Figure 1-1

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Focusing on the first five components (ABN002, ABX001, BBR474, BLY283,

BNT172): Map TelFigure 1-1


Use Table 3 and Table 4 to calculate the number of customers affected by the shortage of
each component. The column (ii) Criticality shows the components ranked as highest in
criticality from the number of customers affected by the shortage.

3. What measures could be taken to prevent or mitigate impact of shortage of critical

3.1 Increase inventory holdings of these components to ensure a longer Time to Survive
without disruptions.
3.2 Diversify suppliers to identify and engage additional vendors who can provide the
same or compatible components, reducing dependence on any single source.
4. Do you think that supply chains are more prone to disruptions today?
Yes, supply chains today are often considered more prone to disruptions due to increased
global interdependence, complex networks of suppliers, and the rise of lean and just-in-
time practices that reduce buffer inventories. Additionally, factors such as geopolitical
tensions, climate change, natural disasters, and pandemics have highlighted the need for
greater supply chain resilience. The case study points out that even low-probability events
("black swans") can significantly disrupt operations, emphasizing the importance of being
prepared for unforeseen uncertainti

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