BCA Updated Syllabus 12-10-23 NEP

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UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY-2020 | PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF UG-BACHELOR OF 1 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA) (Basic and Honours degree) (Programme Code: UGO801) Syllabus for 1st and 2nd Semesters and Open Elective Courses in Computer Application SYLLABUS 2023 Faculty of Science BCA Part First -2024 BCA Part Second -2025 BCA Part Third -2026 BCA Part Fourth -2027 1 i { i Preamble Computer Application (CA) has been evolving as an important branch of science and technology in last three decade and it has carved out a space for itself like computer science and engineering. Computer application spans theory and more application and it requires thinking both in abstract terms and in concrete terms ‘The ever -evolving discipline of computer application has strong connections to other disciplines xy problems in science, engineering, health care, business, and other areas can be solved effectively with computers and knowledge of the particular application domain 's applications, but finding a solution requires both computer science expertise and Computer science has a wide range of specialties. These include Computer Architecture, Sofware Systems, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical and Statistical Analysis, Data Science Computational Science, and Software Engineering. Universities and other IEIs introduced programmes of computer application. Information Technology is growing rapidly. Increasing applications of computers in almost all areas of human endeavour has led to vibrant industries with concurrent rapid change in technology. Unlike other basic disciplines, developing core competency in this discipline that can be reasonably stable becomes challenge. In India, it was initially introduced at the Master (postgraduate) level as MCA and M.Tech. Later on, engineering programmes such as B.Tech and B.E in Computer Science & Engineering and in Information Tochnology were introduced in various engineering College/Institutions to cater to the yrowing demand for trained engineering manpower in IT industries, Parallelly, BCA, BSe and MSe programmes with specialisation in Computer Science were introduced to train manpower in this highty demanding area. BCA and BCA (Hons) are aimed at undergraduate level training facilitating multiple career paths. Students so graduated, can take up postgraduate programmes in CS or MCA leading to research as well as R&D, can be employable at IT industries, or can pursue a teaching profession or can adopt a business management career. BCA and BCA (Hons) aims at laying a strong foundation of computer application «t an early stage of the career. There are several employment opportunities and after successful completion of BCA, praduating students can fetch employment directly in companies as programmer, Web Developer, Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Data Scientist, or AVML personnel TI development of course content, in method of imparting wainin assessment procedures of the leaming outcomes. The emphasis curriculum framework, help students learn solving problems, accomplishing IT tasks, and creativity, both individually and collaboratively. The proposed framework will help Students learn programming techniques and the syntax of one or more programming languages. 2 1e Program outcomes in BCA are aimed at allowing flexibility and innovation in design and in teaching learning process and in in BCA courses, in outcome-based xpressing Ry Veo Repistiai demic) ersity of Rejagtha AUR pat All students must, therefore, have access to a computer with a modem programming: ls installed. The computer science framework does not prescribe » specific language, The teacher and students will decide which modern programming languages students will learn. More importantly students will learn to adapt to changes in programming languages and lear new languages as they are developed. The present Curriculum Framework for BCA degrees is intended to facilitate the students to achieve the following. + To develop an understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of Computer Science and Information Technology with good foundation on theory, systems and applications such as algorithms, data structures, data handling, data communication and computation + To develop the ability to use this knowledge to analyse new situations in the application domain + To acquire necessary and state-of-the-art skills to take up industry challenges. The objectives ant outcomes are carefully designed to suit tu tine above-mentioned purpose. + The ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge, understanding and experience for # better and improved comprehension of the real-life problems + To earn skills and tools like mathematics, statisties and electronics to find the solution, interpret the results and make predictions for the future developments + To formulate, to model, to design solutions, procedure and to use software tools to solve real world problems and evaluate The objectives of the Programme are: 1. The primary objective of this program is to prepare students for careers in software industry. understanding and skills, related to the use of computers and its applications. The course is designed to function as an intermediate between the industry and academic institutes. This To impart creativity and pursuit of excellence in computer applications, curse provides students with options to specialize in new and upcoming technologies. To provide opportunity for the study of modem methods of information processing and its applications. To develop among students the programming techniques and the problem solving skills through programming, 7. To develop the ability to use this knowledge to analyze new situations 8. To be able to blend the acquired knowledge, understanding, and experience, for a better and improved intellectual capacity of the real-life problems. 9. To prepare students who wish to go on to further studies in computer science and related subjects. Program Outcomes: BCA (3 Years) Degree I Discipline knowledge: Acquiring knowledge on basics of Computer Science and ability to apply to design principles in the development of solutions for problems of varying complexity Problem Solving: Improved reasoning with strong mathematical ability to Identify, formulate and analyze problems related to computer science and exhibiting a sound knowledge on data structures and algorithms. Difficulty Analysis: Talent to classify, significantly evaluate and prepare complex computing. problems Using fundamentals of computer knowledge and request domains, Design and Development of Solutions: Ability to design and development of algorithmi¢ solutions to real world problems and acquiring a minimum knowledge on statistics and optimization problems. Establishing excellent skills in applying various design strategies for solving complex probleins. Accomplish Investigations of Compound Computing Troubles: Ability to invent and ways experiments interpret data and present well up to date conclusions Application Systems Knowledge: Possessing a sound knowledge on computer application software and ability to design and develop app for applicative problems, Modem Tool Usage: Identify, select and use a modern scientific and IT tool or technique for modeling, Prediction, data analysis and solving problems in the area of Computer Science and making them mobile based application software, Mission Administration: Skill to recognize administration and computing philosophy: with computing ‘acquaintance to supervise projects in multidisciplinary environments. Communication: Must have a reasonably good communication knowledge both in oral and writing, Ethies on Profession, Environment and Society: Exhibiting professional ethics to maintain the integeality in 4 working environment and also have concern on societal impacts due to computer-based solutions for problems, Motivation to take up Higher Studies: Inspiration to continue educations towards advanced studies on Computer Science. had pry. Regist \ yor Rapsha Q PAIPUR FCM Additional Program Outcomes: BCA Degree (Honours) The Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA (Hons)) program enables students to attain following additional attributes besides the afore-mentioned attributes, by the time of graduation |. Implement standard Software Engineering practices and strategies in real-time sofiware project development 2. Design and develop computer programs/computer based systems in the areas related to Al, algorithms networking, web design, cloud computing and data analytics. 3. Acquaint with the contemporary trends in industrial/esearch settings and thereby innovate novel solutions to existing problems 4. In order to enhance programming skills of the young IT professionals, the concept of project development in using the technologies learnt during the semester has been introduced. The ability to work independently on a substantial software project and as an effective team member Ability to identify, formulate, analyze and solve problems of programming using different languages. The ability to enhance Research and Development activities, In order to enhance Preparation and presentation of papers. 9. To encourage new innovative ideas and implement it. 10. ro dovelop ability to Dissertation/Thesis preparation and writing Un versity of Rajas-ban JARPGE Gop | Course Title ~~ T Course | 1 ] Teaching) Credits | | Type | Practical | Hours | Programming in C 2 a i cceramaine nC Laban ae ab ya | | Web Application Development _ =_SsSsSe ee = eee | nee eee BCA-SIP-104 | Web Application Development Lab | | Practical | ee Computer Fundamentals & Office | DSE | Theory {~ 4) 4 Management Tools __ ee Office Management Tools Lab | BSE [Practical | pecan pases ‘AECI Theory | {SECE | VACT [BCA-STT- } i i [BCA-SIT-108 { | | BCA-STT-108 “BCA-SIT-105 [BCA-S2P-112 | DBMS Cab Course Structure for BCA BCA Part - 1. 2023-24 Onwards Certificate in Computer Application | Operating Systems Operating Systems Lab Database Management Systems Theory {4 | 4 | facasrers [pseeeeeees | BCASSoP-i14 | BCAS27-115 } 7 | BCA-52T-116 | BCA-52P-117 | | BCA-52T-118 | Computer Organization & Architecture | ABC2 | SEC2 Practical Theory BCA Part - If 2024-25 Onwards ul BCA63P-204 | — BCA-G3T-205 t Diploma in Computer Application Object Orfente Java Progr Java Lab) a Sofware Engineering rogramming Using 7 | Teae g Hours! Course | Theo Type | Practical | | | Total | [321 36 BCA GTON 7 leas CO | Theory [4 a [pees | ee a | | BCA-64P-213 | PHP Lab CC | Practical 2 [BCA-64T-213 | Python Programming Co] Theowy 4 | eet | bocaetetesiteretnen as Python Lab CC” | Practical SECA WACa | —_. DSE | Theory MEC | Theory SEC | Theory BCA Part - 11 2025-26 Onwards ~~ Semester-wise Titles of the Papers in Bachelor of Computer Application Bachelor of Computer Application Machine Learning Mach ie Learning Lab Data Warehousing & Data Mining VE Data Warehousing & Data Mining Lab | BCAeT- Data Communication & Computer| DSE. \ Networks - i I BCA-76T-316 | SECS i [samc mes eee BCA Sem | Bemes [en VIE Vill Part - LV 2026-27 Onwards Bachelor of Computer Application(Honours) 71-401 ee |e BCA-B7P-402 | BCAS7PA0 {BCA-B7T-405 = BCA-EIP-406 | Adv. Java Lab Theory | Teaching) Credits Practical | Hours/ | Practical | “Theory | Bractioatf | BCA-87T-407 “| Druple: Content Management system | | BCA-877-408 | Deep Learning | Total Credits of VII Sem DSE | Theory | Theory | [BCA-SET-ATT | Big Data Analytics Big Data Lab t_ : BCA-88T-413 [TOT J BCA 8P-414 | TOT Lab a BCA-88T-415 | Network Security and Cryptography BCA-88T-416 | Computer Graphics i Ge | Practical | —— Theory BCA-88P-417 [Sas Design Lab —— “Total Credits of VIET Sem 10 3CA Part - IV 2026-27 Onwards ! Se semes ter Course Code [BCA i / | with Research) __ | Course Title CA-B7T-ADS oi Development ole Bachelor of Computer Application(Honours with Research) [ Course jonours Teaching! Credits Hours) | Theory? Practical eee t | Total Credits of Vit Sem “[BCA-88T-431 | Big Daia Analytics 5c | BCA-87P-424 [Mobile Application DevelopmentLab | CC | Practical i BCA-871-435 | Adv. Java Programming | DSE | theory a | BCA-87P-426 | Adv. Java Lab DSE | Practical | Theory Big DataLab “AB8T433 fIOT [BCA-S8P-434 [iOTLab BCA-881-435 | Network Security and Crypiography Research Ethics and Research | Total Credits of VIII Sem | Methodology — BCA-88T-437 Writing | Dissertation/Thesis Preparation © Programming Concepts eb Application Developm Fundamentals of Computer fanagement Tools ‘Commerce Technologies | Practica | | (He Programming in Python BCAMECIO | Tntroduction to BCAMECTI | BCAMECI2 Graphic Design ‘Open Source with PHP Hours) | s ade: | t 1 Course Content for BCA, Semesters Land I Semester Course Outcomes (COs) \fier completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to + Confidently operate Desktop Computers to cary out computational tasks + Understand working of Hardware and Software and the importance of operating systems + Understand programming languages, number systems, peripheral devices, networking, multim and internet concepts + Read, understand and trace the execution of programs written in C language + Write the C code for a given problem + Perform input and output operations using programs in C Write programs that perform operations on arrays Course Content BCA-S1T-101: Programming in C UNIT-1 Basic concepts of Programming languages. Programming Domains, Language Evaluation criteria wil Li categories, Evolution of major programming languages. Describing syntax and semantics, formal methods of describing syntax, Pseudo code, Design of Algorithm & Flowchart UNIT- I Fundamentals of C: History and importance of C, basic structure and execution of C programs, constants. variables, and data types, Various type of declaratio} expressions, operator precedence and associability. Manuging input and output operations, decision imaking and branching. , operators types and expressions, evaluation ll iteration: while, do...while, for loop, nested loops, break & continue, goto statements. UNIT- ITT Avvay and String: One-dimensional array and their declaration and initialization, 0 dimensional arrays at thet initializations, character arrays (One and Two dimensional), reading and writing strings, string - handling functions Functions: Need and elements for user ~defined functions, definition of functions, retumn values and their 1 pes. fimetion calls and declaration, recursion, parameter passing, passing arrays and strings to fimetions, the scope: visibility and life time of variables. B UNIT-V Undel inding Pointers: Accessing the address of a variable, declaration and initialization of pointer variables. iecessing a variable through its pointer, pointers and arrays, pointers and function arguments, functions returning, pointers, sty res and Untons: Defining structure, declaring structure variable and accessing structure members nitialization of structure, operation on individual members, and array of structures, union, size of structure Recommended Books: Balagurusamy E; Programming in ANSI C;Fifth Edn; Me Graw Hitl.2011 Kanetkar ¥.; LET US C; X Edition, BPB,2010. Deitel HM & Deitel JP; C How to program; 5" Edn; Pearson Pub Gottfried B; Programming with C: Schaum Qutlines; Me Graw Hill Edition. [ Course Title: Programm Hours/Week: 04 Content : Recommended exercises 1. Program to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference 2, Program to read three numbers and find the biggest of three 3. Program to demonstrate library funetions in math. 4. Program to check for prime 5. Program to generate n primes 6. Program to read a number, find the sum of the digits, reverse the number and check it for palindrome Program to read numbers from Keyboard continuously till the user presses 999 and 10 find the sum of only positive numbers 8. Program to read percentage of marks and to display appropriate message (Demonstration of elseif fachde) 9. Program to find the roots of quadratic equation (demonstration of switch Case staternent) 10. Program to read marks scored by n students and find the average of marks (Demonstration of single dimensional arcay) 11, Program to remove Duplicate Clement in a single dimensional Array 12. Program to perform addition and subtraction of Matrices Part B: Program to find the length of « string without using builtin function Program to demonstrate string functions. Program to demonstrate pointers in C Program to check a number for prime by defining isprime( ) function Program to read, display and to find the trace of a square matrix Program to read, display and add two m x n matrices using functions Program to read, display and multiply two m x n matrices using functions 8, Program to read a string and to find the number of alphabets, digits, vowels, consonants, spaces and special characters. 9. Program to Reverse a String using Pointer 4 10, Program to Swap Two Numbers using Pointers 11. Program to demonstrate student structure to read & display records of n students 12. Program to demonstrate the difference between structure & union Note: Student has to execute a minimum of 10 programs in ach part to complete the Lab course. Hours/Weel Course Outcomes (COs): On completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1 2, 3 4 Understand best technologies for solving web client/server problems Analyze and design real time web applications Use Java script for dynamic effects and to validate form input entry Analyze to Use appropriate client-side and Server-side application technology BCA-S1T-103 : Web Application Development Unit -1 The luternet - Basic of internet, file transfer, telnet, usenet, gopher, wais, Archie and veronica. Introduction to Internct Protovols-, HIP, FTP, SMTP protocols. World Wide Web : Elements of the Web, Web browser and its architecture, The web server, the proxy server Microsoft internet explorer, viewing pages with a browser, using a browser for Mail, News and chat, Security aud Privacy issues (cookies, firewalls, Data Security, executable Applets and scripts, blocking system), Unit - 11 MTML Fundamentals: Introduction to HTML, HTML Elements, HTMI. Semantics, HTML 3 Doe Typ. Structure Tags, Section, Nav, Article, Aside, Header, Footer, HTML Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs. Styles Quotations, Blocks, Classes, Layout, Hrames, Creating HTML Pages, incorporating Horizontal Rules ancl Graphical Elements, Hyper-links, Creating HTML Tables, Creating HTML Forms, HTML and fmage Tecln HTML and Page, Development of Website and Webpage (Planning, Navigation and Themes, Elements of age, steps of creating a site, publishing and publicizing site structuring web site. Unit Cascading Style Sheets: Understanding Style Sheets, CSS Syntax and Applying Style Sheets to HTML. docuent Developing Style Sheets: inline, internal and external. CSS Selectors,
tay. Using class and 1D. St tine: Backgrounds, Styling borders, Styling Text, Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Stsling Tables. Flex and Grids. Bootstrap & Web page design : CMS, Banks of CMS, Joomia/vordpress-Installation. Desi velopment of websites, Unit-IV Java seript: Introduction to scripting language, Client Side Scripting, memory concepts, arithmetic decision making, Java script control structures, Java script functions, JS Popup Boxes, events, program modules in jax script, function definitions duration of identifiers, scope rules, Controlling Programming Flow. recursion java seript global functions, Arrays handling in Java script, The Java Script Object Model, Developing Validation of Forms, Cookies and Java Script Security Controlling Frames in fava Script, Client ~ Side Java Seript Custom, nteractive Forms, References : 1, The Colete eference: HTML & XHTML; Thomas A. Powel, 4" Edn. Mastering HTML 4.0 by Deborah S.Ray an Eric J. Ray From 8PB Mastering Java Script, BPB publication, Internet and web technology by Raj Kamal, TMH Publication 2, Steven Holzner ‘The Complete Reference Java Scripts,, Tata McGraw — Hill,3" Edn, Java Script, Don Gosselin, Vikas publications Content HTML. ‘ecommended exercises Basics Elements & Attributes, HTML Formatting tags, Links, 2, Images, Tables, Forms Elements 3. HTMLS Audio and Video, HTMLS Input Types & Attributes 4, CSS Syntax, CSS Attribute Selectors 5. CSS properties: Fonts, Background, Colors, Links, Lists, 6. CSS Box Model, Display, Opacity, Float, Clear 7. CSS Layout, CSS Navigation Bar, 8. CSS Rounded Comers, CSS Border Images, CSS Animations JavaScript: Displaying Output, DeclaringVariables, Operators, Arithmetic, Data Types, Assignment 2, JavaScript Functions, Booleans, Comparisons, Conditional, 3. JavaScript Switch, Loops, Break, Type, 4, JavaScript Objects, Scope, 5. Strings and String Methods 6. Numbers and Number Methods, Math, JavaScript Dates: Formats and Methods 7. JavaScript Events, JavaScript, JavaScript Forms (API and Validation), Objects, 8. JavaScript Functions, JavaScript DOM, JavaScript Validation, Browser BOM ~ | Course Title: Computer Management Tools Hours/Week: 04 | Corse Code: BCA-S1T-105 ' Course Outcomes (COs): + Introduction to computers, classi inicrocontrollers + Intemet basics, features, applications, services, intemet service providers, |-NP. 2-NF.3-NF and SCNF. Transaction Management : Transactions: Concepts, ACID Properties, States OF Transaction, Seriatizaibitity, Isolation, Checkpoints, Deadlock Handling Recove ry System & Security : Failure Classifications, Recovery & Atomicity, Log Base Recovery. Recovery with Coneurrent Transactions, Introduction to Security & Authorization UNIT- IV, Introduetion to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL. data types and literals. Types of SiH commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and indexes, Queries and sub queries. Ay Junctions, insert, update and delete operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus in SQL 2 Recommended Books: Korth H F and Silberschataz A, System Concepts, Sixth Edition; MeGraw Hill.2010 Leon, and Leon, SQL Tata MeGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd Ivan Bayross; SQUPL 4" Edn: BPB,2009 Navathe $.B. Elmasri R,; Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pifth Edition, Pearson 20111 Ramakrishan and Gharke, Database Management Systems, 3° Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007, Singh S.K.; Database Systems; | Edition; Pearson, 2006. Course Titi: DBMS Lab 1. Analyze the organization and identify the entities, attributes and relationships in it. 2. Identify the primary keys for all the entities. Identify the other keys like candidate keys, partial keys, if any. 3. Relate the entities appropriately. Apply cardinalities for each relationship. Identify strong entities and weak entities (if any). 4, Represent all the entities (Strong, Weak) in tabular fashion. Represent relationships in a tabular fashion, 5. Apply the First, Second and Third Normalization levels on the database designed for the organization 6. Installation of Mysq] and practicing DDL commands 7. Creating databases, how to create tables, altering the database, dropping tables and databases if ne required. Try truncate, rename comands ete. 8. Practicing DML commands on the Database created for the example organization 9. DML commands are used to for managing data within schema objects. Some examples: SELECT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 10. Practice queries (along with sub queries) involving ANY, ALL, IN, Exists, NOT EXISTS. UNION, INTERSECT, Constraints ete, 11. Practice queries using Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, and MAX and MIN). GROUP BY, HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views. tion & Architecture [Comse Code: BCAS2T-115———~—~SC*&Y Course Title: Computer Orga ae — Course Outcomes (COs): On completion of the course, the student will be able to’ 1. Understand Boolean Algebra and Data Representation. Understand and Design of Sequential and Arithmetic Circuits. Boolean Algebra and Data Representation. Understand Microprocessor operations. . Remember and Understand the basics of computer architecture, organization and Design. 2 6. Understand the operations of CPU and I/O devices 7. Understand the operations and organization of Memory. 8. Understand the concept of parallel processing and pipelining BCA-52T-115 : Computer Organization & Architecture UNIT-1 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Logic Gates, Basic Jaws of Boolean algebra, Simplification of Boolean ilgebra Arithmetic Cireuits: Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Parallel Binary Adler, Parallel binary Subtractor, Sequential Logie: Sequential circuits: Flip-flops, S-R, D, J-K, T, Clocked Flip-flop, Race around condition, Master slave Flip-Flop. UNIT-IT Data Representation: Number systems-Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Complements, Arithmetic operations, foal Doint representation Register Transfer and Micro Operations: Register Transfer Language, Register transfer, Bus and Memor transfer, Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, Shift Micro-operations, Arithmetic Logie Shift Unit UNIT-IIt Basic Computer Organization and Design: instruction Codes, Computer Registers; Common bus systen. Computer Instructions; Instruction formats; Instruction Cycle; Fetch and Decode, Flowehart for Instruction cycle Register reference instructions, Addressing Modes. CPU Design: Specifying a CPU, design and implementation of a decoding and executing instructions, establishing required data paths). iple CPU (fetching instructions from memory UNIT-IV Input-Output Organization : Input-output Interfaces, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Mode of Transfer - Programmed VO, Interrupt VO, Direct Memory aecess(DMA). Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory. /O Interrupt, types of Interrupts, Priority Interrupts, Direct Memory Access(DMA}. Recommended Books 1M, Morris Mano; Computer System Architectures; III Edition, Prentice Hall of India.2008 Andrew S. Tanenbaum , Structured Computer Organization Printice Hall William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture , Sixth Edition, Pearson John D. Carpinetli: Computer Systems Organization & Architecture: 3" Edition: Person Education Asia,2008 5. Malvino B ; Digital Computer Electronics III Edition; TMHL. 23 i gisiva wssry of Rajasthee FALPUR

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