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परिचालन विभाग

Operations Department
प्रधान कार्ाा लर्: लोकमंगल, 1501, शिवाजीनगर, पुणे-5
TELEPHONE: 020-25614234

AX1/Nomination Flag Updation/2023-24/Cir. No.43 Date: 26.03.2024

To All Branches / Offices of the bank

Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Changes Implemented in CBS for updation of nomination Flag.

Nomination facility is an ideal tool to mitigate hardships of common persons in settlement of

claims in the event of death of the account holder. Nomination facility simplifies the procedures
for settlement of claims of deceased depositors as bank gets a valid discharge by making
payment of the balance outstanding in depositor’s account at the time of his death.

Currently in CBS for new accounts updation of nomination flag is mandatory and in existing
account nomination can be updated. But branch users were not able to update the nomination
flag as “NO” where customer denied to avail nomination facility for existing accounts.

Now the changes are made in CBS under existing menu to update the nomination flag as YES
/NO for existing deposit account.

Navigation in CBS to update nomination flag in Existing Deposit account:

Common processing

Nomination Maintenance

Record /Delete Nomination

Create-Enter Account Number-Nominee

Printing (Y/N)

Add Nomination

Nomination Registration Flag (Yes /No)

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Role of Branches:

Branches to obtain the declaration form for registration of Nomination in deposit account and
update flag as Yes /No in all existing deposit account.

All Offices to take note of above changes implemented in CBS.

Yours Faithfully,

DILIPRAJ Digitally signed by MAHESH Digitally signed by

Date: 2024.03.26
Date: 2024.03.26
12:36:26 +05'30'
DANGE 12:37:40 +05'30'

Assistant General Manager Deputy General Manager

Operations Operations

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