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Use Table 3 and Table 4 to calculate the number of customers affected by the
shortage of each component. Which component creates the highest points of
vulnerability, i.e., (i) the most critical from a technical standpoint and (ii) where a
shortage would affect the largest number of customers?
The number of customers affected by the shortage of each component is calculated by
using the market populations using each configuration and the number of components in
each configuration. We applied the percentage of population using that component to the
total population to find the population for each component. Then we applied that
percentage to the overall population to find the customer number.
For example, the number of customers affected by the shortage of ABN002 is calculated by
(4569895 + 1254896 + 11254263 + 2548986 + 2456896) - (11254263×4÷513 +
2548986×7÷71) = 21745875.
The column (i) Criticality shows the components ranked as highest in criticality from a
technical standpoint, evaluated by functionality and availability from multiple vendors
based on Table 2 in the case.
The column (ii) Criticality shows the components ranked as highest in criticality from the
number of customers affected by the shortage.
2. Do you think that supply chains are more prone to disruptions today?
Yes, supply chains today are often consid importance of being prepared for unforeseen
uncertainties rather than solely focusing on high-cost items or common risks. Therefore,
companies like TelCo must adopt a holistic approach to supply chain risk management,
including both identifying critical components and preparing for the consequences of
disruptions regardless of their likelihood.

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