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MRT493 – Winter 22

MRT493 Social Media Intelligence and Web Analytics

Content Marketing Plan 15%

Select an existing company/product of your choice. Students will be tasked with
delivering a content marketing plan to support the company in their EXPANSION stage.

The report should be 5-6 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. The
page count does not include title page, table of contents, references and appendix.
Report should be professional written with appropriate headings and subheadings. Be
sure to place all images, charts, graphs, etc. in the appendix. Reports should be
written in third person only and should not be opinion-based. Be sure to cite all of
your information collected from external resources.

The goal of the report is to present your plan concisely and impactfully. Students may
use whichever platform they wish in recording their presentation, just be sure that it
properly records, and visuals are clear.

1. Situation Analysis: Develop a SWOT analysis that reflects the company’s current
position (internal), and the market’s current position (external). Use external sources and
be sure to cite all of your gathered information. Summarize the key takeaways from the

2. Competitive Analysis: Develop a competitive analysis, including direct and indirect

competitors. Be sure to provide a brief rationale as to what criteria is descriptive of each
category (indirect vs. direct).

3. Persona/Audience Map: Develop three (3) separate and distinct

personas/audiences. These would both reflect a type of person who would be
interested in the company’s product/service, however both should be distinct and unique
form one another. Profile your target customer personas. What are their motivations and
aspirations? Use the template below, and see previous examples from class materials.
MRT493 – Winter 22

4. Consumer Journey/Funnel: Create a consumer journey/funnel for each persona

determined in part three. The summary of the journey should contain:
 The steps
 What is the objective: Entertain, Educate, Persuade or Convert?
 The information needed for the customer at each step
 How the consumer should feel in order to move onto the next step

5. Strategic Plan. Now that you have identified your company’s strengths and
weaknesses, the market conditions, target customers, and those customers journeys,
you must now develop your content/marketing plan. Be sure to include the campaign
objectives, an overview of the social/web marketing tactics you recommend are
used (include the creative elements), key performance indicators (metrics) for each
tactic, and the implementation plan (schedule). Ensure that you justify your choice
of content format for each stage and persona. In this section you may find it useful to
use external research to support your thinking.


Situation Analysis - SWOT /3
Competitive Analysis /3
Persona/Audience Maps (1 point for each distinct/different /3
Consumer Journeys/Funnels (1 point for each distinct /3
Strategic Plan /3
· Campaign Objectives (1)
· Social/Web Marketing Tacticsand KPIs (1)
· Implementation Plan/Schedule (1)
Total /15

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