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This will be the format of assembly for 20th March 2024.

World Oral Health Day

Itinerary for 2024-25 EC assembly.

S. Date- 20 - 03 -2024. Time- 8:05 - 8:25 (20 mins). Day- Wednesday


Flow of events World Oral health day.

1. Conduction followed with Roll "Hello everyone! Have you ever wondered
prayer. no-14 why we celebrate World Oral Health Day?
Well, it's because our smiles are super
important! This special day helps us learn
about taking care of our teeth and gums so
we can stay healthy and happy. We brush
our teeth every day to keep them strong
and shiny. So, let's celebrate World Oral
Health Day together and keep on smiling!"
So, let’s join our hands, close our eyes and
bow before the almighty.
2. Prayer Roll

3. Thought of the day Roll

no-16 "Your smile is your logo, your personality is
your business card, how you leave others
feeling after having an experience with you
becomes your trademark." – Jay Danzie

4. Word Of the day Roll Oral hygiene (noun): The practice of

no-17 keeping the mouth clean and free of
disease by regular brushing, flossing, and
other methods.
5. Conversation based on a Roll *Situation: Discussing the importance of
given situation. (Module-1) no-18 brushing teeth with a friend. *
Friend: Hey, why do we need to brush our
teeth every day?
You: Well, brushing helps remove food
particles and bacteria from our teeth.
Friend: But why is that important?
You: If we don't remove them, they can
cause cavities and gum disease.
Friend: Oh, I didn't know that. So, how
often should we brush?
You: Dentists recommend brushing at least
twice a day, in the morning and before bed.

6. Delivering speech on a given Roll *Topic: The Importance of Oral Health*

topic. no-20
Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to
talk to you about the importance of oral
health. Oral health isn't just about having a
bright smile; it's about keeping our entire
body healthy. Proper oral hygiene, such as
brushing and flossing, helps prevent tooth
decay, gum disease, and even serious
health issues like heart disease and
diabetes. Let's make a commitment to take
care of our teeth and gums every day.

7 **Debate: For and Against the Roll Debate Topic: Should Schools Provide
Topic** no-21 Free Dental Check-ups for Students?
Student 1 (Pro):
"Good morning, everyone. I firmly believe
that schools should provide free dental
check-ups for students. Oral health is
crucial for our overall well-being, and many
children may not have access to regular
dental care due to financial constraints or
lack of awareness. By offering free
check-ups at schools, we ensure that
every student receives the necessary
preventive care and early intervention for
dental issues. This not only promotes good
oral hygiene but also prevents more
serious health problems down the line.
Investing in the oral health of students is
an investment in their future well-being
and academic success."
Student 2 (Con):
"Good morning, everyone. While I
understand the importance of oral health, I
don't believe it's the responsibility of
schools to provide free dental check-ups
for students. Schools already have limited
resources, and allocating funds for dental
services may detract from other essential
educational programs. Additionally, many
families already have access to dental
care through private insurance or
government assistance programs. Instead
of burdening schools with additional
responsibilities, we should focus on
promoting personal responsibility and
educating families about the importance of
oral hygiene. Students can still receive
dental check-ups through existing
healthcare channels without placing undue
strain on school budgets."
Top of Form

8 Formation of Interrogative Roll **Asking about dental check-ups:**

sentences from a given no-22
situation. 1. When was the last time you visited the

**Answer:** "I visited the dentist about

six months ago for my regular check-up
and cleaning. It's important to go regularly
to maintain good oral health."

2. Have you ever had any cavities or

dental problems?
**Answer:** "Yes, I had a cavity once
when I was younger, but since then, I've
been more diligent about brushing and
flossing regularly to prevent any further

3. How often do you brush your teeth?

**Answer:** "I make sure to brush my

teeth at least twice a day, once in the
morning and once before bed. It's essential
for keeping my teeth and gums healthy."

9 Formation of exclamatory Roll

sentences from a given no-23
situation. *Situation: Getting a perfect dental
check-up report*

- Wow! No cavities again! I must be

doing something right!
- Fantastic news! My gums are in excellent
- Incredible! My dentist said my oral
hygiene is top-notch!

10 Conduction followed with Roll

dispersal. no-24 Thank you, everyone, for participating in
today's assembly. Remember, taking care
of our oral health is essential for our
overall well-being. Let's continue to spread
awareness and encourage each other to
maintain good oral hygiene habits. Have a
wonderful day!

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