11th Week Task Leila

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How students cope with stress and burnout

Learning involves learning a large amount of information in a short time. Not all students are able to
safely endure educational loads. Due to age characteristics, young people often feel insolvent and
experience failures in an exaggerated way.

According to statistics, up to 40% of college and college students suffer from burnout, and in higher
education institutions this percentage is even higher.
Successful adaptation to the educational process is hampered by a lack of experience. Students do
not adequately assess their capabilities, do not know how to plan time, do everything at the last
moment, disrupting work and rest hours. Learning under constant stress leads to burnout — mental
and physical exhaustion due to emotional overstrain.

Common Causes of Student Burnout

Students' well-being deteriorates significantly during the periods of exams and term papers, as they
worry more about academic performance at crucial moments.

But there are many other reasons to worry:

the complexity of learning tasks;

information overload;
competition with peers;
a new team;
Losing old friends;
feeling isolated due to distance learning;
student "debts";
multi-hour class format;
large volumes of tasks;
lack of rest and sleep.
Burnout, as a rule, "starts" during the period of intensive training. The main reason for the
development of the syndrome is the disregard of natural needs

Workaholics, perfectionists, and people prone to competition are the most vulnerable to burnout.
But students who leave important things for later may also encounter this syndrome.

How can a student determine if he has burnout

Burnout syndrome is accompanied by cognitive, emotional and physical exhaustion. Its main feature
is the dulling of emotions. The student ceases to be pleased by positive events and upset by negative
ones. He feels indifference to what is happening at the university. There is a growing negative
attitude towards studying, dissatisfaction with oneself. In the neglected case, the quality of life
deteriorates sharply, neurotic disorders and psychosomatic diseases develop.

Signs of burnout among students:

lack of interest in the learning process;
reduced academic performance;
dissatisfaction with life;
destructive relationships with others;
formal execution of tasks;
a drop in self-esteem;
constant fatigue;
I don't have the energy to study, the tasks are completed at the last minute;
reduced performance;
loss of motivation for education;
loss of the ability to come up with original solutions.
As a natural protective reaction to stress, the student has a desire to withdraw from his studies and
social life. The class schedule is becoming chaotic. There are problems with focusing. Tasks that
previously seemed easy cannot be solved. The student does not understand the meaning of what he
has read, has difficulty concentrating on the text, and cannot recall previously studied information.

In a state of burnout, old addictions often make themselves felt. Moreover, new ones may appear.
The student starts drinking, smoking, and playing games for hours. The feeling of emptiness pushes
him to take risky actions and engage in extreme sports.

Another sign of the syndrome is a deterioration in physical health: muscle weakness, insomnia,
migraine. It becomes difficult for a student to endure normal workloads. Irritability, diarrhea,
tachycardia, and hypertension may appear. If you do not take steps to fix the problem in time, it will
develop into depression.

The key symptoms of burnout often coincide with signs of depression, PTSD and dysthymic disorder.
It is difficult for a layman to distinguish them. For an accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a
psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist.
Ways to combat burnout

To successfully overcome the condition, proper adaptation to the learning rhythm and the
educational process is necessary. First of all, you need to be aware of your condition and not make
drastic decisions under its influence.

Emotional burnout in a student, how to deal with it:

Master planning and other time management techniques.
Set a schedule of classes and rest. Strictly adhere to the schedule.
Avoid overworking and increased workloads.
Set aside time for art therapy, a favorite hobby.
To master and apply methods of relaxation, self-regulation.
To lower the value of success, to get rid of the desire to be a round excellent student.
Stop comparing yourself with other students, get away from unnecessary competition.
To share feelings and emotions with other people.

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