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01 What is the biome?

02 What animals live there?


03 What plants grow there?

04 What is the relationship between

fauna and flora

05 How can we fix issues in the

What is the biome?
The grasslands biomes also known as the savannas are found where there is not enough regular
rainfall to support the growth of a forest but enough rainfall to support grasses. Grasslands are
usually found between deserts and forests. The grasslands biome accounts for between 20 to 30
percent of the world’s land area. They are open biomes that are mostly flat. The two main types
of grasslands include Tropical and temperate grasslands. Tropical rainforests are found close to
the equator where it is warm. Temperate rainforests are found near the cooler coastal areas more
north or south of the equator. The rainfall across the biome changes, ranging from 25.4 cm to
101.6 cm. Temperatures can go below freezing in the temperate grasslands to above 32.2 degrees.

What plants grow in the

grassland’s biome?
Plants that grow in the
grasslands are Acacia trees,
Elephant grass and
sunflowers. The acacia tree is
one of the only species of
trees that grow in the
grasslands. Elephant grass is
a dominate grass that uses
less water than most other
What animals live there? plants making is versatile. In
The animals in the grasslands include tigers, deer, lions, hyenas, the hot conditions of the
cheetahs, and zebra. Hyenas live in the grassland biomes in Africa. grassland’s biome
They scavenge dead animals for food. Hyenas live in groups called
clans. To survive in the grassland’s biome hyenas have adapted to
have powerful eyesight and a strong sense of smell. They have
very strong teeth and jaws allowing them to break bones easily.
What animals live in the
grassland biome?
What animals live in the temperate
There are 3 different types of animals that
live in the temperate grasslands. These
include Predators and big cats like lions who
hunt prey in the temperate biome. They eat
meat. Grazers are mammals that eat the
many grasses of temperate grasslands. The
animals that are in the section are zebras,
giraffes, and buffalo. These animals get
hunted by the predators. Small mammals
include mice and rabbits. They eat small
insects and grasses. They are also hunted by

How have animals in the grasslands adapted to their environment?

Animals in the temperate grasslands have adapted to have hooves for running on the flat
plains. They have also gotten flat teeth to grind the many types of grasses and special
enzymes for digesting grasses. They also have light brown fur for camouflage in the grass.
Animals that burrow have large front claws for digging holes and a nocturnal circadian
rhythm for avoiding predators. A nocturnal circadian rhythm is where animals come out at
night to avoid predators that would eat them.
What plants grow in the
What plants grow in the grasslands?
The most dominant plants in the grasslands
are wildflowers and different types of
grasses. This is due to the lack of enough
rainfall in the region but just enough for
these types of plants to grow. Andropogon
gerardii also known as big bluestem, is a
type of tall grass that grows in the
grasslands of North America. They have
deep spread roots to get the most water.
Goldenrods is another example of what
How have plants adapted to the grows in the grasslands. It has over 120
grasslands? species of flowers and they are found in
savannas, meadows, and prairies. They are
Plants in the grasslands have soft stems.
small yellow flowers and thrive in the hot
Plants have done this to battle the hard
conditions of the grasslands.
and cruel wind. Plants also have narrow
leaves to minimize water loss. They have
very deep root systems that allow them
strength and moisture during times of
drought. They also stop growing if the
biome is experiencing droughts. Some
plants will stop growing until spring
when it rains a lot.
What changes are happening in the

How has the biome changed?

Various natural and human-made processes are causing significant changes in the
grassland’s biome. The makeup and distribution of plant species in these ecosystems are
changing because of climate change, which is defined by changing precipitation patterns
and rising temperatures. Long-lasting droughts and unpredictable rainfall are becoming
more common in many areas, stressing grassland vegetation and contributing to
desertification in some places. In addition, habitat fragmentation and biodiversity loss are
being caused by human activities like agriculture, urbanization, and the introduction of
invasive species. These problems are also made worse by livestock overgrazing, which
reduces the adaptability of these ecosystems. To lessen these changes and maintain the
ecological integrity of the grassland’s biome, conservation efforts, and sustainable land
management practices are essential.

What are some adaptations that plants and animals have made due to rapid changes in the
In answer to the quick environmental changes, both plants and animals in the grassland biome have
demonstrated a variety of adaptive strategies. Because some grassland plants have deep root systems, they
can access soil-stored water when it is dry. In addition, some species have developed mechanisms for
quick growth and reproduction after rainfall events, allowing them to benefit from transient favourable
conditions. To lessen water loss through transpiration, some grasses have also evolved drought-resistant
traits like narrow leaves. In terms of animal adaptations, grassland species frequently use mobility as their
main tactic. To find food and water sources, animals frequently engage in migratory behaviours,
burrowing, or seasonal movements, especially when resources are scarce. Herbivores may change their
diets to include more readily accessible vegetation, and predators may alter their hunting strategies to take
advantage of the altered distribution of their prey. In general, the grasslands biome's capacity for
adaptation highlights the resilience of these ecosystems in the face of ongoing change.
What is the relationship between fauna
and flora?

In the grassland’s biome, the relationship between the fauna and flora goes beyond merely being
consumed. It explores the world of symbiosis, a regenerative cycle where life breeds life.
Herbivores unknowingly act as agents of reproduction while they graze by dispersing seeds in new
areas with the help of their digestive tracts. In doing so, they participate in the ongoing cycle of
plant life by acting as nature's producer. Additionally, the predators that prowl this vast area, like
lions and hyenas, act as keepers of balance. They manage a delicate ballet of predator and prey
through their strategic hunting and territorial behaviour’s, keeping herbivore populations under
control and preventing overgrazing and its potentially disastrous effects on the vegetation. For
instance, the African elephant, a famous resident of savannas, is essential to the spread of seeds.
They consume enormous amounts of vegetation, including fruits, and then release seeds through
their excrement in new areas, promoting the spread of different plant species across the landscape.
The African cheetah is a prime example of a predator in the grassland’s biome. The wide-open
spaces of the African savannas are the ideal habitat for these svelte and agile big cats. Cheetahs are
extremely effective predators with amazing speed and keen hunting instincts that specialize in
pursuing swift herbivores like gazelles and impalas. Their presence and hunting habits are essential
for maintaining a stable ecosystem in the grasslands and controlling herbivore populations.
What can happen in the
What are some possible changes to the grasslands biome and how will this affect food
security in countries that have this biome?
The consequences of ongoing changes to the grassland’s biome can be extensive. In
addition to destroying habitats and reducing biodiversity, these changes, like turning
agricultural land into urban areas, can cause soil degradation, increased water scarcity,
and disruptions to the hydrological cycle. Additionally, they can influence climate
change by releasing carbon that has been stored. These difficulties are exacerbated by
variable agricultural yields and altered fire regimes. These changes may result in
changing food costs, decreased cattle productivity, and increased vulnerability for
pastoral populations in countries that primarily rely on grasslands for agriculture, such
as the Great Plains in the United States or the Pampas in Argentina. Adopting
sustainable land management practices, diversifying crops, putting water conservation
strategies into place, as well as international collaboration to solve transboundary
concerns connected to grassland conservation and management, will be vital to
reducing these effects.
References Harvard style

Animal Spot (2019). Grassland Animals List, Facts, Adaptations, Pictures. [online] Available at:
Anon, (n.d.).

Berkeley University of California (2019). The Grassland Biome. [online] Available at:
Harness, J. (2010). Names of Plants That Live in Grasslands. [online] Sciencing.
Available at:

Jeremy M.B. Smith (2019). grassland | Definition, Animals, Plants, Types, & Facts.
In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at:
Nunez, C. (2022). Grasslands Explained | National Geographic Society. [online]
National Geographic. Available at: (2021). Available at:
WorldAtlas. (n.d.). What Plants Grow In Grasslands? [online] Available at:
How can we fix these
How can we fix this issue and how will this
enhance food security?
In order to slow down the rapid changes in the
grasslands biome and improve food security, a
number of strategies must be put into place. This
involves establishing protected areas and
restoration projects to preserve essential
grassland habitats, implementing managed
grazing systems to minimize overgrazing, and
implementing sustainable agriculture techniques
like no-till farming and crop rotation to ensure
soil health. Along with investments in research
and technology, key elements include water
management, agroecological strategies, and
ecosystem-based land use planning. Engaging
local populations through incentives and
education, as well as implementing laws that
restrict land conversion and promote sustainable
practices, are essential. Nations can secure food
security and biodiversity by preserving grassland
ecosystems, which also sustain livestock fodder,
assure consistent agricultural production, and
improve resilience to climate change.

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