Green Skills III

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Employability Skills (Part A)
4. Green Skills - III (28/08/23)
A. Multiple choice questions
1.Which of the following actions would not help a green agriculture sector?
(a) Using Chemical Fertilizers (b) Using organic manure
(c) Growing vegetables using vermicomposting (d) Buying or selling organic potatoes
2. Which of the following actions will promote the green economy?
(a) Use of non-renewable resources (b) Sustainable Development
(c)Social Protection (d) Creating jobs
3. Which of the following stakeholders makes policies for a green economy?
(a)Non-government organizations (b) Scientific Community
(c)Government (d) Private Sector
4. What is the main role of the government in a green economy?
(a)Making Policies (b) Making Inventions
(c)Creating Awareness (d) Using new technologies
5. What is the main role of private agencies in a green economy?
(a) Helping the government in implementing policies (b) Making Policies
(c)Makinglaws (d) Making national budget
6. Who is responsible for the success of the green economy in the country?
(a)Government (b) SocialWorkers
(c)Individualcitizens (d) All of the above
7. A ___________ is one that promotes economic development and ensures that the environment is protected.
a. Green Economy b. Green Environment
c. Green Earth d. None of the above
8. This is a cycle in nature where food is produced by green plants; plants are consumed by plant-eating animals ; herbivores may get eaten by flesh-eating
animals ; dead plants and animals are decomposed by decomposers into soil which in-turn feeds plants.
a. Environment Chain b. Food Chain
c. Green Chain d. None of the above
9. All the living organisms in a particular area and the non-living environment with which the organisms interact, such as air, mineral, soil, water and
sunlight, together form an ___________.
a. Ecosystem b. Nature System
c. Earth System d. None of the above
10. ________ are essential for rainfall and the protection of our land resources.
a. Climate b. Environment
c. Forests d. None of the above
11. Throwing things away means losing the opportunity to reuse materials, which can lead to pollution of the land, air, and water.
a. Water Management b. Waste Management
c. Manufacturing Management d. None of the above
12. Which of the following activities will help the green economy?
a. Use of non-renewable resources b. Sustainable development
c. Social protection d. creating jobs

B. Subjective Questions:
1. What is a green economy?
Answer – A green economy is one which promotes development while making sure that the environment is protected. The term “Green Economy” was
established in 1989 by a group of top environmental economists in a report called “Blueprint for a Green Economy” for the Government of the United
2. What is sustainable development?
Answer – Sustainable means what is good for both the economy and the environment’s future. For example, Natural farming avoids the use of artificial
fertilizers, which are harmful to the land in the long run.

3. List all sectors of the green economy that affect your daily life.
Ans: List of the sectors of the green economy:
Agriculture: Agriculture refers to growing crops for our food. It is the largest part of our economy and the most important because it provides
us with food.
Energy Resources : We use energy for all our daily functions but our demand is increasing by the daySustainabletransport.
Construction : Construction and buildings affect global resources and climate.
Fisheries: Overfishing has led to the depletion of future fish supplies.
Forestry: Forests are important for rainfall and to protect our land resources.
Tourism: Tourism can be great for local economies, but not if it harms the environment.

4.Describe the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) in 4 –5 lines.
Ans: National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) is a Government of India's programme launched in 2008 to mitigate and adapt to the adverse
impact of climate change. The action plan was launched in 2008 with 8 sub- missions.[1] The plan aims at fulfilling India's developmental objectives with
focus on reducing emission intensity of its economy. The plan will rely on the support from the developed countries with the prime focus of keeping its
carbon emissions below the developed economies at any point of time.[2] The 8 missions under NAPCC are as follows:
· National SolarMission
· National Mission for Enhanced EnergyEfficiency
· National Mission on SustainableHabitat
· National WaterMission
· National Mission for Sustaining HimalayanEcosystem
· Green IndiaMission
· National Mission for SustainableAgriculture
· National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for ClimateChange

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5.Explain the importance of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 4 –5 lines.
Ans: 1.Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular missions to have taken place in India.
a. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Mission.
b.This drive was formulated to cover all the cities and towns of India to make them clean.
c. This campaign was administered by the Indian government and was introduced by the Prime Minister, NarendraModi.
d. It was launched on 2nd October in order to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a CleanIndia.
e. The cleanliness campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was run on a national level and encompassed all the towns, rural and urban.
f. It served as a great initiative in making people aware of the importance of cleanliness.

6.Explain with examples the role of government and private agencies in a green economy.
Ans: 1) The products that are manufactured from our industries made by government or private agencies are exported out of the
country for further growth of the economy.
2) Government controls the trade barriers to avoid loss in the economy.
C. Match the column A andB
1. Match the following
policies with their main

1. National Solar Mission A. Sanitation and cleanliness
2. Green India Mission B. Clean energy
3. National Policy on Skill Developm C. Protecting forest cover
and Entrepreneurship
4. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan D. Skill development at scale
with and standard

Ans:1. B 2. C 3.D 4. A


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