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Quarter 4 – Module:
Week 1 – Week 4

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Mathematics – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module: Week 1- 4
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

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Development Team of the Module

Authors: Myra T. Antiller, Ronald L. Araneta,

Editor: Gina L. Aguitez

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Quarter 4 – Week 1-4:

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities.
We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This module is designed to provide the facilitator with background knowledge and
understanding with these four basic components : (1) an appreciation of the
discipline of mathematics itself – what it means to “do mathematics” , (2) an
understanding on how students learn and construct ideas, (3) an ability to design
and select tasks so that students learn mathematics in a problem solving
environment, and (4) the ability to integrate assessment with the teaching process
in order to enhance learning and improve daily instruction. This gives an
instruction for you to orient the learners and support the parents, elder sibling
etc. of the learners on how to use the module. Furthermore, this also instructs
you to remind the learners to use separate sheets in answering the pre-test, self-
check exercises, and post-test.).

For the learner:

To get the most out of this module, here are a few reminders:

1. Take your time in reading the lessons

2. Write down points for clarification. You may discuss these points with your
teacher or mentor.
3. Perform all activities and answer all exercises. The activities and/or
exercises here are designed to enhance your understanding of the ideas and
concepts being discussed.
4. Answer all tests in this module, including the assessment and check your
answers in the answer key. These tests will give you idea, how well you
understand the lessons.
5. As a courtesy to the next user, PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING on any
part of this module. Write all your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
These shall be part of your formative evaluation.

This module is self- instructional and allows you to learn in your own space and
pace. So, relax and enjoy!

What I Need to Know

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

tests of hypotheses on the population mean and population proportion.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of

hypotheses involving the population mean and population proportion to make inferences
in real-life problems in different disciplines.

The module is divided into four lessons, namely:

● Lesson 1 – Hypothesis, Level of Significance and

Rejection Region
● Lesson 2 – Appropriate Form of the Test-Statistic When
the Population Variance is Assumed to be Known.
● Lesson 3 – Appropriate Form of the Test-Statistic When
the Population Variance is Assumed to be Unknown.
● Lesson 4 – Test-Statistic Value of Population Mean

After going through this module, you are expected to:

● illustrates: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; © level of significance; (d)
rejection region; and types of errors in hypothesis testing;
● identifies the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem;

● formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean;

● identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be
unknown and the Central Limit Theorem is to be used;
● computes for the test-statistic value of the population mean and draws conclusion.

What I Know

Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, write FALSE.

1. The alternative hypothesis symbolized as H a , states that

there is no difference between a parameter and a specific value.

2. The null hypothesis, symbolized as H 0, states a specific

difference between a parameter and a specific value.

3. A type I error occurs if one rejects the null hypothesis when it

is true

4. A type II error occurs if one does not reject the null hypothesis
when it is false.

5. The level of significance symbolized by α (Greek letter alpha).

6. The critical region or the rejection region is the range of

values of the test value that indicates that there is a significant
difference, and the null hypothesis should not be rejected.
7. The noncritical or nonrejection region is the range of values
of the test value that indicates that the difference was probably
due to chance and the null hypothesis should be rejected.
8. A test with two rejection regions is called a two-tailed test

9. Right tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis

is greater than (¿)
10 Left-tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is
. less than (¿).

Week 1- Day 1-4

Illustrates: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; level of significance; (d)
rejection region; and types of errors in hypothesis testing. M11/12SP-IVa-1)

What’s In

Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process for evaluating claims about a

population. In this process, the researcher must define the population under study,
state the particular hypothesis to be investigated, give the significance level, select a

sample from the population, collect the data, perform the required test, and reach a

What’s New

Every hypothesis testing begin with the statement of a hypothesis. A statistical

hypothesis is an inference about a population parameter. This inference may or may
not be true. Anyone who has watched commercial TV cannot fail to be aware of the
constant barrage of claims. Brand X detergent will wash white clothes sparkling
white. The life span of a certain battery will last for one year. And so on.
The only way of finding truth or falsity of a hypothesis is by examining the entire
population. Because this is not feasible, a sample is instead examined for the
purpose of drawing a conclusion.

What is It

Two types of Statitistical Hypothesis

The null hypothesis symbolized as H o , states that there is no difference between a

parameter and a specific value. The alternative hypothesis, symbolized as H a ,
states a specific difference between a parameter and a specific value.
In order to state the hypothesis correctly, the researcher must translate correctly the
claim into mathematical symbols. There are three possible sets of statistical

1. H o : parameter=specific value This is a two tailed test.

H a : parameter ≠ specific value

2. H o : parameter=specific value This is a left tailed test.

H a : parameter< specific value

3. H o : parameter=specific value This is a right tailed test.

H a : parameter> specific value

The decision to reject or not to reject is on the basis of the data from the sample of
the population.

Error in Hypothesis Testing

Reject H o Do not reject H o

H o is true Type I Error correct decision
H o is false correct decision Type II Error

A type I error occurs if one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true. A type II
error occurs if one does not reject the null hypothesis when it is false.

The level of significance symbolized by α (greek letter alpha) is the maximum

probability of committing type I error. That is P ( type I error )=α . The probability of

type II error is symbolized by β (Greek letter beta). That is, P ( type II error )=β .
Although in most hypothesis testing situations, β cannot be computed.

Generally, statisticians agree on using three arbitrary significance levels: the 0.10,
0.05 and 0.01 level. That is, if the null hypothesis is rejected, the probability of a type
I error will be 10%, 5%, and 1%, and the probability of a correct decisions will be
90%, 95%, or 99%, depending on which level of significance is used. In other words,
when α =0.05 , there is a 5% chance of rejecting a true null hypothesis.
In hypothesis-testing situation, the researcher decides what level of significance to
use. It does not have to be the levels mentioned above. It can be any level, depending
on the seriousness of the type I error.
After a significance level is chosen, a critical value is selected from a table for the
appropriate test. The critical value determines the critical and noncritical regions.
The critical region or the rejection region is the range of values of the test value
that indicates that there is a significant difference, and the null hypothesis should be
rejected. The noncritical or nonrejection region is the range of values of the test
value that indicates that the difference was probably due to chance and the null
hypothesis should not be rejected.

The rejection region can be located on both sides with the nonrejection region in the
middle or it can be on the left side or the right side of the nonrejection region. A test
with two rejection regions is called a two-tailed test. In this test, the null hypothesis
should be rejected when the test value is in either of the two critical regions. A one-
tailed test indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected when the test values
is in the critical region on one side of the parameter. A one tailed test is either right-
tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is greater than (¿) or left-
tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is less than (¿).

If the test is two tailed, the critical value will be either positive or negative. If the test
is left-tailed, the critical value will be negative. If the test is right tailed, the critical
value will be positive.

Example of null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (H1):

H0: The bottled drinks contain 250ml per bottle. (This is the claim.)
H1: The bottled drinks do not contain 250 ml per bottle. (This is the opposite of the

But these statements should be written in symbols. For now, let us drop the unit
measure and simply write:
H 0: µ= 250 and H1: µ≠ 250
The expression may be interpreted as follows:
1. The sample comes from a population whose mean µis 250.
2. The sample comes from a population whose mean is equal to the population mean
250 (the claim).

If µ1 (read as “my sub one”) is the population where the sample comes from and µ is
the population mean (the claim), then the null hypothesis may also be written as:
Ho: µ = µ1 and the alternative is H1: µ≠ µ 1
In mathematics, the symbol ≠ in the alternative hypothesis suggests either a greater
than (>) relation or a less than (<) relation.

When the alternative hypothesis utilizes the ≠ symbol, the test is said to be non-

When the alternative hypothesis utilizes the > or the < symbol, the test is said to be

In problems that involve hypothesis testing, there are words like greater, efficient,
improves, effective, increases, and s on that suggest a right-tailed direction in the
formulation of the alternative hypothesis. Words like decrease, less than, smaller, and
the like suggest a left-tailed direction.

A non-directional test is also called a two-tailed test.

A directional test may either be left-tailed or right -tailed.

These are the graphical representations of the two-tailed test and the one-tailed test.

(One-tailed, right-tailed)

The probability is found at the

right tail of the distribution.
(One-tailed, left-tailed)

The probability is found at the

left tail of the distribution.

The probability is found on

both tails of the distribution.

What’s More

State the null and the alternative hypothesis in words and in symbols. State whether
the test is directional (one-tailed) or non-directional (two-tailed). If it is directional,
tell whether if it is left-tailed or right-tailed.

1. A teacher wants to know if listening to popular music affects the performance of

pupils. A class of 50 grade 1 pupils was used in the experiment. The mean score was
82 and the standard deviation is 5. A previous study revealed that µ = 81 and the
standard deviation  = 10.

2. A farmer believes that using organic fertilizers on his plants will yield greater
income. His average income from the past was P300, 000.00 per year.

3. The owner of a factory that sells a particular plastic bottled shampoo claims that
the average capacity of a bottle of their product is 200 ml.

4. A school canteen manager claims that less than 10% of the students of the school
are dissatisfied by the canteen service. Test this claim by using sample data obtained
from a survey of 300 students of the school where 15% indicated their dissatisfaction
of the canteen service.

What I Have Learned

The null hypothesis symbolized as H o , states that there is no difference

between a parameter and a specific value.
The alternative hypothesis, symbolized as H a , states a specific difference
between a parameter and a specific value.
A type I error occurs if one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true.
A type II error occurs if one does not reject the null hypothesis when it is false.
The level of significance symbolized by α (greek letter alpha) is the maximum
probability of committing type I error. Generally, statisticians agree on using three
arbitrary significance levels: the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 level.
The critical region or the rejection region is the range of values of the test
value that indicates that there is a significant difference, and the null hypothesis
should be rejected.
The noncritical or nonrejection region is the range of values of the test value
that indicates that the difference was probably due to chance and the null hypothesis
should not be rejected.
A test with two rejection regions is called a two-tailed test
A one-tailed test indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected when
the test values is in the critical region on one side of the parameter.
A one tailed test is either right-tailed when the inequality in the alternative
hypothesis is greater than (¿) or left-tailed when the inequality in the alternative
hypothesis is less than (¿).


Fill in the blanks with a word or group of words to make meaningful statements.

1.The __________symbolized as H o , states that there is no difference between

a parameter and a specific value.
2. The__________, symbolized as H a , states a specific difference between
a parameter and a specific value.
3. A ________error occurs if one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true.
4. A ________error occurs if one does not reject the null hypothesis when it is false.
5. The _____________symbolized by α (Greek letter alpha) is the maximum
probability of committing type I error.
6. The ________region or the rejection region is the range of values of the test value
that indicates that there is a significant difference, and the null hypothesis should
be rejected.
7. The ________or nonrejection region is the range of values of the test value that
indicates that the difference was probably due to chance and the null hypothesis
should not be rejected.
8. A test with two rejection regions is called a ____________test.
9. Right-tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is __________.
10. Left-tailed when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is ___________.


Alferez, M.E., Duro,M.A.,& Alferez,G.S (2009). Statistics

and Probability. Quezon City: MSA Publishing House
Ocampo, S.H., & Tresvalles, R.M (2017). Probability, Statistics, and Applications.
Quezon City: Ariva Publishing House, Inc.
Belecina, R.R., Baccay, E.S., & Mateo, E.B. (2016). Statistics
and Probability. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

Answer Key

What’s More

1. In words, the hypotheses are:

Ho: The sample comes from a population whose mean µ 81; or
H1: The sample comes from a population whose mean is equal to the population mean 81.
H1: The sample does not come from a population whose mean is 81.
In symbols, we write: Ho: µ= 81 and H 1: µ
There is no clue as to the direction of the investigation. The phrase affects performance
implies either an increase or a decrease in performance. So, the test in non-directional.

2. Ho: A farmer’s average income was P300,000. 00; or

H1: A farmer’s average income will yield greater than P300,000.00.
In symbols, we write: Ho: µ= 300,000 and H 1: µ
The phrase ‘greater income’ is associated with the greater than direction. It is indicated for
right-tailed direction.
3. 1. In words, the hypotheses are:
Ho: The plastic bottled shampoo contains 200 ml per bottle; or
H1: The plastic bottled shampoo do not contain 200 ml per bottle.
Prepared by

What I Know
Identify the parameter in the study.
Example: A researcher wants to estimate the average height of women aged 20 years or
Answer: the average height of women aged 20 years or older
1. A nutritionist wants to estimate the mean amount of sodium consumed by
children under the age of 10.
2. Nexium is a drug that can be used to reduce the acid produced by the body and
heal damage to the esophagus.
3. A researcher wants to estimate the average farm size in Ilocos.
4. An education official wants to estimate the proportion of adults aged 18 or older
who had read at least one book during the previous year.
5. A sociologist wants to the proportion of adults with children

Week 2- Day 1&2

Formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a
Lesson 1 population mean.(M11/12SP-IVb-1)

What’s In
Hypothesis testing is a process of gathering evidences to either support or rebut a
claim or conjecture, known as hypothesis. Hypothesis or claims can be classified as Null
Hypothesis (Ho) or Alternative Hypothesis (Ha). The null hypothesis is a statement that
there is no difference between a parameter and a specific value, or that there is no
difference between two parameters. The alternative hypothesis is a statement that there is
a difference between a parameter and a specific value, or that there is a difference
between two parameters.

What’s New
Null hypothesis is a statement which denotes that there is no difference between a
parameter and a specific value while alternative hypothesis is a statement which denotes
that there is a difference between a parameter and a specific value.
The following examples show how to write the null and alternative hypothesis of the
given data
Example 1 Jeremy claims that 80% of male students in GAS strand in their campus like
rock music
Answer: Ho: ų = 80%
Ha: ų ≠80%
Example 2. Teachers in Las Pinas Senior High School claim that 60% of the faculty like
brewed coffee
Answer: Ho: ų = 60%
Ha: ų ≠60%

What is it
Exercise 1

A. Write Ho if the given answer below is a null hypothesis and Ha if it is an

alternative hypothesis.
1. A college dean claims that a bachelor’s degree could be earned in an average of
five years.
Answer: _____ų = 5
2. The manufacturer of cigarrete claims that the average nicotine content per stick
is 2.1 mg.
Answer: _____ų ≠ 2.1
3. A property consultant claims that 70% of all condominium units built today are
Answer: _____ų ≠ 70%
4. An FDA officer claims that Pharma XYZ’s new caplet drug contains less than
325 mg of paracetamol.
Answer: _____ų < 325
5. The PQR chamber of Commerce claim that their mean annual income is Php
Answer: _____ų = 60,000,000
What’s More
Match the items in A with its appropriate alternative hypothesis that can be found in B.
1. The average TV viewing time of all five-year old children is 4 hours daily
2. A college librarian claims that 20 story books on the average are borrowed daily
3. The mean performance of all grade six learners of a school in the NAT is 35
4. The inventor of a new kind of light bulb claims that all such bulbs last as long as
3000 hours
5. The average age of all the identified stratum of senior citizens in a remote area is
92 years
a. ų = 92 e. ų ≠ 20 i. ų =20
b. ų ≠92 f. ų ≠ 35 j. ų =35
c. ų = 4 g. ų ≠ 3000
d. ų ≠ 4 h. ų =3000

What I Have Learned

In each of the following situations, state the null and alternative hypothesis in
Example: Anna claims that 70% of female students in their campus like soda
Answer: Ho: ų = 70%
Ha: ų ≠70%
1. A social worker wants to test whether the average body mass index (BMI) of the
pupils under feeding program is different from 18.2 kg.
2. A DTI representative wants to test at 99% confidence level whether the average
content of soda X is less than 330 ml as indicated in the label.
3. A college dean claims that a bachelor’s degree could be earned in an average of five
4. An FDA officer claims that Pharma ABC’s new caplet drug contains less than 300
mg of paracetamol.
5. A real estate agent claims that 60% of all condominium units built today are

Write the null and alternative hypotheses in words and then symbols for each of the
following situations
1. New York is known as "the city that never sleeps". A random sample of 25 New Yorkers
was asked how much sleep they get per night. Do these data provide convincing evidence
that New Yorkers on average sleep less than 8 hours a night? In symbols, the hypotheses
In symbols, the hypotheses are:
A. H0:μ=8 Ha:μ≠8 C. H0:μ=8 Ha:μ=7
B. H0:μ<8 Ha:μ=8 D. H0:μ=8 Ha:μ<8

2. Since 2008, chain restaurants in NCR have been required to display calorie counts of
each menu item. Prior to menus displaying calorie counts, the average calorie intake of
diners at a restaurant was 1100 calories.
In symbols, the hyptheses are:
A. H0:μ=1100 Ha:μ=1100 C. H0:μ=1100 Ha:μ≠1100
B. H0:μ=1100 Ha:μ<1100 D. H0:μ<1100 Ha:μ=1100
3. Based the performance of those who took the GRE exam July 1, 2004 and June 30,
2007, the average Verbal Reasoning score was calculated to be 462. In 2011, the average
verbal was slightly higher. Do these data provide convincing evidence that the average
GRE Verbal Reasoning score has changed since 2004?
In symbols, the hypotheses are:

A. H0: μ July,2004=μJune,2007 Ha: μ July,2004<μJune,2007

B. H0: μ July,2004=μJune,2007 Ha: μ July,2004>μJune,2007
C. H0: μ July,2004<μJune,2007 Ha: μ July,2004=μJune,2007
D. H0: μ July,2004=μJune,2007 Ha: μ July,2004≠μJune,2007

4. A teacher wants to know if listening to popular music affects the performance of

pupils. A class of 50 grade 1 pupils was used in the experiment. The mean score was 83
and the standard deviation is 5. A previous study revealed that μ=82 and the standard
deviation is 10. What is the correct hypothesis?
A. H0:μ=82 Ha:μ=82 C. H0:μ=82 Ha:μ≠82
B. H0:μ=82 Ha:μ<82 D. H0:μ<82 Ha:μ=82

5. A farmer believes that using organic fertilizers on his plants will yield greater income.
His average income from the past was P 200,000 per year. What is the correct

A. H0:μ=200,000 Ha:μ=200,000 C. H0:μ=200,000 Ha:μ≠200,000

B. H0:μ=200,000 Ha:μ<200,000 D. H0:μ<200,000 Ha:μ=200,000

What I Know
Write the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis of the following:
1. Ho: ų = 10.2 Ha: _______
2. Ho: _______ Ha: ų ≠ 32.6
3. Ho: _______ Ha: ų > 45
4. Ho: ______ Ha: ų ≠ 0.87
5. Ho: ų ≥ 101.6 Ha: ______

Week 2- Day 3&4

Identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when:
Lesson 2 (a) The population variance is assumed to be known
(b) The population variance is assumed to be unknown
What’s In

One of the most common tests for population mean is called the z-test which uses
the properties of z-distribution or normal distribution wehen the population
standard deviation or variance is known.
If the sample size is small( n<30) and if the population standard deviation or
variance is unknown, the z-test cannot be used. For a special case where the
population from which the samples are taken is known be normally distributed,
the t-test can be used to test a claim or hypothesis about population mean.

What’s New
Determine the decision for each of the following given the computed z or t.
1. Zcomputed = 1.95 zcritical = 2.21
Answer: the null hypothesis is NOT REJECTED since the computed is less
than the critical value of z
2. Tcomputed =2.05 tcritical= 1.782
Answer: the null hypothesis is REJECTED since the computed t is greater
than the critical value of t
3. Zcomputed = 1.29 confidence level=90%, two tailed
Answer: The critical value of z at 90% confidence levelfor two-tailed test is
1.64. Since the computed z(1.29) is less than the critical valueof z, the null
hypothesis is NOT REJECTED
4. Tcomputed = 2.58 α= 0.05, two tailed, n=17
Answer: The value of α = 0.05, but since it is two tailed, the α to use is 0.05
÷ 2= 0.025, also, sincen=17, df=16. The critical value of t when α = 0.025 at
df=16 is 2.120. Since the computed t (2.58) is greater than the critical value
of t, the null hypothesis is REJECTED.

What is it
Decide whether the null hypothesis is rejected or NOT rejected.
1. tcomputed = 2.01 α = 0.05
2. zcomputed =1.03 zcritical= 1.96
3. tcomputed= 2.69 α = 0.05
4. zcomputed=1.11 α = 0.05
5. tcomputed=3.09 α = 0.05

What’s More
Fill in the blanks to complete the decision whether the null hypothesis is rejected
or not rejected.
1. Zcomputed= 1.02 zcritical= 1.64 Decision:_________________
2. Zcomputed=2.15 zcritical= 1.96 Decision:_________________
3. Zcomputed=2.24 zcritical= 2.23 Decision:_________________
4. Zcomputed=1.11 confidence level=90%, one tailed
zcritical:__________ Decision:__________________
5. Zcomputed= 3.11 α=0.01, two-tailed
Zcritical:___________ Decision:________________
6. tcomputed= 1.97 tcritical= 2.12 Decision:________________
7. Tcomputed= 5.26 tcritical= 2.55 Decision:________________
8. tcomputed= 0.26 tcritical= 1.53 Decision:________________
9. tcomputed= 2.24 α= 0.05, one-tailed, n=5
tcritical:___________ Decision:________________
10.tcomputed= 2.69 confidence level= 99%, one-tailed, n= 11
tcritical:___________ Decision:______________________________
What I Have Learned

TRUE or FALSE. Write true if the decision is correct and false if it

is NOT.
1. Zcomputed =0.16 zcritical= 2.17 Decision: REJECTED
2. Zcomputed = 3.25 zcritical = 1.28 Decision: NOT
3. Zcomputed = 3.05 zcritical = 1.96 Decision: NOT
4. tcomputed= 1.19 tcritical= 1.31 Decision: REJECTED
5. tcomputed = 2.89 tcritical= 1.86 Decision: REJECTED

Make the decision for each given the following:

1. zcomputed= 2.18 α= 0.1, two-tailed

2. zcomputed =2.22 confidence level=97%, two-tailed
3. tcomputed = 1.65 confidence level= 90%, one-tailed
4. tcomputed= 1.45 tcritical = 1.86
5. tcomputed = 1.35 confidence level= 99%, one-tailed

What I
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on
your notebook.
1. Which of the of the hypothesis that is assumed to be true. It uses a relation symbol
with a statement of equality, such as ≥ , ≤, and ¿, and is denoted by H 0?
A. Null hypothesis C. Central Limit Theorem
B. Level of significance D. Sample mean

2. Which of the following is the hypothesis that is contrary to the null hypothesis. It
uses a relation symbol with no statement of equality, such as ¿ ,< , and ≠ , and is
denoted by H A ?
A. Level of significance C. z -statistic

B. B. Alternative Hypothesis D. t−¿statistic
3. A significance level of α =0.05 means that there is a 5% chance of rejecting a true
A. Statistics C. Null hypothesis
B. Alternative hypothesis D. Level of significance
4. Which of the following is the non-rejection region?
A. Rejected region C. Test statistics region
B. Acceptance region D. Level of significance region
5. The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis
when it is true, denoted by α . Which of the following is being
A. Sample mean C. Test Statistics
B. Level of significance D. Z-test

Week 3
Lesson 3 The Rejection Region for the Population Mean

What’s In
In this lesson, the following terms will be discussed:
• Rejection Region – interval of values of the test statistic for which the null
hypothesis is rejected .
The following table shows the location of the rejection region under the normal
curve depending on the null and alternative hypotheses for the population mean.
Steps in Hypothesis Testing for the Population Mean:
1. Formulate the null hypothesis.
The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that is assumed to be true. It uses a
relation symbol with a statement of equality, such as ≥, ≤, and =, and is
denoted by 0.
2. Formulate the alternative hypothesis.
The alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis that is contrary to the null
hypothesis. It uses a relation symbol with no statement of equality, such as
> , <, and ≠, and is denoted by .
3. Determine the test statistic to be used.
The test statistic could be the -statistic or -statistic. The -statistic is
used when the population standard deviation is known; otherwise,
the -statistic is used.
4. Determine the type of tail test and the rejection region.
The type of tail test depends on the relation symbol used in the
alternative hypothesis: two-tailed for ≠, left-tailed for <, and right-
tailed for >. The rejection region has an area that is equal to the
level of significance.
The following table shows the location of the rejection region under the normal
curve depending on the null and alternative hypotheses for the population mean.
Symbols in the
Hypotheses Type of
Rejection Region

¿ ≠ Two-tailed To the left of

−z α and to the right of z α
2 2

≥ ¿ Left-tailed To the left of −z α

≤ ¿ Right-tailed To the right of z α

Moreover, the non-rejection region is sometimes called the acceptance region.

• Level of Significance - the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in
favor of the alternative hypothesis when it is true, denoted by 𝛼
Example: A significance level of 𝛼 = 0.05 means that there is a 5% chance of
rejecting a true null hypothesis.

● Rejection Region
the interval of values of the test statistic for which the null
hypothesis is
due to the Central Limit Theorem, we can still use the z -statistic even
when the population distribution is unknown or not normal.
Due to the Central Limit Theorem, we can still use the z -statistic
even when the population distribution is unknown or not normal.

What’s New
Example1: : A car manufacturer claims that the gas consumption of their new
model is 25 km/L with a standard deviation of 5 km/L. A simple random sample of
64 cars of this model is chosen and found out to have a mean gas consumption of
27.5 km/L. Illustrate the rejection region if α =0.10 .
1. Identify the hypotheses.
The null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:
H O : μ=25 km/L
H A : μ ≠ 25 km/L
2. Identify the rejection region.
The sample size n=64 is greater than 30 and the population standard
deviation σ is known. Also, the alternative hypothesis uses the relation
symbol ≠ . Thus, a two-tailed z -test should be used. In a two-tailed test, we
need to divide the significance level by 2.
α 0.10
= =0.05
2 2
Thus, the rejection region has an area of 0.05 in each tail of the distribution.
Example 2: A random sample of 41 gallons of paint selected from the production line of a
paint manufacturing company showed a mean drying time of 50 minutes with a standard
deviation of 2.7 minutes. Test the hypothesis that the mean drying time of the paint is
more than 48 minutes at = 0.05.
In this problem, determine the hypotheses, test statistic, and
rejection region.
1. Identify the hypotheses.
The alternative hypothesis should state the hypothesis that is being tested. Hence, we
have the following hypotheses.
H O : μ ≤ 48 minutes
H A : μ>25 minutes
2. Identify the appropriate form of test statistic.
Since the sample size = 41 is greater than 30 and the population standard
deviation is known, the z-statistic can be used based on the Central Limit
3.Identify the rejection region.
The alternative hypothesis uses the relation symbol >, so a right tailed -test
should be used. Thus, the rejection region is in the right tail of the distribution
with an area that is equal to the significance level, which is 0.05.

Example 3. A machine is designed to fill cans with 12 ounces of coffee, but a consumer
doubts that the machine is filling the cans completely. A sample of 10 cans has a mean of
11.5 ounces. Assume that the amount of coffee in each can is normally distributed with a
standard deviation of 0.5 ounces. Given that 𝛼 = 0.05, illustrate the rejection and
acceptance regions for the test of hypothesis.
1. Identify the hypotheses.
The null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:
𝐻𝑂: 𝜇 ≥ 12 ounces
𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 < 12 ounces

2. Identify the rejection region.

The sample size 𝑛 = 10 is less than 30 and the population standard
deviation is unknown. Also, the alternative hypothesis uses the relation
symbol <. Thus, a left-tailed 𝑡-test should be used.
In a left-tailed test, the rejection region is located in the left tail of the
distribution with an area that is equal to the level of significance; that is, the
area of the rejection region is 0.05, whereas the area of the acceptance
region is 0.95.

What is it
Direction: For each given situation below, illustrate the rejection region of the test
of hypothesis. (15 points)
1. A researcher wishes to determine whether the average age of people in a
province is really 56.3 years. A sample of 35 residents has an average age of 53.2
years. Use 𝛼 = 0.05 and assume that the ages are normally distributed with a
standard deviation of 2.1 years.
2. The manufacturer of a brand of battery claims that the mean life of their
batteries is at least 6 months. A consumer protection agency that wants to check
this claim took a random sample of 25 such batteries and found out that the
mean life for this sample was 5.5 months with a standard deviation of 2 months.
Assume that the life of the batteries is normally distributed and use 𝛼 = 0.10.
3. A company claims that the mean weight of bananas they ship is 185 grams
with a standard deviation of 21 grams. Data generated from a sample of 54
bananas randomly selected from a shipment indicated a mean weight of 168.2
grams. Use 𝛼 = 0.10.

What’s More
For each given situation below, illustrate the rejection region of the test
of hypothesis. (20 points)
1. A car dealer recommends transmission service at 15 650 kilometers. In order
to see whether his customers are adhering to this recommendation, the dealer
selects a sample of 37 customers and finds out that the average kilometers of the
cars serviced is 17 320 kilometers. Assume that the population standard
deviation is 1 025 kilometers and use 𝛼 = 0.10.
2. Aaron works in a farm that has 45 goats and 32 cows. He wants to know if the
amount of waste he disposes per day is the same as the normal amount that
farms dispose. On any given day, 3 800 pounds of waste with a standard

deviation of 750 pounds are removed from farms across the country. However,
Aaron shovels 4 000 pounds of waste a day based on a random sample of 30
days. Use 𝛼 = 0.05.
3. An article stated that students in a university in Manila takes 4.5 years, on
average, to finish their undergraduate degrees. Suppose you believe that the
mean time is longer. You conduct a survey on 28 students and obtain a sample
mean of 4.7 years with a sample standard deviation of 1.5 years. Assume that the
time it takes to finish an undergraduate degree in the university is normally
distributed and use 𝛼 = 0.10.

What I Have Learned

Answer the situation below:
1. A telecommunications company claims that households receive an average of 45
telephone calls per month. To test the claim at α = 0.10, a researcher surveyed 35
households and found out that the average number of calls was 40.8. Is there enough
evidence to say that the company’s claim is incorrect if the population standard
deviation is known to be 3.2 calls?
Determine the hypotheses, test statistic, and rejection region.
2. A paint manufacturing company claims that the mean drying time of their product is
50 minutes with a standard deviation of 3.5 minutes. A random sample of 43 gallons
of paint selected from the production line of the company showed a mean drying time
of 47 minutes. Use 𝛼 = 0.05.
Determine the hypotheses, test statistic, and rejection region.

3. A brand of tire claims that its first-class tire averages at least 60 000 miles before it
needs to be replaced. From past studies about the tire, the standard deviation is
known to be 4 200 miles. A survey on the tire design is conducted by store managers.
Based on the 45 tires surveyed, the mean lifespan was 58 000 miles. Use 𝛼 = 0.05.
Determine the hypotheses, test statistic, and rejection region.

Directions: Read each item carefully. In the following problems, determine the
(a) hypotheses, (b) test statistic, and (c) rejection region. (5 points each)

1. A telecommunications company claims that households receive an

average of 40 telephone calls per month with a standard deviation of 5
calls. To test the claim, a researcher surveyed 35 households and found
out that the average number of calls was 36.2. If the level of significance is
set to 𝛼 = 0.10, what is the area of the rejection region and where is it

2. An engine is designed to fill bottles with 12 ounces of soft drinks, but a

consumer doubts that the engine is filling the bottles completely. A sample of 15
bottles has a mean of 11.5 ounces. Assume that the amount of soft drinks in
each can is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.5 ounces. Given
that 𝛼 = 0.05, illustrate the rejection and acceptance regions for the test of

3. The owner of a car rental agency claims that the mileage of their cars is
normally distributed with an average of at most 8 000. A sample of seven of
their cars has an average mileage of 8 490 with a standard deviation of 460
miles. In testing the hypothesis that the average mileage of the cars is more
than 8 000, if the level of significance is set to 𝛼 = 0.05, what is the area of the
rejection region and where is it located?

4. A cable brand claims to have a breaking strength of at least 900 pounds with a
standard deviation of 13 pounds. A company researcher selects a sample of 29
cables and finds out that the average breaking strength is 825.3 pounds.
Assume that the breaking strength of the cables is
normally distributed. If the level of significance is
set to 𝛼 = 0.05, what is the area
of the rejection region and where is it located.
“Normal Distribution – Explained Simply (part 1).” YouTube video. Posted 10 October 2011.
Retrieved 03 October 2019 from

Prepared by: Ronald L. Araneta, ANSWER KEY Las Pinas City National Senior High
What I know
School- Dona Josefa Campus
What I Know C
A. Identification. Directions: Identify which word (s)
are described by the following statements. Write the
phrases on your answer sheet that makes the
following statement correct. (8 points)
1. The (population mean, sample mean) describes the overall mean of the
intended group of people in research. It is characterized by the symbol 𝜇.
2. The (population mean, sample mean) describes the mean of a randomly chosen
group of people in research. It is characterized by the symbol 𝑋 ̅.
3. The (population standard deviation, sample standard deviation) describes the
dispersion of the scores in a population.
4. The (population standard deviation, sample standard deviation) describes the
dispersion of the scores in a sample.
5. (𝑧-test, 𝑡-test) is used when a sample of less than 30 is used for a study.
6. (𝑧-test, 𝑡-test) is used when a sample of more than 30 is used for a study.
7. (𝑧-test, 𝑡-test) is used when the sample standard deviation is known.
8. (𝑧-test, 𝑡-test) is used when the population standard deviation is known.

B. Fact or Bluff. Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF
ANSWER KEY: Assessment
1.a. 𝐻𝑂: 𝜇 = 40 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 ≠ 40
b. The sample size 𝑛 = 35 is greater than 30 and the population standard deviation is known.
c. the alternative hypothesis uses the relation symbol ≠. Thus, a two-tailed 𝑧-test should be used.
𝛼/ 2=0.10 /2= 0.05
Thus, the rejection region has an area of 0.05 in each tail of the distribution, whereas the acceptance region has an area of 0.90.
2. a. 𝐻𝑂: 𝜇 ≥ 12 ounces 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 < 12 ounces
b. The sample size 𝑛 = 15 is less than 30 and the population standard deviation is unknown. Also, the alternative hypothesis uses
the relation symbol <. Thus, a left-tailed 𝑡-test should be used.
c. In a left-tailed test, the rejection region is located in the left tail of the distribution with an area that is equal to the level of
with area of the rejection region is 0.05, whereas the area of the acceptance region is 0.95.
3. a. 𝐻𝑂: 𝜇 ≤ 8 000 miles 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 > 8 000 miles
b. The alternative hypothesis uses the relation symbol >. Thus, a right-tailed 𝑡-test should be used.
c. In a right-tailed test, the rejection region is located in the right tail of the distribution and the area that is equal to the
level of significance
4. . 𝐻𝑂: 𝜇 ≥ 900 pounds 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 < 900 pound
if it is not. Write the answer on your answer sheet.
____1. The notation µ and  are sample values.
____2. The alternative hypothesis asserts that no significant difference exists
between the two properties in question.
____3. In the given, Ho: µ =21.5 and Ha: µ> 21.5 it show a one tailed test since it
shows direction of the distribution.
____4. The rejection region for a hypothesis is also called a critical region.
____5. One-tailed and two-tailed significance tests are the two forms of
significance tests.

Week 4
Lesson 1 The Test-Statistic Value for the Population Mean

What’s In
In this lesson, the following key terms/concepts will be discussed:
• Test statistic – a quantity calculated from a sample data; used to decide whether the
null hypothesis should be rejected in a hypothesis test
• 𝒛-test – used when the population variance 𝜎2 is known or when the sample size 𝑛 is
sufficiently large, that is, 𝑛 ≥ 30
The 𝑧-score is obtained using the formula:
z= σ
where 𝑥̅ is the sample mean, 𝜇 is the hypothesized population mean, 𝜎 is the
population standard deviation, and 𝑛 is the sample size.
Note that when 𝜎 is unknown, the sample standard deviation 𝑠 can be used.

• 𝒕-test – used if the population variance 𝜎2 is unknown and the sample size is not
sufficiently large
The 𝑡-score is obtained using the formula:
t = s
Example 1: Find the 𝑧-score if 𝜇 = 10, 𝑛 = 30, 𝑥̅ = 12, and 𝜎 = 1.25.
Solution/Explanation: Use the formula for the 𝑧-score.
z= σ
z = 1.25
≈ 8.76
Therefore, the 𝑧-score is 𝒛 = 𝟖.𝟕𝟔.

Example 2: Identify the appropriate test statistic to be used given the following: 𝜇 = 30,
𝑛 = 12, 𝑥̅ = 28, 𝑠 = 12. Then, compute for the test statistic.

1. Identify the appropriate test statistic. Since the sample size 𝑛 is less than 30 and the
population standard deviation is unknown, 𝑡-test should be used.
2. Compute for the test statistic
t = s
t = 12
≈ −0.58
Therefore, the test statistic is 𝒕 = −𝟎.𝟓𝟖.

Lesson 2 Interpretation of the Population Mean

The population mean can be computed by the value and the critical value
using the t test and z test, after computing the population mean we can simply draw a
conclusion based on the statistics value and critical region.
Let us look at the table that we need to use in computing the critical value
of a population mean, we have z- critical value and t- critical value tables.

Z- critical table value

Type of test Level of significance
a=1% a=2.5% a=5% a=10%
one- tailed c= ±2.326 c= ±1.960 c= ±1.645 c= ±1.28
two-tailed c= ±2.575 c= ±2.326 c= ±1.960 c= ±1.645

T- table

Here are some pointers for us when to accept and reject the given null hypothesis.
When the computed value > critical value, reject the null hypothesis. When the computed
value < critical value we must fail to reject the null hypothesis.
To depend our knowledge on how or when we are going to reject the given computed

Let us have an example.

1. Given that 𝐻0: 𝜇 ≥ 42 and 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 < 42, determine the appropriate decision if 𝑛 =
26, 𝑥 = 38, and 𝑠 = 3. Use 𝛼 = 0.05. Assume that the population is normally

1. Identify the appropriate form of test statistic.
Since the sample size 𝑛 = 26 < 30 and the population standard deviation is
unknown, 𝑡-test should be used.
2. Identify the type of tail test to be used.
The alternative hypothesis uses the symbol <. Thus, the test is left-tailed.
3. Determine the critical value.
Using the 𝑡-table at 𝛼 = 0.05, and 𝑑𝑓 = 26 − 1 = 25, the critical value is
4. Identify the rejection region.
Since the test is left-tailed, the rejection region can be found on the left tail
of the distribution. The rejection region is found on the left of 𝑡 = −1.708.

5. Compute for the test statistic.

t = s

t = 3
= -6.8

6. Check whether the value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region.
The test statistic 𝑡 = −6.80 falls in the rejection region.

7. Make a decision.

Since the test statistic falls in the rejection region, we reject the null

Example 4. Compute for its value given the following information.

Use a= 0.05

Interpret the result. x = 61.5 µ= 60

Ho: µ= 60
Ha: µ> 60 = 6 n= 100

z= σ
61.5−60 1.5
z 6 √100
= z= z= 0.6 z= 2.5

This time we can use our z- table with a level of significance a=5%, and since our
given alternative is greater than 60 that means, we are referring to one tail.
Therefore, our given cv= ±1.645 which is reflected to be right tailed test. Since our
z computed value is greater than our critical value, we reject the null hypothesis.

What’s New
Let us have more examples.
1. It is claimed that the average height of 5-year old students is 3 feet with a
standard deviation of 1.28 feet. A random sample of 100 5-year old students
yielded an average height of 2 feet. Calculate the test statistic.
1. Identify the given.
The population mean is 𝜇 = 3 feet. The sample mean is 𝑥̅ = 2 feet. The
population standard deviation is 𝜎 = 1.28 feet. The sample size is 𝑛 = 100.
2. Identify the appropriate test statistic.
Since the population standard deviation is known and the sample size is greater
than 30, 𝑧-test should be used.
3. Compute for the test statistic.

x−µ 2−3
z= σ ; z = 1.28 ; ≈ −7.81 Therefore, the test statistic is 𝒛 = −𝟕.𝟖𝟏.
√n √ n 100
2. A new drug in the market is claimed by its manufacturers to reduce acne
marks in 14 days of continuous use with a standard deviation of 2.15 days.
One hundred test users were chosen and reported to reduce acne marks to
none in 12.56 days. What is the test statistic for the problem?

1. Identify the given.

The population mean is 𝜇 = 14 days. The sample mean is 𝑥̅ = 12.56 days.
The population standard deviation is 𝜎 = 2.15 days. The sample size is 𝑛 = 100.

2. Identify the appropriate test statistic.

Since the sample size 𝑛 is greater than 30 and the population standard deviation is
known, 𝑧-test should be used.

3. Compute for the test statistic.

x−µ 12.56−14
z= σ ; z= 2.15
√n √ 00
Therefore, the test statistic is 𝑧 = − 6.70.

What is it
1. According to an ad, a photocopying machine’s life expectancy is 5 years. To test
this claim, Jana chose 5 photocopying machines from their branches in Metro
Manila and yielded a result of 6.70 years with a standard deviation of 3.50 years.
What is the test statistic for the problem?

1. Identify the given.
The population mean is 𝜇 = 5 years. The sample mean is 𝑥̅ = 6.70 years. The
population standard deviation is 𝜎 = 3.50 years. The sample size is 𝑛 = 5.

2. Identify the appropriate test statistic.

Since the sample size 𝑛 is less than 30 and the population standard
deviation is unknown, 𝑡-test should be used.
3. Compute for the test statistic.

x−µ 6.70−5
t = s ; t = 3 ,50
√n √5
≈ 1.09

Therefore, the test statistic is 𝒕 = 𝟏.𝟎𝟗

The steps on how to compute population mean using the z test and t-
test. We also remember that we can use the t- test if n < 30, let us have an

Example: Compute for its value given the following.

Use a= 0.01
Interpret the result. x = 134.5 µ= 137
Ho: µ= 137
Ha: µ<137 s= 5 n= 12

x−µ 134.5−137 −2.5
t= s t= 5 t= 5 t= 1.44 t=-1.736
√n √12 3.46

after finding the t- value try to see the t table and find the critical value this
example the cv = - 2.718, since the given computed value t=-1.736 > cv=-2.718,
Therefore, we can interpret that we need to reject our null hypothesis.

What’s More

Compute the following information and draw a conclusion from the

data gathered by the null hypothesis. (5 points each)

1. The mean systolic blood pressure is thought to be 150mm Hg. A group of 120
participants in the Honolulu Heart study had an average systolic blood pressure of
161 mm Hg, with a standard deviation of 21 mm Hg. Is there a noticeable
difference between the community and the general population? (As a degree of
importance, assess the hypothesis at a=0.01).

2. It is claimed that the average amount of sleep a teenager has in a day is 6.8 hours
with a standard deviation of 2.6 hours. To test this claim, a researcher interviewed
50 teenagers about their sleeping hours. Results revealed that the average amount
of sleep they have is 7.15 hours. Compute for the test statistic at 𝛼 = 0.05 and

3. Given 𝐻0: 𝜇 = 120 and 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇 ≠ 120, determine the appropriate decision if 𝑛 = 12, 𝑥
= 85 and 𝑠 = 50. Use 𝛼 = 0.01. Assume that the population is normally distributed.

What I Have Learned

A. Complete the shaded number on the table below by supplying the necessary
information (10 points). Write your answer on your answer sheet.

Test statistic Tail Alpha level Critical Value Decision
𝑧 = 2.13 1 0.05 50 (1) (6)
𝑧 = 1.67 2 0.01 70 (2) (7)
𝑡 = 3.56 2 0.05 10 (3) (8)
𝑡 = 4.00 1 0.05 5 (4) (9)
𝑧 = 0.89 1 0.01 100 (5) (10)

B. Read and analyze the following problems then answer the questions that follow.
(10 points)
1. Sheena wanted to test a claim that student-athletes’ average academic
performance is 85 with a standard deviation of 20.50. She gathered 100
studentathletes and found out that they have an average of 87.50. What is the
appropriate decision at 𝛼 = 0.05?
a. State the hypotheses.
b. Identify the critical value. d. Compute for the test statistic.
c. Identify the rejection region. e. Make a decision.

2. An ad promises a 15-kilogram weight loss after 2 weeks of taking a diet

supplement drink. Fifteen women took part in the experiment and yielded an
average weight loss of 16.75 kilograms with a standard deviation of 4.5 kilograms.
What is the appropriate decision at 𝛼 = 0.01?
a. State the hypotheses.
b. Identify the critical value. d. Compute for the test statistic.
c. Identify the rejection region. e. Make a decision.

3. A grade 11 studentstudent claims that the average annual profit of food carts is
at least ₱1 000 000. On a sample of 5 owners of food carts, an average of ₱1 500
000 annual profit is reported with a standard deviation of ₱51 000. What is the
appropriate decision At 𝛼 = 0.05, verify if the claim of Joana is true or not.
a. State the hypotheses.
b. Identify the critical value. d. Compute for the test statistic.
c. Identify the rejection region. e. Make a decision.

Multiple choice.
Directions. There are some questions. You are encouraged to include a justification
or demonstrate your answer for each question. If the question is marked with an
asterisk (*), you must show your solution if there is no asterisk (*) no solution is
needed. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. In a hypothesis test, the test statistic is 𝑧 = 2.08 and the critical value is
2.58. What is the appropriate decision? µ is known.
A. Accept the null hypothesis.
B. Reject the null hypothesis.
C. Accept both null and alternative hypotheses
D. Reject both null and alternative hypotheses

2. (*) Make a one- sample t- test applying the following statistics.

n=5 x = 3.871 s= 0.679
The null hypothesis µ=5 is
A. accepted at the 5% level, accepted at the 1% level.
B. accepted at the 5% level, rejected at the 1% level.
C. rejected at the 5% level, accepted at the 1% level.
D. rejected at the 5% level, rejected at the 1% level.

3. (*) A random sample of 20 observations produced a sample mean of x

=92.4 and s=25.8. What is the value of the standard error of x ?
A. 4.6 C. 1.3
B. 15.9 D. 5.8

4. Which of the following is the test statistics we need to use if n≥ 30?

A. T- test C. Spearman rho
B. Z- test D. Pearson r

5. Which of the following is the interpretation of the null hypothesis when

the computed value is greater than to the critical value?
A. reject the null hypothesis.
B. accept the null hypothesis.
C. Accept the accelerated hypothesis.
D. reject the accelerated hypothesis.
Belecina, R.R., Baccay, E.S., & Mateo, E.B. (2016). Statistics
and Probability. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

Prepared by: Ronald L. Araneta, Las Pinas City National Senior High School- Dona Josefa Campus

Answer Key

What I know


1. population mean 2. sample mean

3. population standard deviation 4. sample standard deviation

5. 𝑡-test

6. 𝑧-test
7. 𝑡-test

8. 𝑧-test

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