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 A family is a group of people related by blood or marriage living together.

 A family includes relatives like uncle, aunts, nephews, cousins, nieces and grandparents.
 Everyone belongs to a family.
 It is the duty of family and the community to shape the children.
 Aunt --- sister of mother or father.
 Uncle ----- brother of your mother or father.
 Cousin ---- aunt or uncle`s child.
 Nephew---- sons of your sister or brother.
 Niece ---- daughters of your sister or brothers.
 Nephew and niece are called cousin.

Role of family members

Family member Roles

Grandparents Provide knowledge and wisdom
Uncle Settling disputes
Aunt Settling disputes
Children Help in doing household chores

Types of families

Nuclear family
 It is a family which has mother, father and children only.

One Parent family

 It is a family that has a mother or father only and children, either after the death of the other
parent or divorce.
 The single parent is the head of the family.

Child headed family

 It is a family that has children looking after themselves.

 It may be caused by death of both parents or parents may leave children alone.
 In this type of family parents are not there.
 The eldest child is the head of the family.

Polygamous family

 It is a family where the man has many wives.

Roles for religion to family

 Counselling
 Solving problems
 Giving religious teaching

Family and the community

Family interaction
Family roles in the community

Voluntary organisations
They provide help to the needy in the society.

Examples of voluntary organasations

Bumhudzo old people`s home
Matthew Rusike Children`s home
Jairos Jiri
Mutemwa Leprosy and Care centre
Capota school for the Blind

Bumhudzo old people`s home

It was found by Salvation Army.
It cares for old people.
It is located in Chitungwiza.

Matthew Rusike Children`s home

It was established by Reverend Matthew Rusike of Methodist Church in !960

It cares for orphans.
It is located in Epworth in Harare.

Cares for the mentally challenged and the needy.

Jairos Jiri
Was found by Jairos Jiri in 1950
It cares for the disabled and the blind people.
These people are trained to work for themselves.

Mutemwa Leprosy and Care centre

It is found in Mutoko
Offers medical care for people with leprosy
Capota school for the Blind
It is found in Zimuto in Masvingo
Offers education to the blind

Examples of needy people in the society

Old people
Mentally challenged
Physically handicapped
Visually handicapped (The blind)
Speech impaired (the dumb)
Hearing impaired (the deaf)


Major religions in Zimbabwe

 Christianity
 Indigenous Religion
 Judaism
 Islamic

 The belief in one God is called monotheism.

 The other name for ten commandments is Decalogue.

Islam means total submission to God/Allah.

Founder of Islamic

The founder of Islam was Muhammad.

He began to see visions at the age of forty.
Muhammad started working as a trader.
He worked for a rich woman called Khadija.
He later married her.
Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad at Mount Hira.
Jesus, Adam, Abraham and Moses are considered as prophets in Islam.
Allah is called by ninety-nine names in Islam.
Worshippers pray in rows facing Mecca.
Every Mosque has a Mihrab to show the direction of Mecca.
Muslims pray five times a day.
The model of building Mosques was Muhammad`s house in Medina.
Two main groups of Islam are Sunni and Shia.

Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to love and
serve God.

Halaal specifies how animals are slaughtered and handled to keep it clean.
Key teachings

The Quran
The revealed word of Allah. To be treated with respect and care.

Muslims believe in prophets like Abraham, Adam, Jesus and Moses.
Muhammad is the last of the prophets according to Islam.
On the day of judgment people will be resurrected and examined to their deeds.
The righteous and the wicked will be separated on resurrection day.
The righteous will awarded with paradise while the wicked will be go to hell.

Good people will be given eternal life while the evil will be destroyed.
Moslems festivals
 Ramadan ------------ the holy month of Muslims /month of fasting. It is considered the holiest
period in Islamic year.
 Eil Al- fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
 Al-Hijra ----------------- 03 October their new Year.
 Day of Ashura ------- commemorating the martyrdom of Husayn Ibn Ali
 Lay –la-tul-baraat (day of atonement) –Muslims are involved in long night prayers.
Muslims seeks Allah’s forgiveness, blessing and repent their sins. Also commemorate their
deceased during all night prayers.
 Day of Arafat

 Aminah was Prophet Muhammad`s mother.

 Muhammad’s first wife was Khadija.
 Muhammad`s sons were Qasim, Abdullah and Ibrahim .
 Muhammad`s daughters were Zainab, Fatima.

Dressing/attire in Islam

Hijab the veil used to cover the faces of Islam women.

Khimar a cloth that covers the head, neck and bosom.
Jilbab is a garment used to cover the whole body.
Throb long robes worn by men.


The crescent and star

Religious artifacts

Prayer mats
Greeting cards

Religious practitioners in Islamic religion

- Muezzin , Imam, Mujahid and Ulama.

Muezzin - calls Islamic believers to come for prayers at a mosque.
- He cries out at stated hours for prayers.
Imam - is one who teaches about Islamic traditions.
- Leads special prayers such as at funeral and for rain and other services.
- Is knowledgeable of the Quran.
- Is a respectable member of the society.
- Gives spiritual advice to people.
Ulama- guardians of legal and religious tradition in Islam.
- An educated specialist of Islamic law.
Mujahid- holy warriors prepared to fight to defend Islamic religion.
---Also a Muslim teacher and analyses the Quran.

Five pillars of Islamic religion

The Pillars of Islam are five basic acts in Islam, considered obligatory for all believers. The
Quran presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment to the faith.

They are

(1) The Shahadah (creed) ____ showing commitment to Allah and prophet Muhammad.
(2) Prayers (salat) _____ Moslems must pray five times a day. Prayer times are at dawn, mid
day, afternoon, sun set and at night.
(3) Almsgiving (zakah) ____ Moslems are encouraged to share their wealth with the poor.
(4) Fasting during Ramadan
(5) The pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) - a journey to a religious place is called pilgrimage.

Hindus festivals
 Holi ----- festival of colour.
 Diwali /Divali ----- the Festival of lights.
 Kumbh Mela -- --- is a pilgrimage festival.
Originated from India.

 Jewish teaches about monotheism which is belief in one God.
 Followers of Judaism are known as Jews.
 Their God is called Yahweh/Jehovah ,they worship in a Synagogue and they worship on the
 Jewish name for Sabbath is Shabbat.
 Abraham is the founder of Judaism .
 Another important person in Judaism is Moses.
 Moses helped the Jews escape from slavery in Egypt.
 Judaism is based on the first five book of the Bible.

Names of supreme being in Judaism

 Adonai which means Lord.
 Jehovah which means the creator.
 Elohim means divinity.
 El-Shadai means God Almighty.
 Elohei means my God.

Key teachings
Monotheism the belief in one God.
Prophets who has the ability to foretell the future.
Convey messages and teaching from God.

Place of worship for the Jews

 Synagogue/ temple or Shul.
 It saves as a place of prayer and study.

Artefacts/ Symbols in Judaism

1. Star of David.
It is a hexagram, a compound of two equilateral triangles.
2. The Menorah.
It is made of gold and used as a portable sanctuary.
It is a seven branched candle lit daily in the temple.
3. The yad
Is a pointer made of silver and used when reading from the Torah.
4. The torah scroll
Contains the law by which the Jewish try to live.
5. The Mezuzah
a reminder of God`s presence

The holy books of the Jews

 The Jewish holy book is called the Tanakh.
 The Jewish holy book consists of three parts which are the Torah, the prophets and writings.
The Torah
 It is the most important holy book of the Jews.

 Consists of the five books of Moses which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
 It tells the promise and the ten commandments made at Mount Sinai.
 The reading of the Torah is the most important part of the service on the Sabbath Day.
The Talmud
 Is a more detailed explanation of the law in the Torah.
 The Talmud was passed from father to son by word of mouth.
 It covers the Jewish life and thoughts including laws of agriculture, festivals, marriage, and
The Prophets
 It is the second part of the Tanakh.
 It is divided into two sections, the early prophets and the later prophets.
 Early prophets - covers the history of Jews from the time of Joshua to the capture of Jerusalem
by Babylon. The books are Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah
and Ezekiel.
 Later prophets – include a collection of minor prophets , Amos ,Hosea, Micah, Habakkuk,
Haggai, Joel, Nahum, Malachi, Obadiah, Jonah and Zechariah.
Writings- it is the final part of the Jewish bible.
 Contains a lot of poetry and history books.
 The books includes Proverbs , Song of Solomon, Job, Psalms, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah,
Lamentations, Ruth, Esther, Ecclesiastes.

Jewish Festivals
 Passover ------- celebrating the deliverance of Jews from slavery in Egypt.
Jews eat unleavened bread on this day.
 Yom kippur ( day of atonement) -- the holiest days on the Jewish calendar.
Jews pray and fast on this day. Confessions are made in public. White robes are worn as a sign of
 Sukkot ( feast of tabernacles) ------- lasting for eight days. Celebrating the harvest and
commemorating the passage through the wilderness.
 Shevat ---celebrating the day of new year for trees.
 Purim ( festival of Esther) celebrating the deliverance of Jewish from the wicked
 Pentecost (shuvout ) _____ remembering the giving of the ten commandments to Moses at
Mount Sinai.
 Hanukkah (festival of lights) ------- remembering the reopening of the temple. Men dress in
Tallit as well as kippar.
 Rosh Hashanah ( celebrating New Year) ----- ( starting in September or October)
remembering God`s creation and judgment of the world.

Jerusalem is the holy city of Jews/ Judaism.

Jewish Attire /Dress

Yarmulke – a cap worn as a sign of respect.

Tallit – a prayer rectangular shawl which remind the Jews of the laws in the Torah.
 Used when reading the Torah.
Kippah ___ used to cover the head by Jewish women.
Tefillin - worn during morning services.
where short messages from the Torah are written.

Religious Practitioners and their roles in Judaism

 A Jewish teacher of religious law.
 An educated person in the Jewish law and tradition.

 Responsible for writing Jewish scriptures.

 People who foretells the future.
 People who teach and proclaim the will of God.
Offer sacrifices
Lead in services and festivals

 Baptism means to immerse in water.
Christian festivals
Christmas ----- the birth of Jesus Christ.
Easter ----- the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Holy City for Christians is Jerusalem.

Artefacts in Christianity
The plain cross
An empty cross which remind Christians on which Jesus was crucified for their sins
The Crucifix
The cross with Jesus` body on it reminding his sacrifices and suffering for Christians.
The Bible
The holy book comprised of two parts the Old Testament and the New testament.

Indigenous religions
 It is the oldest/ religion among Africans.
 Africans believe that the dead communicate with God on their behalf.
 Followers of indigenous religion use folktales to explain who they are.
 The mediator between God and people in the African Tradition Religion are the ancestors.

Language God`s name

Shona Mwari/ Musikavanhu/ Nyadenga
Ndebele Nkulunkulu/Mdali /Somandla

Tonga Leza/

Taboos in indigenous religion

Are religious act that does not allow a particular practice.

Examples of taboos
Do not sit on the road
Do not marry your relative
Do not walk in reverse
Do not insult parents
Do not sing while cooking
Do not stand while elders are seated
Do not in the fields on Chisi day

Importance of taboos
Prevent people from bad morals.
Prevent people from getting injured.
Enforce respect for older people
Protect and preserve culture
Protect the environment

Sacred Places
 They are respected places considered to be holy.
 Sacred places can be mountains, caves, hills, rivers, lakes, forests.
1. Njelele in Matopo
2. Chinhoyi Caves
3. Great Zimbabwe ruins
4. Nyangani mountains

National guardians those are spirits that protect the land at national level.
They encouraged people to fight against whites during colonial era.
Mbuya Nehanda
Sekuru Kaguvi
 One of the greatest spiritual leaders in ATR who died of being hanged was Mbuya Nehanda.

ATR festivals
 In the Shona ATR, mukwerera is done as a rain making ceremony.
 Kurova Guva is a festival to remember the dead. Bring back the spirit of the dead
 Thanks giving was done to give thanks for a good harvest to the supreme being. (God).
 Cleansing ceremony was done when bad things happen in the community.
 Initiation ceremony
 Marriage ceremony

 Bira/ukuthethela ceremony was done to celebrate the family`s success and also done to make
ancestors aware of family problems and help solve them.

Religious practitioners in indigenous religions

Spirit Mediums - speak to the ancestors and the ancestors speak to God.
Interpret messages from the ancestors.
Plead with the ancestors to give people rain.
Help when seeking knowledge for the future.
Traditional healers - heal illness and able to see the cause of the disease.
--- Cast out evil spirits.
___ help when seeking knowledge for the future.

Midwives ___ assist pregnant women in giving birth safely.

Chiefs _____ protect culture and the land.
Settling disputes in the community.
Tying community cases.
Give guidance and direction during ceremonies and festivals
Give orders to the sub chief and the village head.
Consulted on issues affecting the community.
Attire of practitioners
Animal skins
Headgear (ngundu/ingundu)

Headgear (ngundu/ ingundu) was worn by traditional healers

Religious artefacts in indigenous religion __ they are used during different ceremonies.
Snuff container
Raw tobacco mound
Wooden plate
Ceremonial spear

A pangolin is regarded as special meat for chiefs.


a. Christianity...... Church
b. Hinduism ......... Temple
c. Islam ................. Mosque

d. Judaism ............. Synagogue/ Shul
e. ATR .................. Shrines/ caves.
f. Buddhism ........... Temple.
All religions believe there is life after death.
a. Moslems ....... Korant
b. Christians ....... Bible
c. Hindus ....... Vedas
d. Jews ............. Tenakh
e. Buddhism Tip[kata/Trip taka
A cow is a sacred animal in Hindu religion.
 A Buddha priest is called a monk .
Christians --- Jesus Christ
ATR - None
Buddhism – Gautama / Buddha
Judaism -- Abraham / Moses
Moslems – Muhammad

Moslems - Allah
Christians – God
Jews -- Yahweh/ Jehovah
Hindus --- many gods
ATR - Mwari/ Mdali/Leza
Buddhism - None
Holy days
Moslems________ Friday
Christians _____ Sunday/ Saturday
Hindus______ Sunday
Jews ________ Saturday.
ATR_______ Chisi
Buddhism - Uposatha

Qualities of a good friend

 Honest Caring
 Forgiving Generous
 Helpful


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