Adult Franchise

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Adult Franchise plays an extremely important role in a democratic set up because
people get to choose their representative who they believe to have the resolution to
lead them in ways which suits the interest of the people.
It is an opportunity for people to bring a set up into existence which governs them
or by which they want to be governed. The idea of democracy is rooted in the very
idea of adult franchise.
Only 13 percent of Indian citizens had the right to vote prior to independence. One
of the first reports to advocate for "unlimited adult franchise and equal rights for
women" was the Motilal Nehru report.
On the same lines, the Indian National Congress later called for political equality at
the Karachi session in 1931 and after preparing the electoral draft, the principle of
universal adult suffrage or universal adult franchise was adopted by India when the
Constitution of India was adopted in 1949 and enacted on 26th November, 1950.
Article 326 of the Constitution of India states that the elections to the House of the
People and the Legislative Assembly of each State shall be held on the basis of adult
suffrage; that is, any person who is a citizen of India and who is not less than
eighteen years of age and who is not otherwise disqualified under this Constitution
on the grounds of non-residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal
practice, shall be entitled to be registered as a voter at any such election.
This provision helps a state to erase the distinctions or discriminations that exists
within a state. In a country like India where caste system, religion, existence of
different customary laws is so prevalent, there were distinctions among people
which still exists but is comparatively reduced with the passing of time. Some people
were superior to the other just because of the status attached to the role they
played in the society but the introduction of Adult Franchise changed that as it
placed every individual on the same level and vested them with the right to vote
and choose their representative through which they would raise their concerns and
participate in the political set up.
 It helped in achieving gender equity as well as eliminated untouchability in the
society by providing equal opportunity to all;
 It also had a trickle-down impact on poverty alleviation as by allowing voting
rights to all citizens, the poor found an opportunity to choose the political
administrators and also increase the scope of governance at a local level.
 Another significant transformation that has become evident over the years is the
representation of backward sections in Parliament. The composition of the
members of Parliament has changed to include individuals from those
communities, who become the voice of the oppressed.
The introduction of universal adult suffrage is considered one of the most important
decisions that has changed India for the better. The concept of universal adult
suffrage is looked upon as the “guarantors of minority rights” along with free and
fair voting. Besides achieving gender equality by giving women the right to vote, it
has also eliminated untouchability and ensured equal opportunities for backward
class people as well.

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