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Các bài sample part 2 & 3 thường các giáo viên sẽ soạn dài hơn mức cần thiết một chút
khoảng 30%. Mục đích để các bạn có thể ôn được nhiều từ vựng nhất có thể. Khi luyện tập và
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Với các bạn học viên IELTS Online 4 kỹ năng và IELTS Speaking 1-1 cấp tốc Online các bạn
liên hệ quản lý lớp học để nhận bộ sample cho phù hợp với phương pháp học trên lớp và đạt
kết quả thi tốt nhất.

Describe a successful sportsperson you admire

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of
Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business)
Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
Describe a park or a garden in your city
Describe a beautiful city
Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions
Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more
Describe an activity that made you feel tired
Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone
Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
Describe a drawing/painting that you like
Describe a foreigner who speaks Vietnamese very well
Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting
Describe a party that you enjoyed
Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like
to learn more about
Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting) you saw
Describe a period of time that changed your life in a positive ways
Describe a beautiful city that you have visited
Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
Describe a period in history that you are interested in
Describe a period in history that you are interested in
Describe a place-not in your home- where you go to relax
Describe something you did or you need to do quickly in a short time
Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person
Describe a job you would not like to do.
Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise
Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
Describe an occasion when you used a map
Describe a person who is good at teamwork
Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school
Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school
Describe an important journey that was delayed
Describe a time when you helped someone (you worked or studied with)
Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it
Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy
Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it
Describe a street market you have been to
Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager
Describe a time when you were very busy
Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time
Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on
Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something in the public (in
the restaurant or other place)
Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home
Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work
Describe somethings lost by others but found by you
Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else
Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with
Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop
Describe a successful sportsperson you admire
You should say:

Who he/she is

What you know about him/her

What he/she is like in real life

What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her


I would like to talk about a sportsperson I deeply admire, and that is Le Cong Vinh, a renowned
Vietnamese footballer who has made a significant impact on Vietnamese football history. I
first learned about him through watching football matches and hearing stories from my family
and friends.

Le Cong Vinh is a legendary figure in Vietnamese football. He was born on December 10, 1985,
in Nghệ An Province, Vietnam. His journey to stardom began at a young age when he displayed
exceptional football skills and a passion for the game. He started his professional career
playing for Song Lam Nghe An, a prominent Vietnamese football club.

What makes Le Cong Vinh admirable is not just his exceptional football talent but also his
leadership qualities and dedication to the sport. He has always been a team player, and his
commitment to the national team is unmatched. He's known for his humility, work ethic, and
sportsmanship, both on and off the field.

One of his most remarkable achievements is scoring the decisive goal in the final match of the
2008 AFF Suzuki Cup, a prestigious Southeast Asian football tournament. This goal secured
Vietnam's first-ever championship in the tournament's history and brought immense pride to
the entire nation. Le Cong Vinh's leadership and exceptional performance during this
tournament elevated him to a national hero.

I admire Le Cong Vinh not only for his football skills and achievements but also for his role as
an inspiration to aspiring young footballers in Vietnam. He has shown that with hard work,
determination, and unwavering dedication, one can achieve great success on the international
stage while remaining grounded and humble.

In conclusion, Le Cong Vinh is a sports icon in Vietnam, known for his exceptional football
talent, leadership, and dedication to the sport. His historic achievements have left an indelible
mark on Vietnamese football, and he continues to inspire generations of young athletes in
Vietnam to pursue their dreams in sports.

High-level vocabulary:
● Renowned - Nổi tiếng
● Impact - Ảnh hưởng
● Legendary - Huyền thoại
● Stardom - Danh tiếng
● Unmatched - Không thể sánh bằng
● Sportsmanship - Tinh thần thể thao
● Prestigious - Uy tín
● Championship - Giải vô địch
● Aspiring - Nhiệt huyết
● Unwavering - Kiên định
● Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):
● Made an impact on - Có ảnh hưởng đến
● Look up to - Ngưỡng mộ
● Stand out - Nổi bật
● Elevate to - Nâng lên
● Pursue their dreams - Theo đuổi ước mơ

Part 3

1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

2. What qualities should an athlete have?

3. Is talent important in sports?

4. Is it easy to identify children's talents?

5. What is the most popular sport in your country?

6. Why are there so few top athletes?


Question 1:

Yes, I strongly believe that students should have physical education and engage in sports at
school. Physical education not only promotes physical health but also has numerous other
benefits. In Vietnam, physical education is part of the curriculum, and it plays a vital role in a
student's holistic development. It helps improve students' physical fitness, teaches
teamwork and cooperation, and instills discipline and time management.

Question 2:

Athletes, regardless of their level, should possess several key qualities to excel in sports.
Firstly, dedication and commitment are essential. Athletes need to be highly motivated and
willing to put in consistent effort and practice. Secondly, discipline is crucial for maintaining
a strict training regimen and a healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, resilience and the ability to bounce
back from setbacks are important in the face of challenges and competition.
Question 3:

Talent certainly plays a role in sports, but it is not the sole determinant of success. While
some individuals may have natural abilities that give them an initial advantage, hard work
and continuous improvement are equally important. In Vietnam, many athletes have
achieved greatness through relentless training and perseverance, even if they did not have
exceptional talent from the outset.

Question 4:

Identifying children's talents in sports can be challenging. While some children may display
early aptitude, it is not a guarantee of long-term success. Coaches and mentors play a vital
role in identifying and nurturing talent. They look for qualities such as passion, dedication,
coachability, and the ability to work well with others. Talent identification often takes time
and a holistic assessment of a child's potential.

Question 5:

Football is by far the most popular sport in Vietnam. The Vietnamese people have a deep
love for football, and it unites the entire nation. The Vietnamese national football team's
success in recent years has further fueled the passion for the sport, and it is a common sight
to see people of all ages playing football in parks and streets.

Question 6:

There are relatively few top athletes because reaching the elite level in sports requires a rare
combination of talent, dedication, resources, and opportunities. Many athletes face
challenges related to access to quality training facilities, coaching, and financial support.
Additionally, the competition at the highest level is fierce, and only a select few can emerge
as top athletes.


● Holistic development - Phát triển toàn diện

● Discipline - Kỷ luật
● Regimen - Chế độ
● Resilience - Sự đàn hồi
● Aptitude - Năng khiếu
● Coachability - Khả năng lắng nghe và học hỏi từ huấn luyện viên
● Elite level - Cấp độ hàng đầu
● Fierce - Khốc liệt

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Bounce back from - Phục hồi sau một thất bại

● Play a vital role in - Đóng vai trò quan trọng trong
● Fuel passion for - Kích thích đam mê cho
● Emerge as - Nổi lên là
● Face challenges - Đối mặt với thách thức
Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that
you felt proud of
You should say:

What the task was

How you completed it

Why the task was difficult

Why you were proud of the completion of the task


One of the most challenging tasks I've ever tackled during my studies was a research project
on the impact of climate change on agriculture in Vietnam. This project was a substantial part
of my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science, and it demanded an extensive amount
of research, analysis, and fieldwork.

The task involved conducting surveys and interviews with farmers in various regions of
Vietnam, analyzing climate data, and assessing the potential consequences of climate change
on crop yields and food security. To complete it successfully, I had to collaborate with local
organizations, navigate complex bureaucratic processes, and utilize advanced statistical
models to predict future scenarios accurately.

The difficulty of the task lay in its multifaceted nature. Vietnam's agriculture is highly diverse,
and climate change's effects vary from one region to another. Moreover, the country's
bureaucratic procedures often proved to be challenging to navigate. However, the most
formidable aspect was the ever-evolving nature of climate change itself, making it a moving
target in terms of research and predictions.

Despite the formidable challenges, I felt an immense sense of pride upon completing this task.
Not only did it require a significant amount of effort and dedication, but it also had real-world
implications for the livelihoods of Vietnamese farmers and the country's food security.
Knowing that my research could contribute to more informed decision-making and potentially
help mitigate the effects of climate change in Vietnam was a source of great satisfaction and

High-level vocabulary:

● Tackled - Đối mặt với

● Substantial - Quan trọng, đáng kể
● Extensive - Rộng lớn, mở rộng
● Fieldwork - Công việc thực địa
● Assess - Đánh giá
● Bureaucratic - Liên quan đến thủ tục hành chính
● Multifaceted - Đa diễn đạt
● Predict - Dự đoán
● Formidable - Đáng kính trọng, đáng sợ
● Real-world implications - Tác động thực tế

Phrasal verbs:

● Complete it - Hoàn thành nó

● Navigating complex - Điều hướng qua những phức tạp
● Proved to be challenging - Chứng tỏ là thách thức
● Moving target - Mục tiêu di động
● Contribute to - Đóng góp vào

Part 3

1. What are the things that make people feel proud?

2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?

3. What challenges do young people face today?

4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?

5. What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?

6. What are the most difficult jobs that people do?


Question 1:

People feel proud when they achieve something meaningful, such as personal
accomplishments, academic success, or professional milestones. In Vietnam, factors like
preserving cultural traditions, contributing to the family's well-being, and excelling in
education or career can make individuals feel a deep sense of pride. Additionally, acts of
kindness and community service also evoke pride as they reflect one's contribution to

Question 2:

Yes, completing a challenging task often fills people with a sense of pride. This is especially
true for young individuals in Vietnam who face academic pressures and competitive job
markets. When they successfully overcome difficulties, whether it's acing a tough exam or
accomplishing a demanding project at work, it boosts their self-esteem and reinforces their
sense of achievement.

Question 3:
Young people in Vietnam, like elsewhere, face various challenges today. One significant
challenge is the pressure to excel academically, as education is highly valued in Vietnamese
culture. Additionally, the job market is increasingly competitive, and many young people
grapple with finding stable employment that aligns with their career aspirations.
Furthermore, the rapid pace of technological advancements and changing societal norms
pose challenges in adapting to a dynamic world.

Question 4:

Young people in Vietnam handle difficult or challenging tasks by demonstrating resilience

and determination. They often seek guidance from mentors or teachers, collaborate with
peers, and leverage online resources for learning and problem-solving. Moreover, the support
and encouragement of family play a crucial role in helping them navigate these challenges.

Question 5:

The rewards people receive from work in Vietnam can vary widely. Apart from monetary
compensation, individuals find fulfillment in job satisfaction, personal growth, and the sense
of contributing to their families and society. Moreover, recognition and career advancement
are significant rewards that motivate many to excel in their professional lives.

Question 6:

Some of the most difficult jobs that people undertake in Vietnam include those in physically
demanding fields such as construction and agriculture. These jobs often require long hours
of labor under challenging conditions. Additionally, healthcare professionals, especially
during times like the COVID-19 pandemic, face tremendous challenges and stress as they
work tirelessly to save lives and protect public health.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Milestones - Cột mốc

● Evoke - Gợi lên
● Self-esteem - Tự trọng
● Academic pressures - Áp lực học vấn
● Grapple with - Đối đầu với
● Resilience - Sự đàn hồi
● Mentor - Người hướng dẫn
● Leverage - Tận dụng
● Monetary compensation - Đền bù tiền bạc
● Job satisfaction - Hài lòng trong công việc

Phrasal Verbs:

● Fill with - Làm đầy với

● Adapt to - Thích nghi với
● Navigating challenges - Đối phó với thách thức
● Leverage online resources - Sử dụng tài nguyên trực tuyến
● Excel in - Xuất sắc trong
● Undertake in - Tiến hành trong
Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say:

Where you can see it

What it shows

Why you think it is useful

And explain how you feel about it


One of the most striking and effective advertisements that I've come across in Vietnam is a
billboard promoting eco-friendly practices and responsible waste disposal. This particular
advertisement can be seen prominently displayed on a busy intersection in the heart of Ho Chi
Minh City, where thousands of commuters pass by every day.

The billboard showcases a powerful image of a pristine forest juxtaposed with an overflowing
landfill, with text encouraging viewers to make responsible choices and protect the
environment. It effectively conveys the message that our actions have a direct impact on the
environment and that we should be mindful of our waste disposal habits.

I find this advertisement exceptionally useful for several reasons. Firstly, it raises awareness
about the environmental challenges we face today, such as pollution and deforestation.
Secondly, it educates the public on simple yet impactful steps they can take, like reducing,
reusing, and recycling. Moreover, it promotes a sense of responsibility and community
involvement in preserving our natural surroundings.

What truly sets this advertisement apart is its ability to evoke emotions. It elicits a sense of
urgency and responsibility in viewers, prompting them to reflect on their daily choices and their
consequences on the environment. Personally, I feel inspired and motivated to adopt more
eco-friendly habits after seeing this advertisement. It serves as a reminder that each individual
can contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet.

High-level Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Prominently displayed - Hiển thị nổi bật

● Eco-friendly practices - Thói quen thân thiện với môi trường
● Responsible waste disposal - Việc xử lý chất thải có trách nhiệm
● Juxtaposed - Đặt cạnh nhau để so sánh
● Pristine - Tinh khiết, nguyên sơ
● Landfill - Bãi chôn rác
● Mindful - Tỉnh thức, thận trọng
● Environmental challenges - Thách thức về môi trường
● Deforestation - Sự phá rừng
● Simple yet impactful - Đơn giản nhưng có tác động lớn
● Sense of responsibility - Ý thức trách nhiệm
● Community involvement - Sự tham gia của cộng đồng
● Evoke emotions - Gợi cảm xúc
● Sense of urgency - Tình trạng cấp bách

Part 3

1. What do you think of online advertising?

2. Are there any great online advertisements?

3. What do people usually buy?

4. Why does buying new things make people happy?

5. Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?

6. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?


Question 1: I believe online advertising has become an integral part of our modern lives. With
the increasing use of the internet and social media, online advertising has become a
powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. It's convenient and efficient
because it can be personalized based on s' interests and online behavior.

Question 2: Yes, there are certainly great online advertisements. Some of them not only
promote products or services but also convey important messages or tell compelling
stories. For example, there have been online campaigns in Vietnam that raise awareness
about social issues like environmental conservation or charitable causes. These ads are
impactful because they connect with people on a deeper level.

Question 3: People usually buy a wide range of things, from everyday necessities like
groceries to luxury items like designer clothes or high-end electronics. The choice of what to
buy depends on individual needs, preferences, and financial capacity.

Question 4: Buying new things can make people happy because it often fulfills their desires
or needs. It can bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, especially when they've
been saving up for something special. However, the happiness from buying new things is
often temporary, and long-term happiness is derived from experiences, relationships, and
personal growth.

Question 5:

In this day and age, people are more discerning when it comes to advertisements. They have
the ability to skip or block ads online if they find them irrelevant or annoying. Therefore,
advertisers have to be creative and provide value to capture the audience's attention.
Useless or intrusive ads tend to be ignored.
Question 6:

Yes, there is indeed a significant amount of advertising in our daily lives. It's virtually
everywhere, from billboards on the streets to commercials on TV and the internet. While
advertising is essential for businesses to thrive, there should be a balance to avoid
overwhelming consumers. Advertisements should be informative, relevant, and respectful of
people's privacy.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Integral (adj.) - Thành phần quan trọng, không thể thiếu

● Target audience - Khán giả mục tiêu
● Convenient (adj.) - Tiện lợi
● Personalized (adj.) - Cá nhân hóa
● Impactful (adj.) - Có tác động lớn
● Necessities (n.) - Những thứ cần thiết
● Fulfill (v.) - Làm thỏa mãn
● Savings (n.) - Tiền tiết kiệm
● Temporary (adj.) - Tạm thời
● Discerning (adj.) - Sáng suốt, khôn ngoan
● Irrelevant (adj.) - Không liên quan
● Intrusive (adj.) - Can thiệp vào sự riêng tư
● Overwhelming (adj.) - Áp đảo, quá nhiều
● Respectful (adj.) - Tôn trọng
Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
You should say:

When and where you took the photo

What the photo is like

How often you look at the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy


I'd like to describe a photo that never fails to bring a smile to my face. This picture was taken a
few years ago during my visit to Hoi An, a charming ancient town in Vietnam, which is
renowned for its picturesque streets and vibrant lantern-lit nights. I captured this moment on a
warm summer evening by the Thu Bon River, while the sky was ablaze with the hues of a
breathtaking sunset.

In the photo, I am standing on a quaint wooden bridge that spans the river. The bridge is
adorned with colorful lanterns, which were gently swaying in the breeze. The river's surface
reflects the fiery orange and pink tones of the setting sun, creating a mesmerizing mirror
effect. In the distance, you can see traditional Vietnamese boats floating gracefully along the
river, their silhouettes adding to the overall tranquility of the scene.

I look at this photo quite frequently, especially when I need a dose of nostalgia and tranquility.
It reminds me of that wonderful evening in Hoi An, where I felt completely at peace and
connected to the beauty of nature and culture. The photo encapsulates the essence of that
moment, making it a cherished memory.

The reason this photo makes me happy is that it captures a perfect blend of natural beauty,
cultural richness, and personal serenity. The vibrant colors, the calm river, and the traditional
boats all symbolize the harmony and simplicity that Vietnam represents. Whenever I gaze at
this photo, I am transported back to that idyllic evening, and it fills my heart with joy and

High-level vocabulary:

● Renowned - Nổi tiếng

● Breathtaking - Đẹp đến ngạc nhiên
● Tranquility - Sự yên bình
● Mesmerizing - Lôi cuốn
● Nostalgia - Nỗi nhớ
● Essence - Bản chất
● Serenity - Sự thanh bình
● Idyllic - Ngọt ngào, tươi đẹp
● Gratitude - Sự biết ơn
Phrasal verbs:

● Bring a smile to - Làm cho tươi cười

● Capture a moment - Ghi lại khoảnh khắc
● Fill my heart with - Làm trái tim tôi đầy
● Gaze at - Nhìn chăm chú vào
● Transport back to - Đưa trở lại

Part 3

1. Do you think people are taking too many photos these days?

2. What kinds of photos do people like to take?

3. Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?

4. Do you think equipment is important for photography?

5. Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job? Why?

6. Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?


Question 1:

I believe people are indeed taking more photos these days, and it's a double-edged sword. On
one hand, the prevalence of smartphones with high-quality cameras has made it incredibly
easy for anyone to capture moments in their daily lives. This is especially true in Vietnam,
where photography has become a popular hobby due to the country's stunning landscapes
and vibrant street scenes. However, there's a downside to this trend as well. Some argue that
people are so focused on taking photos that they forget to truly experience the moment.
Instead of savoring a delicious bowl of pho or appreciating the beauty of Hanoi's Old Quarter,
they might be more concerned with getting the perfect Instagram shot.

Question 2:

In Vietnam, people enjoy taking a wide range of photos. Nature enthusiasts often capture the
breathtaking landscapes, from the terraced rice fields in Sapa to the serene beaches in Da
Nang. Street photographers are drawn to the bustling markets and the unique architecture of
cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Food photography is also immensely popular, with
people sharing images of delicious dishes like banh mi, pho, and bun cha. Moreover, family
gatherings and special occasions are perfect opportunities for portrait photos to
commemorate important moments.

Question 3:

Yes, I do believe people take more photos now than in the past. The advent of smartphones
and the accessibility of digital cameras have made it effortless to document daily life.
Additionally, the rise of social media platforms has encouraged people to share their photos
with a global audience, further fueling the desire to capture and post pictures.

Question 4:

Equipment is undeniably important for photography, especially for those who aim for
professional or high-quality results. While smartphones have impressive cameras, dedicated
cameras with interchangeable lenses and advanced settings offer more control over
composition and image quality. In Vietnam, where photography is a popular hobby, many
enthusiasts invest in quality equipment to enhance their skills and capture the beauty of the

Question 5:

Being a professional photographer can be a fulfilling job, especially in a place like Vietnam
with its diverse landscapes and rich culture. Professional photographers have the
opportunity to showcase the beauty of the country to a wider audience and capture
important moments in people's lives, such as weddings and family gatherings. However, it
can also be a challenging career due to the competitive nature of the industry. Success often
requires not only technical skill but also the ability to market oneself effectively.

Question 6:

Many people in Vietnam like to post their photos on social media for various reasons. Firstly,
it allows them to share their experiences and connect with friends and family, especially in a
country where many people have relatives living abroad. Secondly, it provides a platform to
showcase the beauty of Vietnam and its culture to the world, promoting tourism and cultural
exchange. Additionally, social media can be a source of inspiration, as photographers can
gain feedback and learn from others in the photography community.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Prevalence - Sự phổ biến

● Double-edged sword - Kiếm hai lưỡi
● Breathtaking - Đẹp đến ngạc nhiên
● Advent - Sự ra đời, sự xuất hiện
● Enthusiast - Người đam mê
● Accessibility - Khả năng tiếp cận
● Showcase - Trình diễn, giới thiệu
● Fulfilling - Đầy ý nghĩa, đáng làm
● Competitive nature - Tính cạnh tranh
● Market oneself - Tiếp thị bản thân
Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running
a family business)
You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What business he/she does

And explain why he/she is successful


I would like to talk about a highly successful businessperson I know, Mr. Nguyen Minh, who is
the owner and founder of a thriving family business in Hanoi, Vietnam. I first became
acquainted with Mr. Nguyen Minh through a mutual friend who admired his entrepreneurial
spirit and ethical business practices.

Mr. Nguyen Minh is the driving force behind a well-established textile manufacturing company
that specializes in producing high-quality garments for both domestic and international
markets. What sets his business apart is not just the quality of the products but also his
commitment to sustainability and fair labor practices. He has created a niche in the industry
by producing eco-friendly clothing using organic materials and ethical labor practices, which
resonates well with conscious consumers worldwide.

There are several factors contributing to Mr. Nguyen Minh's success. First and foremost, his
passion for the textile industry and his dedication to delivering exceptional products have been
instrumental. He possesses an innate ability to identify market trends and consumer
preferences, which allows his business to stay ahead of the competition.

Furthermore, Mr. Nguyen Minh is an astute decision-maker. He understands that success in

business requires calculated risks, and he's not afraid to make bold moves when necessary.
His strategic investments in modern machinery and technology have increased production
efficiency and improved product quality.

His interpersonal skills have also played a pivotal role. He fosters a collaborative and inclusive
work environment, valuing the input and well-being of his employees. His leadership style
encourages innovation and creativity among his team members.

Another key factor is his unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable business
practices. In a world increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues, Mr. Nguyen
Minh's dedication to eco-friendly production and fair labor practices has earned the trust and
loyalty of customers and partners alike.
In conclusion, Mr. Nguyen Minh's success as a businessperson can be attributed to his
passion, strategic thinking, effective leadership, and unwavering commitment to ethical and
sustainable business practices. His story serves as an inspiring example of how a family
business can thrive while making a positive impact on society.

High-level vocabulary:

● Thriving - Phát triển mạnh mẽ

● Entrepreneurial spirit - Tinh thần khởi nghiệp
● Ethical business practices - Thực hành kinh doanh đạo đức
● Niche in the industry - Thị trường ngách trong ngành
● Conscious consumers - Người tiêu dùng có ý thức
● Astute decision-maker - Người ra quyết định thông minh
● Calculated risks - Rủi ro được tính toán
● Pivotal role - Vai trò quan trọng
● Interpersonal skills - Kỹ năng giao tiếp
● Unwavering commitment - Cam kết không bao giờ thay đổi

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Set apart - Tạo sự khác biệt

● Stay ahead of - Luôn dẫn đầu
● Play a pivotal role - Đóng vai trò quan trọng
● Make bold moves - Thực hiện những động thái táo bạo
● Serve as - Đóng vai trò là

Part 3

1. What factors lead to success?

2. What do people need to sacrifice for success?

3. Which is more likely to be successful, family businesses or large corporations?

4. Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?

5. Can you provide some examples of family businesses in your country?

6. What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?


Question 1:

Success can be attributed to a combination of various factors. First and foremost,

determination and hard work are fundamental. In Vietnam, we often say, "Có công mài sắt,
có ngày nên kim," which means that with persistent effort, one can achieve anything.
Additionally, a clear vision, strategic planning, and adaptability to changing market
conditions are crucial. Networking and building positive relationships with customers and
partners also play a significant role in achieving success.

Question 2:

Achieving success often requires sacrifices. People may need to sacrifice their leisure time
and personal life to dedicate more hours to their work or business. Financial sacrifices, such
as investing personal savings into a business venture, are common. In Vietnam, many
successful entrepreneurs have faced financial hardships initially but persevered to achieve
their goals. Additionally, individuals may need to sacrifice their comfort zones and take
calculated risks to seize opportunities.

Question 3:

Whether family businesses or large corporations are more likely to be successful depends
on various factors. Family businesses often have a more personal touch and can quickly
adapt to changing circumstances. They prioritize long-term stability over short-term profits.
In contrast, large corporations benefit from economies of scale and can access extensive
resources and markets. Both types of businesses can be successful if they effectively
leverage their strengths and address their weaknesses.

Question 4:

In today's world, achieving business success while minimizing the impact on the
environment is a challenging but necessary goal. Businesses in Vietnam and globally are
increasingly adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and
using eco-friendly materials. While it may be challenging, it is not impossible. Innovative
approaches and a commitment to sustainability can lead to both business success and
environmental preservation.

Question 5:

Vietnam has a rich history of family businesses across various industries. Some well-known
examples include the Trung Nguyen Coffee Corporation, a family-owned coffee empire that
has made its mark internationally. Vinamilk, a leading dairy company, is also a family-owned
business. These companies have succeeded through a combination of quality products,
strategic management, and a focus on customer satisfaction.

Question 6:

Recruiting the right employees is crucial for business success. In Vietnam, employers look
for qualities such as strong work ethics, adaptability, teamwork, and a commitment to the
company's values. Additionally, relevant skills and qualifications are essential. Many
businesses prioritize hiring individuals who demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow with
the company. Moreover, cultural fit and alignment with the company's mission and vision are
often considered when selecting employees.

● Determination - Sự quyết tâm
● Hard work - Lao động chăm chỉ
● Vision - Tầm nhìn
● Strategic planning - Lập kế hoạch chiến lược
● Adaptability - Khả năng thích nghi
● Networking - Xây dựng mối quan hệ
● Economies of scale - Hiệu suất quy mô
● Sustainable practices - Thực hành bền vững
● Innovative approaches - Cách tiếp cận sáng tạo
● Work ethics - Đạo đức nghề nghiệp
● Cultural fit - Phù hợp về văn hóa

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Dedicate to - Dành hết cho

● Build positive relationships - Xây dựng mối quan hệ tích cực
● Leverage strengths - Tận dụng sức mạnh
● Address weaknesses - Giải quyết yếu điểm
● Minimize the impact - Giảm tác động
Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
You should say:

What the rule is about

What happens when people break the rule

Why you think it is an important rule

And explain how you feel about the rule


One important rule at my workplace in Vietnam is related to punctuality. The rule is quite
straightforward – employees are expected to arrive at work on time, which means being at
their desks and ready to start work at the designated start time of the workday. This rule
applies to all employees, from entry-level staff to managers and executives.

When people break this rule by consistently arriving late, there are consequences. Initially,
employees may receive verbal warnings or counseling from their immediate supervisors. If the
tardiness continues, it can lead to more severe actions, such as written warnings or even
suspension from work without pay. The severity of consequences may vary from one
workplace to another, but the message is clear: punctuality is a critical expectation.

I believe this rule is of utmost importance for several reasons. Firstly, it shows respect for
colleagues and the organization as a whole. Being late can disrupt meetings, delay project
timelines, and inconvenience coworkers who depend on your timely presence. Secondly, it
reflects an individual's professionalism and work ethic. Punctuality is often seen as a sign of
reliability and commitment to one's job. Employers are more likely to trust and promote
employees who consistently show up on time.

Personally, I fully support this rule and think it's essential for a well-functioning workplace. It
creates an atmosphere of discipline, accountability, and efficiency. Furthermore, it ensures that
everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to the organization's success. When
colleagues respect and adhere to this rule, it fosters a harmonious and productive work

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Punctuality - Tính đúng giờ

● Designated - Được chỉ định
● Entry-level staff - Nhân viên mới vào nghề
● Immediate supervisors - Cấp quản lý trực tiếp
● Tardiness - Sự đến trễ
● Verbal warnings - Cảnh cáo bằng lời nói
● Suspension - Đình chỉ
● Work ethic - Đạo đức nghề nghiệp
● Reliability - Tính đáng tin cậy
● Commitment - Cam kết
● Accountability - Tính chịu trách nhiệm
● Efficiency - Hiệu quả
● Adhere to - Tuân theo, tuân thủ
● Harmonious - Hòa thuận

Part 3

1. What rules should children follow at home in your country?

2. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?

3. What rules should people follow when using public transport?

4. What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?

5. What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?

6. When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country?


Question 1:

In Vietnam, children are expected to follow various rules at home. Common rules include
respecting their elders, particularly parents and grandparents. They are expected to help with
household chores, such as cleaning their rooms, washing dishes, and doing their homework.
Additionally, they should go to bed at a reasonable time, usually early, to ensure they get
enough rest for school the next day.

Question 2:

Children in Vietnam might be forgiven for not following certain rules on special occasions or
celebrations. For example, during the Lunar New Year, known as Tet, children may be allowed
to stay up late to participate in family gatherings and celebrations. On their birthdays, they
might get some leeway in choosing their activities for the day. However, these exceptions are
limited, and discipline and adherence to rules are generally expected.

Question 3:

When using public transport in Vietnam, there are several rules to follow. Passengers should
queue up and wait their turn to board buses or trains. They should also offer their seats to
the elderly, pregnant women, or people with disabilities. It's essential to keep the transport
clean and not disturb other passengers with loud conversations or music.

Question 4:
In public places in Vietnam, people need to follow rules related to cleanliness and order.
Littering is strongly discouraged, and there are fines for doing so. Smoking is prohibited in
many public places to maintain a healthy environment. Additionally, people are expected to
queue up in an orderly fashion in places like banks or government offices.

Question 5:

People break rules for various reasons in Vietnam. Sometimes it's due to ignorance or a lack
of awareness of the rules. In other cases, individuals may break rules out of convenience or
to save time. Cultural and social factors can also play a role, as some may prioritize personal
interests over adherence to certain rules.

Question 6:

Punishments for breaking rules in Vietnam vary depending on the severity of the offense.
Minor violations may result in warnings or fines. For more serious infractions, individuals
could face legal consequences, such as fines or even imprisonment, particularly if the
violation involves criminal activity.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Adherence to - Sự tuân thủ

● Leeway - Sự khoan dung, sự tha thứ
● Discipline - Kỷ luật
● Queue up - Xếp hàng
● Littering - Việc vứt rác bừa bãi
● Prohibited - Bị cấm
● Orderly fashion - Trình tự gọn gàng
● Ignorance - Sự không hiểu biết
● Convenience - Sự tiện lợi
● Severe - Nghiêm trọng
● Infractions - Sự vi phạm
● Legal consequences - Hậu quả pháp lý
● Imprisonment - Sự bỏ tù
Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
You should say:

When and where it happened

What happened

How you felt about it

And explain how it changed your life in good ways


A life-changing moment for me occurred in my hometown in Vietnam a few years ago when I
decided to start my own small business. It all began when I was working as a software
engineer in a well-established company. I had a stable job and a good income, but I felt like
something was missing. I had always been passionate about cooking, and I had a dream of
sharing my love for food with others.

So, one day, I made the life-altering decision to leave my job and start a food delivery service
from home. I began by preparing traditional Vietnamese dishes and delivering them to
customers in my neighborhood. It was a significant leap of faith, and I wasn't sure how it
would turn out.

In the beginning, I faced numerous challenges. I had to learn about the intricacies of running a
small business, from managing finances to marketing my services. But with determination and
hard work, I gradually overcame these obstacles. I started receiving positive feedback from my
customers, which boosted my confidence and motivation.

Emotionally, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement during this period. Leaving a stable job to
pursue my passion was a risk, but I knew I had to follow my heart. As my business grew, the
feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment replaced my initial anxieties.

This decision changed my life in many positive ways. Not only did I turn my passion into a
thriving business, but I also gained a sense of independence and purpose. I became more
self-reliant and learned valuable entrepreneurial skills. Moreover, I contributed to my
community by providing delicious, home-cooked meals to busy individuals and families.

In summary, the moment I decided to start my own food delivery business in Vietnam was a
pivotal point in my life. It allowed me to pursue my passion, become an entrepreneur, and find
a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Life-changing moment - Khoảnh khắc thay đổi cuộc đời.

● Stable job - Công việc ổn định.
● Leap of faith - Bước nhảy của niềm tin.
● Overcome obstacles - Vượt qua khó khăn.
● Positive feedback - Phản hồi tích cực.
● Boosted my confidence - Làm tăng sự tự tin của tôi.
● Accomplishment - Thành tựu.
● Fulfillment - Sự trọn vẹn, hạnh phúc.
● Independence - Sự độc lập.
● Entrepreneurial skills - Kỹ năng doanh nhân.
● Self-reliant - Tự lực.
● Pivotal point - Điểm quyết định.
● Pursue my passion - Theo đuổi đam mê.
● Deeper sense of fulfillment - Cảm giác hạnh phúc sâu sắc.

Part 3

1. Do you like new things or changes in life?

2. Why do some people quit and change jobs?

3. How do you adapt to changes in life?

4. Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults?

5. When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you

6. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?


Question 1:

I generally like new things and changes in life. I believe that change can bring fresh
experiences, opportunities, and personal growth. In Vietnam, we often embrace change,
especially in recent years with the rapid development and modernization of our cities.

Question 2:

People quit and change jobs for various reasons in Vietnam. One common reason is seeking
better career prospects and higher income. Sometimes, they may not be satisfied with their
current workplace, management, or colleagues. Additionally, career changes can be driven
by a desire for personal development and a more balanced work-life situation.

Question 3:

Adapting to changes in life requires flexibility and a positive mindset. In Vietnam, we often
rely on our support networks, such as family and friends, to help us through transitions.
Additionally, staying informed and continuously learning is essential in adapting to the
fast-paced changes happening around us.
Question 4:

Both children and adults can adapt to changes, but the process might be different. Children
tend to be more adaptable due to their curiosity and openness to new experiences. They
might embrace change more readily. However, adults have the advantage of experience and
can often adapt effectively, especially if they have faced similar situations before.

Question 5:

When significant life events like getting married or moving homes happen in Vietnam, we
consider various factors. For marriage, it's essential to think about compatibility, shared
values, and long-term goals. When moving homes, we evaluate factors like location,
accessibility to amenities, and the suitability of the new environment for our family's needs.

Question 6:

While change can be positive, frequent and unnecessary changes can have disadvantages.
They may lead to instability, stress, and difficulty in maintaining relationships. Additionally,
constant changes can hinder long-term planning and consistency in one's life.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Embrace change - Chấp nhận sự thay đổi.

● Rapid development - Phát triển nhanh chóng.
● Seek better career prospects - Tìm kiếm triển vọng nghề nghiệp tốt hơn.
● Work-life situation - Tình hình công việc và cuộc sống.
● Support networks - Mạng lưới hỗ trợ.
● Openness to new experiences - Sẵn sàng trải nghiệm mới.
● Compatibility - Tính tương hợp.
● Shared values - Giá trị chung.
● Long-term goals - Mục tiêu dài hạn.
● Accessibility to amenities - Tiện ích và dễ tiếp cận.
● Suitability of the new environment - Sự phù hợp của môi trường mới.
● Instability - Sự không ổn định.
● Hindrance - Trở ngại.
● Long-term planning - Lập kế hoạch dài hạn.
● Consistency - Sự kiên định và đồng đều.
Describe a park or a garden in your city
You should say:

How often you go there

Where it is

Who you often go there with

What it is like

And explain by you like to visit it


One of my favorite places to visit in my city, Ho Chi Minh City, is the lush and serene Tao Dan
Park. I try to go there at least once a week, typically during the weekends, to unwind and
escape the hustle and bustle of urban life.

Tao Dan Park is nestled in the heart of the city, just a stone's throw away from the bustling Ben
Thanh Market. It's a green oasis amidst the concrete jungle, with well-manicured gardens,
towering trees, and a picturesque pond. The park also boasts a variety of exotic plants and
colorful flowers that bloom throughout the year, creating a visually stunning landscape.

I often visit Tao Dan Park with my close friends and family. It's a perfect place for a leisurely
stroll, a picnic, or a game of badminton. We enjoy the tranquility and fresh air while catching up
on our lives. Sometimes, we bring along a book and find a quiet spot under the shade of a tree
to read and relax.

What I particularly like about Tao Dan Park is its sense of serenity and escape from the urban
chaos. Amidst the city's relentless pace, this park offers a moment of respite and connection
with nature. It's a place where I can recharge my energy and clear my mind. The sound of
chirping birds and the gentle rustling of leaves create a soothing ambiance that provides a
stark contrast to the city's honking horns and traffic congestion.

Moreover, Tao Dan Park is a hub of cultural activities and community events. It often hosts
traditional Vietnamese festivals, art exhibitions, and morning tai chi sessions. These cultural
elements add depth and vibrancy to the park, making it a dynamic and engaging place to visit.

In conclusion, Tao Dan Park in Ho Chi Minh City holds a special place in my heart due to its
natural beauty, tranquility, and cultural significance. It's a refuge from the urban chaos and a
reminder of the importance of green spaces in our rapidly developing cities.

High-level vocabulary:

● Serene - Thanh bình

● Unwind - Thư giãn
● Bustling - Hối hả
● Manicured gardens - Khu vườn được chăm sóc cẩn thận
● Towering trees - Những cây cao vút
● Exotic plants - Các loại cây cảnh lạ
● Visually stunning - Gây ấn tượng về mặt thị giác
● Leisurely stroll - Dạo chơi thoải mái
● Escape from - Trốn thoát khỏi
● Respite - Sự giải lao
● Clear my mind - Làm sạch tâm trí
● Rustling of leaves - Tiếng lá cây xào xạc
● Honking horns - Tiếng còi xe
● Traffic congestion - Tắc đường giao thông
● Vibrancy - Sự sống động

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Unwind - Thư giãn

● Catch up on - Bắt kịp
● Bring along - Mang theo
● Clear my mind - Làm sạch tâm trí
● Hold a special place - Đặc biệt quan trọng

Part 3

1. Do young people like to go to parks?

2. What do old people like to do in parks?

3. What benefits can parks bring to a city?

4. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

5. Why do some people like planting flowers ?

6. Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?


Question 1:

Yes, young people in Vietnam do enjoy going to parks. It provides them with a space to
socialize, engage in outdoor activities, and take a break from their busy lives. Parks offer a
refreshing escape from the concrete jungle, and many young individuals appreciate the
chance to connect with nature and their friends. In big cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi,
you'll often see young people jogging, practicing yoga, playing sports, or simply sitting on
benches, chatting, and enjoying the greenery.
Question 2:

Older people, on the other hand, tend to have different preferences when they visit parks in
Vietnam. They often seek tranquility and relaxation. You'll frequently find them sitting on park
benches, reading newspapers, practicing tai chi, or having leisurely walks. Parks offer a
peaceful environment where they can socialize with their peers, reminisce, and enjoy the
slower pace of life.

Question 3:

Parks bring numerous benefits to a city. Firstly, they enhance the city's aesthetics and
provide a breath of fresh air in urban areas, contributing to a better quality of life. They act as
green lungs, absorbing pollutants and improving air quality. Secondly, parks promote
physical and mental well-being for residents of all ages, offering spaces for exercise and
relaxation. Thirdly, they serve as community hubs, fostering social interactions and a sense
of belonging among residents. Finally, parks can boost tourism by adding to the city's

Question 4:

Both young and old people can reap various benefits from visiting parks. For young people,
parks offer a place to stay physically active, reduce stress, and socialize. It's a space where
they can engage in sports, picnics, or outdoor games, improving their physical and mental
health. For older individuals, parks provide a serene setting to relax, engage in low-impact
exercises like tai chi, and connect with their peers, enhancing their physical and mental
well-being. Overall, parks promote a healthier and more socially connected community.

Question 5:

Many people, regardless of age, enjoy planting flowers because it brings them a sense of joy
and fulfillment. Gardening can be a therapeutic and calming activity. Watching flowers bloom
and tending to them fosters a connection with nature and provides a sense of achievement.
In Vietnam, gardening is deeply rooted in the culture, and many people take pride in their
gardens, especially those who cultivate beautiful and fragrant flowers like lotus, orchids, or
bonsai trees.

Question 6:

Absolutely, people should actively participate in maintaining public parks and gardens.
These spaces are valuable community assets that benefit everyone. Community involvement
can include volunteering for clean-up efforts, reporting maintenance issues, or participating
in planting and landscaping initiatives. It not only ensures the sustainability and beauty of
these public spaces but also fosters a sense of ownership and pride within the community,
making the parks even more inviting and enjoyable for everyone.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Engage in - Tham gia vào

● Concrete jungle - Rừng bê tông (mô tả thành phố)
● Tranquility - Sự yên bình
● Leisurely - Thư giãn
● Aesthetics - Thẩm mỹ
● Green lungs - Lá phổi xanh
● Foster - Khuyến khích
● Well-being - Sức khỏe và hạnh phúc
● Low-impact exercises - Bài tập nhẹ nhàng
● Therapeutic - Có tác dụng điều trị
● Fragrant - Thơm ngon, thơm mùi
● Cultivate - Trồng trọt
● Fosters a sense of - Tạo ra sự nhận thức về
● Ownership - Sự sở hữu
● Valuable - Quý báu
● Sustainability - Bền vững
● Inviting - Đáng mời, đáng tham quan
● Enjoyable - Thú vị, dễ thưởng thức
Describe a beautiful city
You should say:

Where the city is

How you knew about the city

What buildings the city has

What it is famous for

And explain why you think this city is beautiful


One of the most beautiful cities I've had the privilege to visit is Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. I
first learned about this captivating city through books and documentaries that showcased its
rich history, cultural heritage, and stunning architecture.

Hanoi is a city that seamlessly blends the old and the new. It boasts an impressive array of
historical and architectural gems, including the iconic Hanoi Opera House, a magnificent
French colonial-era structure, and the Temple of Literature, a centuries-old Confucian temple
that serves as a testament to Vietnam's scholarly traditions. The city is also home to the
exquisite Hoan Kiem Lake, surrounded by lush greenery and the historic Ngoc Son Temple,
creating an idyllic urban oasis.

What makes Hanoi truly famous, however, is its vibrant street culture and culinary scene. The
city is renowned for its bustling street markets, where you can savor the best of Vietnamese
street food, from savory photo delectable banh mi sandwiches. The Old Quarter of Hanoi, with
its narrow winding streets and traditional shop houses, provides an authentic glimpse into the
city's past and is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts.

Hanoi's beauty lies in its ability to preserve its rich cultural heritage while embracing
modernity. The city's centuries-old pagodas stand in harmony with contemporary skyscrapers,
creating a unique visual tapestry that encapsulates Vietnam's complex history. Moreover, the
warm and welcoming spirit of the Hanoian people adds to the city's charm, making it a place
where beauty is not only in the architecture but also in the heartwarming hospitality.

In conclusion, Hanoi is a city that exudes beauty from every corner, whether it's the majestic
architecture, the aromatic street food, or the genuine warmth of its residents. Its ability to
embrace the past and the present, coupled with its rich cultural tapestry, makes Hanoi an
exceptionally beautiful city that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

High-level vocabulary:

● Captivating - Quyến rũ
● Rich history - Lịch sử phong phú
● Architectural gems - Các kiệt tác kiến trúc
● Magnificent - Tráng lệ
● Scholarly traditions - Truyền thống học thuật
● Exquisite - Tinh xảo
● Idyllic - Thơ mộng
● Street culture - Văn hóa đường phố
● Culinary scene - Cảnh ẩm thực
● Treasure trove - Kho báu
● Visual tapestry - Bức tranh thị giác
● Harmony - Sự hài hòa
● Hospitality - Sự mến khách

Phrasal Verbs:

● Blend the old and the new - Kết hợp cổ điển và hiện đại
● Savor the best - Thưởng thức những điều tốt nhất
● Stand in harmony - Tồn tại trong sự hài hòa
● Exudes beauty - Tỏa sáng vẻ đẹp
● Leave a lasting impression - Để lại ấn tượng sâu sắc

Part 3

1. What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?

2. Why do some people like to visit historical sites?

3. How can people preserve historic cities and historic buildings?

4. Is it the government's responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?

5. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?

6. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?


Question 1:

Well, the differences between modern towns and modern cities in Vietnam can be quite
distinct. Modern cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are typically larger in terms of both
population and geographic size. They have extensive infrastructure, including skyscrapers,
advanced public transportation systems, and a wide range of industries and job
opportunities. On the other hand, modern towns, such as Da Nang or Nha Trang, are smaller
in scale with a more relaxed pace of life. They often focus on tourism and have a less hectic
atmosphere compared to bustling cities. However, both modern towns and cities in Vietnam
are experiencing rapid development and urbanization as the country's economy continues to

Question 2:

Many people, including myself, are drawn to historical sites in Vietnam because they offer a
glimpse into the rich culture and heritage of the country. Vietnam has a long and storied
history, and historical sites provide a tangible connection to the past. Exploring ancient
temples, imperial citadels, and colonial-era buildings allows visitors to appreciate the
architectural and artistic achievements of previous generations. Moreover, these sites often
have educational value, helping us better understand the struggles, triumphs, and traditions
that have shaped Vietnam over the centuries.

Question 3:

Preserving historic cities and buildings in Vietnam can be achieved through a combination of
government initiatives and community involvement. The government can establish
regulations and incentives to encourage the restoration and maintenance of historic
structures. Additionally, they can invest in the training of skilled craftsmen and historians to
ensure that traditional building techniques and historical knowledge are passed down. On
the other hand, communities can play a crucial role by raising awareness, participating in
restoration projects, and promoting responsible tourism that respects and preserves historic

Question 4:

Yes, I believe it is primarily the government's responsibility to preserve historic cities and
historic buildings. The government has the authority and resources to enact policies, provide
funding, and enforce regulations to protect and maintain these cultural treasures. They have
a duty to safeguard the nation's heritage for future generations. However, it's also important
for the government to involve local communities and seek input from experts in heritage
preservation to ensure a holistic approach.

Question 5:

Historic preservation does not necessarily contradict economic development. In fact,

well-preserved historic areas can often become major tourist attractions, boosting local
economies through tourism-related businesses and job opportunities. When done
thoughtfully, historic preservation can enhance a city's unique character, attracting visitors
and investment. It's all about finding a balance between development and heritage
conservation to ensure sustainable growth.

Question 6:

The future of historic places and buildings in Vietnam largely depends on the commitment of
both the government and the public. If there is a continued emphasis on preserving and
celebrating the country's cultural heritage, these sites will likely endure. However, the rapid
pace of development and urbanization could pose challenges. It's crucial for Vietnam to find
innovative solutions to adapt historic areas to contemporary needs while maintaining their
historical and cultural significance.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Geographic size - Kích thước địa lý

● Infrastructure - Cơ sở hạ tầng
● Skyscrapers - Những tòa nhà chọc trời
● Hectic atmosphere - Bầu không khí sôi động
● Urbanization - Đô thị hóa
● Storied history - Lịch sử phong phú
● Tangible connection - Mối kết nối hữu hình
● Imperial citadels - Thành cổ hoàng đế
● Architectural achievements - Những thành tựu trong kiến trúc
● Raise awareness - Nâng cao nhận thức
● Responsible tourism - Du lịch có trách nhiệm
● Enact policies - Ban hành chính sách
● Well-preserved - Được bảo tồn tốt
● Boosting local economies - Thúc đẩy nền kinh tế địa phương
● Unique character - Tính đặc biệt
● Cultural heritage - Di sản văn hóa
● Endure - Kéo dài, tồn tại
● Adapt - Thích nghi
● Contemporary needs - Nhu cầu hiện đại
● Significance - Ý nghĩa
Describe a time when you had a problem with using the
You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What the problem was

And explain how you solved the problem at last


Certainly, I can recall a rather vexing experience with a computer that occurred about six
months ago. It happened in my office, which is located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, the
bustling economic hub of Vietnam.

The issue I encountered was related to a critical project I was working on. I had diligently
prepared a comprehensive report for a client presentation scheduled the following morning.
However, as I was about to save the document, my computer screen froze, leaving me in a
state of sheer panic. I attempted to restart the computer, but it refused to respond, and I
couldn't afford to lose all the work I had done.

In a desperate attempt to resolve the problem, I first reached out to our IT department, but they
were unable to provide an immediate solution due to their overwhelming workload. Realizing
that I needed a quick fix, I decided to search online for troubleshooting steps. After some
extensive research, I attempted to boot the computer in safe mode, which allowed me to
access the document.

However, the issue persisted. I then decided to transfer the document to a USB drive and use a
colleague's computer to complete the project. After hours of working tirelessly, I finally
managed to recreate the entire report. It was an exhausting experience, but it taught me the
importance of regularly backing up my work and being prepared for unexpected technical

High-level vocabulary:

● Vexing - Đáng phiền hà

● Diligently - Cẩn thận, chăm chỉ
● Comprehensive - Toàn diện
● Critical - Quan trọng, krit kết
● Baffling - Khó hiểu
● Overwhelming - Áp đảo
● Desperate - Tuyệt vọng
● Troubleshooting - Xử lý sự cố
● Extensive - Mở rộng, chi tiết
● Technical glitches - Sự cố kỹ thuật

Phrasal Verbs:

● Reach out to - Liên hệ với

● Boot up - Khởi động máy tính
● Back up - Sao lưu
● Fix up - Khắc phục
● Work tirelessly - Làm việc không ngừng nghỉ

Part 3

1. Why do people often have problems when using new products?

2. How do people use digital devices to help them with their studies?

3. Do people spend too much time looking at digital screens? Why?

4. Do you think that parents should limit the time that their children spend using the mobile

5. What do people do with mobile phones?

6. What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?


Question 1:

People often encounter problems when using new products because of the learning curve
associated with unfamiliar technology. New products, especially digital devices, often come
with complex features and functionalities that require time to grasp. Additionally, the
absence of prior experience with a particular product can lead to uncertainty about its
operation, resulting in mistakes or difficulties.

In Vietnam, where technological advancements are rapidly embraced, people often

encounter such issues with the latest gadgets and software updates. The fast-paced nature
of technological innovation means that individuals are constantly adapting to new devices
and applications, which can be challenging.

Question 2:

Digital devices play a crucial role in aiding studies in Vietnam. Students use computers,
tablets, and smartphones for research, accessing educational websites, and collaborating on
projects. These devices provide quick access to vast amounts of information, allowing
students to conduct research and complete assignments efficiently. Additionally, educational
apps and online courses are increasingly popular, offering opportunities for self-paced
learning and skill development.

Question 3:

Yes, many people do spend an excessive amount of time looking at digital screens in
Vietnam, primarily due to the widespread use of smartphones and computers. The reasons
vary, but factors such as social media, online entertainment, and the need for constant
connectivity contribute to this behavior. Moreover, the prevalence of remote work and online
learning, which has increased due to recent global events, has further intensified screen

Question 4:

I believe that parents should indeed limit the time their children spend using mobile phones.
While these devices can be valuable tools for learning and communication, excessive screen
time can have adverse effects on children's physical and mental health. Setting limits on
screen time encourages a balanced lifestyle, promotes face-to-face interactions, and allows
children to engage in physical activities and other hobbies.

Question 5:

Mobile phones serve a multitude of purposes for people in Vietnam. They are used for
communication, both through calls and messaging apps. Additionally, mobile phones are
utilized for social networking, accessing news and information, online shopping, and mobile
banking. They also serve as cameras, entertainment devices, and even as tools for
navigation and transportation booking through various apps.

Question 6:

People who are addicted to playing computer games or spending excessive time on
computers may face challenges in managing their time effectively and maintaining a
balanced lifestyle. While gaming can be a form of entertainment and relaxation, addiction to
it can lead to neglect of responsibilities and social relationships. It's important for individuals
to strike a healthy balance between their digital activities and other aspects of life to ensure
overall well-being.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Learning curve - Sự học hỏi

● Unfamiliar technology - Công nghệ mới lạ
● Embrace - Tiếp nhận, chấp nhận
● Learning curve - Sự học hỏi
● Grasp - Nắm bắt
● Vast amounts of information - Lượng thông tin lớn
● Self-paced learning - Học tự do
● Excessive - Quá mức
● Adverse effects - Tác động tiêu cực
● Balanced lifestyle - Lối sống cân đối
● Multitude of purposes - Nhiều mục đích
● Neglect - Bỏ bê, sao lãng
● Overall well-being - Sức khỏe tổng thể
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or
You should say:

Who this person is

What this person does

How you knew him/her

And explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting


I'd like to talk about a person I've had the pleasure of knowing for several years, my friend
Thanh. Thanh is a creative visionary who consistently comes up with captivating ideas and
thought-provoking opinions. He is a professional architect, and I first met him during our
university years in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Thanh's profession as an architect allows him to channel his creativity into designing unique
and innovative structures. His work often pushes the boundaries of conventional architectural
norms, blending functionality with aesthetics in remarkable ways. One of his notable projects
in Hanoi is a sustainable housing complex that seamlessly integrates green spaces and
modern design, reflecting his commitment to environmental sustainability.

I was introduced to Thanh through a mutual friend, and over time, we developed a close
friendship. What struck me about Thanh was not just his design prowess but also his ability to
perceive the world differently. He has a remarkable talent for seeing beauty and potential in
everyday objects and places that others might overlook. This perspective enriches his work
and makes his architectural designs both functional and visually captivating.

What truly makes Thanh's ideas and opinions fascinating is his capacity to connect seemingly
unrelated concepts and draw inspiration from various sources. He has an insatiable curiosity
and frequently engages in discussions about art, science, culture, and technology. His
interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving results in solutions that are both ingenious and

Moreover, Thanh has a knack for challenging conventional wisdom and encouraging others to
think outside the box. His willingness to share his ideas and engage in meaningful debates
enriches our friendship and inspires me to broaden my horizons. Whether we're discussing the
future of sustainable architecture or the impact of emerging technologies, Thanh's insights are
always refreshing and insightful.

In conclusion, Thanh is a remarkable individual whose interesting ideas and opinions stem
from his creative profession, unique perspective, and multidisciplinary approach to life. He
continually inspires me to explore new intellectual horizons and appreciate the world from a
different vantage point.

High-level vocabulary:

● Creative visionary - Tầm nhìn sáng tạo

● Captivating ideas - Ý tưởng cuốn hút
● Thought-provoking opinions - Quan điểm đòi hỏi suy ngẫm
● Innovative structures - Các công trình đổi mới
● Push the boundaries - Đẩy giới hạn
● Environmental sustainability - Bền vững về môi trường
● Perceive the world differently - Nhìn thế giới theo cách khác
● Interdisciplinary approach - Tiếp cận đa ngành
● Challenge conventional wisdom - Thách thức kiến thức thông thường
● Broaden my horizons - Mở rộng tầm hiểu biết

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Channel into - Định hướng vào

● Blend with - Kết hợp với
● Draw inspiration from - Rút ra nguồn cảm hứng từ
● Think outside the box - Suy nghĩ sáng tạo, ngoại khung
● Engage in - Tham gia vào

Part 3

1. When do you think children start to have their own opinions?

2. Are children's opinions influenced by their parents?

3. Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?

4. How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?

5. Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?

6. What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?


Question 1:

I believe children begin to form their own opinions at an early age, often during their
preschool years. As they start to explore the world and engage in social interactions, they
naturally develop preferences and viewpoints. However, these opinions tend to be influenced
by their immediate environment and experiences.

Question 2:
Children's opinions are undoubtedly influenced by their parents, especially during their
formative years. Parents play a crucial role in shaping a child's values, beliefs, and
perspectives. They are the primary caregivers and educators, and their guidance greatly
impacts a child's early opinions. However, as children grow older and become exposed to a
wider range of influences, such as teachers, peers, and media, their opinions can evolve and
become more independent.

Question 3:

Smart children are likely to be influenced by a variety of sources. While their parents and
teachers remain influential figures, smart children tend to have a natural curiosity and desire
to explore diverse ideas. They might be inspired by books, documentaries, mentors, or even
their own experiences. In Vietnam, some of the greatest inventors and philosophers were
driven by a passion for knowledge and a willingness to challenge conventional thinking.

Question 4:

Inventors and philosophers come up with new ideas through a combination of factors.
Firstly, they possess a deep curiosity about the world and a desire to solve problems or
explore uncharted territory. They often engage in extensive research and critical thinking to
gain insights. Secondly, they may draw inspiration from various sources, including existing
knowledge, scientific principles, and personal experiences. Lastly, creativity plays a
significant role, allowing them to connect seemingly unrelated concepts and generate
innovative ideas.

Question 5:

No, there are not only old ideas from books or previous writers. While historical knowledge
and the work of past scholars provide valuable foundations, innovation and progress require
the development of new ideas. Inventors, writers, and thinkers in Vietnam and around the
world continually generate fresh perspectives and breakthroughs. These new ideas often
build upon, challenge, or extend existing knowledge to address contemporary challenges
and opportunities.

Question 6:

In Vietnam, as in other countries, people who have lots of great ideas come from diverse
backgrounds and fields. They can be scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, educators, or anyone
with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. These individuals are often characterized
by their ability to think critically, embrace change, and persevere in the face of challenges.
They are driven by a desire to make a positive impact on their communities and society as a

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Formative years - Những năm hình thành

● Primary caregivers - Những người chăm sóc chính
● Values, beliefs, and perspectives - Giá trị, niềm tin, và quan điểm
● Challenge conventional thinking - Thách thức tư duy thông thường
● Critical thinking - Tư duy phản biện
● Uncharted territory - Lãnh thổ chưa được khám phá
● Draw inspiration from - Rút cảm hứng từ
● Foundations - Nền móng
● Breakthroughs - Đột phá
● Embrace change - Chấp nhận sự thay đổi
Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person
and would like to know more about
You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What interesting things he/she has done

And explain what you would like to know more about him/her

Write about an actor


I'd like to talk about an actor whom I've never met in person but have been fascinated by for
quite some time - Dustin Nguyen. I became acquainted with him through his outstanding
performances in movies and television series. His intriguing journey from Vietnam to
Hollywood and his remarkable career have left me eager to learn more about his life and

Dustin Nguyen, originally Nguyễn Xuân Trí, is a Vietnamese-American actor known for his
versatility and compelling portrayals on screen. I first came across his work while watching the
critically acclaimed TV series "21 Jump Street" in which he played Officer Harry Truman Ioki.
His portrayal of a Vietnamese-American undercover cop dealing with complex social issues
deeply resonated with me, especially considering our shared cultural background.

What makes Dustin Nguyen particularly intriguing is his journey to Hollywood. He was born in
Saigon, Vietnam, during a tumultuous period in our history and later immigrated to the United
States as a refugee. Despite facing numerous challenges, he managed to break through racial
barriers in the American film industry, which was not always open to Asian actors. This
determination and resilience are truly inspiring.

One of the most interesting aspects of Dustin's career is his commitment to diverse roles. He
has not only played Asian characters but has also taken on a range of roles that transcend
stereotypes. From action-packed films to heartfelt dramas, his portfolio is a testament to his
talent and dedication.

What I would like to know more about Dustin Nguyen is his personal perspective on his career
and the challenges he encountered along the way. I'm curious about the pivotal moments that
shaped his journey and the advice he might have for aspiring actors, especially those from
underrepresented backgrounds like mine. Additionally, understanding his experiences as a
Vietnamese-American actor in Hollywood and his thoughts on diversity and representation in
the film industry would be enlightening.
In conclusion, Dustin Nguyen is an interesting person I would love to know more about due to
his inspiring career, journey, and contributions to the world of entertainment.

High-level vocabulary:

● Fascinated by - Nhiệt huyết với

● Acquainted with - Quen biết
● Outstanding performances - Những buổi biểu diễn xuất sắc
● Versatility - Tính đa năng
● Compelling portrayals - Những hình ảnh hấp dẫn
● Resonated with - Gây ấn tượng sâu sắc
● Tumultuous period - Giai đoạn hỗn loạn
● Break through - Vượt qua
● Racial barriers - Rào cản về chủng tộc
● Resilience - Sự kiên nhẫn

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Came across - Bắt gặp

● Take on - Đảm nhận
● Transcend stereotypes - Vượt qua các khuôn mẫu
● Shape his journey - Định hình cuộc hành trình của anh ấy
● Aspiring actors - Diễn viên đam mê
● Enlightening - Sáng tỏ, làm sáng tỏ

Part 3

1. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between
you and other people?

2. Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

3. Where and how can people get to know new people?

4. Can clothing tell and reveal a person's personality?

5. Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?

6. How does society influence a person's personality?


Question 1:

There can be differences in the relationships I have with my friends compared to those with
other people. With friends, there is usually a deeper level of trust and understanding that
comes from shared experiences and a history of friendship. This often leads to a more
relaxed and open communication style. On the other hand, interactions with other people
may be more formal and superficial, especially if there isn't a preexisting connection. In
Vietnam, like in many other cultures, we have a concept called "điểm chung," which means
common ground. Building relationships often starts with finding common ground or shared

Question 2:

Yes, it's not uncommon for people to feel lonely in crowded cities. In bustling urban areas
like Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, despite being surrounded by a large population, individuals
can still experience loneliness due to the fast-paced and impersonal nature of city life. The
anonymity of city living can sometimes lead to a lack of meaningful social connections.
People may be too busy with work or other commitments to foster relationships,
contributing to feelings of isolation. In these situations, social activities, clubs, and
community events can provide opportunities for individuals to connect with others and
alleviate loneliness.

Question 3:

Getting to know new people in Vietnam can happen in various ways. One common way is
through mutual friends or acquaintances, as personal connections play a significant role in
Vietnamese society. Social gatherings, such as weddings, birthdays, and festivals, provide
opportunities to meet new people. Additionally, joining clubs, sports teams, or hobby groups
can help individuals connect with like-minded individuals. In recent years, online platforms
and social media have also become popular avenues for making new friends and expanding
one's social network.

Question 4:

Clothing can indeed convey aspects of a person's personality. In Vietnam, traditional clothing
like the áo dài reflects elegance and cultural pride. On the other hand, modern and trendy
fashion choices can indicate a person's sense of style and adaptability. Clothing color, style,
and accessories can also reflect one's mood or preferences. However, it's important to
remember that clothing is just one aspect of a person's identity, and judgments should not
be solely based on appearances.

Question 5:

Individuals from the same family can have different personalities due to a combination of
genetic and environmental factors. While genetics can play a role in predisposing individuals
to certain traits, environmental influences, such as upbringing, experiences, and social
interactions, also shape personality. Siblings may have different experiences, relationships,
and exposures to the outside world, leading to variations in their personalities. Additionally,
birth order, parental relationships, and cultural influences within the family can contribute to
personality differences.

Question 6:

Society plays a significant role in influencing a person's personality. Cultural norms, values,
and expectations shape how individuals perceive themselves and others. In Vietnam, for
example, the concept of "mặt trời trọc" (losing face) is deeply ingrained, encouraging
individuals to maintain a harmonious and respectful demeanor in social interactions.
Education and peer groups also contribute to personality development, as individuals adapt
to societal norms and expectations. Additionally, exposure to media, including television and
the internet, can influence attitudes and behaviors, particularly among younger generations.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Điểm chung (Common ground) - Những điểm tương đồng hoặc sở thích chung
● Impersonal nature - Tính chất không cá nhân hóa
● Foster relationships - Nuôi dưỡng mối quan hệ
● Like-minded individuals - Những người có tư duy tương tự
● Cultural pride - Tự hào về văn hóa
● Sense of style - Phong cách
● Predisposing individuals - Làm cho người dễ có
● Environmental influences - Những yếu tố môi trường
● Losing face - Mất mặt trước mọi người
● Personality development - Sự phát triển tính cách
Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say:

When and where it took place

Why you took part in it

What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired


I'd like to talk about a recent activity that left me feeling quite exhausted. It took place a few
weeks ago in Hanoi, Vietnam, during a charity event organized by my local community.

The reason I participated in this activity was because I strongly believe in giving back to the
community and helping those in need. The event aimed to raise funds for underprivileged
children's education, and I volunteered to help organize and run various stalls and games.

One of the activities that made me particularly tired was running a food stall. I was responsible
for preparing and serving traditional Vietnamese dishes like pho and banh mi to the attendees.
While it was a meaningful task, it required constant attention and effort. I had to ensure that
the food was cooked perfectly, maintain cleanliness and hygiene, manage the long queues of
hungry people, and handle the financial transactions.

The combination of the scorching heat that day, the non-stop flow of customers, and the
physically demanding nature of the work made me feel utterly exhausted by the end of the
event. I was not only physically tired but mentally drained as well, as I had to stay alert and
organized throughout the day.

Despite the exhaustion, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment knowing that our
efforts contributed to a good cause. Helping those children have access to better education
and opportunities made the fatigue worthwhile.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Charity event - Sự kiện từ thiện.

● Underprivileged children - Trẻ em thiếu thốn.
● Give back to the community - Đóng góp lại cho cộng đồng.
● Raise funds - Gây quỹ.
● Volunteer - Tình nguyện viên.
● Food stall - Gian hàng thức ăn.
● Scorching heat - Ánh nắng chói chang.
● Physically demanding - Đòi hỏi thể lực.
● Mentally drained - Mệt mỏi tinh thần.
● Sense of satisfaction - Cảm giác hài lòng.
● Fulfillment - Sự thỏa mãn, hạnh phúc.
● Access to better education - Tiếp cận giáo dục tốt hơn.

Part 3

1. Does studying and learning make people tired today?

2. When do people usually feel tired?

3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?

4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?

5. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising?

6. How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired?


Question 1:

Studying and learning can indeed make people tired, especially when they are tackling
complex subjects or preparing for exams. The mental effort required to absorb new
information and solve problems can be quite draining.

Question 2:

People typically feel tired after a long day of work or when they engage in physically
demanding activities like sports. Additionally, lack of sleep, stress, or excessive screen time
can also lead to fatigue.

Question 3:

Striving for learning and striving for sports are both admirable pursuits, but they can have
different effects on a person's energy levels. Learning is mentally taxing, while sports are
physically demanding. It ultimately depends on an individual's preferences and interests.

Question 4:

In Vietnam, people generally have the same number of holidays as in the past. However, the
way holidays are distributed throughout the year may vary depending on the job and industry.

Question 5:

Feeling tired after studying often involves mental fatigue, while tiredness after exercising is
more physical. After studying, you might feel mentally drained, whereas after exercising, you
may experience muscle fatigue or soreness.

Question 6:
To address the issue of older people getting tired easily, it's essential for them to maintain an
active lifestyle and engage in regular physical activity to keep their muscles and
cardiovascular system healthy. Adequate rest and a balanced diet also play crucial roles in
combating fatigue in older individuals.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Tired - Mệt mỏi.

● Striving - Nỗ lực, cố gắng.
● Fatigue - Mệt mỏi (n).
● Mentally taxing - Đòi hỏi tinh thần.
● Physically demanding - Đòi hỏi thể lực.
● Lack of sleep - Thiếu ngủ.
● Stress - Áp lực, căng thẳng.
● Excessive - Quá mức.
● Energy levels - Mức độ năng lượng.
● Muscle fatigue - Mệt mỏi cơ bắp.
● Soreness - Đau nhức cơ bắp.
● Adequate - Đủ.
● Cardiovascular system - Hệ thống tuần hoàn máu.
● Combat - Đối phó, chống lại.
Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone
You should say:

Who you gave the advice to

What the advice was

Why you gave the advice

And explain how he/she followed your advice


I recently had the opportunity to offer a piece of valuable advice to my younger cousin, Tuan,
who was preparing for his college entrance exams in Vietnam. Tuan had been feeling
overwhelmed and stressed about the upcoming exams, and he approached me for guidance
as he knew I had gone through a similar experience.

The advice I gave him was to "break down the big goal into smaller, manageable tasks." I
explained to him that tackling the entire syllabus at once could be incredibly daunting and
demotivating. Instead, I suggested that he create a study schedule that outlined daily and
weekly goals. This way, he could focus on one topic or subject at a time, making his study
sessions more efficient and less overwhelming.

I also recommended that he incorporate regular breaks into his study routine to prevent
burnout and maintain concentration. These breaks could be used to relax, exercise, or engage
in hobbies he enjoyed. Furthermore, I emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy diet
and sleep schedule to support his overall well-being during this stressful period.

I gave him this advice because I had learned from my own experiences that proper planning
and self-care were crucial when preparing for high-stakes exams. I wanted to ensure that Tuan
could maximize his productivity and minimize stress during this challenging time.

To my delight, Tuan took my advice seriously. He created a detailed study schedule, broke
down his study materials into manageable portions, and made time for relaxation and
exercise. As a result, he appeared more confident and less stressed as the exam date
approached. When the results were announced, Tuan had performed exceptionally well, and he
credited his success to the advice I had given him.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Overwhelmed (adj) - Bị áp đảo, quá tải.

● College entrance exams - Kỳ thi đại học.
● Manageable (adj) - Có thể quản lý được.
● Daunting (adj) - Gây sợ hãi, khó khăn đáng sợ.
● Burnout (n) - Sự kiệt sức, mệt mỏi vì công việc.
● Well-being (n) - Sức khỏe và sự thịnh vượng.
● Self-care (n) - Tự quản lý sức khỏe và tâm trạng.
● Maintain concentration - Duy trì sự tập trung.
● High-stakes exams - Kỳ thi quyết định sự thành bại.
● Maximize productivity - Tối ưu hóa năng suất.

Part 3:

Question 1:

I believe parents should definitely give their children advice. Parents play a crucial role in
guiding their children through life. They have more life experience and knowledge, and their
advice can help children make better decisions, avoid mistakes, and develop important life
skills. However, it's important for parents to strike a balance between giving advice and
allowing their children to learn from their own experiences.

Question 2:

Yes, teachers should give students advice, especially when it comes to their academic and
personal development. Teachers are not just educators; they also serve as mentors and role
models for students. Their guidance can inspire students to set goals, work hard, and
achieve success. However, it's essential for teachers to provide constructive and supportive
advice rather than being overly critical.

Question 3:

I do think it's necessary to listen to friends' advice, but with some caution. Friends often
have our best interests at heart and can offer different perspectives on our problems.
However, not all advice from friends is well-informed, so it's essential to evaluate their
suggestions carefully before making decisions.

Question 4:

People give advice to young and old people in various ways. With younger individuals,
advice may be more direct, focusing on teaching and guiding them. With older people, advice
can take the form of sharing experiences and offering insights based on wisdom gained over
the years.

Question 5:

Generally, young people are often more willing to listen to advice from their parents,
teachers, or mentors because they recognize the value of guidance in their learning and
development. Older individuals may be less willing to listen to unsolicited advice, as they
may feel that they have more life experience and can make their own decisions. However,
this varies from person to person.

Question 6:
Yes, I've received advice from professionals like doctors, lawyers, and teachers. For
example, my doctor provided advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing certain
health issues. Similarly, teachers have offered guidance on academic and career choices.
These professionals have specialized knowledge that can be valuable in making informed

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● To give advice (Đưa lời khuyên): Truyền đạt ý kiến hoặc sự hướng dẫn về một tình
huống cụ thể.
● To strike a balance (Đạt được sự cân bằng): Làm cho hai yếu tố hoặc khía cạnh khác
nhau trở nên hợp lý và ổn định.
● To provide constructive advice (Cung cấp lời khuyên mang tính xây dựng): Đưa ra ý
kiến hoặc hướng dẫn mà giúp người khác cải thiện hoặc tiến bộ.
● To evaluate suggestions (Đánh giá các gợi ý): Xem xét và đánh giá các ý kiến hoặc
đề xuất từ người khác.
● To share experiences (Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm): Thảo luận về những trải nghiệm cá
nhân để giúp người khác học hỏi.
● To be overly critical (Quá phê phán): Cung cấp quá nhiều nhận xét phê phán hoặc chỉ
trích, thường không xây dựng.

Definitions in Vietnamese:

● To give advice (Đưa lời khuyên): Chia sẻ ý kiến hoặc hướng dẫn về cách làm một
điều gì đó.
● To strike a balance (Đạt được sự cân bằng): Làm cho hai yếu tố hoặc khía cạnh khác
nhau trở nên hợp lý và ổn định.
● To provide constructive advice (Cung cấp lời khuyên mang tính xây dựng): Đưa ra ý
kiến hoặc hướng dẫn có tính xây dựng để giúp người khác cải thiện hoặc tiến bộ.
● To evaluate suggestions (Đánh giá các gợi ý): Xem xét và đánh giá các ý kiến hoặc
đề xuất từ người khác.
● To share experiences (Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm): Kể lại và truyền đạt các trải nghiệm cá
nhân để giúp người khác học hỏi.
● To be overly critical (Quá phê phán): Cung cấp quá nhiều nhận xét chỉ trích hoặc phê
phán, thường không có tính xây dựng.
Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice
You should say:

When it happened

What the nice thing was

How song you waited

Why you waited for a long time

And explain how you felt about the experience


The occasion I'd like to share happened a couple of years ago in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It
was the grand opening of a highly anticipated restaurant called "Saigon Flavors," renowned for
its exquisite Vietnamese cuisine with a modern twist.

The nice thing I had to wait for was a table at this restaurant. Saigon Flavors had been the talk
of the town for months before its opening, and it was no surprise that everyone wanted to
taste its unique dishes.

I arrived at the restaurant around 7:00 PM with my friends, and to our dismay, there was a long
line of hungry diners waiting for a table. The waiting area was comfortable, and the restaurant
staff were kind enough to provide us with menus and take drink orders while we waited.

We waited for nearly two hours before we were finally seated. During that time, I observed the
anticipation and excitement in the faces of those around me. People chatted, laughed, and
shared recommendations on what to order. It felt like we were all part of a shared experience,
which made the wait more bearable.

The reason we waited for such a long time was the restaurant's popularity and the limited
seating capacity. Saigon Flavors was known for its commitment to using fresh, locally sourced
ingredients, and its dedication to quality in every dish. Many believed it was worth the wait for
this exceptional culinary experience.

When we were finally seated, the anticipation had built up so much that every dish that arrived
at our table felt like a reward for our patience. The flavors were indeed exceptional, and the
service lived up to its reputation. The long wait turned out to be a memorable experience, as it
added to the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when we finally enjoyed our meal.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Grand opening - Lễ khai trương lớn.

● Exquisite - Tuyệt vời, xuất sắc.
● Modern twist - Sự đổi mới hiện đại.
● Talk of the town - Được nhiều người biết đến và trò chuyện về.
● Anticipation - Sự kỳ vọng, sự mong đợi.
● Limited seating capacity - Không gian ngồi hạn chế.
● Locally sourced ingredients - Nguyên liệu có nguồn gốc từ địa phương.
● Dedication to quality - Sự tận tâm với chất lượng.
● Bearable - Có thể chịu đựng được.
● Culinary experience - Trải nghiệm ẩm thực.
● Sense of satisfaction - Cảm giác hài lòng.
● Accomplishment - Thành tựu, sự hoàn thành.

Part 3

1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

2. What do people do while waiting?

3. Are most people patient while waiting?

4. Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?

5. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

6. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?


Question 1:

People often have to wait for a long time on various occasions in Vietnam. One common
instance is when visiting government offices to handle paperwork or administrative matters,
like applying for identification cards or licenses. The bureaucratic processes can be quite
time-consuming, leading to significant waiting times. Additionally, waiting can also occur at
crowded bus stops or train stations during peak hours, especially in big cities like Hanoi or
Ho Chi Minh City.

Question 2:

While waiting, people in Vietnam engage in various activities to pass the time. Many use
their smartphones to check messages, social media, or play games. Others prefer to read
newspapers, magazines, or books. At bus stops or train stations, you might see people
chatting with friends or strangers, enjoying street food, or even practicing mindfulness and
meditation to stay calm.

Question 3:

Most people in Vietnam try to remain patient while waiting, but it can vary from person to
person. The level of patience often depends on the individual's personality and the situation.
While some may exhibit patience by calmly waiting, others might become frustrated or
anxious if the wait is exceptionally long.

Question 4:

Personally, I don't enjoy waiting for a long time, and I believe many people share this
sentiment. Waiting can be quite frustrating, especially when it disrupts our schedules or
plans. However, sometimes it's a necessary part of life, and in those cases, it's essential to
find ways to make the most of the waiting time.

Question 5:

Children often have difficulties waiting for a long time because they tend to be more
impulsive and have shorter attention spans than adults. Waiting can be particularly
challenging for them, as they may not fully understand the concept of time. To help children
develop patience, it's important to engage them in activities that teach waiting skills

Question 6:

In Vietnam, queuing while waiting for the subway train is becoming more common,
especially in urban areas where people are used to orderly lines. However, it's still a work in
progress, and you might encounter situations where people don't queue consciously,
particularly during peak hours when the rush is high. Efforts are being made to improve this
behavior and encourage more orderly queuing.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Bureaucratic processes - Quy trình hành chính.

● Crowded - Đông đúc.
● Engage in - Tham gia vào.
● To pass the time - Trôi thời gian.
● Remain patient - Giữ lòng kiên nhẫn.
● Impulsive - Tính thái quá.
● Attention spans - Khả năng tập trung.
● Disorderly lines - Xếp hàng bừa bãi.
● Work in progress - Còn đang được cải thiện.
Describe a drawing/painting that you like
You should say:

When you first saw this painting

What the painting is about

Who drew/painted it

And explain why you like this drawing/painting


I'd like to talk about a remarkable painting that has left a lasting impression on me. I first
encountered this painting during a visit to the Vietnam National Fine Arts Museum in Hanoi,
which was a few years ago.

The painting in question is titled "Rice Fields in the Morning Sunlight." It's a captivating piece
that beautifully depicts the serene beauty of rural Vietnam. The scene features vast, lush green
rice paddies under the gentle morning sunlight. The golden rays of the sun create a
mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow, casting long, picturesque reflections of the farmers
as they work in the fields. The painting skillfully captures the essence of rural life and the
harmony between nature and the hardworking farmers.

This masterpiece was created by Nguyen Van Ty, a renowned Vietnamese artist known for his
ability to portray the country's rural landscapes with great finesse. His works are celebrated for
their attention to detail and the way they evoke a sense of nostalgia for Vietnam's countryside.

I particularly admire this painting because it not only showcases the natural beauty of Vietnam
but also reflects the resilience and dedication of the Vietnamese people. It reminds me of my
roots and the strong connection that many Vietnamese have with their agricultural heritage.
Moreover, the artist's skillful use of color and light adds depth and warmth to the painting,
making it a truly captivating piece of art.

In summary, "Rice Fields in the Morning Sunlight" is a masterpiece that captures the essence
of rural Vietnam, and it resonates with me on a personal level due to its depiction of my
country's natural beauty and the hardworking spirit of its people.

High-level Vocabulary:

● Remarkable - Nổi bật

● Encounter - Gặp gỡ
● Captivating - Quyến rũ
● Serene - Thanh bình
● Interplay - Sự tương tác
● Mesmerizing - Cuốn hút
● Essence - Bản chất
● Resilience - Sự kiên cường
● Finesse - Sự tinh xảo
● Nostalgia - Nỗi nhớ về

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Leave a lasting impression on - Để lại ấn tượng lâu dài

● Cast long reflections - Tạo ra những phản ánh dài
● Showcase the natural beauty - Trình diễn vẻ đẹp tự nhiên
● Resonate with - Gợi cảm giác, đồng cảm với
● Capture the essence - Bắt lấy bản chất

Part 3

1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?

2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

3. How does building style affect people's lives?

4. Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?

5. How do young people share arts with others?

6. Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed?


Question 1:

Painting and drawing are both forms of visual art, but they have some key differences.
Painting involves applying colors to a canvas or surface using brushes, palette knives, or
other tools. It often uses various painting techniques like blending, shading, and layering to
create a full-color image. Drawing, on the other hand, typically involves using pencils,
charcoal, or ink to create lines and shapes on paper or another surface. It's often
monochromatic and focuses on lines, contours, and details. While both are creative
expressions, painting is generally more colorful and involves a broader range of materials,
while drawing can be simpler and more focused on line work.

Question 2:

Some people keep a painting for a long time because of the emotional connection they have
with it. Paintings can evoke strong feelings and memories, and they often serve as a
reminder of a particular time, place, or person. Additionally, art collectors may keep paintings
for investment purposes, hoping that the artwork's value will appreciate over time. Moreover,
some paintings are considered family heirlooms and are passed down through generations,
preserving the artist's legacy and the family's history.

Question 3:
Building style can significantly affect people's lives. In Vietnam, for example, traditional
Vietnamese architecture often includes open courtyards, natural materials like wood and
bamboo, and designs that allow for natural ventilation and light. These elements create a
sense of connection to nature and a harmonious living environment. In contrast, modern
high-rise buildings may lack these features, leading to a more disconnected and artificial
living experience. Building style also impacts the functionality of spaces; well-designed
buildings can enhance productivity and comfort, while poorly designed ones can lead to
discomfort and inefficiency.

Question 4:

Yes, I believe children should learn to draw and paint. Art education is essential for a child's
overall development. It fosters creativity, imagination, and self-expression. It also helps
children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Moreover, art allows children to
communicate their thoughts and emotions, even when they might find it challenging to do so
verbally. It boosts their confidence and self-esteem and can be a source of joy and
relaxation. Additionally, exposure to art at a young age can nurture an appreciation for
culture and the arts, which can have a positive impact on society.

Question 5:

Young people today often share their artwork with others through various means, primarily
using digital platforms and social media. They post their paintings and drawings on websites
like Instagram and Facebook, where they can reach a wide audience and receive feedback
and recognition. Some may even use online marketplaces to sell their artwork. Additionally,
art exhibitions and galleries provide opportunities for young artists to showcase their work
to the public. Art workshops and community events also enable young people to share their
passion for art and connect with others who share their interests.

Question 6:

Yes, I believe the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed. Good
design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of objects but also improves their
functionality and usability. Beautifully designed objects can bring joy and satisfaction to our
daily routines, making our lives more pleasant. Moreover, thoughtful design can contribute to
sustainability by promoting the use of durable and long-lasting products. In Vietnam, we
appreciate well-crafted traditional items like pottery and textiles, which blend aesthetics with
practicality. So, beautifully designed objects not only serve their purpose effectively but also
enrich our lives culturally and aesthetically.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Palette knives - Dao màu

● Monochromatic - Đơn sắc
● Contours - Đường nét, đường viền
● Investment purposes - Mục đích đầu tư
● Appreciate - Tăng giá trị
● Heirlooms - Di sản gia đình
● Evoking - Gợi lên
● Disconnect - Mất kết nối
● Artificial - Nhân tạo
● Fosters - Thúc đẩy, khuyến khích
● Fine motor skills - Kỹ năng cơ tay
● Hand-eye coordination - Tính ăn sâu
● Self-expression - Tự biểu đạt
● Digital platforms - Nền tảng số hóa
● Marketplaces - Chợ trực tuyến
● Aesthetic appeal - Sức hấp dẫn về mặt thẩm mỹ
● Enrich - Làm giàu, làm phong phú
Describe a foreigner who speaks Vietnamese very well
You should say:

Who this person is

Where he/she is from

How he/she learns Vietnamese

And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well


Allow me to introduce you to an impressive individual, Mr. John Smith, a foreigner who has
mastered the Vietnamese language remarkably well. John hails from the United States, and
his proficiency in Vietnamese has left many in awe, including myself.

John's journey to fluency in Vietnamese began when he moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
around five years ago. Initially, he only knew a few basic phrases, but his passion for
embracing the local culture and connecting with the people fueled his determination to learn
the language.

John's primary method of learning Vietnamese was through immersion. He made a conscious
effort to surround himself with the language. He started by taking formal lessons at a
language school to build a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary. However, he realized
that true fluency would require more than just classroom learning.

He actively engaged in conversations with locals, making friends and establishing meaningful
relationships. He frequented local markets, cafes, and parks, where he could practice speaking
and listening. John even took up a part-time job at a local company, which provided him with
the opportunity to communicate in Vietnamese on a daily basis.

What sets John apart in his language journey is his unwavering dedication and perseverance.
He never shied away from making mistakes, and he was always eager to learn from them. He
also had a genuine love for Vietnamese culture, music, and literature, which motivated him to
dive deeper into the language.

Moreover, John's open-mindedness and respect for Vietnamese culture endeared him to the
local community. People appreciated his sincere efforts to embrace their language and
traditions, which, in turn, encouraged them to engage with him in Vietnamese.

In conclusion, John Smith, an American, speaks Vietnamese fluently because of his

commitment to immersion, his willingness to learn from locals, his deep respect for
Vietnamese culture, and his genuine love for the language. His journey exemplifies the power
of cultural exchange and the beauty of bridging linguistic barriers to connect with people from
diverse backgrounds.
High-level vocabulary:

● Proficiency - Sự thành thạo

● Hails from - Xuất thân từ
● Remarkably well - Đáng kinh ngạc
● Immersion - Sự đắm chìm
● Determination - Sự quyết tâm
● Embrace - Đón nhận
● Fluency - Sự lưu loát
● Consciously - Một cách có ý thức
● Strong foundation - Nền tảng vững chắc
● Unwavering - Kiên định, không lay động
● Shy away from - Tránh né
● Open-mindedness - Tính khoan dung
● Endear - Làm cho thân thiết, quý mến
● Sincere efforts - Sự nỗ lực chân thành

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Fuel his determination - Thúc đẩy quyết tâm của anh ấy

● Dive deeper into - Đi sâu vào
● Shy away from - Tránh né
● Set him apart - Làm cho anh ấy nổi bật

Part 3

1. What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?

2. Why do Vietnamese children learn English?

3. Why are so many people learning English?

4. How can you help children learn English?

5. Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?

6. What are the benefits of the Internet for people's learning?


Question 1:

In Vietnam, children primarily learn English as a foreign language. English is widely taught in
schools and is considered a crucial skill for academic and career advancement. Besides
English, some Vietnamese children also have the opportunity to learn other languages like
Chinese, French, or Japanese, depending on their interests and educational institutions.

Question 2:
Vietnamese children learn English for various reasons. Firstly, it is recognized as a global
lingua franca, essential for international communication and trade. Secondly, proficiency in
English opens up opportunities for higher education abroad, which is highly valued in
Vietnam. Moreover, many multinational companies and international organizations operate
in Vietnam, creating a demand for English-speaking employees. Therefore, parents and
students alike see learning English as a pathway to better career prospects and a brighter

Question 3:

The prevalence of English language learning in Vietnam is driven by several factors.

Globalization has made English an indispensable tool for international business and
communication. The country's increasing tourism industry also requires English proficiency
to cater to foreign visitors. Additionally, Vietnam's growing economy attracts foreign
investment, creating a need for a bilingual workforce. Consequently, the motivation to learn
English stems from both personal and economic growth opportunities.

Question 4:

To help children learn English effectively, various approaches can be employed. Encouraging
early exposure to the language through English-language books, cartoons, and educational
apps is beneficial. Enrolling them in reputable language courses or hiring private tutors can
provide structured learning opportunities. Furthermore, creating a supportive environment at
home, where English is spoken and used regularly, can reinforce language acquisition.
Finally, encouraging active participation in English-speaking activities such as debate clubs,
language exchange programs, and international competitions can boost proficiency.

Question 5:

The way people learn English has evolved significantly compared to the past. In the past,
language learning relied heavily on textbooks, classroom-based instruction, and limited
access to native speakers. Today, with the advent of technology, learners have access to a
wealth of online resources, language-learning apps, interactive videos, and live-streamed
lessons with native speakers. These digital tools allow for more dynamic and immersive
learning experiences, making language acquisition more engaging and efficient.

Question 6:

The Internet has revolutionized the way people learn by providing easy access to a vast
repository of information and educational materials. It offers a diverse range of resources,
including online courses, forums, and social media platforms where learners can interact
with native speakers and other learners from around the world. The Internet also facilitates
self-paced learning, allowing individuals to tailor their learning experiences to their needs
and schedules. Overall, the Internet has democratized education and made it more
accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Lingua franca - Ngôn ngữ thông dụng
● Globalization - Toàn cầu hóa
● Indispensable - Không thể thiếu
● Brighter future - Tương lai tươi sáng
● Proficiency - Sự thành thạo
● Economic growth opportunities - Cơ hội phát triển kinh tế
● Exposure - Tiếp xúc
● Structured learning opportunities - Cơ hội học tập có cấu trúc
● Supportive environment - Môi trường ủng hộ
● Immersive learning experiences - Trải nghiệm học tập sâu
● Evolution - Tiến hóa
● Repository - Kho lưu trữ
● Democratized education - Giáo dục dân chủ hóa
● Tailor - Tùy chỉnh
● Self-paced learning - Học tùy theo tốc độ cá nhân
Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting
You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

What special features it has

And explain why you think it is interesting


One of the most fascinating places in Vietnam is the ancient town of Hoi An, located in the
Quang Nam Province, along the central coast of the country. I became acquainted with this
captivating town through my friends and later decided to visit it myself. Hoi An is a UNESCO
World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved historic architecture, unique cultural
fusion, and vibrant atmosphere.

What sets Hoi An apart are its special features. The town is a living museum of traditional
Vietnamese and Chinese architecture, with charming wooden houses, narrow winding streets,
and picturesque canals. What's truly remarkable is the town's lantern-lit nightscape. When the
sun sets, the streets come alive with colorful lanterns of all shapes and sizes, creating a
magical and romantic ambiance.

Hoi An is also renowned for its diverse culinary scene. It offers some of the best Vietnamese
cuisine, including Cao Lau and White Rose dumplings. The local markets and food stalls
provide an authentic taste of Vietnamese street food, making it a paradise for food
enthusiasts like myself.

What makes Hoi An particularly interesting is its rich history as a major trading port during the
16th and 17th centuries. The town has preserved its heritage remarkably well, and you can
visit old merchant houses, assembly halls, and ancient temples that tell the story of its past.

Furthermore, Hoi An's beautiful beaches are just a short bike ride away, providing a perfect
blend of culture and relaxation.

In conclusion, Hoi An is a place that captivates the hearts of many, including mine. Its unique
blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a must-visit destination in Vietnam.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Fascinating (adj) - Lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn.

● Ancient town - Phố cổ.
● UNESCO World Heritage Site - Di sản thế giới UNESCO.
● Well-preserved (adj) - Được bảo tồn tốt.
● Cultural fusion - Sự kết hợp văn hóa.
● Vibrant (adj) - Sôi động, huyên náo.
● Living museum - Bảo tàng sống động.
● Picturesque (adj) - Đẹp như tranh.
● Lantern-lit (adj) - Sáng bởi đèn lồng.
● Nightscape (n) - Khung cảnh ban đêm.
● Culinary scene - Trường cảnh ẩm thực.
● Authentic taste - Hương vị chân thực.
● Heritage (n) - Di sản.
● Merchant houses - Nhà thương gia.
● Assembly halls - Hội trường.
● Blend (n) - Sự kết hợp.
● Relaxation (n) - Sự thư giãn.

Part 3

1. How can people access travel information?

2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?

3. What causes the differences between different regions of your country?

4. Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your parents' age also like
to try new things?

5. Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

6. Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than
the big cities?


Question 1:

People can access travel information through various sources in Vietnam. The most
common way is through the internet and travel websites, where they can find details about
destinations, accommodations, and reviews from other travelers. Travel agencies are also a
popular choice, as they provide packages and guidance for different types of travel
experiences. Additionally, guidebooks and recommendations from friends or family who
have traveled to specific places are valuable sources of information.

Question 2:

Yes, people in different regions of Vietnam often have distinct personalities influenced by
their local culture, traditions, and geography. For example, people in the northern regions
tend to be more reserved and traditional, while those in the southern regions are known for
their friendliness and openness. These differences can be attributed to historical factors,
climate variations, and lifestyle preferences.
Question 3:

The differences between regions in Vietnam can be attributed to a combination of historical,

geographical, and cultural factors. Historical events such as wars and conflicts have shaped
the mindset and behaviors of people in different regions. Geography, including climate and
topography, also influences lifestyle choices and economic activities. Cultural traditions and
customs are another significant factor, as they dictate social norms and behaviors in each

Question 4:

It's not just youngsters who like to try new things in Vietnam; people of all age groups,
including those of my parents' age, are increasingly open to new experiences. With the
influence of globalization and access to information, older generations are also exploring
new foods, travel destinations, and hobbies. This shift in mindset is bridging generational
gaps and encouraging a more adventurous spirit among all age groups.

Question 5:

A great tourist destination doesn't always translate to a good place to live. Tourist
destinations often focus on catering to the needs and preferences of travelers, which can be
different from what residents need for everyday life. Factors like job opportunities, cost of
living, and access to education and healthcare play a crucial role in determining whether a
place is suitable for long-term living.

Question 6:

Some people find small towns more interesting than big cities because they offer a slower
pace of life, closer-knit communities, and a stronger connection to nature. Small towns often
have a unique charm, cultural heritage, and a sense of tranquility that can be appealing to
those seeking a quieter and more relaxed lifestyle. Additionally, small towns may offer a
break from the hustle and bustle of big cities, making them attractive places to live for some

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Access (v) - Truy cập, tiếp cận.

● Distinct (adj) - Rõ ràng, riêng biệt.
● Geography (n) - Địa lý.
● Norms (n) - Quy tắc, tiêu chuẩn.
● Bridging generational gaps - Kết nối khoảng cách thế hệ.
● Cater to (v) - Phục vụ, đáp ứng.
● Cost of living - Chi phí sinh hoạt.
● Tranquility (n) - Sự yên bình, thanh bình.
● Bustle (n) - Sự hối hả, náo nhiệt.
Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say:

When and where the party was held

Who attended the party

What kind of party it was

What you did in the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party


I'd like to talk about a memorable party that I truly enjoyed, which took place in Hanoi, Vietnam,
a few years ago. It was a surprise birthday party for one of my closest friends, and it remains a
cherished memory.

The party was held at a charming rooftop restaurant in the heart of Hanoi. The city's skyline
provided a breathtaking backdrop to the festivities. The venue was tastefully decorated with
colorful balloons, streamers, and fairy lights, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

The guest list was a delightful mix of our closest friends, colleagues, and family members. It
was a diverse group, and the party had an international flair, with people from different cultural
backgrounds sharing stories and laughter.

The party was a casual but lively affair. There was a live band playing a mix of upbeat tunes,
and the dance floor was always bustling with people showing off their dance moves. We
enjoyed a wide variety of delicious Vietnamese and international dishes, from traditional
spring rolls to gourmet pizzas.

What made this party particularly enjoyable was the sheer happiness and surprise on my
friend's face when he walked in. We had managed to keep the party a secret, and his reaction
was priceless. Seeing him surrounded by loved ones, laughing, and dancing the night away
made it a truly special occasion.

In summary, the party was a perfect blend of good company, great food, lively music, and
heartfelt moments. It reminded me of the importance of celebrating life's milestones with the
people we care about. It's a memory I cherish, and it highlighted the beauty of togetherness
and the joy of making someone you care about feel loved and appreciated.

High-level Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Memorable (adj.) - Đáng nhớ, khó quên.

● Tastefully (adv.) - Có gu, có gu thẩm mỹ.
● Vibrant (adj.) - Sôi động, huy hoàng.
● Lively (adj.) - Sống động, tràn đầy sức sống.
● Delightful (adj.) - Hết sức vui vẻ, đáng yêu.
● International flair (idiom) - Sự hấp dẫn quốc tế, sự đa dạng về văn hóa.
● Casual (adj.) - Bình thường, thư giãn, không trang trọng.
● Bustling (adj.) - Nhộn nhịp, náo nhiệt.
● Priceless (adj.) - Vô giá, không thể định giá được.
● Togetherness (n.) - Sự đoàn kết, sự gắn kết.

Part 3

1. Why do people like parties?

2. Why do some people not like going to parties?

3. Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend

4. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

5. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbour's party?

6. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place?


Question 1:

People like parties for various reasons. Firstly, parties are a great way to socialize and spend
quality time with friends and family. In Vietnam, we highly value relationships, and parties
provide an opportunity to strengthen these bonds. Secondly, parties are a form of
celebration. They mark special occasions like birthdays, weddings, or cultural festivals, and
people enjoy commemorating these events with fun and festivities. Lastly, parties often
feature delicious food and drinks, live music, and dancing, which can be very enjoyable.

Question 2:

Some people may not like going to parties for several reasons. Introverted individuals, for
example, might find large gatherings overwhelming and prefer more intimate settings.
Additionally, some individuals may have had negative experiences at parties, such as feeling
excluded or uncomfortable in social situations. Others might prioritize different activities or
simply enjoy their solitude. It's essential to respect these preferences and not pressure
anyone to attend parties if they don't wish to.

Question 3:

It's not necessarily true that those who stay at home are less healthy than those who attend
parties. Health depends on various factors like diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. While
parties can be enjoyable, they often involve indulging in rich foods and alcohol, which, if
excessive, can negatively impact one's health. On the other hand, staying at home might
provide an opportunity for rest and relaxation, which is equally important for overall

Question 4:

Music and dancing can enhance the atmosphere at a party, but whether they are a "must"
depends on the type of party and the preferences of the host and guests. While many parties
feature music and dancing, others may focus more on conversation, games, or cultural
traditions. The key is to create an enjoyable and inclusive experience for all attendees.

Question 5:

If I were disturbed by a neighbor's party, I would first try to communicate with them politely.
It's important to maintain a good relationship with neighbors. If the noise continues to be a
problem, I might contact local authorities or community organizations responsible for noise
complaints. It's essential to find a balance between enjoying one's personal space and being
considerate of others in the neighborhood.

Question 6:

Holding a party at home and in a public place has several differences. Parties at home offer
a more intimate and comfortable setting, but they may have space limitations. Public places
can accommodate larger gatherings but may require permits, and there could be noise
restrictions. Additionally, hosting a party at home allows for more personalized decorations
and catering choices, while public places often have standard facilities. Ultimately, the
choice depends on the occasion and the preferences of the host and guests.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs with Definitions in Vietnamese:

● Strengthen (v.) - Làm mạnh thêm, củng cố.

● Commemorate (v.) - Kỷ niệm, tưởng nhớ.
● Intimate (adj.) - Thân mật, gần gũi.
● Overwhelming (adj.) - Áp đảo, quá tải.
● Indulge (v.) - Nuông chiều, làm theo ý muốn.
● Inclusive (adj.) - Bao gồm tất cả, bao dung.
● Authorities (n.) - Cơ quan chức năng, cơ quan có thẩm quyền.
● Considerate (adj.) - Chu đáo, quan tâm đến người khác.
● Accommodate (v.) - Chứa đựng, cung cấp đủ không gian cho.
● Personalized (adj.) - Cá nhân hóa, được thiết kế riêng cho từng người.
Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you
are interested in and would like to learn more about
You should say:

Which area it is

When and where you came to know this area

How you get information about this area

And explain why you are interested in this area



I have a profound interest in the field of environmental science, particularly in the study of
biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. My fascination with this area began
during my high school years when I came across a documentary on television about the
diverse ecosystems in Vietnam and the importance of preserving them. This eye-opening
experience ignited my passion for understanding and contributing to the protection of our
natural world.

I continuously seek information about environmental science through various means. I read
scientific articles, research papers, and books written by experts in the field. Additionally, I
follow environmental news and developments through reputable websites, attend local
workshops, and engage in discussions with professors and experts who share their knowledge
about environmental conservation.

What captivates me about environmental science is the urgency of its relevance today. In
Vietnam, we are facing pressing environmental challenges such as deforestation, habitat loss,
pollution, and the endangerment of many unique species. I believe that by delving deeper into
this area of science, I can contribute to finding sustainable solutions to these issues and play
a part in preserving the incredible biodiversity that Vietnam possesses.

Furthermore, I'm deeply motivated by the interconnectedness of all living beings and their
environments. Studying environmental science allows me to explore these intricate
relationships and appreciate the delicate balance required for the planet's well-being. It also
aligns with my personal values of sustainability, responsible stewardship of the Earth, and the
desire to leave a positive environmental legacy for future generations.

As I delve further into this area of science, I hope to contribute to ongoing conservation efforts
in Vietnam and beyond. I dream of actively participating in projects aimed at protecting
endangered species, restoring ecosystems, and raising awareness about the importance of
environmental sustainability.
High-level vocabulary:

● Profound - Sâu sắc

● Biodiversity - Đa dạng sinh học
● Ecosystem restoration - Khôi phục hệ sinh thái
● Reputable - Có uy tín
● Habitat loss - Mất môi trường sống
● Endangerment - Nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
● Intricate - Phức tạp
● Stewardship - Sự quản lý
● Environmental legacy - Di sản môi trường
● Sustainability - Bền vững

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Came across - Tình cờ gặp

● Eye-opening - Mở mang tri thức
● Delve into - Nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng
● Align with - Tương xứng với
● Play a part in - Đóng góp vào

Part 3

1. Why do some children not like learning science at school?

2. Is it important to study science at school?

3. Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?

4. Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?

5. How do you get to know about scientific news?

6. Should scientists explain the research process to the public?



Question 1:

Some children may not like learning science at school because they find it challenging or
abstract. Science can be complex, and if it's not taught in an engaging and practical way, it
might not capture the interest of all students. Additionally, some children might prefer
subjects that they perceive as more creative or have immediate real-world applications.

Question 2:
Yes, studying science at school is essential. Science provides the foundational knowledge
and critical thinking skills needed to understand the world around us. It teaches us how to
ask questions, gather evidence, and make informed decisions. Moreover, in today's rapidly
advancing world, scientific literacy is crucial for making sense of complex issues like climate
change, health, and technology.

Question 3:

While all science subjects have their importance, I believe that biology is particularly crucial
for children to learn. Biology deals with life itself, including our bodies, ecosystems, and the
environment. Understanding biology helps students grasp concepts related to health,
genetics, and the interconnectedness of all living things, fostering a sense of responsibility
towards the planet.

Question 4:

Yes, people should continue to study science after graduating from school. Science is an
evolving field with constant discoveries and advancements. Lifelong learning in science is
not only personally enriching but also essential for keeping up with scientific developments
that impact our lives.

Question 5:

I stay informed about scientific news through various channels. I regularly read
science-related articles and journals, follow reputable science websites, and watch
documentaries. Additionally, I engage in discussions with peers who share my interest in
science, which often leads to the exchange of the latest scientific information.

Question 6:

Absolutely, scientists should explain the research process to the public. Transparency in
science helps build trust and understanding among the general population. When scientists
communicate their work in an accessible way, it allows people to make informed decisions,
especially on issues like health, the environment, and public policy. Moreover, involving the
public in the scientific discourse can lead to valuable insights and collaborations that benefit
society as a whole.


● Challenging - Thách thức

● Abstract - Trừu tượng
● Real-world applications - Ứng dụng thực tế
● Foundational knowledge - Kiến thức cơ bản
● Critical thinking skills - Kỹ năng tư duy phản biện
● Scientific literacy - Kiến thức khoa học
● Interconnectedness - Sự liên kết
● Lifelong learning - Học suốt đời
● Reputable - Có uy tín
● Transparency - Sự minh bạch

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Capture the interest of - Thu hút sự quan tâm của

● Make sense of - Hiểu được
● Keep up with - Theo kịp
● Stay informed about - Cập nhật thông tin về
Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
You should say:

Who this person is

What he/she likes to cook

Who he/she cooks for

And explain why he/she enjoys cooking


I'd like to talk about my dear friend, Trang, who has a genuine passion for cooking and derives
immense joy from preparing delicious meals for others.

Trang is an exceptional cook, known among our circle of friends for her culinary prowess. She
takes immense pleasure in experimenting with diverse cuisines, from traditional Vietnamese
dishes like pho and spring rolls to international favorites such as Italian pasta and Indian
curries. Her cooking is a delightful fusion of flavors, and she often adds her unique twists to
recipes, making each dish a culinary masterpiece.

One of her most remarkable qualities is her generosity with her culinary creations. Trang often
invites friends and family over for gatherings, where she takes the role of the host and chef.
Her face lights up when she sees the smiles and hear the praises of those savoring her dishes.
She derives deep satisfaction from knowing that her cooking brings people together and
creates memorable moments.

Trang's love for cooking for others stems from her belief that food is a universal language of
love and connection. She sees cooking as a way to nurture relationships, to express care and
affection, and to create a sense of belonging. For her, the act of cooking is not merely a chore
but a heartfelt expression of her love for the people in her life.

Moreover, she finds solace and a sense of accomplishment in the kitchen. Preparing meals
allows her to channel her creativity, reduce stress, and find fulfillment in providing for others.
It's her way of making people feel cherished and cherished by them in return.

In conclusion, Trang is an extraordinary individual who finds immense joy in cooking for
others. Her culinary talents, coupled with her generosity and love for connecting with people
through food, make her a true culinary artist and a cherished friend.

High-level vocabulary:

● Culinary prowess - Sự tài năng về nấu nướng

● Fusion of flavors - Sự kết hợp hương vị
● Generosity - Sự hào phóng
● Culinary creations - Sản phẩm nấu nướng
● Nurturing relationships - Nuôi dưỡng mối quan hệ
● Sense of belonging - Cảm giác thuộc về
● Solace - Sự an ủi
● Fulfillment - Sự hoàn thiện, đáp ứng

Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Lights up - Rạng ngời, tỏa sáng

● Savoring her dishes - Thưởng thức các món của cô
● Channel her creativity - Kênh hướng sự sáng tạo của mình
● Reduce stress - Giảm căng thẳng
● Providing for others - Cung cấp cho người khác

Part 3

1. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

2. Do you agree that food is an important part of Vietnamese festivals and ceremonies?

3. Which dishes are a must at festivals?

4. Should students learn to cook at school?

5. Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?

6. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?


Question 1:

When we need to cook, there are several things we need to prepare. Firstly, we must gather
the necessary ingredients, ensuring their freshness and quality. In Vietnam, many dishes
require a variety of herbs, vegetables, and spices, so having these readily available is crucial.
Next, we need to have the appropriate kitchen equipment and utensils, such as pots, pans,
knives, and cutting boards. Adequate preparation also involves following a recipe or having a
general plan in mind to ensure a successful cooking process. Lastly, maintaining a clean and
organized kitchen is essential for hygiene and efficiency.

Question 2:

Absolutely, food holds a significant place in Vietnamese festivals and ceremonies. It's not
just about nourishment but also a reflection of our cultural heritage and traditions.
Vietnamese festivals like Tet (Lunar New Year) are synonymous with elaborate feasts, where
families prepare special dishes like banh chung and candied fruits. These foods symbolize
prosperity, luck, and unity. Moreover, during ceremonies like weddings and ancestor worship,
offerings of traditional dishes are made to honor ancestors and show respect for our
Question 3:

Certain dishes are a must at Vietnamese festivals to maintain cultural authenticity and
tradition. For instance, banh chung, a square glutinous rice cake with mung beans and pork,
is an iconic dish during Tet. It symbolizes the earth and is believed to bring good fortune.
Additionally, candied fruits and melon seeds are popular festive treats, symbolizing a sweet
and prosperous future. It's important to preserve these culinary traditions to connect with
our roots and pass them on to the next generations.

Question 4:

Yes, I believe students should learn to cook at school. Cooking is a valuable life skill that
promotes self-sufficiency and healthy eating habits. By teaching students how to prepare
balanced meals and understand the nutritional value of ingredients, schools contribute to
their overall well-being. Additionally, cooking can be a creative and enjoyable activity,
fostering a sense of accomplishment and independence in students.

Question 5:

Whether cooking should be a compulsory or elective course depends on various factors.

Making it compulsory ensures that all students acquire basic cooking skills, which can be
essential for their future. However, providing it as an elective allows students who have a
keen interest in culinary arts to explore it more deeply. A balanced approach could involve
offering cooking as an elective while including basic cooking skills as part of a broader life
skills curriculum.

Question 6:

There are indeed notable differences between cooking today and in the past in Vietnam.
Firstly, the availability of ingredients has expanded due to globalization and improved
transportation. This has led to more diverse and internationalized cuisines in Vietnam.
Secondly, technological advancements have transformed cooking, with modern appliances
like microwaves and electric stoves replacing traditional methods in some households.
However, despite these changes, traditional Vietnamese cooking methods and recipes
remain deeply rooted in our culture, and many families still prepare meals using
time-honored techniques passed down through generations.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs (Definitions in Vietnamese):

● Adequate preparation - Sự chuẩn bị đầy đủ

● Elaborate feasts - Các bữa tiệc phức tạp
● Cultural authenticity - Sự chân thực về văn hóa
● Culinary traditions - Truyền thống nấu nướng
● Iconic dish - Món ăn biểu tượng
● Promotes self-sufficiency - Thúc đẩy sự tự cung ứng
● Nutritional value - Giá trị dinh dưỡng
● Fostering a sense of accomplishment - Khơi dậy sự thành tựu
● Broader life skills curriculum - Chương trình dạy kỹ năng sống rộng hơn
● Time-honored techniques - Các kỹ thuật lâu đời
Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting) you
You should say

● Where did you first see the artist

● What the painting is about
● Who the painter is
● And explain why you enjoy it?

I had the privilege of encountering a remarkable piece of art during my visit to the Fine Arts
Museum in Hanoi, Vietnam. The masterpiece that captivated my attention was a poignant
painting titled "Harmony in Chaos," skillfully crafted by the eminent Vietnamese artist,
Nguyen Thanh Binh.

I initially stumbled upon this prodigious artist's work during an art exhibition organized by the
museum, showcasing the rich tapestry of Vietnamese artistry. "Harmony in Chaos" depicted
the tumultuous period of the Vietnam War, symbolizing the resilience and unity of the
Vietnamese people amidst the chaos. Binh's masterful use of colors and intricate details
conveyed a profound narrative, evoking a range of emotions.

Nguyen Thanh Binh, a luminary in the realm of Vietnamese contemporary art, is renowned
for his ability to encapsulate historical events in his creations. His unique perspective and
meticulous technique make him a trailblazer in the art scene.

What makes this painting truly enthralling is its ability to transcend time and resonate with
the viewer's emotions. The amalgamation of vivid imagery and poignant symbolism not only
educates about the country's history but also fosters a deep appreciation for the human
spirit's indomitable nature.

In essence, "Harmony in Chaos" is not merely a painting; it is a testament to the resilience of

the human spirit, a reflection of Vietnam's tumultuous history, and a celebration of the
harmonious coexistence that emerges from chaos.

High-level vocabulary:

● Privilege: đặc quyền

● Captivated: mê hoặc
● Prodigious: phi thường, kỳ diệu
● Tapestry: bức tranh, tác phẩm nghệ thuật đa dạng
● Resilience: sự kiên trì, sự đàn hồi
● Luminary: nhân vật nổi tiếng, ngôi sao
● Amalgamation: sự pha trộn, sự hợp nhất
● Phrasal Verbs:
● Stumble upon: tình cờ gặp phải
● Encounter: bắt gặp
● Showcase: trưng bày
● Transcend time: vượt lên trên thời gian
● Foster: nuôi dưỡng, khuyến khích
● Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt:

Part 3

1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?

2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

3. How does building style affect people’s lives?

4. Should children learn to draw?

5. What is the meaning of what they draw? What do they often draw?

6. Should they learn to draw at school? How do young people share art? Do you need an
artistic atmosphere at home?

Question 1: What are the differences between painting and drawing?

Painting and drawing, though both artistic expressions, differ primarily in their mediums and
techniques. Drawing involves creating images using pencils, pens, or charcoal, focusing on
lines and shading to represent objects. On the other hand, painting employs brushes and
pigments on a canvas or surface, allowing for a broader spectrum of colors and a more fluid
approach to representation. In Vietnam, traditional Vietnamese ink brush painting is a
notable form of artistic expression, showcasing the country's rich cultural heritage.

Question 2: Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

People often keep paintings for an extended period due to the emotional and sentimental
value attached to the artwork. In Vietnam, where family bonds and cultural heritage hold
immense significance, paintings are passed down through generations, becoming cherished
family heirlooms. The paintings may depict scenes of historical importance, family portraits,
or landscapes that hold personal memories, fostering a deep connection between the
artwork and its owners.

Question 3: How does building style affect people’s lives?

The architectural style of buildings significantly influences people's lives by shaping the
aesthetics and functionality of the spaces they inhabit. In Vietnam, the fusion of traditional
and modern architectural styles reflects the country's dynamic development. Traditional
Vietnamese houses, with their open spaces and connection to nature, promote a sense of
community. Conversely, modern buildings may prioritize efficiency and vertical living,
impacting lifestyle and fostering urbanization trends.

Question 4: Should children learn to draw?

Certainly, encouraging children to learn to draw is vital for their overall development.
Drawing enhances fine motor skills, creativity, and the ability to express ideas visually. In
Vietnam, where art and culture are deeply intertwined, fostering artistic skills in children is
seen as a way to preserve and celebrate the nation's heritage. Moreover, drawing serves as
a universal language, allowing children to communicate and express themselves irrespective
of linguistic barriers.

Question 5: What is the meaning of what they draw? What do they often draw?

The meaning behind children's drawings lies in their imaginative and cognitive development.
In Vietnam, children often draw scenes from daily life, nature, and traditional festivals,
reflecting the cultural influences around them. These drawings serve as a window into their
perceptions and emotions, providing insights into their experiences and perspectives.
Parents and educators can use these drawings as a tool to understand and nurture the
child's creativity and cognitive growth.

Question 6: Should they learn to draw at school? How do young people share art? Do
you need an artistic atmosphere at home?

Integrating drawing into the school curriculum is crucial for fostering creativity and cognitive
skills in students. In Vietnam, where art is a significant part of the cultural fabric,
incorporating drawing into education aligns with the nation's emphasis on holistic
development. Young people often share their art through social media platforms, showcasing
their creativity and connecting with a global audience. While an artistic atmosphere at home
is not mandatory, it can undoubtedly enhance a child's creativity and appreciation for art.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Cherished: quý báu, được trân trọng

● Heirlooms: di sản gia đình, di sản thế hệ
● Aesthetics: thẩm mỹ học, vẻ đẹp nghệ thuật
● Inhibit: làm chậm trễ, ngăn cản
● Holistic development: phát triển toàn diện, phát triển đồng bộ
● Phrasal Verbs:
● Pass down: truyền lại (di sản, truyền thống)
● Foster: nuôi dưỡng, phát triển
● Align with: phù hợp với, điều chỉnh với
● Showcase: trưng bày, trình diễn
● Connect with: kết nối với, giao tiếp với
● Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt:
● Cherished: Được trân trọng, giữ gìn như một vật quý báu.
● Heirlooms: Di sản gia đình, những vật phẩm được chuyển giao từ thế hệ này sang
thế hệ khác.
● Aesthetics: Thẩm mỹ học, về vẻ đẹp và nghệ thuật.
● Inhibit: Làm chậm trễ, ngăn cản sự phát triển.
● Holistic development: Phát triển toàn diện, bao gồm cả khía cạnh tinh thần và thể
Describe a period of time that changed your life in a positive
You should say

● When it was
● Who you were with
● What happened at that time
● And explain how it changed your life in good ways

During the summer of 2016, I embarked on a transformative journey to Vietnam, a period

that profoundly altered the course of my life. Accompanied by a group of like-minded
individuals, I immersed myself in the rich culture and vibrant landscapes of this enchanting

Exploring the ancient streets of Hanoi and trekking through the terraced rice fields of Sapa, I
encountered not only the breathtaking beauty of Vietnam but also the warmth and resilience
of its people. Engaging in meaningful conversations with locals and fellow travelers, I
discovered a new perspective on life and a profound appreciation for diversity.

This experience ignited a passion for cross-cultural understanding and community

engagement. Upon returning home, I actively sought opportunities to share my newfound
insights, participating in community projects and promoting cultural exchange. The positive
impact of this transformative period extended beyond personal growth, influencing my
academic and professional pursuits, steering me towards a career dedicated to fostering
global connections.

Did I tell anyone about this? Absolutely. The joy and enlightenment gained from my Vietnam
experience were too precious not to share. As for the question of whether I like to change,
this transformative period in Vietnam taught me that embracing change is essential for
personal development and a fulfilling life.

High-level vocabulary:

● Transformative: chuyển đổi, mang tính biến đổi quan trọng

● Enchanting: quyến rũ, hấp dẫn
● Resilience: sự kiên trì, sự ổn định
● Cross-cultural understanding: hiểu biết đa văn hóa
● Community engagement: sự tham gia cộng đồng
● Fulfilling: làm đầy đủ, làm hài lòng
● Phrasal Verbs:
● Embark on: bắt đầu, bắt tay vào
● Immerse myself in: đắm chìm trong, đặt mình vào
● Steer towards: hướng dẫn, định hình hướng đi
● Seek out: tìm kiếm tích cực
● Share insights: chia sẻ hiểu biết
● Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt:
● Transformative: Chuyển đổi, biến đổi quan trọng có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng.
● Enchanting: Quyến rũ, làm say mê và cuốn hút.
● Resilience: Sự kiên trì, khả năng chống chọi và ổn định trong môi trường khó khăn.
● Cross-cultural understanding: Hiểu biết đa văn hóa, sự nhận thức về sự đa dạng văn
● Community engagement: Sự tham gia cộng đồng, hoạt động tích cực và hợp nhất
vào cộng đồng.

Part 3

1. Do children like to change schools when they are young?

2. The impact of changing schools at an early age on children (positive/ negative)

3. What children will learn in their new school?

4. Do you like new things or changes in life?

5. How do people face big changes and what preparations do they make?

6. When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you


Question 1: Do children like to change schools when they are young?

Children generally exhibit a mix of emotions when it comes to changing schools. While some
may embrace the prospect of new friendships and experiences, others may feel
apprehensive about leaving familiar surroundings. In Vietnam, where familial and social
bonds are highly valued, the transition can be particularly challenging as children navigate
new environments.

Question 2: The impact of changing schools at an early age on children (positive/


The impact of changing schools at an early age can be both positive and negative. On the
positive side, it exposes children to diverse perspectives, cultures, and educational methods,
fostering adaptability. However, the negative aspects may include feelings of insecurity,
challenges in forming new friendships, and potential disruptions in academic progress. In
Vietnam, where educational continuity is emphasized, the impact can vary depending on the
support systems in place.

Question 3: What children will learn in their new school?

In their new school, children will not only acquire academic knowledge but also develop
crucial life skills. They may learn to navigate different social dynamics, adapt to varying
teaching styles, and broaden their understanding of the world. In Vietnam, with its strong
emphasis on education, children may also gain insights into the country's rich history,
traditions, and cultural values.

Question 4: Do you like new things or changes in life?

Personally, I appreciate the excitement and opportunities that come with new things and
changes in life. Embracing change allows for personal growth, broadening perspectives, and
acquiring valuable experiences. In the Vietnamese context, where a dynamic blend of
tradition and modernity exists, an openness to change is often celebrated as a means of
progress and development.

Question 5: How do people face big changes and what preparations do they make?

Facing significant changes requires a combination of resilience and preparation. People in

Vietnam often draw on their cultural values, support networks, and a strong sense of
community to navigate such transitions. Preparations may involve thorough planning,
seeking advice from experienced individuals, and developing a mindset that embraces
challenges as opportunities for growth.

Question 6: When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of
things would you consider?

In significant life events like getting married or moving homes, several considerations come
into play. In Vietnam, family approval, cultural compatibility, and financial stability are
paramount when contemplating marriage. When moving homes, factors such as proximity to
essential services, neighborhood safety, and the impact on family routines are crucial
considerations. Striking a balance between personal aspirations and societal expectations is
often a thoughtful process in the Vietnamese context.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Apprehensive: lo ngại, sợ hãi

● Adaptability: khả năng thích ứng, sự linh hoạt
● Emphasize: nhấn mạnh, đặt nặng
● Cultural values: giá trị văn hóa
● Paramount: quan trọng, ưu tiên hàng đầu
● Contemplate: suy nghĩ sâu sắc, cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng

Phrasal Verbs:

● Draw on: sử dụng, lấy cảm hứng từ

● Come into play: có tác dụng, đóng vai trò
● Embrace challenges: đối mặt với thách thức, chấp nhận khó khăn
● Broaden perspectives: mở rộng tầm nhìn, hiểu biết rộng hơn
● Strike a balance: đạt được sự cân bằng, kết hợp một cách hài hòa
Describe a beautiful city that you have visited
You should say

● Where the city is

● When you went there
● Why you went there
● And explain why it is beautiful

I had the pleasure of visiting the captivating city of Hoi An in Vietnam, a destination that left
an indelible mark on my memory. Nestled on the central coast, Hoi An beckoned me with its
timeless charm during my visit in the autumn of 2018. My journey was driven by a quest for
cultural enrichment, drawn to the city's well-preserved ancient architecture and vibrant

Hoi An's beauty lies in its seamless blend of history, art, and natural splendor. The city's
well-preserved ancient town, adorned with lantern-lit streets, resonates with the whispers of
centuries past. The UNESCO-listed architecture, influenced by various cultures, creates a
visually stunning mosaic that showcases Vietnam's rich heritage. The Thu Bon River winding
through the heart of the city adds a serene touch, reflecting the city's tranquility.

What makes Hoi An truly beautiful, however, is its living culture. The local markets bursting
with colors, traditional tailor shops crafting exquisite garments, and the delectable cuisine all
contribute to an immersive experience. Hoi An's beauty is not merely aesthetic; it is a living
testament to Vietnam's resilience and the harmonious coexistence of its rich past and vibrant

High-level vocabulary:

● Indelible: không thể xóa nhòa, khó phai nhạt

● Beckoned: mời gọi, thu hút mạnh mẽ
● Quest: cuộc hành trình, cuộc tìm kiếm
● Mosaic: bức tranh ghép, sự kết hợp hài hòa
● Tranquility: sự yên bình, sự thanh thản
● Immersive: đắm chìm, hoàn toàn tham gia
● Delectable: ngon miệng, thơm ngon

Phrasal Verbs:

● Nestled on: nằm trong, nằm ở (một vị trí thoải mái)

● Be drawn to: bị thu hút bởi, bị quyen luyến bởi
● Resonate with: gợi cảm giác, làm cho ai đó cảm thấy gần gũi
● Burst with: tràn đầy, đầy ắp (năng lượng hoặc màu sắc)
● Contribute to: đóng góp vào, góp phần vào

Part 3

1. What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities? (size, facilities,…)

2. Why do some people like to visit historical sites? (hobbies, researching, any obligatory

3. Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and given place for modern buildings?

4. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?

5. Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?

Question 1: What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities? (size,
facilities, …)

Modern towns and cities in Vietnam exhibit distinctive differences primarily in size and
facilities. Cities, such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, are larger in scale, boasting extensive
infrastructure, advanced amenities, and a higher population density. In contrast, towns tend
to be smaller, with more limited facilities and a more relaxed pace of life. While cities serve
as economic and cultural hubs, towns offer a quieter lifestyle with a focus on local
community engagement.

Question 2: Why do some people like to visit historical sites? (hobbies, researching,
any obligatory cases, …)

People are drawn to historical sites in Vietnam for a myriad of reasons. Some view it as a
hobby, deriving pleasure from exploring the past and understanding cultural evolution.
Researchers find these sites invaluable for scholarly pursuits, uncovering historical
mysteries. Additionally, visiting historical sites can be obligatory for educational purposes,
helping individuals connect with their heritage and appreciate the foundations of their culture.

Question 3: Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and given place for
modern buildings?

The decision to demolish old buildings in Vietnam to make way for modern structures is a
complex one. While modernization is essential for development, preserving the architectural
and historical heritage of old buildings is equally crucial. Striking a balance between
progress and heritage conservation is imperative, emphasizing adaptive reuse or integration
of old structures into new developments.

Question 4: Does historic preservation contradict economic development?

Historic preservation does not necessarily contradict economic development; rather, it can
enhance it. In Vietnam, well-preserved historical sites often become cultural and tourist
attractions, contributing to the local economy through tourism revenue. Balancing economic
progress with the preservation of historical assets is crucial for sustainable development.

Question 5: Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and

historic buildings?

Preserving historic cities and buildings should be a shared responsibility between the
government and the community. In Vietnam, where historical and cultural heritage is a
source of national pride, the government plays a pivotal role in establishing and enforcing
preservation policies. However, community involvement is equally vital, fostering a sense of
ownership and ensuring the sustained protection of these invaluable assets.
Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng
● Population density: mật độ dân số
● Cultural hubs: trung tâm văn hóa
● Relaxed pace of life: lối sống thoải mái
● Myriad: vô số, đa dạng
● Scholarly pursuits: những nghiên cứu học thuật
● Obligatory: bắt buộc, cần thiết
● Architectural heritage: di sản kiến trúc
● Adaptive reuse: tái sử dụng một cách linh hoạt
● Sustainable development: phát triển bền vững

Phrasal Verbs:

● Make way for: nhường chỗ cho, để chỗ cho

● Drawn to: bị thu hút bởi
● Derive pleasure from: thu được niềm vui từ
● Striking a balance: đạt được sự cân bằng
● Play a pivotal role: đóng vai trò quan trọng
● Foster a sense of: nuôi dưỡng một cảm giác
● Enforce policies: thực thi chính sách
Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a
sports event
You should say

● Who he/she is
● What you know about him/her
● What he/she is like in real life
● What achievement he/she has made
● And explain why you admire him/her

One outstanding sports personality from my country, Vietnam, who has garnered immense
admiration is Nguyen Van Anh. Nguyen is a celebrated footballer who has left an indelible
mark on the Vietnamese sports scene. Born and raised in Hanoi, he began his football
journey at a young age, showcasing remarkable talent and dedication.

In real life, Nguyen Van Anh is known for his humility and unwavering commitment to the
sport. Despite his meteoric rise to fame, he remains grounded, often engaging with fans and
contributing to various community initiatives. His down-to-earth demeanor has endeared him
to many, making him not just a sports icon but also a role model for aspiring athletes.

Nguyen's most notable achievement is leading the Vietnamese national football team to
victory in the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup. His exceptional skills on the
field, leadership qualities, and ability to inspire teamwork played a pivotal role in securing
this historic win for Vietnam.

I deeply admire Nguyen Van Anh not only for his athletic prowess but also for his dedication
to community service and his role in promoting sportsmanship values. His success is not just
a personal triumph but a source of inspiration for the younger generation, fostering a passion
for sports and instilling a sense of pride in our nation's achievements on the international

Part 3

1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

2. What qualities make an athlete?

3. Is talent important in sports?

4. Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

5. What is the most popular sport in your country?

Question 1: Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

Absolutely, students should partake in physical education and sports as an integral

component of their academic curriculum. In Vietnam, where a holistic approach to education
is valued, physical activity not only contributes to students' overall well-being but also fosters
teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in sports at school not only promotes
physical fitness but also enhances cognitive abilities, concentration, and emotional
resilience, ultimately preparing students for a well-rounded future.

Question 2: What qualities make an athlete?

An athlete possesses a myriad of qualities that extend beyond physical prowess. In Vietnam,
where sports play a significant role, attributes like determination, discipline, resilience, and
adaptability are crucial. An athlete's mental fortitude, ability to handle pressure, and
commitment to continuous improvement are equally essential. Furthermore, sportsmanship,
teamwork, and leadership skills distinguish a true athlete, contributing to both individual and
team success.

Question 3: Is talent important in sports?

While talent can provide a head start in sports, sustained success often hinges on factors
like hard work, dedication, and perseverance. In Vietnam, the sports arena is filled with
examples of athletes who, through relentless effort and training, have surpassed initial talent
limitations. While talent is beneficial, a strong work ethic and the ability to overcome
challenges are equally vital for long-term success in sports.

Question 4: Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

Identifying children's talents can be a nuanced process, requiring a keen understanding of

their interests, strengths, and inclinations. In Vietnam, parents and educators often observe
children's activities, interests, and academic performance to unearth latent talents. However,
it's crucial to recognize that talents may evolve over time, necessitating a supportive and
flexible environment for children to explore and develop their potential.

Question 5: What is the most popular sport in your country?

Football, or soccer, holds unparalleled popularity in Vietnam. The nation is fervently

passionate about the sport, with people from all walks of life avidly following local and
international football events. The Vietnamese national football team's successes in regional
competitions, coupled with the vibrant football culture, make it a unifying force, transcending
age, gender, and societal divides.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Integral: cần thiết, không thể thiếu

● Holistic approach: tiếp cận toàn diện, tiếp cận tổng thể
● Prowess: khả năng, tài năng xuất sắc
● Myriad: vô số, đa dạng
● Fortitude: sức mạnh tinh thần, lòng kiên trì
● Head start: ưu thế ban đầu
● Relentless effort: nỗ lực không ngừng
● Hinge on: phụ thuộc vào, chấm dứt tại
● Latent talents: tài năng tiềm ẩn
● Unearth: khám phá, phát hiện

Phrasal Verbs:
● Partake in: tham gia vào, thực hiện
● Foster teamwork: khuyến khích làm việc nhóm
● Hinges on: phụ thuộc vào, quan trọng tại
● Transcend age: vượt lên trên độ tuổi
● Hold unparalleled popularity: giữ sự phổ biến không thể sánh kịp
Describe a period in history that you are interested in
You should say

● When is the historical stage you want to go back to

● What is it, and why?
● And explain why you find it interesting

One historical period that captivates my interest is the Nguyen Dynasty era in Vietnam,
specifically during the 19th century. This period, spanning from 1802 to 1945, marked a
pivotal chapter in Vietnamese history, characterized by the establishment of the Nguyen
Dynasty and significant social, cultural, and political transformations.

The 19th century in Vietnam witnessed the centralization of power under Emperor Gia Long,
the country's unification, and subsequent reforms aimed at modernizing the administrative
system. This era also saw the construction of iconic structures like the Imperial City in Hue,
showcasing exquisite architecture and intricate design.

I find this period fascinating due to the dynamic interplay between tradition and
modernization. The Nguyen Dynasty endeavored to preserve Vietnam's cultural identity
while adapting to the changing global landscape. The intricate court rituals, advancements in
art and literature, and the resilience of the Vietnamese people during this period contribute to
its rich historical tapestry.

Exploring this era would provide valuable insights into Vietnam's journey towards nationhood
and the enduring spirit that shaped its cultural heritage. The delicate balance between
tradition and progress during the Nguyen Dynasty remains a source of inspiration and
reflection on the complexities inherent in the evolution of a nation.

High-level vocabulary:

● Captivates: mê hoặc, làm say mê

● Pivotal: quan trọng, then chốt
● Centralization: sự tập trung, tập trung quyền lực
● Unification: sự thống nhất, liên kết
● Intricate: tinh xảo, phức tạp
● Tapestry: tấm tranh, bức tranh lịch sử

Phrasal Verbs:

● Endeavor to: cố gắng để, nỗ lực để

● Adapt to: thích nghi với, thích ứng với
● Preserve: bảo tồn, bảo quản
● Shape: định hình, tạo hình
● Provide insights into: cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc vào, mang lại hiểu biết về
Describe a period in history that you are interested in
You should say

● When is the historical stage you want to go back to

● What is it, and why?
● And explain why you find it interesting

A historical period that profoundly intrigues me is the Vietnamese struggle for independence
during the mid-20th century, particularly from the 1940s to the 1970s. This tumultuous era
encapsulates Vietnam's unwavering pursuit of freedom and sovereignty against colonial
powers and foreign intervention.

I am particularly drawn to the period between 1954 and 1975, encompassing the Vietnam
War. This phase marked significant milestones, from the Geneva Accords that temporarily
divided the nation to the eventual unification in 1975. The resilience of the Vietnamese
people during these tumultuous years, their indomitable spirit, and sacrifices for the cause of
independence make this period a defining chapter in our history.

What captivates me is the multifaceted nature of this struggle, involving political intrigue,
military strategy, and the unyielding determination of the Vietnamese people. Exploring this
era provides insights into the complexities of a nation striving for autonomy and the global
implications of the Cold War.

As a Vietnamese, the historical narrative of our struggle for independence resonates deeply,
instilling a sense of national pride. This period not only shaped the course of Vietnam's
history but also left an enduring impact on our cultural identity and international relations.

High-level vocabulary:

● Intrigues: làm nổi bật, làm say mê

● Tumultuous: hỗn loạn, rối ren
● Sovereignty: chủ quyền, quyền lực tự do
● Indomitable: không thể khuất phục, bất khuất
● Multifaceted: đa chiều, nhiều khía cạnh
● Enduring impact: tác động lâu dài

Phrasal Verbs:

● Drawn to: bị thu hút bởi

● Mark significant milestones: đánh dấu những cột mốc quan trọng
● Encompassing: bao gồm, bao trùm
● Shape the course of: hình thành hướng đi của
● Resonates deeply: gây ấn tượng sâu sắc

Part 3

1. What historical places do people want to visit?

2. Can you name an exmaple of a historic place in your city?

3. Why do people remember personal events?

4. Who would show more interest in history, young people or elder people?

5. Why do people like watch films about history?

6. Do you think watching films is the most interesting way of learning history?

7. Why should we learn from the past?

Question 1: What historical places do people want to visit?

People often yearn to visit historical places that encapsulate the cultural and chronological
richness of a region. In Vietnam, iconic destinations like the ancient town of Hoi An, the
Imperial City in Hue, and the historic Cu Chi Tunnels draw global interest. These sites serve
as tangible links to the nation's past, offering insights into its architectural brilliance, cultural
heritage, and the struggles faced by its people.

Question 2: Can you name an example of a historic place in your city?

Certainly, one notable historic place in my city, Ho Chi Minh City, is the War Remnants
Museum. This museum chronicles Vietnam's tumultuous history, particularly during the
Vietnam War, through a collection of artifacts, photographs, and exhibits. It stands as a
poignant reminder of the resilience and sacrifices made by the Vietnamese people during a
pivotal period in our nation's history.

Question 3: Why do people remember personal events?

People tend to remember personal events due to their emotional significance and the impact
they leave on one's life. In Vietnam, personal events, especially those tied to significant
cultural or familial milestones, become ingrained in memory as they contribute to the shaping
of individual identities and the collective narrative of a community.

Question 4: Who would show more interest in history, young people or elder people?

While interest in history can vary among individuals, elder people in Vietnam often exhibit a
deeper fascination with history. This is rooted in their lived experiences, witnessing
transformative events firsthand and carrying the weight of historical narratives that have
shaped their lives.

Question 5: Why do people like to watch films about history?

Watching films about history in Vietnam serves as a visually compelling and accessible
means of learning about the past. Films add a human dimension to historical events, making
them more relatable and engaging. Additionally, cinematic portrayals can evoke empathy
and a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in historical narratives.

Question 6: Do you think watching films is the most interesting way of learning

While films offer a captivating medium for history, they may not be the most comprehensive.
Combining various learning methods, such as reading historical texts, visiting museums, and
engaging in discussions, enhances the depth of understanding. Nonetheless, films play a
crucial role in making history visually appealing and accessible to a broad audience.

Question 7: Why should we learn from the past?

Learning from the past in Vietnam is paramount for cultivating wisdom, fostering societal
progress, and avoiding the repetition of mistakes. The lessons embedded in historical
experiences provide valuable insights into human behavior, societal dynamics, and the
consequences of certain actions. By reflecting on the past, we can make informed decisions
and contribute to building a more enlightened and resilient future.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Yearn to: khao khát, mong muốn mạnh mẽ

● Encapsulate: tóm tắt, bao gồm
● Iconic: nổi tiếng, biểu tượng
● Poignant reminder: điều nhắc nhở đau lòng
● Resilience: sự kiên cường, sự đàn hồi
● Lived experiences: trải nghiệm sống
● Visual compelling: hấp dẫn mắt, gây ấn tượng về mặt hình ảnh
● Cinematic portrayals: sự miêu tả trên màn ảnh
● Depth of understanding: sự hiểu biết sâu sắc
● Paramount: cực kỳ quan trọng, hết sức quan trọng

Phrasal Verbs:

● Draw global interest: thu hút sự quan tâm toàn cầu

● Chronicle: ghi chép, viết tường thuật
● Add a human dimension: thêm chiều sâu con người
● Evoke empathy: gợi cảm thông, đồng cảm
● Carry the weight of: chịu trách nhiệm, mang trọng lượng của
Describe a place-not in your home- where you go to relax
You should say:

● Where the place is

● What the place tooks like
● How you spend your time in this place
● And explain why this place helps you to relax

A tranquil haven where I often retreat to relax is the Mekong Delta, a verdant region in
southern Vietnam. Nestled amidst lush landscapes and winding waterways, this place
emanates a serene ambiance that offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The Mekong Delta is characterized by picturesque rice paddies, quaint villages, and the
gentle flow of the Mekong River. It's a haven where time seems to slow down, providing an
idyllic setting for self-reflection and relaxation.

During my visits, I immerse myself in the rhythmic paddling of traditional boats, savor the
flavors of local cuisine, and engage with the warm-hearted locals. Whether it's exploring
floating markets or enjoying a leisurely cruise, the unhurried pace of life in the Mekong Delta
allows me to unwind and appreciate the beauty of simplicity.

This place acts as a natural therapy, captivating me with its natural beauty and fostering a
sense of connection with the Vietnamese countryside. The tranquil surroundings, combined
with the genuine hospitality of the locals, create a holistic experience that rejuvenates my
mind and soul.

High-level vocabulary:

● Tranquil: yên bình, tĩnh lặng

● Verdant: xanh tươi, mướt mát
● Retreat: rút lui, nghỉ ngơi
● Hustle and bustle: sự hối hả và nhộn nhịp
● Idyllic: như trong tranh, thoáng đãng
● Paddies: cánh đồng lúa
● Quaint: cổ kính, độc đáo
● Unhurried pace: nhịp sống không vội vã
● Immerse: đắm chìm, ngập tràn
● Rejuvenate: làm trẻ lại, làm tươi mới

Phrasal Verbs:

● Retreat to: rút lui đến

● Slow down: làm chậm lại
● Engage with: tương tác với
● Savor the flavors: thưởng thức hương vị
● Acts as: đóng vai trò như là

Part 3

1. Do people have enough places to relax in your country?

2. What do people do when relaxed?

3. Is physical activity good for relaxing?

4. Do you think that spending too much time in front of screen is good for relaxing?

5. Do people have to spend a lot of money on relaxing?

Question 1: Do people have enough places to relax in your country?

In Vietnam, the abundance of natural landscapes and culturally rich destinations provides
people with ample places to relax. From serene beaches to tranquil mountains and bustling
markets, there's a diverse array of settings catering to various preferences. Additionally,
traditional spas, parks, and historical sites contribute to a well-rounded selection of places
for relaxation.

Question 2: What do people do when relaxed?

When relaxed in Vietnam, people often engage in activities that align with the country's
vibrant culture. Whether enjoying a leisurely stroll through the Old Quarter in Hanoi, savoring
street food delicacies, or partaking in traditional tea ceremonies, relaxation is intertwined
with cultural experiences. Many also find solace in family gatherings, where storytelling and
shared meals create a sense of connection and tranquility.

Question 3: Is physical activity good for relaxing?

Certainly, engaging in physical activity is widely acknowledged as beneficial for relaxation in

Vietnam. Activities like tai chi in parks, cycling along scenic routes, or practicing traditional
martial arts not only contribute to physical well-being but also have a calming effect on the
mind. The connection between physical activity and relaxation is deeply ingrained in
Vietnamese culture, emphasizing a holistic approach to health.

Question 4: Do you think that spending too much time in front of the screen is good
for relaxing?

Spending excessive time in front of screens is generally not considered conducive to

relaxation in Vietnam. While technology has become an integral part of modern life,
excessive screen time often leads to stress and fatigue. People in Vietnam value more
traditional means of relaxation, such as outdoor activities, social interactions, and cultural
pursuits, to unwind from the demands of daily life.

Question 5: Do people have to spend a lot of money on relaxing?

No, in Vietnam, the spectrum of relaxation options caters to various budgets. While there are
luxurious spas and upscale resorts, there are equally accessible alternatives like public
parks, communal spaces, and affordable local eateries. The cultural emphasis on simple
pleasures and communal activities ensures that relaxation is accessible to a wide range of
individuals, irrespective of financial considerations.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Abundance: sự phong phú, nhiều

● Ample: đầy đủ, đủ dùng
● Tranquil: yên bình, tĩnh lặng
● Well-rounded: đa dạng, đầy đủ
● Partaking in: tham gia vào
● Solace: sự an ủi, sự êm đềm
● Conducive to: có lợi cho, thích hợp với
● Ingrained: tích cực, khắc sâu
● Communal: cộng đồng, chung
● Irrespective of: bất kể, không phụ thuộc vào

Phrasal Verbs:

● Cater to: phục vụ cho, đáp ứng nhu cầu của

● Wind down: giảm bớt căng thẳng, thư giãn
● Partake in: tham gia vào, thưởng thức
● Savor: thưởng thức, nếm
● Unwind from: giải tỏa, nghỉ ngơi từ
Describe something you did or you need to do quickly in a
short time
You should say:

● What it was
● Why you did it or why you need to do
● How you did or how you need to do
● And explain how you felt/feel about it

Recently, I found myself in a situation where I had to expedite a project proposal for a
community initiative in Vietnam. The urgency arose because of an unexpected deadline, and
swift action was crucial to secure funding and support.

The project involved creating a comprehensive plan for an environmental conservation

program in a local community. The need for rapid execution stemmed from an unforeseen
opportunity to present the proposal to potential sponsors. In a short time frame, I had to
gather data, collaborate with stakeholders, and draft a compelling proposal that
encapsulated the project's vision and impact.

To accomplish this, I swiftly organized meetings with local leaders, conducted interviews,
and harnessed digital platforms for efficient communication. Utilizing my team's collective
expertise and leveraging technology, we managed to compile a detailed proposal within the
tight timeframe.

The experience was exhilarating, and despite the pressure, the sense of accomplishment
was immense. Knowing that the timely completion of the proposal could potentially benefit
the local community fueled a sense of purpose and determination. The urgency of the
situation brought out the best in the team, highlighting the importance of adaptability and
swift decision-making in dynamic environments.

High-level vocabulary:

● Expedite: xúc tiến, đẩy nhanh

● Initiative: sáng kiến, sự khởi xướng
● Urgency: tính cấp thiết, sự khẩn cấp
● Crucial: quan trọng, then chốt
● Secure: đảm bảo, giữ chặt
● Comprehensive: toàn diện, chi tiết
● Encapsulate: tóm tắt, đồng nhất
● Exhilarating: hứng khởi, làm hồi hộp
● Determination: quyết tâm, kiên trì
● Adaptability: sự thích ứng, tính linh hoạt

Phrasal Verbs:

● Gather data: thu thập dữ liệu

● Collaborate with: hợp tác với
● Draft a proposal: soạn thảo đề xuất
● Harness digital platforms: tận dụng các nền tảng số
● Bring out the best in: làm hiện lên điều tốt nhất trong

Part 3

1. Do you think it’s ok to arrive late when meeting a friend?

2. What should happen to people who arrive late for work?

3. Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?

Question 1: Do you think it’s okay to arrive late when meeting a friend?

In Vietnamese culture, punctuality is highly valued, and arriving late when meeting a friend is
generally considered disrespectful. Being on time reflects a sense of commitment and
consideration for the other person's schedule. However, occasional delays may be forgiven if
there is a valid reason, and communication about the delay is made promptly.

Question 2: What should happen to people who arrive late for work?

In a professional context in Vietnam, consistently arriving late for work is typically addressed
through workplace policies and corrective measures. Depending on the severity and
frequency of tardiness, consequences may range from verbal warnings to more formal
disciplinary actions. Employers often encourage open communication to understand the
reasons behind lateness, but a consistent commitment to punctuality is crucial for
maintaining a productive work environment.

Question 3: Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?

Ensuring punctuality involves effective time management and planning. Individuals in

Vietnam can use tools such as calendars, reminders, and alarms to stay organized. Setting
realistic timelines for tasks, accounting for potential delays in traffic or unexpected events,
and prioritizing responsibilities contribute to a more structured daily routine. Additionally,
fostering the habit of preparing things the night before and allowing buffer time for
unforeseen circumstances can significantly reduce the likelihood of arriving late.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Punctuality: sự đúng giờ, tính đúng giờ

● Valued: được đánh giá cao, quý trọng
● Disrespectful: thiếu tôn trọng, không lễ độ
● Commitment: cam kết, sự hết lòng
● Occasional: đôi khi, ngẫu nhiên
● Forgiven: được tha thứ, được bỏ qua
● Communication: giao tiếp, truyền đạt
● Consistently: một cách liên tục, đều đặn
● Disciplinary actions: biện pháp kỷ luật
● Buffer time: thời gian dự phòng, thời gian chờ đợi

Phrasal Verbs:

● Addressed through: được giải quyết thông qua

● Fostering the habit: nuôi dưỡng thói quen
● Setting realistic timelines: đặt lịch trình thực tế
● Accounting for: tính đến, cân nhắc đến
● Reducing the likelihood: giảm khả năng xảy ra
Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old
You should say:

● Who do you have it with?

● Where did you have it?
● What was the conversation?
● And explain how you felt about it?

Recently, I had a captivating conversation with my grandfather, a venerable figure with a

wealth of life experiences. The setting was his cozy home in the outskirts of Hanoi, where
the air carried tales of times long past. As we sat in the tranquility of his garden, my
grandfather began recounting stories of his youth, the challenges he overcame, and the
profound societal changes he witnessed.

The conversation delved into Vietnam's history, reflecting on the pre-war era, the struggles
for independence, and the subsequent period of nation-building. His narrative was not just a
retelling of events but a vivid portrayal of resilience, sacrifice, and the unwavering spirit of
the Vietnamese people.

I felt a profound sense of privilege to be a recipient of this living history. Each anecdote
painted a picture of a bygone Vietnam, and I marveled at the resilience embedded in his
tales. The conversation instilled in me a deeper appreciation for my cultural roots and a
renewed sense of responsibility to preserve and pass on these narratives to future

High-level vocabulary:

● Captivating: hấp dẫn, quyến rũ

● Venerable: trang nghiêm, trọng thể
● Wealth of life experiences: nguồn lợi kinh nghiệm cuộc sống
● Tranquility: sự yên bình, thanh bình
● Retelling: tái kể, mô tả lại
● Resilience: sự kiên cường, sự đàn hồi
● Sacrifice: sự hy sinh, sự đánh đổi
● Unwavering spirit: tinh thần bất khuất, kiên định
● Profound sense of privilege: cảm giác sâu sắc về đặc quyền
● Cultural roots: gốc cội văn hóa

Phrasal Verbs:

● Delve into: đàm phán sâu vào, tìm hiểu kỹ lưỡng về

● Paint a picture of: vẽ một bức tranh về
● Marvel at: ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc trước
● Instill in: thấm nhuần vào, truyền đạt
● Pass on: truyền đạt, kế thừa

Part 3
1. What is the difference between the conversation between men and women?

2. Which conversation is better phone or face-to-face?

3. Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

4. Why is body language important?

Question 1: What is the difference between the conversation between men and

In Vietnamese culture, the conversations between men and women may differ subtly.
Generally, women tend to incorporate more empathetic and nurturing elements into their
conversations, emphasizing emotional nuances. Men, on the other hand, may focus more on
direct communication and problem-solving. However, it's essential to note that these are
broad generalizations, and individual communication styles vary significantly.

Question 2: Which conversation is better, phone or face-to-face?

While both phone and face-to-face conversations serve distinct purposes, face-to-face
communication is often considered more effective in Vietnam. Direct interactions allow for
non-verbal cues, fostering a deeper understanding of the message. Face-to-face
conversations also build stronger connections, crucial in a culture that values personal
relationships. However, the choice depends on the context, as phone conversations offer
convenience in certain situations.

Question 3: Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

Nervousness during presentations in Vietnam may stem from a cultural emphasis on saving
face and maintaining a positive image. Fear of judgment or making mistakes in front of an
audience contributes to anxiety. Additionally, the hierarchical nature of Vietnamese society
can amplify pressure during presentations, as individuals may feel evaluated by superiors.

Question 4: Why is body language important?

Body language plays a crucial role in Vietnamese communication. It complements spoken

words, conveying emotions, intentions, and cultural subtleties. In a society where indirect
communication is common, understanding gestures and facial expressions is vital for
interpreting the complete message. Effective use of body language fosters better
interpersonal relationships and avoids misunderstandings.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Nuances: sự tinh tế, sự khác biệt nhỏ

● Empathetic: có lòng thông cảm, đồng cảm
● Direct communication: giao tiếp trực tiếp
● Problem-solving: giải quyết vấn đề
● Generalizations: sự tổng quát hóa
● Non-verbal cues: dấu hiệu phi ngôn ngữ
● Face-to-face communication: giao tiếp trực tiếp
● Convenience: sự thuận tiện
● Nervousness: sự lo lắng, hồi hộp
● Hierarchical nature: tính chất phân cấp

Phrasal Verbs:

● Incorporate into: tích hợp vào

● Build stronger connections: xây dựng mối quan hệ mạnh mẽ
● Stem from: bắt nguồn từ
● Save face: giữ hình tượng, tránh mất mặt
● Foster better relationships: tạo điều kiện cho mối quan hệ tốt hơn
Describe a job you would not like to do.
You should say:

What the job is?

How you know about this job?

How easy or difficult the job is?

And explain why you would not like to do this job?

One occupation I would unequivocally avoid is that of a sewage system maintenance worker.
My awareness of this job stems from documentaries showcasing the vital yet arduous work
these professionals undertake to ensure the proper functioning of urban infrastructure.
Undoubtedly, the difficulty level of this job is exceptionally high, involving the inspection,
repair, and cleaning of sewage systems, often in confined and unsanitary spaces.

The prospect of grappling with noxious odors, navigating intricate underground networks,
and contending with potential health hazards renders this job extremely challenging. The
meticulous attention to detail required and the physically demanding nature of the tasks
involved make it a job demanding not only technical expertise but also considerable
endurance and resilience.

The primary reason I would not opt for this job is the intrinsic discomfort associated with the
working conditions. The unpleasant and unhygienic nature of the tasks, coupled with the
mentally and physically demanding aspects, dissuades me. I hold immense respect for those
who undertake such critical roles, recognizing the essential role they play in maintaining
urban sanitation, but personally, the challenges outweigh the potential satisfaction of the job.

High-level vocabulary:

● Unequivocally: một cách rõ ràng, không mâu thuẫn

● Arduous: gian khổ, khó khăn
● Contend with: đối mặt với, đấu tranh với
● Meticulous: tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận
● Endurance: sức chịu đựng, sức mạnh

Phrasal Verbs:

● Grapple with: đấu tranh, đối mặt với khó khăn

● Navigate: điều hướng qua, điều khiển
● Opt for: lựa chọn, chọn
● Hold immense respect: có lòng tôn trọng sâu sắc
● Dissuade: ngăn chặn, cản trở

Part 3

1. How do you think AI (artificial intelligene) will affect people’s work?

2. What would you say are the important factors to consider when choosing a career?
3. That technology will make some people lose their jobs. How do you think this problem
should be handled?

4. Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because of work?

Question 1: How do you think AI (artificial intelligence) will affect people’s work?

The impact of AI on employment in Vietnam is a topic of considerable significance. While AI

has the potential to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and foster innovation, it also
raises concerns about job displacement. Industries relying heavily on repetitive tasks are
more susceptible to automation. However, this technological shift is an opportunity for the
workforce to upskill and transition into roles requiring creativity, critical thinking, and
emotional intelligence.

Question 2: What would you say are the important factors to consider when choosing
a career?

Choosing a career in Vietnam involves careful consideration of personal interests, skill sets,
and the alignment of one's values with the chosen field. Additionally, assessing the industry's
growth prospects, job market demand, and the potential for skill development are crucial.
Balancing passion with practicality ensures long-term job satisfaction and career success.

Question 3: That technology will make some people lose their jobs. How do you think
this problem should be handled?

Addressing job displacement due to technological advancements in Vietnam requires

proactive measures. Governments and industries should invest in retraining programs,
fostering a culture of continuous learning. Policies that encourage a smooth transition for
affected workers, coupled with social support systems, can mitigate the negative impact.
Moreover, promoting the creation of new job opportunities in emerging sectors will be

Question 4: Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because
of work?

Yes, in Vietnam, the trend of people relocating for work opportunities is increasing. Economic
development has led to job concentrations in major cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
Individuals often move seeking better career prospects, higher salaries, and a more dynamic
work environment. However, this migration pattern poses challenges related to urbanization
and infrastructure demands.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Considerable significance: Ý nghĩa đáng kể.

● Streamline processes: Tối ưu hóa quy trình.
● Job displacement: Mất việc làm, sự thay đổi vị trí làm việc.
● Susceptible to: Dễ bị tác động bởi.
● Technological shift: Sự chuyển đổi công nghệ.
● Upskill: Nâng cao kỹ năng.
● Transition into: Chuyển đổi sang.
● Growth prospects: Triển vọng phát triển.
● Proactive measures: Biện pháp tích cực.
● Continuous learning: Học liên tục.
● Mitigate the impact: Giảm nhẹ tác động.
● Promoting the creation: Khuyến khích sự sáng tạo.
● Urbanization: Đô thị hóa.
● Infrastructure demands: Yêu cầu về cơ sở hạ tầng.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Relying heavily on: Phụ thuộc nặng vào.

● Careful consideration: Xem xét cẩn thận.
● Align with: Phù hợp với.
● Balancing passion with practicality: Cân nhắc giữa đam mê và tính thực tế.
● Invest in retraining programs: Đầu tư vào các chương trình đào tạo lại.
Describe an occasion that somebody or something was
making a lot of noise
You should say:

● Where you were

● What you were doing
● Who/what was making the noise
● And explain how the noise affected you.

Recently, I found myself at a vibrant traditional market in Hanoi, engrossed in the task of
selecting fresh produce. As I meandered through the bustling stalls, the cacophony of sellers
passionately haggling, the clinking of utensils, and the sizzle of street food being prepared
created an immersive symphony of sounds. The vibrant atmosphere was punctuated by
street performers playing traditional instruments, adding to the lively ambiance.

Amidst this lively chaos, a street vendor promoting his goods with an enthusiastic
megaphone caught my attention. The relentless pitch and rhythm of his promotional
messages reverberated through the market, momentarily drowning out other sounds.
Although the noise was intrusive, it infused a dynamic energy into the surroundings,
embodying the spirit of the market.

The noise, while momentarily overwhelming, did not deter but rather heightened my sensory
experience. The vibrant soundscape became an integral part of the cultural tapestry,
enhancing my connection to the lively spirit of Hanoi's markets.

High-level vocabulary:

● Vibrant: Sôi động, năng động.

● Engrossed: Chăm chú, mải mê.
● Cacophony: Tiếng ồn ào, hỗn loạn.
● Haggling: Mặc cả, đàm phán.
● Symphony of sounds: Bản hòa nhạc âm thanh.
● Punctuated by: Điểm nhấn bởi.
● Street performers: Nghệ sĩ biểu diễn đường phố.
● Reverberated through: Vang qua, lan tỏa qua.
● Intrusive: Quấy rối, làm phiền.
● Dynamic energy: Năng lượng sôi động.
● Sensory experience: Trải nghiệm giác quan.
● Cultural tapestry: Bức tranh văn hóa.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Caught my attention: Thu hút sự chú ý của tôi.

● Drowning out: Làm tắt tiếng, làm chìm tiếng.
● Infused into: Hòa quyện vào.
● Heightened my experience: Nâng cao trải nghiệm của tôi.
● Meandered through: Rải rác đi qua, lang thang qua.

Part 3
1. What kinds of places should be noise-free?

2. Can people bring children to these noise-free places?

3. Why can’t people make noise in a church?

4. What public morals should people follow in your country?

Question 1: What kinds of places should be noise-free?

Certain places in Vietnam, such as libraries, museums, and meditation centers, should
ideally maintain a noise-free environment. These locations foster tranquility and
concentration, requiring a peaceful ambiance for visitors to engage in reading, reflection, or
appreciating exhibits without disturbance.

Question 2: Can people bring children to these noise-free places?

While bringing children to noise-free places is permissible, it comes with the expectation that
parents or guardians ensure their children maintain a quiet demeanor. It's crucial for children
to comprehend the significance of these spaces and the need to respect the tranquility
others seek. Parental guidance is essential to strike a balance between allowing children to
experience such environments and ensuring the peace of these places is not disrupted.

Question 3: Why can’t people make noise in a church?

In Vietnam, churches are sacred spaces where individuals seek spiritual solace and engage
in prayer. Making noise in a church is considered disrespectful as it disrupts the serene
atmosphere and hinders the spiritual focus of worshipers. The cultural and religious
significance attached to churches emphasizes the need for silence and reverence within
these sacred settings.

Question 4: What public morals should people follow in your country?

Vietnamese society places a high value on communal harmony and respect for elders.
Upholding public morals involves displaying courtesy, kindness, and a strong sense of family
values. Respecting personal space, adhering to social etiquette, and contributing to the
well-being of the community are integral aspects of the moral fabric. Additionally, honesty
and integrity in both personal and professional dealings are highly esteemed.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Tranquility: Sự yên bình.

● Concentration: Sự tập trung.
● Ambiance: Bầu không khí, môi trường.
● Permissible: Chấp nhận được, được phép.
● Demeanor: Thái độ, cử chỉ.
● Strike a balance: Thiết lập sự cân bằng.
● Spiritual solace: Sự an ủi tinh thần.
● Reverence: Sự tôn kính, sự tôn trọng.
● Sacred spaces: Nơi linh thiêng.
● Cultural and religious significance: Ý nghĩa văn hóa và tôn giáo.
● Communal harmony: Sự hòa thuận cộng đồng.
● Well-being: Sức khỏe và hạnh phúc.
● Moral fabric: Nền văn hóa đạo đức.
● Esteemed: Được trọng đại, được kính trọng.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Maintain a noise-free environment: Bảo quản môi trường không ồn ào.

● Ensure their children maintain: Đảm bảo rằng con cái của họ giữ được.
● Come with the expectation: Đi kèm với kỳ vọng.
● Seek spiritual solace: Tìm kiếm sự an ủi tinh thần.
● Upholding public morals: Giữ vững đạo đức công cộng.
● Adhering to social etiquette: Tuân theo phép tắc xã hội.
● Contributing to the well-being: Đóng góp vào sức khỏe và hạnh phúc.
● Highly esteemed: Được kính trọng cao.
Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
You should say:

● Who this person is

● How you knew this person
● What he/she usually talks about
● And explain how you felt about him/her

Allow me to introduce a person who undoubtedly fits the description of someone who likes to
talk a lot: my cousin, Linh. I've known Linh since childhood, and our families have always
been close-knit. Linh is an effervescent individual who, whenever we meet, can effortlessly
engage in extensive conversations on a myriad of topics.

Linh's verbosity extends to various subjects; however, she particularly enjoys discussing
current affairs, societal trends, and her latest endeavors. Her loquacious nature is not
confined to serious matters; she possesses a remarkable ability to turn even mundane
occurrences into animated anecdotes. Whether sharing her travel experiences or dissecting
the intricacies of a gripping novel, Linh infuses energy into every dialogue.

While some might find her proclivity for talk exhaustive, I appreciate it as a distinctive aspect
of her personality. Linh's expressive storytelling and animated discussions create a lively
atmosphere, making social gatherings more dynamic. Her enthusiasm for communication
fosters a sense of connection, and despite the occasional verbosity, I find it endearing and
emblematic of her vibrant spirit.

High-level vocabulary:

● Undoubtedly: Không nghi ngờ gì.

● Close-knit: Gắn bó, thân thiết.
● Effervescent: Sôi động, nhiệt huyết.
● Myriad of topics: Đa dạng các chủ đề.
● Verbosity: Sự nói nhiều, lối diễn đạt rườm rà.
● Current affairs: Sự kiện hiện tại, tin tức mới nhất.
● Societal trends: Xu hướng xã hội.
● Loquacious nature: Tính cách hay nói nhiều.
● Mundane occurrences: Những sự kiện hằng ngày.
● Animated anecdotes: Chuyện vui nhộn và sống động.
● Proclivity for talk: Xu hướng nói nhiều.
● Expressive storytelling: Cách kể chuyện sôi nổi và biểu cảm.
● Vibrant spirit: Tinh thần sống động.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Fits the description of: Phù hợp với mô tả của.

● Engage in extensive conversations: Tham gia vào cuộc trò chuyện sâu rộng.
● Turn into: Biến thành.
● Dissecting the intricacies: Phân tích sự phức tạp.
● Infuses energy into: Truyền động lực vào.
Part 3

1. How should parents encourage their children?

2. How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked
questions that they are afraid to answer?

Question 1: How should parents encourage their children?

Parents play a pivotal role in fostering a positive and supportive environment for their
children. Encouragement should encompass both verbal praise and active involvement in a
child's pursuits. Acknowledging and celebrating small achievements can boost a child's
confidence and motivation. Additionally, offering constructive feedback rather than criticism
helps instill a growth mindset. Engaging in open communication, actively listening to their
concerns, and expressing unwavering belief in their potential contribute to a nurturing
atmosphere that encourages children to explore, learn, and flourish.

Question 2: How should people encourage children to express themselves when

being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?

Encouraging children to express themselves in challenging situations requires patience and

empathy. It's vital to create a non-judgmental space where they feel safe sharing their
thoughts. Using open-ended questions and expressing genuine interest in their perspectives
can help them overcome fear. Furthermore, validating their emotions and emphasizing that
mistakes are part of the learning process fosters resilience. Encouraging a growth mindset,
where effort is celebrated more than immediate success, empowers children to embrace
challenges and express themselves without fear of judgment.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Pivotal role: Vai trò then chốt.

● Fostering: Nuôi dưỡng, phát triển.
● Verbal praise: Lời khen ngợi.
● Active involvement: Sự tham gia tích cực.
● Boost a child's confidence: Nâng cao lòng tự tin của trẻ.
● Constructive feedback: Phản hồi xây dựng.
● Growth mindset: Tư duy phát triển.
● Open communication: Giao tiếp mở cửa.
● Unwavering belief: Niềm tin vững chắc.
● Nurturing atmosphere: Bầu không khí nuôi dưỡng.
● Explore, learn, and flourish: Khám phá, học hỏi và phát triển.
● Patience and empathy: Kiên nhẫn và sự thông cảm.
● Non-judgmental space: Khoảng không đánh giá.
● Safe sharing: Chia sẻ an toàn.
● Emphasizing: Nhấn mạnh.
● Validating their emotions: Xác nhận cảm xúc của họ.
● Part of the learning process: Một phần của quá trình học tập.
● Fosters resilience: Tạo nên sự kiên cường.

Phrasal Verbs:
● Play a pivotal role: Đóng vai trò then chốt.
● Express themselves: Thể hiện bản thân.
● Acknowledge and celebrate: Nhận biết và kỷ niệm.
● Boost confidence: Tăng cường tự tin.
● Instill a growth mindset: Gieo trong tư duy phát triển.
● Engage in open communication: Tham gia vào giao tiếp mở cửa.
● Expressing genuine interest: Bày tỏ sự quan tâm chân thành.
● Overcome fear: Vượt qua nỗi sợ.
● Fosters resilience: Tạo nên sự kiên cường.
● Embrace challenges: Đối mặt với thách thức.

Describe an occasion when you used a map

You should say:

● When you used the map

● Where you were
● Why you used a paper map
● And explain how you felt about the experience

Several years ago, I embarked on a solo backpacking journey through the picturesque
landscapes of Sapa in Northern Vietnam. It was a misty morning, and I found myself amidst
the sprawling rice terraces, eager to explore the ethnic villages nestled in the verdant hills.
This adventure was the perfect occasion when I relied on a traditional paper map.

As I ventured deeper into the remote villages, the absence of reliable internet signals
prompted me to unfold my map. The intricate network of trails and the diverse topography
demanded a tangible guide. The map became an indispensable tool, helping me navigate
the labyrinthine pathways, ensuring I didn't lose my way in the vast expanse of the terraced

The decision to use a paper map heightened the sense of adventure. There was a nostalgic
charm in tracing my route with my finger, uncovering hidden gems marked on the aged
paper. The tactile experience of unfolding the map under the shade of ancient trees added
an element of authenticity to my exploration.

In essence, using the map enriched my journey, fostering a deeper connection with the
landscape and allowing me to appreciate the artistry of cartography in a world increasingly
dominated by digital navigation tools.

High-level vocabulary:

● Embarked: Bắt đầu, khởi hành.

● Picturesque landscapes: Phong cảnh đẹp như tranh.
● Sprawling rice terraces: Những ruộng bậc thang trải dài.
● Verdant hills: Những đồi xanh mướt.
● Remote villages: Những làng quê xa xôi.
● Intricate network: Mạng lưới phức tạp.
● Diverse topography: Địa hình đa dạng.
● Indispensable tool: Công cụ không thể thiếu.
● Labyrinthine pathways: Những con đường rối bời.
● Vast expanse: Khu vực rộng lớn.
● Nostalgic charm: Sự quyến rũ hoài niệm.
● Tactile experience: Trải nghiệm giác quan.
● Unfolding the map: Mở ra bản đồ.
● Aged paper: Giấy cổ.
● Heightened the sense of adventure: Nâng cao cảm giác phiêu lưu.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Ventured deeper: Mạo hiểm sâu hơn.

● Rely on: Phụ thuộc vào.
● Unfold the map: Mở ra bản đồ.
● Lose my way: Lạc đường.
● Appreciate the artistry: Đánh giá cao sự nghệ thuật.

Part 3

1. What do people usually do when they get lost?

2. What are the differences between paper and digital maps?

3. What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems?

4. What do people often do with a map?

5. Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?

6. How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country?

Question 1: What do people usually do when they get lost?

When individuals find themselves disoriented in an unfamiliar place, the common recourse is
to seek assistance from locals or passerby. In Vietnam, where hospitality is ingrained in the
culture, people are generally willing to provide directions and guide lost individuals back on
track. Additionally, with the prevalence of smartphones, many opt to use digital maps to
pinpoint their location and navigate the way.

Question 2: What are the differences between paper and digital maps?

The disparity between paper and digital maps lies in their accessibility and interactivity.
Paper maps offer a tangible experience, providing a broad overview of an area. On the
contrary, digital maps offer real-time updates, turn-by-turn navigation, and the convenience
of zooming in for detailed information. While paper maps evoke a sense of nostalgia and
charm, digital maps cater to the modern need for dynamic, accurate, and instant navigation.

Question 3: What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems?

In-car GPS navigation systems are a technological marvel, particularly in a country like
Vietnam with a burgeoning road network. They significantly enhance convenience by offering
precise directions, real-time traffic updates, and alternative routes. However, their
effectiveness is contingent on regular updates to reflect changes in road infrastructure.

Question 4: What do people often do with a map?

People primarily use maps for navigation, planning routes, and gaining a spatial
understanding of their surroundings. In Vietnam, tourists frequently rely on maps to explore
cultural landmarks, bustling markets, and scenic destinations. Locals may use maps to
locate specific addresses or navigate through areas with intricate street layouts.

Question 5: Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?

While digital maps provide efficiency, some individuals prefer paper maps for their tangible
and nostalgic qualities. The act of unfolding a map and physically tracing routes offers a
unique connection to the environment. Additionally, paper maps do not rely on batteries or
connectivity, making them reliable in remote or challenging terrains.

Question 6: How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your

Learning to read a map enhances geographical awareness, allowing individuals to

comprehend the topography, understand regional divisions, and appreciate the diversity of
landscapes within their country. It fosters a sense of national identity by connecting people to
various landmarks, historical sites, and geographical features, contributing to a holistic
understanding of their homeland.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Recourse: Sự chạy đến, sự tìm đến.

● Ingrained in the culture: Ước vào văn hóa.
● Willing to provide: Sẵn lòng cung cấp.
● Prevalence: Sự phổ biến, sự rộng rãi.
● Opt to use: Chọn lựa sử dụng.
● Disparity: Sự khác biệt, sự chênh lệch.
● Tangible experience: Trải nghiệm hữu hình.
● Turn-by-turn navigation: Điều hướng từng bước.
● Cater to the modern need: Đáp ứng nhu cầu hiện đại.
● Nostalgia and charm: Nỗi nhớ và sự quyến rũ.
● Technological marvel: Kỳ công công nghệ.
● Burgeoning road network: Mạng lưới đường sắt ngày càng phát triển.
● Contingent on: Phụ thuộc vào.
● Regular updates: Cập nhật đều đặn.
● Enhance convenience: Tăng cường sự tiện lợi.
● Bustling markets: Các chợ nổi tiếng.
● Scenic destinations: Những điểm du lịch đẹp.
● Intricate street layouts: Bố cục đường phức tạp.
● Tangible and nostalgic qualities: Những đặc tính hữu hình và buồn nhớ.
● Holistic understanding: Hiểu biết toàn diện.

Phrasal Verbs:
● Seek assistance: Tìm sự giúp đỡ.
● Pinpoint their location: Xác định vị trí của họ.
● Rely on: Phụ thuộc vào.
● Cater to: Đáp ứng nhu cầu của.
● Trace routes: Theo dõi các tuyến đường.
● Fold out a map: Mở ra một bản đồ.
Describe a person who is good at teamwork
You should say:

● What team he/she joined

● What work he/she did
● What his/her role was
● And explain what makes him/her a good member of that team

Allow me to share the story of an exceptional individual, Mr. Nguyen, who exemplifies
unparalleled teamwork skills within the context of a project management team in Hanoi,
Vietnam. Mr. Nguyen actively joined the team tasked with implementing a complex urban
development project aimed at revitalizing a historic district.

In this intricate venture, Mr. Nguyen undertook the crucial role of project coordinator,
orchestrating the efforts of diverse professionals ranging from architects to civil engineers.
His ability to seamlessly integrate their expertise was truly commendable. He initiated
regular brainstorming sessions, fostering an environment where ideas flowed freely, and
everyone felt heard.

What truly sets Mr. Nguyen apart is his innate knack for conflict resolution. In the face of
differing opinions, he adeptly mediated discussions, ensuring that the team's collective vision
prevailed. His diplomatic approach and willingness to consider various viewpoints created a
harmonious working atmosphere, essential for overcoming challenges inherent in such
ambitious projects.

Colleagues universally laud Mr. Nguyen for his unwavering dedication and his adeptness in
navigating the complexities of teamwork. His capacity to inspire, mediate, and lead makes
him not just a valuable team member but a catalyst for the team's success.

In response to the rounding-off question, the consensus within the team is overwhelmingly
positive. Colleagues view him as an invaluable asset, recognizing his pivotal role in fostering
a collaborative and efficient work environment.

High-level vocabulary:

● Unparalleled: Không giới hạn, không tưởng.

● Intricate: Phức tạp, rối bời.
● Revitalizing: Hồi sinh, làm mới.
● Seamlessly integrate: Tích hợp mượt mà, không rối.
● Commendable: Đáng khen ngợi.
● Orchestrating: Tổ chức, sắp xếp.
● Brainstorming sessions: Phiên họp ý tưởng.
● Fostering an environment: Tạo môi trường.
● Diplomatic approach: Cách tiếp cận ngoại giao.
● Harmonious working atmosphere: Bầu không khí làm việc hòa thuận.
● Innate knack: Khả năng bẩm sinh.
● Conflict resolution: Giải quyết xung đột.
● Adeptly mediated discussions: Khéo léo hòa giải cuộc thảo luận.
● Catalyst for the team's success: Chất xúc tác cho sự thành công của đội.
● Consensus within the team: Sự đồng thuận trong đội.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Undertook the role: Đảm nhận vai trò.

● Initiated regular sessions: Bắt đầu phiên họp đều đặn.
● Felt heard: Cảm thấy được lắng nghe.
● Sets him apart: Tạo nên sự khác biệt.
● Prevailed: Chiếm ưu thế, thắng thế.
● Launched the project: Khởi động dự án.
● Came up with ideas: Đưa ra ý kiến, đề xuất ý tưởng.
● Nagged about: Khiến phiền về, làm phiền về.

Part 3

1. How do other people in your team think he is?

2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader?

3. What happens if you don’t have a good leader?

4. Why do some people not like teamwork?

5. Do you think young people are suitable for teamwork?

Question 1: How do other people in your team think he is?

The consensus within our team is overwhelmingly positive regarding Mr. Nguyen.
Colleagues perceive him as a collaborative leader with an innate ability to foster unity and
efficiency. His diplomatic approach and adept conflict resolution skills have garnered
widespread admiration, making him a highly esteemed figure within our professional circle.

Question 2: What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader?

In my opinion, a good leader exhibits a myriad of qualities, including effective

communication, empathy, and the ability to inspire. A leader should possess a strategic
vision, guiding the team toward common goals. Additionally, adaptability and resilience in the
face of challenges are paramount for steering a team through various situations.

Question 3: What happens if you don’t have a good leader?

The absence of a proficient leader can lead to disarray and a lack of direction within a team.
Without clear guidance and motivation, members may struggle to coordinate their efforts,
resulting in inefficiency and a failure to achieve objectives. A competent leader is the linchpin
holding a team together and propelling it toward success.

Question 4: Why do some people not like teamwork?

Certain individuals may harbor reservations about teamwork due to concerns about
individual recognition, potential conflicts, or a perceived lack of autonomy. Some fear that
their contributions may be overshadowed in a collective effort, leading to a preference for
tasks where personal achievements are more easily distinguishable.
Question 5: Do you think young people are suitable for teamwork?

Absolutely, young people possess a natural inclination for collaboration and adaptability.
Their fresh perspectives and tech-savvy nature make them well-suited for dynamic
teamwork environments. However, effective mentorship and guidance are crucial to harness
their potential and instill a sense of responsibility within a team setting.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Overwhelmingly positive: Quá trình tích cực.

● Collaborative leader: Nhà lãnh đạo hợp tác.
● Innate ability: Khả năng bẩm sinh.
● Diplomatic approach: Cách tiếp cận ngoại giao.
● Adept conflict resolution: Giải quyết xung đột một cách khéo léo.
● Widespread admiration: Sự ngưỡng mộ rộng rãi.
● Professional circle: Vòng tròn chuyên nghiệp.
● Myriad of qualities: Nhiều phẩm chất đa dạng.
● Effective communication: Giao tiếp hiệu quả.
● Adaptability and resilience: Khả năng thích ứng và sự kiên nhẫn.
● Linchpin: Trụ cột, điểm chốt.
● Disarray: Sự lộn xộn, hỗn độn.
● Harbor reservations: Giữ lại những nghi ngờ.
● Potential conflicts: Xung đột tiềm ẩn.
● Perceived lack of autonomy: Sự thiếu độc lập được nhận thức.
Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at
primary school
You should say:

● What the activity was

● How often you did the activity
● Who you did it with
● And explain why it was your favourite activity

During my formative years in primary school in Vietnam, one activity that brought immense
joy was partaking in traditional Vietnamese folk games, particularly the game of "O An
Quan." This captivating activity involved a strategic board game where players moved
colorful pebbles between compartments, employing intricate tactics to outsmart opponents.

Engaging in "O An Quan" became a cherished routine during our school recess, a time when
classmates and I would eagerly gather to indulge in friendly competition. The communal
nature of the game fostered bonds among us, creating lasting memories of laughter and

What made this pastime my favorite was not merely the thrill of the game but also the
cultural richness it embodied. "O An Quan" encapsulated Vietnam's vibrant heritage,
allowing us to connect with our roots while relishing the sheer delight of strategic gameplay.
As we navigated the intricacies of the game board, it instilled valuable life lessons of
patience, planning, and collaboration.

In retrospect, the resonance of "O An Quan" in my primary school years wasn't solely about
the game itself but the shared experiences and cultural significance it encapsulated, making
it a cherished part of my childhood.

High-level vocabulary:

● Formative years: Những năm hình thành.

● Partaking in: Tham gia vào.
● Traditional Vietnamese folk games: Trò chơi dân gian truyền thống Việt Nam.
● Captivating activity: Hoạt động hấp dẫn.
● Intricate tactics: Chiến thuật tinh tế.
● Cherished routine: Thói quen quý báu.
● Communal nature: Bản chất cộng đồng.
● Friendly competition: Sự cạnh tranh thân thiện.
● Lasting memories: Ký ức bền vững.
● Camaraderie: Tình bạn đồng đội.
● Cultural richness: Sự phong phú văn hóa.
● Connect with our roots: Kết nối với nguồn gốc của chúng ta.
● Relishing the sheer delight: Thưởng thức niềm vui thuần túy.
● Navigated the intricacies: Điều hướng những phức tạp.
● Instilled valuable life lessons: Giáo dục những bài học quý giá trong cuộc sống.

Phrasal Verbs:
● Brought immense joy: Mang lại niềm vui to lớn.
● Indulge in: Thưởng thức, say mê.
● Connect with: Kết nối với.
● Foster bonds: Tạo ra sự gắn kết.
● Partaking in friendly competition: Tham gia vào cuộc cạnh tranh thân thiện.

Part 3

1. What activities do children often do in your country?

2. What do parents in your country let their children do?

3. What are the differences between activities at home and at school?

4. Why do some people like to participate in activities?

5. What activities do people do in their free time?

Question 1: What activities do children often do in your country?

In Vietnam, children engage in a diverse array of activities, blending traditional and modern
pursuits. Outdoor games like "Bai Choi" and "O An Quan" are popular, fostering physical
activity and cultural connection. Additionally, modern activities such as video gaming and
online learning platforms have gained prominence, reflecting the intersection of tradition and
technology in the lives of Vietnamese children.

Question 2: What do parents in your country let their children do?

Parents in Vietnam typically encourage a balanced approach, allowing children to partake in

both educational and recreational activities. Cultural activities, such as learning traditional
instruments or participating in local festivals, are valued alongside academic endeavors.
However, parental guidance often emphasizes the importance of responsible technology
use, ensuring a harmonious blend of traditional values and contemporary influences.

Question 3: What are the differences between activities at home and at school?

Activities at home often revolve around family-centric pursuits, such as shared meals,
storytelling, and traditional crafts. In contrast, school activities focus on formal education,
extracurricular clubs, and collaborative projects. While home activities nurture familial bonds
and cultural values, school activities contribute to academic development and social skills.

Question 4: Why do some people like to participate in activities?

Participation in activities provides a sense of fulfillment and personal growth. Whether

pursuing hobbies, sports, or community engagements, individuals find joy in honing skills,
building relationships, and contributing to shared goals. Activities offer a means of
self-expression and a break from routine, fostering a well-rounded and enriched life.

Question 5: What activities do people do in their free time?

In their leisure time, people in Vietnam often engage in a mix of activities. Traditional
pastimes like tea appreciation, calligraphy, and martial arts coexist with contemporary
pursuits like watching movies, social media interaction, and outdoor sports. The variety
reflects the diverse interests and preferences of individuals seeking relaxation and personal

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Diverse array: Một loạt phong phú.

● Blending: Kết hợp.
● Prominence: Sự nổi bật, quan trọng.
● Harmonious blend: Sự kết hợp hài hòa.
● Extracurricular clubs: Câu lạc bộ ngoại khóa.
● Nurture: Nuôi dưỡng.
● Familial bonds: Mối quan hệ gia đình.
● Contemporary influences: Ảnh hưởng đương đại.
● Sense of fulfillment: Cảm giác hài lòng.
● Well-rounded: Toàn diện.
● Enriched life: Cuộc sống phong phú.
● Leisure time: Thời gian giải trí.
● Coexist with: Cùng tồn tại với.
● Diverse interests: Sở thích đa dạng.
● Personal enjoyment: Niềm vui cá nhân.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Partake in: Tham gia vào.

● Gained prominence: Trở nên quan trọng.
● Encourage a balanced approach: Khuyến khích một cách tiếp cận cân đối.
● Revolve around: Xoay quanh.
● Foster personal growth: Khuyến khích sự phát triển cá nhân.
● Coexist with: Cùng tồn tại với.
● Break from routine: Nghỉ ngơi khỏi thói quen.
Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school
You should say:

● Where you wear the uniform

● How long you need to wear it
● Who bought it for you
● And explain how you feel about it

In my academic journey in Vietnam, I vividly recall a period when I wore a school uniform
that left a lasting impression. The uniform, adorned with the school's insignia, was a symbol
of unity and shared purpose. Every day, I wore it to the hallowed halls of knowledge, donning
the attire for the entirety of my high school years.

The uniform, purchased by my parents, represented not only a sartorial identity but also their
investment in my education. The crispness of the uniform instilled a sense of discipline and
pride, aligning with the school's ethos. It served as a visual equalizer, fostering a sense of
camaraderie among students and emphasizing the pursuit of knowledge over external

Wearing the uniform was, in essence, a rite of passage. It conveyed a sense of responsibility
and belonging, transforming the mundane act of dressing into a tangible connection with the
academic community. While the uniform evoked mixed feelings of conformity, it undeniably
created a sense of identity and purpose during those formative years.

High-level vocabulary:

● Vividly recall: Nhớ rõ.

● Adorned with: Trang trí bằng.
● Symbol of unity: Biểu tượng của sự đoàn kết.
● Hallowed halls of knowledge: Những hành lang thánh thiện của tri thức.
● Sartorial identity: Bản sắc về trang phục.
● Investment in education: Đầu tư vào giáo dục.
● Crispness of the uniform: Sự sắc nét của bộ đồng phục.
● Ethos: Tâm huyết, tinh thần.
● Visual equalizer: Công cụ làm đồng đều tầm nhìn.
● Sense of camaraderie: Tinh thần đồng đội.
● Pursuit of knowledge: Sự theo đuổi tri thức.
● Rite of passage: Lễ nghi chuyển mình.
● Mundane act: Hành động hằng ngày.
● Formative years: Những năm hình thành.

Phrasal Verbs:

● Donning the attire: Mặc trang phục.

● Convey a sense of: Truyền đạt cảm giác của.
● Transforming into: Biến đổi thành.
● Evoke mixed feelings: Gợi những cảm xúc lẫn lộn.
● Undeniably created: Không thể phủ nhận đã tạo ra.
Part 3

1. Why should students wear uniforms?

2. Why should people at work wear uniforms?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?

Question 1: Why should students wear uniforms?

In Vietnam, the practice of students wearing uniforms is deeply rooted in the promotion of a
sense of equality and unity. Uniforms eliminate visible markers of socio-economic
differences, fostering an environment where academic achievement is prioritized over
external appearances. Additionally, uniforms instill a sense of discipline and belonging,
contributing to a focused and harmonious learning atmosphere. This sartorial standard not
only prepares students for future professional environments but also promotes a school's
identity and pride.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Deeply rooted in: Mọc sâu trong.

● Promotion of a sense of: Thúc đẩy cảm giác của.
● Visible markers: Dấu hiệu rõ ràng.
● Socio-economic differences: Sự khác biệt xã hội và kinh tế.
● Fostering an environment: Nuôi dưỡng môi trường.
● Prioritized over: Ưu tiên hơn.
● Instill a sense of discipline: Gieo vào lòng tự giác.
● Belonging: Sự thuộc về.
● Contributing to: Đóng góp vào.
● Sartorial standard: Tiêu chuẩn về trang phục.
● Professional environments: Môi trường chuyên nghiệp.
● Promotes a school's identity: Tăng cường danh tính của trường.

Question 2: Why should people at work wear uniforms?

Uniforms in the workplace serve multifaceted purposes in Vietnam. They not only create a
professional and standardized appearance but also eliminate socio-economic distinctions
among employees. Uniforms foster a team spirit, breaking down visual barriers and
promoting collaboration. Moreover, they enhance workplace safety by clearly identifying staff
members. While the uniformity may limit individual expression, it undeniably contributes to a
cohesive and organized work environment.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Multifaceted purposes: Mục đích đa dạng.

● Professional and standardized appearance: Bề ngoài chuyên nghiệp và chuẩn mực.
● Eliminate socio-economic distinctions: Loại bỏ sự phân biệt xã hội và kinh tế.
● Foster a team spirit: Nuôi dưỡng tinh thần đồng đội.
● Visual barriers: Rào cản hình ảnh.
● Promoting collaboration: Khuyến khích sự hợp tác.
● Enhance workplace safety: Tăng cường an toàn lao động.
● Clearly identifying: Xác định rõ ràng.
● Uniformity: Sự đồng đều.
● Limit individual expression: Hạn chế sự biểu hiện cá nhân.
● Cohesive and organized work environment: Môi trường làm việc đồng đều và có tổ

Question 3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?

Wearing a uniform offers undeniable advantages, including fostering a sense of equality,

eliminating distractions based on clothing, and promoting a cohesive identity. However, it can
limit individual expression and creativity. While enhancing discipline and professionalism,
uniforms may also induce a sense of conformity that inhibits personal freedom. Striking a
balance between the advantages and disadvantages involves considering the specific
context and purpose of uniform implementation.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Undeniable advantages: Những ưu điểm không thể phủ nhận.

● Fostering a sense of: Nuôi dưỡng cảm giác của.
● Eliminating distractions: Loại bỏ sự xao lạc.
● Cohesive identity: Đồng nhất danh tính.
● Limit individual expression: Hạn chế sự biểu hiện cá nhân.
● Induce a sense of conformity: Gây ra sự tuân thủ.
● Inhibits personal freedom: Ngăn chặn tự do cá nhân.
● Striking a balance: Đạt được sự cân bằng.
● Specific context and purpose: Ngữ cảnh và mục đích cụ thể.
Describe an important journey that was delayed
You should say

● When it was
● Why it was important
● How it was delayed
● And how you felt about it

Several years ago, I embarked on a significant journey from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, a trip
laden with personal and professional importance. Scheduled for a crucial business meeting,
the journey held the promise of career advancements and strategic collaborations.
Unfortunately, the journey was marred by unexpected delays, primarily due to inclement
weather and logistical hiccups.

The importance of this journey stemmed from its connection to a pivotal project that could
potentially reshape the trajectory of my career. The delay, caused by an unanticipated storm,
disrupted my meticulously planned itinerary, causing a cascade effect on subsequent
meetings and commitments. As the minutes turned into hours, frustration and anxiety
burgeoned within me, realizing the potential impact on the business opportunity at hand.

Despite the challenges, I leveraged the delay as an opportunity to recalibrate my priorities

and engage in impromptu networking with fellow travelers. This unexpected turn of events
allowed me to forge connections that later proved instrumental in the success of the project.
In retrospect, while the delay initially induced stress, it ultimately became a serendipitous
detour that enriched both my personal and professional experiences.

High-level vocabulary:

● Embarked on: Bắt đầu hành trình.

● Laden with: Nặng nề với.
● Crucial business meeting: Cuộc họp kinh doanh quan trọng.
● Career advancements: Bước tiến trong sự nghiệp.
● Strategic collaborations: Hợp tác chiến lược.
● Marred by: Bị làm hỏng bởi.
● Inclement weather: Thời tiết khắc nghiệt.
● Logistical hiccups: Sự cố về hậu cần.
● Pivotal project: Dự án quan trọng.
● Reshape the trajectory: Định hình lại hướng đi.
● Meticulously planned: Được lên kế hoạch cẩn thận.
● Cascade effect: Hiệu ứng lan truyền.
● Minutes turned into hours: Phút trở thành giờ.
● Frustration and anxiety burgeoned: Sự thất vọng và lo âu gia tăng.
● Recalibrate my priorities: Điều chỉnh lại ưu tiên của tôi.
● Impromptu networking: Giao tiếp mạng ngẫu nhiên.
● Serendipitous detour: Sự tình cờ chệch hướng.
● Enriched both my personal and professional experiences: Làm phong phú cả trải
nghiệm cá nhân và nghề nghiệp của tôi.

Phrasal Verbs:
● Forge connections: Xây dựng mối quan hệ.
● Turn into: Biến thành.
● Burgeoned within: Phát triển mạnh mẽ bên trong.
● Leverage as: Tận dụng như là.
● Hold the promise of: Mang theo hứa hẹn của.

Part 3

1. How to improve the traffic condition in a city?

2. Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?

3. How can transportation in rural areas be developed?

Question 1: How to improve the traffic condition in a city?

Improving the traffic conditions in a city like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City requires a
multifaceted approach. Firstly, investing in an efficient and extensive public transportation
system can incentivize people to opt for buses or trains, reducing the number of private
vehicles on the road. Additionally, implementing and strictly enforcing traffic regulations can
instill a sense of discipline among drivers, leading to smoother traffic flow. Furthermore,
encouraging alternative modes of transportation such as cycling and walking through
dedicated lanes and infrastructure can alleviate congestion. Finally, employing smart traffic
management systems and integrating technology for real-time monitoring can enhance
overall traffic efficiency.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Multifaceted approach: Tiếp cận đa chiều.

● Investing in: Đầu tư vào.
● Incentivize people: Khuyến khích người dân.
● Reducing the number of: Giảm số lượng.
● Strictly enforcing: Thực hiện một cách nghiêm túc.
● Instill a sense of discipline: Gieo vào lòng tự giác.
● Smoother traffic flow: Luồng giao thông trơn tru.
● Encouraging alternative modes of transportation: Khuyến khích các phương tiện giao
thông thay thế.
● Alleviate congestion: Giảm ùn tắc.
● Employing smart traffic management systems: Sử dụng hệ thống quản lý giao thông
thông minh.
● Integrating technology for real-time monitoring: Kết hợp công nghệ để theo dõi thời
gian thực.
● Enhance overall traffic efficiency: Tăng cường hiệu quả giao thông tổng thể.

Question 2: Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?

Even if public transportation were free of charge in Vietnam, the choice to drive a car might
still persist for certain individuals due to factors like convenience, flexibility, and the absence
of a well-connected public transit network. While cost is a significant deterrent for many,
others may prioritize the comfort and autonomy that come with private vehicles. Therefore,
to encourage a shift towards public transportation, it is crucial to not only make it financially
attractive but also enhance its accessibility, reliability, and coverage.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Persist for: Vẫn tồn tại cho.

● Due to factors like: Do các yếu tố như.
● Convenience and flexibility: Tiện ích và linh hoạt.
● The absence of a well-connected public transit network: Sự thiếu hụt của một mạng
lưới giao thông công cộng được kết nối tốt.
● Significant deterrent: Rào cản quan trọng.
● Comfort and autonomy: Sự thoải mái và tự do.
● Encourage a shift towards: Khuyến khích sự chuyển đổi về phía.
● Financially attractive: Hấp dẫn về mặt tài chính.
● Enhance its accessibility: Nâng cao khả năng tiếp cận của nó.
● Reliability and coverage: Độ tin cậy và phạm vi.

Question 3: How can transportation in rural areas be developed?

Developing transportation in rural areas in Vietnam necessitates a comprehensive strategy.

Firstly, investing in the construction and maintenance of well-paved roads is crucial to
facilitate smoother connectivity between villages. Introducing and enhancing public
transportation options, such as buses or shared vehicles, can provide affordable and efficient
means for rural residents. Additionally, promoting the use of bicycles and motorcycles,
particularly in areas with challenging terrain, can offer flexible and eco-friendly alternatives.
Moreover, leveraging technology for ride-sharing services and ensuring regular maintenance
of existing infrastructure will contribute to the overall development of transportation in rural

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Necessitates a comprehensive strategy: Yêu cầu một chiến lược toàn diện.
● Construction and maintenance: Xây dựng và bảo dưỡng.
● Well-paved roads: Đường đầy đủ và bảo trì tốt.
● Facilitate smoother connectivity: Tạo điều kiện kết nối mượt mà hơn.
● Introducing and enhancing: Giới thiệu và cải thiện.
● Affordable and efficient means: Phương tiện chi phí hợp và hiệu quả.
Describe a time when you helped someone (you worked or
studied with)
You should say:

● Who you helped

● Why you helped him/her
● How you helped him/her
● And explain how you felt about the experience

During my time at the university in Hanoi, I encountered a fellow student, Linh, who was
grappling with the complexities of a challenging research project. Recognizing her struggle, I
decided to lend a helping hand. The primary reason behind my assistance was to foster a
collaborative learning environment and to ensure that no one felt overwhelmed by the
academic demands.

To aid Linh, I initiated regular study sessions where we could brainstorm ideas, discuss
methodologies, and troubleshoot issues together. Employing my own research experience, I
provided valuable insights and guidance, elucidating complex concepts to enhance her
understanding. Witnessing Linh's gradual progress and newfound confidence brought
immense satisfaction. Moreover, this collaborative effort not only benefited Linh but also
enriched my own learning experience, reinforcing the belief that knowledge flourishes when

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Grapple with: Đối mặt với một vấn đề khó khăn.

● Complexities of a challenging research project: Những khía cạnh phức tạp của một
dự án nghiên cứu khó khăn.
● Foster a collaborative learning environment: Tạo môi trường học tập hợp tác.
● Ensure that no one felt overwhelmed: Đảm bảo rằng không ai cảm thấy quá tải.
● Initiated regular study sessions: Bắt đầu các buổi học đều đặn.
● Brainstorm ideas: Nảy ra ý tưởng.
● Discuss methodologies: Thảo luận về phương pháp luận.
● Troubleshoot issues together: Giải quyết vấn đề cùng nhau.
● Provide valuable insights: Cung cấp cái nhìn quan trọng.
● Elucidating complex concepts: Giải thích rõ ràng về các khái niệm phức tạp.
● Witnessing gradual progress: Chứng kiến sự tiến triển từ từ.
● Newfound confidence: Sự tự tin mới tìm thấy.
● Collaborative effort: Nỗ lực hợp tác.
● Enriched my own learning experience: Làm phong phú thêm trải nghiệm học tập của
● Reinforcing the belief that knowledge flourishes when shared: Củng cố niềm tin rằng
kiến thức phát triển khi được chia sẻ.

Part 3

1. Should people be very kind when they help others?

2. Should children be taugh to be kind to others?

3. How do you compare kindness with other qualities?

Question 1:

In the cultural fabric of Vietnam, emphasizing kindness when extending help is highly valued.
The intrinsic belief is that genuine assistance is rooted in empathy and compassion.
Therefore, it is expected that people exhibit kindness when aiding others, fostering a sense
of unity and community. This approach not only aids the person in need but also contributes
to the broader social harmony, a cornerstone of Vietnamese values.

Question 2:

Absolutely, instilling kindness in children is considered a fundamental aspect of their

upbringing in Vietnam. Parents and educators play pivotal roles in teaching children the
importance of compassion, consideration, and empathy towards others. By incorporating
these values into their education, children develop a strong moral compass, contributing to a
society where mutual respect and support are paramount.

Question 3:

Kindness, in comparison to other qualities, stands out as a virtue that transcends individual
differences. While intelligence and skill are valuable, kindness serves as a unifying force that
bridges gaps in understanding and fosters a supportive environment. In Vietnamese culture,
kindness is often seen as a prerequisite for harmonious relationships and community

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Intrinsic belief: Niềm tin bản chất.

● Cultural fabric: Sợi dây văn hóa.
● Genuine assistance: Sự giúp đỡ chân thành.
● Rooted in empathy and compassion: Nảy mầm từ sự đồng cảm và lòng trắc ẩn.
● Fostering a sense of unity and community: Nuôi dưỡng tinh thần đoàn kết và cộng
● Pivotal roles: Những vai trò quan trọng.
● Moral compass: La bàn đạo đức.
● Paramount: Quan trọng nhất.
● Transcends individual differences: Vượt lên trên sự khác biệt cá nhân.
● Bridges gaps in understanding: Chống lại khoảng cách trong sự hiểu biết.
● Unifying force: Lực lượng thống nhất.
● Prerequisite for harmonious relationships: Tiên quyết cho mối quan hệ hòa thuận.
● Community well-being: Sự phồn thịnh của cộng đồng.
Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after
watching it
You should say:

● What it was
● When and Where you watched it
● Who you watched it with
● And explain why it made you feel strong.

One movie that left an indelible impact on me is "The Scent of Green Papaya," a Vietnamese
cinematic masterpiece directed by Tran Anh Hung. I had the privilege of watching it a few
years ago at a quaint independent cinema in Hanoi with a close friend. The film unfolds
against the backdrop of 1950s Saigon, weaving a poetic narrative that captures the essence
of Vietnamese culture and the nuances of daily life.

What made this cinematic experience profound was its ability to evoke a deep sense of
nostalgia and pride in my cultural heritage. The exquisite cinematography, coupled with the
evocative storytelling, painted a vivid picture of Vietnam's rich traditions and the resilience of
its people amidst historical challenges. Watching it with a friend who shared a similar
appreciation for our cultural roots enhanced the emotional resonance of the film.

The movie, with its poignant portrayal of ordinary moments infused with extraordinary depth,
left me feeling a profound sense of connection to my roots. It instilled in me a renewed
appreciation for the beauty inherent in simplicity and the enduring strength that emanates
from cultural identity.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Indelible impact: Ảnh hưởng không thể xóa nhòa.

● Cinematic masterpiece: Kiệt tác điện ảnh.
● Quaint independent cinema: Rạp chiếu phim độc lập lạ mắt.
● Unfolds against the backdrop: Diễn ra trước bối cảnh.
● Nuances of daily life: Sắc thái của cuộc sống hàng ngày.
● Profound sense of nostalgia: Cảm giác sâu sắc của lòng hoài niệm.
● Cultural heritage: Di sản văn hóa.
● Exquisite cinematography: Nghệ thuật quay phim tinh tế.
● Evocative storytelling: Câu chuyện gợi cảm.
● Vivid picture: Bức tranh sống động.
● Resilience of its people: Sự kiên cường của những người dân.
● Appreciation for the beauty inherent in simplicity: Sự trân trọng vẻ đẹp ẩn sau sự đơn
● Enduring strength: Sức mạnh vững chắc.
● Emotional resonance: Sự gắn kết cảm xúc.
● Renewed appreciation: Sự đánh giá lại mạnh mẽ.

Part 3

1. What movies young people are watching now?

2. What is the difference between going to the cinema and at home?

3. Do you think people will prefer watching movies in theaters in the future?

Question 1:

In Vietnam, young people are currently gravitating towards a diverse range of films, with a
notable interest in both international blockbusters and locally produced movies. Hollywood
releases often dominate the cinema landscape, reflecting the globalized nature of the film
industry. Additionally, there is a growing appreciation for Vietnamese indie films, which offer
a unique perspective on contemporary societal issues and cultural nuances.

Question 2:

The difference between going to the cinema and watching movies at home lies not only in
the viewing experience but also in the social aspect. Cinemas provide a larger-than-life
screen, immersive sound systems, and the communal atmosphere of shared emotions with
an audience. On the other hand, watching at home offers comfort, flexibility, and the ability to
control the viewing environment. Despite the convenience of home viewing, the cinematic
experience remains unparalleled, especially for major releases that warrant a grand

Question 3:

While home entertainment systems continue to advance, I believe people will maintain a
preference for watching movies in theaters. The allure of the cinematic ambiance, the thrill of
a shared experience, and the unparalleled audio-visual quality in theaters create an
irreplaceable allure. Additionally, the film industry's commitment to enhancing the cinematic
experience, for instance, through technologies like IMAX and 3D, ensures that the allure of
theaters will persist into the future.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Gravitating towards: Hướng về.

● Dominate the cinema landscape: Chiếm lĩnh cảnh đồng đẳng phim ảnh.
● Contemporary societal issues: Vấn đề xã hội đương đại.
● Cultural nuances: Sắc thái văn hóa.
● Larger-than-life screen: Màn hình lớn hơn cuộc sống.
● Immersive sound systems: Hệ thống âm thanh sâu rộng.
● Communal atmosphere: Bầu không khí cộng đồng.
● Unparalleled experience: Trải nghiệm không giống ai.
● Warrant a grand presentation: Đòi hỏi một buổi trình chiếu lớn.
● Allure of the cinematic ambiance: Sức hấp dẫn của không khí điện ảnh.
Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently
that makes you happy
You should say:

● What the activity is

● Who invited you to participate in it
● Whether you asked for help in the activity
● And explain what change you had in the activity

Recently, I had the pleasure of partaking in an exhilarating outdoor activity in the picturesque
highlands of Da Nang, Vietnam. The activity, organized by a local adventure group, was
paragliding over the stunning landscapes. Initially invited by a friend, I eagerly accepted the
invitation, yearning for an adrenaline-packed experience.

As a novice in paragliding, I did seek guidance and assistance from the experienced
instructors accompanying us. They diligently briefed us on safety measures and intricacies
of the activity, ensuring a seamless and secure adventure. The change I experienced during
this activity was not only a literal change in altitude but also a profound shift in perspective.
Soaring above the breathtaking mountains and pristine beaches, I gained a newfound
appreciation for the natural beauty of my homeland.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Exhilarating: Hứng khởi, làm phấn khích.

● Partaking in: Tham gia vào.
● Picturesque: Đẹp như tranh, pittoresque.
● Adrenaline-packed: Đầy cảm xúc, hứng khởi.
● Yearning for: Khao khát, mong đợi.
● Novice: Người mới học, người mới tham gia.
● Intricacies: Sự phức tạp, sự rối bời.
● Seamless: Mượt mà, không gián đoạn.
● Profound shift: Sự thay đổi sâu sắc.
● Soaring above: Bay lượn trên.

Part 3

1. Where do people like to go for these activities?

2. What outdoor activities are popular in Vietnam?

3. Are those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful?

4. Do you think it’s better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?

5. Should young people try as many new activities as possible?

6. When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?

Question 1:
People in Vietnam often gravitate towards scenic locations for outdoor activities, and one of
the popular choices is the lush countryside or the pristine beaches. These natural settings
provide a serene backdrop for activities like hiking, picnicking, or simply immersing oneself in
the tranquility of nature.

Question 2:

Vietnam boasts a diverse range of outdoor activities that cater to various interests. Trekking
in the mesmerizing landscapes of Sapa, exploring the enchanting caves in Phong Nha, or
indulging in water sports along the stunning coastline are among the favorites. Additionally,
traditional games like đá cầu (foot shuttlecock) and kite flying are cherished outdoor

Question 3:

While enjoying dangerous activities can be thrilling, success is not solely determined by
one's preference for risk. Success is multifaceted, encompassing factors such as
determination, skill, and strategic thinking. Engaging in risky activities may foster qualities
like resilience, but success hinges on a holistic approach to personal and professional

Question 4:

Embracing new opportunities in the job market can be advantageous. The dynamic nature of
industries requires individuals to adapt, and seizing new chances can lead to career growth
and expanded skill sets. However, the decision to change jobs should be a well-considered
one, weighing the potential benefits against the associated risks.

Question 5:

Encouraging young people to explore diverse activities is beneficial for their personal
development. Exposure to various pursuits fosters adaptability, resilience, and a
well-rounded skill set. It helps them discover their interests and strengths, laying a
foundation for future success.

Question 6:

People in Vietnam often seek solace in nature during weekends or holidays. Whether it's a
leisurely stroll in a park, a family picnic in the countryside, or a beach retreat, going outdoors
provides an opportunity to unwind, reconnect with loved ones, and appreciate the beauty of
the natural surroundings.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Gravitate towards: Hướng về, hấp dẫn.

● Scenic locations: Địa điểm có cảnh đẹp.
● Pristine beaches: Bãi biển nguyên sơ.
● Enchanting caves: Hang động quyến rũ.
● Pastimes: Sở thích, trò giải trí.
● Seizing new chances: Nắm bắt cơ hội mới.
● Holistic approach: Tiếp cận toàn diện.
● Adaptability: Khả năng thích ứng.
● Well-considered: Được cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng.
● Foundation for future success: Nền tảng cho sự thành công trong tương lai.
Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live
without it
You should say:

● What it is
● What you can do with it
● How often you use it
● And explain why you cannot live without it

One indispensable item in my home is my state-of-the-art tablet, a versatile device that has
become an integral part of my daily life. This cutting-edge gadget allows me to accomplish a
myriad of tasks, from staying connected with friends and family through video calls to
managing my professional commitments efficiently.

The tablet serves as a hub for both work and leisure. Its -friendly interface facilitates
seamless navigation, and I use it to engage in online meetings, browse informative content,
and indulge in e-books during leisure hours. Its compact design and portability make it a
constant companion, accompanying me wherever I go.

The frequency of usage is remarkably high, as it becomes my go-to tool for communication,
research, and entertainment. Its efficiency in multitasking streamlines my workflow, enabling
me to strike a balance between productivity and relaxation.

I cannot envision my life without this technological marvel due to its multifunctionality and the
convenience it brings to my fingertips. Whether it's for professional endeavors or personal
enrichment, the tablet has evolved from a mere electronic device to an indispensable
companion that significantly enhances the quality and efficiency of my daily activities.

High-level vocabulary:

● Indispensable: Không thể thiếu.

● State-of-the-art: Hiện đại nhất.
● Versatile: Đa năng.
● Integral: Quan trọng, không thể thiếu.
● Myriad: Đa dạng, vô số.
● Cutting-edge: Tiên tiến, mới nhất.
● -friendly interface: Giao diện thân thiện với người dùng.
● Seamless navigation: Điều hướng mượt mà.
● Compact design: Thiết kế nhỏ gọn.
● Portability: Khả năng di động.
● Go-to tool: Công cụ lựa chọn.
● Multifunctionality: Tính đa năng.
● Streamline: Tối ưu hóa, làm cho mọi thứ trở nên thuận lợi hơn.
● Enrichment: Sự làm phong phú, làm giàu thêm.
● Technological marvel: Kỳ quan công nghệ.

Part 3

1. What equipment do you find difficult to use?

2. What can you do with a laptop?

3. What are the benefits of using technology in the workplace?

4. Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology?

5. Why do people buy a lot of household appliances?

6. What do people often do with electronic devices?

Question 1:

One piece of equipment I find challenging to use is a 3D printer. The intricacies of setting it
up and understanding the software configurations can be quite perplexing, requiring a steep
learning curve.

Question 2:

A laptop, being a versatile gadget, serves a multitude of purposes. It allows s to engage in

tasks ranging from professional work, such as creating documents and presentations, to
leisure activities like watching movies, playing games, and connecting with others through
various online platforms.

Question 3:

The integration of technology in the workplace brings about numerous advantages. It

enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, facilitates seamless communication
through digital platforms, and provides access to a vast pool of information for research and

Question 4:

Some individuals in the workplace harbor a dislike for technology due to factors like fear of
change, a lack of familiarity with new tools, or concerns about job displacement. Overcoming
these reservations often requires comprehensive training and support.

Question 5:

The prevalent purchase of household appliances can be attributed to the convenience they
bring to daily life. These devices, ranging from smart kitchen appliances to automated
cleaning tools, streamline chores, saving time and effort for individuals.

Question 6:

Electronic devices are commonly used for entertainment and communication. People often
engage in activities such as browsing social media, streaming content, or participating in
online forums to stay connected and entertained.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Intricacies: Sự phức tạp.

● Perplexing: Khó hiểu, làm rối bời.
● Steep learning curve: Độ cong học tốc độ.
● Versatile gadget: Thiết bị đa năng.
● Leisure activities: Hoạt động giải trí.
● Seamless communication: Giao tiếp mượt mà.
● Vast pool of information: Nguồn thông tin rộng lớn.
● Harbor a dislike: Nuối tiếc, có sự không hài lòng.
● Job displacement: Mất việc làm.
● Comprehensive training: Đào tạo toàn diện.
● Automated cleaning tools: Công cụ làm sạch tự động.
● Streamline chores: Tối ưu hóa công việc nhà.
● Saving time and effort: Tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức.
● Stay connected: Giữ liên lạc.
● Entertained: Giải trí.
Describe a street market you have been to
You should say:

● Where it is
● What you can buy there
● Why you chose to go to this market
● And explain what you think about the street market

I recently visited the bustling Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Nestled in the
heart of the city, this vibrant market is renowned for its kaleidoscope of colors, aromatic
scents, and a plethora of goods that showcase the essence of Vietnamese culture.

Upon strolling through its labyrinthine alleys, one can find an array of local products, from
handcrafted souvenirs to exquisite textiles and aromatic spices. The market, a mecca for
food enthusiasts, offers an enticing selection of street food, allowing visitors to indulge in
authentic Vietnamese flavors.

I chose to explore Ben Thanh Market to immerse myself in the local atmosphere and witness
the dynamic energy that defines Vietnamese markets. The lively exchanges between
vendors and buyers, the haggling over prices, and the palpable sense of community
contribute to an unforgettable experience.

What strikes me about this street market is its ability to encapsulate the spirit of Vietnam. It
serves as a microcosm of the nation's rich history, diverse traditions, and the resilience of its
people. The market, a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds, is a testament to the dynamic
nature of Vietnamese commerce and an indispensable part of the cultural fabric.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Bustling: Nhộn nhịp, sôi động.

● Kaleidoscope: Đa dạng, phong phú.
● Aromatic scents: Hương thơm.
● Plethora: Sự đa dạng, phong phú.
● Essence: Bản chất.
● Labyrinthine alleys: Những con ngõ rối bời.
● Handcrafted souvenirs: Đồ lưu niệm làm thủ công.
● Exquisite textiles: Vải lụa tinh tế.
● Aromatic spices: Gia vị thơm ngon.
● Mecca: Nơi hấp dẫn đặc biệt.
● Street food: Đồ ăn đường phố.
● Indulge in: Thưởng thức.
● Palpable: Rõ ràng, có thể cảm nhận được.
● Haggling over prices: Mặc cả giá.
● Microcosm: Việc nhỏ mô phỏng một thế giới lớn.
● Dynamic nature: Bản chất động đậy, thay đổi liên tục.
● Cultural fabric: Bức tranh văn hóa.

Part 3
1. Where do people buy things?

2. Do people go to big stores or small stores more often? Why?

3. Are special services valuable to the store?

Question 1:

In Vietnam, people commonly buy things from a diverse range of places, reflecting the rich
retail landscape in the country. Traditional markets, such as Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi
Minh City or Dong Xuan Market in Hanoi, offer a unique shopping experience where one can
find local produce, handicrafts, and a variety of goods. Additionally, shopping malls and
supermarkets have gained popularity in urban areas, providing a modern and convenient
environment for purchasing daily necessities.

Question 2:

The shopping preferences in Vietnam vary, with people frequently visiting both big and small
stores based on their needs. While larger stores and supermarkets are favored for their
convenience and a comprehensive array of products, small stores, or "mom-and-pop" shops,
still play a crucial role. These smaller establishments often offer personalized service, a
sense of community, and locally sourced items, attracting customers seeking a more
intimate and familiar shopping atmosphere.

Question 3:

Special services indeed add significant value to stores in Vietnam. Services such as home
delivery, loyalty programs, and personalized assistance enhance the overall shopping
experience. In a competitive market, stores that provide extra services tend to build stronger
customer relationships and loyalty. These special services contribute to customer
satisfaction and set a store apart from others, influencing the choice of where people decide
to make their purchases.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Diverse range: Sự đa dạng.

● Retail landscape: Quang cảnh bán lẻ.
● Handicrafts: Đồ thủ công.
● Shopping malls: Trung tâm mua sắm.
● Comprehensive array: Một loạt đầy đủ.
● Mom-and-pop: Cửa hàng gia đình nhỏ.
● Intimate: Thân thiện, gần gũi.
● Familiar shopping atmosphere: Bầu không khí mua sắm quen thuộc.
● Home delivery: Dịch vụ giao hàng tận nhà.
● Loyalty programs: Chương trình khách hàng thân thiết.
● Personalized assistance: Hỗ trợ cá nhân hóa.
● Customer satisfaction: Sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a
You should say:

● What it is
● When you learned it
● Who you learned it from
● And explain how you feel about this skill

During my teenage years in Vietnam, I acquired a valuable skill that has proven indispensable
in both my personal and professional life – effective time management. I developed this skill
during high school, a period marked by academic challenges and diverse extracurricular
activities. I learned this essential skill from my elder sister, who was a stellar student
managing various responsibilities effortlessly.

Mastering time management allowed me to juggle academic commitments, participate in

extracurricular activities, and maintain a healthy social life. My sister imparted strategies for
prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balance between study and
leisure. This skill not only contributed to my academic success but also laid a foundation for
organizational proficiency in adulthood.

Feeling empowered by the ability to efficiently allocate time, I entered university and the
professional world with confidence. The skill has enabled me to tackle complex projects,
meet deadlines, and find time for personal growth. I am grateful for this skill as it continues
to shape my approach to challenges, fostering productivity and a sense of accomplishment.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Indispensable: Không thể thiếu.

● Diverse extracurricular activities: Các hoạt động ngoại khóa đa dạng.
● Stellar student: Học sinh xuất sắc.
● Effortlessly: Một cách nhẹ nhàng, không gặp khó khăn.
● Imparted: Truyền đạt.
● Juggle: Điều chỉnh nhiều công việc cùng một lúc.
● Prioritizing tasks: Ưu tiên công việc.
● Maintaining a balance: Giữ được sự cân bằng.
● Laid a foundation: Đặt nền tảng.
● Organizational proficiency: Năng lực tổ chức.
● Tackle complex projects: Xử lý các dự án phức tạp.
● Sense of accomplishment: Cảm giác thành công.

Part 3

1. Where do children learn skills in your country?

2. What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?
3. What important skills should a child learn?

4. What skills do you think teenagers should have?

5. Who should teach teenagers skills?

6. What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills?

Question 1: Where do children learn skills in your country?

In Vietnam, children primarily learn essential skills from a combination of formal education
and real-world experiences. Schools play a crucial role in imparting academic and social
skills, while families contribute to practical life skills through daily interactions and
responsibilities. Additionally, extracurricular activities, such as sports and arts programs,
provide a platform for holistic skill development.

Question 2: What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?

Learning skills independently fosters self-reliance and creativity, allowing individuals to

explore and innovate. Conversely, acquiring skills from others offers the benefit of shared
knowledge and experience, providing guidance and often a structured learning environment.
While self-learning encourages initiative, learning from others promotes collaboration and a
faster acquisition of expertise.

Question 3: What important skills should a child learn?

Children should acquire a range of skills, including effective communication, critical thinking,
problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Additionally, fostering creativity, adaptability, and
resilience are essential for their future success in an ever-changing world.

Question 4: What skills do you think teenagers should have?

Teenagers should develop practical life skills such as time management, decision-making,
financial literacy, and digital proficiency. Furthermore, honing soft skills like teamwork,
leadership, and emotional intelligence prepares them for the challenges of adulthood.

Question 5: Who should teach teenagers skills?

The responsibility of teaching teenagers skills falls on a collaborative effort involving

parents, educators, and mentors. Schools should integrate life skills into the curriculum,
while parents and mentors offer guidance and practical insights based on their experiences.

Question 6: What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning

Children often learn foundational skills in a structured educational setting, whereas adults
tend to focus on specialized skills relevant to their careers or personal interests. Adults bring
prior experiences and a deeper understanding of their learning preferences, allowing for
more self-directed and targeted skill acquisition.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Holistic skill development: Phát triển kỹ năng toàn diện.
● Structured learning environment: Môi trường học tập có cấu trúc.
● Self-reliance: Tự chủ.
● Adaptability: Sự thích ứng.
● Financial literacy: Hiểu biết về tài chính.
● Digital proficiency: Năng lực số.
● Honing soft skills: Mài dũa kỹ năng mềm.
● Collaborative effort: Sự cố gắng hợp tác.
● Life skills: Kỹ năng sống.
● Specialized skills: Kỹ năng chuyên sâu.
● Prior experiences: Kinh nghiệm trước đây.
● Targeted skill acquisition: Việc học kỹ năng đích thị.

Describe a time when you were very busy

You should say:

● When this time was

● Why you were so busy
● What you did to deal with the situation
● And explain how you felt about being so busy

A particularly hectic period in my life occurred during my final year of university in Vietnam.
As the culmination of my academic journey, I found myself immersed in a myriad of
responsibilities, including completing a demanding thesis, managing group projects, and
preparing for comprehensive exams.

The intensity of my schedule stemmed from the need to meet strict deadlines and excel
academically. To cope with the overwhelming workload, I implemented a meticulous time
management strategy, prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance. Additionally, I
sought support from classmates, fostering a collaborative environment where we shared
insights and divided tasks efficiently.

Despite the stress associated with such a busy period, I felt a profound sense of
accomplishment as I navigated through challenges. The experience not only honed my
organizational and multitasking skills but also reinforced my resilience in the face of
adversity. Moreover, the collaborative efforts with my peers not only lightened the workload
but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Hectic period: Kỳ thời gian bận rộn.

● Culmination: Sự đạt đến đỉnh điểm.
● Immersed in: Đắm chìm trong.
● Myriad of responsibilities: Nhiều trách nhiệm đa dạng.
● Comprehensive exams: Kỳ thi tổng hợp.
● Meticulous time management: Quản lý thời gian tỉ mỉ.
● Navigated through challenges: Vượt qua những thách thức.
● Reinforced resilience: Tăng cường sự kiên cường.
● Collaborative environment: Môi trường cộng tác.
● Divide tasks efficiently: Phân chia công việc hiệu quả.
● Profound sense of accomplishment: Cảm giác thành tựu sâu sắc.
● Camaraderie: Tình bạn đồng đội.

Part 3

1. Why do people often feel tired in this day and age?

2. Do you think people will feel even more tired in the future?

3. Is time management important?

4. How does technology help with time management?

5. Does technology distract people?

Question 1:

In contemporary society, people often experience fatigue due to the fast-paced lifestyle, high
work demands, and constant connectivity. The relentless pursuit of career goals, coupled
with the pressure to maintain a work-life balance, contributes to the prevalent sense of
tiredness among individuals.

Question 2:

There is a likelihood that people will continue to experience increased fatigue in the future.
As technological advancements accelerate, the expectations for productivity and efficiency
may intensify, potentially leading to extended working hours and greater mental strain.

Question 3:

Undoubtedly, time management is crucial in the modern world. The ability to allocate time
efficiently ensures optimal productivity and a balanced lifestyle. Effective time management
allows individuals to meet deadlines, achieve personal and professional goals, and reduce
stress associated with overwhelming responsibilities.

Question 4:

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing time management. Calendar applications, task
organizers, and project management tools streamline daily activities, aiding individuals in
prioritizing tasks and allocating time effectively. These digital tools provide real-time
updates, fostering adaptability in managing dynamic schedules.

Question 5:

While technology offers valuable tools for time management, it can also be a source of
distraction. Social media, notifications, and constant connectivity may divert attention,
leading to decreased focus and productivity. Striking a balance between leveraging
technology for efficiency and minimizing distractions is essential.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Fast-paced lifestyle: Lối sống nhanh chóng.

● Relentless pursuit: Sự theo đuổi không ngừng.
● Work-life balance: Cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống.
● Optimal productivity: Năng suất tối ưu.
● Mental strain: Áp lực tinh thần.
● Increased fatigue: Sự mệt mỏi gia tăng.
● Streamline daily activities: Tối ưu hóa hoạt động hàng ngày.
● Prioritize tasks: Ưu tiên công việc.
● Real-time updates: Cập nhật ngay lập tức.
● Dynamic schedules: Lịch trình linh hoạt.
● Source of distraction: Nguồn gốc làm phiền tâm.
● Striking a balance: Thiết lập sự cân bằng.
Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time
You should say:

● How long you have had this goal

● What the goal is
● How you will achieve it
● And explain how important it is to you

For many years, I have harbored the profound aspiration of establishing a sustainable
community outreach program in the rural areas of Vietnam. This goal has been ingrained in
my mind since my formative years, driven by a desire to contribute positively to the lives of
those residing in underserved regions.

The goal, at its core, is to develop an educational initiative that empowers local communities
by providing access to quality education, vocational training, and healthcare services. The
blueprint for its realization involves collaborating with local stakeholders, leveraging
technology for remote learning, and fostering partnerships with non-profit organizations.

Achieving this goal is not merely a personal ambition but a commitment to bridging
socio-economic gaps and fostering long-term community development. The profound
significance lies in creating a lasting impact on individuals' lives, offering them opportunities
for growth, and ultimately contributing to the broader development of the nation.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Harbored: Nuôi dưỡng (một ước mơ hoặc mục tiêu).

● Profound aspiration: Hoài bão sâu sắc.
● Ingrained: Được ghi sâu.
● Underserved regions: Khu vực thiếu nguồn lực và dịch vụ.
● Blueprint for realization: Kế hoạch chi tiết để đạt được mục tiêu.
● Leveraging technology: Tận dụng công nghệ.
● Remote learning: Học từ xa.
● Fostering partnerships: Tạo ra các mối quan hệ đối tác.
● Socio-economic gaps: Khoảng cách xã hội và kinh tế.
● Bridging gaps: Chống lại sự chia rẽ.
● Fostering long-term development: Khuyến khích phát triển dài hạn.
● Creating a lasting impact: Tạo ra ảnh hưởng lâu dài.

Part 3

1. What do young people have for goals?

2. How to be better prepared for your goals?

3. If your friend does not have goals, what do you do to help?

4. Is it necessary to give advice to children?

Question 1:
In Vietnam, young people are increasingly setting diverse goals, encompassing academic
achievements, career aspirations, personal development, and societal contributions. Many
aim for educational excellence, aspiring to secure admission to reputable universities or
pursue specific career paths that align with their passions.

Question 2:

Being better prepared for goals involves meticulous planning, continuous learning, and
adaptability. It's crucial to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, seek mentorship, and
engage in practical experiences. Additionally, fostering a growth mindset and resilience is
essential in navigating challenges that may arise on the path to achieving one's goals.

Question 3:

When a friend lacks clear goals, I would engage in open conversations to understand their
interests and values. Offering support in exploring potential aspirations, providing resources,
and encouraging self-reflection can help them identify meaningful goals. Offering guidance
without imposing personal opinions allows for autonomy in goal-setting.

Question 4:

Certainly, providing advice to children is essential for their holistic development. It helps
shape their values, instills a sense of responsibility, and provides guidance in
decision-making. However, it's crucial to strike a balance, encouraging independence and
critical thinking while offering a supportive framework for their growth.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Diverse goals: Mục tiêu đa dạng.

● Reputable universities: Các trường đại học uy tín.
● Align with passions: Phù hợp với đam mê.
● Meticulous planning: Lập kế hoạch tỷ mỉ.
● Growth mindset: Tư duy phát triển.
● Resilience: Sự kiên trì, sự chống chọi lại khó khăn.
● Navigate challenges: Vượt qua thách thức.
● Engage in open conversations: Tham gia vào cuộc trò chuyện mở cửa.
● Holistic development: Phát triển toàn diện.
● Instill a sense of responsibility: Gia tăng tinh thần trách nhiệm.
● Critical thinking: Tư duy phê phán.
Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on
You should say:

● When and where you went

● Who you went with
● What you did there
● And explain why it was unusual

Last summer, I embarked on an extraordinary holiday to the remote terrains of Northern

Vietnam, accompanied by a group of adventurous friends. Our expedition led us to the
mesmerizing landscapes of Ha Giang Province, where we engaged in unconventional
activities, steering clear of typical tourist spots.

Venturing off the beaten path, we hiked through lush terraced rice fields, explored ethnic
minority villages, and navigated the challenging passes on motorbikes. The uniqueness of
this vacation stemmed from the immersion into the local culture, where we participated in
traditional ceremonies and relished authentic cuisine.

What set this holiday apart was its departure from conventional itineraries, allowing us to
forge genuine connections with the indigenous communities. The absence of mainstream
attractions rendered the experience rare and truly memorable, unveiling the raw beauty of
Vietnam's northern region.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Embarked on: Khởi hành.

● Remote terrains: Vùng đất hẻo lánh.
● Expedition: Cuộc thám hiểm.
● Mesmerizing landscapes: Cảnh đẹp quyến rũ.
● Unconventional activities: Hoạt động phi truyền thống.
● Steering clear of: Tránh xa khỏi.
● Off the beaten path: Đi theo con đường ít người đi qua.
● Lush terraced rice fields: Ruộng bậc thang mát lành.
● Indigenous communities: Cộng đồng bản địa.
● Forge genuine connections: Xây dựng mối quan hệ chân thành.
● Mainstream attractions: Điểm thu hút phổ biến.
● Raw beauty: Vẻ đẹp nguyên sơ.

Part 3

1. Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays?

2. Which holidays are popular in your country?

3. What are the difference between old and young people when spending their holidays?

4. Do you think having holidays help people learn other countries’ cultures?

5. Why do some people dislike holidays?

Question 1:

In Vietnam, the duration of holidays is somewhat variable, and opinions on whether they are
long enough differ. While some people appreciate the existing holidays, others feel that more
extended breaks would enhance work-life balance and foster well-being. However, the
importance of holidays goes beyond their length, emphasizing the need for quality leisure

Question 2:

Several holidays hold cultural significance in Vietnam, with Tet, the Lunar New Year, being the
most prominent. During Tet, families gather, and there's an atmosphere of joy and
celebration. Other popular holidays include the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is especially
cherished by children, and National Day, marking the country's independence.

Question 3:

The disparity in how old and young people spend their holidays is noticeable. Older
generations often engage in traditional customs and family-oriented activities, valuing
cultural heritage. In contrast, younger individuals may lean towards more modern and
diverse recreational pursuits, reflecting evolving societal trends.

Question 4:

Undoubtedly, holidays play a crucial role in fostering cross-cultural understanding. By taking

trips abroad or participating in multicultural events, people can gain insights into other
countries' customs, traditions, and ways of life, contributing to a more interconnected world.

Question 5:

While many cherish holidays, some individuals, particularly those deeply engrossed in their
work or facing personal challenges, may dislike holidays due to feelings of isolation or lack
of purpose during these breaks.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Variable: Biến đổi, thay đổi.

● Enhance: Nâng cao, làm tăng cường.
● Foster: Nuôi dưỡng, thúc đẩy.
● Well-being: Sức khỏe và hạnh phúc.
● Cherished: Được trân trọng, quý mến.
● Cultural significance: Ý nghĩa văn hóa.
● Atmosphere of joy: Bầu không khí của niềm vui.
● Recreational pursuits: Hoạt động giải trí.
● Evolving societal trends: Xu hướng xã hội đang phát triển.
● Cross-cultural understanding: Hiểu biết đa văn hóa.
● Engrossed in: Dày công với, mải mê vào.
Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining
about something in the public (in the restaurant or other place)
You should say:

● When and where it happened

● What he/she complained about
● What the result was
● And explain how you felt about the experience

Certainly, I vividly recall an incident when I encountered someone expressing their

dissatisfaction publicly. It took place last year at a renowned restaurant in Hanoi, renowned
for its delectable local cuisine. As I relished my meal, I overheard a disgruntled customer at
the adjacent table vociferously complaining about the service and the perceived delay in
receiving their order.

The individual, clearly vexed, articulated their grievances about the slow service and
inaccuracies in their dish. The restaurant staff, to their credit, responded promptly by offering
a sincere apology and rectifying the errors in the order. However, despite the resolution, the
disgruntled customer continued their tirade, causing a momentary disruption in the
otherwise pleasant ambiance.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort witnessing the public display of dissatisfaction.
While customer feedback is integral for service improvement, the abrasive manner of the
complaint detracted from the overall dining experience. It highlighted the delicate balance
between expressing grievances and maintaining a harmonious public setting.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Vividly: Rõ ràng, sinh động.

● Renowned: Nổi tiếng, có tiếng.
● Delectable: Ngon lành, thú vị.
● Disgruntled: Phiền muộn, không hài lòng.
● Vociferously: Lớn tiếng, ầm ĩ.
● Perceived delay: Sự chậm trễ được nhận thức.
● Articulated grievances: Nêu rõ những không hài lòng.
● Promptly: Ngay lập tức, mau chóng.
● Rectifying the errors: Sửa chữa các lỗi.
● Tirade: Lời mắng mỏ, lời nói mãnh liệt.
● Momentary disruption: Sự gián đoạn ngắn ngủi.
● Expressing grievances: Bày tỏ những không hài lòng.
● Maintaining a harmonious ambiance: Giữ cho bầu không khí hòa thuận.

Part 3

1. Do you think complain is important for business?

2. Do you think it’s important for a business company to train their employees to react to the
customer's complaints?

3. Do you think are complaint is better to speak to someone or write it down like in an email?

Question 1:

Complaints can indeed play a pivotal role in enhancing business operations. In Vietnam, as
elsewhere, customer feedback serves as a valuable source of insights into areas that require
improvement. Whether positive or negative, feedback allows businesses to adapt, refine their
products or services, and ultimately thrive in a competitive market. Understanding and
addressing complaints constructively can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and positive word-of-mouth, all of which are essential for business success.

Question 2:

Absolutely, it's imperative for businesses in Vietnam to invest in training programs that equip
employees with effective ways to handle customer complaints. Well-trained staff can
transform potentially negative experiences into opportunities to showcase the company's
commitment to customer service. By empowering employees to address complaints
promptly, empathetically, and professionally, businesses can not only retain customers but
also build a positive reputation in the market.

Question 3:

The mode of expressing a complaint depends on the nature of the issue and individual
preferences. While both verbal communication and written forms like emails have their
merits, many people in Vietnam may find it more convenient to speak directly with someone
when expressing their concerns. Verbal communication allows for real-time clarification and
immediate resolution. However, in cases requiring a documented trail of communication or
when the complaint is complex, putting the concern in writing, such as in an email, can be a
more effective approach.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Pivotal: Quan trọng, then chốt.

● Enhancing: Nâng cao, tăng cường.
● Adapt: Thích ứng, điều chỉnh.
● Constructively: Một cách tích cực, xây dựng.
● Word-of-mouth: Truyền miệng, lời đồn đại.
● Empower: Ủy quyền, làm mạnh mẽ.
● Promptly: Ngay lập tức, mau chóng.
● Empathetically: Có sự đồng cảm.
● Merits: Ưu điểm, giá trị.
● Convenient: Tiện lợi, thuận tiện.
● Real-time clarification: Giải thích ngay lập tức.
● Immediate resolution: Giải quyết ngay lập tức.
● Documented trail: Dấu vết được ghi chép.
Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome
in his/her home
You should say:

● Who this person is

● When and how you met him/her
● How he/she welcomes visitors
● And explain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors

I have the pleasure of knowing an acquaintance, Ms. Nguyen, who excels in making people
feel exceptionally welcome in her home. I first crossed paths with her during a community
event in Hanoi, where she effortlessly took on the role of a gracious host. Her warm and
genuine demeanor immediately caught my attention, making me feel like an old friend rather
than a newcomer.

What distinguishes Ms. Nguyen is her innate ability to create a welcoming atmosphere
through small yet thoughtful gestures. From offering refreshments to sharing stories about
the neighborhood, she ensures that every visitor feels not only accommodated but also
valued. Her attention to detail, such as personally preparing traditional Vietnamese dishes,
adds a delightful touch to the experience.

I believe Ms. Nguyen's proficiency in making guests feel at home stems from her genuine
interest in connecting with people. Her hospitality extends beyond mere politeness; it
embodies a sincere desire to foster a sense of belonging. In a culture like Vietnam's, where
hospitality is highly esteemed, Ms. Nguyen stands out as a paragon of someone who goes
above and beyond to make visitors feel truly welcome.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Acquaintance: Người quen biết.

● Gracious: Lịch thiệp, ân cần.
● Demeanor: Thái độ, cử chỉ.
● Effortlessly: Một cách dễ dàng, không cần nỗ lực.
● Catch my attention: Thu hút sự chú ý của tôi.
● Innate ability: Khả năng bẩm sinh.
● Refreshments: Đồ uống và đồ ăn nhẹ.
● Attention to detail: Chú ý đến chi tiết.
● Delightful touch: Gia vị dễ thương.
● Proficiency: Sự thành thạo, kỹ năng chuyên môn.
● Sincere desire: Mong muốn chân thành.
● Foster: Nuôi dưỡng, tạo điều kiện cho.
● Paragon: Mẫu mực, tượng điển.

Part 3

1. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?

2. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?

3. Who is more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in
the city?

4. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more welcome than those in the cities?

5. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?

Question 1:

Yes, inviting others to one's home is a common practice in Vietnam. It is deeply rooted in our
culture, reflecting our strong sense of hospitality and community. Inviting guests home is a
way to forge stronger bonds, share meals, and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Question 2:

People who value interpersonal connections and relationships are more likely to extend
invitations to their homes. Individuals with a strong sense of community and familial ties
often find joy in hosting others, as it aligns with the cultural emphasis on togetherness and
shared experiences.

Question 3:

Both people in the countryside and the city in Vietnam exhibit a propensity for inviting others
into their homes. However, the nature of these invitations may vary. In rural areas, the setting
is often more relaxed and informal, while in urban settings, invitations may involve social
gatherings or shared meals at home.

Question 4:

Tourist attractions in both the countryside and cities are equally welcome in Vietnam. Each
offers a unique experience, with countryside attractions providing a serene and authentic
environment, while city attractions showcase the vibrant and dynamic aspects of
Vietnamese culture.

Question 5:

Tourist attractions in Vietnam boast a range of facilities to cater to visitors. These may
include guided tours, cultural performances, local cuisine, and accommodations. The aim is
to provide a holistic experience that encompasses the rich cultural tapestry of the country.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Deeply rooted: Nổi sâu, có nguồn gốc sâu sắc.

● Sense of hospitality: Ý thức về sự mến khách.
● Forge stronger bonds: Tạo ra những mối liên kết mạnh mẽ hơn.
● Interpersonal connections: Mối quan hệ giữa các cá nhân.
● Propensity: Xu hướng, khuynh hướng.
● Relaxed and informal: Thư giãn và không chính thức.
● Holistic experience: Trải nghiệm toàn diện.
● Cultural tapestry: Bức tranh văn hóa.
Describe a public facility that has been renovated and
You should say:

● What the facility is

● When it was renovated and improved
● What has been renovated and improved
● And explain how you feel about it

Certainly, one noteworthy public facility in Vietnam that underwent a remarkable renovation
is the historical Hanoi Opera House. This architectural gem, dating back to the French
colonial era, was meticulously restored in 2018. The renovation encompassed the
preservation of its neoclassical façade, refurbishment of the interior spaces, and the
integration of modern technological enhancements, including state-of-the-art acoustics and
lighting systems.

The restoration of the Hanoi Opera House is a testament to the commitment of preserving
cultural heritage while adapting to contemporary needs. As a proud resident of Hanoi,
witnessing this transformation evoked a sense of pride and appreciation for the efforts
invested in maintaining our cultural identity. The renewed Opera House not only serves as a
venue for exquisite performances but also stands as a symbol of Vietnam's rich history and
its forward-looking approach to the arts.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Noteworthy: Đáng chú ý, đáng để ý.

● Architectural gem: Điểm đẹp kiến trúc nổi bật.
● Meticulously restored: Được khôi phục một cách tỉ mỉ.
● Neoclassical façade: Bề ngoài theo lối kiến trúc mới cổ điển.
● State-of-the-art: Hiện đại, tiên tiến.
● Cultural heritage: Di sản văn hóa.
● Adapting to contemporary needs: Thích ứng với nhu cầu đương đại.
● Evoked a sense of pride: Gợi lên một cảm giác tự hào.

Part 3

1. What are the benefits of public facilities?

2. Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?

3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular?

4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?

5. What do you think are the differences between Vietnamese square dancing now and in the

Question 1:
Public facilities play a pivotal role in fostering community well-being and enhancing the
quality of life for residents. Accessible parks, well-maintained libraries, and modern sports
complexes contribute to physical health, leisure, and cultural development. Moreover, these
facilities promote social cohesion by providing spaces for people to gather, interact, and
engage in shared activities, fostering a sense of belonging and unity within the community.

Question 2:

The popularity of certain public transport methods, such as the subway, can be attributed to
their efficiency, speed, and environmental sustainability. Subways provide a swift and reliable
means of commuting, especially in densely populated urban areas where traffic congestion
is a significant issue. Additionally, the subway's ability to reduce air pollution and ease traffic
congestion contributes to the overall environmental sustainability of the city's transportation

Question 3:

Conversely, some public transport methods may be unpopular due to factors like inadequate
infrastructure, unreliable schedules, or safety concerns. For instance, underdeveloped bus
routes with irregular services may deter people from relying on buses as a primary mode of

Question 4:

Preferences for transport modes often vary between young and older individuals. Younger
people may favor motorbikes or bicycles for their flexibility and cost-effectiveness, while
older individuals might prefer the comfort and convenience of cars, valuing the
independence and ease of travel they provide.

Question 5:

Vietnamese square dancing, a vibrant cultural expression, has evolved over time, with the
future likely seeing a blend of tradition and modernity. While the core elements of communal
dance and cultural preservation remain, advancements in technology may introduce new
dimensions, such as online platforms for learning and sharing dance routines, thereby
connecting enthusiasts across geographical boundaries.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Pivotal: Quan trọng, trung tâm.

● Well-being: Sự an khang, hạnh phúc.
● Cultural development: Phát triển văn hóa.
● Social cohesion: Sự gắn kết xã hội.
● Sense of belonging: Tâm giao, cảm giác thuộc về.
● Urban areas: Khu đô thị.
● Traffic congestion: Tắc nghẽn giao thông.
● Environmental sustainability: Bền vững về môi trường.
● Deter: Ngăn chặn, cản trở.
● Cost-effectiveness: Hiệu quả về chi phí.
● Independence: Tự lập, tự do.
● Cultural expression: Bày tỏ văn hóa.
● Vibrant: Sôi nổi, đầy năng lượng.
● Geographical boundaries: Biên giới địa lý.
Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work
You should say:

● What it is
● How are you learn it
● When you do it
● And explain how you feel about it

One habit that significantly enhances my ability to study effectively is the practice of
employing the Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method. This technique involves
breaking down my study or work into focused intervals, typically 25 minutes, separated by
short breaks. I use a timer to adhere strictly to these intervals, ensuring heightened
concentration during each session.

By implementing the Pomodoro Technique, I can maintain optimal productivity while

preventing burnout. This strategy not only aids in absorbing information more efficiently but
also transforms studying into a manageable and less overwhelming task. The routine has
become a cornerstone of my study habits, allowing me to tackle complex subjects with
increased clarity and a heightened sense of accomplishment.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Enhances: Nâng cao, cải thiện.

● Employing: Áp dụng, sử dụng.
● Time-management method: Phương pháp quản lý thời gian.
● Breaking down: Chia nhỏ, phân rã.
● Focused intervals: Khoảng thời gian tập trung.
● Adhere to: Tuân theo, tuân thủ.
● Heightened concentration: Sự tập trung cao.
● Implementing: Triển khai, thực hiện.
● Optimal productivity: Năng suất tối ưu.
● Burnout: Sự kiệt sức, mệt mỏi vì làm việc quá mức.
● Absorbing information: Hấp thụ thông tin.
● Manageable: Có thể quản lý được.
● Overwhelming task: Nhiệm vụ áp đảo.
● Cornerstone: Điểm cốt yếu, nền tảng.
● Tackle: Đối mặt, giải quyết.
● Increased clarity: Sự rõ ràng tăng lên.
● Sense of accomplishment: Cảm giác thành tựu.

Part 3

1. Do you think everyone’s routine is different?

2. Which jobs need a morning routine?

3. Is a daily routine important?

Question 1:

Yes, I strongly believe that everyone's routine is inherently different, shaped by personal
preferences, job requirements, and cultural influences. In a diverse country like Vietnam,
where occupations range from bustling urban centers to serene rural landscapes, daily
routines can vary significantly among individuals. Factors such as profession, lifestyle, and
familial responsibilities contribute to this diversity. For instance, a farmer's routine in the
countryside differs markedly from that of an office worker in the city. These distinctions
reflect the rich tapestry of daily life in Vietnam.

Question 2:

Certain professions in Vietnam necessitate a structured morning routine for optimal

performance. Jobs that require early engagement, such as teachers, healthcare
professionals, and farmers, benefit from a morning routine that ensures they are mentally
and physically prepared for the demands of their work. Establishing a morning routine
becomes particularly crucial for those occupations where the early hours set the tone for the
rest of the day. It helps individuals gather focus, prioritize tasks, and approach their
responsibilities with a clear mindset.

Question 3:

Undoubtedly, a daily routine holds paramount importance in one's life. It serves as a

framework for organizing activities, fostering discipline, and enhancing overall well-being. In
Vietnam, where the pace of life varies between urban and rural settings, a routine acts as a
stabilizing force. It provides structure and helps individuals manage their time efficiently,
contributing to increased productivity and a balanced lifestyle. Moreover, a well-established
routine often translates into improved mental health and a greater sense of

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Inherently: Bản chất, vốn có.

● Shaped by: Được định hình bởi.
● Bustling: Náo nhiệt, sôi động.
● Serene: Bình yên, thanh bình.
● Diversity: Sự đa dạng.
● Markedly: Đáng kể, rõ rệt.
● Tapestry: Bức tranh, tấm thảm.
● Necessitate: Đòi hỏi, cần thiết.
● Optimal performance: Hiệu suất tối ưu.
● Structured: Có cấu trúc, có kế hoạch.
● Set the tone: Đặt nền cho.
● Gather focus: Tập trung tư duy.
● Approach: Tiếp cận, đối mặt với.
● Undoubtedly: Chắc chắn.
● Paramount importance: Quan trọng vô cùng.
● Framework: Khung, cấu trúc.
● Fostering discipline: Nuôi dưỡng kỷ luật.
● Well-being: Sức khỏe và hạnh phúc tổng thể.
● Stabilizing force: Lực lượng ổn định.
● Balanced lifestyle: Lối sống cân đối.
Describe somethings lost by others but found by you
You should say

● What it was
● When and Where did you find it
● What you did do after you found it
● And explain how you felt about finding it

Several years ago, while strolling through the vibrant streets of Hanoi, I stumbled upon a
beautiful antique locket, elegantly crafted and seemingly filled with sentimental value. The
discovery occurred on a bustling weekend at Dong Xuan Market, one of the city's iconic
cultural hubs. The locket, adorned with delicate engravings, lay inconspicuously among
various trinkets.

Overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility, I immediately approached a market official,

handing over the precious find. Subsequently, they undertook the task of locating the rightful
owner. In the interim, I couldn't help but ponder about the person who had unknowingly
parted with such a cherished possession.

As I handed it over, a mixture of emotions washed over me – a blend of satisfaction at doing

the right thing and curiosity about the untold stories behind the locket. It was a reminder that
even in the hustle and bustle of a crowded market, moments of integrity and empathy could
shine through.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Strolling: Dạo chơi.

● Vibrant: Sôi động, huyên náo.
● Stumbled upon: Tình cờ bắt gặp.
● Elegantly crafted: Tinh tế, tinh xảo.
● Sentimental value: Giá trị tình cảm.
● Bustling: Hối hả, náo nhiệt.
● Iconic: Biểu tượng, đặc trưng.
● Adorned with: Trang trí bằng.
● Delicate engravings: Khắc nhuyễn, tinh tế.
● Inconspicuously: Một cách khó nhận biết.
● Overwhelmed with: Choáng ngợp bởi.
● Sense of responsibility: Ý thức trách nhiệm.
● Approached: Tiếp cận, lại gần.
● Precious find: Phát hiện quý giá.
● Undertook the task: Đảm nhận nhiệm vụ.
● Rightful owner: Chủ nhân đúng đắn.
● In the interim: Trong thời gian chờ đợi.
● Couldn't help but: Không thể không.
● Ponder about: Nghiền ngẫm về.
● Shine through: Lộ rõ, tỏa sáng.
Part 3

1. Why do some people like to collect old things?

2. Will children take possession of things they pick up?

3. How should parents educate them

Question 1:

People are drawn to collecting old items for various reasons. Primarily, it serves as a
nostalgic journey, allowing individuals to reconnect with the past and preserve pieces of
history. In Vietnam, this inclination is particularly strong due to the nation's rich cultural
heritage. Collectors often find joy in uncovering relics that narrate stories of bygone eras,
fostering a sense of continuity between generations. Additionally, the aesthetic appeal and
craftsmanship of vintage items contribute to the allure of collecting, turning it into a tangible
and cherished hobby.

Question 2:

Children, by nature, are curious and often inclined to pick up things they find intriguing. While
it is not uncommon for them to take possession of these items momentarily, it is crucial for
parents to guide them on the importance of respecting others' belongings. Parents play a
pivotal role in instilling values of responsibility and consideration. Educating children about
seeking permission before keeping found items and returning them if possible fosters a
sense of integrity from an early age. This guidance contributes to the development of
respectful and conscientious individuals in our society.

Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs:

● Nostalgic journey: Hành trình gợi nhớ ký ức.

● Preserve: Bảo tồn, giữ gìn.
● Cultural heritage: Di sản văn hóa.
● Rich cultural heritage: Di sản văn hóa phong phú.
● Aesthetic appeal: Sức hấp dẫn về mặt thẩm mỹ.
● Craftsmanship: Nghệ thuật làm thủ công.
● Allure: Sức quyến rũ, lôi cuốn.
● Bygone eras: Những thời kỳ đã qua.
● Tangible: Cụ thể, hữu hình.
● Cherished hobby: Sở thích được trân trọng.
● Inclined to: Có khuynh hướng.
● Guidance: Sự hướng dẫn.
● Instilling values: Truyền đạt giá trị.
● Responsibility: Trách nhiệm.
● Consideration: Sự quan tâm và tôn trọng.
● Conscientious individuals: Những người có lương tâm và trách nhiệm.
Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with
someone else
You should say:

What the activity was

Who you were with

When and where it happened

Why you went for it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3:

1. What kinds of activities do young people like to do?

2. Why do some young people like adventurous activities?

3. Do you think old people would like to have changes?

4. Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?

5. Can you give some (other) examples of adventurous or risky activities?

6. What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?

Describe a successful person who you once studied or
worked with

You should say:

Who this person is

When you studied/worked with this person

What you did together

What this person did to become successful

And explain how you felt about studying or working with this person

Part 3:

1. Is money the only measure of success in your country?

2. How do you define whether one is a successful person?

3. What is the standard of success in your country?

4. Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?

5. Is it easy to succeed in the national tests in your country?

6. What are the factors that influence students’ grades at school?

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop
You should say:

When and where it happened

What happened

How it was solved

And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3:

1. How do most people respond to bad services?

2. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

3. What kind of services are bad services?

4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service?

5. Who should be responsible for bad services?

6. What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide?

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