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Instructor: Do Quoc Minh Chau
Q&A Audience Notes
While watching each video, write down notes about each presentation’s strengths,
suggestions for improvement, and at least 2 questions you have for the presenters.
*Things to think about: visuals, the topic, content, language delivery, body language, etc.

Comments to group
Group: 1
Strengths Suggestions for Questions
- Animation at 1. Why did you choose this topic?
- Should have an
the intro is
interview 2. Is there any case that men can be
- Speak slowly and look abused?
- The sound is
at the camera more
pretty clear 3.

Group: 2
Strengths Suggestions for Questions
- Lower the music 1. How can victims be encouraged to
- Good accent - Should have a actively speak up about these issues?
- Emphasizing subtitle at the 2. Do you think sexual abuse is
important beginning common among men?
words - Noise reduction
- Motivational and adjust lighting
music - Should blur the
victim’s face more

Group: 3
Strengths Suggestions for Questions
- Good accent, - Adjust lighting
1. Is covid still exist?
speaks clearly - Should cut the parts of
the interviewee 2. What should we do to prevent the
stuttering to save time pain when infected with covid?
- The interviewer should 3. Is covid dangerous now?
not read the question
from the phone and
should not pass the
phone back and forth
- Should have more
information instead of
personal’s opinion from

Group: 5
Strengths Suggestions for Questions
- There is some 1. Social media becoming popular
information that should and many young people living
write in English instead virtually is good or bad?
- Good accent of Vietnamese 2. What is the most popular social
- Funny editing - The members should media platform?
and not read the question
illustrations from devices
- Should use only one 3.
way of recording,
horizontal or vertical

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