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23:05 13.

0 R l l O46%

Urgent: Complaint Regarding False

Information Provided by Bank Employee
and Unresolved Disputed Transaction
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Shivam Suryawanshi Yesterday

to, nodal.

From Shivam Suryawanshi shivamsuryawanshi7682@gmail


Date Apr 5, 2024, 11:59

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Ihope this emailfinds youwell. Iam writing to bring to your attention a

concerning issue regarding a disputed transaction handled by your bank, HDFC

Ihad a conversation with one of your customer support representatives, Mr.

Ganesh, regarding adisputed transaction involving an amount of Rs. 76,000
(Transaction ID: 331908997936). During this conversation, Mr. Ganesh provided
me with false information, assuring me that the funds had been withheld by the
beneficiary bank and would be refunded accordingly. When I inquired about
releasing the funds through a court order, Mr. Ganesh confirmed that it was a
viable option.
Relying on this information, Iproceeded to involve law enforcement authorities,
who informed me that the funds were withdrawn by the fraudster on the same
day of the transaction. Furthermore, it took the beneficiary bank a week to
respond to the issue. This misinformation provided by Mr. Ganesh not only
caused unnecessary delay but also led to a breach of trust on my part.

Iwould like to highlight that Ireported this transaction dispute within three days
of its occurrence, thereby absolving me of any liability. t is now the bank's
responsibility to refund the disputed amount.
Despite repeated reports and inguiries, the transaction remains unresolved, and
both your bank and the beneficiary bank are accountable for the loss incurred. It
is Avident that vour emnlovee nrovided falce ass Irances and the heneficiarv
23:05 6.00AR
KB/S l l O46%

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ihope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a
concerning issue regarding a disputed transaction handled by your bank, HDFC

Ihad a conversation with one of your customer support representatives, Mr.

Ganesh, regarding adisputed transaction involving an amount of Rs. 76,000
(Transaction ID: 331908997936). During this conversation, Mr. Ganesh provided
me with false information, assuring me that the funds had been withheld by the
beneficiary bank and would be refunded accordingly. When I inquired about
releasing the funds througha court order, Mr. Ganesh confirmed that it was a
viable option.
Relying on this information, Iproceeded to involve law enforcement authorities,
who informed me that the funds were withdrawn by the fraudster on the same
day of the transaction. Furthermore, it took the beneficiary bank a week to
respond to the issue. This misinformation provided by Mr. Ganesh not only
caused unnecessary delay but also led to a breach of trust on my part.

Iwould like to highlight that I reported this transaction dispute within three days
of its occurrence,thereby absolving mne of any liability. It is now the bank's
responsibility to refund the disputed amount.
Despite repeated reports and inquiries, the transaction remains unresolved, and
both your bank and the beneficiary bank are accountable for the loss incurred. It
0s evident that your employee provided false assurances, and the beneficiary
bank has failed to trace the recipient, making it imperative for your bank to
refund the disputed amount.
Therefore, I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and urge you
to compensate me for the disputed amount of Rs. 76,000 without further delay.
Failure to do so may result in legal action being pursued against your bank.
For your reference, here are the transaction details:
- IFSCCode: HDFCO005383
- Account Number: 50200088462766
- Transaction ID: 331908997936
- Disputed Amount: Rs. 76,000

Itrust that you willaddress this issue promptly and provide a satisfactory
resolution. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Shivam Dayanand Suryawanshi

PDF DOC-20240..WAO007.pdf


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