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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMEI S UNISA fez CIP301-K Mayfdune 2 17 CIP102-E CIVIL PROCEDURE 301 Duration = 2 Hours 100 Me ks EXAMINERS : FIRST PROF € HURTER PROF OS SIBANDA PROF F CASSIM ADV TL MABUSELA, SECOND PROF JA FARIS This paper consists of 4 pages. PLEASE COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Answer ALL FIVE (5) questions. 2 Give full reasons for each answer; merely answering yes/no or true/false vill earn no marks, 3 Ensure that the time you devote to each question is proportionate to the me ‘ks allotted to that question. HIGH COURT PROCEDURE QUESTION 1 {@) Explain the purpose of the third party procedure contained in Rule 13 of the Unif rm Rules of Court 3) (b) Explain fully whether a subpoena is a pleading or a process. 5) (©) Briefly indicate the requirements which an offer fo settle must meet in terms of F ule 34(5) of the Uniform Rules of Court 4) (d) Indicate and discuss under what circumstances a court will use its discretion to set as Je a default judgment in terms of Rule 21 of the Uniform Rules of Court 4) (e) Name the ways in which evidence may be placed before the trial court. 4) [ 0) [TURN OV ‘RJ 2 CIP301-K May/June 2007 QUES TION 2 X and Y, with their toddler, emigrate from Poland to South Africa. After six months X, the husba id, decides to leave South Africa and settles in Namibia. The wife, Y, remains behind and le er decides to institute divorce proceedings. Answer the following questions, giving full reasol § for each answer where appropriate, (2) V/hyis it inappropriate for ¥ to issue a simple summons in this instance? @) {b)_Vhyis it inappropriate for Y to use application proceedings to institute action? 0) {c} E ‘efly explain why Y's attomey should draw up a power of attorney, despite the fact that F ule 7(1) of the Uniform Rules of Court does not require one for the issuing of the = Immons in the action 2) (dq) | matrimonial actions it is the practice of most courts to insist on personal service. Does t is mean that Y will not be able to sue X for divorce in South Africa? (3) (e) \ thy would it be necessary for Y to deliver a replication if X's defence is one of confession and avoidance? co) () | the Deed of Settlement X has undertaken to pay Y an amount of R500 000, but Fanding a divorce order Y is strapped for cash. Can she make use of the procedure ¢ ontained in Rule 344 to obtain an interim payment? (3) (y)_ | X wishes to claim financial support from Y, may he do so in his plea on the merits? (3) (i) is successful in obtaining an order for divorce. Explain whether the court is compelled t :award Y party and party costs. (6) {20} QUES TION 3 (a) ( isa landlord and Z is his tenant. Zis in arrears with his rental, Q issues a summons « gainst Z for the arrear rental and ejectment. With regard to the given facts, determine {te procedure that Q would use if () Z failed to respond to the summons within the time stated inthe summons; (3) (i) Z files a notice of intention to defend within the time stated in the summons but fails to file his plea on the merits timeously. 4) M7 (0) 1 ¥ (Pty) Ltd, trading as a fumiture dealer, approaches the local High Court for the questration of C's estate. B, the authorized official in the employ of ZY (Pty} Ltd, in his pporting affidavit states, infer alia, that C is a cheat and a rogue. |) Indicate briefly why ZY (Pty) Ltd may not use an ex parte application to institute legal proceedings. 2 [TURN OVER] (co) 3 CIP30 -K May/June 21 07 (ii) C wishes to oppose the proceedings. Indicate how C must set about opposing he application. 1) (il) C is offended at the personal remarks contained in B's supporting affidavit. Adv ie C in this regard 2) 5] In each of the instances given below, indicate briefly in what way the pleading or proc ss concerned is defective, and whether there is any procedure the defendant may ust to raise an objection against it. (i) In his particulars of claim, the plaintiff alleges that the parties concluded an agreement on 1 February 2070, instead of on 1 February 2007. 2) (ii) The plaintiff institutes an action for divorce against the defendant by way ca simple summons. 2) (iii) The plaintiff claims payment of a specific amount from the defendant in terms o an agreement on which the defendant would be liable for such payment if a certai i Z were to fail to pay this amount. In the particulars of claim the plaintiff does rot allege that Z has failed to pay the amount 2) (iv). The plaintiff issues summons against the defendant in the Cape High Court to he amount of R500 000 for damages resulting from a motorcar collision. The © urt grants judgment to the amount of R300 000. The defendant subsequently move to Pretoria and is sued by the plaintiff in the Pretoria High Court for the balance of he claim, namely R200 000. 2) 8) £0) MAGISTRATES’ COURTS PROCEDURE QUESTION 4 (a) X, a plaintiff, and Y, a defendant, are preparing for a trial in the magistrate’s oc urt. Merely name the procedure which must be followed in each instance. () X notices a factual error in his summons and wishes to correct it 1) (ii) Y wishes to find out what documents X intends to use to prove his case. 1) (ii) X wishes to ensure that a witness will be present in court to give evidence on his behalf. 1) (iv) Y wishes to obtain particulars regarding X's state of health to enable him (Y to determine the correctness of the amount claimed by X for damages due to perst val injury 1) (v)_ X fails to give notice of trial within the prescribed time fimit. 1) 5} TURN OV RJ 4 CIP301-K May/June 2007 (b) An: ver all the following questions. {i) Set out five (5) matters that can be discussed at a pre-trial conference. (5) (i) List any five examples of special pleas. Co} (iii) Discuss the requirements for the supporting affidavit which must be filed by the plaintiff together with the notice for summary judgment. (5) (iv) Briefly discuss the ex parte application in magistrates’ court procedure. (5) [20] [25] APPEAi , REVIEW AND VARIATION OF JUDGMENT QUEST) ON 5 (a) Ste e the main differences between appeal and review. (4) (b) Na 1e two (2) instances when a court will interfere with a decision taken by a quasi- jud tial body. (2) (c)_ Na ve the procedure to be followed when variation of judgment in terms of Uniform Rule 423 sought. (d) Bri fly explain what is meant by a right of appeal. ” (e) Ind zate when an appeliant would have the right referred to in (d) above. (1) (f) Bri fly explain whether an appeal on a non-constitutional matter may be noted against a det sion of the Supreme Court of Appeal to the Constitutional Court (1) (9) Wr at essential information must be included in a notice of appeal in an appeal from the me jistrate's court? 3) = Na ve the step that an appellant must take as soon as jeave to appeal has been granted by ne Supreme Court of Appeal. Q) 15] TOTAL : [100} © UNISA 2007 UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAME IS UNISA fen CIP301-K sei ie 297 CIP102-E jevdunie SIVIELE PROSESREG 301 Tydsdu = 2Uur 100 PL ite EKSAMINATORE : EERSTE PROF E HURTER PROF OS SIBANDA PROF F CASSIM ADV TL MABUSELA TWEEDE PROF JA FARIS Hierdie vraestel bestaan uit 4 bladsye. MAAK ASSEBLIEF SEKER DAT U DIE VOLGENDE INSTRUKSIES NAKOM: 1 Beantwoord AL VYF (5) vrae. 2 Gee volledige redes vir u antwoorde, 'n Blote Ja/Nee of Waar/Vals sal geen punte ver jien nie. 3 Maak seker dat die tyd wat u aan ‘n vraag bestee in verhouding is tot die aantal punte wat daardie vraag tel. PROSEDURE IN DIE HOE HOF VRAAG 1 (a) Verduidelik wat die doel is van die derdepartyprosedure soos vervat in Reé! 13 var die Eenvormige Hofreéis. (3) (b) _ Verduidetik voltedig of ‘n getuiedagvaarding ‘n pleitstuk of 'n prosesstuk is. 6) (c) Dui kortliks aan wat die vereistes is waaraan 'n skikkingsaanbod moet voldoen kragtens. teél 34(5) van die Eenvormige Hofreéls. (4) {d) Dui aan en bespreek in watter ornstandighede 'n hof sy diskresie sal gebruik om ‘n_ vonn ; by verstek tersyde te stel kragtens Reél 21 van die Eenvormige Hofredls. (4) (©) Noem die wyses waarop getuienis voor die verhoorhof geplaas kan word, (4) 20) [BLAAL 2M] 2 CIP301-K MeilJunie 2007 VRAAC 2 X an Y. tesame met hul Keuter, emigreer vanaf Poland na Suid-Afrika. Na ses maande besluit X, die man, 0 1 Suid-Airika te verlaat en om hom in Namibié te vestig. Die vrou, Y, bly in Suid-Afrika agter en bes iit later om 'n egskeidingsgeding in te stel. Beantwoord die volgende vrae en gee volledige redes v aar toepasiik (2i Wrarom is dit onvanpas vir Y om 'n eenvoudige dagvaarding uit te reik in hierdie or istandighede? 2) (b} VW zaromis dit onvanpas vir Y om die aansoekprosedure te gebruik om die aksie mee in te stel? a) {6} B. spreek kortliks waarom Y se prokureur 'n spesiale volmag behoort op te stel, ten spyte van di: feit dat Reel 7(1) van die Eenvormige Hofreéls dit nie vereis vir dieuitreiking van ‘n di avaarding in die aksie nie @ (4) D. is die praktyk van die meeste howe om aan te dring op persoonlike betekening in hi weliksgedinge. Betexen dit dat Y nie ‘n egskeidingsgeding in Suid-Afrika sal kan instel nie? 3) ae (e)_ ¥ 3arom sal cit vir ¥ nodig wees om 'n replikasie af te lewer indien X se verweer neerkom op 'n e: sedure vervat in Reél 34 om 'n (ussentydse betaling te bekomn? 3) (9) Ir tien X eis dat Y hom finansieel moet onderhou, kan hy dit in sy verweerskrif op die meriete den? @) {h)'r_Egskeidingsbevel word aan Y toegestaan. Verduidelik of die hof verplig is om parly-en- p rtykoste aan Y toe te staan, 6) [20] VRAA i3 (2) C is die verhuurder en Z is sy huurder. Z is agterstallig met sy huurgeld. Q reik ‘n d gvaarding uit teen Z vir die agterstailige huurgeld en vir uitsetting. Met hierdie feite in g dagte, bepaal watter prosedure Q sou gebruik indien (i Zversuim om te reageer op die dagvaarding bine die tydperk vermeld in die dagvaarding, (3) (i Z’a kennisgewing van voorneme om te verdedig aflewer binne die tydperk vermeld in die dagvaarding, maar versuim om sy venweerskrif op die meriete betyds af te lewer (4) ira) [BLAAI OM] 3 CIPS 1-K Mei/Junie 2007 (b) ZY (Eams) Bpk, wat sake doen as ‘n meubelhandelaar, doen aansoek by die plaaslike Ho- Hof @ om die sekwestrasie van C se boedel, B, die gemagtigde amptenaar in diens van ZY (E Ims) Bpk, voer onder andere aan in sy stawende beédigde verklaring dat C ’n skelm in ‘n aardsbedriear is, (i) Dui kortliks aan waarom ZY (Edms) Bpk nie van 'n ex parte-aansoek gebruik kan maz : om die verti: J aanhangig te maak nie. (2) (ii) © wil die verrigtinge opponeer. Dui aan op welke wyse C te werk moet gaan or die ‘aansoek te opponeer (1) C voel gedelgd oor die persoonlike opmerkings vervat in B se stawende bed igde verklaring. Adviseer C in hierdie verband. 2) [5] Dui in elkeen van die volgende gevalle kortiks aan in welke opsig die betrokke ple - of prosesstuk gebrekkig is en.of die verweerder deur middel van enige prosedure daa een beswaar kan maak (i) Die eiser beweer in sy besonderhede van vordering dat die partye 'n kontrak gesiuit h st op 1 Februarie 2070 in plaas van 1 Februarie 2007. (2) (li) Die eiser stel 'n egskeidingsgeding in teen die verweerder by wyse van 'n eenvo dige dagvaarding (2) (i) Die elser vorder betaling van 'n bepaalde bedrag van die verweerder ingevol 2 ‘n ooteenkoms waarvolgens die verwearder aanspreeklik sou wees vir sodanige be ailing Indien ene Z sou versuim om hierdie bedrag te betaal, Die eiser beweer nie it die besondethede van vordering dat Z aldus versuim het nie. (2) (iv) Die eiser reik 'n dagvaarding uit teen die verweerder vir skadevergoeding wat voortvle 2i uit ‘n motorbotsing ten bedrae van R500 000 in die Kaapse Hoé Hof. Die hof staan vonni . toe en bedrae van R300 000. Die verweerder verhuis na Pretoria en die eiser dagva: die verweerder in die Pretoriase Hoé Hof vir die balans van die eis, naamlik R200 000. (2) [8} [20] LANDDROSHOFPROSEDURE VRAAG 4 (a) X, 'neiser, en Y, 'n verweerder, berei voor vir 'n verhoor in die landdroshof. NOEM blo: : die prosedure wat in elke geval gevolg moet word (i) X sian ‘n feitelte fout raak in sy dagvaarding en wil dit regstel. leecer poy et) colic bewys (1) (iil) X wil seker maak dat ‘n getuie by die hof teenwoordig sal wees om namens hom gett enis te lewer, a (ii) Y wil uitvind water dekumente X van pian is om te gebruik om. x [BLAA| OM] iv) “ (b) Bea wy «i (i) Ty APPEL, | VRAAG ! fa) Noe (©) Noe (©) Noe von {¢) Ver (e) Dui () Ver tear (9) Wa ape (hy Not et 4 CIP301-K Mei/Junie 2007 Y wil besonderhede rakende X se gesondheidstoestand bekom om hom (Y) in staat te stel om die korrektheid te bepaal van die bedrag wat deur X geéiis is as skadevergoeding op grond van persoonlike besering. (1) X versuim om kennis te gee van terrolleplasing binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk ) [5] twoord al die volgende vrae. Sit uiteen vyf (5} aangeleenthede wat bespreek kan word by di¢ voorverhoor-konferensie. 6) Gee enige vyt (5) voorbeelde van spesiale pleite. 3) Bespreek die vereistes vir die ondersteunende beédigde verklaring wat die eiser saam met die kennisgewing vir summiere vonnis moet liasseer : (6) Bespreek kortliks die ex parte-aansoek in die landdroshofprosedure. ) Bs ERSIENING EN DIE WYSIGING VAN VONNISSE n die vernaamste verskille tussen appél en hersiening (4) n twee (2) gevalle wanneer ’n hof sal inmeng met die besluit van 'n quasi-udisitie liggaam. (2) male prosedure wat gevolg mot word warner aansoek gadoon word om wysiging van ‘a is ingevolge Eenvormige Hofreé! 42. Ae Suck nresedane, . (4) Lidelik kortliks wat word bedoel met ‘n reg van appél (1) xan wanneer ‘n appellant so 'n reg van appél (na verwys in (d) hierbo), sou hé. a) uidelik kortiks of 'n appel in ‘n nie-Konstitusionele aangeleentheid aangeteken kan word ‘n besiissing van die Hoogste Hof van Appa na die Konstitusionele Hof. a) ef noodsaaklike inligting moet ingesluit word in ‘n Kennisgewing van appél in geval van ‘n a vanaf ‘n landdroshof? @) 1 die stap wat deur 'n appellant gedoen moet word sodra veriof tot appal toegestaan is die Hoogste Hof van Appel 2) M5} TOTAAL : [100] © unis 2007

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