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Hydraulic Design of Sewers 4.1. INTRODUCTION The sewage, to be transported through sewers, is mostly liquid (ée. water), containing hardly 0.1 to 0.2 percent of solid matter in the form of organic matter, sediments and minerals. Hence the general approach for the design of sewers is similar to the design of water mains. However, there are two differences in the designs of the sewers and of the water mains : (i) Presence of solid matter : Water flowing through the water mains is practically free from solid matter, while the sewage flowing thro’ sewers contain particles of solid matter (both organic as well as inorganic). These solid particles settle at the bottom, and have to be dragged during the sewage transport. In order that the sewers are not clogged, they are to be laid at such a gradient that self cleansing velocity is achieved, at all value of discharges. Also the inner surface of the sewers must be resistant to the abrasive action Of these solid particles. (ii) Pressure : Water in the water mains flow under pressure. Hence the water mains can be carried, within certain limits, up and down the hill or gradient. The hydraulic gradient line lies very much above the pipe surface. On the other hand in most cases, sewers May be considered as oped channels, wherein the sewage runs under &tavity. The sewers seldom run full, and the H.G. line falls within the sewer. Hence the sewers must be laid at continous downward gradient. Sewers run under pressure only when they are designed as force mains and as inverted siphons. @7) “e WASTEWATER ENGINEERING 4.2, HYDRAULIC FORMULAE The design of sewers is done of the basis of the following empirical hydraulic formulae : (1) Chezy's formula (2) Kutter's formula (3) Bazin’s formula (4) Manning's formula (5) Crimp ang Bruge’s formula (6) Hazen and Willian’s formula. Apart from these formulae, there are various charts, diagrams, graphs and tables with the help of which the hydraulic design of sewers can be done. The factors that influence the flow of sewage in the sewers are : (1) Slope of sewer (2) Geometry of sewer (3) Roughness of interiors surface of sewer (4) Bends, transitions, obstruc- tions etc, (5) Flow conditions and (6) Characteristics of sewage. 1. Chezy’s formula. Chezy's (1775) gave the following formula: V=CVRS wn(4.1) V=velocity of flow (m/sec.) hydraulic gradient or slope of the sewer hydraulic mean radius (m) =A/P = area of cross-section (m*) P =wetted perimeter. C =Chezy’s constant The Chezy’s constant C is very complex in nature, and it depends upon several factors, such as roughness of inner surface of sewer, hydraulic mean radius, size and shape of sewer, slope etc. Generally, the value of Chezey’s constant C is found either by Kutter’s formula or by Bazin’s formula. Knowing the velocity of flow V from Eq. 4.1, the channel section is designed by the general formula : Q=AxV. where Q= discharge in m/sec. 2. Kutter’s formula. Kutter and Ganguillet (1869), two Swiss engineers, gave the following expression for Chezy’s coefficient Cc 23+ 2.09155 +h a (w+ OOS) A (42) S IVR R=hydraulic mean radius ; S=slope. , N = rugosity coefficient the value of which depends upon the nature of inside surface of the sewer(Table 4.1) Usually, the values corresponding to fair condition of the interiors surface are taken in the design. A reduction in’ the value of N has been reported with in the increase in the diameter of the conduit. For cement concrete pipes of dia, 600 mm and above, a value 0! N = 0.013 may be adopted. where where HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 49 TABLE 4.1. VALUES OF KUTTER'S OR MANNING'S COEFFICIENT N Conduit Material Condition of interior surface Good Fair Salt glazed stoneware 0.012 014 Cement concrete 0.013 0.015 Cast Iron 0.012 0.013 Brick, unglazed 0.013 0.015 Asbestos cement 0.011 0.012 Plastic smooth O01 0.011 3. Bazin’s formula. Bazin (1897) gave the following formula for Chezy’s constant: ore aa w(4.3) 131+ VR where K = Bazin’s constant, the value of which may be taken from Table 4.2. TABLE 4.2 BAZIN'S CONSTANT K Type or Nature of inside surface of sewer or drain Very smooth surface Smooth brick or concrete surface Rough brick or concrete surface Smooth rubble masonry surface Good earthen channels Rough earthen _channel 4. Manning’s Formula. Manning (1890) gave the following expression for velocity of flow. The formula is widely used in U.S.A. as well as in India : 2 wees? (4.4) where V, N, R, S have the same meanings, as above. The value of rugosity coefficient N is the same as suggested by Kutter, and may be taken. from Table 4.1. 5. Crimp and Bruge’s formula. This formula is commonly used in England V = 83.47? SY? w(4.5) where V, R and S have the same meanings, as defined earlier. Comparing this with Manning's formula, we have. 2/3 git v= s347Rsv? = RS a WASTEWATER EMG tippy, which gives N = 1/83.47 = 0.012. Hence Manning's fotmuta be a Crimp and Bruge’s formula when N = 0.012. 8 1p ircular pi Retin ae eo For a circular pipe, pe pee Dy on “ V = 83.47(7) s Now, QaAxV= FD x 8347 (2) 510 or Q = 26.02 Ds"? (44) 6. Hazen and William's formula. Allen Hazen and GS. Willis, (1902) gave the following formula, which is mostly used for flo» under pressure ; V =O85 CR St The coefficient C may be taken from Table 4.3. TABLE 4.3. HAZEN AND WILLIAM'S COEFFICIENT © Steel pipe under future conditions Old Cl. pipes; brick sewers in good condition Stoneware pipes in good condition Cement lined pipes Now riveted steel pipe Wood stave pipe New ©. |. pipes Pipes with very smooth inside surface Asbestos cement pi 4.3. NOMOGRAMS/ TABLES FOR HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS The various flow formulae described in the previous article are quite complex and the computations are quite lengthy. The com- putational work becomes still more lengthy while designing 2 {u!! fledged sewerage scheme. In order to reduce computational work ready made charts, nomograms and tables are available, based 08 various flow formulae discussed in the Previous article. 1. Nomograms bused on Mannings formula. Fig. 4.1, 42 and 4.3 shows the nomograms for solution of Mannings forme for circular Pipes running full, for N = 0,013 and for discharge range of 17, 170 and 1700 cumcees tespectively. The method of use of ie nomograms is explained on Pip. 4.1. For example, ler it be requir catty & discharge of 4.0 m/min with an average sope of 02 (he. 2 im 1000), A line AB is then drawn ae Oe ut alge 1 2 a 4, 3. 6. 7 8 9. _—e HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 55 help of the nomograph. For any other value of C, take the value from the chart and multiply it by C/100. 3, Santo-Crimp's Tables, These table are based on Crimps and Bruge’s formula (Eq. 4.5 and 4.6) and are commonly used in India. A sample page of Santo-Crimp’s tables is shown in Table 4,4. These table are available for all shapes of sewers. TABLE 4.4, SANTO-CRIMP'S TABLES (CIRCULAR SEWER RUNNING FULL) Grade 1 in 225 Grade 1 in 100 eG hola! Vimisee) | Q(Litresisec) | V(misec) Ollt.sec.) 100 0.4787 3.16 0.560 4.40 150 0.628 m.12 0942 16.67 200 0.760 23.90 hs 1.140 35.83 250 0.8826 43.34 1.324 65.01 300 0.996 70.52 1.494 105.80 375 1.156 127.70 1.735 191.70 450 1,306 208.00 1.960 312.30 525 1.447 313.30 2.170 470.10 600 1,582 448.1 2.373 672.0 075 1711 612 2.566 918.5 750 1.837 812.5 2.754 1219.0 900. 2.073, 1320.0, 3.200. 2038.0 l 4.4. MINIMUM VELOCITY OF FLOW ‘The sewage flowing through a sewer contains organic as well as inorganic solid matter which remains suspended as the sewage flow. In order to keep the solid matter in suspended form, a certain minimum velocity of flow is required, otherwise the solid particles ‘will settle in the sewer, resulting in its clogging. Such a minimum velocity is known as self-cleansing velocity. ‘A self cleansing velocity may be defined as that velocity at Which the solid particles will remain in suspension, without settling at the bottom of the sewer. Also it is that velocity at which even the scour of the deposited particles of a given size will taken place. It is not possible to maintain thin self-cleansing velocity throughout the day because of fluctuations in sewage Mow. During minimum flow of sewage, the velocity of flow is less than the self cleansing velocity. Hence self cleansing velocity should be maintained atleast once in a day. Shield’s expression for self-cleaning velocity. The self-cleansing property of sewage depends upon the scouring action of the flowing sewage. According to Shield, the velocity required to transport water- WASTEWATER ENGINEER Ng FIG. 4.6. FORCES ACTING ON SEDIMENT. borne solids is the self cleansing velocity which can be determined with reference to Fig. 4.6. Consider a layer of sediment of unit length, unit width and thickness t, deposited at the invert of the sewer. Let the slope of the sewer be a. The drag force or the intensity of tractive force (x) exerted by the flowing water on a channel is given by : tT=yw-R.S - w-(i) (4.8.4) where yw. = unit weight of water at the prevailing temperature R = hydraulic radius of filled section. S =slope of the invert, or head loss per unit length of sewer. The submerged unit weight of the sediment is given by G,-1 i = a =Yw(Ge-1)-n calif Yas a) yw (G- 1) (1-2) ) where Gy = specific gravity of sediment e=voids ratio of sediment deposit. .. Weight of sediment of unit length and unit width is giver by W=yubX1X1Xxt a W=yw(Gs—1)(1—n)t (iii) The frictional resistance R is given by R=Wsina = Yu (Gs— 1) (1—n)t-sina .u(v) (48 4) where a is the friction angle. : When the sediment i just on the point of sliding, r yo. R.S = yw (Gs— 1) (1 =n) —1n) sin a = k, where k is the important characteristic to be determined by experiments, we get k : t Ss =HRG -1)t w(¥) For single grains, the volume per unit area ¢ becomes the function of the diameter of the grains d, as an inverse measure of the surface area of the individual grains exposed to drag or friction. Putting (1 of the sediment, HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS ST s =EG -1)d, (vi) Eq. (vi) gives the invert slope at which the velocity will be self-cleansing. Now, from Chezy’s equation, V=CVRS. Denoting V = V, as self-cleaning velocity, and substituting the value of S from Eq. (vi), we get. v.=cVR 7 (G1). or Ve = CVE (G.= 1) de (vii) In order to get the value of Chezy's constant C, let us use Darcy-Weisbatch, formula for head loss Hz : * 2 A. -o5 (where D = pipe dia.) gafk LV L | %D Now V=CVRS VR eta eee aay, For circular pipes running full, R = D/4 : [> [2gD o ji or ji c=V * (viii) Substituting this value of C, in Eq. (vi), Vs 7 ( ads (4.8) where V,= self cleansing velocity. B= Characteristics of Solids Mowing in the sewage, in suspension. This value of B may be taken as 0.04 for initiating scour of clean grit to 0.8 for full removal of sticky grit. Actual magnitude of k has to be found from experiments. {f= Darcy-Weisbatch friction factor, the common value of which may be taken as 0.03. =specific gravily of sediments/solids flowing in the sewage. Its value may range from 2.65 for inorganic sediments to 1.2 to for organic sediments. g= gravitational acceleration constant. d,=diameter of solid particles, to be carried by the liquid. WASTEWATER ENGINEERING 58 is evident that heavier particles and stig velocity for their transport than lighter ang i alue of self-cleansing velociti ticles. Table 4.5 gives the vs clocitis ade of particles, as recommended by Beardmore. Similarly, Tabled 6 gives the self-classing velocities for sewers of various diameters, as recommended by Badwin Latham. TABLE 4.5. SELF-CLEANSING VELOCITIES. From Eq. 48, it particles require higher Nature of material Self cleansing velocity (cmisec) Angular stones 100 Round pebbles (12 mm to 25 mm dia) 50-60 Fine gravel 30 Coarse sand 20 Fine sand and clay 15 Fine clay and silt 1s TABLE 4.6. SELF-CLEANSING VELOCITIES. Diameter of sewer (cm) Self cleansing velocity (cmisec) 15 to 25 100 30 10 60 15 Above 60 60 4.5. MAXIMUM VELOCITY OF FLOW Though the minimum velocity of flow of sewage should be equal to the self-cleansing velocity so that particles do not settle and stick to the invert, there is also some upper limit of velocity of flow so that the interior surface of the sewer is not damaged due to wear. At higher velocity, the flow becomes turbulent, resulting In continuous abrasion of the interior surface of the sewer, by the Suspended Particles, Hence maximum velocity of flow is also limited. The maximum velocity at which no such scouring action or abrasion takes place is known as non-scouring velocity, Evidently such a velocity depends w pon the material used for the Soe Of the ceramic construction of s¢ HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 59 TABLE 4.7 NON-SCOURING VELOCITIES. Material of sewer Non scouring velocity (cmisec) Earth channels 6010120 Ordinary brick-lined scwers 150—250 Cement Concrete sewers 250-300 Stone ware sewers. 300450 Cast Iron sewer pipes 350450 Vitrified tile and lazed_bricks 450-500, Effect of variations of discharge on velocity in sewers. AS stated earlicr, the discharge in a sewer does not remain constant at all times. It varies from time to time. Due ‘to the variation in discharge, the hydraulic mean depth (R) also varies. Since the velocity of flow is a function of R**, the velocity of flow also varies as the sewage discharge varies. This is more prominent in the case of a combined sewer or in a partially combined sewer. As the flow decreases in the sewer, the velocity of flow also decreases. When the sewer becomes less than half full, (assumed at one third the average flow), it is essential to check that the velocity of flow is atleast equal to 40 cm/sec. At the same time, the designer should ensure that a velocity of about 90 cm/sec is developed outleast at the time of maximum flow. While designing the sewers, the following points should be observed in connection with the self- cleansing velocity and non-scouring velocity. 1. Before the sewer design is done, the discharge is known. Hence the velocity of flow and gradient of the sewers are to be appropriately determined and correlated, to achieve the desired results. 2. For sewers in flat country, the design of sewers should be done in such a way that self-cleansing velocity is obtained at maximum discharge. However, the section of sewer should be such that even at minimum discharge, the velocity is at least equal to 40 cm/sec. 3. For sewers in roughs country, the design of sewers should be done in such a way that self-cleansing velocity is obtained at minimum discharge while non-scouring velocity is obtained at maximum discharge. If due to steep slopes, the velocity is exceeded during maximum discharge, drop man holes should be provided to bring down the velocity within the non-scouring value. 4. In the case of combined sewer, it may be difficult to achieve self-clearing velocity during minimum flow (D.W.F.). In that case, special form of sewers (such as the one shown in Fig. 4.10) should be adopted. 60 WASTEWATER ENGINEERING 4.6. HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS OF CIRCULAR SEWERS Sewers of circular cross-section are more commonly used. How- ever ‘egg-shaped’ sewers are also used and their hydraulic char- acteristics have been discussed in § 47. Circular sewers offer the following advantages : * 4. They are very easily manufactured. 2. A circular section ven perimeter, and thus gives the gives the maximum area for a gl d greatest HLM.D. when running full or half full. It is therefore the most efficient section at these flow conditions. 3. It is the most economical section since it utilises minimum quantities of the material. 4, The circular section has uniform curvature all round, and hence it offers less opportunities for deposits. A circular sewer may run either full or partially full. However the advantage at S.N, 2 above is obtained when the sewer runs atleast half-full. This advantage is lost if the depth of flow becomes less than half full, since both the velocity as well as discharge reduce considerably with the reduction in the depth of flow. It will be seen in the later part of this article that minimum grades are enough so long as circular sewers flow more than half full. However, when flow drops to 0.2 depth, grades must be doubled for equal self-cleansing. (@ Circular section running full. Let D be the internal diameter of circular sewer. ‘Area of cross-section A=—D" Wetted perimeter P=xD Hydraulic mean depth R = A/P = D/4 (6) Circular sewer running partially full. Fig 4.7 shows a circular sewer running partially ‘full. Let d be the depth at partial flow and let a be the central angle subtended as shown in Fig. 4.7. Let a =area of cross-section. Central angle is given by ii cos59=1- 2.d4/D wwe(4.10) FIG. 4.7 I. Depth <. Proportional aif 21 ie. gportional depth Brzi(1- 85) (4.11) HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 6 2 Area awtp x 4 Pond D 4 Joo OOD SI g 2 or mw AD To sin@ a [sm ~ ral wo(4.12. a) Proportional area = “| 2 _ sin portional area Al 360° ~ 5 (4.12) a We erimete! = Wetted perimeter perD.—- 3 w(4.13 a) we Poportional perimeter = © = 2 perimeter = 5 = w(4.13) xD; 0 _ sin@ 4. WMD, rete “1 Laat =] Pp xr or r w(4.14 a) *.. Proportional H.M.D. z wu(4.14) 5. Welocity of flow ve ins s'? (Manning's) where n = Mannings rugosity coefficient applicable for partial flow condition. , ay oY LN pre Proportional velocity = 75 =. ( z w(4.15. b) vs 360° sin 6 723 It N= 10, p=(z) y= [1-79] wo(4-15) 6. Discharge q=axv Taking N/n = 1.0, we have Le (4.16) Proportionate discharge= 5 _ 300°sind 3 _ 8 fy 220 365 | (4.16 a) «, N For variable values of we get HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 3 to) O93 08 0-7! os os 0-4} DEPTH RATIOS, d/D 03) o2 ° Zoe 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 RATIOS OF HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS. QA, 1/R, WV, @/Q, AND N/a FIG. 4.8. VARIATION OF RATIOS OF HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS Partial depth self cleansing flow. Sewers flowing between 0.5 and 0.8 full need not be placed on steeper grades to be as self-cleansing as sewers running full. This is so because the velocity (v) and the discharge (q) are functions of the tractive force intensity (rt) which depends upon friction coefficient as well as the velocity. Using subscript s denoting self cleansing equaling that obtained in full section, the needed ratios v,/v, q,/Q and s,/S can be computed with the help of Eq. 4.8 (a) on the assumption that equality of tractive force intensity implies equality of cleanings, or T= ° — 2 rO M12 13 or Yor. =YwRS (where s =) Hence Se= (Fj s (4.18) ae & =f ‘ w(4.18 a) Therefore, ge 7 (zy (F } = x Ry 4.19) and $- (DG Rl” (420) The variation of 3 and 4% with d/D ratio are shown in Fig. 4.9, both for N/n = 1.0 as well as for N/n variable. The curve for variation of s,/S with d/D is also shown. From curve for s./S in Fig. 49, it is confirmed that minimum grades (corresponding to that WASTEWATER ENGINEER 6 og os 07 o6| 205) 3 04 03} 02| rp Or o jax} - - 0 OT 02 03 04 05 06 O7 08 OS 10 Ni 12 Ys /Vand 95/0 FIG. 49. HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS “and & FOR CIRCULAR SEWERS WITH EQUAL SELF-CLEANSING PROPERTIES AT ALL DEPTHS for running full) are enough so long as circular sewer flow more than half full since they will remain equal self cleaning. However, the cunt for s,/S indicates that when the depth of flow d drops to 0.2D, the grade must be doubled for equal self-cleaning, when for d = 0.1 D, the grade must be four times that required for running full (ie. 5s = 45). Limitations on depth of flow due to ventilation consideration’. Because of ventilation considerations, sewers are not designed \° run full even at ultimate peak flows. Small size sewers (upto. 4 m dia.) are generally desired to flow at 1/2 depth, sewers of size between 0.4 m to 0.9 m are designed to flow at 2/3 depth while larger sewers are generally designed to flow at 3/4 depth, at ultimate peak discharge. : K Example 4.1. Calculate the velocity of flow, and discharge a sewer of circular section having diameter of 2 m, laid at a gradiett | Bad of 1 in 500, Use Mannings formula taking N = 0.012, Assume that bay the sewer is running half full. } a Solution. Using Eq. 4.4 (Mannings formula) yes, (where N = 0.012). | 3 | } v HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 65 where v is the velocity of flow and r is the H.M.D. when. the _ sewer is running half full (ie, d/D 0.5) From Fig. 4.7, when d=05 D, @= 180° and Hence ” = 1479 m/s vs 500 } and 4 q=axy =F" x 1.479 = 0.581 cumecs Example 4.2. A sewer of 0.6 m dia, laid at a gradient of 1 in 400 runs full. Using Crimp and Bruge’s formula, calculate the velocity of flow and the discharge. Solution. From Eq. 4.5, we have V = 83.47 RX? S12 For circular sewer running full, R = D/4 = 0.6/4 = 0.15 m V = 83.47 (0.187 (a5) 7 = 1.178 m/sec and = 7 (0.6)° x 1.178 = 0.333 cumecs = 333 litres/sec. Example 4.3. A stone-ware sewer, 30 cm in diameter is laid at a gradient of I in 100. Using N=0.013 in Manning's formula, calculate the velocity, discharge and Chezy's coefficient when the sewer is running fall. Solution : Manning's formula, given by Eq. 4.5 is va ERs, (where N = 0.013) where R=D/4 =03/4= 0.075 m ell ary Lye V = pi (0.075) ( 100) = 1.368 m/sec = = (03)' x 1.368 = 0.0967 cumes : e=7 Now Chezy's formula (Eq. 4.1) is v=CVRS 1.368 =C From which C =50 : WASTEWATER ENGINEERING Be by ¥ Scample 4.4, Calculate the velocity of flow and corresponding discharge in a sewer of circular section having diameter equal to | m, laid at a gradient of 1 in 500. The sewer runs at 0.6 depth. Use Mannings formula taking N = 0.012. Solution : Refer Fig. 4.7. Here 4-06 vied ae - =- cos $= 1-25 =1-2x 06 = - 02 @ = 203.07° ; sin@ = — 0.3919 For sewer running full, A =Fayrs 0.7854 m? P=nxD=xx1=3.1416m R=D/4=1/4=0.25 m. and For partially full running, a_;_6 _ sin 203.07 0.3919) A [50° 360 2a 0.6265 0.6265 4 = 0.6265 x 0.7854 = 0.492 m* 360° sin 0 360 x 0.3919 [} 200 J-[+ 2 (203.07) 1.1106 os = 1.1106 R = 1.1106 x 0.25 = 0.2776 1 z 1 1) Now Tpasgire as 1 Vay POS? = aap (02776) (5G) = 1.586 m/sec Also, q =@ Xv = 0.492 x 1.586 ~ 0.78 cumes ; Note : If the sewer were to run full, the corresponding values woul! be: V = pag (0.25) ( <5)” = 1.479 m/see and Q =A x V = 0.7854 x 1.479 = 1.162 cumecs vy _ 1586 _ 0.78 Hence 75 = 7355 = 1.072 and oo ane 0.671. Note that these values are exactly the same as given in Table 48. * mple 4.5. Find the minimum velocity and gradient requ to trbrisport coarse sand through a sewer of 60 cm dia. with eal particles of 1 mm dia. and specific gravity 2.66. Assume p = 200 “ $= 0.02 Assume the sewer to run half full. Take N = 0.012 Solution ty ite minimum velocity (or self cleansing velocity) is ei¥°" HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS Key YG Neds Here B = 0.06; f= 0.02 5 Ge = 2.66 and dy = 1mm = 0.001 m 8 X 0.06 Day (296 = 1) x OBL x 0,001 = 0.625 m/sec. Here = D= 60cm =0.6 m When sewer runs half full, d/D = 0.5 Hence d=0.5D=0.3m and 6 or = 180° fea D a=" De r _ 180 _ aD 300 2H =P 96 29195 m Now y= targa i where v = Vy = 0,625 m/sec. Taking n=N oe we have -u 0.625 = (0.125? g¥2_J-06 X10 aig 29) 7 1 From which = S Witt Hence the required gradient = 1 in 11. g mple 4.6. 4 main combined seiver is to be designed 10 serve an area of 12 sq. km with a population density of 250 persons/hectare. The average rate of sewage flow is 250 litresicapitalday. The maximum flow is 100% in excess of average together with the rainfall equivalent of 15 mm in 24 hours, all of which are runoff. Determine the capacity of the sewer. Taking the maximum velocity of flow as 3 misec., determine the size of the circular sewer. Solution, Total population= (12 x 10°) hax 250. persons/ha = 300000 persons Average flow = 300000 x 250 = 75 x 10° litres/day _ 75 x wi og = Fax 60 x 60 * ToOH = 9-868 cumecs. 2x average flow = 2 x 0.868 1.736 cents Max, sewage flow 1 x To00 |73 X 60 x 6H “UME 2.083 cumecs Storm water flow = 12 10* WASTEWATER ENGINEER), ‘ 1 .. Total flow for the combined sewer = 1.736 + 2.083 = 3,82 cumecs This is evidently the capacity of the sewer. Now Q=A x Vinee. = FD? Vines f = 400 25/238 _ oo = Via = Ex30 =12733 m Hence provide a,circular sewer of 130 cm dia:? Example 4.7. Calculate the velocity and discharge through ¢ rectangular concrete lined smooth channel 2 m wide and 1 m de built to a slope of 1 in 200, when running completely full. Use Bazin’ 157.6 coefficient in Chezy’s formula as C arr ra : 81 VR where K= 03 for smooth concrete lined surface. Solution A=2x1 =2m’* When the rectangular sewer runs full, the roof will also form part of wetted perimeter eee P=2(2+1)=6m A 2 R= Pp=6= 1.333 m a 76g. Hence C= 03 = 67.65 1.81 + —=—_ ¥ 0.3333 From Chezy’s formula, V=CVRS = 67.65 V/ 0.3333 x a = 2.762 m/sec. Henge Q=AxV =2 x 2.762 = 5.523 cumecs ple 4.8. For a circular sewer and a rectangular sewer c be hydraulically equivalent, find the relation between the depth of a reclangular sewer and the diameter of the circular sewer. Take I width of rectangular sewer as 1.5 times the depth and assume ti only three sides of the rectangular sewer are wetted. Solution (a) Rectangular Section Let D = Height of rectangular section Width =B =15D / A=Dx15D=15D* P=D+15D+D=35D / HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 69 Leese or Q=(15D%)x (0.4286 Dy? 52 or Q =08527 pest (6) Circular section Let d = diameter ts bd Paxd eralrd R=o=4 efi) Now Q=4xVaAxi Rs” aZg@yl idan * Q-7exa7(Z) i” or Q=03117 foe (ii) For the two sewers to be hydraulically equivalent, Q, N and S are the same. Hence from (i) and (ii), we get 0.8527 D*? = 0.3117 a”? or (2)* = 0.3655 From which 2 = 0.6856 Hence D = 0.6856d Example 4,9. Calculate the diameter and discharge of a circular sewer laid at a slope of 1 in 500 when running half full, and with a velocity of 2 misec. Take N= 0.012 in Manning's formula: Solution : Refer Fig 4.7. When the sewer runs half full, ad=0.5D and 6=180° 5 =lixZp=Zp 21 a=5x7D gP xD | and 1 (Dy 1 o 2= 590 (4)" (ae) = 1.4789, WASTEWATER ENGINEERiy: 70 From which D = 1,573m Q=ax v= § (1573) x 2 Hence = 1.942 cumecs OX Example 4.10. Determine the size of a circular sewer for a dischany af 500 litres per second running half full. Assume S = 0.000! ani N=0.015. Solution ; Refer Fig. 4.7. Given d=0.5D a da 2=1-2==0 cos 1 25 From which ge 90°, 6 = 180° and sind =0 From Eq. 4.12 (a) _a yO _ sind) _ 7 [560 2 ] From Eq. 4.13 (a) = Sp Ore tee) p= aD 56 = 2D 360 D 4 nv xD 2 ry Z =2Zp'x—= rag? XID Now, q=pars? q = 500 litres/sec = 0.5 cumecs Heed Hp Dy 05 = as XZ" (F) x (0.0001) D™” = 4.8128 From which D=180m % Example 411. A town has a population of 100,000 person with a per capita water supply of 200 litres/day. Design a sewer runnin 0.7 times full at maximum discharge. Take a constant value of N = aor at all depths of flow. The sewer is to be laid at a stope of um Here 2 or 500. Take a peaking factor of 3. Solution. Water supplied= 100,000 x 200 = 20 x 10° sitres/day 6 20 x 10"__ _ 9.2315 cumecs. 10° x 24 x 3600 fe Assuming that 80% of the water supplied to the town appe as sewage, we have average discharge in the sewer = 08 x 0.2315 = 0.1852 cumecs. Al a peacking factor of 3, Max. discharge = 3 x 0.1852 = 0.5556 cumecs ine Since the sewer is to be designed as running 0.7 times full depth, d/D =0.7 and q = 0.5556 cumecs. HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS n For a sewer running partially full (Fig, 4.7) cos 2 241-2 2 Do «x07 =-0.4 @ : F = 113.58"; 6 = 227.16; sin @ = — 0.7332 From Eq. 4 2 (a) = zt 227.16 | 0.7332 a=] D350 ~ a |= FP" 300 * In| = 0.5872 D? wali) 8 py 227.16 _ p= Do = 2 DAZ1AG ~ 1.9823 D (ll) — 4 _ 0.5872 D i r= p> 198237 = 9.2962 D oti) Now, q= he PA gin 0.5556 = 1 2 way ly Ig * 05872 D* (0.2962 Dy (x0) or D*? = 0.6190 From which D = 0.835 m Check for self cleansing velocity at max. discharge r = 0.2962 D = 012960 x 0885 = 0.2474 m 7 -1Prs van co2aray (1. = Ton =1. 1356 m/sec, - This is much more than the self cleansing velocity of 60 cm/sec (Table 4.6). Check for self clearing velocity at min. discharge. Let us assume minimum flow equal to 1 times the average flow. S Gnin. = (173) X 0.1852 Also, max. flow Q = 3 x 0.1852 dni. L011 Q From Fig 4.8, for £ = 0.11, we get fe 0.22, assuming n = N. Alternatively, we may get these values from Table 4.8 by interpolation. 0.22 D Corresponding to this depth ratio, a7 = 0.647 Vinin. = 0.647 X 1.356 = 0.88 m/sec. This is more than the required value of 40 cm/sec. Note: For analytical solution for this part of the problem, sce example 4.12. : WASTEWATER ENGIN, My Example 4.12. A circular sewer of 1 m dia. carries q : discharge while running full, What will be the depth of flow at corresponding velocity ratio if the discharge in the sewer is me the to one fourth the value ? Assume that N remains constant at a es of flow... Solution. When the sewer runs, full, R= D/4 ="p; = A=GD 3 P=a1D Now at partial flow, a=} (given). g—{9 _ sind _ 360° sin 8 )¥3 _ &= [507 Ga I[t- ae | 795 a 360° sind 360° sin 6 92 _ garl)- "ee ['- “Fae | = 925 6 360° sin 8 953 _ a sr lt~ “ane | = 025 This equation contains only one variable 8. Solving this by trial and error, we get 0~ 143°. or : 8_y_94 From Eq. 4.10, cos =1 25 4 1/4 ~ eos 9) = or p72 cos 5) = 0.341 d = 0.341 D = 0.341 m v 360° sin 6 72/3 From Eq. 4.15, p= [a ae 360° sin 143° 72/3 |! Qn x 143° ] ae Example 4.13. Design an outfall circular sewer of the separate system for a town with a population of 1,50,000 persons with a water supply at 200 litres per head per day. The sewer is to be laid at 4 slope of 1 in 800 with N=0012. A self cleansing velocity of 075 misec is to be developed. The dry weather flow may be taken as 1/. of the maximum discharge. Given the following table for partial flow conditions. Proportionate discharge a Seluticn Averege rate of water seppiy= 150000 x 200 = 30x 10° HitresSsy 30x10 =O372 come 1 sp ao |e? | 1347 From which D = 1.09m=1 A= = (1.0597 = 0.8659 m* ye 2-102 =120 ms i $= ggggp = 1203 miser. This is more than the self cleansing velocity. Now, at DWF, B= 4203333 Hence from the above table, for $ = 0.333, we get wl a D and hence corresponding 7,~ 0.8995 (by extrapolation) = 0.398 a v = 0.8995 x 1.203 = 1.082 m/sec. This is also more than the self cleansing velocity of 0.75 m/sec. Hence provide a sewer of 1.05 m dia. Example 4.14, A circular sewer is o be designed to carry maximum flow of sewage while flowing 70% full at a velocity of 1 misec. If the ratio of maximumiaverage flow is 3 and average/minimum is also 3, find (i) proportionate depth of flow, and (ii) velocities. generated, both at the average flow as well as minimum flow, Neglect the variation of N with depth of flow. Solution (Refer Fig. 4.7) (@) At maximum flow ras. = as tut Bl -2==1- =- cos 5 = 1 25 1-2x07 04 g = 113.58° ; 6 = 227.16° ; sin @ = — 0.7332 ¥ = [1 seein 2 =[ 4 360 x 0.7332 ye v 200 1 Dae (227.16) ] “i WASTEWATER ENGINEERING = 1.1198 7 a _7 6 _sinO) _ (227.16 0.7332) _ 47 [007 Sx |= [300 ta] = 78 max. Vx Z = 1.1198 x 0.7478 = 0.8373 Q VA max. = 0.8373 Q i) where Q is the discharge when the sewer is running full. Also, “st = 1.1198 (as obtained above). = Yma = 7.1198 ~ T1198 ~ 9893 msec. (6) At average flow der = 4 nex. = ¥ (0.8373 Q) = 0.2791 0 qe _ 9.2791 = ¢ _ 360° sin 6 15/3 Q pai 360° [: 2260 ] Solving this by trial and error, we get @ = 147.5° d_1 @ 1 147.5 o £=-(1~-cosZ) = — cos? ] = 0.36 =z (1-85) =F (1 — cos 2 ] 036 (Alternatively, we can get the value of d/D either from Fig. 48 or from Table 4.8, by extrapolation, for q¢/Q = 0.279 = 0.28) Vav. 360° sin 147.5° 72/3 Also, Ye. = [ 1 — 360? sin 147.5° 73 _ g, © = [1-Jecarsy | = 98554 “ Vay. = 0.8554 V = 0.8554 x 0.893 = 0.794 m/sec (© At minimum flow Given : Aw 3 min min. = dex = 0271 @ 2 0093.9 min. — 0,993 o =o 8 360° sin 8 75/3 Her ams | 1 - = ne sa [1 ~ “rg ]” = 0.093 Solving this by trial, we get 6 = 108° i ° ” Bu=2(#-c05$) =F (1 cos 98") = 0.206 (Alternatively, we can get the value of d/D either from Fig: 48 or from Table 4.8, by extrapolation, for g/Q =0.093 ) Also, Ymin. _ _ 360-sin 108° 72/3 = [1- Gay)? = 0.6261 Ymin. = 0.6261 V = 0.6261 x 0.893 = 0.559 m/see HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS 18 Example 4, A 60 cm diameter sewer is required to flow at 0.4 depth on Wgrade ensuring a degree of self cleansing equivalent to that obtained at full depth at a velocity of 85 cmiscc. Find the required grade, associated velocities and rates of discharge at fullfdepth and 0.4 depth. Take a uniform value of N = 0.015 at all depth of flow. Solution (a) For the sewer running full. ye agin Here, V = 0.85 m/sec; N = 0.015 =D 06 _ = 9 = =015m 1 bs oss =! _ (15? s'? Tors OSS ‘ _ oe | From which S = 0.00204 = 702 Also, Q= (0.6)? x 0.85 = 0.2403 cumecs. (b) For partial depth flow 4 = 0.4 (given) @ d_,_ _ cos$ = 1-24 =1-2x04=02 g = 78.46° ; @ = 156.93° ; sin 8 = 0.3919 G _/;_6 _ sine Now £=(,8,- S28) (4.12 @) 156.93 _ 0.3919 = [2563 373 (360- ~ “aa | = 93795 r 360° sind l= Se (4.14 and R=(1-“ae0 (4.14) =f1- 360 x 93919) = 08568 2 (156.93) (Alternatively, the value of a/A and r/R can be found from Table 48, for d/D =0.4, if Table 4.8 is available) Hence at 0.4 depth and a grade of 0.00204, rye = = (RJ = 0.8568)" = 0.9021 0 9021 x 0.85 = 0.767 m/sec v th v Also, $ q 7 WASTEWATER p, ' h 16 “NGI, Nip, he sewer, flow; For self-cleansing flow : For t ing 4 to ‘en ose of self cleansing equivalent to that "04 4 i) ‘ full depth, it has to have a gradient s, given by By. Mi 44 R «= (7)s 1 Ss= 568 x 0.00204 = 0.00233 1 or ss = R0 Also, from Eq. 4.19, aNpryvy_ “ wat (z) V= 1 (0.8568)"* x O95 = 0.828 m/sec The discharge q, is given by Eq. 4.20 a= (7) (4) (R) "2 = 1 X 0.3735 (0.8568)"”* x 0.2403 = 0.0875 cumecs Example 4.16. Solve example 4.15 if N= 0.015 at full dep flow and N= 07 for flow at 0.4 depth. Solution (2) For full depth flow : V = 0.85 msec. As determined in example 4.15, S = 0.00204 ; Q= 0.2403 cumecs (6) For partial depth flow : a/D — 0.4;N/n = 0.79 As determined in example 415 , 4 = 03735 and F = 0.8568. v LNeryys Nev poalal = v=0: 79 (0.8568)"* x 0.85 = 0.6058 m/sec G_N a ry Ase 5-5 (4) (4) q= be (03735) (0.8568)°" x 0.2403 0.064 cumecs ©) For sel-cleansing fan R = (7) 8 = she x 0.00204 = 0.00238 = 1 HYDRAULIG DESIGN OF SEWERS 7 Ye Ny rye Vv a(R) “ ¥s = 0.79 (0.8568)'* x 0.85 = 0,654 m/sec ° \ d (Ny (ay rye Ato, = (5) (4) (z) ‘i qs = 0.79 (0.3735) (0.8568)"* x 0.2403 = 0.0691 cumecs. Example 4.17. A 60 cm diameter sewer is to discharge 0.07 cumecs at a velocity as Self-cleansing as a sewer flowing full at 0.85 misec. Find the depth and velocity of flow and’ the required slope. Take uniform value of N = 0.015. Solution (@) For sewer running full 1 pan Ve N R’S Here N =0.015; V = 0.85 cm/sec. R=D/4=06/4 =0.15m ceed 2/3 gv2 85 = Toys (0.15)"S' : a 1 From which S = 0.00204 02 And, Q= 7 (0.6)* 0.85 = 0.2403 cumecs. (6) For partial depth self cleansing flow qs = 0.07 cumecs (given) & a = 0.2913 But 6-0 (4) (R)” Also 3 (1 ee (4.12 a) and R= [1- Asin’ BoM cl - Man[1—sataney or 0.2913 oe - sing fr Solving this by trial and error, by assuming several values Of 6, we get 6 = 143,5° f= 4(1- cos 2) = 03434 WASTEWATER ENG; Hip Ly 78 7 asin) ae [i _ 360 X sin 143.5 aso, #7 [1-0 2x (143.5) = 0.7624 4 _N ( r ie Now P=aIR 4) # = 1 (0.7624)'* = 0.9558 m/sec, Vs = 0.9558 x 0.85 = 0.812 m/sec &-(R)._1 43 and 3° (7) *o700 ae 5s = 1.3116 x 0.00204 = 0.00268 1 © 3737 (Alternatively, the values of d/D, v./V and 5s/S can be Obtaing, from Fig. 4.9 for q./Q = 0.2913 if Fig. 4.9 is available) Example 4.18.4 40 cm dia. sewer is to flow at 0.3 depth o 4 grade ensuring a degree Of self-cleansing equivalent to th at full depth at a velocity of 80 cmisec. Find. (i) the required grade (ii) associated velocity (ili) the rate of discharge at this depth. Given + () Mannings rugosity coefficient = 0.014 (it) Proportionate area = 0,252 (iv) Proportionate HMD (r/R) = 0.684 Solution (a) For sewer running full al pan veQR Ss iat obtaineg Here V = 08 m/sec; R = D/4 = 0.4/4 =0.1 m sical 23 gi2 08 = Tg 0.1)? s' 7 1 hich S =0.0027 = From whicl 0.0027 30 Also, = F 0.) x 0.8 = 0.1005 cumecs. () For partial depth self cteansing ow d 04 ice AL 04 depth, 2-04 Also, fe Let 0, A = 0252 and F = i6s4 From Eq. 4.18, 719 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SEWERS and 0027 = 0.00395= z= | = 1(0.684)'* = 0.9387 n ¥; = 0.9387 x 0.8 = 0.751 m/sec % (Ny) (4) (F) = 0252 x 0.9387 4 = 0.252 x 0.9387 x 0.1005 = 0.0238 cumes Altematively, 9, =a.v, =fA Vs = 0.252 x £ (0.4) x 0,751 = 0.0238

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