older than Egwene and
Elayne. Now she is about fifteen years older, consistent with the loss of the
ageless look in TSR,Ch5.
11. Siuan sent no such message. (TDR,Ch29)
12. Lanfear

TDR: Chapter 26

Behind a Lock

Egwene POV - Egwene returns to Nynaeve's room and tells Elayne and her about the
mysterious woman in the hall.1 They head down to the basement under the library to
check out "Else Grinwell's" story. The library in the White Tower is the greatest in the
world. The room is the only one in the hallway with a locked door. Egwene weakens
the chain with Earth then Nynaeve breaks it with a prybar of Air. There are thirteen
sacks of various odds and ends. Nynaeve reads names off some of the tags, Rianna,
Joiya Byir, Amico Nagoyin and Chesmal Emry. Each sack contains something
relating to the city of Tear. They realize so many obvious signs must have been
intentionally left so it is bait for a trap. Egwene decides to try the twisted ring that
night to see if it offers any insight. They gather the clues to take them back to
Nynaeve's room.

1. She was Lanfear and she was also the one masquerading as Else Grinwell as the real
Else Grinwell was sent home nine days ago. (TDR,Ch29)

TDR: Chapter 27


Egwene POV - Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne work in the kitchen the rest of the day.
Verin, Elaida, Alanna, Anaiya and Sheriam all visit the kitchen during the day and
Egwene wonders about their motives. That evening the three go to Egwene's room to
try the twisted ring. Both Elayne and Nynaeve want to try it, too, but Egwene insists
on going alone. They sit with her while she goes to bed wearing the twisted ring. She
falls asleep thinking of Rand, then Perrin.

Egwene is walking through rolling hills. She wonders how Verin's Tel'aran'rhiod,
Corianin Nedeal's World of Dreams, could be dangerous. She experiments and
discovers that she can channel. She decides to look around and takes a step.

She is in a hallway of an inn. The door in front of her opens and she sees Perrin
holding himself chained to a black stone pillar and guarded by a wolf. The wolf starts
toward her and she yells at Perrin. He looks up and says, "Hopper, no!" The door

She is in some woods near a campfire. She walks to the camp and sees Rand staring
into the flames. He hears her so she announces herself and tells him it is a dream. He
thinks she is Shadowspawn disguised as Egwene and attacks her with a sword of fire.
She flees.2

She is back in the rolling hills. She holds the twisted ring and wishes for it to take her
where she needs to be, where she can find an answer.3

Egwene is in a great hall of redstone columns. There is a crystal sword floating in the
center. An ugly old woman identifies herself as Silvie4 and says she served Egwene's
family for years. She tells Egwene they are in the Heart of the Stone in Tear. It is full
of answers and secrets. She says they all pretend to serve the Great Lord while
plotting their own agendas. She says Ishamael is a fool, shocking Egwene. Egwene
asks about the sword and Silvie identifies it as Callandor. She can sense saidar in the
barrier around it and realizes that the blank spaces must be saidin. She hears footsteps
and Silvie says that he is coming to stare at it again.5 She tells Egwene to leave
immediately. Egwene says she does not know how and Silvie says she will help. She
grabs the twisted ring and Egwene experiences a blinding flash of pain.

Egwene screams as she wakes. Nynaeve and Elayne tell her she never moved. She
tells them all about it except for the part about Perrin and the wolf. They realize the
Heart of the Stone must be their target so they must go to Tear. Elayne says she must
send a letter to her mother or Morgase might send Gareth Bryne and the whole army
against Tar Valon or after them. The only problem is ensuring safe delivery without
the wrong person reading it. They plan to leave midday the next day. As they all go to
sleep (in the same bed) Nynaeve laughs and announces that she knows who will take
the letter for Elayne.6

1. This was Perrin in the wolf dream with Hopper guarding him. (TDR,Ch33)
2. Rand recalls this dream in TDR,Ch32.
3. In TSR,Ch52 Egwene will recall doing this when Amys tells her and Nynaeve about
4. The timing, her reference to the Great Lord, her comment about Ishamael, her
knowledge of Egwene and her knowledge of the twisted ring make it near certain
that Silvie is actually Lanfear.
5. Must be Be'lal.
6. Mat. (TDR,Ch28)

TDR: Chapter 28

A Way Out

Mat POV - It is the morning after TDR,Ch24. Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve walk
into Mat's room without knocking. They ask how he is. Nynaeve checks him as she
has done for five years, then she Delves him. From the way they act it is clear to him
that they want something. Elayne asks him to carry a letter1 to her mother, Queen
Morgase in Caemlyn. After leading them on a bit, he tells them that he cannot because
of the Siuan's orders. If they can get him away from Tar Valon he will gladly carry
the letter. They talk it over, then give him one of the Amyrlin's executive orders. He
starts humming when he reads what it says. He accepts the letters and asks if they
have any money. They are surprised because he spent every waking moment on the
trip to Tar Valon gambling with Hurin. He says that was for coppers or nothing.
Prices are high since there is civil war in Cairhien. He says he can make out anyway
with his dice. He promises to deliver the letter.2 Egwene and Nynaeve talk of home
for a while and Elayne tells him about Caemlyn and the Royal Palace. He tells them
that if they ever need help he will come.3 They leave and Mat dances a jig. That letter
will get him away from both Siuan and Selene.

1. The letter they discussed in TDR,Ch27.
2. A turning point for Mat. He was known for breaking promises but that is now
3. And he does. (TDR,Ch46, TDR,Ch54)

TDR: Chapter 29

A Trap to Spring

Nynaeve POV - It is the day after Egwene's experiment with the twisted ring and
nearing midday. Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are working in the kitchen under the
supervision of Laras, Mistress of the Kitchens. Siuan enters and casts a critical eye
about. She tries to goad Elayne into speaking, but Egwene speaks first. Siuan asks
Laras to give them a lesson and she leads the two of them out leaving Siuan standing
beside Nynaeve alone. Siuan tells her that Sheriam found another Gray Man, a
female, dead on her own bed.1 Nynaeve tells her they studied Verin's notes, but that
Sheriam or Elaida could have looked at them. She also notes Alanna's weird request
for penance. Siuan says Alanna is from Arafel and they sometimes have a weird sense
of honor. Nynaeve tells her about the visit from "Else Grinwell" and about the
evidence they found pointing to Tear. After a few moments' silence, Siuan responds
the Else Grinwell was sent home ten days ago and that all the Black Ajah belongings
were burned. Nynaeve asks her about Callandor and that finally rocks her. Siuan tells
Nynaeve that Callandor is a powerful sa'angreal and that only a dozen Aes Sedai and
a dozen others know what it really is. She tells Nynaeve that the Black Ajah might be
after Callandor or they might be after the ter'angreal stash in the Stone of Tear that is
almost as great as the White Tower's holding. Siuan asks Nynaeve if Elayne is going
with them. It was her plan all along to have Egwene and Nynaeve inveigle Elayne so
Siuan could truthfully tell Morgase that she had nothing to do with it. Nynaeve
complains about Laras' strictness and lack of compassion. Siuan chides her about her
judgement of character, telling her that Laras refuses to do anything that might break
a girl's spirit. Siuan leaves and compliments Laras on the way out. Egwene and
Elayne return complaining about the taste of soap. Nynaeve tells them they are
leaving as soon as they are done with the kitchen.

1. Which also shows that Sheriam did, indeed, tell her about the first one. (TDR,Ch15)

TDR: Chapter 30

The First Toss

Mat POV - After Nynaeve and the others leave, Mat spends the rest of the day
planning and hoarding food. Anaiya checks up on him and says he is much better. He
stays in his room all day except for a brief excursion to get a large pack. Late
afternoon he packs up everything and leaves the White Tower grounds. He intends to
gamble a short while to raise money then catch the first ship to Aringill. He gets
caught up in the gambling however. His luck used to be average, at best. After Shadar
Logoth, his luck was always very good. Now it is phenomenal. He wins every toss. A
Sea Folk sailor named Raab follows him from tavern to tavern getting rich just by
betting on Mat. In one tavern, The Tremalking Splice, a man upsets him greatly
saying he has the Dark One's own luck. Some men with daggers follow him. Mat
thinks they are pickpockets.1 An ordinary man he barely notices2 tries to kill him. Mat
and the man fall thirty feet off a bridge. Mat lands on the man and is unhurt, but the
man's dagger is implanted in his own heart. Shaken, Mat looks for a quiet inn to rest a
bit and enters The Woman of Tanchico.

1. Darkfriends, no doubt. Thom notes that there are no pickpockets in Tar Valon.
2. A Gray Man.

TDR: Chapter 31
The Woman of Tanchico

Mat POV - Mat enters The Woman of Tanchico. Mat recognizes a man playing the
harp as Thom Merrilin. Surprisingly, Thom is drunk and seems sad. He is telling the
story of " Mara and the Three Foolish Kings," Madel, Orander, and Kadar. Thom
finishes the story and joins Mat. Thom has been at The Woman of Tanchico for
weeks. Two serving girls, Mada and Saal, bring Mat and Thom a huge dinner that Mat
promptly eats. Mat tells him that Rand said he was alive and Moiraine believed he
was also. Thom comments that Moiraine is a fine woman if she were not Aes Sedai.1
Thom is despondent over his loss of Morgase, then Dena. Mat asks him why he left
Cairhien and Thom implies that he killed a man.2 Mat asks why he came to Tar Valon
and Thom says it is the worst place in the world for him outside of Caemlyn. He says
some of the Red Ajah remember him.3 Mat invites Thom to go to Caemlyn with him
and Thom agrees. As they leave, Mat looks around nervously, but Thom tells him the
guards and Aes Sedai make sure there are no thieves in Tar Valon.4 They head toward
the docks.

1. Another hint of the potential relationship between Moiraine and Thom.
2. Undoubtedly King Galldrian.
3. Why would the Red Ajah remember Thom? Something to do with his nephew,
4. So the men who followed Mat in TDR,Ch30 were not thieves. They were Darkfriends.
There are no thieves in Tar Valon because of the Chair of Remorse. (WH,Prologue)

TDR: Chapter 32

The First Ship

Mat POV - Mat and Thom arrive at Southharbor. The dockmaster stops Mat, but Mat
shows him the executive order from Siuan so he lets them pass. Mat and Thom jump
onto a departing ship, Gray Gull. The captain, Huan Mallia, starts to have his
crewmen, Sanor and Vasa, throw them off, but Mat shows him the order and his
money. He tells Huan Mallia they are going to Aringill. The cabins are full, but Mat
pays him a huge sum to let them stay in his cabin. Huan Mallia is Tairen. He is
contemptuous of other nations, but High Lord Samon has taught him special hatred
for Illian and Tar Valon.1 That night, Mat hears a bump and wakes Thom. Two men
enter the cabin with knives and Mat kills them. Up on deck, he recognizes a voice as
one of the men who followed him in Tar Valon. Mat kills him as well. Thom kills a
fourth just as he attacks Mat. The boat that brought the men is tied at the stern. The
two remaining men jump overboard and swim for shore when they see Mat. Back in
their cabin, Mat collapses with the shakes wondering what kind of game he is playing.

Rand POV - Rand plays the flute to keep himself awake because he fears his dreams.
He saw Egwene2 in his dreams, but then he saw others, Tam, his mother, Mat and
Perrin, who tried to kill him. They were Shadowspawn in disguise. Min hurt the most.
He feels he can trust her above all others. He dreams of Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne
being trapped, but he worries most about Elayne. He dreams of Selene and glory, but
now she tells him to take Callandor.

1. It is not clear if Be'lal and Sammael are building hatred toward each other's
countries because of some master plan or because of competition between the two
of them.
2. Egwene was real, her first trip into Tel'aran'rhiod. (TDR,Ch27)

TDR: Chapter 33

Within the Weave

Perrin POV - Perrin, Moiraine, Lan and Loial are on the Lugard Road nearing the
Manetherendrelle. He is riding Stepper. He sees a dog's footprint in the stone and
smells a sulfurous odor.1 He recalls his dream of Hopper and Egwene. He hopes she is
safe in Tar Valon with Verin looking after her and Mat. They have been pushing hard
since Jarra. They are nearing Remen on the river. Since Jarra, they found many signs
of Rand's passage at Sidon on the River Boern, at Willar, at Samaha, at Tallan and at
Fyall. Perrin asks Moiraine about the many good and bad things Rand caused. She
explains that the Creator is good, the Dark One is evil, but the Pattern is neither. They
ride into Remen, a rather large town. Perrin smells the same bad scent that he smelled
in Jarra.2 In the town square there is a tall man in cage hanging from a pole.3 Lan
takes them to an inn, Wayland's Forge.4 The innkeeper, Gainor Furlan, addresses Lan
as Andra. He tells them there are Hunters of the Horn in town and they captured an
Aielman. Perrin then recalls Min's viewing. He introduces Lord Orban and Lord
Gann, the Hunters of the Horn, and brags how they defeated twenty Aiel. Lan clearly
does not believe it. Orban complains of their hurts and demands that Furlan fetch
Mother Leich again. Orban also says there are Whitecloaks about. As Furlan takes
them to their rooms, Perrin notices a young woman staring at him.5
1. A Darkhound.
2. Another Gray Man. (TDR,Ch42)
3. Gaul (TDR,Ch34)
4. In early printings, the inn is misidentified as Wayman's Forge.
5. Zarine Bashere.

TDR: Chapter 34

A Different Dance

Perrin POV - Furlan takes Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial to their rooms. He
mentions someone proclaiming the Dragon in Ghealdan. Lan remarks that it must be
Masema and Moiraine is furious. Perrin goes to his room and after some time Loial
comes by. He is delighted that his bed is sung wood, maybe a thousand years old.
Perrin skips dinner to think things through. He is worried about the girl staring at him.
He feels like he is working one of Master Haral Luhhan's puzzles. Later, he goes to
talk to Moiraine. She tells him they must learn if Rand went cross-country or took a
boat down river.1 He asks if she could sense a Darkfriend and tells her about the girl.
She says the Darkfriend would have to be really evil for her to sense them. He goes
down to the common room where Orban is regaling the patrons with the story of how
he on his horse, Lion, and Gann fought the Aiel. Perrin goes outside and frees the
Aielman who introduces himself as Gaul, a Shae'en M'taal or Stone Dog of the Imran
sept of the Shaarad Aiel. He is looking for He Who Comes With the Dawn. Perrin
tells him Rand is headed to Tear. Gaul cites Aiel prophecy that says, "when the Stone
of Tear falls we will leave the Three-fold Land at last. We will be changed, and find
again what was ours, and was lost." A dozen Whitecloaks attack and Perrin and Gaul
kill them all. Gaul tells Perrin that only he and his friend, Sarien, were attacked by
Orban. Sarien was killed. Gaul runs off into the night. As Perrin heads back to the inn,
he sees the girl again watching him. Lan walks up, sees what Perrin did, and says they
have to leave immediately.

1. He went cross-country. (TDR,Ch36)

2. TDR: Chapter 35
The Falcon

Perrin POV - As Perrin enters the common room, Orban is still telling his tales.
Perrin fetches Loial, gets his own stuff and sneaks out the back of the inn. He goes to
the stable to ready Stepper and the other horses. Moiraine, Lan and Loial meet him
there and they head to the docks. They board the Snow Goose captained by Jaim
Adarra. Just as they cast off, the girl from the inn jumps on board. She tells him the
town folk think Gaul escaped by himself. She is a Hunter of the Horn and took the
oath with the others in the Square of Tammaz in Illian. She followed Perrin because
he was with such an odd party. She thinks they might lead her to the Horn. She saw
Orban in Jehannah in the winter and thinks he is not a bad fighter. Orban and Gann
think the Horn is in the Forest of Shadows, but she thinks it is in the Mountains of
Mist. That was the home of the capital of Manetheren. She learned that the Queens of
Manetheren were all Aes Sedai and the Kings were their Warders. She handles knives
as well as Thom Merrilin. She says she calls herself "Mandarb," but when Perrin
laughs and tells her that is a horse's name, she introduces herself as Zarine Bashere.
As Perrin heads for his cabin she says she will call herself "Faile," which means
"falcon" and Perrin remembers Min's viewing.

TDR: Chapter 36

Daughter of the Night

Perrin POV - Below deck, Loial wants to talk, but Perrin goes straight to bed. He is
sure Elyas Machera has been a Wolfbrother a long time and is happy with it. He goes
to sleep.

He is in a thick fog. Hopper appears and leads him to a maze of mirrors. Ba'alzamon
is there with several people all asking him why they were brought here in their sleep.
One is from Tear. One in red and gold is from Illian. One from Tar Valon is a
merchant in plain cut but very fine clothes. Ba'alzamon says the man from Tar Valon
let the boy escape.1 He screams and disappears. Ba'alzamon orders the rest to wake.
They all disappear, then the beautiful woman in white appears. Ba'alzamon addresses
her as Lanfear so Perrin finally knows who she really is. She claims this place as her
domain. She says her time in the bore was an endless, dreamless sleep2 then says,
"Only Gray Men and Myrddraal are denied dreams. Dreams were always mine." She
says she serves the Great Lord, but no other. She mocks Ba'alzamon saying despite
his three thousand years of planning Lews Therin is back and the Aes Sedai control
him. He was hers before Ilyena and he will be again. They disappear and Hopper
takes him to a grassy hillside. Hopper warns him again to be wary. Of wolves, Hopper
says, "All are here. All brothers and sisters that are, that were, all that will be."
Hopper then flies away. The scene shifts and Perrin sees Rand surrounded by Fades
and Gray Men. Rand burns them all. Perrin sees more coming over a rise and yells to
warn Rand, but Rand turns and fires at him.

Perrin wakes with a burn on his chest. He goes to Moiraine's cabin, shows her the
burn and tells her everything. She warns him to avoid the Red Ajah and be wary of his
dreams. He asks about the name Zarine and she tells him it is a Saldaean name suited
for a heartbreaker of great beauty. He goes up on deck where Lan is tending Mandarb.
Faile is there and watches him.

Rand POV - Rand awakes thinking that Perrin was real and he almost killed him. He
is in the hills of Murandy close to the Manetherendrelle.3 A female merchant and her
guard approach. She says they are on their way to Remen. Rand attacks, killing them
all with a sword of flame. Afterward, there are eleven men when he counted ten
before.4 Callandor continues to pull him.

1. Mat
2. Compare this to Osan'gar's remembrance of "endless nightmares." (LoC,Prologue)
3. So he took the land route, not a boat.
4. A Gray Man. Robert Jordan has also confirmed that the woman was, indeed, a

TDR: Chapter 37

Fires in Cairhien

Egwene POV - Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are sailing down the River Erinin on
the Blue Crane. The captain is Chin Ellisor. The crew thinks they are Aes Sedai.
There is a great deal of destruction on the Cairhienin side of the river from the civil
war. Egwene has tried the twisted ring nearly every night but learned nothing useful.
Nynaeve and Elayne each tried it for one night. They also experienced Tel'aran'rhiod
but, again, did not learn anything. Egwene has also had numerous dreams:
 Rand holding a sword that blazed like the sun, till she could hardly see that it was a
sword, could hardly make out that it was him at all.1
 Rand threatened in a dozen ways, none of them the least bit real.
 Rand on a huge stones board, the black and white stones as big as boulders, and him
dodging the monstrous hands that moved them and seemed to try to crush him
under them.
 Perrin with a wolf, and with a falcon, and a hawk - and the falcon and the hawk
 Perrin running from someone deadly.3
 Perrin stepping willingly over the edge of a towering cliff while saying, "It must be
done. I must learn to fly before I reach the bottom."4
 An Aiel, and she thought that had to do with Perrin, too.5
 Min, springing a steel trap but somehow walking through it without so much as
seeing it.
 Mat with dice spinning 'round him.6
 Mat being followed by a man who was not there.7
 Mat riding desperately toward something unseen in the distance that he had to
 Mat with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about. An Illuminator she
 Men and women breaking out of a cage, then putting on crowns.9
 A woman playing with puppets, and another dream where the strings on puppets
led to the hands of larger puppets, and their strings led to still greater puppets, on
and on until the last strings vanished into unimaginable heights.
 Kings dying, queens weeping, battles raging.
 Whitecloaks ravaging the Two Rivers.10
 Several dreams about the Seanchan.

Elayne is upset about all the destruction and wants to do something about it. This
surprises Egwene who recalls a lesson from Bennae Sedai stating that Cairhien and
Andor have had frequent wars. Egwene realizes that one of her dreams means that a
Gray Man is after Mat. Suddenly, the Blue Crane runs aground on a mud flat. They
debate staying on the ship or walking. The next village on the Andor side is fifteen
miles but the next village on the Cairhien side, Jurene, is only six. It is held by
Andoran soldiers so it is also safe. They are put ashore on the Cairhien side and begin
walking. After walking a short while, an Aiel woman steps out of the bushes in front
of them.11

1. Rand taking Callandor. (TDR,Ch55)
2. Hopper, Faile and Berelain
3. Fleeing Illian and Sammael? (TDR,Ch44)
4. Perrin springing the hedgehog trap to free Faile? (TDR,Ch53)
5. Gaul (TDR,Ch34)
6. Mat's luck
7. The Gray Man (TDR,Ch30)
8. Aludra
9. The Forsaken escaping and ruling countries.
10. Events in the Two Rivers in TSR.
11. Aviendha

TDR: Chapter 38

Maidens of the Spear

Egwene POV οΏ½ From her clothes and appearance Egwene recognizes the woman
as Aiel. She feels an odd affinity for the woman.1 The woman introduces herself to
Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve as Aviendha of the Nine Valleys2 sept of the Taardad
Aiel. She is a Maiden of the Spear. She asks if they are Aes Sedai. She says Aes Sedai
are like their own Wise Ones. Nynaeve lets her think they are full Aes Sedai.
Aviendha asks if they can Heal a wounded friend and Nynaeve agrees to help. Two
more Maidens come out of hiding, Chiad of the Stones River Goshien and Bain of the
Black Rock Shaarad. Bain and Chiad are bonded first-sisters.3 The Stones River sept
broke away from the High Plain sept many years ago. They travel further downstream
and come upon another Maiden, Jolien of the Salt Flat Nakai, who stayed with Dailin.
She took a sword in the stomach when they were attacked by soldiers who thought
they were bandits. Nynaeve starts to use her medicines. They exchange some cultural
information that leaves Egwene confused. The Maidens are overwhelmed by large
bodies of water. The thought of swimming terrifies them. The Aiel once served the
Aes Sedai so Aiel will never attack Aes Sedai even if they bring lightning or balefire
down on them. Egwene recalls thinking about balefire in her trip through the three
arches but still does not know what it is. Nynaeve finally gets angry enough to Heal
Dailin. She uses a very complex weave that Egwene can barely follow.4

1. Because Aviendha has the ability to channel. Egwene will recognize the affinity for
what it is in TSR,Ch23.
2. Early printings incorrectly give her sept as Bitter Water.
3. We learn exactly what is involved in the first-sister ceremony in WH,Prologue.
4. Nynaeve uses a much more complex form of Healing than current day Aes Sedai. It is
more akin to the Healing used in the Age of Legends.

TDR: Chapter 39
Threads in the Pattern

Egwene POV - Nynaeve just Healed Dailin. Jolien, Chiad, Bain and Aviendha are
amazed. Aviendha heard that Wise Ones of the Jagged Spire and Four Holes septs
could Heal but she did not believe it. Aviendha is most grateful because Dailin is her
second sister (mother's sister's daughter). Nynaeve remarks how difficult it was
without herbs.1 Egwene asks how they got here if they are afraid of water. The River
Alguenya lies between their current location and the Spine of the World. They reply
that they built a raft. They came searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn. Aiel
prophecy says he was born of Far Dareis Mai. "Blood of our blood mixed with the
old blood, raised by an ancient blood not ours." The Wise Ones told them he is to be
found beyond the Spine of the World. Nynaeve tells them they are heading to Tear to
hunt Darkfriends. They all bid goodbye and Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve continue
their walk to Jurene. Elayne tells them the Aiel bear no grudges from the Aiel War.
For them it was simply and execution of King Laman of Cairhien for cutting down
Avendoraldera. Avendoraldera, a sapling from Avendesora, was a gift from the Aiel
over four hundred years ago.2 Even Verin has no idea how the Aiel got a sapling from
Avendesora.3 Elayne recalls a line from the Prophecies of the Dragon, "On the slopes
of Dragonmount shall he be born, born of a maiden wedded to no man." She notes
that Rand looks like an Aiel and also looks like Tigraine as well.4 Egwene recalls
what Moiraine told her about Tam and Kari al'Thor not being Rand's real parents. A
mile down river some men step out of the trees and knock them out.

Egwene regains consciousness and hears her captors talk about someone named
Adden and their rings. They come to a palisade with nearly a hundred men. One of the
men notices she is awake and knocks her out again.

Egwene comes to in a dark room with Elayne and Nynaeve. Through a crack in the
wall sees a dozen men. Their leader is Adden. From the discussion it is clear that the
three of them are to be sold. Another man, Coke, enters and says the buyer is still not
there. A fat man says they will not wake for hours because of the drug he gave them.
She wakes Nynaeve. Nynaeve knows the drug they used, sleepwell. It actually just
cures headaches and makes one sleepy. She examines Elayne who is badly hurt and
Heals her. When they look through the crack again they see that three Fades have
arrived. One examines Lan's ring and says these are the Aes Sedai he seeks.5 Egwene
channels the lock open with a very tiny flow, but the Fades still feel it. As they open
the door, the outer door to the room opens and a bunch of Aiel enter. In a few
minutes, all the men are dead, two Aiel are dead and the Fades stand in the center of
the room. Egwene and Elayne channel and the Fades start to burn. Then Nynaeve
unleashes a rod of brilliant light and they simply vanish. She is shocked at what she
just did. Egwene realizes this must be balefire. Egwene recognizes one of the Aiel as
Aviendha. Dailin is among the dead, which infuriates Nynaeve. The leader is Rhuarc,
clan chief of the Taardad Aiel. Aviendha says she followed them and saw them
captured. She then found Coram and he located Dhael and Luaine and they rounded
up the rest of the Aiel. Aviendha is surprised that a clan chief is among the searchers.
Rhuarc says Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seana told him he had to go because of their
dreams. Rhuarc notes Lan's ring and recognizes it as the ring of Malkieri kings.
Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve sleep under the stars. The next morning they take three
of the bandits' horses and continue south. Egwene names her horse Mist.6 The
nineteen surviving Aiel accompany them to Jurene. The Aiel leave and the girls find a
ship, the Darter. The captain7 recalls seeing the Blue Crane still hung up when he
passed. Nynaeve pays their fares and they board.

1. Perhaps the need for herbs is part of her general block on channeling.
2. The Cairhienin shared water with the Aiel during the Breaking.
3. It is in Rhuidean, of course.
4. Rand's birth mother.
5. How is it that the Fade knows that Nynaeve carries Lan's ring?
6. And Nynaeve names hers Gaidin. (TDR,Ch48)
7. His name is Canin.

TDR: Chapter 40

A Hero in the Night

Mat POV - Mat and Thom arrive at Aringill on the Gray Gull. Captain Huan Mallia
is glad to see them go because Mat won all his money and ate all his food. There are
numerous ships about including a bluff-bowed ship still far to the north.1 There is a
stream of barges bringing Cairhienin refugees from the smaller town across the river.2
Mat thinks the killers were after him because of Elayne's letter. He opened it and
showed it to Thom as well but it seemed innocuous.3 They go to look for an inn, but
The Riverman as well as the next four are full. The enter The Good Queen and are
again turned away, but Mat offers a huge sum to the innkeeper, Jeral Florry, who
allows them to stay in his stable. Mat then gambles with him and wins two horses. As
they bed down in a stable, a woman enters pulling a cart. A lantern lights immediately
and Thom and Mat wonder how that happened so fast.4 Four men follow her in. She is
Aludra, the Mistress of the Illuminator chapter house in Cairhien. The leader of the
men is Tammuz. Mat attacks the men knocking them out with his quarterstaff. Aludra
explains that she was expelled because of the disaster at the show for King Galldrian.
Thom disparagingly notes that he is now dead.5 Aludra explains that the men are out
to kill her because she continues to ply her trade in fireworks. As a reward, she gives
Mat a bundle of fireworks along with dire warnings about mishandling them. She
especially warns him never to cut one open. Mat remembers trying to cut one open
when he was ten. He also remembers the licking he got from Bran al'Vere, Doral
Barran and his father. Thom asks how she lit the lantern so fast, but she merely
smiles.4 She will not give away all her secrets. She departs saying she will head for
Lugard. Mat and Thom decide to ride on rather than have to explain four injured men
to the local constables.

1. This could well be the Darter with Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve aboard!
2. The town is Maerone.
3. They were after Mat, not the letter.
4. Aludra has invented matches.
5. More evidence that Thom was responsible for his death.

TDR: Chapter 41

A Hunter's Oath

Perrin POV - The Snow Goose arrives at Illian with Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and
Faile aboard. Captain Jaim Adarra brings the boat in smoothly. Moiraine was angry
when she learned that Faile intends to follow them.1 Perrin has had two more wolf
dreams and both times Hopper chased him away. Moiraine and Faile argue about her
coming with them. Finally, Moiraine says she can come if she swears on her Hunter's
Oath that she will do what she is told and not ask questions. Faile agrees. Moiraine
tells Perrin that she is his responsibility and that it looks like he has found Min's
falcon. She calls him ta'veren, surprising Faile. Perrin is angry that Min told Moiraine
about her viewings of him. They all head into town.

1. In early printings Moiraine gives Perrin a "cold, blue stare." As Moiraine has dark
eyes, this was later corrected to a "cold, dark stare."

TDR: Chapter 42
Easing the Badger

Perrin POV - Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and Faile ride through Illian. They pass
through the Square of Tammaz and see the King's Palace and the Great Hall of the
Council. Loial is very nervous about running into other Ogier. Ogier from Stedding
Shangtai built much of Illian and still do work here. Loial mentions the Ways and
Faile overhears. Moiraine and Lan sense something is wrong in the city and Perrin
notes that many people look angry. They cross the Bridge of Flowers to the Perfumed
Quarter, a particularly smelly part of town near the ocean docks, and arrive at an inn,
Easing the Badger. The innkeeper, Nieda, knows Moiraine and greets her as Mistress
Mari. Nieda asks if her pigeons have been arriving. Moiraine replies that she has been
gone a while but she is sure Adine has received all the reports. Nieda's nephew, Bili,
normally prevents fights but this winter she had to hire a singer to keep patrons from
fighting. There is a new member of the Council of Nine, Lord Brend, who only
arrived this winter. Both Nieda and Bili have dreamed of him on funny bridges in the
air.1 Hearing of dreams, Moiraine is shaken. She asks about a ship to Tear. Nieda
replies there are none. There is talk of war and the Council of Nine banned travel to
Tear. Strangely, rumors have the army looking north to Murandy. Moiraine comments
that she has something to do tonight and smells afraid.2 When they sit down to dinner,
Loial reports that Nieda told him all the Ogier left during the winter. This is very
strange as Ogier never leave work unfinished.3 As they eat dinner, Perrin smells a
stink the same as Jarra and Remen. Six Gray Men attack Perrin, but Perrin, Lan,
Moiraine and Faile kill them. Only Perrin sensed them. Moiraine just now realizes
how important Perrin is. She goes out into the night after telling Lan to take Perrin to
Tar Valon if she does not return.

1. Sounds like the Ways, the same place that Ishamael, Be'lal and Rahvin met in
TDR,Ch8. These dreams come from the Forsaken not shielding their dreams.
2. Finding out what powerful evil is invading people's dreams.
3. The Ogier were probably afflicted with bad dreams as well.

TDR: Chapter 43

Perrin POV - Lan asks Perrin how he knew about the Gray Men. Their taint is not
strong enough for Lan or Moiraine to sense. Perrin tells him about the smell and about
smelling them at Jarra and Remen. Lan, Perrin, Loial and Faile go outside to scout.
Perrin smells the sulfurous odor again. Lan finds footprints in stone leading up to the
inn and then away. He says there have not been Darkhounds about since the Trolloc
Wars. Perrin asks Lan why neither he nor Moiraine sensed the Darkhound, but Lan
does not know.1 Lan goes off to find Moiraine and the others go to bed.

Perrin has several dreams:

 A tall, slender man in richly embroidered coat and boots with gold fringe; most of
the time he held what seemed to be a sword, shining like the sun, and laughed
triumphantly. Sometimes the man sat on a throne, and kings and queens groveled
before him. These felt strange, as if they were not really his dreams at all.2
 He is on a high stone spire. A window opens and he sees Mat rattling a dice cup. His
opponent stared at Mat with eyes of fire. Mat did not seem to see the man, but
Perrin knew him. Ba'alzamon.
 Another window opens - Egwene and Nynaeve and Elayne stood looking at a huge
metal cage, with a raised door held on a heavy spring. They stepped in and reached
up together to loose the catch. The barred door snapped down behind them. A
woman with her hair all in braids3 laughed at them, and another woman all in white4
laughed at her.

Hopper appears and again warns Perrin of danger. Perrin asks Hopper to explain the
dreams. Hopper tries, but Perrin does not understand. He asks why Hopper showed
him Ba'alzamon and Lanfear. Hopper thinks Heartfang and Moonhunter and answers
that the Last Hunt is coming. Perrin tells him about the Gray Men and Darkhound.
Hopper thinks Notdead and Shadowbrother. Hopper tells him to flee and knocks him
off the cliff.

Perrin wakes with Faile in his room. Moiraine enters looking pale and tells them the
Forsaken are loose and one rules in Illian.

1. Most likely it was warded as the Draghkar at Tifan's Well. (TGH,Ch22)
2. Most likely it is Sammael's dreams Perrin is picking up. Sammael always wished
himself to be tall.
3. Liandrin
4. Lanfear

TDR: Chapter 44

Perrin POV - Moiraine tells Perrin and Faile that the Forsaken in Illian is Sammael.1
She gives Faile one last chance to leave, but Faile declines. Moiraine implies that Lan
killed the Darkhound, so Sammael will soon know a Warder and his Aes Sedai are
near. They must leave immediately. They join Loial and go to the stable where Lan
and Nieda are readying the horses. It is pouring rain. Moiraine orders Nieda, who has
worked for her for twelve years, to leave town immediately. Moiraine says that
Sammael sent the Darkhound, but not the Gray Men. Someone else is after Perrin.2
Perrin blurts out that Rand is the Dragon Reborn in front of Faile and Nieda. Moiraine
tells Faile that she is now sealed to them and can no longer turn back. Moiraine, Lan,
Perrin, Loial and Faile ride north on the Maredo Causeway. Perrin is on Stepper,
Moiraine is on Aldieb and Lan is on Mandarb. After a few miles, they hear a pack of
Darkhounds pursuing them. Making a stand on a rise, Perrin kills one and Moiraine
balefires the rest. She says that it is forbidden and has not been used in two thousand
years.3 Moiraine says that they are not Sammael's main quarry or he would have come
himself. Perrin asks if it is Rand. Moiraine says perhaps him or Mat, since he, too, is
ta'veren plus he blew the Horn of Valere. Faile now knows just about everything.
They continue riding east toward Tear.

Mat POV - Mat and Thom are camped between villages near Caemlyn. Despite
Aludra's warnings, Mat cuts up one of the firecrackers to see what is inside.4 Thom is
nearly apoplectic with fear. A pretty, blue-eyed, well-dressed woman and three men
ride up. Suddenly, they attack, but Mat and Thom kill them all. Mat does not feel bad
about the men, but he is upset about the woman. Afterwards, Mat recognizes one of
the men as one of his attackers on the Gray Gull who escaped. He thinks the attackers
are after him because of the letter he is carrying for Elayne. They have no way of
disposing of the bodies so they ride on through the night. They should arrive in
Caemlyn tomorrow.

1. How did she learn that?
2. Since Ishamael sent the Gray Man and others after Mat, (TDR,Ch36) it was most
likely him.
3. Moiraine is not omniscient. Both Rand (TDR,Ch9) and Nynaeve (TDR,Ch39) have
rediscovered balefire.
4. Foreshadowing of his use of fireworks at the Stone of Tear (TDR,Ch54) and of his
future interest in fireworks. (ACoS,Ch17)
TDR: Chapter 45


Mat POV - Mat and Thom arrive in Caemlyn early in the morning. Thom goes to the
The Queen's Blessing while Mat goes to deliver Elayne's letter. At the Royal Palace,
Mat mentions Tar Valon and the guard1 chases him away. Mat goes back to The
Queen's Blessing. He remembers the stableman, Ramey, and the cook, Coline. He
also notes Lamgwin Dorn but cannot remember his name. On seeing him, Coline
recalls that he was with Rand who looked like Tigraine. Mat meets Thom and Basel
Gill in the library. He notes The Travels of Jain Farstrider and thinks that he always
meant to read it. Master Gill tells him Morgase has a new advisor, Lord Gaebril, who
has been here only a short time. Gareth Bryne was forced to retire. Lord Gaebril has
replaced much of the Queen's Guard with his own men. The relationship between
Andor and Tar Valon is considerably worse since he arrived. Mat mentions the letter
surprising Gill. Thom did not tell him about it. He asks Mat what the letter says, but
Mat denies knowing. Gill tells him that he will deliver it or he suggests how Mat can
placate the guards and be allowed in. Mat says he has his own way of getting in and

1. His name is Elber. (TDR,Ch46)

TDR: Chapter 46

A Message Out of the Shadow

Mat POV - Mat returns to the Royal Palace and climbs the wall just as Rand did. He
hides under a window as some guards pass. He overhears two men talking, Comar and
someone he refers to as Great Master. As Mat picks up the conversation, Comar tells
him three girls are on their way to Tear. The Great Master says it would serve "him"1
right if three girls ruin his plans. He asks if there is any word of the boy. He is the one
who can destroy them. Comar tells him the boy has vanished,2 but one of the girls is
Elayne. The Great Master is concerned that the one in Tear is too impatient about
getting Callandor and might try to use Elayne for his own benefit. He orders Comar
to kill her quietly. Comar is concerned about finding her. They traced her ship to
Aringill, but they had already left.3 Mat looks through the window and gets a good
look at Comar, but the Great Master has already left. Mat approaches a guard who
identifies himself as Guardsman-lieutenant Tallanvor. Mat shows him the letter.
Tallanvor asks him how he got by the gate guard, Elber, and Mat tells him about
climbing the wall. Tallanvor agrees to take him to Queen Morgase. Morgase is
holding court and is attended by a man she calls Gaebril. Mat gives her the letter and
tells her Elayne was still in Tar Valon when he left.4 She seems alternately pleased
and angry about the letter and finally says she wants to make amends with Elayne.
Mat starts to tell her about the conversation he overheard, but Lord Gaebril speaks
first and Mat recognizes his voice as that of the Great Master. Mat says he is from
Comfrey and was at the White Tower visiting his sister Else Grinwell. His name is
Thom Grinwell. Morgase tells him to deliver a message back to Elayne that she
misses her quiet talks with Sheriam in her study.5 Mat says he is not going back to Tar
Valon, he is going home. They dismiss him and Gaebril gives him a fat purse. As he
leaves, Gaebril begins pushing Morgase to use her marriage to Taringail Damodred to
claim the Sun Throne.

1. Referring to Be'lal.
2. It is not clear if he means Rand or Mat.
3. So the Blue Crane getting stranded and them taking the Darter probably saved their
4. They actually left before him.
5. A joke on the punishment Elayne surely received from the Mistress of Novices for
running away. However, Sheriam was probably still a novice when Morgase was at
the White Tower. Is this a slip or an attempt at a secret message?

TDR: Chapter 47

To Race the Shadow

Mat POV - Tallanvor escorts Mat to the main gate of the Royal Palace and chastises
Elber for refusing him entrance. He continues through the gate with Mat and asks
more about the White Tower. Who is Sheriam and what is special about her study?1
Mat says he honestly knows nothing. Tallanvor is loyal to Morgase to the death and is
concerned there are things happening that he does not understand. Mat leaves him and
returns to The Queen's Blessing. He tells Thom and Master Gill that he is leaving
immediately. Master Gill is concerned and asks if Elayne's letter soothed Morgase.
Mat says yes and asks him about Gaebril. Gill replies that he came from the west last
winter, from the Two Rivers or perhaps the mountains. He came while Morgase was
still at Tar Valon. He restored order, and when Morgase returned she was so pleased
she gave him Elaida's position as advisor. Mat asks about the succession and Gill tells
him Morgase's cousin, Lady Dyelin is next in line after Elayne. That is clear-cut so it
would happen immediately and not take two years like Morgase's succession to
Tigraine. Gill also mentions having bad dreams since Gaebril arrived.2 Mat tells them
what he overheard. Gill concurs with the description of Lord Comar and says he was a
leader in the Queen's Guards till he was accused of using weighted dice. Gill says he
can start a rumor about the danger to Elayne by telling Gilda the maid. Thom says that
after fifteen years he is no longer passionate about Morgase. He agrees to accompany
Mat to Tear. They will ride back to Aringill and catch a fast ship. Mat gives Gaebril's
purse to Gill telling him it is the stakes in their game and Mat always wins.

1. Just a joke on the punishment Elayne surely received.
2. An effect from Rahvin not shielding his dreams. (TDR,Ch53)

TDR: Chapter 48

Following the Craft

Egwene POV - Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve arrive at Tear on the Darter. They are
calling themselves Joslyn, Caryla and Maryim respectively. Egwene has been very
seasick and Nynaeve is even worse. Egwene and Nynaeve spend a lot of time arguing.
Captain Canin tells her they are docking. She has been using the twisted ring,
occasionally glimpsing Rand or Mat or Perrin, but not learning anything useful. She
has had more dreams as well:

 A Whitecloak putting Master Luhhan in the middle of a huge, toothed trap for bait.
 Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder.
 Perrin choosing between that axe he wore now and a blacksmith's hammer.
 Mat dicing with the Dark One.
 Mat shouting at her, "I am coming."
 Rand sneaking through utter darkness toward Callandor, while all around him six
men and five women walked, some hunting him and some ignoring him, some trying
to guide him toward the shining crystal sword and some trying to stop him from
reaching it, appearing not to know where he was, or only to see him in flashes. One
of the men had eyes of flame, and he wanted Rand dead with a desperation she
could nearly taste. She thought she knew him. Ba'alzamon.
 Rand in that dry, dusty chamber again, with those small creatures settling into his
 Rand confronting a horde of Seanchan.
 Rand confronting her, and the women with her, and one of them was a Seanchan.1

She tells Captain Canin to have their horses put ashore including Mist. Once they are
all ashore, they admire the view of the Stone of Tear. Elayne recalls Atuan Sedai
telling her the White Tower could not build it today. They mount their horses and
begin riding through the city while they discuss how to find Liandrin. Elayne suggests
hiring a thief-taker like Hurin. They do not want to stay at an inn, as that will make
them easier to find, so Nynaeve looks for a Wisdom, or her Tairen equivalent, and
eventually finds one. Egwene ties Mist beside Nynaeve's horse thinking that Gaidin is
a poor name for a horse. The woman who opens the door introduces herself as Mother
Guenna. Nynaeve asks for something for a queasy stomach and the two of them start
discussing herbs. When Nynaeve asks about the weather, Mother Guenna mentions
Sea Folk Windfinders. After a while, she tells them to call her Ailhuin. The main
complaint she has heard lately is bad dreams.2 Nynaeve offers to hire her spare
bedroom and she agrees. Nynaeve tells her they are hunting thieves and Darkfriends.
The things they stole were old and not of much value. Ailhuin tells her about Leuese
Mulan who pulled up some cuendillar dishes in his fishing nets and got rich. Ailhuin
says she has decided on the man they need, Juilin Sandar, a thief-catcher. Ailhuin
leaves to go find him. Egwene tells Nynaeve that she is as good a manipulator as
Moiraine causing her to go white. Elayne slaps her for it. They wait for Ailhuin to

1. The confrontation occurs in ToM,Ch3, but the Seanchan woman is still a mystery.
2. Be'lal not guarding his dreams. (TDR,Ch53)

TDR: Chapter 49

A Storm in Tear

Egwene POV - Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve wait in Mother Guenna's house. In a
while, she returns with Juilin Sandar. He seems to appreciate looking at Nynaeve. He
says he has seen men on the rooftops at night.1 They ask him to find thirteen women
and warn him how dangerous they are. They give him detailed descriptions of
Liandrin, Rianna and the others. Juilin leaves and Ailhuin tells them he is the best
thief-catcher in Tear. Nynaeve feels a storm coming. After dinner, Nynaeve and
Ailhuin talk shop some more while Elayne reads The Essays of Willim of Maneches.
Egwene tries reading The Travels of Jain Farstrider and the humorous tales of Aleria
Elffin but she is too nervous to concentrate. They go to their rooms and Egwene uses
the twisted ring to enter Tel'aran'rhiod.

Egwene goes to the Heart of the Stone as usual. She is starting to learn her way
around Tel'aran'rhiod. This time, there are thirteen women sitting in a circle around
Callandor. They look very faint.2 Liandrin turns and smiles at Egwene. She flees.

Egwene wakes with a start and tells Elayne and Nynaeve what happened. She thinks
the Black Ajah knows they are in Tear. The storm breaks.

Mat POV - Mat and Thom travel to Tear on the Swift. Mat pays Captain Derne two
purses of gold to get them there as fast as possible. They arrive in a blinding
rainstorm. Mat says he is going out as soon as they find an inn. He must find Egwene,
Nynaeve and Elayne before Comar does. They pass a house with bunches of herbs in
the windows.3 They get rooms at the first inn they see, The White Crescent, but the
innkeeper, Cavan Lopar has seen neither Comar nor the girls. Thom starts to develop
a cough. Nevertheless, he goes out with Mat to search. Near dawn, they agree to try
just one more inn then go back to their rooms. They enter The Golden Cup and Mat
sees Comar. He is dicing. The innkeeper tells them he wins all the time and Thom
tells him the dice are loaded and demonstrates the sleight of hand used to switch them.
Comar has the dice loaded so they roll almost the best hand every time. Mat is
outraged and tells the innkeeper to call the law. The innkeeper says they would do
nothing when it is a Lord's word against a commoner. Mat walks over to Comar and
wagers a gold mark. Comar rolls his excellent hand and Mat grabs those dice before
Comar can switch them. Mat rolls them and feels his luck turning the dice.4 He rolls a
perfect hand. He tells Comar to leave and report back to Gaebril whatever he wants.
Comar draws his sword. He lunges at Mat, but Mat flips him. He lands on a table
breaking his back. As he dies, he tells Mat there are others hunting the girls. The
innkeeper hustles them out saying he will tell the Defenders that it was a tall, red-
headed man he dreamed about.5 As Mat and Thom leave, Mat explains that he has
figured out his luck. It works on totally random things like dice and on happening to
walk into the right inn at the right time. After a brief sleep, they return to the search.
Over the next three days Thom's cough grows worse. Mat begins having bad dreams:

 A man with short white hair weaving a net about Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.6
 The same fellow weaving a net about Moiraine.
 The same fellow holding a blazing crystal sword.
 Rand holding that blazing crystal sword.

1. The Aiel are gathering.
2. The ter'angreal they are using are not as effective as the twisted ring.
3. Ironically, this is Mother Guenna's house. (TDR,Ch52)
4. This seems to be the beginning of Mat's "dice tumbling in the head" phenomenon.
5. So Rand is also affecting people's dreams.
6. Be'lal

TDR: Chapter 50

The Hammer

Perrin POV - Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Zarine and Loial arrive at Tear. They are
looking for Rand. Perrin starts to reach out for wolves, but then stops himself. He also
notices how hot and humid it is. Loial points out that the city folk look "defeated."
They stop at an inn called the Star, which has a weaver's shop on one side and a
smithy on the other. The innkeeper, Jurah Haret, greets them and tells Loial that it has
been a year since he has seen other Ogier. After they get their rooms, Moiraine and
Lan leave the inn, telling the others to remain close to the inn. Perrin puts his stuff in
his room and then goes down to the smithy next door. Perrin spends all day at the
smithy. He looks up to find Zarine watching him. The smith is named Dermid Ajala.
As Perrin is leaving, Dermid lets him keep one of his hammers.

He goes back up to his room and puts the hammer down, when Lan calls him. He and
Moiraine have returned and they all gather for a meeting. Moiraine tells them that the
High Lord Samon is Be'lal.1 Moiraine thinks that Be'lal will let Rand take Callandor
and then he will take it from Rand. Moiraine mentions that Ishamael and Lanfear are
the strongest of the Forsaken. She asks Loial what he knows about Be'lal. He razed
the Hall of the Servants just before Lews Therin and his companions sealed the Bore.
Loial recalls two Ogier authors who wrote about Be'lal. Jalanda son of Aried son of
Coiam wrote that Be'lal was called "The Envious" because of his jealousy of Lews
Therin. Moilin daughter of Hamada daughter of Juendan wrote that he was called
"Netweaver" in A Study of the War of the Shadow. Be'lal and Sammael were leaders
in the fight against the Dark One before they forsook the Light. Both were also
masters of the sword. Moiraine and Lan plan on entering the Stone. She says even the
Forsaken cannot stand up to balefire. She has learned much in the last year and is now
more dangerous.2 Lan mentions that he saw Aiel on the rooftops. Perrin recalls that
the Aiel in Remen3 said that when the Stone falls, the Aiel will leave the Three-fold

1. Like Sammael in Illian, how does she know this?
2. So where and how in the last year did Moiraine learn balefire?
3. Gaul (TDR,Ch34)

TDR: Chapter 51

Bait for the Net

Nynaeve POV - As Nynaeve walks the streets of Tear, she spots Rand but cannot
believe it is really him. She is angry because Egwene is still being a twit even though
she stopped using the twisted ring. Nynaeve and Elayne have started having bad
dreams, too.1 She runs into Juilin who acts nervous. He tells her he found the thirteen
women, but they are guests of High Lord Samon in the Stone of Tear. They go back
to Mother Guenna's house. Nynaeve pats Gaidin's nose as they enter. She sees Mother
Guenna is tied up and suddenly she, herself, is shielded. Liandrin and Rianna walk
into the room. Nynaeve punches Liandrin and tries to run, but she is pummeled with
blows of Air until she collapses. Egwene and Elayne are already captured. Rianna
starts to kill Mother Guenna, but Liandrin says to let her live so she may serve again.
They all go to the front room where there are several soldiers. Amico Nagoyin and
Joiya Byir are holding Elayne and Egwene. Egwene is unconscious from the beating
she took. They all go out front to where a coach is waiting. Nynaeve notes the sigil on
it, a silver-gauntleted fist clutching jagged lightning bolts, and assumes it is High
Lord Samon's.2 Juilin is standing by the coach. Nynaeve starts to go for him, but
Liandrin says she used Compulsion him. The three of them are pushed into the coach
with Liandrin and Rianna. Liandrin tells them they are to be used as bait. She smiles
and tells them Be'lal is bringing thirteen Myrddraal. As Nynaeve and Elayne realize
what that means they both begin to scream.

1. From Be'lal not shielding his dreams. (TDR,Ch53)
2. This sigil is seen again in TFoH,Ch34 on the back of Sammael's chair and in
KoD,Epilogue in Mazrim Taim's palace. It is not at all clear what that means.

TDR: Chapter 52
In Search of a Remedy

Mat POV - Thom is now so sick that Mat is worried about him. Mat asks Cavan
Lopar about a Wisdom or someone who does herbs. He recommends a nearby Wise
Woman, Mother Guenna!1 Mat drags Thom over there and notes three fine horses tied
in the back. Mother Guenna gives Thom a horrible concoction to drink. Mat thinks
Mother Guenna sounds like Siuan2 and comments on her accent. Mother Guenna
replies that she knows two girls that sound like Mat. A few moments later it is clear
that they are Egwene and Nynaeve along with Elayne. Mother Guenna finally breaks
down and tells him that, on orders of High Lord Samon, they were taken by Aes
Sedai3 to the Stone of Tear only three hours ago. Mat thanks her, asks her to look after
Thom, and heads back to The White Crescent. The dice are tumbling inside his head.4

1. This makes sense as both Mat and Nynaeve looked for a place near the docks.
2. They are both from the Maule.
3. Being unfamiliar with Aes Sedai she apparently never made the connection that they
must be Black Ajah.
4. The first time this happens.

TDR: Chapter 53

A Flow of the Spirit

Perrin POV - Perrin spends another day working for Dermid Ajala, the blacksmith,
with Faile watching. They return to the inn that evening. Lan and Moiraine tell them
that Rand is in Tear. There have been many marriages and many other unlikely events
occurring in the last day. The First of Mayene1 is a "guest" in the Stone of Tear. Many
people dreamed of Rand holding Callandor. Many people also have nightmares
because Be'lal does not shield his dreams. Moiraine say she will deal with Be'lal
tonight. She orders Perrin, Zarine and Loial to leave for Tar Valon immediately. Faile
leaves to find Loial. Following her through the common room and up the stairs, Perrin
hears a noise from their private dining room. They find Faile lying motionless on the
floor with a carved wooden hedgehog by her hand. Moiraine barely stops him from
entering. She says it was a trap and she felt a flash of pure Spirit when it triggered.
She sends Lan to find the innkeeper. The innkeeper says two women left Moiraine a
"surprise." Moiraine concludes that Be'lal knows she is in Tear and had two of the
Black Ajah set that trap for her. If Be'lal felt the trigger, then he will not expect them
tonight. Perrin demands to know what is wrong with Faile. Moiraine says the
hedgehog is a ter'angreal studied by Corianin Nedeal and it has something to do with
Tel'aran'rhiod.2 Faile is now completely in Tel'aran'rhiod and her body will soon die.
There is nothing she can do. She tells Perrin to leave, but he refuses and they leave
him to his destiny. Loial arrives. Perrin asks Loial to watch his back and leaps into the

Perrin is in the wolf dream with Hopper. He has his hammer instead of the axe.
Hopper tells him he is in the dream too strongly and will die. He must leave
immediately. Perrin insists on finding Faile and Hopper agrees to help.

1. Berelain
2. One of the ter'angreal stolen by Liandrin's group. The two women were certainly of
her group, but there is no way to tell which two.

TDR: Chapter 54

Into the Stone

Mat POV - That night Mat walks across the rooftops of Tear. He has his quarterstaff,
the fireworks and a box with a coal. His plan is to set off the fireworks to create a
diversion then sneak in. As he nears the Stone of Tear, he sees someone scaling the
nearly sheer wall.1 Without warning he is attacked and captured by Aiel. One is a
woman. A moment later Juilin Sandar arrives. They each respect the others' skill at
fighting and skulking. The leader introduces himself as Rhuarc of the Nine Valleys
Taardad. He was a Red Shield; they often serve as thief-catchers. Another is Gaul.
The Aiel go their way and Mat sees over a hundred more. Juilin says he is there
because he feels he did something wrong and is not sure what to do about it. When he
hears Mat is out to rescue the girls he joins Mat. Mat sets the fireworks in an arrow
slit to create that diversion and winds up blowing a hole big enough for them to enter.
Juilin joins him and they begin fighting their way to the dungeons. They hear gongs
sounding the alarm.

Rand POV - Rand is exhausted from his climb. Still, he ignores the roar and the
alarm as he makes his way toward Callandor to finish it.
Egwene POV - Egwene wakes in a cell with Elayne and Nynaeve. They are still
shielded with Amico outside guarding them. They tell her they are being used as bait,
but they do not know for what. Egwene tells them it is Rand. She dreamed of him
holding Callandor. She also dreamed of Mat and Perrin coming. Egwene realizes she
still has the twisted ring and intends to use it. Nynaeve and Elayne argue, but finally it
is their only hope of defeating Liandrin. Nynaeve sings her to sleep.

Egwene finds herself in Tel'aran'rhiod and immediately goes to the Heart of the
Stone. This time, Joiya Byir is there alone. Egwene weaves Spirit and shields her.
Joiya is surprised and shocked that she has a ter'angreal.2 Egwene beats her a bit, then
leaves her shielded as she goes to find the cells.

Perrin POV - Perrin and Hopper search the Stone of Tear for Faile. They kill some
men guarding a tall door with an iron lock.3 Perrin breaks the lock with his hammer.
Inside they find Faile, but she disappears. They continue the search.

Mat POV - Mat fights a man who identifies himself as High Lord Darlin while Juilin
guards his back. He is an excellent fighter, but Mat finally knocks him out. He sees
Rand trot across the corridor and doubts his eyes. Mat shoulders his quarterstaff and
knocks out another High Lord who was preparing to skewer him from behind. They
continue to hunt for the way to the dungeons.

1. Rand
2. Lanfear knows of Egwene's twisted ring, so she evidently is not sharing her
information with others.
3. What are men doing in the wolf dream? Apparently Be'lal either brought them there
in the flesh or dragged them out of their own dreams.

TDR: Chapter 55

What Is Written in Prophecy

Rand POV - Rand enters the Heart of the Stone and Be'lal confronts him. He calls
Rand Lews Therin and tells him to take Callandor. Rand accuses him of caging
Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve. Be'lal confesses surprise, then says Lews Therin
always put his heart ahead of power. Rand asks who he is and Be'lal again reacts with
surprise saying that Ishamael said Rand remembered nothing but he did not really
believe it. He announces that his name is Be'lal and once again tells Rand to take the
sword. He says he will give Rand this one chance because they were once allies. Rand
brags that he has denied Ba'alzamon, the Dark One, and again Be'lal is surprised that
that is what Rand thinks. Be'lal suddenly holds a sword of black fire1 and tells Rand to
defend himself. Rand's sword of fire appears and they fence, but it is soon apparent
that Be'lal is the better swordsman. Other fighting surrounds them, Aiel versus
Defenders of the Stone. Rand trips over a body and falls as Be'lal prepares to kill him.
Moiraine strides into the room and commands him to stop. Once again Be'lal is
surprised saying he thought she was out of the way. He starts to do something to her
but she balefires him before he can act. All the fighting stops. Moiraine tells Rand it is
too soon, but now there is no choice. He must take Callandor. Whips of black
lightning throw her across the room and a black shadow descends from the ceiling
resolving into Ba'alzamon. Ba'alzamon says he has twice offered to let Rand serve
him and twice he has been wounded. Now he will take Rand's soul. Rand feels an
excruciating tearing. He throws out his hand and grasps Callandor. Ba'alzamon
escapes through a twisting of reality. Rand twists reality in the same way and follows

Egwene POV - As Egwene approaches the dungeon the entire Stone shakes.3 She
continues on and locates the dungeon, finding a very faint Amico. Evidently she is
drifting in and out of sleep while holding one of the ter'angreal. She shields Amico
who screams, then steps out of the dream.

She wakes back in the cell. Elayne and Nynaeve tell her they heard a scream. It feels
different now but they are still shielded. Egwene says she will have to try again and
Nynaeve sings her to sleep.

Mat POV - Mat and Juilin enter the dungeon and see Amico. Juilin warns Mat that
she is one of the Aes Sedai who took the girls. Mat is suitably cautious, but though
she seems awake she just looks at him and asks for help. He carefully takes the key
and unlocks the cell by her. Nynaeve and Elayne are kneeling by Egwene. They react
to him with disapproval4 and wake Egwene. They spot Juilin behind Mat and look like
they are ready to kill him. He apologizes and says Liandrin forced him to aid her.
They exit the cell and Nynaeve punches Amico, knocking her out.5 Egwene takes the
ter'angreal6 from her. Free to channel again, Nynaeve Heals Egwene and Elayne. Mat
tells them he is rescuing them, but they ignore him and walk out of the room. Mat and
Juilin follow.

Perrin POV - Perrin and Hopper continue to search for Faile. Twice more they found
her, but she disappeared. Perrin smashes a brass door with his hammer. Inside, a flock
of falcons attacks him cutting him with their talons. There is a perch with a falcon
chained to it. The lock is shaped like the hedgehog. He breaks the chain and blacks

Perrin wakes back in the private dining room of the Star. Faile is tending his wounds.
The hedgehog is broken. They whisper sweet nothings to each other.

Rand POV - Rand follows Ba'alzamon through a strange version of the Heart of the
Stone. The entire Stone rings like a gong.7 Ba'alzamon tries to balefire him, but he
uses Callandor to deflect the beam. As he flees, Ba'alzamon leaves behind him a
plethora of traps and dangers, but Rand springs them without thinking and follows.
Finally, Ba'alzamon returns to the Heart of the Stone. Rand confronts him and sees
black wires running from Ba'alzamon into the shadow surrounding him. Ba'alzamon
calls on the Dark One to aid him and the shadow swells, but Rand uses Callandor to
sever the black wires.8 Ba'alzamon seems to dwindle and grow larger at the same time
as though there were two of him.9 Rand stabs Ba'alzamon through the chest with
Callandor and the shadow vanishes. Suddenly they are both back in the real world.
Ba'alzamon's body has a hole burned through the chest and burned pits where his
mouth and eyes were. The fighting has resumed in their absence. Rand thinks he has
killed the Dark One and won Tarmon Gai'don. He brings down lightning with
Callandor, commands the fighting to stop, and claims the title of the Dragon Reborn.
Everyone kneels to him.

1. It is not clear if this "sword of black fire" is some manifestation of the True Power or
just an ordinary One Power weaving that only bad guys use.
2. They both Travel into Tel'aran'rhiod.
3. It is not clear if this is Mat's explosion, Rand taking Callandor, Perrin smashing the
door, or something else.
4. This is a big mistake on their part and it continues to build until ACoS,Ch22.
5. Somewhere in all this Amico is stilled. There are unique aspects to this stilling that
make it difficult to say for certain exactly what happened to her.
6. This ter'angreal is the iron disc. (TSR,Ch11)
7. This time it is clear that this is Perrin breaking the door.
8. What are these black wires? See the discussion in the FAQ, Section 1.3.1, local FAQ,
Section 1.3.1.
9. Compare this with the severing of Ba'alzamon in TEotW,Ch51, the severing of
Asmodean in TSR,Ch58 and the crossing of the balefire beams in ACoS,Ch41.

TDR: Chapter 56

People of the Dragon

Omni POV - In the morning, people of Tear wake from dreams of the Dragon Reborn
battling Ba'alzamon in the Heart of the Stone. The Dragon Banner flies above the
Stone of Tear. People throng the streets proclaiming Rand al'Thor, the Dragon

Mat POV - Mat is in a meeting room of the High Lords in the Stone of Tear with
Moiraine, Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Rhuarc. He saw Rand roaming about the
Stone holding Callandor and accompanied by a contingency of Aiel and High Lords.
He recalls seeing Lan in the fighting as well. There are about two hundred Aiel in the
Stone. Mat met Aviendha, Chiad and Bain last night and got in trouble trying to flirt
with them. Moiraine tells them that Perrin is in Tear and might be in trouble along
with his "companion."1 The girls ask for more detail, but she says she will handle it as
soon as she shows them what she found. It is one of the seals, this time intact.
Moiraine lectures that the seals were hidden during the Breaking and since the Trolloc
Wars they have been truly lost. She catches herself and says she is starting to sound
like Verin. Mat asks if this all means that they are the People of the Dragon. Moiraine
says she does not know.2 She only came to stop Be'lal from killing Rand. Mat gets the
shakes at that name, and recalls that Juilin left the Stone at dawn, ostensibly to bring
the good news to Mother Guenna. Rhuarc steps forward and shows them the Dragon
on his left arm. He tells them clan chiefs get that when they go to Rhuidean in the
land of the Jenn Aiel. Moiraine is stunned, realizing that the Aiel are the People of the
Dragon.2 Mat comments that it really is over now. The girls angrily interject that they
only caught Amico and Joiya. They still have Liandrin and the other ten to deal with.
Mat says he meant that there is only cleaning up to do since Rand killed Shai'tan.
Moiraine calls him a fool and asks if he really thinks the Dark One would leave a
human body. Mat recalls that it rotted very fast as well. Egwene tells them about the
scrap of paper Verin showed her and they agree that Ba'alzamon might well have
been Ishamael. Moiraine comments that there are still nine Forsaken on the loose and
that three of the seals are broken so they are far from finished. A beautiful woman
enters, eyes Rhuarc with interest and gives a parchment to Moiraine. She identifies
herself as Berelain, the First of Mayene. Moiraine asks why she is delivering
messages and who gave it to her. Berelain looks confused, only recalling that she was
impressive. She recovers and tells Rhuarc that he disturbed her sleep. She will dine
with him soon. She tells Moiraine that she will dine with the Dragon Reborn tonight,
then she marches from the room. Moiraine reads the message aloud. "Lews Therin
was mine, he is mine, and he will be mine, forever. I give him into your charge, to
keep for me until I come." It is signed "Lanfear." Moiraine reminds Mat that he is
ta'veren as well as the sounder of the Horn of Valere so nothing is done for him yet.
The girls stare at him with mixed emotions and Rhuarc looks at him with respect.3
Mat says they can count on him while he really plans to leave as soon as Thom is fit
to travel.4 The cries outside for Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn continue.


"And it was written that no hand but his should wield the Sword held in the Stone, but
he did draw it out, like fire in his hand, and his glory did burn the world. Thus did it
begin. Thus do we sing his Rebirth. Thus do we sing the beginning.

—from Do'in Toldara te, Songs of the Last Age,

Quarto Nine: The Legend of the Dragon. Composed by
Boanne, Songmistress at Taralan, the Fourth Age"

1. Faile
2. Moiraine did not know, but Siuan Sanche did. In TFoH,Ch27, Siuan says that Gitara
Moroso told her about the Aiel being the People of the Dragon while she was
3. So Rhuarc is another who knows that Mat sounded the Horn.
4. Rand's ta'veren pull will prevent that from happening.

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