Internet Pornography

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Internet Pornography


- Is regarded by some as one of the driving forces behind the expansion of World Wide Web, like
the camcorder VCR and cable television before it.
- Pornographic images had been transmitted over the Internet as ASCII porn but to send images
over internet needed computers with graphics capability and also higher network bandwidth.
- This was possible in the late 80’s and early 90’s through the use of anonymous FTP servers and
through gopher.
- At this time the internet was mainly an academic and military network and there was not
widespread use of the internet.

What makes Pornography be distributed?

- Images Files
o Pornographic Images may be either scanned into the computer from photographs or
magazines, produced with a digital camera, or a frame from video before being
uploading onto a pornographic website.
o The JPEG Format is one of the most common format of these images.
- Video Files and Streaming Video.
o Pornographic Video Clips may be distributed in a number of formats, including MPEG,
WMV, and Quick Time.
- Most Recently VCD and DVD image Files allow distribution of whole VCDs and DVDs. Many
commercial porn sites exist that allow one to view pornographic streaming video.
- Recently (mid-2006), some internet pornography sites have begun offering High Definition Video
Content in WMV HD Format.
o Another format of Adult Content that emerged with the advent of the Internet is Live
o Webcam content can generally be divided into two categories
 Group shows offer adult pay site
 1 on 1 private sessions
 Usually sold on a pay-per-view basis.
o Currently the most popular video format for streaming live webcams is Flash Video
- Pornographic and erotic stories, includes text and audio files, distributed as text files, web
pages, and Via message boards and newsgroups, have been semi-popular, audio porn, via
formats like MP3 and FLV, have seen only very limited distribution.
- Audio porn can include recording of people having sex or reading erotic stories.
- Pornographic Magazines are available in Zinio Format, which provides a reader program to
enable access.

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