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General Guide for the Development of the Practical Component of the Course Task 2

Student Janice Susana Martínez Parra

Código 1123621539

Didactics of English 518022

Group 55


Eliseo Ballesteros Duran

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

ECEDU - Escuela de Ciencias Básicas de la Educación

Marzo – 2024

Teacher Eliseo, I posted in the forum, but the truth is I missed taking a screenshot of the answers made, I have been sick

for few weeks, excuse me, I don't know if you can verify my answers directly in the forum.

I am going to share here what I publish in the forum

Theoretical component:
Step 1: Based upon the theoretical foundation read in unit 1, answer the following question in the forum:
Lesson Planning:
a. What is the purpose of lesson planning?
The purposes of lesson planning are among the most fundamental, the alignment with the goals in the
educational area, clear objectives, organized instruction, time management, commitment, integration of
evaluations, motivation, preparation of resources, adaptability, professional development and communication.
b. Describe the components of a well-structured lesson plan.
The components of a well-structured lesson plan are: lesson title, learning objectives, materials and resources,
grade level, duration, prior knowledge, anticipatory set, instructions, assessment and evaluation, reflection, task,
closure, references and appendices.
c. How does lesson planning help teachers in delivering effective instruction?
Lesson planning serves as a roadmap for teachers, helping them navigate the teaching-learning process in order
and clarity, organization and high effectiveness. The plan ensures that the objectives of the instructions are met,
and that students actively participate and that assessments are meaningful.
By lesson planning, teachers can create a positive-productive learning environment that increases educational
outcomes for their students.
Learning Objectives:
a. What is a learning objective, and why is it important in teaching?
A learning objective or learning outcome is a specific statement that describes what students should know,
understand, or be able to do from a lesson. It is important in teaching to do this, as it provides focus, clarity and
direction for both classroom teachers and students, and also facilitates instruction, evaluation and effective
communication in the learning process.
b. What are the characteristics of a well-written learning objective?
The characteristics of a well-written learning objective are summed up in the word “SMART.” That is, specific,
relevant and with specific deadlines. Also, there are other complementary characteristics that are: clear and to
the point language oriented to action, focused on learning, and evaluation.
c. How can you align learning objectives with the overall goals of a lesson or unit?
To align learning objectives with the general goals of a lesson, the following steps must be followed:
1. Start with clear goals.
2. Divide goals into specific objectives.
3. Use action verbs.
4. Connect the objectives with the content.
5. Prioritize objectives.
6. Check consistency.
7. Alignment of evaluations.
8. Instruction strategies, feedback, and communication of objectives and achievements.

Teaching Receptive Skills:

a. What are receptive skills in language learning? Provide examples.
Receptive skills are the way we receive knowledge, among these we will mention two.
The first receptive skill is reading, such as reading a book, an online article, instruction manuals, emails, etc.
The other receptive skill is listening, some examples are: listening to a conversation, understanding a lecture,
podcast or radio program and song lyrics.
b. What strategies can you use to teach receptive skills effectively?
To teach listening you can use some strategies such as:
1. Authentic listening materials.
2. Activities prior to listening.
3. Listening comprehension exercises, where you can listen to different accents in an interactive way
To teach reading: certain strategies can be implemented such as: 1. Choice of various texts.
2. Pre-reading activities.
3.Vocabulary advance and summaries.
4. Discussion and exercises to understand the tasks.
c. How can you differentiate instruction to accommodate learners with different levels of proficiency in receptive
To differentiate listening instruction, consideration should be given to various listening materials, pre-listening
support, appropriate listening speed, transcriptions or subtitles, and sharing of ideas.
To differentiate reading instruction, you should consider guided reading groups, graphic organizers, audio text
pairing, extension activities, simplified texts, and progress monitoring.
Reflection on Knowledge and Practice:
a. Reflect on the lesson you have planned for this activity guide. How did you incorporate learning
objectives into your lesson plan?
In the lesson plan I made to teach receptive skills, learning objectives were an integral part of the planning
Learning objectives were identified at the beginning of lesson planning and were used as a guiding framework
throughout the lesson.
below in detail
• Objectives were clearly stated at the beginning of class to tell students what would be accomplished during the
Every part of the lesson, from the initial listening activity to the language discussion, was designed with the
learning objectives in mind.
• The evaluation of the learning objectives was integrated into the lesson through activities such as the pre-
listening task, where students were asked to organize their notes and make a summary of the content, in order to
have better listening comprehension. and note-taking skills.
b. Discuss a specific activity or strategy you used to teach a receptive skill. How effective would it be?
In the lesson plan that was designed to teach a receptive skill we have the “Listening Activity” where students
actively participated in a podcast episode. The effectiveness of this activity lies in its ability to immerse students
in unique listening content while encouraging them to understand and actively interact with the material.
The activity involved active listening, note taking and post-listening discussion, making it an effective strategy for
developing listening comprehension skills. By encouraging students to take notes during the podcast, they were
not simply passive listeners but were actively processing the information. Additionally, the post-listening
discussion gave students the opportunity to share their knowledge, ask questions, and reflect on the content.
The effectiveness of this activity can be further improved by selecting a podcast episode that aligns with
students' interests and language proficiency. It is also essential to provide clear instructions, ensure accessibility
to audio material, and facilitate meaningful post-listening discussions.
c. How would you assess student progress in developing receptive skills, and how do you use this
feedback to inform your teaching?
Assessing students' progress in developing receptive skills involves both formative and summative assessment
approaches. In the lesson plan, assessment strategies included:
• Formative assessment: During the listening activity, students were observed and evaluated based on their
engagement, note taking, and participation in the post-listening discussion. Teachers can conduct on-the-spot
assessments of each student's understanding, engagement, and ability to apply vocabulary and language
• Summative assessment: The assignment, in which students listened to another episode of the podcast and
wrote a summary, serves as a summative assessment. This task allows for an assessment of cumulative
progress in listening comprehension and note-taking skills.
Feedback collected from these assessments can inform teaching in the following ways:
• Individualized Support: Feedback from formative assessments helps identify students who may need additional
support or enrichment. Teachers can adapt instruction to meet the specific needs of each student.
• Adjustments to the curriculum: Teachers can use the feedback to make adjustments to the curriculum. For
example, if most students have difficulty understanding idiomatic expressions, additional lessons or hands-on
activities can be added that target these areas.
• Teaching Adaptations: Based on feedback, teachers can adjust their teaching strategies, materials, or content
selection to better fit students' learning needs.
• Progress monitoring: Feedback provides information about the overall progress of the class and helps the
teacher determine whether learning objectives are being met. Adjustments can be made to the pace and depth
of instruction as needed.
In summary, incorporating learning objectives, effective receptive skills activities, and comprehensive
assessment strategies are essential components of the lesson plan. The feedback derived from these
assessments plays a fundamental role in guiding and improving the teaching process, ensuring that
students make progress in developing their receptive skills.

Student´s Name: Name of School or virtual practice place: Institucion Educativa Andres Bello

Janice Susana Martínez Parra

Topic: Learning Objective:

Reading English for learning acquisition

It allows us to analyze simple sentences, expressions and texts orally since through

this it allows you to become familiar with the English language, this can be done

through games, audios, readings and oral practices (Readings).

Student’s level: (MCRE) A1-A2 Target skill: Reading comprehsion Target vocabulary:

Student’s age: Target grammar: Allow you to Allow you to understand and improve

In this activity, the forms, guidelines and understand and improve the use of the vocabulary in the use of the language in

expressions in which we must do so that language in various aspects such as various aspects such as spelling and

the children of 7 years old, second grade spelling and phonetics. This helps to phonetics. This helps to understand a

B will be evident so that they can understand a better structure of the better structure in the vocabulary of the
understand English in a natural, cultural words and also allows them to be agreed words and also allows them to remember

and simple way, allowing them to correctly. them correctly.

advance in listening and speaking the


Warm-up activity: Material: (if needed)

An activity is carried out where the child's ear is trained through songs, to develop Sound system for children's songs in

their reading, listening and pronunciation. English. Songs in English so that they

can develop their listening and


Pre-Reading/Pre-Listening Activities: Material: (if needed)

Children will be allowed to repeat the alphabet up to 4 times, 2 times starting from top

to bottom and twice ending from bottom to top as it will help them remember the
pronunciation of certain words. After this I would tell them to repeat words with me,

such as: Names of fruits , colors etc.

Reading/Listening Comprehension Activities: Material: (if needed)

The activity that I would have for them is that in the English book on page 61-66 there For these activities, resources are

is a text in which we have to have and I would have them read a part for each student needed such as: Notebooks, pencil,

since there are 20, so for those 20 children it would be easy to read everything the erasers, pencil sharpeners, colors and

text. After this I would ask them what they understood in order to start the class as books from the Brainy kids institution

such and send them to do activities, etc.

Post-Reading/Post-Listening Activities: Material: (if needed)

Finally, I would have them do activities on the reading comprehension questions of

Book for questions.
the text, for example: ¿How did the English language emerge? ¿Why is English

important? Comment on the reasons why you want to learn English Etc.

Annexes screenshot of material or didactic material used)


Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Teaching English as a second or foreign language.

Harmer, J. (2012). How to Teach English (2nd ed.). Pearson Education


Leon, S. (2022). Designing English language material [OVI] UNAD Repository

Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching.Macmillan books.


Muñoz, M. (2019). Four Core Language Skills [Video File].

Robertson, C., & Acklam, R. (2000). Action plan for teachers: A guide to teaching english (1st ed.). British Broadcasting Corporation


Usó-Juan, E, & Martínez, A. (2006). Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the Four Language Skills. De Gruyter



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