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2: Some common vitamins

named by named according main effect Vitamin deficiency
symbols to chemical disease

A Axerophtol - plays a role in vision dry eyes, corneal

- keep the epithelium intact hypertrophy

D Calicferol Hypercalcemia, increased intestinal Rickets, soft bones

absorption of calcium and
phosphorus. Essential for bone

E Tocopherol Is the most important antioxidant. has reproductive

an effect on the reproductive system disorders
K Antihemorragias Participate in the blood clotting blood clotting
process through the role of disorders
synthesizing protrombin,
proconvertin, forming factors IX and
B1 Thiamine Coenzyme decarboxylates a-ketone -Beriberi
acids. -
-Synthesis of acetyl choline Neuroinflammatory

B2 Riboflavin Is the component that creates FMN - corneal disease

and FAD configuration - dermatitis
B3 Nicotinamide Plays a constitutive role in the - Vitamin PP
coenzyme NAD deficiency disease

B6 Pyridoxine Coenzyme of transaminase enzyme, -Epileptic disease

decarboxylation enzyme of tyrosine,
glutamic and some other amino acids.

Bc (M) Folicx acid - Participate in coenzyme transporting - Giant red blood

formyl and formimino groups. cells
- Plays an important role in cell - Anemia
growth and reproduction.
B5 Pentothenic acid - Structure of coenzyme A
- Transport of acyl radicals during -T/C Burning-Feet
fatty acid synthesis (ACP). - Gastritis, enteritis,
diarrhea, diarrhea,
hair loss...
B12 Cynocobalamin -Plays a role in stimulating
hematopoiesis Pernicious anemia
-Coenzyme isomerizes, reduces
formyl group, transfers methyl group.

C Ascorbic acid Participates in oxidation-reduction Vitamin C

processes, collagen synthesis, deficiency disease
tyrosine oxidation, adrenal steroid

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