2010 IEEE TIM Rogowski Coil

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Self-Integrating Rogowski Coil for High-Impulse Current Measurement

Article in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement · March 2010

DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2009.2023821 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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1 author:

Ibrahim Metwally
Sultan Qaboos University


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Self-Integrating Rogowski Coil for

High-Impulse Current Measurement
Ibrahim A. Metwally, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents the operating principle, the per- is one of the inductive methods. Rogowski coils consist of B-dot
formance under impulse condition, and the design of a self- probes connected in series wound on a toroidal former [5]–[17].
integrating Rogowski coil for measuring high-impulse currents. The main idea behind B-dot probes is that when current flows
Oscillatory and overdamped unidirectional impulse currents are
generated up to 10 kA and measured by different methods, in a conductor, the magnetic field (B) is produced according to
namely, two commercial impulse current transformers, a resistive Ampere’s law. If a single-turn conductor is placed parallel to
shunt, and the newly designed self-integrating Rogowski coil. For the magnetic field, magnetic flux is produced. Then, an induced
the resistive method, the voltage drop across the shunt affects the voltage will be produced according to Faraday’s law.
total voltage measured across the test object and causes distortion There are many advantages of Rogowski coils [5]–[17]:
in the case of simultaneous measurement by an impulse current
transformer having a small aperture. The Rogowski coil theory 1) they cause no damage by large overload; 2) they have the
under impulse current conditions is presented. The concept of capability to measure large currents (very wide range from
transmission lines is used, and the line parameters are optimized a few milliamperes to more than 1 MA) without saturating
to achieve a self-integrating mode and avoid spurious effects of re- because of its nonmagnetic core; 3) they are easy to use due
flections and stray capacitances. The output voltage linearity of the to their flexibility and light weight; 4) they have a low price;
designed self-integrating Rogowski coil is checked using different
linear and nonlinear loads and coil termination resistances. It is 5) they have a nonintrusive nature because they draw no power
found that at a termination resistance of 1 Ω, satisfactory impulse from the main circuit carrying the current to be measured,
current waveforms are measured by taking the commercial im- where the impedance injected into the main circuit due to the
pulse current transformer as a reference signal. Results reveal that presence of the transducer is only a few picohenries; 6) they
the measurement errors for the current peak and front and tail have a very wide bandwidth, extending from typically 0.1 Hz
times are ±2%, ≤6%, and ≤12%, respectively. Overdamped im-
pulse currents are generated by different generator capacitances, to about 1 GHz, that enables the transducer to measure or
where comparisons between the measured and calculated current reproduce the waveform of very rapidly changing currents—as
waveform parameters have shown good agreement. fast as 40 kA/μs; 7) they have excellent transient response
Index Terms—Impulse current generator (ICG), impulse cur- capability; and 8) they are very safe because there is no direct
rent measurement, resistive current shunt, Rogowski coil, tran- electrical connection to the main circuit.
sient analysis, transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs). Rogowski coils have been in use for more than 85 years. The
advantages offered by Rogowski technology are rapidly gen-
I. I NTRODUCTION erating interest in a number of applications, namely, power and
power quality monitoring [14], rectifier monitoring [14], wiring

H IGH-IMPULSE currents commonly occur in high-

voltage power systems and may arise from different
sources such as lightning strikes [1], switching operations
integrity [14], [15], fuse monitoring [14], [15], relay protection
[15]–[17], switchgear [15]–[17], and rotating plant [15].
In this paper, the operating principle, the performance un-
of circuit breakers [2], switching maneuvers in gas-insulated der impulse condition, and the design of a self-integrating
switchgear, and electromagnetic pulses [1]. In high-voltage lab- Rogowski coil for measuring high-impulse currents are pre-
oratories, high-impulse currents can be produced using charged sented. Oscillatory and overdamped unidirectional impulse
RLC circuits or transmission lines [1], [2]. The combination of currents are generated and measured by different methods.
high peak value (hundreds of kiloamperes) and fast rise times of The linearity of a resistive shunt and a newly designed self-
such currents makes the measurement particularly difficult [1]. integrating Rogowski coil output voltages are investigated us-
There are three main methods that have been used to achieve ing different linear and nonlinear loads and impulse generator
the measurements of high-impulse currents: 1) resistive [3], [4]; configurations.
2) inductive [5]–[17]; and 3) optical [18], [19]. The B-dot probe
Manuscript received September 18, 2008; revised December 20, 2008. A. Operating Principle
First published August 25, 2009; current version published January 7, 2010.
This work was supported by Sultan Qaboos University. The Associate Editor A Rogowski coil works by sensing the magnetic field in
coordinating the review process for this paper was Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay.
The author is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the space around the conductor. Ampere’s law provides the
College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 123, Oman, on relationship between the current flowing on the conductor and
leave from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the magnetic field around it. If a single turn coil is placed
Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt (e-mail: metwally@squ.edu.om;
metwally@mans.edu.eg). perpendicular to this magnetic field so that the flux lines can
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2009.2023821 link the coil, a voltage will be generated according to Faraday’s

0018-9456/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Transmission-line equivalent circuit of the coil [8].

law [5]–[13]. Applying Ampere’s law for a coil wound on a and 3) avoid spurious effects of reflections by minimizing the
nonmagnetic former and having a cross-sectional area A yields stray capacitances.
 Rogowski coils under impulse conditions show a good self-
i(t) = H. 
 dl (1) integrating response for a current impulse of duration less than
twice the transit time of the coil [9]–[14]. To measure longer
The induced electromotive force (EMF), i.e., edl , in a differen- pulses, the transit time is optimized by increasing the coil
 is given by Faraday’s law as
tial length dl capacitance and/or the number of turns. Special techniques have
   been used for this purpose, among which are a special coaxial
dψm d  = −μo A dH cos θ
 ds cable winding with multilayer coils [11] and a strip-line coil
edl = − =− B. (2)
dt dt dt conductor wound on a disc-shaped insulating former [12].
Fig. 1 shows an equivalent transmission-line representation
where ψm is the magnetic flux linking the coil, assuming that of the coil. The electrical length of the coil is divided into n
the magnetic flux density is constant over the considered coil sections, where each section consists of a series impedance L =
cross-sectional surface area, B  and H are the magnetic flux
Lc /n that represents a portion of the coil inductance, a shunt
density and field vectors, respectively, and μo is the permeabil- capacitance C = Cc /n to account for the coil capacitance, a
ity of free space. For a coil of N  number of turns of dl along the portion of the resistance R = Rc /n, and a voltage source e =
length l and assuming that the coil is positioned perpendicular et /n [see (4)], which provides a forward-traveling wave e/2
to the current-carrying conductor (i.e., θ = 0), we have and a backward-traveling wave −e/2 [8].
l l Coil sensitivity and transit time and the rise time and
 d  pulsewidth of the current to be measured are the most important
et = edl N dl = −μo AN H cos θdl
dt parameters to be considered in the design of self-integrating
0 0 Rogowski coils, i.e., slow-wave coils with a long transit time. In
di(t) di(t) these coils, reflections associated to pulses having a width larger
= −μo AN  = −M (3)
dt dt than twice the transit time are avoided [10], [12]. Simulation
results reveal that the termination resistance should be kept as
where M is the mutual inductance, which is defined as the
low as possible to get a better response. Theoretically speaking,
ratio of the induced EMF in the coil (et ) and the change of
the ideal case is to short out the coil from both ends, but this
the primary current to be measured (i(t)). For a coil wound
is an impractical solution as the coil output voltage has to be
on a circular nonmagnetic former having area A = πr2 , with a
minor radius r, number of turns N (where N  = N/2πRo ), and
mean major radius Ro , the induced voltage will be [5]–[13]
μo N r2 di(t)
et = − (4) Most of the published designs of slow-wave Rogowski coils
2Ro dt
have as main objectives the achievement of longer transit
At a low frequency, the coil transit time is much smaller than times and the minimization of stray capacitance and interturn
the rise time of the measured current. Therefore, the equivalent capacitance [5]–[13]. Longer transit times are usually achieved
circuit of the coil can be regarded as a voltage source in series by optimizing the shunt capacitance (capacitance between the
with the self-inductance Lc and resistance Rc of the coil [13]. coil and the return conductor). On the other hand, the interturn
The value of the termination resistance Rt will determine the capacitance is usually reduced by a larger pitch of the coil wind-
functioning mode of the coil. If Rt is much smaller than ωLc , ing. The present design goals of the Rogowski coil are: 1) the
the coil will operate in a current mode, where the coil output capability of measuring high-impulse currents, 2) having a self-
voltage is proportional to the measured current (self-integrated integrating nature by optimizing the shunt capacitance, and
coil). If Rt is much greater than ωLc , the coil will operate in its 3) avoiding reflection effects due to the interturn capacitances.
differential mode, where the coil output voltage is proportional Fig. 2(a) and (b) illustrates the construction details of the new
to the derivative of the measured current [13]. self-integrating Rogowski coil and the connection diagram at
both coil ends, respectively. In the present design, the shunt
capacitance is optimized by using the inner and outer shields
B. Rogowski Coil Under Impulse Condition
[1 in Fig. 2(a)], where they are used as a return conductor to
The concept of transmission-line modeling for the coil is optimize the shunt capacitance. An insulated conductor is used
used to: 1) optimize coil parameters, particularly the shunt to construct the main coil winding [2 in Fig. 2(a)]. The two
capacitance to get the self-integrating nature; 2) investigate the shields have longitudinal thin cuts [3 in Fig. 2(a)] to avoid
effect of the termination resistance on the coil output voltage; magnetic shielding of the coil and to prevent eddy current in

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The performance of the constructed coil was investigated
using the high-impulse current test circuit shown in Fig. 3. Only
three stages of the ten-stage 1000-kV 30-kJ impulse voltage
generator were used to generate the standard classification
impulse current (8/20 μs) [20] when using a 2.5-kV transient
voltage surge suppressor (TVSS) as a load [21]. Therefore,
the reconfigured impulse voltage generator acts as an impulse
current generator (ICG), where the output current waveform
can be controlled by changing the generator capacitance and/or
the value and the nature of the test object. The front and tail
times of the 8/20-μs current were within the tolerances of the
standard waveform. The voltage measurement was carried out
by means of a Tektronix high-voltage probe (Model # P6015A,
1000×, 75 MHz, 3 pF, 100 MΩ, 40-kV peak pulse, 100-ms
Fig. 2. (a) Construction details of the new self-integrating Rogowski coil: maximum duration, and 20-kV dc).
1—inner and outer aluminum shields (return conductor); 2—insulated coil The discharge current through the TVSS or through any
conductor (varnished wire); 3—longitudinal thin cuts on the return conductor
shields; 4—interturn capacitance shielding conductor, five-coil former (plastic), load was measured by two impulse current transformers from
and six- PVC protective tape. (b) Connection diagram at both coil ends. Pearson Electronics Ltd.: wide-band current monitor and wide-
band clamp-on current monitor. The sensitivity is equal to
TABLE I 0.1 V/A +1, −0% and 0.01 V/A ±1% for the first impulse cur-
rent transformer (ICT1) and the second impulse current trans-
former (ICT2), respectively. The other quantities for ICT1 and
ICT2 are, respectively, the maximum current time product =
0.5 and 1 A.s, the useable rise time = 25 and 150 ns, and the
low-/high-frequency 3-dB point = 5 Hz/15 MHz and 15 Hz/
3 MHz. Both the discharge current and the residual voltage
were recorded via a two-channel Tektronix oscilloscope (Model
# TDS 3032B, 300 MHz, and 2.5 GS/s). In the case of using
a resistive shunt of 99.5 mΩ, the Rogowski coil and the two
commercial impulse current transformers were located just
before the resistive shunt; see Fig. 3.

the shield. The interturn capacitance is minimized by a second V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
coil [4 in Fig. 2(a)] parallel to the main winding. The conductor
A. Shunt Resistor Performance
of this coil is not insulated and is in direct contact with the two
shields [1 in Fig. 2(a)]; see Fig. 2(b). This ensures a complete Most current transducers should be calibrated using a current
shorting of the interturn capacitance and, at the same time, level similar to the one being measured to avoid any prob-
increases the shunt capacitance. Although some current will lems with nonlinearities. Therefore, both of them are used as
flow in this conductor, it does not significantly magnetically a reference transducer. Fig. 4 illustrates the impulse current
shield the main winding. A plastic former [5 in Fig. 2(a)] oscillograms measured by the resistive current shunt and the
was used as a core for the coil, and a polyvinyl chloride two impulse current transformers (ICT1 and ICT2) for a 2.5-kV
(PVC) insulating tape [6 in Fig. 2(a)] was wound around the TVSS load and a three-stage ICG at a peak current of ∼7.7 kA.
coil for mechanical protection. Since a Rogowski coil has an The shunt cable is matched at the oscilloscope end by a resis-
air core rather than an iron core, it has a low inductance tance Rm = 75 Ω. It is clear that both current waveforms are
and can respond to fast-changing currents. Table I gives the identical, and the classification current is generated within the
design data of the coil. A correctly formed Rogowski coil, with standard tolerances. In addition, a linear relationship is found
equally spaced windings, is largely immune to electromagnetic between the shunt output peak voltage and the peak current
interference [8]. measured by ICT1 and ICT2. The sensitivity of the shunt
Shielding can be used to add extra protection. However, system (resistive shunt, 75-Ω cable, matching resistance, and
shielding a magnetic field of frequency as low as the power- a small attenuator) is found to be ∼0.193 V/kA.
line frequency requires thick shielding and/or high permeability The I–V characteristics for a 2.5-kV TVSS load are inves-
of the shielding material to be used. If care is taken when de- tigated using a three-stage ICG with and without the resistive
signing and using the Rogowski coil, shielding can be avoided. current shunt when considering the peak voltage and the peak
The connecting 50-Ω coaxial cable between the coil and the current. In fact, the maximum energy absorption capability
oscilloscope is matched at the oscilloscope end by a 50-Ω roughly occurs at the instant of peak current, and the actual
noninductive resistor. discharge voltage should be a rectangularlike waveform. In

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Fig. 3. High impulse-current test circuit.

Fig. 4. Current oscillograms measured by the resistive current shunt and the Fig. 5. Impulse current transformer and the converted Rogowski coil output
impulse current transformers (ICT1 and ICT2) for a 2.5-kV TVSS load and a oscillograms for various termination resistor values and when using a 2.5-kV
three-stage ICG at a peak current of 7.7 kA. TVSS load and a three-stage ICG at a peak current of 7.5 kA.

these tests, the inductive overshoot disappears because of the of Rt is desirable, but a compromise must be found for a
minimization of the length of the connecting leads. It is found satisfactory peak value of its output voltage. At Rt = 0.27 Ω,
that the voltage drop across the shunt affects the total voltage the coil output voltage coincides with the ICT1 waveform up to
measured by the high-voltage probe. In addition, it causes the peak value, contrary to the falling part, where the difference
distortion in the impulse current measured by ICT2 because its in the tail times of the coil and the ICT1 output signals is about
aperture is very small. Therefore, in the following sections, the 1.3 μs. Moreover, it is found that the coil output signal is noisy
shunt is removed from the test circuit, and the test object is and needs filtering as a result of the high noise-to-signal ratio.
connected directly to the common ground. Indeed, the ideal case is to short out the coil from both ends, but
this is an impractical solution as the coil output voltage has to
B. Termination Resistance be measured.

The termination resistance is a determining factor of the

C. Coil Sensitivity
coil output quality. This was experimentally verified, by ter-
minating the coil with different resistors (Rt = 0.27, 1, and Large transient calibration is difficult because the current
5 Ω). Fig. 5 compares the impulse current transformer and levels may be much larger than any steady current that can
the converted Rogowski coil output oscillograms for various be generated for calibration purposes. Rogowski coils do not
termination resistor values and when using a 2.5-kV TVSS suffer from this problem because they are linear. They may be
load and a three-stage ICG at a peak current of 7.5 kA. It can calibrated at any convenient current level, and the calibration
clearly be seen that the coil has a better response with low- will be good for all currents, including very large currents. In
value terminations. The combined effect of small reflections some transient measurements, the magnitude of the current is
and ohmic damping is the origin of the poor response with not known in advance. A Rogowski coil may be fitted with the
higher termination resistances. On the other hand, a lower value confidence that it will be usable at any current level [14], [15].

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Fig. 6. Rogowski coil output voltage for various termination resistor values
using a 2.5-kV TVSS load and a three-stage ICG.
Fig. 7. Impulse current transformer output oscillograms for various numbers
To measure the sensitivity of the coil, the coil output voltage of ICG stages and using a 2.5-kV TVSS load at a peak current of 7.5 kA.
peak is plotted against the peak current measured by ICT1 in
Fig. 6. These results are obtained when using a 2.5-kV TVSS test is done by applying different ICG stages of specified values
load and a three-stage ICG. In addition, the identical peak using one stage (Cg = 2.4 μF), two stages (Cg = 4.8 μF), and
current measured by ICT2 is added as a reference line with three stages (Cg = 7.2 μF). At the same time, the current peak
a slope of 45◦ . It can be seen that a good linear relationship is kept constant at ∼7.5 kA by increasing the charging voltage,
is found between the coil output voltage peak and the current while the coil is terminated by Rt = 1 Ω. The coil termination
peak measured by ICT1, where the coil sensitivity is 0.304, resistance Rt = 1 Ω is used because of the less noise and the
0.849, and 1.732 V/kA for Rt = 0.27, 1, and 5 Ω, respectively. satisfactory deviation, as can be seen in Fig. 5 and later in
The coil sensitivity increases as the termination resistance Table III. Fig. 7 depicts the impulse current transformer output
increases. oscillograms for various numbers of ICG stages and using a
2.5-kV TVSS load at a peak current of 7.5 kA. As the number
D. Generator Capacitance of stages increases (i.e., increasing Cg ), the fronts of the current
The ICG capacitor banks (Cg = C) are charged to a voltage waves are shifted to the right because of the increase in the
Vch and discharged when the spark gap is triggered, the current current front time and in the time for one half cycle of the
i(t) of an underdamped RLC series circuit is given by [22] damped oscillatory wave; see (8) and (9).
The resistance of the test circuit R (junctions of all connect-
Vch −αt ing leads ∼0.4 Ω), including the TVSS test object (∼0.5 Ω
i(t) = e sin ωt (5)
ωL at 7.5-kA peak discharge current), is found to be ∼0.9 Ω. On
where R, L, and C are the total circuit resistance, inductance, the other hand, the inductance of the test circuit L (including
and capacitance, including the ICG, connecting leads, and the all connecting leads) is estimated based on the physical size of
test object, and ω is the angular frequency. The latter is given the test loop and found to be ∼10 μH. For these two values
by [22] of R and L, when using one, two, and three stages of the
  2 ICG (i.e., C = Cg = 2.4, 4.8, and 7.2 μF, respectively), the
1 R calculated values of ω and α from (6) and (7) are the following:
ω= − (6)
LC 2L 1) for the one-stage ICG, 2 × 105 rad/s and 4.3 × 104 s−1 ; 2)
for the two-stage ICG, 1.36 × 105 rad/s and 4.7 × 104 s−1 ;
The attenuation constant is defined as [22] and 3) for the three-stage ICG, 1.09 × 105 rad/s and 4.56 ×
R 104 s−1 , respectively. Table II presents a comparison between
α= (7) the measured and the calculated current waveform parameters
[using (5), (8), and (9) for Imax , t1 = tf , and t2 , respectively]
The current front time (t1 = tf) and the time for one half cycle when using a 2.5-kV TVSS as a test object. Good agreement is
of the damped oscillatory wave (t2 ) are, respectively, given found between both values for three different values of the ICG
by [22] capacitances.
1 ω Fig. 8 shows the impulse current and voltage oscillograms
t1 = tf = tan−1 (8)
ω α using a 2.5-kV TVSS load and a three-stage ICG at two
t2 = (9) different current levels, where the current is measured by ICT1.
ω It can be noticed that when increasing the residual voltage of
Producing an impulse current of large value, a bank of capac- the TVSS by ∼50%, the discharge current increases to 650%
itors connected in parallel are charged to a specific value. This due to the high degree of nonlinearity of the ZnO material [21].

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Fig. 8. Current and voltage oscillograms using a 2.5-kV TVSS load and a
three-stage ICG at two different current levels.

Fig. 10. Impulse current transformer and the converted Rogowski coil output
oscillograms for various high-voltage loads and using a one-stage ICG and a
Fig. 9. I–V characteristics for a 2.5-kV TVSS load for various numbers of coil termination resistor Rt = 1 Ω. (a) Pure resistive load. (b) Inductive load.
ICG stages. (c) Pure capacitive load.

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Fig. 9 shows the I–V characteristics for a 2.5-kV TVSS load between the ICT (reference) and the coil outputs divided by the
for various numbers of ICG stages. As the number of stages reference one. It can be seen that measurement errors for the
increase, the electrostatic energy stored in the ICG capacitor current peak, front time, and time to half values are ±2%, ≤6%,
banks (W ) increases according to W = 0.5 Cg Vch 2
. Conse- and ≤12%, respectively. Further improvement in the measure-
quently, the ICG is capable of delivering high current when ment errors can be achieved by using lower termination resis-
increasing Cg . This effect is clearly seen in the high-conduction tance values, particularly when measuring a much faster rising
regime, i.e., in the kiloampere range. The linearity of the impulse current, but the noise-to-signal ratio will increase.
Rogowski coil output for various numbers of ICG stages is also
checked using a 2.5-kV TVSS load and coil termination resistor VI. C ONCLUSION
Rt = 1 Ω. It is found that for all tests using different numbers of
stages, the relationships are linear and coincide. This confirms • Oscillatory and overdamped unidirectional impulse cur-
the repeatability check of the test results even with different rents have been generated up to 10 kA and measured by
impulse current waveforms; see Table II and Fig. 7. different methods, namely, two commercial impulse cur-
rent transformers, a resistive shunt, and a newly designed
self-integrating Rogowski coil.
E. Linear RLC Loads • For the resistive method, to measure high-impulse cur-
Different linear RLC loads (i.e., different impulse current rents, a small amount of resistance is needed. The skin
waveforms) are used to check the response of the coil versus effect and thickness of the shunt resistive material signif-
the measured waveform by ICT2. Fig. 10(a)–(c) illustrates the icantly control its response. The voltage drop across the
impulse current transformer and the converted Rogowski coil shunt affects the total voltage measured across the test ob-
output oscillograms for various high-voltage loads and using a ject and causes distortion in the simultaneously measured
one-stage ICG and Rt = 1 Ω for pure resistive (Rload = 5 Ω), impulse current by an impulse current transformer having
inductive (Lload = 163 mH and Rload = 1.13 Ω), and pure a small aperture.
capacitive (Cload = 1.2 μF) loads. In Fig. 10(a), a unidirec- • For the inductive method, two commercial impulse current
tional impulse current is generated because of the pure resistive transformers have been used to measure high-impulse
load. There is a slight shift in the front time and a satisfactory currents as reference transducers. A new self-integrating
difference in the tail time, but the current peak is the same; see Rogowski coil has been designed, and its output voltage
Table III. In Fig. 10(b) and (c), oscillatory impulse currents are linearity has been investigated for a 2.5-kV TVSS, differ-
generated because of loading by an inductor and a capacitor, ent linear R, L, and C loads, and coil termination resis-
respectively. It can be seen that the coil response for these slow tances. It has been found that at a termination resistance of
waves is excellent. Therefore, it is recommended to terminate 1 Ω, satisfactory impulse current waveforms are measured
the coil by a lower resistance when measuring faster impulse by taking the commercial impulse current transformer as
currents as that in Fig. 10(a). The frequency of the current a reference signal. Results reveal that the measurement
oscillations in Fig. 10(b) and (c) can be approximated by errors for the current peak and front and tail times are
±2%, ≤6%, and ≤12%, respectively. These measurement
1 errors can be reduced by using lower values of coil ter-
f≈ √ (10)
2π LC mination resistance, particularly when measuring a much
faster rising impulse current, but the noise-to-signal ratio
The calculated frequencies of oscillation of these two cases of the coil output voltage will increase.
are 7.81 and 56 kHz, which yield to periodic times of 128 • In addition, the overdamped impulse currents have been
and 17.8 μs, respectively. The corresponding measured periodic generated by different generator capacitances. The com-
times are ∼130 and ∼18 μs, which confirm the accuracy of the parison between the measured and the calculated current
present measurements. waveform parameters (current front and tail times, time for
Table III gives the quantification of measurement errors one half cycle of the damped oscillatory wave, and current
for the current peak and front and tail times using different peak value) have shown good agreement. In addition, it
loads. The measurement errors are calculated as the difference has been found that for all tests using different numbers

Authorized licensed use limited to: Sultan Qaboos University. Downloaded on January 31, 2010 at 05:38 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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The author would like to thank the technical staff of the High- [20] Surge Arresters Part 4: Metal Oxide Surge Arresters Without Gaps for AC
Voltage Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems, IEC 99-4 Standard, 1991.
Engineering, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos Univer- [21] I. A. Metwally, A. Gastli, and M. Al-Sheikh, “Withstand capability tests
of transient voltage surge suppressors,” Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 77,
sity, for their valuable technical and logistic assistance. no. 7, pp. 859–864, May 2007.
[22] M. Abdel-Salam, H. Anis, A. El-Morshedy, and R. Radwan, High-Voltage
R EFERENCES Engineering: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker,
[1] I. A. Metwally, W. Zischank, and F. Heidler, “Measurement of magnetic
fields inside single- and double-layer reinforced concrete buildings dur-
ing simulated lightning currents,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,
vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 208–221, May 2004.
[2] A. Haddad, P. Naylor, Y. K. Tong, W. A. Marley, I. A. Metwally,
D. M. German, and R. T. Waters, “Direct voltage and trapped charge
effects on the protective characteristics of ZnO surge arresters,” Proc. Inst.
Elect. Eng.—Sci. Meas. Technol., vol. 142, no. 6, pp. 442–448, Nov. 1995. Ibrahim A. Metwally (M’93–SM’04) was born in
[3] O. B. Oliveira, M. T. Silva, and F. A. Chagas, “Design, construction and 1963. He received the B.Eng.(Hons.) degree in elec-
response evaluation of shunts for the measurements of high impulse cur- trical engineering and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. de-
rent,” presented at the 7th Int. Symp. High Voltage Engineering, Dresden, grees in high-voltage engineering from Mansoura
Germany, 1991, Paper 64.02. University, Mansoura, Egypt, in 1986, 1990, and
[4] R. Malewski, “Wirewound shunts for measurement of fast current im- 1994, respectively. The Ph.D. degree was received in
pulse,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-103, no. 6, pp. 2927– collaboration with Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K.
2933, Oct. 1984. He is a permanent Professor with the Department
[5] V. Dubickas and H. Edin, “High-frequency model of the Rogowski coil of Electrical Engineering, Mansoura University,
with a small number of turns,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 6, Mansoura, Egypt. From 2000 to 2002, in the sum-
pp. 2284–2288, Dec. 2007. mers of 2003–2007, and in the summer of 2009, he
[6] W. Li, C. Mao, J. Lu, and Z. Yao, “Study of Rogowski coils for measuring respectively joined the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich, and
pulse currents of the high-power laser source,” Int. J. Power Energy Syst., Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, as a Visiting Professor. Cur-
vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 3342–3348, 2005. rently, he is on leave as a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Com-
[7] C. Qing, L. Hong-bin, Z. Ming-ming, and L. Yan-bin, “Design and char- puter Engineering, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat,
acteristics of two Rogowski coils based on printed circuit board,” IEEE Oman since August 2002. He has completed 13 industrial projects in the
Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 939–943, Jun. 2006. U.K., Egypt, Germany, and Oman, and eight support services (consultancies)
[8] A. Haddad, D. M. German, I. A. Metwally, P. Naylor, and R. T. Waters, in Oman. He is the author of 117 papers, of which about half have appeared in
“Studies of slow-wave Rogowski coil: Theory and experimental results,” highly reputed international journals. He has been a regular Peer Reviewer for
in Proc. 28th UPEC. Staffordshire, U.K.: Staffordshire Univ., Sep. 21– the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION,
[9] V. Nassisi and A. Luches, “Rogowski coils: Theory and experimental ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, IET Generation, Transmission & Dis-
results,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 900–902, Jul. 1979. tribution, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, European Transactions
[10] W. Stygar and G. Gerdin, “High frequency coil characteristics,” IEEE on Electrical Power, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Sys-
Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. PS-10, no. 1, pp. 40–44, Mar. 1982. tems, and Journal of Electrostatics. His areas of research include oil- and
[11] A. Gerasimov, “Wide-range inductive sensors of currents with nanosec- gas-flow electrification in both electric power apparatus and pipelines, mea-
ond rise times for measuring parameters of high-current pulses (Review),” surements of fast impulse voltages and currents, line insulators and zinc-oxide
Instrum. Exp. Tech., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 147–161, Mar. 2002. surge arresters, coronas on overhead transmission lines, impulse voltage char-
[12] K. L. Wong, “Technical notes: New structure for a slow-wave Rogowski acterization and modeling of electrical machines, particle-initiated breakdown
coil,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. PS-19, no. 6, pp. 1290–1291, in gas-insulated switchgear and gas-insulated transmission lines, power quality,
Dec. 1991. stray-current corrosion in the oil industry, and hazards of lightning strikes to
[13] D. G. Pellinen, M. S. Di Capua, E. Sampayan, H. Gerbracht, and M. Wang, buildings, overhead power lines, and aircraft.
“Rogowski coil for measuring fast, high-level pulsed currents,” Rev. Sci. Prof. Metwally is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
Instrum., vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 1535–1540, Nov. 1980. Bonn, Germany, and a member of the International Electrotechnical Commis-
[14] D. E. Shepard and D. W. Yauch, An Overview of Rogowski Coil Current sion. He was the recipient of the First Rank of the National Prize in Engineering
Sensing Technology. Grove City, OH: LEM DynAmp Inc. Sciences in 1998 and 2004 and the Late Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Khalifa’s Prize
[15] Some Applications of Rogowski Coils, Rocoil Limited, North Yorkshire, in Electrical Engineering in 1999 and 2005 from the Egyptian Academy of
U.K. [Online]. Available: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rocoil/ Scientific Research and Technology. His biographical profile was published in
Applications.PDF Who’s Who in Science and Engineering in 2001.

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