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Results of Treatment of Posterior Ankle

Impingement Syndrome and Flexor Hallucis

Longus Tendinopathy in Dancers
A Systematic Review
A. B. M. (Boni) Rietveld, MD, PhD, BA (mus), and F. M. T. Hagemans, MD, BA (dance),
S. Haitjema, MD, PhD, T. Vissers, BA (ICT), and R. G. H. H. Nelissen, MD, PhD

Abstract tions reported the results of conservative n a dedicated dance-medical or-
Dancing on pointe and relevé requires treatment in 33 ankles (13 PAIS, 20 FHL thopaedic referral center, 454 of
extreme plantar flexion of the talo-crural tendinopathy) of 28 dancers, which does 587 injuries (77%) in 345 danc-
joint. Hence, these positions may lead to not allow for any evidence-based recom- ers involved the lower extremity. The
posterior ankle impingement syndrome mendations. Most studies failed to include highest proportion (27%) involved
(PAIS). PAIS often coincides with flexor dance-specific baseline characteristics, like the ankle. More than half of those
hallucis longus tendinopathy (FHL ten- dance style and level of participation. We were posterior ankle impingement
dinopathy, or “dancers’ tendinitis”). Both concluded that only retrospective studies syndrome (PAIS) or flexor hallucis
injuries can appear in isolation as well. The with levels of evidence four and five show
that operative treatment for PAIS and
longus tendinopathy (FHL tendi-
goal of this review is to evaluate the results
and the available levels of evidence of con- FHL tendinopathy is successful with few nopathy).1 A similar pattern is seen in
servative and operative treatment (both complications. Since isolated PAIS, PAIS other recent studies on dancers’ inju-
open and endoscopic) of PAIS and FHL combined with FHL tendinopathy, and ries: the highest numbers of injuries
tendinopathy in dancers. It also offers an isolated FHL injuries appear to be differ- in professional and pre-professional
insight into the history of dance medical ent pathological entities, more research dancers (mainly ballet) concern the
publications on this subject. In October taking into account demography, dance foot and ankle, the most common
2016, a systematic search of PubMed, type, and level of participation is needed being ankle sprains followed by PAIS
Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL, Web of to find out in which cases early operative and FHL tendinopathy.2,3 Given the
Science, and (in French) ScienceDirect management should be considered or frequency of PAIS and FHL tendi-
databases was undertaken. Five hundred avoided. The same applies to defining the nopathy in dancers, knowledge of
and seventy-six publications were found, place of endoscopic surgery in dancers
and being able better to predict which
their optimal treatment for dancers is
of which a total of 27 reported the results
of operative treatment in 376 ankles (344 pathology is likely to produce worse mandatory. That is why we decided to
open, 32 endoscopic) in 324 dancers. The outcomes or delay the return to dance. perform this systematic review.
outcome was good to excellent in most Future research should have a prospective Dancing on pointe occurs pre-
cases (89%). The mean period of return design, including dance-specific outcome dominantly in ballet (Fig.1). Relevé
to dance for all surgeries combined (PAIS scores both pre- and post-treatment. is an ankle-foot position typical of
and FHL tendinopathy, open and endo) Furthermore, preferably a prospective all forms and styles of dance around
was 11 weeks (range: 4 to 36 weeks), and randomized controlled design should be the world and is required in virtu-
for isolated FHL tendinopathy 16 weeks used to compare different conservative ally every choreography (Fig. 2). In
(range: 8 to 36 weeks). Only six publica- and operative treatment options. dance, the ankle is frequently, actively,
and with prolonged force taken into
A. B. M. (Boni) Rietveld, MD, PhD, BA (mus), and F. M. T. Hagemans, MD, extreme plantar flexion. This means
BA (dance), S. Haitjema, MD, PhD, Medical Center for Dancers and Musicians, that the foot-ankle joint complex is
MC Haaglanden, The Hague, The Netherlands. T. Vissers, BA (ICT), Landsteiner fully weightbearing at the end range
Institute, MC Haaglanden, The Hague, The Netherlands. R. G. H. H. Nelissen, of joint motion (“close-pack”). Both
MD, PhD, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, in relevé and on pointe forces are
Leiden, The Netherlands. transmitted directly through the con-
Correspondence: A. B. M. (Boni) Rietveld, MD, PhD, BA (mus), Medical Centre tacting bones, with neither intrinsic
for Dancers and Musicians (MCDM), The Hague Medical Centre, Postbox 432, shock damping by compensatory joint
2501 CK The Hague, The Netherlands; motion nor extrinsic shock absorption
Copyright © 2018 J. Michael Ryan Publishing, Inc.
20 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

of FHL tendinopathy in dancers is not

fully understood. It may be related to
anatomical deviations,9,10 faulty dance
technique,11 and possibly FHL activity
in certain dance positions and jumps.
Successful operative treatment at a
youthful age or a healthy worker effect
(i.e., only the strongest persist) were
the suggestions of these investigators
to explain the fact that they found
the percentage of ankle problems
to diminish with age from 27% in
a group of dancers of all ages (N =
345), half of them having PAIS or
FHL tendinopathy, to 3% in dancers
45 years of age and older.1
Conservative management of these
diagnoses for at least 3 months is likely
Figure 1 Dancing on pointe. Figure 2 Relevé (demi-pointe). to be the first choice of dancers and
their physicians alike. Non-surgical
by the shoe or the floor. This leads to pulled up by the triceps surae. That modalities may include correction
repetitive peak stress on the contact- this is important is biomechanically of dance technique and alignment, a
ing bony structures in the back of logical and is illustrated by the fact period of relative rest and modifica-
the ankle and may contribute to the that in PAIS testing (plantar flexion tion of (dance) activities, physical
frequency of PAIS in dancers. test) the pain will mainly be provoked therapy,12 and arch supports.13 Only
In some sports, extreme plantar if the calcaneus is pressed up simul- in selected cases of PAIS (soft tissue
flexion of the ankle is required pe- taneously. Of course in gymnastics impingement rather than bony im-
riodically and suddenly in a passive and other artistic sports, as well as in pingement), not in FHL tendinopa-
manner (by external force, e.g., soc- many activities of daily living (ADL), thy, injections (local anesthetic with
cer during certain forms of kicking) this happens briefly, but again the corticosteroid) may be beneficial.5
or briefly in an active manner (e.g., persistent, repeated combination of If conservative treatment for PAIS
gymnastics and other artistic sports), these factors is unique to dance. As and FHL tendinopathy fails, surgery
but never in the controlled, persistent, a consequence, PAIS is a typical and is recommended. This can be done
extreme, active, and fully weightbear- common dancers’ injury and some- via an open procedure with either
ing manner as is so frequent in dance. times is referred to as “dancers’ heel.”4 a medial or a lateral approach. The
When kicking a ball, the talo-crural In dancers, FHL tendinopathy, medial approach is used in isolated
and subtalar joints are non-weight- posteriorly and plantarly to the me- FHL tendinitis or in cases with a
bearing; hence, there is no tendency dial malleolus and sustentaculum combination of FHL tendinitis and
for the talus (talo-crurally) and calca- tali, regularly coincides with PAIS (bony) PAIS. The lateral approach
neus (subtalarly) to slide posteriorly (estimates vary between 26% and is used when the diagnosis is limited
and add to the impingement. Second, 63%)5,6 and sometimes is referred to to posterior ankle impingement by a
when kicking, the calcaneus is not as “dancers’ tendinitis.”7,8 The etiology bony impediment.5,9,10,14 In 2000, a
Table 1 Overview of Dancers with Surgically Treated Ankles for PAIS or FHL Tendinopathy*
Total Open Endo
Dancers Ankles Dancers Ankles Dancers Ankles
9 case reports 16 21 10 14 6 7
14 case series 266 313 257 303 9 10
2 cohort studies 42 42 27 27 15 15
Subtotal 14 case series and 2 cohorts 308 355 284 330 24 25
Total found in search (25 publications) 324 376 294 344 30 32
Thomasen’s book 69 72 69 72 0 0
*Found in 25 of the 27 publications; low quality observational studies only, reporting the results of operative treatment in dancers, found in
the search for this systematic review through October 2016. Two publications are used in the discussion only, and not included for analysis in
this table: an expert opinion review article78 reporting the same groups of dancers as in one of the two cohort studies and a systematic review.79
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 21

hindfoot endoscopic technique was importance. The results in sports loaded via
introduced by van Dijk.15-18 cannot be extrapolated to dance. The PROSPEROFILES/48258_STRAT-
One of the pioneers of orthopedic goal of this review is, therefore, to EGY_20161020.pdf.
dance medicine is E. Thomasen. In study systematically the current medi- Two readers (first and second inves-
his book Diseases and Injuries of Bal- cal scientific literature on the results tigators) independently and blinded
let Dancers, published in 1982, he of conservative and operative (both selected the articles using the prin-
described operative treatment of FHL open and endoscopically) treatment ciples of the Prisma statement53 and
tendinopathy and posterior impinge- for PAIS and FHL tendinopathy in five pre-specified eligibility criteria:
ment of an os trigonum or hyper- dancers and evaluate the available 1. All studies and articles of all
trophic posterior process of the talus levels of evidence. levels of evidence, from expert
(Stieda’s process).10 His extensive de- opinions and case reports to
scription included details on anatomy Methods randomized clinical trials and
and symptoms in 72 ankles of 69 ballet Without restriction of date, a sys- systematic reviews, which re-
dancers, making it the largest case se- tematic search in English and French port, but are not necessarily
ries to date, and still covers about 20% only was performed in October limited to, posterior ankle prob-
of all dancers with PAIS and FHL ten- 2016, using PubMed, MEDLINE, lems, more specifically PAIS and
dinopathy described in the literature Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL, Web FHL tendinopathy, including,
(Table 1). In the introduction to his of Science (for English literature), but not necessarily limited to,
book, Thomasen states that these in- and ScienceDirect (for French lit- dancers.
juries are peculiar to dancers, because erature) databases. Our search criteria From this first survey we selected all
dancers’ positions and movements are encompassed anatomy (e.g., ankle, articles describing:
different from “normal” positions and talo-crural, talus, os trigonum, Stieda’s 2. Dancers only, or reporting on
movements in sports and daily life. process, flexor hallucis longus), type of dancers as a separate group;
Also, A.J. Howse emphasized in 1972 injury (primarily ankle impingement, 3. Any type of treatment of PAIS or
that an os trigonum causes symptoms tendinitis, tendinopathy, Shepherd’s FHL tendinopathy in dancers;
only when the foot is forced to do fracture, and trigger toe), and type 4. Results of conservative treat-
something abnormal.19 of activity (dance). Each search term ment of PAIS or FHL tendi-
The preparation of this review of- included all possible synonyms and nopathy in dancers; and
fered an insight into the history of word roots. The type of treatment 5. Results of operative treatment,
dance medical publications on this was not included to prevent undesir- both open and endoscopic pro-
subject: 36 expert opinion publica- able and unnoticed exclusion. For cedures, in dancers.
tions mentioned conservative or the same reason the criterion posterior Conflicts of opinion regarding ar-
surgical treatment of posterior ankle was avoided. Dancers were specified ticles were referred to a third reviewer
problems in dancers.8,12,14,19-51 These as persons who, either as an amateur (third investigator). All three review-
opinions were relevant, but mostly or as a professional, danced at least 3 ers were MD’s experienced in dance
empirical, lacking original research times per week in an organized man- medicine. The selected articles were
and evidence, although they usually ner regardless of age, sex, nationality, further rated according to their study
included a brief review of the available or dance style. design and their level of evidence
literature, referencing publications The complete systematic review according to “Levels of Evidence for
that were also found and documented protocol was recorded under number Primary Research Questions” (Table
in our systematic search. Howse in 48258 at Prospero, the international 2).54,55
1972 was the first author to describe prospective register of systematic The quality of the included pub-
os trigonum syndrome in dancers reviews ( lications was critically appraised
and the result of surgical treatment: prospero). The search strategy, includ- using the system of the Grading of
“excision of the extra bone relieves ing all detailed search criteria, like Recommendations Assessment, De-
the symptoms.”19 Hamilton was the MeSH terms, can be found and down- velopment and Evaluation working
first to describe FHL tendinopathy
in dancers, coined by him as “danc- Table 2 Study Type: Therapeutic—Investigating the Results of a Treatment*
ers’ tendinitis” in 1976.7,8 Sammarco Question: Does this treatment help? What are the side effects?
in 1979 was the first to describe trig-
gering of the hallux in dancers due to Level 1: Randomized controlled trial (a meta-analysis of RCT’s is the highest level)
FHL tendinopathy.52 Level 2: Prospective cohort study or observational study with dramatic effect
Given the specific and different Level 3: Retrospective cohort study or case-control study (comparative)
demands of dance compared to sports,
Level 4: Case series or historically controlled study (non-comparative)
studying the treatment outcome for
PAIS and FHL tendinopathy spe- Level 5: Mechanism-based reasoning (including expert opinions and case reports)
cifically in dancers is of paramount *Adapted from Instructions for Authors of the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS).
22 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

group (see: www.gradeworkinggroup. ficient to determine eligibility (data 25 articles, level of evidence four
org).56 We checked demographic data, not shown). and five observational studies only, is
type of injury (soft tissue or different shown in Table 1.
types of bony impingement57 or FHL Results of Operative Treatment of
tendinopathy), type of conservative PAIS and FHL Tendinopathy in Qualitative and Quantitative
treatment or operation, duration of Dancers Outcome
follow-up time, outcome measures The results of operative treatment in For the analysis of qualitative and
(imprecision, publication bias, in- dancers were reported in 27 publica- quantitative outcome, 14 case se-
directness), heterogeneity or incon- tions: nine case reports,15,52,58-64 14 ries5,9,65-76 and two cohort studies77,78
sistency of results between studies, case series,5,9,65-76 two cohort stud- were available. Overall in these 16
and the effect size. Brief descriptive ies,77,78 one expert opinion,79 and one articles the scoring of results was:
statistics of case reports were included, systematic review.80 1. Qualitative, using personalized
but for analysis of qualitative and One expert opinion review was ini- scoring systems (e.g., excellent,
quantitative outcome we used level of tially included but had to be excluded good, fair, poor, symptom-free,
evidence four and higher studies only. in the second instance due to publica- pain-free, etc.): in 10 case series
tion bias since the same groups of danc- until 1999;
Results ers were also studied in depth in 2016 2. Functional, such as return to
Our search resulted in 576 publica- in one of the two cohort studies.77,79 dance or return to previous activ-
tions. After extracting 68 duplicates, The systematic review was excluded ity, in 12 case series and the two
the remaining 508 publications were to avoid duplication of some articles, cohort studies; and
scored to conform to the first eligibil- but we decided to use it in the dis- 3. Quantitative, using validated
ity criterion (Fig. 3). The resulting 168 cussion to give us the opportunity to general scoring systems, since
included publications were scored to check for completeness of our search 2002: in three case series66,74,75
conform to eligibility criteria 2 to 5 and to compare our findings.80 pre- and postoperative outcome
(Fig. 4). In 117 instances the full text An overview of dancers with surgi- scores were used, postoperative
was obtained and studied, because cal treatment of ankles for PAIS and scoring in one case series70; one
title and abstract alone were not suf- FHL tendinopathy in the remaining cohort study used pre- and

Figure 3 Total search until October, Figure 4 Final selection. The 45 publications excluded as “no results of treatment”
2016, and first selection according to were 36 expert opinion review articles and nine that were either descriptive or combined
Eligibility criterium 1; “doubtful cases” different diagnoses.
are those in which title and abstract were
not revealing enough to decide about in-
or exclusion and for which the full text
was therefore consulted.
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 23

Table 3 Overall Results of Scoring of all Qualitative and Quantitative Dancers with a combination of PAIS
Scoring Systems Combined in 308 Dancers (355 Operations) and FHL tendinopathy returned to
Based on 14 Case Series and Two Cohort Studies dance in 7 weeks, and dancers with
Excellent 210 68%
isolated FHL tendinopathy (without
PAIS) in 16 weeks. Both groups were
Good 64 21% operated via an open posteromedial
Fair 20 7% approach (Table 4).
Poor 13 4%
Case Reports
Lost to follow-up 1 -
Descriptive statistics of the nine case
Stopped dancing for unrelated reasons 4 - reports on open and endoscopic
Not specified* 7 - procedures for PAIS and FHL ten-
Total 319 † dinopathy in dancers are shown in
Table 5.15,52,58-64
*One cohort study did not score dance and sports separately †Most authors scored dancers,

two authors (three different case series) scored procedures. Since it is impossible to separate those
Six case reports15,58-60,62,64 produced
dancers that had bilateral procedures, the total number (319) includes 11 bilateral operations a non-validated qualitative outcome,
in 308 dancers. We found no report of bilateral procedures functioning differently or needing totaling nine dancers (12 ankles) who
more time for rehabilitation. had a good to excellent result. In the
other three case reports,52,61,63 the
postoperative quantitative scor- a dance-specific differentiation in outcome in four dancers (six ankles)
ing but did not separate dance return to dance: barre exercises, par- was not reported. None used outcome
and sports78; no author used a ticipation in class, and return to full scoring.
dance-specific outcome score. performance.5 One publication distin-
We combined the scoring in 308 guished between unspecified return to Case Series
dancers and 355 operations of the dance (7.8 weeks) and return to dance We identified 14 case series (266
14 case series and two cohort studies, pain-free (17.7 weeks).68 In the other dancers, 313 ankles) that reported
lumping together all different scoring studies, definitions of return to dance the results of operative treatment
systems (Table 3). were inconsistent or missing. of PAIS and FHL tendinopathy in
Combining the results of all se- dancers either via an open operation
Functional Outcome ries that scored functional outcome, (12 series, 257 dancers, 303 ankles)
Functional scoring (return to dance) regardless of the type of operation, or performed endoscopically (two
was the primary outcome measure we found 11 weeks as the mean time series, nine dancers, 10 ankles),5,9,65-76
in 14 publications. Hamilton was to (unspecified) return to dance in (Table 6).
the only investigator who provided general with a range of 4 to 36 weeks. Some studies identified factors
associated with higher success rates.
Table 4 Mean Return to Dance Per Pathology and Per Type of Operation In a retrospective review of 41 op-
(14 Case Series and 4 Series in 2 Cohort Studies) erations in 37 dancers, the surgical
procedure was more successful in
No. of No of Mean RtD Range
professionals compared to amateurs.5
Series Ankles (weeks) (weeks)
Furthermore, return to a full dance
All surgeries* 12 212 11 4 - 36 (professional classical ballet) sched-
All surgeries† 13 253 13* 4 - 96 ule was shorter (5 months) after the
All open surgeries* 9 191 11 4 - 36 operation for isolated posterior im-
pingement than after the combined
All open surgeries† 10 232 14† 4 - 96
procedure for posterior impingement
All endoscopic surgeries 3 21 10 6 - 20 and FHL tendinopathy or after the
All open PAIS (PL & PM) 6 133 11 4 - 24 operation for isolated FHL tendi-
Open PAIS&FHL (PM) 2 31 7 3 - 20 nopathy only (both 6 months).5 The
largest case series of dancers (PAIS
Open FHL (PM) 2 27 16 8 - 36 only: 39 dancers, 60 ankles) found
Open PL PAIS 3 28 12 4 - 24 better results in those below the age
Open PM PAIS 2 83 10 3 - 20 of 17 years at the time of surgery;
Endo PAIS 3 21 10 6 - 20
in this younger group 86% (18 of
21) showed good to excellent results
*In 5 studies either return to dance, pathology, or procedure was not specified. One study (41 compared to 67% (12 of 18) in older
ankles) excluded. †One extreme “outlier” (96 weeks RtD) in a series of 41 ankles included
(see remark S6 in Table 6). Endo: via endoscopic technique; FHL: flexor hallucis longus subjects.73 The dancers of the Swedish
tendinopathy; PL: open via posterolateral approach; PM: open via posteromedial approach; National Ballet were the fastest to
PAIS: posterior ankle impingement syndrome; RtD: Return to Dance. return to full performance (mean:
24 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

Table 5 Included Nine Case Reports (Level of Evidence 5) Conforming to Eligibility Criterium Number 5
Year Study Dancers Ankles Dance F/M R/L Age Pathology Procedure FU Result RtD
1979 Sammarco 2 3 Ballet 2/0 1/2 23 FHL (trigger toe) Open PM 3 mos NS 12 weeks
1981 Garth 1 2 Ballet 1/0 1/1 21 FHL Open NS 7 mos NS not yet
1982 Quirk 2 3 Ballet 1/1 1/2 17 PAIS Open PL 36 mos 2 excellent 12 weeks
1985 Lereim 2 3 Ballet 1/1 2/1 20 FHL (trigger toe) Open NS 6 mos 1 excellent, 12 & 24
1 good weeks
2000 Van Dijk 1 2 Ballet 1/0 1/1 22 FHL & PAIS Endo 30 mos 1 excellent 8 weeks
2008 Almazan 1 1 Ballet 1/0 1/0 17 PAIS Endo NS 1 excellent 8 weeks
2009 Albisetti* 2/1* 2/1* Ballet 2/1 NS 14 PAIS Open NS NS 2 excellent, 6 weeks and
/ endo 1 good* 9 weeks*
2010 Porter 1 1 Ballet 1/0 0/1 17 FHL Open NS NS NS NS
2013 Ahn 3 3 NS NS NS NS PAIS Endo NS 3 excellent 10 weeks

TOTAL 16 21 Ballet 10/3 7/8 20 FHL 4, PAIS 4, Open 5, 3-30 6–24 weeks
mixed 1 endo 3, mos
mixed 1
F, female; FHL, flexor hallucis longus tendinopathy; FU, follow-up; M, male; NS, not specified; PAIS, posterior ankle impingement syndrome;
Procedure: open PL/PM, open posterolateral (PL) or open posteromedial (PM) approach; RtD, Return to Dance. Result: this is our interpretation
of the text in the case reports: excellent means completely symptom free dancing at former level, good means symptom free dancing at former
level with slight pain afterward, NS means not (yet) returned to dance at FU. *Albisetti: in all fields the two Open NS cases are mentioned first.

7 weeks; range: 5 to 10 weeks) after dancers was impossible since they studies posed serious limitations for
an open posteromedial approach for were not studied in detail, except our research question, we downgraded
PAIS and FHL tendinopathy.76 FHL for “return to their previous level of them to level of evidence four instead
tendon injuries in dancers versus performance,” which was not further of three and combined them with the
non-dancers both yielded “consis- specified. Additionally, five patients in 14 case series to evaluate the results of
tently good results.”72 the total group of 41 patients under- operative treatment in dancers (Table
In 2016, the most recent series went anterior ankle clean-out, but it 6).
appeared; it described 40 ankles in 38 was not specified in which group and
dancers who underwent os trigonum whether they were dancers. Surgical Complications
excision via an open posteromedial The second cohort study compared In the 14 case series and two cohort
approach with FHL tenolysis with the results after open (N = 22) and studies there were 22 complications in
an excellent result in 95% of the cases endoscopic (N = 13) excision of an 355 operations in 308 dancers. There-
and one ballet dancer who, although os trigonum in high-level ballet danc- fore, the overall complication rate,
she returned to ballet and modern ers.77 However, the groups were not regardless of the type of operation, was
dance, was unable to return to her comparable: the dancers in the open 6.2%. There were 21 complications
pre-injury level of pointe because of group were considerably younger and in 330 open operations (5.9%) and
posteromedial scar tissue. The average rehabilitation was different between one (transient sensory neuropraxia of
time to return to unspecified dance the two groups. Three of 22 patients in the tibial nerve)74 in 25 endoscopic
was 7.9 weeks, and the time to pain- the open group and one of 13 patients operations (4%). Complication rates
free dance was 17.7 weeks.68 in the endoscopic group had concur- were 12.8% for open posterolateral
rent lateral ligament reconstruction. and 4.3% for open posteromedial
Cohort Studies Thirteen of 22 patients in the open operations (Table 7).
Two retrospective cohort studies group had FHL tendon decompres- All but three complications were
that included a total of 42 ankles in sion compared with two of 13 patients minor (hematomas, superficial wound
42 dancers compared the results of in the endoscopic group. Return to infections, and transient neurapraxias
open operative treatment of PAIS (27 dance after open surgical treatment in of the tibial or sural nerve). The three
ankles in 27 dancers) and endoscopic the two cohort studies took consider- more serious complications (0.85% of
treatment (15 ankles in 15 dancers). ably longer (mean: 15.1 weeks) than 355 operations) were one hematoma
There were no FHL tendinopathy average (mean: 11.2 weeks, see Table that had to be surgically revised after
cases in these studies.77,78 4). All dancers were asymptomatic an open posteromedial operation,70
In the first cohort study78 (open: with regard to their ankle at the final one case with complex regional pain
five dancers in 16 patients; endo- follow-up visit (12 months). syndrome after an unspecified open
scopic: two dancers in 25 patients), As the comparative nature of both operation,66 and one permanent sural
comparison of outcome in the seven retrospective, comparative cohort nerve injury after an open posterolat-
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 25

eral operation78 (it was not specified excellent results, an average return to rently imprecise and weak, and this
whether this last case was in dance or dance of 11.2 weeks, and 0.8% serious limits translation to the individual
sports). For all nine case reports, three complications. Preliminary evidence patient. In particular, we identified
case series,69,75,76 and an additional shows that dancers operated on for the following limitations:
three series in the two cohort stud- FHL tendinopathy might recover 1. Type of dance and level of
ies77,78 (a total of 91 cases, 63 open and significantly slower. participation: These factors
28 endo, in 89 dancers), it was stated Unfortunately, the level of evidence are poorly described and rarely
that no complications had occurred. of these studies, like that found in specified, however they have an
In four case series (a total of 52 cases: sports in general,80 is confined to level enormous impact on the levels
19 open posterolateral and 33 open four (non-comparative retrospective of demands required of the
posteromedial in 44 dancers) we as- case series) and five (case reports dancer, adding to the problem
sumed there were no complications. and expert opinions). Two relatively of evaluating outcome.
However, this was not mentioned recent (2014 and 2016) cohort stud- 2. Inconsistent outcome reporting:
specifically.9,67,72,81 ies retrospectively compare the open A lack of consistent outcome
technique versus endoscopic surgical reporting further complicates
Epidemiology and Natural History treatment for PAIS in dancers. Both comparison. This makes it
of PAIS and FHL Tendinopathy in studies are of low quality with re- impossible to formulate firm
Dancers gard to the comparative side and do conclusions and recommenda-
We identified only one report ad- not meet the criteria for level three. tions. Since 2002, quantita-
dressing the epidemiology and natural One is downgraded two levels and tive pre- and postoperative
history of PAIS in dancers.59 The to be considered level five given the outcome-scoring have become
investigators observed 186 young low number of dancers; insufficient more common. Unfortunately,
trainee ballet dancers during 1 year demographic data; missing descrip- in our personal experience, the
and found that 12 of 186 (6.5%) tion of the type of dance, level of American Orthopedic Foot and
suffered from posterior ankle pain, participation, and return to dance; Ankle Score (AOFAS) is not
of which 6 of 12 (50%) had an os and mixed data of dance and sports.78 sufficiently discriminative in
trigonum. All 12 ballet dancers were The other retrospectively studied two dancers, because it has a “ceil-
treated non-operatively, and 9 of 12 case series of high-level ballet dancers, ing effect”; i.e., given the high
(75%), including all six soft tissue which also were briefly described in an demands of dance the AOFAS
impingement cases, had good results. expert opinion review in 2013.79 The may be 90/100 or more in
In 3 of 12 (25%) cases after 1 to 4 type of operation in this latter study’s spite of the fact that the dancer
months of unsuccessful conservative open group was not specified. Since is unable to dance without
treatment, good results were obtained the groups were not comparable, it is limitations.83,84 To date, in this
through surgical excision of the acces- downgraded one level to level four.77 search we found no evidence
sory ossicle. A limitation of our review is that of the use of a dance-specific
it includes only the systematically outcome score like the Dance
Conservative Treatment of searchable and hence for the medical Functional Outcome System
PAIS and FHL Tendinopathy in profession readily accessible scientific (DFOS)85 in spite of the fact
Dancers literature and, therefore, has no ad- that this would be the preferred
Six publications (three case reports, ditional records identified through outcome measure. The DFOS
two case series, and one systematic other sources, like the reference lists focuses on dance-specific, func-
review) described the results of con- of identified studies (except that this tional movements, like relevé,
servative treatment of PAIS and FHL review included additional searches that are unaddressed in other
tendinopathy in 33 cases involving 28 in the French medical literature using sports or generic questionnaires
dancers.12,59,63,72,80,82 The quality and Science Direct). We do not think this and provides a tool for investi-
level of evidence of these publications alters the results, however, and feel it is gating clinical efficacy in dance
was low, except for the systematic of paramount importance to underline medicine.86 We recommend that
review80 (Table 8). the scarcity and poor levels of evidence this tool be validated and used
in the literature for these injuries in pre- and postoperatively at stan-
Discussion dancers and have, therefore, dedicated dardized intervals in combina-
We are pleased to have found 27 most of the discussion to this. tion with graded dance-specific
publications describing the results Due to the low quality of the level rehabilitation.87
of operative treatment of PAIS and of evidence of the available literature, 3. Low numbers of endoscopi-
FHL tendinopathy in dancers only, of the paucity of recent studies, and the cally treated dancers: Only 30
which this is, to the best of our knowl- low number of dancers treated endo- dancers (32 ankles) were treated
edge, the first systematic review. In scopically, the scientific evidence for endoscopically compared to
these publications we found the results the results of treatment of PAIS and 294 dancers (344 ankles) who
of 376 operations, with 89% good and FHL tendinopathy in dancers is cur- were treated open. The endo-
26 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

Table 6 Results of Operative Treatment, Both Via an Open Approach and Endoscopically, of Posterior Ankle
Impingement and Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy in Dancers (Eligibility Criterium Number 5)—
Fourteen Case Series (S1-S14) and Two Cohort Studies
Type of Dance Pathology
Nrs. Year Author Level of participation Dancers Ankles F M R L Age (No. Ankles) Surgery
a 1982 Thomasen* Ballet 46 (34)† 36 30 16 ns ns 26 PAIS OT Open PL
b 1982 Thomasen Ballet 16 (10) 10 11 5 ns ns NS PAIS PP Open PL
c 1982 Thomasen Ballet 52 (25) 26 38 14 ns ns 25 FHL Open PM
S1 1982 Hamilton Ballet 16 21 10 6 ns ns 26 PAIS & FHL Open mixed
S2 1986 Brodsky Ballet 6 8 5 1 5 3 21 PAIS Open PL
S3 1991 Wredmark Ballet 13 14 9 4 9 5 20 PAIS & FHL Open PM
S4 1992 Marotta & Micheli
Ballet 12 15 ns ns 7 8 23 PAIS OT Open PL
S5 1996 Kolettis & Micheli
Ballet 13 13 13 0 4 9 20 FHL Open PM
S6 1996 Hamilton (S6) Ballet 30 Modern-Jazz 7 37 41 22 15 19 22 23 FHL 6, PAIS 9, Open PL 6,
Prof 31, amateurs 6 Mixed 26 Open PM 35
S7 1997 Heim & Siev-Ner Ballet 9 9 ns ns ns ns NS PAIS OT Open PL
S8 1998 Sammarco Ballet 13 14 13 0 ns ns 20 FHL Open PM
29 1999 Spicer & Howse Ballet, stud. & prof. 39 60 30 9 ns ns 12-48 PAIS Open PM
S10 2002 Labs Mixed professional: 24 24 20 4 ns ns 22 18 PAIS, Open PM
14 ballet, 7 revue, 3 jazz 6 combined
S11 2007 Tey (S11) Ballet professional 3 4 3 0 ns ns 20 PAIS Endo
S12 2014 Vila (S12) Ballet professional 6 6 4 2 ns ns 25 5 PAIS, 1 combined Endo
S13 2015 Coetzee NS 37 44 32 5 ns ns NS PAIS OT Open PM 36
Open PL 8
S14 2016 Heyer & Rose Ballet 36, modern 3, salsa 1 38 40 37 1 20 20 19.2 23 PAIS, 17 combined Open PM
38 (pre-) prof, 2 amateurs FHL (triggering)
C1a 2013 Guo (C1) NS 5 5 ns ns ns ns NS PAIS OT Open PL
C1b NS 2 2 ns ns ns ns NS PAIS OT Endo
C2a 2016 Ballal (C2) Professional ballet 22 22 13 9 ns ns 17.6 9 PAIS, 13 combined Open NS

C2b Professional ballet 13 13 7 6 ns ns 20.4

11 PAIS, 2 combined Endo
Type of Dance Pathology
Year Author Level of Participation Dancers Ankles F M R L Age (No. Ankles) Technique
Total (excl. Thomasen): Ballet: 245 308 355 218 62 64 67 21.3 PAIS: 243 PM: 255
Modern-jazz: 13 Open 284 Open 330 78% 22% 49% 51% Open 21.1 FHL: 38 PL: 53
Revue: 7, salsa: 1 Endo 24 Endo 25 ns: 28 ns: 224 Endo 21.6 Mixed: 74 Open NS: 22
NS: 44 ‘dancers’ Endo: 25

AOFAS: score of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society; F: female; FFI: Foot Function Index; FHL: flexor hallucis longus tendinopathy; FU: follow-up;
funct.: functional, using “return to dance”; M: male; NS: not specified; PL: open via posterolateral approach; PM: open via posteromedial approach; OT: os trigonum;
PAIS: posterior ankle impingement syndrome; PP: hypertrophic posterior process of talus; Qual: qualitative, e.g., using anchor questions; Quant: quantitative, using
scoring systems, e.g., AOFAS; RAND: Veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey Mental and Physical Health; RtD: Return to Dance; VAS: visual analogue scale.
Age: in case of more than one patient the average age is taken. The total age is the average age of all dancers in all case reports, series, and cohort studies, as far as
specified (N = 175). It is the same for open and endoscopic.
*Nrs. a, b and c: since our search did not find Thomasen’s book, we do not include his three case series (all open technique, 69 dancers, 72 ankles; see introduction
and discussion), but we discuss them and do show them in this table numbered a, b and c.
†Dancers: the total number of dancers seen with the diagnosis (the number of operated dancers is given in brackets).
S6 Hamilton 1996: the “Return to Dance” data indicate return to full performance and may not be representative, since they include amateur dancers and an outlier
(one dancer who needed an additional operation after a year and finally had an excellent result). In an attempt to correct this, the primary investigator contacted
Dr. Hamilton, but the original data were not available. That is why we decided to exclude his 1996 findings from the “Average RtD (Hamilton (S6) excluded).” In
“Average RtD (all series)” his 1996 findings are included to demonstrate the negative impact.

scopic group forms only 9% impossible. especially with regard to the

of the total number of 324 4. Lack of clinical studies: As epidemiology, natural history,
operated dancers (376 ankles) the research presented here and outcomes of conservative
in the literature to date, thus makes abundantly clear, there treatment in dancers.
making conclusions regarding is a paucity of clinical studies of 5. Return to dance: This is a good
the preferred surgical procedure PAIS and FHL tendinopathy, functional outcome measure,
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 27

Table 6 Continued
FU Return to Dance (RtD) or
Nrs. (mos) Score Result previous level of participation
a NS Qual 33 painfree NS
b NS Qual All good / perfect NS
c NS Qual All but one symptom-free NS
S1 NS Qual & Funct 15 good, 1 fair, 1 lost 12-32 weeks
S2 84 Qual & Funct All good Mean 10 weeks (range: 4-20)
S3 22 Funct All but one relieved Mean 7 weeks (range: 5-10)
S4 28 Qual & Funct 8 still had occasional discomfort Mean 12 weeks
S5 78 Qual & Funct All patients noted improvement Mean 20 weeks (range: 8-36)
S6 84 Qual & Funct 23 excellent, 7 good, 6 fair, 4 poor, 1 initially poor, but Mean 25 weeks (range: 6-96) (S6)
excellent after reoperation (scored as excellent)
S7 NS Qual & Funct All dancers asymptomatic Within weeks
S8 19 Qual & Funct 13/14 excellent 12 weeks
29 40 Qual & Funct Overall 74% good & excellent 11 weeks
S10 26 Quant (Kitaoka) postop only Very good 13 (54%), good 5 (21%), NS
satisfactory 5 (21%), poor 1 (4%)
S11 36 Quant (AOFAS) & Funct AOFAS van 85 naar 100 Excluded (S11)
S12 28 Quant (AOFAS) & Funct AOFAS van 50 naar 97 10 weeks (range: 7-13) (S12)
S13 46 Quant (RAND, FFI, VAS) & RAND same, FFI 126 -> 79, VAS 6 -> 1.2. NS
qual (patient satisfaction) At 2 years: good and excellent 96%
S14 48 Quant (VAS pre- & postop), VAS 7.7 -> 0.6; all improved plantar flexion ROM, all RtD: 7.8 weeks (range: 3-20), RtD (painfree):
qual (anchor questions) & funct 17 FHL relief; 95% success, 100% recommend 17.7 weeks (range: 6-52 weeks)
C1a 48 AOFAS, VAS, Qual., Funct NS (C1) postop. AOFAS > 90; VAS: 1,25 Mean 16 weeks (range: 8-24)
C1b 31 AOFAS, VAS, Qual., Funct NS (C1) postop. AOFAS > 93; VAS: 0,8 Mean 7 weeks (range: 6-8)
C2a 12 Functional “All patients were asymptomatic with regard to their Mean 14.9 (range: 9 to 20 weeks)
ankle at the final follow-up visit (12 months)”
C2b 12 Functional Mean 9.8 (range: 9 to 20 weeks)
Return to Dance (RtD) or
FU Overall Scoring Overall results (see also table 3) previous level of participation
42 Qualitative 12 Excellent 68%, good: 21%, fair 7%, poor 4% Average RtD (Hamilton S6 excluded)
(range 12-84) Functional 16 11.2 weeks (range: 4-36 weeks) (N = 212 ankles)
NS 2 case series Quantitative 9 (since 2002) Average RtD (all series, Hamilton included)
13.4 weeks (range: 4-96 weeks) (N = 253 ankles)
Open: in 27 ankles of 27 dancers of two cohort studies (Guo 5, Ballal/Roche 22), all PAIS: Mean open: 15.1 weeks (N = 27)
Endo: in 15 ankles of dancers of two cohort studies (Guo 2, Ballal/Roche 13), all PAIS: Mean endo: 9.4 weeks (N = 15)
S11 Tey: unfortunately the return to dance data in this (endoscopic) case series of three dancers were unreliable since the authors combined the data of sports and
dance: “All the patients (including dance and sports!) were able to return to full performance without restriction at an average of 3 months.” Since this could not be
traced, neither in the full text, nor in their table, these data were excluded.
S12 Vila: in full text 11 dancers, yet Table 1 in this report lists 6 dancers (4 F, 2 M, average age: 25). Following the data in their Table 1: the “recovery time for practice
activity at the same level than before injury” for the 6 dancers is: 2.5 months, range: 1.8 to 3.2 months.
S14 Heyer: Average time to return to dance was 7.9 weeks, and time to pain-free dance was 17.7 weeks. We used their “Average Return to dance” (7.9 weeks) for
our calculation.
C1 Guo: Postoperative score only, dance and sports mixed: the difference in postoperative score between open and endoscopic was statistically not significant.
C2 Ballal: Groups not comparable: C2a younger national ballet school dancers; C2b older seasoned professional dancers. Open group considerably younger and
different rehabilitation. One patient (7.7%) in endoscopic group and 3 (13.6%) in open group had concurrent lateral ligament reconstruction. Thirteen patients
(59.1%) in open group had FHL tendon decompression compared with two patients (15.4%) in endoscopic group.

provided the type of dance, level tendinopathy in dancers is the exercises with support (at the
of participation, and timing of poor, varying, or completely barre), resuming daily training
return to dance are described missing definition of return to in the group or company (class),
and differentiated, which rarely dance. In ballet, for example, or full performance (on pointe)5
is the case. One of the flaws of return to dance can have many completely pain-free.68 Further-
all studies on PAIS and FHL different meanings, e.g., starting more, performances have vary-
28 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

Table 7 Complications in 355 Ankles (308 Dancers)* mend that reports differentiate,
Open PL (N = 47) 6 (12.8%)
define, and preferably standardize
the levels of return in a way that is
Open PM (N = 184) 8 (4%) universally applicable to all dance
Open NS (N = 99) 7 (7.1%) forms (not only ballet) and in accor-
Endo (N = 25) 1 (4%) dance with the principles of graded
and “preventive” rehabilitation.87 That
Total Open (N = 330 ankles) 21 (6.4%)
is, the dancer is able to engage in the
Total Endo (N = 25 ankles) 1 (4%) following dance activities:
All complications in all operations (N = 355 ankles) 22 (6.2%) 1. No impact: fully assisted weight-
More serious complications in all operations (N = 355) 3 (0.8%) bearing (barre), including relevé
and demi-plié, without turns or
More serious complications in open only (N = 330) 3 (1%) jumps;
Procedure: open NS/PL/PM, open not specified (NS); open via posterolateral (PL) or open 2. Low impact: unassisted weight-
via posteromedial (PM) approach; *These numbers include four case series (52 operations in bearing, including explosive
44 dancers) in which we assumed there were no complications, however this was not specified.
relevé and small jumps and
ing levels of demand, the easiest ences in return to dance, varying 3. High impact: big jumps and
being essentially pantomime, from 4 to 36 weeks (not taking running; and
and the most demanding roles into account an “outlier” of 96 4. Full dance performance: includ-
that include heavy dancing on weeks).5 ing all requirements of the type
pointe. Due to all these factors, If “return to dance” is used as an of dance and level of participa-
we found enormous differ- outcome measure, then we recom- tion.

Table 8 Conservative Treatment of PAIS and FHL in Dancers (3 Case Reports, 2 Case Series, 1 Systematic Review)
Type of Dance Dancers Successful Return to Dance
Type of and Level of and PAIS or Conservative or Previous Level
Year Author Study Participation ankles Age FHL Pathology Treatment of Participation
2006 Berglund Case Female 1 17 1 FHL FHL Yes After 6 weeks
report preprofessional tendinopathy: symptom free and
modern dance- 1 participating in all
school student dance activities
2008 Biggs Case Female ballet 1 17 1 OT Os trigonum: No Awaiting surgery
report dancer 1
2010 Porter Case Female ballet 1 17 1 FHL FHL No Successful surgery
report dancer tendinopathy 1
1998 Sammarco Case series Female ballet 13 20 18 FHL FHL 18 Yes in 4 14 cases surgery,
dancers dancers (22%) cases, 13 successful
18 ankles no in 14 cases
2009 Albisetti Case series Young trainee 12 14 12 PAIS PAIS (soft Yes in 9 9 “did well,” 3 OT
ballet dancers dancers tissue): 6, bony (75%), no in cases had successful
in an impingement 3 (25%) OT surgery
academic (os trigonum): cases
year 6
of 186
2015 Ribbans Systematic NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Average or total: Ballet: 27, 28 17 20 FHL, 13 PAIS (6 soft See text See text
modern dance: dancers tissue, 7 OT)
1 with 33
cases of
FHL, flexor hallucis longus tendinopathy; NA, not applicable; OT, os trigonum; PAIS, posterior ankle impingement syndrome.
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 29

Open Operation or Endoscopic PAIS may be different injuries. So Conservative Treatment

Given the differences in type of dance FHL injuries are challenging. In his We found no reliable results of con-
and level of participation, the variety proof of concept case report, van Dijk servative treatment of PAIS and FHL
in outcome measures of the reviewed described one ballerina (two ankles) tendinopathy in dancers. In several
publications, and the low numbers treated endoscopically for combined publications that present the results
of endoscopically treated dancers, it PAIS and FHL tendinopathy who had of surgical treatment, conserva-
seems virtually impossible to compare an excellent result and return to dance tive treatment is described as well.
the results of open surgery with endo- in 8 weeks.15 Hypothetically, dancers Unfortunately these studies do not
scopic operations. with FHL injuries may benefit most represent the results of conservative
A small cohort study published in from the new endoscopic technique, management since “failed conserva-
2016 is the first to compare results given the good endoscopic judgment tive treatment” is a prerequisite of
of open surgery with the endoscopic of FHL pathology and the amount the indication for surgery, and this
technique specifically in dancers.77 of dissection around the neurovas- forms selection bias. Successful con-
Unfortunately, the two groups are cular bundle required in the open servatively managed cases may be
incomparable and their conclusion, posteromedial approach. Release of underreported.12 Based on only the
that the endoscopic technique is su- the FHL tendon sheath can be done two case series we found, it might be
perior to the open technique, is not safely endoscopically,88 provided the speculated that conservative treatment
justified: the larger proportion of FHL surgeon stays laterally of the tendon, is successful in 75% of PAIS cases in
tendinopathy patients delays return to “on the bone,” but endoscopic FHL dancers, being twice as successful in
dance in their open group, as found in tendon repair is (as yet) impossible. soft tissue impingement as in symp-
our review, whereas the larger propor- tomatic os trigonum59 and in 22%
tion of professionals may make the of FHL tendinopathy in dancers.72
surgical procedure more successful in The average age of all operated dancers Unfortunately, too little information
their endoscopic group. Besides, the in all case reports, case series, and in is available to allow for any evidence-
larger proportion of concurrent lateral the two cohort studies (age specified in based recommendations to be made
ligament reconstructions in their open 175 dancers) was 21 years. There was regarding the results of conservative
group will have caused further delay no difference in age between the open treatment or the choice of non-
in return to dance. From a return-to- (age specified in 150 dancers) and surgical modalities.80
dance point of view, it seems that the endoscopic (specified in 25 dancers)
dancers in several open case series20,30,38 groups. Posterior ankle impingement Natural History
return to dance faster than, or as fast syndrome and FHL tendinopathy are The natural history of PAIS and FHL
as, after an endoscopic operation, thus injuries that generally occur early in a tendinopathy remains unknown.
suggesting that the open operation is dancer’s career, and, if needed, opera- Based on one level 4 case series only,
at least equally attractive and perhaps tive treatment is a reasonably safe and the prevalence of posterior ankle pain
even preferable (see Table 6). Looking successful procedure. This indicates in young trainee ballet dancers is 6.5%
at quantitative and qualitative results that the fact that these ankle injuries (12 of 186 dancers).59 Of course it is
of both techniques, we found no evi- are less common in older dancers may not realistic to extrapolate these data
dence supporting superior long-term be explained by successful surgical to dancers in general.
results of one technique over the other. treatment at a younger age and not
only by a “healthy worker effect.”1 Dance and Sports in General
FHL Tendinopathy Due to the fact that the systematic re-
Dancers with isolated FHL tendi- view by Ribbans et al. in 2015 assessed
nopathy (without PAIS) operated The general complication rates in the efficacy of management of PAIS
via an open posteromedial approach sports (3.9% for open medial, 12.7% in sports in general, their findings are
returned to dance slower (16 weeks) for open lateral, and 4.8% for arthro- complementary to ours.80 Since we
than average (11 weeks, see Table endocopic surgery)80 are comparable studied dance specifically, and our
4).69,72 However, the literature is not to the rates we calculated in dancers search extended two and a half years
unequivocal on this subject, since (2.8% for open posteromedial, 12.8% longer, there was only 59% overlap
dancers with a combination of PAIS for open posterolateral, and 4% for between their reference list and ours.
and FHL tendinopathy operated via the endoscopic technique). In sports, However, their references included
the same open posteromedial ap- the complication rate of the endoscop- two articles about dancers that were
proach were the fastest (7 weeks) to re- ic technique is 3.8% to 4.2%, with not found in our search because the
turn to (unspecified) dance.68,76 But if 1.8% requiring ongoing or operative various search terms we used concern-
“unspecified” is changed to “pain-free” intervention.13,79 Surgical treatment ing dance were mentioned in the full
return to dance the time doubles (14 of PAIS and FHL tendinopathy in text only. In one article, an 11-year-
weeks). These findings suggest that dancers generates less than 1% serious old “dancing and swimming” girl is
FHL tendinopathy with and without complications. mentioned in a table: surgical excision
30 Volume 22, Number 1, 2018 • Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

of a symptomatic os trigonum by and FHL tendinopathy in danc- In general large, preferably prospec-
medial approach bilaterally resulted in ers is unequivocally success- tive, clinical (comparative) cohort
pain relief and “resumption of sports ful (89% good and excellent studies are recommended, with a good
activities at M3,” without any further results), has an average return description of the demography, type
details.89 Because of this unspecified to dance in 11 weeks, and has of dance, and level of participation in-
remark we did not include it in our less than 1% serious complica- volved, as well as the use of a validated
review. The second article was a review tions, regardless of the surgical functional, dance-specific outcome
that mentioned a dancer in a case re- technique used. score, and a preferably standardized
port, but this case report was already 3. Operative treatment of isolated definition and differentiation of the
included in our study.15,90 FHL tendinopathy in dancers levels of “return to dance,” both pre-
Ribbans et al. identified 827 surger- seems to have the longest return and post-treatment.
ies for PAIS and FHL tendinopathy, to dance time: 16 weeks. A prospective, randomized, con-
of which 340 (41%) were open and 4. We found similar results in open trolled design should be used to
487 (59%) endoscopic procedures. and endoscopic operations, compare different conservative and
Overall, dance represented the most both in terms of return to dance operative treatment options.
commonly reported recreational activ- times and end result. Given the lack of publications on
ity (62% of surgeries). Dance espe- 5. There is a lack of studies on the the outcomes of conservative treat-
cially dominated the open procedures epidemiology, natural history, ment, clinical studies on this subject
(85%), whereas soccer (45%) was the and outcomes of conservative are needed in order to be able to
most common activity treated endo- treatment for these conditions predict in which cases conservative
scopically. Interestingly, in the earlier in dancers. measures are most likely to be benefi-
literature on open operations the type 6. Preliminary results in only six cial and which treatment modalities
of sport was specified in 298 (88%) studies of low quality suggest will be most effective.
of the cases, of which 252 (85%) a 75% success of conservative
were dancers, which constituted treatment (including injections) References
74% of the total procedures. In the in PAIS generally, being most 1. Rietveld B. Dance injuries in the
more recent literature on endoscopic successful in soft tissue impinge- older dancer: comparison with
surgical treatment, the type of sport ment, 50% successful in case of younger dancers. J Dance Med Sci.
was specified in 147 (30%) cases, of asymptomatic os trigonum,59 2000 Mar;4(1):16-9.
2. Caine D, Goodwin BJ, Caine CG,
which 26 (18%) were dancers, which and least successful in case of
Bergeron G. Epidemiological review
accounted for only 5% of the total FHL tendinopathy.72 of injury in pre-professional ballet
number of cases. In our opinion this is 7. The average age of patients dancers. J Dance Med Sci. 2015
due to the fact that in the endoscopic operated for PAIS and FHL Dec;19(4):140-8.
publications the emphasis was more tendinopathy is 21 years, so the 3. Ramkumar PN, Farber J, Arnouk J,
on the new technique and its implica- operation tends to occur early et al. Injuries in a professional ballet
tions than on the demands and type of in a dancer’s career. dance company: a 10-year retrospec-
activity of the patients, and secondly tive study. J Dance Med Sci. 2016
that many fewer dancers were treated Recommendations Mar;20(1):30-7.
in the endoscopic group than in the If conservative treatment fails, danc- 4. van Dijk CN. Anterior and poste-
open group. ers with PAIS and FHL tendinopathy rior ankle impingement. Foot Ankle
Clin. 2006 Sep;11(3):663-83.
The overall analysis of Ribbans et may confidently undertake surgical
5. Hamilton WG, Geppert MJ,
al. revealed osseous involvement of management, given the good outcome Thompson FM. Pain in the poste-
various forms in 81% of cases, and and low risk. rior aspect of the ankle in dancers.
FHL tendinopathy involvement in However, since isolated PAIS, PAIS Differential diagnosis and operative
35% of cases. The incidence of FHL combined with FHL tendinopathy, treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
tendinopathy involvement was more and isolated FHL injuries seem to be 1996 Oct;78(10):1491-500.
often reported in dance (52%) than in different pathological entities, more 6. Rietveld ABM, Haitjema S. Posterior
soccer (20%), indicating an important research is needed to determine in ankle impingement syndrome and
difference between the two activities. which cases early operative manage- m. flexor hallucis longus tendinitis
ment should be considered or avoided, in dancers: results of open surgery. J
Conclusions taking into account demography, Dance Med Sci. 2018 Mar;22(1):3-
1. The quality and level of evidence 10.
dance type, and level of participation.
7. Hamilton WG. Dancer’s tendinitis
in the clinical studies of PAIS The same applies to defining the place of the FHL tendon. Presented at
and FHL tendinopathy in danc- of endoscopic surgery in dancers and the Second Annual Meeting of the
ers is confined to levels four and to being able better to predict which American Orthopaedic Society for
five. pathology is likely to produce worse Sports Medicine, Durango, Colo-
2. Operative treatment of PAIS outcomes or delay in return to dance. rado, July 11-14, 1976.
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