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Effect of Azolla Extract Addition in Hydroponic Nutrient Solution on Growth

and Yield of Chinese Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

Conference Paper · January 2024


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3 authors, including:

Ana Khalisha
Universitas Padjadjaran


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Effect of Azolla Extract Addition in Hydroponic Nutrient Solution on

Growth and Yield of Chinese Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Ana Khalisha1*, Syarif Husen2, Dyah Titi Muhardini2
Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University
Jl Raya Bandung, Jatinangor, Indonesia
Correspondence : E-mail:, Phone +62-85252463561
Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Malang
Jl. Raya Tlogomas, Malang, Indonesia


Production of N fertilizers is very energy intensive. Reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers is a very crucial
task to save energy, protect the environment, and achieve agriculture and economic sustainability. The use
of natural materials such as plant extracts as a fertilizer subtitution can reduce the consumption of synthetic
fertilizers. This study observed the effect of azolla extract addition in hydroponic nutrient solution on growth
and yield of chinese lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). This study was conducted by cultivating chinese lettuce on
NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) hydroponic system. Nutrient solutions used were AB mix (0% ; 100%; 50%)
and Azolla microphylla extract (0 mL/L; 17 mL/L; 21 mL/L; 25 mL/L). The results showed plant height,
number of leaves, leaf area, and fresh edible weight were affected by addition of 17 mL/L and 21 mL/L azolla
extracts. The addition of AB mix was needed to increase chlorophyl content. Furthermore, the water content
of the plant tends to be greater in the treatment with azolla extract.

Keywords: hydroponic, chinese lettuce, azolla, nutrient sollution, AB mix.

INTRODUCTION sources can also be used as a substitute for

synthetic fertilizers of AB mix, such as
The hydroponic system is widely
plant extract or liquid organic fertilizer. The
known as a cultivation system that can
primary purpose of substituting AB mix
increase crop yields, yield quality and
with natural ingredients is to reduce the use
shorten the crop cycle due to the optimal
of synthetic fertilizers that use a lot of
nutrition provided by this system. The use
of hydroponic technology in lettuce energy in their manufacture. Production of
N fertilizers is very energy intensive, and
cultivation has advantages compared to
natural gas is the primary energy source.
conventional cultivation in the soil. Lettuce
Combining the N and H to form NH3
plants produced in hydroponic system are
requires considerable natural gas as the
more hygienic, have uniform growth, and
hydrogen feedstock and as energy for heat
can be grown at close planting distances
required during the process. A modern
(1). An excellent hydroponic system can
ammonia production plant requires net
supply water and nutrients, must also be
energy consumption of approximately 29.7
able to supply oxygen to the rooting zone.
million BTUs per ton of N (3). Therefore,
The results showed that lettuce plants that
reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers that
were given dissolved oxygen 20-30 mg/L
link to reducing energy consumption is a
could increase plant growth (2).
very crucial task to save energy, protect the
The nutrient solution used in the
environment, and achieve agriculture and
hydroponic system is called the AB mix, a
economic sustainability. Another purpose
combination of solutions A and B. The
is to reduce production costs because
addition of nutrient solutions from other

The 1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, and Food Science (ICANFS) 2022
“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

relatively organic compound has lower elements of azolla can be seen in Table 1.
prices. AB mix nutrients used are produced by
Elements that suppose to be substituted Parung Farm with contents that can be seen
are elements needed in significant in Table 2. based on the comparison of
quantities by plants (macronutrients), such nitrogen content between azolla extract and
as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. AB mix, a dose of 20 ml/L azolla extract
Plants that have yields in the form of leaves, was obtained, which was equivalent to 200
such as lettuce, require more nitrogen ppm/L AB mix.
elements in the growth process until
harvest. One of the plants with a significant Table 1. Content of Azolla microphylla
nitrogen content is Azolla. Azolla is a mini Extract
water fern that is in symbiosis with
Total (%)
Cyanobacteria (Anabaena azollae) fixing Content
N. azolla contains 3.91% nitrogen and also
Nitrogen (N-total) 0.9715
contains nutrients P and K (4). Phosphorus
Chinese lettuce or sword leaf lettuce, 0.0565
pointed leaf lettuce, Taiwan sword leaf, Potassium (K2O) 0.128
Orient sword leaf, Yu Mai Tsai, is a kind of
lettuce plant with a pandan scent when
cooked. In general, chinese lettuce has the
Table 2. Content of AB mix Nutrient
same harvest age and characteristics as
other lettuce. This study aimed to explore Concentration
the effectiveness of azolla extract N 200
substitution in AB mix solutions on P 80
hydroponic chinese lettuce growth and Macronutrients K 320
Ca 120
yield. Mg 80
S 104
Cu 0,88
This study was conducted from Mn 0,88
February to April 2015 in experimental Micronutrients Zn 0,24
field and Animal Husbandry Laboratory of B 0,32
Mo 0,008
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of
The experimental method used a
Malang. Plant extraction was conducted in
factorial nested randomized block design.
Biotechnology Laboratory,
There are two factors: 1) the nutrient
Muhammadiyah University of Malang.
concentration of AB mix consisting of 0%;
Seeding was done by embedding
100%; 50%, 2) Azolla microphylla extract
chinese lettuce seeds on wet rockwool
of 0 ml/L; 17 ml/L; 21 ml/L; 25 ml/L. Based
media 2 cm x 2 cm. After 2 leaves appear,
on these two factors, 12 treatment
plants were transplanted to the hydroponic
combinations were obtained. Each
installation. The hydroponic system used in
treatment consisted of three replications, so
this study was the NFT system (Nutrient
36 experimental units and every
film technique) with a 5% slope. Azolla
experimental unit used five plants. This
extract was made by grinding cleaned
experiment used 180 plants in total.
azolla with the addition of 200 ml of
Observation variables are plant height,
distilled water, then filtered. The content of
number of leaves, leaf area, fresh edible
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

The 1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, and Food Science (ICANFS) 2022
“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

weight, chlorophyll content, and water had the highest data. While the highest
content. average in other parameters is azolla 21
The data were analyzed statistically ml/L + AB mix 50%.
with the ANOVA (Analysis of Varian)
method to determine the effect of treatment Table 4. Effect of different azolla extract
or a combination of treatments on the and AB mix doses on leaf area, and edible
measured parameters. The significant fresh weight
difference between treatments. Further tests Leaf Area edible weight a
were carried out using Tukey's HSD Perlakuan
(cm2) (g)
(honestly significant difference) test Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 0 %
Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 100 %
method at a level of 5%. Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 105,86 ab 2,39 a
Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 0% 11,94 a 0,12 a
Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 495,64 abcd 36,67 d
RESULT Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 606,28 bcd 40,83 d
Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 0% 294,36 abcd 11,67 ab
Chinese lettuce plant height, number of Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 836,38 d 37,50 d
Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 689,34 cd 31,67 cd
leaves, leaf area, and fresh edible weight Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 0% 15,58 a 0,39 a
data showed significant differences under Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 487,76 abcd 21,67 bcd
Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 201,73 abc 13,33 abc
nutrient solution combination treatments a
Numbers followed by the same letter in the same column show
(P>0.05). Table 3 shows that all plants results that are not significantly different based on the Tukey's
HSD test at a 5% significance level
under azolla extract treatments generally
have higher plant height and number of 40
34.5 33.4
leaves than treatments without azolla extract 35 30.731.4
and AB mix. However, azolla extract doses 30 27.8
of 17 ml/L and 25 ml/L could not perform 25
good data without the addition of AB mix.

20 18.4
15 11.7
Table 3. Effect of different azolla extract 10
and AB mix doses on plant height and 5 2.6
number of leaves 1.6
Height Number
(cm)a of leave
Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 0 % 6,70 a 2,13 a Number of chlorophyll
Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 27,37 ab 9,00 c Note : A1 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 0 %); A2 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 100 %);
Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 12,97 ab 4,93 abc A3 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 50 %); A4 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix
Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 0% 6,67 a 2,67 ab 0%); A5 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 100 %); A6 (Azolla 17 ml/L +
AB mix 50 %); A7 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 0 %); A8 (Azolla 21
Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 24,33 ab 7,20 bc ml/L + AB mix 100%); A9 (Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 50%); A10
Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 28,50 b 8,33 c (Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 0%); A11 (Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix
Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 0% 100%); A12 (Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 50%).
21,70 ab 6,60 abc
Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 29,77 b 8,67 c
Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 31,90 b 9,20 c Figure 1. Effect of different azolla extract
Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 0% 6,65 a 3,20 ab and AB mix dosis on number of
Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 100 % 22,23 ab 6,53 abc chlorophylls.
Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 50 % 17,23 ab 4,93 abc
Numbers followed by the same letter in the same column show
results that are not significantly different based on the Tukey's
HSD test at a 5% significance level

In line with plant height and number of

leaves data, data of leaf and edible fresh
weight show a similar result (Table 4).
However, on the edible fresh weight
treatment of azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 50%

The 1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, and Food Science (ICANFS) 2022
“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

94 92.83 92.27 edible weight. This was influenced by the

91.39 number of leaves, good leaf width, and
92 90.49 90.82
89.71 height.
90 89.22 88.93
87.21 In general, the addition of azolla extract 21
percent (%)

85.64 ml/L + 50% AB mix had higher data than

83.99 others, especially AB mix 100%.
84 Furthermore, the addition of azolla extract
82 21 ml/L + 50% AB mix was not
80 significantly different from the addition of
78 only azolla 21 ml/L without the addition of

AB mix, except for edible weight data. The
% Water content
highest edible weight data was showed by
azolla extract 21 ml/L + 100% AB mix
Note : A1 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 0 %); A2 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 100 %);
A3 (Azolla 0 ml/L + AB mix 50 %); A4 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix treatment which had not significant
0%); A5 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 100 %); A6 (Azolla 17 ml/L +
AB mix 50 %); A7 (Azolla 17 ml/L + AB mix 0 %); A8 (Azolla 21
difference from AB mix 100% treatment
ml/L + AB mix 100%); A9 (Azolla 21 ml/L + AB mix 50%); A10
(Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 0%); A11 (Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix
and azolla extract 21 ml/L + 50% AB mix.
100%); A12 (Azolla 25 ml/L + AB mix 50%). These results ascertain that the addition of
azolla extract can function as a substitute
Figure 2. Effect of different azolla nutrient to reduce the use of AB mix.
extract and AB mix dosis on water Meanwhile, adding only azolla 21 ml/L
content. without adding AB mix will not make the
hydroponic chinese lettuce grow
The highest data average on number of maximally. However, a research reported
chlorophylls was showed by AB mix that hydroponic lettuce plant height,
100% treatment. However, the addition of number of leaves, and fresh weight with the
extract azolla all doses without addition of addition of azolla extract were better than
AB mix could not produce good data on that given POC rabbit urine, POC goat
this parameter, such as A4, A7, and A10 urine, POC cow urine, and POC leftover
(Figure 1). All parameters showed that vegetables (5).
doses of 25 mL/L could not give good Based on the observation of the leaf
results, but not on the water content data. chlorophyll number (Figure 1), the
Water content data (Figure 2) showed all treatment AB mix 0% with or without
treatment with the addition of azolla azolla extract showed a low average value.
extract could maintain water content The highest average was showed by the
better than AB mix 100% treatment. 100% AB mix treatment. Graph on figure 1
showed significantly contrasting that the
value of the number of chlorophylls in the
AB mix 50% treatment decreased by half
Plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, from the AB mix 100%. Furthermore, with
and fresh edible weight the addition of azolla extract doses of 17
Chinese lettuce plant height, number of ml/L and 21 ml/L, it can support doses of
leaves, leaf area, and fresh edible weight 50% AB mix to increase the amount of
data presented in Table 3 showed chlorophyll that equally as good as 100%
significant differences under different AB mix treatment (positive control).
nutrient concentrations. These data are However, a dose of 25 ml/L of azolla
important in determining the quality of extract inhibited the formation of
chinese lettuce results. A good harvest of
chinese lettuce must have a high fresh
The 1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, and Food Science (ICANFS) 2022
“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

chlorophyll, in line with the results of the number of leaves, leaf area, and fresh edible
vegetative plant growth above (Table 3). weight as good as AB mix 100%. However,
The result above could be suspected to get a good number of chlorophyll, the
that the nutrient content in azolla is not fully addition of AB mix was still very much
ready to be absorbed by plants, but some of needed. Furthermore, the water content of
the compounds need to be reformed or the plant tends to be greater in the treatment
decomposed first or taken by with azolla extract. In order to maximize
microorganisms. The study reported that the function of azolla extract, it is necessary
the nitrogen solutions content showed a to increase the frequency of application,
significant positive relationship with instead of increasing the dose extract.
chlorophyll content for both cultivars,
which implies that more nitrogen will REFERENCES
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The 1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, and Food Science (ICANFS) 2022
“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

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“Praising The Tropical Nature Resources, Glorifying Biodiversity Potential of Nusantara”
November 9-10th 2022

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