Test Scenarios Template

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Requirement- reference

Test scenario ID
document index

TS_001 section 3 , page 3

TS_002 3.1.1

TS_003 3.1.1

TS_004 3.1.1
TS_005 3.1.1
TS_006 3.1.2
TS_007 3.1.2
TS_008 3.1.2


TS_010 3.1.3


TS_012 3.1.4
TS_013 3.1.4
TS_014 3.1.4
TS_015 3.1.4
TS_016 3.1.4
Test scenario description

validate if (Verify that) the user is able to enter the Orange HRM system with a successful ESS-User account
validate if (Check if) the user is able to see the “Personal Details” on logging in the first time

validate if the user is able to edit the fields other than the following and save changes
Personal Details
● Employee ID
● SSN No
● SIN No
● Driver License No
● Date of Birth

Verify if the user can add attachments by pressing the "Add" button
Verify that the user can delete the attachment by pressing the "delete" button
Validate if the user can upload a picture from the site of the format (jpg, png, gif )
Validate if the user can upload a picture of the size less than 1 MB
Validate if the user can replace a picture when a new picture is uploaded
Verify the user can edit the following information
 Country – Select the country from the drop down
 Street 1
 Street 2
 City/Town
 State/Province – If the country is United Sates you can select from the drop down or you need to enter
it manually
 ZIP Code
 Home Telephone
 Mobile
 Work Telephone
 Work Email
 Other Email

Verify the user can select information from the list if the country is United States
Verify users can add emergency contact information to the following fields
Home Telephone
Work Telephone
Verify that the user can cancel entering emergency contact information
Verify that users can add multiple emergency contacts
Verify whether the user can delete an emergency contact
Verify whether the user can delete multiple emergency contacts
Verify whether the user can upload attachments
Importance No. of test cases Note

High 3


High 2
High 2
Medium 3
Medium 2
Low 2
High 30

high 2
High 10

High 2
High 2
High 2
High 2
High 2

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