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TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You are at the doctor’s.

You have a medical problem.

 sunburn – describe symptoms

 medicine – take – how often?/driving possible?
 must drive – say when & why

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, how can I help you?”


You are a doctor.

The candidate has a medical problem.

 how much time spent in the sun?

 prescribe specialist cream and medicine
 medicine once a day/shouldn’t drive
 suggest other medicine – weaker, but safe for drivers (choose what?)

You begin by saying:

“Hello, how can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What do you do to get better when you are ill? Tell us about it.
2. Did you have a healthy lifestyle when you were a child? How about today?
3. What do you think can be done to improve young people’s eating habits?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your neighbour.

Complain to them about their dog.

 dog – very noisy – say why it’s a problem

 one more problem with dog – describe
 react to neighbour’s complaint – apologize
 promise to do something about situation

You begin by saying:

“Hello, can you spare me a minute?”


The candidate is your neighbour.

They want to complain about your dog.

 apologize/promise to do something about it

 sorry to hear that – will deal with it
 actually – neighbour’s cat problem, too (mess on doormat)
 thank you – see you around soon

The candidate begins by saying:

“Hello, can you spare me a minute?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What is your favourite animal? Why?

2. Have you/anyone you know ever had a negative experience with an animal?
Tell us about it.
3. Do you think animals should be used for entertainment (in circuses,
oceanariums etc?)

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You have been the victim of a street robbery.

You are reporting it at a police station.

 street robbery – say what happened

 describe attacker
 agree to request – ask about details

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, can I help you?”


You are a police officer.

The candidate has been mugged.

 details of crime?
 what stolen?
 any injuries?
 describe attacker – will take part in ID parade?
 arrange when – get contact details

You begin by saying:

“Hello, can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What can you do to protect yourself from crime? Tell us about it.
2. Describe a situation when you or someone you know had an accident. What
3. Do you think self-defence should be taught in schools? Why/why not?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


You want to book the firing range for your platoon.

The examiner is the range officer.

 book range – Thursday?

 need range ASAP – explain why?
 compromise on date
 don't agree to request – explain why

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hello, can I help you?”


You are a range officer.

The candidate wants to book the firing range.

 time? for how long?

 Thursday unavailable – suggest a week later
 agree compromise, suggest Friday
 type of weapon – pistols/rifles
 2 soldiers from HQ Coy need to pass test – can they join?

You begin by saying:

“Hello, can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What do you do you do to improve your professional skills?

2. Describe the last military exercise/training event you took part in.
3. Do you think shooting should be taught in schools? Why/why not?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is a restaurant manager.

You are complaining about the way your party was organized.

 family party yesterday – really important (say why)/food awful!

 service – terrible! (give details)
 don’t accept manager’s 1st solution – negotiate

You begin by saying:

“Hello, I would like to make a complaint.”


You are a restaurant manager.

The candidate is complaining about the way his party was organized.

 sorry to hear that/complaint – what about?

 what exactly was wrong with food?
 any other complaints?
 apologize – offer to refund 20% of money – negotiate settlement

The candidate begins by saying:

“Hello, I would like to make a complaint.”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. What’s your favourite restaurant? Describe it.

2. Tell us about the last time you/someone you know complained about a
product or service.
3. What are the pros and cons of doing weekly shopping on-line?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

4. What’s your name?

5. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
6. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your neighbour.

They want your advice on sports facilities in the area.

 give directions
 gym not good – say why you didn’t like it
 gym in the center – say why you recommend it
 this Friday – no/arrange some other time

The examiner begins by saying:

“Hi, do you have a moment?”


You've just moved to a new house.

You want your neighobour's advice on sports facilities in the area.
 a gym near here?
 been there?/what’s it like?
 where to practise sport? – ask for recommendation
 opening hours/price?
 go together this Friday?
You begin by saying:
“Hi, do you have a moment?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you prefer watching sport or playing them? Why?

2. What sports did you do as a child? Tell us about it.
3. Do you think playing sports helps people work better as a team?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your friend.

You are talking about your friend’s plans to go to Portugal.

 no problem/ask about details of the trip (when?, who with?, how long?)
 accommodation booked yet?
 recommend a hotel – say why you liked it

The examiner begins by saying:

“Can I borrow your guidebook of Portugal?”


The candidate is your friend.

You are talking about your plans to go to Portugal.
 respond to candidate’s questions
 accommodation – not yet/ask for recommendation
 accommodation – how booked?
 thank for the information
 collect guidebook – when?
You begin by saying:
“Can I borrow your guidebook of Portugal?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Do you often go abroad? Why/why not?

2. Describe your best/worst trip.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tour holidays?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is a shop assistant.

You want to buy a book.

 look for “Angels and Demons” – friend’s birthday

 wait – how long?
 one week too long – say why/recommend a different book?
 reject the suggestion – say why you don’t like it

The examiner begins by saying:

“How can I help you?”


You are a shop assistant.

The candidate wants to buy a book.

 not in stock right now/order for you?

 waiting time – one week
 recommend “The DaVinci Code”
 suggest buying gift card
 $20/$50/$100 cards – which one?

You begin by saying:

“How can I help you?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Tell us what you usually read.

2. Tell us about a present you bought for a friend or a family member.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional bookshops?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is a friend of yours.

Plan an evening out together.

 theatre – no – say why

 cinema – great idea – suggest film
 suggest pub after movie
 arrange when and where to meet

The examiner begins by saying:

“Why don’t we go to the theatre tonight?”


The candidate is a friend of yours.

You’re planning an evening out together.

 if not theatre – cinema perhaps?

 ask why this film is worth seeing – agree to see it
 pub – great! suggest inviting one more friend
 ask friend to recommend a pub

You begin by saying:

“Why don’t we go to the theatre tonight?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. How often do you go to the cinema/theatre? What films/plays do you like

to watch?
2. Tell us about the last time you went to a concert/festival?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having big wedding parties?

TASK ONE Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]

1. What’s your name?

2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?

TASK TWO Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your boss.

They want to talk to you.

 report not finished – say why

 apologize/promise to solve the problem – say how
 preparations for conference OK – say what else needs to be done

You begin by saying:

“You wanted to see me?”


The candidate is your employee.

You want to talk to them.

 yes – report ready?

 it must be ready today/by what time?
 preparations for the next week’s conference?
 OK /see you at tomorrow’s briefing at 10 am

The candidate begins by saying:

“You wanted to see me?”

TASK THREE Questions [ 6 – 7 minutes ]

1. Describe your duties at work.

2. Tell us about your worst/best day at work.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having your own company?

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