Reading Material - April 5 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region

"Sarah's Journey: Breaking Free from Addiction."

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a bright and talented high school student named Sarah. She had big
dreams and a passion for art, but she also struggled with feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. As Sarah navigated the ups
and downs of adolescence, she began to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of school, social life, and family
expectations. In her quest to find relief from her inner turmoil, Sarah discovered a group of friends who introduced her to
drugs as a way to escape from her problems.
At first, the drugs provided a temporary sense of euphoria and freedom from her worries. However, as time went
on, Sarah found herself relying on the substance more and more to cope with her challenges. What had started as a
fleeting escape soon evolved into a full-blown addiction, consuming her thoughts and actions.
As Sarah's addiction deepened, her grades began to slip, and her relationships with family and friends grew
strained. The once-vibrant artist began to lose interest in her passion, and her life became a shadow of what it once was.
Despite the concern and efforts of those who cared about her, Sarah found it increasingly difficult to break free from the
grip of addiction.
One fateful day, Sarah hit rock bottom. After a particularly harrowing experience that put her health in jeopardy,
she realized that she could no longer continue down this destructive path. With the support of her loved ones and the
guidance of professional help, Sarah made the courageous decision to seek treatment and embark on the journey to
The road to recovery was not easy, and Sarah faced many obstacles and setbacks along the way. However, with
determination, resilience, and unwavering support, she began to rebuild her life. Through therapy, support groups, and a
renewed focus on her art, Sarah found healthier ways to cope with her emotions and regain control of her life.
Over time, Sarah's hard work and dedication paid off. She not only overcame her addiction but also became an
advocate for drug prevention and mental health awareness in her community. Through sharing her story and art, she
inspired others to seek help and find hope in the midst of their struggles.
Today, Sarah continues to pursue her passion for art, using her creativity to spread messages of resilience and
healing. She stands as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of seeking help in the
face of addiction.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the name of the protagonist in the story?
A) Emma B) Sarah C) Lily D) Rachel
2. What was Sarah passionate about before her struggles with addiction?
A) Science B) Mathematics C) Art D) History
3. What emotions did Sarah struggle with?
A) Happiness and contentment
B) Anxiety and self-doubt
C) Excitement and joy
D) Confidence and determination
4. How did Sarah initially feel when she first tried drugs?
A) Regretful B) Relieved C) Confused D) Nervous
5. What impact did drugs have on Sarah's grades and relationships?
A) Improved her grades and relationships
B) No impact at all
C) Caused her grades to slip and strained her relationships
D) Made her indifferent to her grades and relationships

6. What pivotal moment led Sarah to realize the depth of her addiction?
A) Winning an art competition C) Meeting a famous artist
B) A near-death experience D) Receiving a scholarship

7. How did Sarah's life change when she decided to seek treatment?
A) Her life remained the same C) She faced obstacles and setbacks
B) She experienced immediate recovery D) Her addiction worsened

8. What methods did Sarah use to cope with her emotions during recovery?
A) Seek solace in drugs C) Disregard her emotions
B) Therapy, support groups, and focus on her art D) Engage in risky behaviors
9. What did Sarah become an advocate for in her community?
A) Animal welfare C) Drug prevention and mental health awareness
B) Environment preservation D) Sports and fitness

10. What does the story of Sarah represent?

A) The unimportance of seeking help
B) The strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of seeking help
C) The inevitability of staying trapped in addiction
D) The bleakness of recovery from addiction

Address: Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Email address:

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