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Zulfa : Hello, I’m Zulfa. What’s your name?

Nadira : Hi, I’m Nadira

Zulfa : Are you new here?
Nadira : Yes, I am
Zulfa : Where do you come from?
Nadira : I’m from Batam

Zulfa : Hi, Nadira. You look so busy, what are you working on?
Nadira : I’m writing an English introduction dialogue. Mr. Ketut Armawan asked us to
do it for homework.
Zulfa : When is your homework deadline?
Nadira : My homework must be send tomorrow.
Zulfa : Wah.. may I help your homework?
Nadira : Yes of course. Let’s do it now! I think that’s is interesting

(after do homework)

Zulfa : that homework was so fun and exiting to do

Nadira : yeah,that’s make us increase our knowledge on english.
Zulfa : yes I agree.
Nadira : Thank you very much, do you want to eat?
Zulfa : my pleasure, yeah sure, let’s go ahead

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