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Prepared By : Prepared For :
The Macredible Team Lorenzo P. Peren, LPT
T.L.E 10 Teacher

Section 1.
Project Contacts

Names Address Phone Numbers E-mail Address

Kyla Marie D. Agojo Talang, San Nicolas, Batangas 0916 693 1676

Cathlyn P. Medina Mabini, Agoncillo, Batangas 0956 372 7050

Gwen C. Tenorio Sinturisan, San Nicolas, Batangas 0930 472 3525

Kane Kelsey A. Tolentino Pansipit, Agoncillo, Batangas 0947 398 6902

Kim A. Casinao Sto. Niño, San Nicolas, Batangas 0956 730 5673

Section 2.
Project Summary
A macramé bag is a type of bag made using the macramé technique,
which involves creating textiles or decorative items by knotting rather than
weaving or knitting. This often involves using various knotting patterns to
craft a durable and visually intricate design. Macramé bags can be made
from a variety of materials, such as cotton or jute. The appeal of macramé
bags lies in their unique, handmade aesthetic and the versatility of the craft
in creating different patterns and textures. The project aims to combine
durability and visual intricacy, offering versatility in design. Through this
creative endeavor, participants can explore the art of macramé and
produce a fashionable accessory that reflects both skill and individual

What will you be doing?

We will be making a macramé bag that serves as a captivating and
rewarding project for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a canvas for
artistic expression through the intricate knotting techniques, allowing
individuals to showcase their unique style and creativity. The handmade
nature of the bag adds a personal touch, elevating it beyond mass-
produced accessories. Engaging in this project also offers an opportunity
for skill development as one navigates the various knotting patterns and
refines their crafting abilities. Furthermore, the ability to customize the bag
with specific colors and materials ensures a personalized end product.
Beyond the tangible result, the process of creating a macramé bag can be
a therapeutic and meditative experience, offering a valuable retreat from
the demands of daily life.

How will you be doing it?

Creating a macramé bag involves a series of steps that include selecting
materials, choosing a design, and mastering various knotting techniques.
Who will be doing it?
It will be done as a group project but anyone can make this project
happen. Anyone with an interest in crafting and a willingness to learn can
make macramé products. Making macramé products is open to a broad
audience, and it's a versatile and enjoyable craft for people of various skill
levels and interests.

Where will it be done?

We can adapt it to different settings based on our preferences and
the nature of our project. Whether indoors or outdoors, what matters most
is finding a space where we feel comfortable and inspired to create.

How long will it take?

The time it takes to make a macramé bag can vary widely depending
on factors such as the complexity of the design, the size of the bag, your
familiarity with macramé techniques, and the amount of time you dedicate
to the project each day. It's essential to enjoy the process and not rush, as
macramé is a craft that often benefits from a patient and mindful approach.
Adjustments to the design, such as adding extra features or using different
materials, can also influence the overall time investment.

How much will it cost?

It may cost around 700 pesos because of the macramé cord and the
designs we will use.

Project Background

Our team embarked on the creation of a unique macramé bag

design. Inspired by the art of knotting, this project aimed to blend
traditional craftsmanship with modern fashion, offering a chic and eco-
friendly alternative to conventional bags. The primary goal was to design a
versatile bag suitable for various occasions, from casual outings to formal
events. The focus on using high-quality, ethically sourced materials
ensured not only a visually appealing product but also aligned with our
commitment to environmental responsibility. Additionally, sustainability was
a key pillar of our design philosophy. The materials selected were not only
durable but also had a low environmental impact. By prioritizing eco-
friendly practices throughout the production process, we aimed to
minimize our ecological footprint and contribute to the broader movement
of conscious consumerism.

Macramé has a rich history that dates back centuries. Originating

in the 13th century, it gained popularity during the 17th century in Europe,
particularly among sailors who used knotting techniques to create items
like hammocks and decorations. In the 19th century, macramé experienced
a resurgence as a decorative art form. It became prominent in Victorian
homes, with intricate designs adorning curtains, tablecloths, and more. In
the 1960s and 1970s, macramé experienced another surge in popularity,
becoming a symbol of the bohemian and hippie movements. Today, it
continues to be a versatile and creative craft, evolving with contemporary
styles and designs.

Project Objectives
The goals aimed to achieve in making a macramé bag
can be diverse, encompassing aspects of creativity, skill
development, personalization, and a mindful crafting
Section 3. Project Methodology
Project Approach Summary
The project will kick off with a collaborative gathering session, where
the group will convene at a designated location. Once the materials are
collected, the group will come together to prepare and organize them
efficiently for the crafting process.

In order to streamline our efforts, specific roles will be assigned to

each member. This division of tasks ensures that each participant can
contribute their skills and expertise to the project, ultimately enhancing its
overall efficiency and quality.

Whether it's sorting materials, designing the layout, or managing the

crafting process, every team member will have a defined role. The final
product will not only be a testament to creativity but also serve as a
sustainable example.

In our promotional efforts, we will articulate the eco-friendly aspect

of the project, emphasizing how it contributes positively to our local
environment. This approach not only adds value to the crafted item but also
promotes awareness about responsible and sustainable practices within
our community.
Task Breakdown
and Time Estimate
Start Date: November 20, 2023
End Date: January 20, 2024

Weeks 1 - 2

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Research for Kyla

other related Marie D.
studies Agojo

Look for a Kane Kim

problem in Kelsey Casinao
community Tolentino

Search for Gwen Cathlyn

possible outcome Cabrera Medina
of the said

Search for Gwen

possible outcome Cabrera
of the said

Outline the Kim Kane

information Casinao Kelsey
needed Tolentino

Kyla Cathlyn
Analyze and think
Marie Medina
of solutions Agojo
Task Breakdown
and Time Estimate
Weeks 3 - 4

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Choose practical Cathly

solutions Medina

Plan the Kyla Kane

Marie Kelsey
procedure of the
Agojo Tolentino

Gwen Kim
Calculate the cost
Cabrera Casinao

Calculate the cost Marie

Gathering Gwen Cathlyn

Cabrera Medina

Gathering the Kane Kim

recyclable Kelsey Casinao
materials Tolentino
Task Breakdown
and Time Estimate
Weeks 5 - 6

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Kane Kim
Setting up the
Kelsey Casinao
workplane Tolentino

Kyla Gwen
Knotting of the
Marie Cabrera
product Agojo

Knotting of the Cathlyn

product Medina

Knotting of the Cathlyn

product Medina

Kyla Gwen
Knotting of the
Marie Cabrera
product Agojo

Kane Kim
Knotting of the
Kelsey Casinao
product Tolentino
Task Breakdown
and Time Estimate
Weeks 7 - 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Calculating the Gwen

expenses Cabrera

Kane Kim
Preparing for
Kelsey Casinao
dissemination Tolentino

Kyla Cathlyn
Selling the
Marie Medina
product Agojo

Selling the Kim

product Casinao

Kane Gwen
Selling the
Kelsey Cabrera
product Tolentino

Kyla Cathlyn
Selling the
Marie Medina
product Agojo

Project Deliverables
For the people to recycle.
To reduce wasted materials in community.
For the people to learn about macramé.
To have a unique fashion.
For the people to make a profit out.

Item Description ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)

A small, portable device

designed to hold and organize
keys. It typically consists of a
Keychain metal or plastic loop for 2-4 days before
attaching keys and may include ordering
additional features like a ring for
easy carrying. We will make our
bag decorative with this.
Section 4.
Project Risk Management
Risk Risk Trigger Risk Impact Response Time Frame
High suppliers, maintain
Supply Chain impact on production buffer stock, and 1 week before doing the
delivery or shortage of
Interruptions timelines and potential establish clear project.
raw materials.
customer dissatisfaction. communication channels
with supplier.

rigorous quality checks
Moderate at various stages of
of defects or Ongoing
impact on product production, conduct
Quality Control Issues inconsistencies in quality monitoring
quality and brand regular
macramé bag throughout the project.
reputation. audits, and have a quick
response team for
immediate rectification.

in training programs, Continuous
Insufficient impact on production
collaborate with monitoring of artisan
Skill Shortage skilled artisans for timelines and potential
experienced artisans, availability with ongoing
intricate macrame work. compromise on product
and maintain a training programs.
pool of skilled workers.

academic Products
Time Management Practice 1 week before doing the
commitments and house that are expected in the
Challenges time management project
duties with production of final output are not met.

condition, stress and Difficulties
Health and Availability illness, family-related in launching product to 1 week before doing the
try to understand the
of the Workers issues, dangerous road market and finishing project
or tasks.
travel conditions.

Unavailability lead to
Poor connections with or arrange meetings 1 week before doing the
of internet or mobile misunderstandings and
members while together and project.
phones. disagreements in making
prepare ahead of time.
the macramé bag.

By incorporating these specific elements into your project risk management

plan, you can effectively identify, assess, and respond to potential risks in the
macrame bag production process. Adjust the time frames based on the project's
duration and the criticality of each risk.
Project Cost
Direct Costs:

Item Unit Quantity Price per piece Total

Macramé cord Roll 1 ₱ 220.00 ₱ 220.00

Glue Gun per piece 1 ₱ 80.00 ₱ 80.00

Glue Sticks per stick 5 ₱ 5.00 ₱ 25.00

Measuring Tape Roll 1 ₱ 15.00 ₱ 15.00

Scissors per piece 2 ₱ 25.00 ₱ 50.00

Keychain per piece 3 ₱ 16.00 ₱ 32.00

Overall Total: ₱ 422.00

Indirect Costs:

Travel Cost ₱ 150.00

Shipment of
₱ 59.00

Snacks ₱ 50.00

Overall Total: ₱ 259.00

Total Cost: PHP 681.00

Salary Cost
Leader: Php 170.00
Member: Php 170.00

The salary stated have all been agreed to by the members.

Budget Narrative:
To create a stunning macramé bag, we anticipate a budget
comprising essential materials, tools, and potential miscellaneous
expenses. High-quality macramé cord, a reliable pair of scissors, glue gun
and glue stick, a tape measure for precision and keychains for decorations.
Factoring in potential shipping fees for online material purchases and
considering workshop or class fees for skill enhancement provides a
comprehensive outlook. A small contingency should be reserved for
unexpected expenses or adjustments during the crafting process. Overall,
this budget aims to cover all aspects of creating a beautifully crafted
macramé bag, ensuring a successful and enjoyable crafting experience.

Budget Narrative:

-Increase salary of workers -Find cheaper materials

-Invest in equipments -Set salary limits for workers with
-Try to make even more types clear justifications
of products -Be extra resourceful on materials
Section 6.

We are Macredible. A company dedicated to crafting sustainable
goods and embracing the macramerily lifestyle. Our upcoming initiative,
"The Incredible Bag" involves creating bags using a cotton rope. We are
doing this project because creating macramé bags is important for
promoting sustainability, offering a stylish alternative that minimizes
environmental impact. Leading our team is the esteemed CEO, Kyla Marie
Agojo. Assisting her are the assistants Cathlyn Medina and Gwen Tenorio
and our committed team members Kane Kelsey Tolentino and Kim Casinao.

The Macredible project presents a compelling initiative centered

around the creation of the The Incredible Bag. This stylish and eco-friendly
accessory, crafted from high-quality cotton rope, embodies our
commitment to sustainability and durability. With a well-defined timeline
spanning 9 weeks, from November 2023 to January 2024, our focus is not
only on delivering a fashionable product but also on ensuring its
functionality and environmental impact.

The Incredible Bag is designed to be a long-lasting companion, with

an expected lifespan of 1-5 years, providing users with a reliable and
sustainable solution for their everyday needs. Beyond its practical utility for
carrying various items, the bag aligns with eco-conscious values,
contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

A cornerstone of our project strategy involves meticulous risk

management and comprehensive cost analysis. By addressing potential
challenges and uncertainties in the production process, we aim to ensure a
smooth and efficient workflow, ultimately enhancing the overall success
and quality of the The Incredible Bag.
Furthermore, Macredible is not merely a business venture but a
catalyst for positive change within our community. Our commitment to
sustainable goals reflects in our efforts to minimize environmental impact,
support local communities, and foster a sense of responsibility towards the
planet. Through this project, we aspire to set an example for responsible
and ethical business practices, creating a ripple effect that benefits both
our immediate community and the wider world.

In summary, Macredible's The Incredible Bag project encapsulates

innovation, sustainability, and community engagement. We envision a future
where our products not only meet the evolving needs of consumers but
also contribute to a more environmentally conscious and socially
responsible world.

Section 7.


How to make a macramé bag?

1.Handmade by Junesse, 2023, Bagguete Bag

2. Handmade by Junesse, 2022, Pattern Tutorial
Company Logo

Pictures of Materials:

Macramé cord Glue gun Scissors Measuring Pompom

and glue stick tape Keychain
Curriculum Vitaes
Kyla Marie D. Agojo
CEO / Designer

Talang, San Nicolas, Batangas

0916 693 1676

Education Background:
San Nicolas Central School
San Nicolas Integrated High School

Cathlyn P. Medina
Assistant / Designer

Mabini, Agoncillo, Batangas

0956 372 7050

Education Background:
Water Elementary School
San Nicolas Integrated High School

Gwen C. Tenorio
Assistant / Maker

Sinturisan, San Nicolas, Batangas

0930 472 3525

Education Background:
Sinturisan Elementary School
San Nicolas Integrated High School
Curriculum Vitaes
Kim A. Casinao
Member / Helper in making the project

Sto. Niño, San Nicolas, Batangas

0956 730 5673

Education Background:
Maabud Elementary School
San Nicolas Integrated High School

Kane Kelsey A. Tolentino

Member / Buyer of the materials

Pansipit, Agoncillo, Batangas

0949 398 6902

Education Background:
Pansipit Elementary School
San Nicolas Integrated High School

Letter of Acknowledgement
We extend our sincere appreciation to each of you for being an
integral part of the Macredible community. Your trust and support have
been the cornerstone of our journey, and we are grateful for your
continued enthusiasm.

A special acknowledgment to Sir Lorenzo for his invaluable guidance

and unwavering support. His leadership has been a guiding light, shaping
our path towards success.

Thank you all for being with us on this remarkable journey. We look
forward to continuing to provide you with products that inspire and delight.

With Gratitude,

The Macredible

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