Reading Guidebook

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A Read2Rise Guide To Essen al Reads

A Good Place To Start
Building an unbreakable mindset: I RECOMMEND READING THEM Learning the intricacies of your body:
1. Built To Finish - Steven Pivnik 1. The Body - Bill Bryson
(A great book to get into developing your mindset. Steven (He beautifully explains exactly how our bodies functions from
shows us that anyone can accomplish everything they set their mind to. He only
started competing in ultra races and Iron Man events after he turned 40 and while Self-improvement Starter Pack: the cellular level and up. Even as a med student I really learned
to appreciate the body more through this book because of the
running a multi-million dollar company. So much great advice from this book!) wonderful analogies he uses. )

1. Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker

2. The Brain - David Eagleman
2. Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins (I fully believe sleep is the most important aspect to improve
your health (physical+mental) and reach your goals. This book (The subtitle of this book is ‘The Story of You’. Your brain is you
(This guy is the master of mindset and takes you on a journey teaches you everything you need to know about sleep and and this book is a great introduction to how your brain works and
shows you through ingenious experiments how you can bene t just how extremely cool it is. PS I’m a huge brain nerd and want
though his mind to show you exactly how you can do it. Lot’s of
from improved sleep ) to become a neurosurgeon. )
practical advice , will upgrade your mindset X 100)

2. The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz 3. The Diet Myth - Tim Spector
3. The Obstacle is The Way - Ryan Holiday
(A book you can nish in a day , with wisdom that will last a (He teaches us the fascinating new discoveries of the roles our
(He takes the stoic philosophy and teaches it in simple words
lifetime. This way of thinking will free you to nd peace and microbiome and genetics play in our health and diet and gives
using modern examples. He shows you exactly what thought you practical advice on how to eat healthy)
processes to develop to see every obstacle you will face as an happiness and achieve everything you dream of )
opportunity. )

Communicating better:
Making Money Easy: 3. 7 Habits of Highly E ective People
(This book doesn’t teach mindless techniques to try and trick
yourself to build habits. It teaches you the core values you need 1. How To Win Friends and In uence People
to choose the right habits and act on them in 3 phases: Personal
1. Side Hustle - Chris Guillebeau - Inter-personal - and renewal) (A book that has stood the test of time for a 100 years now. That
already says enough. This book helped me to make friends when
(This book will teach you from how to come up with an idea until I moved to a new country and was especially struggling because
the point that you make money in 30 days. My rst month I made of cultural di erences. This book alone will give you all the tools
$100 , my second month I made $2000. This book works!) you need to improve your communication immediately )
4. The 5am Club - Robin Sharma
(Don’t let the title scare you. You don't have to wake up at 5am.
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki The rst part of the book is about philosophy and realising your
potential to become legendary. And the second part is about the
(Surely most people have heard of this book. It will teach you power of building a strong morning routine. This is my Best Apps to build a strong reading habit:
FAVOURITE book of all time btw. )
how to think about your personal nances, how to grow them
and how to just all around be better with money. )

Brilliant Biographies: • IOS: Bookshelf: Reading Tracker

• Android: Bookmory
1. Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
(Steve is probably the mos in uential person of the person
computer era and Walter Isaacson is the world’s greatest
biographer. My rst biography I’ve read of him and honestly very
detailed and captivating. Read this if you want to understand
why Apple is what it is. )

2. The Everything Store - Brad Stone

(Amazon and Je Bezos is taking over the world and this
biography shows you the genius of Je to turn an online
bookstore into the powerhouse it is today)

3. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance

(Elon is my favourite person , partly because he is also South
African, but mainly because he is single handily building the
future. Maybe the new Walter Isaacson biography on him is
better but I haven't read it yet)
Ge ing In e Good Stu Your Brain (What makes you, you):
Diving deeper into mindset:
1. Life Lesson From A Brain Surgeon - Rahul Jandial
(Dr. Rahul teaches you the basics of brain science , tells magni cent
1. Never Finished - David Goggins MIND :) stories of brain surgery and gives you practical advice on how to take
care of your brain. He is one of my personal heroes and the type of
(This is even better than his rst one. He dives even deeper into doctor I want to be )
his mental processes. After reading this there’s a little voice in
your head that just doesn't want to go away unless you do what
you set out to do. ) Finding Peace, Purpose and Happiness:
2. The Molecule of More - Daniel Lieberman
(This is a book about dopamine. The world is essentially

2. Ego Is The Enemy - Ryan Holiday 1. The Courage To Be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi controlled by this one chemical. Such a fascinating read. It will
make you understand exactly why you do what you do and why
other people do what they do. )
(He takes the stoic philosophy and teaches it in simple words (I got this as a gift and got a little o ended because of the title.
using modern examples. When we become smarter and more The title does not encompass what this book is about. It teaches
successful , and even before that, our ego starts acting up. And you Adlerian psychology in a simpli ed way and shows you that
this book teaches you why you should take control. ) you can choose how you react to situations. This book alone will
show you how to be happy.) 3. How To Change Your Mind - Michael Pollen
(A little scared I start a psychedelic revolution by recommending
this one but it is one of my top 10 favourite books. It talks about
the science of LSD and magic mushrooms and the science
3. Willpower - Roy F. Baumeister 2. Man’s Search For Meaning - Victor Frankl behind how it can literally change your mind and especially how
it can be used to cure diseases like depression and PTSD)
(Roy is a brilliant psychologist that shows you through ingenious (A holocaust survivor and psychologist that then goes on to

experiments that our most valuable mental resource is limited create his own school of psychology. He survived and did all of
and how to use it e ectively. ) this because he could nd meaning in what he was doing. If he
can do it I’m sure anyone can and through his heartbreaking
stories he shows you exactly how) 4. Your Brain On Porn - Gary Wilson
(Porn is a worldwide pandemic destroying our minds and no one
is speaking about. I have fought a long battle with porn and lost
every time. This book gave me the tools and understanding to
3. Ikigai - Hector Garcia nally get the upper hand. A must read EVERYONE )

Making Money Easy Step 2: (In this book Hector explores and teaches you the principles of
Japanese centenarians (people growing 100 years old) and
shows you how to live a long and happy life. )

1. Dotcom Secrets - Russel Brunson Communicating even better:

(This book might be the most valuable book I’ve read. It showed
me how to monetise the internet by building sales funnels and
how to give your customers extraordinary value.
4. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
(The Alchemist is a ctional story of a shepherd boy from Spain 1. How To Talk To Anyone - Leil Lowdes
travelling the world to nd The Alchemist. This story will
(This book is 92 little tricks to improve your communication. At the end
encourage you to follow your dreams and nd your purpose. )
2. The 4 Hour Workweek - Tim Ferris of the day you’ll only really use about 20 of them but you’ll have to read
the book to gure out what works for you. )
(This is the next step in the puzzle. This is basically about
automating your business and how you can live an incredible life
from anywhere in the world. He gives you all the resources and
links to those resources to make it possible. ) Understanding People:
2. The First Minute - Chris Fenning
(He gives you the framework of what to say in your rst minute
1. Read People Like A Book - Patrick King for e ective and clear communication. This is a great book to
improve communication in professional settings and it translates
(I wish I had this book earlier, then I might have gured out my to your personal life to. )
girlfriend was cheating on me with my best friend sooner. This
book teaches you how to analyse people and how to tell if they
are lying. )

2. 48 Laws Of Power - Robert Greene

(Banned in prisons for being a book so good on teaching
manipulation. Though that's only the function for people with bad
intentions. For the majority of people this is a book to protect you
from those who wish to manipulate you and also a book that will
teach you how to be successful. )

3. Surrounded by Idiots - Thomas Ericson

(The book that makes it the most simple to understand people
and communicate more e ectively with them. It categorises traits
that often go together into colours which makes it easy for you to
gure out what type of person you are dealing with)
e Bit More Advanced Stu Passionate Productivity :
1.Deep Work - Cal Newport
1.Behave - Robert Sapolsky (I put it here not because it’s a hard book but I think it’s a hard
skill to get good at because it requires discipline and the right
(The biggest book I’ve ever read. Also the best science book I
ever read. You will learn everything possible about human
Genetics and Ageing: mindset so I wouldn’t put it as an initial book to read but a truly
life changing one. Deep Work is so rare in society today and
behaviour. From the neurobiology to the cultural aspects. It doing it will put you ahead of 99.9% of people )
contains it all and Robert has a delightful sense of humour to
keep you entertained through this magni cent journey )

1. A Crack In Creation - Jennifer Doubna

(Jennifer won a nobel prize for her discovery that a bacterial Understanding Yourself:
2. Talking To Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell
immune defence system can be used to precisely edit human
genes. In this book she speaks about it’s potential to cure all
(I don’t think this is a hard book at all. I just put it here because I
human disease. Probably the most revolutionary discovery of our
was struggling to wrap my head around what he was talking time)
about. It’s about how people aren’t always what the seem and 1. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
Malcolm is a fantastic writer. )
(I understand a lot of people don’t like him. But it’s important to
read to challenge your beliefs, not to con rm them. That’s all I’m
2. Lifespan - David Sinclair going to say regarding him. If you like him you’ll love the book. If
you don’t like him at least give him a chance. )
(Head of genetics at Harvard , David has discovered how to stop
The Wonderful World of Physics : aging and even how to reverse it in mice and fully believes that
this will be possible in humans within the next 10 years )

2. Thinking Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman

1. Six Easy Pieces - Richard Feynman (Maybe the hardest book I’ve ever read. Put it here cause all my

(The greatest teacher of physics, he can simplify the most friends love it. I still don’t really get it but I’m de nitely gonna
3. Altered Inheritance - François Baylis read it again)
complex topics so that anyone can understand and learn it
easily. This book is 6 famous lectures of his and it will make you
(This is about ethics of gene editing and completely changed
love physics and help you understand the world around you.)
how I think about it and all of science to be honest. Who will
have access ? Should we be messing with our genomes? Where
do we draw the line? )

3. Beyond Order - Jordan Peterson

2. A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
(A continuation of 12 rules for life but also going deep into the
(The smartest man to ever live talking simply about his life work, topic of existentialism. )
the crazy theories he worked on proving you can fold space and 4. p53: The Gene That Cracked The Cancer Code
that time travel is theoretically possible. This will tickle your
pickle to want to understand more of the universe. Especially if (p53 is a tumour suppressor and if it malfunctions the
you're a sci- nerd like me ) consequences are dire. It’s been one of the most crucial
discoveries in cancer, understanding the mechanisms
that cause cancer is critical for developing targeted therapies.
Fascinating read, a lot of molecular biology so might be a bit

Great Books Written By Doctors: One More Phenomenal Biography:

1. When Breath Becomes Air -Paul Kalanithi 1. Shoe Dog - Phil Knight
(The only book that has ever made me cry. A neurosurgeon (Phil had a crazy journey of self
resident that goes from being the doctor to being the patient and discovery, travelling the world and following his dreams
being able to speak about both perspectives. It increased my and then started selling shoes from the trunk of his car.
passion for medicine while tripling my empathy for the patients.) That all turned into one of the most in uential brands of the
century - NIKE. A super inspiring book with loads of life

2. Do No Harm - Henry Marsh

(Brain surgery is super cool and Henry is one of the coolest. The
stories are mind blowing and he has a fun style of writing. )

3. Being Mortal - Atul Gawande

(Talks a lot about mortality but especially speaks about where
we as health care providers and families should draw the line in
over treating. A complex book that will make you think very
deeply. )
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