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Programme: III IT
Semester : V
Course : 518PST01 -Probability and Statistics


1. Determine the binomial distribution for which the mean is 4 & the variance 3?
2.A normal distribution has mean = 20, & SD = 10 find P (15 ≤ X ≤ 40).
3. Write any 2 properties of normal distribution.
4. If the probability that a target is destroyed in any one shot is 0.5. What is the probability
that it
would be destroyed on the 6 attempt.

5. The MGF of X is given by Mx(t)= (0.6et + 0.4)8 . Find the mean and variance of the
6.If X is a uniformly distributed random variable ( ) , find the pdf of y =tanx.
7. If X be a uniformly distributed random variable in (a,9) & P (3 < X <5) = 2/7, find a.
8.If X is a poissonvariate such that E(x2) = 6,find E(x).
1 5t 4t
( ¿ e −e )
9. If the MGF of a distribution for a random variable X is t ,t>0, find E(X).
10.State & prove additive properties of poisson distribution.

Group A

1. Find the MGF, mean & variance of the Binomial distribution.

2. Prove that the limiting case of Binomial is a Poisson distribution
3. Find the MGF, mean & variance of the Geometric distribution.
4. Find the MGF, mean & variance of the Uniform distribution.
5. Find the MGF, mean & variance of the Exponential distribution

Group B

1. Out of 800 families with 4 children each, how many families would be expected to have
(i) 2 boys & 2 girls (ii) at least 1 boy (iii) at most 2 girls (iv) children of both genders.
Assuming equal probability for boys & girls.
2.It is known that the probability of an item produced by a certain machine will be defective
is 0.05 If the produced items are sent to the market in packets of 20, find the number of
packets containingat least, exactly and at most 2 defective items in a consignment of 1000
packets .

3.Six dice are thrown 729 times. How many times do you expect atleast 3 dice to show a 5 or

a 6?
4.State and Prove the Memoryless Property of geometric distribution.A die is tossed until 6
appears. What is the probability that it must be tossed more than 3 times?
5. The monthly breakdown of a bike is a RV follows Poisson with mean 1.8. Find the
probability thatthe bike will function for a month (i) without breakdown (ii) with only one
breakdown (iii) atleast one breakdown.

Group C
1. If X is uniformly distributed over (1,10), find the probability that (i) X<2 , (ii)X>8
2.The daily consumption of milk in excess of 20000 litres in a town is approximately
exponentially distributed with parameter 1/3000.The town has a daily stock of 35000
litres.What is the probability that of two days selected at random, the stock is insufficient for
both the days ?
3.The amount of time that a watch will run without having to be reset is a RV having an
exponential distribution with mean 120 days. Find the probability that such a watch will (i)
have to be set in less than 24 days (ii) not have to be reset in at least 180 days.
4. Prove the memoryless property of an exponential distribution. The time in hours required
to repair a machine is exponentially distributed with parameter 2 . (i) What is the
probability that the repair time exceeds 2 hours? (ii)What is the conditional probability that
a repair takes atleast 10 hours given that its duration exceeds 9 hours?
5. The number of personal computers sold daily at a company follows Uniform distribution
with minimum of 2000 pc and maximum of 5000 pc. Find the probability that (i) daily
sales between 2500 to 3000 pc (ii) company will sell atleast 4000 pc (iii) will sell exactly
4000 pc


1. In a normal distribution 31% of the items are under 45 &8% are over 64. Find the mean
and Variance of the distribution.

2.The life time of an electric component is normaly distributed with mean 250 hours and

standard deviation ‘σ’hours. Find the value of ‘σ’ so that the probability of a component to

have life between 200 and 300 hours is0.7.

3.The weekly wages of 1000 workmen are normaly distributed around a mean of Rs. 70 with

SD of Rs. 5. Estimate the number of workers whose weekly wages will be (i) between Rs.

69 and Rs. 72, (ii) less than Rs. 69 and (iii) more than Rs. 72.

4. The marks obtained by a number of students in a certain subject are approximately

normaly distributed with mean 65 & SD 5. If 3 students are selected at random from the

group, what is the probability that at least one of them would have scored above 75 ?

5. If a RV X has Normal distribution with S.D 10 hours, probability that a RV will take the
values less than 82.5 is 0.8212. What is the probability that it will take values less than 58.3

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