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Answer & Explanation

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Situation Analysis.

 Current consumer base is large for the location where our initial shop is located, compared to the
second shop which is reliant on the reputation of our brand name for its success the other
neighborhoods. The use of agents and advertising from other businesses has boosted the amount
of consumers who have been referred. It has shown to boost the number of customers. Our
excellent communication with our consumers, as well as our clear and honest interactions with
them, has assisted us in maintaining a steady stream of 'loyal' customers who bring their friends
with them. Customers that visit on a regular basis are rewarded with points that can be redeemed.
This innovative approach has gone a long way toward assisting the company in its expansion and
expansion. Our ability to solve problems quickly and provide quick service is also a competitive
advantage for our company.
 Our SWOT analysis shows that internal factors like our vision have helped promote specific
attributes in our personnel. Employees may communicate with customers in a way that supports
our vision. The incentive system has also encouraged customers return by allowing them to
redeem points. The booking system is one of our weaknesses because we can tell the small line
of bicycle accessories has potential to develop but the system is out of date and can lose a
customer. Intermediaries have helped the business develop its probable markets, according to our
PRESTEL research. This type of promotion has raised awareness of our second shop. The
analysis shows that the worrying level of insecurity has led to less enrollment to our sunday
morning group rides.
 By reviewing customer reviews of the competitors, we discovered that the services of delivery of
bicycles to customers' houses and the sale of sporting goods were a niche in which the
competitors were able to capitalize.


The company is focused on being the leading brand in the cycling industry and bicycle
accessories by providing great products that are of quality and environmental friendly to observe
our environment. By providing honest and open communication to our customers we are focused
on providing the ultimate customer experience. We will offer an easy to access digital platform
to cater for customer needs at any time any place with fast delivery of service.


Content marketing will be vital as we will provide a guide and an e-book. This enables
customers to sign-up for our newsletter. This will help the customers choose a good bicycle
since there is a wide range of bicycles to choose from and it will equip them with info to choose

We will raise awareness among the general public about the health benefits of riding a bicycle to
work. Writing blog entries on the subject and handing out flyers will help to get the message
through to as many people as possible. This will assist in educating the community on the fact
that every individual has a significant impact on their surroundings and that sometimes the best
part of the job is the opportunity to give back.


Use of bloggers to make blog posts about our website will help boost our traffic. Use of e-books
in providing guidelines will put a spotlight on our company. Social media influencers will be
given incentives to and will make posts on their socials about the company and will persuade
their followers to visit the shop. Fnding of local bike raves and donations will help create a buzz
around our brand. We will also use ads in other website that will advertise the company and
upon clicking will redirect them to our website.

A sales funnel will be created by evaluating the marketing that attracts prospects to your firm, all
of the steps in your sales process leading up to the sale, and the final transaction, whether it is
made at a physical location or on the internet.

A program for internships will be launched shortly. Each year, 20-24 underprivileged
customers participate in a paid internship program that teaches them bicycle mechanics and
fundamental business skills while also providing them with valuable work experience.
Appointments for free bicycles will be provided. Customers learn how to build and maintain
their own bicycles through the use of these annual bike appointments.

A program for internships will be launched shortly. Each year, 20-24 homeless children
participate in a paid internship program that teaches them bicycle mechanics and fundamental
business skills while also providing them with valuable work experience.
Appointments for free bicycles will be provided. Customers learn how to build and maintain
their own bicycles through the course of these annual bike appointments.
A "Full Bike" project will be implemented to enable for the loaning of bicycles for a specified
amount of time, with participating organizations maintaining a small fleet of Full Cycle bicycles
on site at their respective locations.


In this case, the break-even point will be checked monthly or quarterly, as well as the number of
leads generated and converted on a monthly basis, as well as the net income ratio/profit, which
will be checked monthly, as well as employee satisfaction, which will be measured through
weekly meetings to identify gains and listen to their grievances.

Step-by-step explanation

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