15 Items ST For Social, Moral and Economic Issues

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1. What best defines an issue?

a. A topic that only a small segment of the population recognizes as a problem.
b. A situation or problem discussed by people in society due to its negative impact.
c. An issue is always limited to social concerns and never includes moral or economic aspects.
d. An isolated incident that doesn't affect a large segment of the population.

2. What characterizes a social issue?

a. It aligns with shared community norms.
b. It involves actions against personal beliefs.
c. It primarily affects an individual's behavior.
d. It pertains only to political matters.

3. In what circumstances does an issue become a moral issue?

a. When it prevents the society from functioning.
b. When it involves actions with the potential to harm.
c. When it can be alleviated through joint citizen actions.
d. When it solely involves economic disparities.

4. When is an issue considered an economic issue?

a. When it involves actions against cultural beliefs.
b. When it reflects the scarcity of resources.
c. When it is recognized as a problem by the public.
d. When it pertains to social etiquette.

5. When does an issue become a social issue?

a. When it involves individuals only.
b. When it affects a small segment of the population.
c. When it cannot be alleviated by joint citizen actions.
d. When it is recognized as a problem by the public/majority.

6. What is the main goal of comprehensive listening?

a. Enjoyment
b. Mutual concern
c. Understanding the content
d. Critical evaluation
True OR False

7. Moral issues involve situations that conform to shared norms and values.

8. Economic issues are solely defined by the scarcity of resources.

9. A moral issue can be identified when it involves behavior patterns aligning with societal values.

10. Abortion, crimes, and corruption are examples of moral issues.

11. Inflation, unemployment, and poverty are examples of social issues.

Matching Type. Match the listening type with its correct example/purpose.

___12. Appreciative Listening A. Listening to a motivational speech

___ 13. Empathic Listening B. Watching the news

___14. Comprehensive Listening C. Listening for enjoyment

___15. Critical Listening D. Evaluating a salesperson's information

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