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Explain the garbage collection in .NET ?

Garbage collection is a CLR feature which automatically manages memory. CLR automatically releases
objects when they are no longer used and referenced. Following methods are used for garbage
collection –

What is "Common Language Runtime" (CLR)?

CLR is .NET equivalent of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is the runtime that converts a MSIL
code into the host machine language code, which is then executed appropriately. The CLR is the
execution engine for .NET Framework applications. It provides a number of services, including:
- Code management (loading and execution)
- Application memory isolation
- Verification of type safety
- Conversion of IL to native code.
- Access to metadata (enhanced type information)
- Managing memory for managed objects
- Enforcement of code access security
- Exception handling, including cross-language exceptions
- Interoperation between managed code, COM objects, and pre-existing DLL's (unmanaged code
and data)
- Automation of object layout
- Support for developer services (profiling, debugging, and so on).

What is "Common Type System" (CTS)?

CTS defines all of the basic types that can be used in the .NET Framework and the operations
performed on those type. All this time we have been talking about language interoperability, and
.NET Class Framework. None of this is possible without all the language sharing the same data
types. What this means is that an int should mean the same in VB, VC++, C# and all other .NET
compliant languages. This is achieved through introduction of Common Type System (CTS).

What is "Common Language Specification" (CLS)?

CLS is the collection of the rules and constraints that every language (that seeks to achieve .NET
compatibility) must follow. It is a subsection of CTS and it specifies how it shares and extends
one another libraries.
CLR and DLR?

A. CLR (Common Language Runtime) is the utility in the .Net framework to run the
application. It is the run-time engine which actually executes the application with
many responsibilities like taking care of memory management, versioning, CasPol
DLR is new with .Net 4.0 which is the Dynamic Language Runtime and used to run
the application on the fly wherever required. CLR runs as statically while DLR runs

What is difference between constants, read-only and, static?

Constants: The value can’t be changed

Read-only: The value will be initialized only once from the constructor of the class.
Static: Value can be initialized once.

What is the Difference between read only and constant variables?

Ans: Read only can assign the values at runtime only.

Constant will assign the values at compile time only.
We cannot modify the both variable values.

What is static keyword in .Net?

Ans: Static is same as constant variable but we can change the value of static variable and
we can access the variables without creating any instances

Explain Static Members in C# ?

If an attribute's value had to be same across all the instances of the same class, the static keyword is
used. For example, if the Minimum salary should be set for all employees in the employee class, use the
following code.
private static double MinSalary = 30000;
To access a private or public attribute or method in a class, at first an object of the class should be
created. Then by using the object instance of that class, attributes or methods can be accessed. To
access a static variable, we don't want to create an instance of the class containing the static variable.
We can directly refer that static variable as shown below.
double var = Employee.MinSalary ;
What are the differences between static, public and void in C#?

Static classes/methods/variables are accessible throughout the application without creating instance.
Compiler will store the method address as an entry point.
Public methods or variables are accessible throughout the application.
Void is used for the methods to indicate it will not return any value.
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What is the difference between “continue” and “break” statements in C#?

“continue” statement is used to pass the control to next iteration. This statement can be used with –
“while”, “for”, “foreach” loops.
“break” statement is used to exit the loop.

Can we use “this” inside a static method in C#?

No. We can’t use “this” in static method.

What is Nullable Types in C#?

Variable types does not hold null values so to hold the null values we have to use nullable types. So
nullable types can have values either null or other values as well.
Eg: Int? mynullablevar = null;

Why to use “Nullable Coalescing Operator” (??) in C#?

Nullable Coalescing Operator can be used with reference types and nullable value types. So if the first
operand of the expression is null then the value of second operand is assigned to the variable. For
double? myFirstno = null;
double mySecno; mySecno = myFirstno ?? 10.11;

What is the difference between “as” and “is” operators in C#?

“as” operator is used for casting object to type or class.

“is” operator is used for checking the object with type and this will return a Boolean value.

What is the difference between .tostring(), Convert.tostring()?

Ans: The basic difference between them is “Convert” function handles NULLS while
“.ToString()” does not it will throw a NULL reference exception error. So as a good coding
practice using “convert” is always safe.

What are differences between system.stringbuilder and system.string?

The main difference is system.string is immutable and system.stringbuilder is a mutable.

Append keyword is used in string builder but not in system.string.
Immutable means once we created we cannot modified. Suppose if we want give new value
to old value simply it will discarded the old value and it will create new instance in memory
to hold the new value.

What do you mean by String objects are immutable?

String objects are immutable as its state cannot be modified once created. Every time when
we perform any operation like add, copy, replace, and case conversion or when we pass a
string object as a parameter to a method a new object will be created.

String str = "ABC";


Here Replace() method will not change data that "str" contains, instead a new string object
is created to hold data "XBC" and the reference to this object is returned by
Replace() method.

So in order to point str to this object we need to write below line.

str = str.Replace("A","X");
Now the new object is assigned to the variable str. earlier object that was assigned to str
will take care by garbage collector as this one is no longer in used.

Which string method is used for concatenation of two strings in c#?

“Concat” method of String class is used to concatenate two strings. For example,
string.Concat(firstStr, secStr)

Explain Inheritance in C# ?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), inheritance is a way to reuse code of existing objects. In

inheritance, there will be two classes - base class and derived classes. A class can inherit attributes and
methods from existing class called base class or parent class. The class which inherits from a base class is
called derived classes or child class. For more clarity on this topic, let us have a look at 2 classes shown
below. Here Class Car is Base Class and Class Ford is derived class.
class Car
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand Drive");
class Ford : Car
public Ford()
Console.WriteLine("Derived Class Ford");
public void Price()
Console.WriteLine("Ford Price : 100K $");
When we execute following lines of code ,
Ford CarFord = new Ford();
Output Generated is as given below.
Base Class Car
Derived Class Ford
Right Hand Drive
Ford Price : 100K $
What this means is that, all the methods and attributes of Base Class car are available in Derived Class
Ford. When an object of class Ford is created, constructors of the Base and Derived class get invoked.
Even though there is no method called DriveType() in Class Ford, we are able to invoke the method
because of inheriting Base Class methods to derived class.

What is implementation and interface inheritance?

When a class (type) is derived from another class(type) such that it inherits all the members of
the base type it is Implementation Inheritance.
When a type (class or a struct) inherits only the signatures of the functions from another type it is
Interface Inheritance.
In general Classes can be derived from another class, hence support Implementation inheritance.
At the same time Classes can also be derived from one or more interfaces. Hence they support
Interface inheritance.

What is inheritance hierarchy?

The class which derives functionality from a base class is called a derived class. A derived class
can also act as a base class for another class. Thus it is possible to create a tree-like structure that
illustrates the relationship between all related classes. This structure is known as the inheritance

Can you use multiple inheritance in .NET?

.NET supports only single inheritance. However the purpose is accomplished using multiple

Can Multiple Inheritance implemented in C# ?

In C#, derived classes can inherit from one base class only. If you want to inherit from multiple base
classes, use interface.
What is Polymorphism in C# ?

The ability of a programming language to process objects in different ways depending on their data type
or class is known as Polymorphism. There are two types of polymorphism
Compile time polymorphism. Best example is Overloading
Runtime polymorphism. Best example is Overriding

Explain Overloading in C# ?

When methods are created with the same name, but with different signature its called overloading. For
example, WriteLine method in console class is an example of overloading. In the first instance, it takes
one variable. In the second instance, “WriteLine” method takes two variable.
Console.WriteLine("The message is {0}", Message);
Different types of overloading in C# are
Constructor overloading
Function overloading
Operator overloading

What is Operator Overloading in C# .net ?

We had seen function overloading in the previous example. For operator Overloading, we will have a
look at the example given below. We had defined a class rectangle with two operator overloading
class Rectangle
private int Height;
private int Width;
public Rectangle(int w,int h)
public static bool operator >(Rectangle a,Rectangle b)
return a.Height > b.Height ;
public static bool operator <(Rectangle a,Rectangle b)
return a.Height < b.Height ;
Let us call the operator overloaded functions from the method given below. When first if condition is
triggered, the first overloaded function in the rectangle class will be triggered. When second if condition
is triggered, the second overloaded function in the rectangle class will be triggered.
public static void Main()
Rectangle obj1 =new Rectangle();
Rectangle obj2 =new Rectangle();
if(obj1 > obj2)
Console.WriteLine("Rectangle1 is greater than Rectangle2");
if(obj1 < obj2)
Console.WriteLine("Rectangle1 is less than Rectangle2");

What is Function Overloading in C# .net ?

In Function overloading, n number of functions can be created for the same class. But the signatures of
each function should vary. For example
public class Employee
public void Employee()
public void Employee(String Name)

What is a Constructor in C# ?

Constructor is a special method that get invoked/called automatically, whenever an object of a given
class gets instantiated. In our class car, constructor is defined as shown below
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
When ever an instance of class car is created from the same class or its derived class(Except Few
Scenarios), Constructor get called and sequence of code written in the constructor get executed.
interface Breaks
void BreakType();
interface Wheels
void WheelType();
class Ford : Breaks, Wheels
public Ford()
Console.WriteLine("Derived Class Ford");
public void Price()
Console.WriteLine("Ford Price : 100K $");
public void BreakType()
Console.WriteLine("Power Break");
public void WheelType()

Explain Static constructor in C#?

If the constructor is declared as static then it will be invoked only once for all number of instances of a
class. Static constructor will initialize the static fields of a class.
class MyClass
public string prop1, prop2;
public MyClass(string a, string b)
prop1 = a;
prop2 = b;
Static MyClass()
Console.WriteLine(“Static Constr Test”);
public MyClass(MyClass myobj) // Copy Constructor
prop1 = myobj.prop1;
prop2 = myobj.prop2;

Explain Copy constructor in C#?

If the constructor contains the same class in the constructor parameter then it is called as copy
class MyClass
public string prop1, prop2;
public MyClass(string a, string b)
prop1 = a;
prop2 = b;
public MyClass(MyClass myobj) // Copy Constructor
prop1 = myobj.prop1;
prop2 = myobj.prop2;

What is Constructor Overloading in C# .net ?

In Constructor overloading, n number of constructors can be created for the same class. But the
signatures of each constructor should vary. For example
public class Employee
public Employee()
public Employee(String Name)

Define Overriding?
Overriding is a concept where a method in a derived class uses the same name, return type, and
arguments as a method in its base class. In other words, if the derived class contains its own
implementation of the method rather than using the method in the base class, the process is
called overriding.

Explain the use of Virtual Keyword in C# ?

When we want to give permission to a derived class to override a method in base class, Virtual keyword
is used. For example. lets us look at the classes Car and Ford as shown below.
class Car
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
public virtual void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand Drive");
class Ford : Car
public Ford()
Console.WriteLine("Derived Class Ford");
public void Price()
Console.WriteLine("Ford Price : 100K $");
public override void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");
When following lines of code get executed
Car CarFord = new Car();
CarFord = new Ford();
Output is as given below.
Base Class Car
Right Hand Drive
Base Class Car
Derived Class Ford
Right Hand

What is Method Hiding in C# ?

If the derived class doesn't want to use methods in the base class, derived class can implement it's own
version of the same method with same signature. For example, in the classes given below, DriveType() is
implemented in the derived class with same signature. This is called Method Hiding.
class Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand Drive");
class Ford : Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");

Different forms of Polymorphism. Differences between Abstraction and


A. Polymorphism is to use the same function in many forms. The polymorphism is

of 2 types-
a. Classical polymorphism (Overloading)
b. AdHoc polymorphism (Overriding)
When the runtime (CLR) find the behavior of class members at the runtime of the
program, it is called as the AdHoc polymorphism or Overriding.in this the method
name is same but they are implemented in the different class. We use virtual
keyword in the base class method to be overrides in the child class using the
override keyword.
public class MyClass
Public int Add(int a, int b)
Return a+b;
Public int Add(int a, int b, int c)
Return a+b+c;
When the run-time (CLR) find the behavior of class members at the compilation of
the program, it is called as the Classical polymorphism or Overloading.in this the
method name is same but there prototypes (parameters) are different and it is
implemented in the same class.
Public class MyBaseClass
Public virtual void Show(string message)
Console.WriteLine(“Your message is : ”+ message);
Public class MyChildClass: MyBaseClass
public override void Show(string message)
Console.WriteLine(“Your new message is : ”+ message);
Abstraction is the behavior to get the required functionality in the child class. So we
don’t matter whatever is written in the base class. We only need to force the child
class to implement my required functionality.
Abstract keyword is used to get the abstraction behavior.
What is the difference between “out” and “ref” parameters in C#?

“out” parameter can be passed to a method and it need not be initialized where as “ref” parameter has
to be initialized before it is used.

How many types of memories are there in .net?

Ans: Two types of memories are there in .net stack memory and heap memory

What are the differences between value type and reference type?

Ans: Value type contain variable and reference type are not containing value directly in its
Memory is allocated in managed heap in reference type and in value type memory allocated
in stack. Reference type ex-class value type-struct, enumeration

Boxing and Unboxing: Terminology, Advantages and Disadvantages.

A. Converting the value type data type in to the Reference type is called as Boxing.
Converting the Reference type data type and keep its value to stack is called as the
reference type.
byte b= 45;
Object o = b.Tostring();
E.g. int x = 1;
object obj = x ;
The Advantage of boxing and unboxing is that we can convert the type of the object
in to another type. The disadvantage is that it requires lot of memory and CPU
cycles to convert from one type to another type.
Object o=10;
Int i= Convert.ToInt32(o.ToString());
int y = (int)obj;

What are types: Value Type and Reference Type?

A. Value type holds data directly, Value type stored in the stack memory, we can
get the direct value of the value types. Value type data type can’t be null.
Reference types: This type doesn’t hold the data directly. They hold the address on
which the actual data present. They stored in heap memory, Can have default
We can make and work with null reference type.

What is Reference Type in C# ?

Let us explain this with the help of an example. In the code given below,
Employee emp1;
Employee emp2 = new Employee();
emp1 = emp2;
Here emp2 has an object instance of Employee Class. But emp1 object is set as emp2. What this means
is that the object emp2 is referred in emp1, rather than copying emp2 instance into emp1. When a
change is made in emp2 object, corresponding changes can be seen in emp1 object.
Explain circular reference in C#?

This is a situation where in, multiple resources are dependent on each other and this causes a lock
condition and this makes the resource to be unused.

What is Sealed Classes in c# ?

If a class is defined as Sealed, it cannot be inherited in derived class. Example of a sealed class is given
public sealed class Car
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");

How do you prevent a class from being inherited?

In VB.NET you use the NotInheritable modifier to prevent programmers from using the class as
a base class. In C#, use the sealed keyword.

What is Abstract Class in C#?

If we don't want a class to be instantiated, define the class as abstract. An abstract class can have
abstract and non abstract classes. If a method is defined as abstract, it must be implemented in derived
class. For example, in the classes given below, method DriveType is defined as abstract.
abstract class Car
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
public abstract void DriveType();
class Ford : Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");
Method DriveType get implemented in derived class.
What is an Interface in C# ?

An interface is similar to a class with method signatures. There wont be any implementation of the
methods in an Interface. Classes which implement interface should have an implementation of methods
defined in the abstract class.

Difference between Abstract and Interface

Abstract Class:
-Abstract class provides a set of rules to implement next class
-Rules will be provided through abstract methods
-Abstract method does not contain any definition
-While inheriting abstract class all abstract methods must be override
-If a class contains at least one abstract method then it must be declared as an “Abstract
-Abstract classes cannot be instantiated (i.e. we cannot create objects), but a reference can
be created
-Reference depends on child class object’s memory
-Abstract classes are also called as “Partial abstract classes”
-Partial abstract class may contain functions with body and functions without body
-If a class contains all functions without body then it is called as “Fully Abstract Class”

-If a class contains all abstract methods then that class is known as “Interface”
-Interfaces support like multiple inheritance
-In interface all methods r public abstract by default
-Interfaces r implementable
-Interfaces can be instantiated, but a reference cannot be created

When should you use Abstract Class vs Interface while programming?

Ans: When we want that sub class must implement all the methods of base class. In such a
situation we will implement the interface. In the other hand when we want only some
method of base class in our sub class then use base class as abstract class.

Difference between Abstract classes and Interface. Explain with scenario where to
implement one?
A. Collection of the Abstract (Incomplete) and Concrete (complete) methods is
called as the Abstract class. If there is at least one abstract method in a class, the
class must be abstract class.
When there is the similar behavior, we can use the abstract class.
e.g. We want to calculate the area of few component. As this is not generic to the
application. We have only few component- like Circle, Ellipse, parabola, Hyperbola,
Triangle etc.
So we can create an abstract class and implement it like below:
public abstract class MyAbstractClass
// some other concrete members
public abstract void Area();// abstract member
Now in the child class, let’s say i have a circle class and want to calculate the area
of the circle:
public class Cicle: MyAbstractClass
public override void Area()
// calculate the area of the circle
In the similar fashion, we can calcite the area of other shapes.
Collection of abstract members is called as the Interface. When the behavior is not
similar, we need to use the interface. All the members of the interface
must be overrides in the child class.
e.g. Print functionality of the application can have an interface like:
interface Inf
void Print();
Now as this is the generic functionality and can be implemented in any of the page
so we have taken it as interface. Now we can implement this functionality in to any
page like:
class MyClass:Inf
public void print
// write details about the print
// Here we can implement any kind of print-like print to excel, xml, word all depends on the
our decision.

What are the Access Modifiers in C# ?

Different Access Modifier are - Public, Private, Protected, Internal, Protected Internal
Public – When a method or attribute is defined as Public, it can be accessed from any code in the
project. For example, in the above Class “Employee” getName() and setName() are public.
Private - When a method or attribute is defined as Private, It can be accessed by any code within the
containing class only. For example, in the above Class “Employee” attributes name and salary can be
accessed within the Class Employee Only. If an attribute or class is defined without access modifiers, it's
default access modifier will be private.
Protected - When attribute and methods are defined as protected, it can be accessed by any method in
the inherited classes and any method within the same class. The protected access modifier cannot be
applied to classes and interfaces. Methods and fields in a interface can't be declared protected.
Internal – If an attribute or method is defined as Internal, access is restricted to classes within the
current project assembly.
Protected Internal – If an attribute or method is defined as Protected Internal, access is restricted to
classes within the current project assembly and types derived from the containing class.

What are Extension methods?

A. Extension methods are special types of methods which are static methods but
called as the instance methods. The extension methods are added with the .Net
framework 3.5 and with the Visual Studio 2008.
These methods won’t affect the existing class and the label. These methods are
used for the extra behavior which the calls can provide. There is no need to build
the class again if we add any extension method to the class.
There are various inbuilt methods added in .Net 3.5 with the introduction of LINQ.
We can see the extension methods like Order By when we use the Linq as:
int[] numbers = { 10, 45, 15, 39, 21, 26 };
var orderedNumbers = numbers.OrderBy(a => a);
Define Property in C# ?

Properties are a type of class member, that are exposed to the outside world as a pair of Methods. For
example, for the static field Minsalary, we will Create a property as shown below.
private double minimumSalary;
public static double MinSalary
return minimumSalary;
minimumSalary = value;
So when we execute the following lines code
double minSal = Employee.MinSalary;
get Method will get triggered and value in minimumSalary field will be returned. When we execute,
Employee. MinSalary = 3000;
set Method will get triggered and value will be stored in minimumSalary field.

What is enum in C#?

enum keyword is used for declaring an enumeration, which consists of named constants and it is called
as enumerator lists. Enums are value types in C# and these can’t be inherited. Below is the sample code
of using Enums
Eg: enum Fruits { Apple, Orange, Banana, WaterMelon};

Exception handling.
A. Exception Handling is the way to handle the unexpected error. From the SQL
Server 2005 version, try…catch block is also supported to catch the exceptions in
SQL Server database. There is various other ways to catch the error like @@Error
which is the global variable and used to get the error. RaiseError is another inbuilt
method which is used to display the error.

What is the difference between application exception and system exception?

Ans: The difference between application exception and system exception is that system
exceptions are thrown by CLR and application exceptions are thrown by applications.
If I write System.exit (0); at the end of the try block, will the finally block still

Ans: No in this case the finally block will not execute because when you say
system.exit(0),the control immediately goes out of the program, and thus finally never

In try block if we add return statement whether finally block is executed in C#?

Yes. Finally block will still be executed in presence of return statement in try block.

What you mean by inner exception in C#?

Inner exception is a property of exception class which will give you a brief insight of the exception i.e,
parent exception and child exception details.

What is the difference between “finalize” and “finally” methods in C#?

Finalize – This method is used for garbage collection. So before destroying an object this method is
called as part of clean up activity.
Finally – This method is used for executing the code irrespective of exception occurred or not.

What are Anonymous methods and Lambda Expression?

A. Anonymous methods are those methods which does not have the name. As they
don’t have the name, so there is no way to call these methods. These methods are
created by using the work delegate as below:
button1.Click += delegate{listBox1.Items.Add(textBox1.Text)};
Lambda Expression: It’s an easy way to create anonymous functions. It is also an
anonymous function which has the capability to contain expressions and
statements. We can create the delegate and expression tree types using the
lambda expression.

Define Multicast Delegate in C#?

A delegate with multiple handlers are called as multicast delegate. The example to demonstrate the
same is given below
public delegate void CalculateMyNumbers(int x, int y);
int x = 6;
int y = 7;
CalculateMyNumbers addMyNumbers = new CalculateMyNumbers(FuncForAddingNumbers);
CalculateMyNumbers multiplyMyNumbers = new CalculateMyNumbers(FuncForMultiplyingNumbers);
CalculateMyNumbers multiCast = (CalculateMyNumbers)Delegate.Combine (addMyNumbers,
Explain Anonymous type in C#?

This is being added in C# 3.0 version. This feature enables us to create an object at compile time. Below
is the sample code for the same –
Var myTestCategory = new { CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = “Category1”};

What is a Partial class?

Ans: Instead of defining an entire class, you can split the definition into multiple classes by
using partial class keyword. When the application compiled, c# compiler will group all the
partial classes together and treat them as a single class. There are a couple of good reasons
to use partial classes. Programmers can work on different parts of classes without needing
to share same physical file
Public partial class employee
Public void somefunction()
Public partial class employee
Public void function ()

What is assembly, GAC? Where they are physically located?

A. Assembly is the collection of classes, namespaces, methods, properties which
may be developed in different language but packed as a dll. So we can say that dll
is the assembly.
There are 3 types of assemblies- Private Assembly, Shared Assembly, and Satellite
GAC (Global Assembly Cache)- When the assembly is required for more than one
project or application, we need to make the assembly with strong name and keep it
in GAC or in Assembly folder by installing the assembly with the GACUtil command.
To make the assembly with strong name:
SN -k MyDll.dll
And to install it in GAC:
GacUtil -i MyDll.dll
GAC assemblies are physically stored in Assembly folder in the system.
What is Global Assembly Cache ?

GAC (Global Assembly Cache) is used to share .NET assemblies. GAC will be used in the below scenarios

If the multiple application wanted to use the same assembly.
If the assembly has security requirements. For example, if only administrators have the permission to
remove the assembly

What are Assemblies and Namespaces and explain the difference between them ?

Namespaces are the containers for holding the classes. In Object Oriented world, it is possible that
programmers will use the same class name. By using namespace along with class name this collision can
be removed.
An assembly exists as a .DLL or .EXE that contains MSIL code that is executed by CLR.
An assembly contains interface and classes and it can also contain other resources like files, bitmaps etc.

What is globalization?

Globalization is the process of customizing applications that support multiple cultures and

What is localization?

Localization is the process of customizing applications that support a given culture and regions.

What are Globalization and localization? How to implement them?

A. Globalization is the concept of developing the application in more than one language while
the Localization is used for a particular language. Like if we develop the application in more
than one language we need to create the resource files (.resx) by using System. Globalization and
when we open the application in a particular language, then the localizations used to convert that
application to the selected language.

What is Collation?

Ans: Collation refers to a set of rules that determine how the data is sorted and compared.

What is the difference between methods – “System.Array.Clone()” and

“System.Array.CopyTo()” in C#?

“CopyTo()” method can be used to copy the elements of one array to other.
“Clone()” method is used to create a new array to contain all the elements which are in the original
Explain Hashtable in C#?

It is used to store the key/value pairs based on hash code of the key. Key will be used to access the
element in the collection. For example,
Hashtable myHashtbl = new Hashtable(); myHashtbl.Add("1", "TestValue1");
myHashtbl.Add("2", "TestValue2");

How to check whether hash table contains specific key in C#?

Method – “ContainsKey” can be used to check the key in hash table. Below is the sample code for the
same –
Eg: myHashtbl.ContainsKey("1");

What are differences between Array list and Hash table?

Ans: 1) Hash table store data as name, value pair. While in array only value is store.
2) To access value from hash table, you need to pass name. While in array, to access value,
you need to pass index number.
3) you can store different type of data in hash table, say int, string etc. while in array you
can store only similar type of data.

List out the differences between Array and ArrayList in C#?

Array stores the values or elements of same data type but arraylist stores values of different datatypes.
Arrays will use the fixed length but arraylist does not uses fixed length like array.

Explain Generics in C#?

Generics in c# is used to make the code reusable and which intern decreases the code redundancy and
increases the performance and type safety.
Namespace – “System.Collections.Generic” is available in C# and this should be used over
“System.Collections” types.

What is the difference between “dispose” and “finalize” variables in C#?

Dispose - This method uses interface – “IDisposable” interface and it will free up both managed and
unmanaged codes like – database connection, files etc.
Finalize - This method is called internally unlike Dispose method which is called explicitly. It is called by
garbage collector and can’t be called from the code.

Why to use “using” in C#?

“Using” statement calls – “dispose” method internally, whenever any exception occurred in any method
call and in “Using” statement objects are read only and cannot be reassignable or modifiable
What is Strong Name?
A. Strong Name (SN) is used to make the dll as the unique as:
SN -k fileName.dll
Now it will have the unique name. This assembly when placed in the GAC, it will
treat as the unique with its version number and other details. 2 assemblies with the
same name can exist in the GAC but both will have different version. The CLR takes
the latest version assembly while running the application

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