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FSSC 22000 V5

Contact: +91 9904103636
Sr. No Directory / Content Documents Details

1 FSSC Manual 43 Food Safety Manual

2 FSSC Procedures 21 FSSC Procedures

3 Process Flow Chart 08 Process flow charts for Various Organisational Processes

4 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP &

36 Formats / Templates for Various Process
HACCP Manual

1.0 Hygiene Policy Manual 01 Format for Hygiene Policy Manual

2.0 Reference Docs 21 Formats for Reference Docs

3.0 PRP Manual 02 Formats for PRP Manual

4.0 HACCP Plan 12 Formats for HACCP Plan

5 Formats 70 Formats / Templates for Various Process

HR & Admin 07 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Purchase 08 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Maintenance 05 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Production 04 Formats / Templates for Various Process

QC 07 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Sales & Marketing 05 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Housekeeping 16 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Dispatch 02 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Store 04 Formats / Templates for Various Process

FSTL 12 Formats / Templates for Various Process

6 Formats Filled Samples 23 Formats / Templates for Various Process

HACCP Plan - Filled 12 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Other 11 Formats / Templates for Various Process

7 FSSC Audit checklist 01

8 Food Safety Policy & Objectives 04 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Objectives sample 02 Formats / Templates for Various Process

Quality Policy Sample 02 Formats / Templates for Various Process

9 Signages

01 FSSC Manual
FSSC 22000 toolkit > 01 Food Safety Manual

FSSC Manual

Table of Contents

Revision No. Chapter No. Page No.

1.0 FSSC Food Safety Manual

FSSC Additional Requirements Mapping 3

Revision History [A] 4

Organization Profile [B] 5

Scope [C] 6
Normative References [D] 8

Terms & Definitions [E] 9

Glossary of Terms [F] 11

Context of the Operator (Clause no: 4) Chapter - 1 12

Understanding the Operator and Its Context (Clause No: 4.1) 4.1 12
Understanding the needs and Expectations of Interested Parties (Clause
4.2 12
No: 4.2)
Determining the Scope of the Food Safety Management System (Clause
4.3 12
No: 4.3)
Food Safety Management System (Clause No: 4.4) 4.4 12

Leadership (Clause no: 5) Chapter - 2 13

Leadership Commitment (Clause No: 5.1) 5.1 13

Policy (Clause No: 5.2) 5.2 13

Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities (Clause No: - 5.3) 5.3 14

Planning (Clause No: - 6) Chapter - 3 16

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Clause No: 6.1) 6.1 16
Food Safety and Quality Objectives and planning to achieve them (Clause
6.2 17
No: - 6.2)
Planning of Changes (Clause No: - 6.3) 6.3 18
Support (Clause No: - 7) Chapter - 4 19

Resources (Clause No: - 7.1) 7.1 19

Competence (Clause No: - 7.2) 7.2 20

Awareness (Clause No: - 7.3) 7.3 21

Communication (Clause No: - 7.4) 7.4 21
Documented Information (Clause No: - 7.5) 7.5 23

Operation (Clause No: - 8) Chapter - 5 26

Operational Planning and Control (Clause No: - 8.1) 8.1 26

Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) (Clause No: - 8.2) 8.2 26

Traceability System (Clause No: - 8.3) 8.3 26

Emergency preparedness and response (Clause No: - 8.4) 8.4 27

Hazard Control (Clause No: - 8.5) 8.5 27
Updating the information specifying the PRPs and the hazard control plan
8.6 29
(Clause No: 8.6)
Control of monitoring and measuring (Clause No: 8.7) 8.7 34

Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control plan (Clause No: 8.8) 8.8 34
Control of product and process nonconformities (Clause No: 8.9) 8.9 36

Performance Evaluation (Clause No: - 9) Chapter - 6 39

Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (Clause No: - 9.1) 9.1 39

Internal Audit (Clause No: 9.2) 9.2 39
Management Review (Clause No: 9.3) 9.3 40

Improvement (Clause No: - 10) Chapter - 7 47

General (Clause No: - 10.1) 10.1 42

Continual Improvement (Clause No: 10.2) 10.2 42

Update of the food safety management system (Clause No: 10.3) 10.3 43

02 FSSC Procedure
FSSC 22000 toolkit > 02 FSSC Procedures

001 - Procedure for Management Review

002 - Procedure for Document and Data Control

003 - Procedure for Corrective Actions

004 - Procedure for Control of Records

005 - Procedure for Internal Audit

006 - Procedure for Control of Non - Confirming Product

007 - Procedure for Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipment

008 - Procedure for Preliminary Analysis of Product Process

009 - Procedure for Hazard Identification

010 - Procedure for HACCP Plan

011 - Procedure for Product Recall

012 - Procedure for Pre - Requisite Programme

013 - Procedure for HACCP Verification

014 - Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Plan

015 - Procedure for Food Defence Plan

016 - Procedure for CCP & OPRP validation

017 - Procedure for Handling of Potentially Unsafe Products

018 - Procedure for Risk and Opportunity Management

019 - Procedure for Change Management In Company

020 - Procedure for Incident Investigation Management

021 - Procedure for Context of Organization

03 Process Flow Chart

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 03 Process flow chart

001 Process flow chart - Dispatch

002 Process flow chart - Production

003 Process flow chart - Sales & Marketing

004 Process flow chart - Maintenance

005 Process flow chart - Purchase

006 Process flow chart - Quality Control

007 Process flow chart - Store

008 Process flow chart - HR and admin

04 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP & HACCP Manual

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 04 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP & HACCP Manual > 1.0 Hygiene Policy Manual

001 Policy Manual

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 04 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP & HACCP Manual > 2.0 Reference Docs

001 - Environment Monitoring Plan

002 - Outsourced Service List

003 - Risk and Opportunity Assessment Register

004 - NC product handling matrix

005 - Approved IA auditors

006 - Responsibility Matrix

007 - Security Risk Assessment

008 - Cleaning Schedules

009 - TACCP Risk Assessment

010 - VACCP Risk Assessment

011 - List of applicable Legal requirements

012 - Product Description

013 - Instructions for Self - care (Home) Laundry

014 - Food Safety Objective Plan

015 - Emergency condition response plan

016 - Communication Matrix

017 - Sequence and Interactions Matrix

018 - Allergen risk assessment sheet

019 - Internal & External Issue Log Register

020 - Needs & Expectations of Interested Parties

021 - Opportunity Register

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 04 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP & HACCP Manual > 3.0 PRP Manual

001 PRP (ISO - TS - 22002 - 1 - 2009) Manual

002 PRP (ISO - TS - 22002 - 4 - 2013) Manual

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 04 SOP - Hygiene Policies - PRP & HACCP Manual > 4.0 HACCP Plan

0. FSTL Appointment Letter

001 HACCP Plan Cover Page

002 Validation Team

003 Product Description

004 Intended Use

005 RM & Ingredients List

006 Process Flow Chart

007 Risk Assessment Criteria

008 Hazard Analysis - RM & PM

009 Hazard Analysis - Process wise

010 HACCP Verification Schedule

011 CCP Decision Tree

012 CCP & OPRP Monitoring Plan

05 Formats
FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 1.0 HR & Admin

001 - Competence & Skill Matrix

002 - Job Responsibility & Authorities

003 - Induction Training Form

004 - Training Calendar

005 - Training Imparted Record

006 - Training Feedback & Evaluation Record

007 - Training Need Identification Form

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 2.0 Purchase

008 - Supplier Approval Questionnaire Form

009 - Approved Supplier List

010 - Supplier Rating & Evaluation Record

011 - Purchase Order Monitoring Register

012 - Supplier Audit Report

013 - Purchase Requisition

014 - Supplier Commitment For Food Safety Compliance

015 - Purchase Order

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 3.0 Maintenance

016 - Master List of Machines & Equipments

017 - Critical Spare List

018 - Preventive Maintenance Check List

019 - Breakdown Maintenance Register

020 - Temporary Maintenance Log Sheet

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 4.0 Production

021 - Daily Production Planning Report

022 - Daily Production Report

023 - Magnet Cleaning Report

024 - Metal Detector Monitoring Record

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 5.0 QC

025 - Master list of calibration instruments

026 - Non Confirming Product Register

027 - Lab. Analysis Report

028 - Shelf Life Validation Record

029 - Knife & Scissor Issue Record

030 - Product Release & Traceability Record

031 - Quality Control Plan

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 6.0 Sales & Marketing

032 - Customer Satisfaction Index

033 - Customer Feedback Form

034 - Customer Complaint Form

035 - Customer Order Monitoring Register

036 - Customer Enquiry Register

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 7.0 Housekeeping

037 - Mock Recall Record

038 - Checklist for Waste Disposal

039 - Footwear Cleaning Record

040 - Weekly Cleaning Records

041 - Water Tank Cleaning Records

042 - Monthly HACCP Verification

043 - Mock Recall Schedule

044 - EKF Monitoring Records

045 - Daily Plant Sanitation & Hygiene checklist

046 - Daily Personal Sanitation & Hygiene check list

047 - Clause wise Internal Audit Checklist of FSSC 22000 v5

048 - Incident Investigation Report

049 - Glass Breakage Verification Checklist

050 - Rodent and Pest Control Checklist

051 - Visitor Health Declaration Form

052 - Injury Register

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 8.0 Dispatch

053 Transport Vehicle Inspection Report

054 Transport Specification Agreement

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 9.0 Store

055 - Stock register

056 - Issue Slip

057 - Material Inward register

058 - Delivery Challan

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 05 Formats > 10.0 Design & Development

059 - Document of External Origin

060 - Master List of Formats & Records

061 - Annual Internal Audit Schedule

062 - Internal Audit Plan

063 - Change Note

064 - Master List of Documents

065 - Management Review Meeting

066 - Internal Audit NC Report

067 - Food Safety Objectives

068 - Agenda for MRM

069 - Internal Audit Report

070 - Organization Chart

06 Sample Filled formats

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 06 Sample Filled formats > 01. HACCP Plan - Filled Standardize

0. FSTL Appointment Letter

001 HACCP Plan Cover Page

002 Validation Team

003 Product Description

004 Intended Use

005 RM & Ingredients List

006 Process Flow Chart

007 Risk Assessment Criteria

008 Hazard Analysis - RM & PM

009 Hazard Analysis - Process wise

010 HACCP Verification Schedule

011 CCP Decision Tree

012 CCP & OPRP Monitoring Plan

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 06 Formats > 02. Other

059 - Document of External Origin

060 - Master List of Formats & Records

061 - Annual Internal Audit Schedule

062 - Internal Audit Plan

063 - Change Note

064 - Master List of Documents

065 - Management Review Meeting

066 - Internal Audit NC Report

067 - Food Safety Objectives

068 - Agenda for MRM

07 FSSC Audit checklist

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 07 FSSC Audit checklist

001 Internal Audit Checklist of FSSC 22000 v5

08 FSSC Policy and Objectives

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 08 FSSC Policy and Objectives > 1.0 Objectives sample

001 Food Safety Objectives Sample 1

002 Food Safety Objectives Sample 2

FSSC 22000 toolkit > 08 FSSC Policy and Objectives > 2.0 Quality Policy Sample

002 Food Quality Policy (sample 1)

003 Food Quality Policy (sample 2)

09 Signages
FSSC 22000 toolkit > 09 Signages

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