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Lecture (1)

Prepared by:

Dr. Mohamed Helmy

If language is not correct, then what is said or written is not

what is meant. If what is said or written is not what is meant,
then what ought to be done remains undone.
1. Grammar of the Report+ How to write a

Technical Report

2. How to write a Technical Report (Cont.)

3. How to write a Technical Report (Cont.)

4. How to write a Technical Report

5. Data Presentation

6. Scientific Paper

7. Format of report (Letter, Memo and Email)

9. How to write Curriculum Vitae (CV)

10. Oral Presentation (Cont.)

11. Oral Presentation for students

12. Oral Presentation for students

‫يوجد إمتحان ‪ Midterm‬للمادة‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫‪ -‬يوجد ‪2 Quizzes‬‬

‫‪ -‬التسليم في السكشن في الموعد المحدد ستكون درجته من (‪)10‬‬

‫و خارج السكشن في أي وقت خالل نفس األسبوع ستكون‬

‫درجته من (‪ )8‬و بعد إسبوع السكشن لن يتم استالم أي شئ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬سيتم التقسيم الى مجموعات مكونه من (‪ )6-5‬من نفس السكشن‬

‫ويتم تسليم اسماء المجموعات فى كل سكشن خالل اإلسبوع‬

‫توزيع الدرجات‪:‬‬
‫• ‪ 60‬درجه إمتحان ‪Term‬‬

‫• ‪ 40‬درجه أعمال السنه موزعة كالتالي‪:‬‬

‫• ‪ 16 = (% 40) Mid Term‬درجة‬

‫• إمتحانات دورية )‪ (Quiz 1‬قبل إمتحان منتصف الترم =‪ 6‬درجات‬

‫• إمتحانات دورية)‪ (Quiz 2‬بعد إمتحان منتصف الترم =‪ 6‬درجات‬

‫• عرض الطلبة لمواضيع التقرير)‪ 6= (The Report‬درجات‬

‫• الحضور و الشيتات =‪ 6‬درجات‬

Some examples of technical reports:

1. Resumes
2. Scientific articles, and researches
3. Project reports
4. Progress Reports
5. Incident Reports
6. Feasibility Reports
7. Marketing Reports
8. Laboratory Test Reports

How “Readers” influence the preparation of a scientific

Focus on why you are writing

• Before starting to write you should have a good idea of
precisely what you want to communicate to your

• If this goal is not first defined in your own mind, you

can’t really expect your reader to get a clear message.

• Having this sense of purpose as you write may not
guarantee your readers will receive a noise free
message, but writing without a clear goal will
certainly result in a poor communication.

Noise in Technical writing

Noise can be defined as anything that prevents the
message from effectively getting into minds of the

Examples of noise in technical report

1. Mistakes in words spelling and Grammar in writing

technical reports.

2. Some negative words to avoid in writing are:

Cannot, impossible, unable to, fail, little value, do not,
loss, damage, error, mistake, not problem, refuse, stop,
and unfortunately.

Examples of what not to write:

• These reports are of little value and are causing

problems in the office.

• The project cannot be completed because some people

are not doing their jobs.

Examples of what to write

Your purpose in writing needs to be on the solution, not

the problem, the audience need to read about what to do,
using positive words such as: benefit, it is best to,
progress, success and valuable.


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